Wednesday, July 07, 2010


New thread.  100+ today.  We need rain...


Mits said...

Good morning again:)

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the new thread and you are so right about us needing rain.
Good morning again Mits and thanks for the call over.

Mits said...

just a little FYI....

Beating the heat is better done with light, loose-fitting clothes than with those having darker shades. The darker a thing, a garment or what ever, the more visible light striking it is absorbed and converted into sensible heat. Thus, dark clothes will literally feel hot under strong sunshine, even at moderate temperatures; much more so during hot weather. At the same time, the bright glare off white clothing shows that most of the heating potential of the sunlight is being reflected away.

Judie said...

Good morning, again.

Thank you, Steve. Stay cool, if you can.

Have closed blinds, etc. to try to cut down on sun and heat inside. Ceiling fans are a blessing.

Shirley, I guess I didn't realize about colitis and weight loss but it makes sense.

Hi Mits.

Glad to know Lynn is okay but sure am anxious to have her back with us.

Okay, off to watch another trial.

Mits said...

from BWO.....

Folks have asked about the brutal heat. Our mother osprey is doing a great job of shading the chicks with her wings and body. Temps should be closer to normal starting tomorrow, so our family will get a break.

Mema Jo said...

I am wearing my white pedal pushers (clam diggers or whatever they are called when they reach the calf of your leg) when I go out today. In between leaving the AC in the house to the AC in the car to the AC at destination, I should be okay.

Stay cool...... BBILW

Mits said...

there are baby flamingo chicks at NZ......

movin said...


GooD MOrninG,

aLL iN eagLE laND.


Looks like you are in to the "hot clime" mode. We are overcast, a little light rain on the ground, and probably it will get into the 70's.

It's very unusual for it to rain in summer in So Cal at all, and this is the second time recently. I'm thinking there might be a tropical storm off of Baja California, which is the normal source this time of year.



Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all, just a note to let you know what is going on in my part of the world. My youngest Rick is donating a kidney to a childhood friend to keep her alive.He has been the only match in thousands of testings. He will fly home on the 21st and surgery will be on the 27th. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers. I know everything will be just fine. Everything has fallen into place and miracles have been happening one after another so I know this is the right thing . His job is giving him leave and his school is also. We are blessed.

stronghunter said...

What a wonderful thing for your son to do, Anne-Marie. Prayers for him and for his friend.

Mits said...

Prayers for Rick, and, his friend Anne-Marie, really good to see you here:)

Anne-Marie said...

Thanks so much. It was his decision. I didnt know he was going to do it. I tested and I was a match but I was turned down because of age and health. the next thing I knew he tested and passed better than I did. Her family wouldnt test. I dont understand them.

Mits said...

her family would not test???? unbelievable:(, well, God bless Rick:)

Anne-Marie said...

got to get back to work. I have to finish this genealogy before this weekend and Im stuck. BBL

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

My blog friends, we have not a great report about Little Kailey:

This is what Dawn (the grandmother) placed on Facebook this morning:

Well, finally heard from Mandi this morning, and says Kailey is not digesting her food, and she will need another surgery. They are talking about putting in a direct feeding tube directly into the bowels, bypassing the stomach but says, as it is right now, her bowels are not working, and there's not much else they can do. Again, they leave us with little to hope for. But...with God all things are possible, this I believe.

So, they need our prayers even more than ever and I know you all can deliver. Love and hugs!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Anne Marie, I hope things turn out good for your son! What a wonderful thing he is doing!!!

Hello everyone! Hope you all are staying cool in this heat! I know Megan is probably struggling so bad. I have been thinking about her this morning, as well as everyone else out in the heat. Tom's shop is an oven in normal summer. He was getting Gatorade to give his guys to keep them hydrated today.

Judie said...

Anne-Marie, so incredibly generous of your son. Successful surgery and good health prayers for Rick and his friend. Sending a different kind of prayer for the friend's family.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Bluefield is giving out free lemonade today. First time the temp has been over 90 in 3 years and then it was many years before that!! Nature's Air Conditioned City!!

stronghunter said...

I remember hearing about Bluefield and the lemonade many years ago, so the custom has been going on for a long time. I have a college friend who was from there, and she talked about the lemonade when she was growing up. How nice.

stronghunter said...

I'm been drinking plenty of lemonade this week. Need to make another batch.

stronghunter said...

99 degrees in Spotsylvaina
100 degrees in Fredericksburg

I walked out to water my dogwood, and, boy, it's awful out there.

stronghunter said...

Dryer is fixed!!


