Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Fresh thread. 

Has our young eagle "flown the coop" for good?


Mits said...

good morning everyone:)

Mits said...

glad AJ is doing well, prayers for all in need.

Ragdoll said...

Good Morning Mits :)

Mits said...

good morning Ragdoll;)

Lynne2 said...

good morning! thanks Steve, yes, I think that's what we all think at this point. Thanks for the callover Mits.

paula eagleholic said...

Yo, Steve...have ya'll seen her?

paula eagleholic said...

Last sight or sound was Thursday morning, 7/15, Bev saw her in the nest, calling for breakfast!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Eagle Morning to those on this page Mits, Ragdoll, Lynne2 and Paula.

Need to check comments on other thread for this am'er.

Prayers for good healing for Ajay.

Costume Lady said...

Well, if Palmer is OUTTA HERE, Lib and Belle will soon be moving back in to renovate the Sycamore Palace. Back to their arguing and fussing with each other. Yep, it will help us to get through this year's EMPTY NEST SYNDROME;)

Costume Lady said...

PAULA, are you still with your grandbabies?

paula eagleholic said...

No, I am at work today.

hedgie said...

From old thread.......
Busy morning.....need to catch up from when I first arrived.
But just finished feeding Myrtle! Was on deck looking down and saw a turd---went downstairs and out and sure enuf, there she was....in her previous favorite place under the wood pile pallet! Came back up and cut off top of a tomato for her!
Haven't seen her in weeks. Hurray!

Carolyn got a call(message) from 911 boss-she returned call and she was in a meeting....waiting for return call. Please keep fingers crossed and pray that it is going to be the right news!

Have plumber friend coming this afternoon, since toidy is still acting up...MTBR.

wvgal_dana said...


Did not get chance to get to other thread...bbl

Mema Jo said...

I have been lurking as it is Daughter Day. Love your avatar Wanda!!
Lynne - hope your not upset about the vet hospital job.. I sure don't like their tactics! Come on Irvine and realize what an asset you would be to them!
Carolyn is sitting on pins and needles I'm sure! You too - Lynn!

Good Morning everyone - excuse my manners.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for Tuesday Thread...
I do suspect Palmer is spreading her wings and exploring many many new places. It has been a great season watching her. As Wanda said - now back to the original two - Lib & Belle
and their housekeeping skills that gives us laughs.

Judie said...

Thank you, Steve.

Um, Lolly, you should have more wine tasting dinners. Everyone had such a wonderful evening! You and Jack are such fun hosts.

Lynn, fingers crossed for Carolyn.

Well, off to look for lamp shades. Some we have are beginning to disintegrate. Will check online, first. Anything to avoid school work.

Paula, glad you are comfortable enough to be at work. Wishing the best for Ajay.


hedgie said...

Last bite of tomato is gone! Hope she's a habby turtle!!

hedgie said...

Thanks for all your help in the wishing/hoping/praying department!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn- sounds to me like she got the job...

Mema Jo said...

Something (squirrel - opossum) has been taking little nibbles out of my totem (small) tomatoes.....
I had seen one late evening a very very pregnant opossum on my deck!
I am very upset - so now I know how you all feel about the deer in your gardens....... Grrrrrrrrrrgh!

paula eagleholic said...

Update on Ajay from John

Well, Ajay is sleeping...PT was in earlier....she wasn't able to do much...they will be back later...PT will make the call later if she can be discharged...so we will wait n see...

hedgie said...

Okay.....halfway good.....boss has to present to county commission on TH. If they approve it, Carolyn WILL START on Mon.!!!!! Whoo-Hoo!!! Thank you, thank, thank you. Keep up positive thoughts, please!

Mema Jo said...

Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful

hedgie said...

I sure hope so, Jo and Paula!
Sorry about your t oms, Jo---one thing I know for sure----it's not Myrtle!

Hope PT okays Ajay coming home....

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Having trouble with the Internet connection today. It is in and out. I am trying to catch up, but need to get ready for the bridge club.

Costume Lady said...

SHIRLEY...May I suggest "ORDERS AND WINE" for your Bridge Club Ladies? They would have a blast and you would ALL win;)

Costume Lady said...

Lynn...I feel so uplifted from your good news
about Carolyn. It does my heart good when one of "ours" has good news. I know it's not definite, but close!

Costume Lady said...

Sounds like Ajay may benefit from another day in the hospital. I think patients are realised too soon, in most cases:(

stronghunter said...

My bridge club likes wine very much. I have become the one who serves shrimp with the wine, so I will need to go out and get some of that. We have to keep George out of the shrimp, of course.

stronghunter said...

Positive thoughts from here, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Gotta get busy cleaning.

Lynne2 said...

Jo, everyone......I hesitate to say because I don't want to build my hopes up, but

Irvine will be deciding in the next couple of days if they can afford to hire another part time person for the job of Animal Care/Naturalist. In the Naturalist part of the job, I'd be doing on and offsite nature oriented programs for children! It doesn't pay too much and is only part time, but with the babysitting, gardening, petsitting we just might make it!

SO, PRAYERS for CAROLYN too!!! Maybe this will be the week for both of us!!