He said that it would have damaged other parts if we hadn't fixed it. So much quieter. I can dry clothes and hear the television.

Judie said...

Shirley, a somewhat expensive but good outcome. I guess my washer will just have to endure the loneliness for the foreseeable future. Maybe Lily or Hope will make a visit.

Have not been outside today. Don't plan to venture out, either.

MT nest. Phoenix is perched on the nest edge. Isla and EJ's chicks talking away in some wind-blown nests.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Judie, I had a thought that maybe I should get a new dryer, but I just wanted to be able to use it now. It is a Maytag, so it should last for awhile.

stronghunter said...

good idea to stay indoors. I have been walking out to water plants, and it is awful. Now 102 in Fredericksburg.

stronghunter said...

I saw a Japanese beetle eating my chasteberry flowers and went back out to capture it, but could not find it. Don't want to spray because there were bees there, too. Bumblebees, but I don't want to kill them, either. They pollinate. Also, I would like to see butterflies and hummingbirds there.

stronghunter said...

Having some problems with my keyboard. Some keys are not available. Posted a picture. Maybe you can help me diagnose the problem.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Afternoon, Everyone!

Just coming in from sweeping bird seed hulls off the back patio. It's still looking like June Gloom in July here, and only up to 65 so far. Predicted high is 74. Believe me, I am NOT complaining!
Feels wonderful. Hope some of this will head back east for you guys!

The pest control guys came and sealed up the holes under the eaves that some roof rats had managed to gnaw open. They put that 1/4" mesh stuff over the ventilation holes for the attic. Hadn't caught anything in the attic traps (there are 12 of them). Some may get caught, if there are any now trapped inside. They come back Friday to check.
Had raccoons stampeding all over the roof last night--they sound like a herd of bison up there! Pretty hard to sleep with all that going on!
Better go get a big mug of coffee, then need to go feed patio plants and flower beds with timed-release plant food, then water them well.

Have seen 3 adult night herons and 1 fledgling this morning. One of them dropped a fish about a foot long under the tree, but think I'll wait and see if they retrieve it before I decide to throw it out. I was just glad they didn't drop that big fish on me!

Need coffee badly--will be back after plants are fed & watered. Better do that before the sun comes out! Try to stay cool, and will talk to you later. :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--almost forgot! Anne-Marie, that is a fantastic thing your son is doing for his friend. God bless him for it, and God bless his friend, as well!

Ms Bookworm said...

Prayers, too, for little Kailey. Certainly hoping for some improvement. Hang in there, little one!

Lolly said...

Did my mowing, had a hair appointment, and ran some errands. Busy day!

Shirley, I think I see some fur on your keyboard. That could cause some problems. ☺

Anne Marie, prayers for you son and his friend. You raised him right!!!!

Laurel just sent some cute pictures of the boys. Yea! Jacob is feeling confident enough to jump into deep water. Yea, for swim lessons!

Now if we can just convince him to take the training wheels off his bike!! He is so like his mother!!!Grrrrr!!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

back again....I see no posts on Palmer appearances today :(

OK, the temp isn't quite as high here today as yesterday, but it is muggy, and unlike yesterday, there is very little breeze, so it feels even worse today.

Anne Marie, what a wonderful thing your son is doing! I pray that all turns out well in the transplant process...I know that the donor surgery is a little more complicated that the recipient. Please keep us posted.

Sorry to hear the recent update on Kailey....hang in there Kailey, we are praying very hard for you!

How unacceptable that the Frontier problem persists for Lynn. Hope they get it squared away soon.

Found another rogue butterfly bush on the property today!

Lisa posted a beautiful video on FB and here is a link for those who don't have it..

Lynne2 said...

Glad your dryer is fixed Shirley. As for your keyboard, I recommend standing a few feet away from it while shaking a bag of cat treats...that oughta do the trick!

Lynne2 said...

we moved the fish Steve got for us into the stream exhibit today. One sunfish didn't make it but the 2 bluegills and the other 3 sunfish were doing great in the holding aquarium. However, tragedy struck not long after we moved them. We left to go feed the raptors and when we came back, one bluegill was dead, the other very wounded and dying. The sunfish where hiding so well we couldn't find them at first. The only fish that was in the stream exhibit at the time of adding the newbies was a Dace Minnow. We think he attacked the bluegills. We removed him into another aquarium by himself and almost immediately the sunfish were out and swimming happily, no longer hiding. We can't be 100% sure that it was the Dace but all evidence points to it. The new gang was very fine in the holding tank for 3 days. We suspect he got the bluegills as they are larger than the sunfish, and unable to hide well like the sunfish were. I guess we will know for sure tomorrow if the sunfish are all OK. Then we have to figure out what to do with the killer Dace. He can't go back in there!

stronghunter said...