JO, if you can get some, put some deer netting or a double layer of bird netting on the 'maters. And then, you can even put out some dry cat food further away for the 'possum. Virginia at Irvine LOVES cat chow!

I think you are right, Wanda...some patients get pushed out of the hospital too soon.

Lolly said...

Shirley....do not forget the "orders"!!!!

Cleaned up at the church garden. Also found a big fire ant hill. Jack took care of it! And, watered the flowers. That was the first time this year. Wow!

Came home and watered a little here. Now I need to start making lists for our trip next week. Heading to the beach at Port A on Monday! Excuse me for saying the "B" word!

Lolly said...

Wow, Lynne, sure hope this works out for you. If you get this part time job, then maybe it will develop into full time. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Lynn, fantastic for Carolyn. Sure hope this works out for her.

Oh, I do like good news!!

hedgie said...

OMG,OMG......I've got a Hugo, too!!!! Saw a turtle in the leaves in a very strange stance----and it didn't look like Myrtle. A little movement and there she is UNDER him!!! Maybe there will be little Myrtle's (and Hugo's) next year. Didn't dare go down to get close and interrupt (c. interruptus!), but got the best pics I could! Will post later. How cool is this?
Wow, what a day!

Judie said...

Sounds as if Lynn and Lynne might be having some really good news very soon. Wishing the best for Carolyn and for you, Lynne.

Jo, we've tried nearly everything and the deets are just persistent. Cat food/bird seed away from the house/porch will help -- may also help keep deets away from tomatoes.

Shirley, enjoy the bridge club, the orders and the wine.


stronghunter said...

Wow! Turtle HP!!

stronghunter said...

Best wishes for Carolyn and Lynne. Hope everything works out.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Getting here a bit late today--we have our early morning gloom (overcast) back today, so I decided to take full advantage of it, and work in the yard for a while. It's supposed to be really nice here today! Back to normal temps for this time of year! YAY!!!

Had to chase a few baby herons out of the back yard this morning--they're big as chickens, and when they fly in for a landing, all my other birds have panic attacks! I think it's the combination of the large wingspan and the fact that we have Cooper's Hawks here, too. Don't really want the baby herons to mess up what I've already CLEANED UP, either! (Comparable to seagulls--you get the picture!)LOL

Prayers for Carolyn, Lynn! Sounds encouraging, but don't want to jinx it for her! Hoping for splendid news!!

Lynne, hope you get a part-time job at Irvine! You would be PERFECT for it! Many prayers here, too!

Prayers continue for Ajay. Hope they don't send her home too early--if more rest is what she needs. Awaiting a positive report!

hedgie said...

Maybe tomatoes are an aphrodisiac!! This is all about ten feet behind the woodpile.

Ms Bookworm said...

Loretta, prayers for your friend, too. Guess if you're going to pass out, the Dr's office is the best place for it to happen, though. Hope she'll be OK!

Oops--my cell phone battery just hit "empty"--gotta go plug it in.
Judie, sure wish my cell ran on AAAs! Hope a big mug of coffee does the trick for you. I could use some myself this morning. Think I'll go brew some. Back in a bit! :o]

hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne....that sounds truly hopeful.....wouldn't that be the coolest job???? Prayers continue for you, too!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, Judie--you're out looking for lampshades...for Lolly & Jack's next get-together, maybe?!

Oboy--my cell phone just turned itself off. Guess it's TOTALLY depleted! Back in a bit....

hedgie said...

And they're gone....can't see them anywhere...either under the leaves seperately or they've crawled away....blend in with leaves so well....I'm dizzy from looking for them!

stronghunter said...

Hi, I am posting some pictures from the mini-vacation. I should have started with the end and progressed to the beginning, but I did not. I have the first three posted, and will post more later. The ones now are the beginning. When I piled the pillow and the hat on the suitcase, George was sure an alien had invaded the house. He would not go near it. When I tried to comfort him by showing it to him, he ran away as soon as I put him down.

stronghunter said...

Oh, the llamas are there! I did not know I had saved them. Anyway, the llamas are there.

hedgie said...

Enjoyed the pics, Shirley. Commented there.
Glad you had a nice trip, and hopefully feel refreshed and relaxed.

hedgie said...

Andy, how did the clean-up go? Obviously, you didn't get arrested!!!

Lolly said...

That is very interesting about your turtles, Lynn. Turtle hp!

I have a little turtle figurine (sand cast) that sits on the table on the back patio. It has a baby turtle at it's side. Got it about the time Ashley and Michael were trying to get pg but having problems. Named the turtle Myrtle and the little on Fyrtle. Love to rub Myrtle's back!

Also, when we used to have a veggie garden, we grew wonderful tomatoes. Would get furious when a turtle came around and took a bite out of the bottoms of the ripening toms.

Mema Jo said...

For the second time today:

Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful
That's for you Lynne!

Hurray We are going to get Carolyn and Lynne right where they belong!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - sure like your vacation pics.

I made Murkie (sp?) meow and Marvin looked at me......... lol

Mema Jo said...

My feet are going up for a Break!

Hopefully more good news will be added by the time I come back......


movin said...