Prayers for little Kailey. So sad that one so little and so young is suffering.

Anne-Marie, keep us posted regarding your son.

Megan is having a rough year. First, the snow, now this.

Andrea, how do those critters get on the roof?

And Lynne has rogue butterfly bushes. How many are there?

Watching the news: Amazing water main break at Potomac. Looks like Old Faithful.

Lynne2 said...

I just found a second one Shirley! No where near the first one I found last week, either. And now, I intend to have butterfly bushes EVERYWHERE....very easy to propagate, it seems!

Butterfly bush propagation

stronghunter said...

Lynne, that propagation procedure looks easier than the other method I read about. I still need to plant my two bushes. I do not want to keep them in pots too long in this heat, but don't want to shock them by transplanting at the wrong time. Most of all, I need Will's help, and I wouldn't dream of asking him to dig holes in the ground until it cools off a bit.

Lynne2 said...

they'll be fine for a while in pots well watered. They are pretty tough! Hopefully it'll cool off in the next few days.

stronghunter said...

I expect they are handling the heat better than we humans.

My first bush did not survive the chemicals used to wash my house, though. It smelled like they'd used a generous amount of bleach. I wasn't happy about that. I wasn't at home when it happened, or the bush would have been covered.

Ms Bookworm said...

Phew! Hi, Everyone!
Back inside after taking care of the patio plants. Watered all of them, but only fed half--birds were impatiently lining up on the overhead wires, waiting to get some of the seeds I put out. Some of them actually came down and started eating while I was still out there. They'll get within about 4-6 feet of where I'm standing and watering. Will finish feeding the rest of the plants tomorrow morning before it gets too warm.

Shirley, to answer your question, the raccoons aren't on our roof every night, so they must climb our huge ficus trees when they're in the neighborhood, and we can hear them drop onto the roof from one of the overhanging branches. It sounds like someone dropped a load of bricks up there! Then at least 2 of them start chasing each other around. Not easy to stay asleep while all that's going on!
Asked the pest control guys whether they could set a humane trap for them, and they could, but the trap is $150, and our city has some kind of ordinance that says the critters would have to be released WHERE THEY WERE TRAPPED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! Crazy, isn't it? They are such ORNERY critters, I wouldn't want to try to deal with them myself--too easy to get bitten. Guess we're stuck with them!

Ms Bookworm said...

Shirley, glad you got your dryer fixed. Hope it works for a very long time now. Now, about your keyboard...guess George sure knows how to get some attention! Tell him I said "Howdy", please.

Lynne, thanks for the link to Lisa's Blackwater video--it's beautiful! Boy, hope you can figure out what to do with the killer fish! That stinker!

Was glad to be able to spend so much time in the yard. Got to see one of our female orioles!

Well, gotta run. Hubby just got home, and needs to go make a payment. He wants me to go with him. Will be back before too long!

stronghunter said...

I love reading about the events that take place where you live, Andy. Birds dropping fish in your yard. Raccoons dropping onto the roof and scampering around. I have never experienced those things.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the Blackwater link, Lynne. Really nice!

Lynne2 said...

me too Andy! You have so many different wild creatures and birds than we do here in the east and it's so cool to read about them....don't forget pictures, too!

Lynne2 said...

still no sign of our girl. I'm not ready for Goodbye and Godspeed yet :(
Of course, I won't be EVER.

paula eagleholic said...

Doing the rain dance here...gotta go out and water tonight!

So, has the blog been behaving?

Lynne2 said...

blog behaving, eaglet absent. It's getting to be that time, isn't Paula? Fledge will have been 4 weeks come Monday.

Mema Jo said...

link to video Lisa sent about Black Water

Mema Jo said...

LOL I was goingto cancel my link Lynne but can't get too much of a good thing.

Alexis and I were watching it and I
thought I would pop it on here.....

I'll be on in another hour.........

paula eagleholic said...

Anne Marie - what a wonderful thing for your son to do...and you too, for getting tested. I guess her family isn't very giving :(

I'm sure Megan has been out watering everyday.

Prayers for little Kailey.

Keyboard getting a little furry there, Shirley.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Evening Everyone.

Thanks to all of you that shared your pictures of fireworks.

Been keeping Megan in prayers. Can't stop thinking of how this heat is hurting her business. Besides that making her work so much harder. Dear God when
is it going to let up. Please give Megan some relief.

Happy Birthday Margy loved you painted finergnails.

The 4th for me was shared with fireworks off in the distance from home and those many putting them
off around me.

Prayers for you Anne_Marie as a Mother who son is doing such a wonderful thing for a friend and prayers for drs. and Rick and Friend.

Sorry Kailey is having troubles again...God brought her through the fire before. Prayers he will bring her through again.

Been really struck by Karen and her illness. I so do ""WISH"
she gets a computer for home. So we can stay in touch.

One would think that Norma is breaking things down. So
she can get workers in her house. lol Glad Mema Jo called Norma.

Tee Hee Shirley I think you have a very "fuzzy meow"
keyboard problem lol

Why can't Hedgie get on?

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you talked to Lynn, Mits. I'll bet she's pissed.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, they are changing Frontier to Verizon and no one has phones or internet.

paula eagleholic said...

Headed out to water..nest is extremely quiet.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Well, we just felt a fairly strong earthquake. News says it was about a 5.7, centered NNW of Borrego Springs, which is near Julian, and the Salton Sea. No damage reported yet. Will keep you posted. Don't think it was in an area that's highly populated.
Have had a couple of aftershocks, too, but less strong. Happened at about 4:53 Pacific time. Shake, rattle, and roll! LOL :oD

Lolly said...

Just back from dinner out. We went to a new place in town...seafood, a first for Burleson. It was great! I had grilled Mahi Mahi.

Now I am going to go work on a project. Bought some prefold diapers today and going to decorated the edge with material. Then will take them to be embroidered. Young couple expecting their first, a little girl, to be named Rhyan. Laurel loved having personalized burp cloths, and we all know diapers are the best!

Ms Bookworm said...

Shirley and Lynne,
Wish I could get pictures of the raccoons, but they only come out at night, and our camera's flash doesn't work from that far away, doggone it! If I ever DO manage to get a picture, don't worry--I'll share it right away!

stronghunter said...

Wow, earthquake! Another thing on the list of what's different about life in California.

Hope everything is okay.

Lynne2 said...

I just got the quake notice in my email Andy....hope all is OK!

Lolly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynne2 said...

quake just revised to a 5.4...if you go to my blog, on the right there is an Earthquake link and you can get to the map that shows the location and all the aftershock locations as well.

Costume Lady said...

Had lunch today with Lynn and she is LIVID! She has called everyone except President Obama:) There really isn't much you can do about a company as big as Verizon and Frontier. Lynn said her daughter's Internet went out today. Perhaps I am next. Frontier bought out Verizon and it was supposed to be a very smooth transition and "unnoticeable". Well, so much for that...

paula eagleholic said...


Mahi Mahi, YUM

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, love that USGS site :)

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, glad to hear you lost 20lbs, hope the colitis is getting under control.

Ajay's IBS acted up A LOT during her pregnancy with Gianni, I think the only weight she gained was 10lbs, which was all baby.

paula eagleholic said...

In for some dinner, then back out to do the front.

Costume Lady said...

How proud and fearful Anne-Marie must be of and for her Rick! Don't want your child to lose such an important organ from the body that you made him, but, so proud of his willingness to save the life of a friend.

stronghunter said...

Very interesting earthquake link, Lynne.

Mema Jo said...

Busy Busy Day! Stay safe Andrea!
Anne Marie - very proud of your son & you - praying for Rick. Your vacation pics I've been seeing on FB are awesome

Shirley, glad the Dryer didn't need to go to never never land where the garland hangs.

Prayers for little angel Kailey!

Lynn is really frustrated and misses being here with us! In Hedgesville my gd thinks that their phone has already switched to Frontier. They have a different internet. From Lynn's experience I only hope that doesn't happen to us with all verizon connections when the time comes for the switch!

Mema Jo said...

I remember my 3rd pregnancy in that I didn't gain and after delivery looked and felt great! 2 more pregnancies with the boys - I still didn't gain much BUT with Prenaisone the past 3 years I have really gained. At least I'm living!

Lynne2 said...

glad you like the site! As I said, I am set up for email notices...just one of those geeky things I'm interested in knowing about!

Wanda, poor Lynn. Glad you had lunch with her though. Not sure if Frontier is taking over Verizon in MD???? I know my MIL has mentioned the change but I am not sure if she's had any trouble...yet.

Heading for bed. Up very early for babysitting tomorrow. Hope you all have a good night...Prayers for all, especially AM's son and recipient and families, for Kaylie and family, too. And Dear Lord, if you could please you, maybe you could hasten the return of Lynn's internet because WE MISS HER!

Costume Lady said...

LOL, Jo...I'd rather be plump and alive then thin and dead;)

Costume Lady said...

GG was put on Prednisone to help give her an appetite...doesn't always work. I don't know if there are any other benefits for her or not, with that med.

Costume Lady said...

Nite, Lynne♥

Mema Jo said...

I need to check the Flamingo cam tomorrow and try to catch a glimpse of the young ones.

Lynne I love hearing about your adventures at the Irvine center. I keep praying that they will offer you a full time position!

Lynne2 said...

on FB (burdr)
Owls in the Birdbath
too cute

Lynne2 said...

Ok, NOW going to bed!

NatureNut said...

Tropical Evening, but no breeze!!
Fubby wondered why it was so warm in the house. Temp was getting over 80 & AC wasn't running. Somehow thermostat got bumped wrong way!! DUH Thank goodness didn't have to use oven--had spiced shrimp, squash from vet neighbor & a roll.
Blessings to Anne-Marie, son Rick, & friend. How generous can you be to give that gift? And prayers for Kailey.

NatureNut said...

Lynn must be going bonkers!! Hope I get a chance to call her tomorrow. Day off, so all I have to do is Dr. appt!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Dropping back in to say howdy.
Lynne, thanks for mentioning that the quake was downgraded to a 5.4.
You beat me to the punch!

Lynne2 said...

let's hope that's the last of quaking for a while Andy!


Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--my next-to-last post has shown up, but now the last one isn't there. Hope the blog isn't messed up again!

Hope you guys get to see this one.
Here's a picture of the fish the herons dropped out of the tree today. Left my foot in there so you can get an idea of how big the fish is.

wvgal_dana said...

Blogger not being nice.

Will try tomorrow.

Hope Lynn can soon get on or drop Verizon and go Comcast.

magpie said...

That's just plain wild, Andy !
you really have some fascinating wildlife stories at YOUR roost !

Mema Jo said...

Inside source says that Frontier which has bought out Verizon will be nationwide within 2 years. A
friend is retiring from being with Verizon for 20 years - guess while the getting out is good.

magpie said...

Maryland Verizon customers...I think you are safe...don't see Maryland on the list I got

Mema Jo said...

I was watching the videos of the owls that Lynne put a link on for the bird bath owls.

paula eagleholic said...

that's a pretty good size fish, Andy.

Off to take care of friends kitty...

magpie said...

I talked with Lynn also...
had a nice talk,
told her many were posting "We Miss You" messages..
brought her up to date on Kailey, and Anne-Marie's son's kidney donation schedule..

our landline phones, when you call you get a funky just have to redial the number when the
"message center" lady finishes here spiel...and then you will get our answering machines!
Why oh Why...

Mema Jo said...

Margie I do think MD verizon will be changing in the future. What all does the list of changing to Frontier entail that you have?

Ms Bookworm said...

Yeah, Paula--I could hear it falling all the way from the top of one of our big trees. I was glad I wasn't standing under it! Wonder where the herons found one that big.

magpie said...

That is really a touching story about Anne-Marie's Rick
liked your post about that also Wanda... the Bible verse...

I had a niece, age 34 when she died in 2005 -
chronic kidney/diabetes problems, she received a kidney two separate times from two of her four brothers...I was being evaluated for a match for the next one

Poor little lass, she did not survive for the next transplant

She had also, initially, received a pancreas-kidney transplant, the pancreas was "bad" - she had many many problems from that, including temporary loss of sight and hearing....

juvenile onset diabetes....
we miss her, forever....

Ms Bookworm said...

Golly, that whole Verizon/Frontier thing is a real pain! Hope they get it straightened out, real soon!

I've been missing Lynn, too--hope she's able to get back here very soon! If any of you talk to her, please give her a big ((HUG)) from me!

magpie said...

for the states affected, Jo, my letter says:
Arizona,Idaho,Illinois, Indiana,Michigan,Nevada,NC,Ohio,
Oregon,SC, Washington, WV, Wisconson, and portions of California bordering Arizona, Nevada and Oregon
not sure of all these states made the "regulator approval" cuts
I haven't lost internet yet except for the mealy worm over the week-end...
but I am not terribly optimistic that I won't at some point...

just hope "they" take care of their long-time employees when they try to get out

stronghunter said...

Great video of the bathing owls, Lynne. They are cute little critters.

Mema Jo said...

Margy: The sale of Verizon Communications Inc.'s land-line telephone operations in 14 states.

So Margy maybe MD isn't in the 14?

magpie said...

I'd love to say I enjoy all the wildlife links...but I am still rather skittish about opening too many things up until I finish getting computer fixed up and secure

I think, once before I remember Megan talking about their trucking big containers of water in for irrigation...not sure if she is doing that this year, or if I am just mixed up on my memory altogether

magpie said...

also regarding the heat, the RR commuter lines from Brunswick (which includes Martinsburg)
are on slow orders due to the situation with "Ribbon Rail"
(long stretches of the rail)
which can sort of warp with the heat
I commuted from 1977 to 1981 from Mtsbg to Washington DC...and it was happening way back then also !

Judie said...

Lynne, thank you for the owls in the birdbath. How cool that would be. I agree with Jo and hope something permanent (with pay) comes around really soon.

Andy, glad you seem not to have been affected by the earthquake. Take care and we have critters that run across the roof day and night. I call our roof the overland trail -- one tree to another.

So sorry Lynn is having so much trouble with the Verizon/Frontier conversion. Can't wait to have her back with us.

MIL was on Prednisone and she put on some weight but it was her face that ballooned. It is a know side-effect. Also, need to wean off rather than stopping abruptly.

Greetings to Loweeda, Wanda, Paula.

Tomorrow will be busy for me. Having lunch with Interpol friend then might go to GW to participate in a mens basketball season tickets promotion. Not sure what that's about but I got the invite.

Not much accomplished today. Some reading. Heat has just drained me and, I guess, everyone else.

Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in. Andy, please set our alarm for us.

Pleasant dreams everyone and prayers for Kailey and Karen.

BB in the a.m.

magpie said...

Yah HaH - I just got WAX

Mema Jo said...

Lynn is doing ok - she just feels like her hands are tied. Wanda mentioned earlier that she had lunch with Lynn today and I also joined them. The plans for Open House on the 23rd of Oct are getting started and Wanda and/or Lynn will be sending out information soon so that you can start your planning.

magpie said...

Good Night Judie
Hope your day Thursday is more fun than today...

I will be listening for my mockingbird to start singing Judie Judie Judie ♪ ♪ ♪

also sings something rather annoying that sounds like Ferteeg Ferteeg Ferteeg....

Ms Bookworm said...

Margy, so sorry to hear about your
niece who passed away. ((HUGS))!

Well, think I'm going to try to find a good TV show to watch. Will be back later to say goodnight.

stronghunter said...

Heading upstairs. See you all tomorrow.

Good night.

magpie said...

not sure how accurate my info is...
just wrote down all the states listed in my letter from May...

I wouldn't hesitate to change to ComCast or something else if things get rocky

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Judie and Shirley
Andy I don't think anything good/new is on TV - Hubby is watching tapes!

What you going to do with your wax

magpie said...

sure glad that Lynn, Wanda and Jo had some Momster time today

heard about Rueben, Crab Cakes...and...Taco Salad !

Appreciate you ladies doing some of the front-running for Open House !!

Hedgie figures she will have 200 emails when she gets up and running again !

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--Good night, Judie! Gosh, hope this blog isn't messed up again. About 4 posts that I hadn't seen suddenly showed up! Well, will be back later... :o]

Mema Jo said...

Margy since we didn't get the letter I would think your list is correct.

I have had a busy day and like Judie I think the heat, even though I was in it such a short time, did me in or maybe it was Alexis who was here for the evening! Sometimes she can tire me out from just watching her.

magpie said...

also if you do call Lynn...landline would be better, that works!
She does not always have her cell phone nearby but she enjoyed her "missed" three voice mails on her cell phone from fellow Momsters ☺
jsut remember when the silly message lady finishes her speech about whatever, just dial the 10-digit number for Lynn again

magpie said...

I think I will add some fragrance to the WAX Jo, and make a candle ☺

burning one now with the name "Farmers Market" - It's a Yankee candle, a real great scent...guess WHO it makes me think of !

Mema Jo said...

I really think our blog today has been quite normal. I haven't encountered any trouble.

I do wish the still cam would come back on. When I emailed Steve yesterday about the Blogger Cop I did mention the cam.

stronghunter said...

Sorry about your niece, Margy.

Hope you have a good day, tomorrow, Judie. I think it is suppose to cool down a tiny bit.

Missing Lynn here, too.

Critters on the roof--Kathryn has had some issues with squirrels getting into their wood stove. There aren't tall trees next to my house, so only flying critters can get on the roof. It's three stories on the back.

Good night.

magpie said...

think I will check my bank account on-line before I lose internet !

Glad you had some sweet time with Alexis Jo...have you two tried water balloons??

Best wishes for a good night's cool rest for everyone here

checking out...
God Bless Us, Every One
Prayers for wellness, and for many gifts given
xo ♥

magpie said...

oh Shirley...don't get me started on Squirrels!
You might have not been around here on the blog yet when I had my resident squirrel between my ceiling and the upstairs apartment flooring...
WOOF ! It almost gained entry through the bathroom ceiling...
have-a-hearted trapped and transported, somewhere else...
this is why I can't put bird feeders out !!

G'night to you Eagle pals

Mema Jo said...

I'll leave the water balloons to you and James, Margy. lol

Mema Jo said...

Back the hallway I go....

Good Night All
Prayers for Karen and Kailey and all those in need...
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

NatureNut said...

Andy, neat fish. I'm surprised the herons dropped it! And there better not be any more quaking in your flip-flops!
Time to call it a day~~~
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

Well, looks like I am in time to say good night. I finished sewing on three burp cloths, working on the 4th and two more after that. Then will take them to be embroidered with her name.

That is so frustrating for Lynn. Glad you three were together today. Thanks for your efforts in planning the get togethers in October.

Mema Jo said...

Do I get a 2nd clue?

Lolly said...


Lolly said...


Costume Lady said...

Lolly, you tease, you!:)

Costume Lady said...

I think it has something to do with school teachers???

Costume Lady said...

Jo metioned that we got the ball rolling on Open House today. Most impotantly, we have reservations for the Rumsey Tavern 7 o'clock Friday night and we have rented out the Tuscany for Saturday (the 23rd ) from 4:30pm til 9pm or so.
Menu is in the works...will pobably be nearly the same as last year. Will let all of you know later.

Bedtime for me now...


Judie said...

I think it will be an eaglet with an embroidered burp cloth and diaper with the name Palmer.

Lolly said...

Judie!!! How did you guess it? ☺

magpie said...

delay on getting to bed...
pretty/handsome O at Finland,looks like a male, also looks rather small

and the Finney (Land) nest is a nice view also

keep those clues coming Lolly

Good Night again
xoxo (( hugs ♥ ))

Mema Jo said...

I am only going to request a clue every week or so! We have quite a few weeks to go you know.
I just know I will want to win it! lol

OK East Coast - it's after midnight!

Lolly you have permission to stay up a little longer - Same for Jim, AM and Andy..........

Good Night my Friends..........

Lolly said...

I am heading to bed now too. As usual falling asleep sitting here. Was up before seven to mow. That is really early for me.

Nite all! Sweet eagle dreams. Prayer for Karen.

Lolly said...

Hope Update

Lynne2 said...

No Palmer at this time. No camera shakes, no microphone bumps, no distant squealing.



Lynne2 said...

just heard some off cam squealing....

but I have to go....


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Well, I'm back, but it's so late it's early! Fell asleep in front of the TV. Glad that Judie left the night light on! The porch light is automatic, as is the eye scanner security.

Don't think that one of my comments last night made it here; I wanted to thank Lynne for the link to the owls in the birdbath.
Enjoyed it tremendously!

Critter update: kept hearing loud scratching noises coming from the area where the roof rats had been getting into our wall next to the chimney (No DIRECT access to the attic there, because of our cathedral ceiling in the living room). They apparently had gone through the wall to get to the attic over the adjacent dining room. Now concerned--wonder whether the scratches were due to rats wanting back in, or those trapped inside, wanting out! MTBR...Judie, I wish that all I had on our roof was squirrels--or neighbor's cats. Don't know exactly how much a large raccoon weighs, but I guarantee that they are NOT lightfooted! I'm concerned, too, that they may attack a baby heron if it lands on the roof. They're known to be pretty ornery. So far, so good, though.

Well, Hubby left for work already, and I think I'm going to have a bit of an early breakfast, then get some more sleep. Either that, or I'd better start a coffee I.V.!LOL

Saying prayers for everyone, especially little Kailey, and all the others needing healing. Have a good morning, and I'll be back in a little while. :o]

magpie said...

Have a good day everyone, I Hope !!

any updates on our Still Cam ?
I sure miss it !

time to shake, ratttle and roll here


Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--almost forgot--tried to check on LOL, but get only sound--sounds windy there. The cam screen is just blue, no picture. Anyone else able to get a picture there?

Ms Bookworm said...

Checked the LOL blog, and they are testing their cams. The cameras will be down for the next hour. Will have to check back in a while!
It sure SOUNDS windy there, though.
Later, alligators... :o]

P.S.--Excuse my manners! Hi, Margy! Hope you have a good day!

Ms Bookworm said...

Y-A-W-N..... heading for the kitchen to find some breakfast, and maybe, coffee....yawn...bbl.

Costume Lady said...

Andrea, I too, have raccoons on my roof in the early morning hours. Sounds like a human is up there running around. Until we figured out what it was a scary sound! They climb up the trees and just drop down...what a loud thump that is!! We once had peacocks up there...a regular zoo on our roof, including a squirrel's net under the porch roof...nosy critters:)

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

As I type on ths blog, soe of the letters do nothow up and runtogether...anyone else hving thispoblem? Maybe my keboad isdirty.

Dana Gray said...

Good morning everyone...are we ready for another hot hot day? The building I am in is miserable, yesterday they were giving out bags of ice! :(

Costume Lady said...

Vey quiet oer ths moing...hope we aren't having a break down aain! Anyone out thre?
Keyboard still messin up:(

Costume Lady said...

Found this on my email page...thought Judie would be interested in it (new show this Sunday)

Costume Lady said...

It is called THE GLADES, I am assuming it takes place in the everglades area..which I love!

Costume Lady said...

For those ofyo who like Big starts it's nw season tonight on CBS.

Mits said...

Good THURSDAY morning everyone...have a good one

Lolly said...

Good morning! Supposed to be getting much rain, but it has not started yet! Grrrr! Come on rain!

Did you see the latest report on Hope? She knows Lynn and Sue are bringing food and comes to them. How cool is that? Sweet baby bear, raising herself!

Going to get started soon on those burp cloths. Baby shower in two weeks, but I will be unable to go. My brother and SIL will be here. Yea!

Guess we have all had a squirrel's nest at some time or other. We had one in the patio ceiling. I kept telling Jack I could hear something. Not until he heard it did he do something. Raccoons we do not see, but they are here. We think it must be raccoons who occasionally get a snail out of the pond. We have found snail remains on the edge of the pond.

And, we at one time had a family of screech owls who would come to a birdbath every evening. Have pictures!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Thursday Morning in Eagle Land Lynne, Andrea, Wanda,
Phyrfly, Mits, and Lolly.

Can't remember if it was Lynne who put the "owl in birdbath"
video up or who. Thank you very much I just loved it.

Wonder what Mema Jo says about it since she likes owls.

So sorry Lynn-Hedgie is having such a mess as others are
with the (easy) change over from Verizon to Frontier. Nothing seems
EASY these days. I too miss reading her comments.

I will be so happy to get Laptop back (if ever). Let's see
what is the next Holiday?? Maybe it will come for that. I
truly think I was the lucky one to get a Monday Morning or Friday (let's get out of here) one made. lol Is was just too easy of a bump. Daughter said it shouldn't have caused any problem.

So glad to see pictures of all the 4th celebrations.

Lolly said...

Good morning, Dana.


Do you think our Hedgie heard that?

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Wanda, will check out the new t.v. show. Think I saw a promo for it recently. Maybe your keyboard is using Russian spy code.

Nice update on Hope but this was the first I know of Shylow. Also interesting.

Okay, need to get ready to go to lunch. May go to GW.

Wishing everyone a lovely day. Try to stay cool.


Lolly said...

I am off now to start my day! Have a great one!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone! My day has also started - slowly for sure. I enjoy reading your comments.. new shows that I'll need to check out. Hubby and I still have shows on tape that we haven't watched.
Lolly - I am sure Lynn knows we are thinking of her! I hope she gets some positive action with her internet TODAY!

Mema Jo said...

Slow day on the blog
is the Blogger Cop around?

Costume Lady said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Had a comment earlier this morning that didn't get posted:

I'm b-a-a-ck! Have spent the last I-don't-know-HOW-long on the phone with Earthlink, trying to cancel PCFineTune service. They talked me into a 30-day free trial. When I tried to cancel it on my MyAccount page, it said I had to call them. I did, and spent forever on hold. Then, they said I owe them $4.95, since they started counting the 30 days before I ever received the disc (to install the program) in the mail!
I installed it the very day I received the disc, 6/10, and today is only 7/8. They billed me for it on 7/3! Grrrrrrr! They finally said they will credit me for the charges. Thanks for letting me vent! Customer service? Yeah, right! :o[

Wanda, do you have a kitty on your keyboard? Is George there for a visit?...Do you have a can of compressed air? That always seems to work for me. Got it at Office Depot. Blows all kinds of crumbs and stuff out of my keyboard.

Well, NOW I'm heading to the kitchen for some breakfast and coffee. Will be back in a while.

I'm still drinking coffee, trying to stay alert, because I have a class tonight. Hubby should be home from work soon, too, and don't want to appear too SLUGgish. He'll think I haven't been busy at all today! LOL

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...