Fresh fish lunch at BWO. The chicks seem interested...

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Later, friends.....

My Adobe flashplayer has crashed, and I need to shut down for a while ... as well as taking care of some other business.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...

Stopped by hospital at lunchtime...Ajay hopefully coming home tomorrow...the physical therapists were finally able to determine that she is having muscle spasms in her right leg, which started overnight and today...giving her just a small setback, but some muscle relaxers should take care of the problem...they think probably because she hadn't been really using that leg, and they had her using it a lot yesterday may have caused the muscles to overreact and spasm.

Other than that, she is doing pretty good, the shooting pain down the back of the leg is gone, and of course she is stiff and sore from the surgery...but she is in good spirits.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, keeping my fingers crossed for you on the PT job!

Lynn, did you see turtle HP???♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Oh, yes, Paula, I did!!! When I get pics on, if I can't figure out how to put on blog as a slide show, I'll call on you to help!
So glad that Ajay's present discomfort is for a whole new reason!!

hedgie said...

Gotta catch up with you all again. Plumber friend just left----easy fix. Kit Bill used in tank had the wrong kind of flapper. (He had replaced the innards because of old flapper not seating all the time due to mineral build-up). So now all is fine. SO relieved that it's not a septic problem.
Margy appears to be stuck pulling some overtime....two bad wrecks at opposite ends of county---she is BUSY!

hedgie said...

Ha---I didn't miss anything.
Lolly, does rubbing turtles mean good luck? Maybe should I try it!

Judie said...

Back from my brief adventure into lamp shade land. No luck. Online was not a great help. Guess I'm going to have to actually go to a store that sells lamp shades.

Paula, so happy Ajay is on the mend. Life with out that stabbing pain is joyful which she will be when she gets home.

Turtle HP? Good grief! I can't leave you people alone that you don't get into something.

Shirley, haven't had time to look at pics but you have mail.

Off to look for dinner inspiration. Certainly won't be as intoxicating as last night.

Lolly said...

I don't know if rubbing turtles bring luck or not, but Ashley did get preggo. LOL Fyrtle did the trick! Though it was Myrtle's back I rubbed!

Just got back from Target. Bought two of those new battery powered OFF thingys to keep mosquitos away. Will see if they work. Anyone ever try them?

Lolly said...

Paula, good report on Ajay. Glad she has good spirits. Attitude will help tremendously!

hedgie said...

Going to try to post pics........

hedgie said...

Okay....can't figure out how to post it as a slide show.............Paula?? Anybody know?

hedgie said...

Never tried t hose things, Lolly. Believe it or not, mosquitos are one thing I DON'T have problems with here in the woods----guess because there's no water nearby!

Judie, don't know what you are looking for in lamp shades, but I have gotten some nice ones at Lowe's.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, you can upload to Photobucket or Picasa. You would have to create accounts with either to upload. Photobucket would be easier, it's all online, with Picasa you have to download their software onto your computer.

stronghunter said...

I have posted more pictures. In fact, you will have to click on "older posts" to see them all.

There are more, but I need to wait awhile before posting them.

I know very little about the Cherokee language, but I have posted an interesting link you may wish to visit after you have seen the Cherokee roadsigns.

Cherokee Language

hedgie said...

Thanks, Paula....I have Picasa.

Mema Jo said...


Going out to find some dinner.

hedgie said...

Very interesting, Shirley. Greek to me! But do have Cherokee blood on my Dad's side of the family (he was borne in Winston-Salem area)

hedgie said...

Those crazy security words that our blogs use are like a foreign language, too!!!

stronghunter said...

True, Lynn. Sometimes I don't get them right.

stronghunter said...

Think we are about to get a storm. We had a severe thunderstorm watch earlier. The weather radio screamed at me.

hedgie said...

Well, that didn't work, Paula!!
Just came up with an error message when I tried to play the stupid thing!! Gues I'll have to start all over..........

Mema Jo said...

I have returned - hubby is mowing the lawn as it looks like a storm could come by. Grass hasn't grown but the clover/weeds are high. We should be taking off this Thurs for the surf/sand. Don't have a time line as to when to return. No Dr appointments until mid August.... so we'll play it by ear. Marvin and Scar are coming with us. Youngest son and family will be with us for the first 6 days.
I am looking forward to it.

hedgie said...

Jo, so glad that you are getting away to enjoy your ocean breezes---how relaxing that will be!!

Mema Jo said...

Well does this sound familiar - My gd in Hedgesville is without her phone service - Frontier said blah blah blah...

Today is my ggs' 7th birthday. Joseph is the oldest of the great grandchildren.

Mema Jo said...

I am so thankful that we have a possibility of 2 special peeps to join the working force very soon !

Costume Lady said...

I'll bet he can eat the whole cake!;)

Judie said...

Just looked at the Hornsby nest and boy did my heart break again. There is a shadow over the cam box that looks like an eaglet. Phoenix making a ghostly visit? Guess I better not look there again until next year.

Happy Birthday to Mema Jo's Joseph. Lucky Marvin and Scar!

Thanks, Lynn. Looking for shades for family room table lamps. Current ones are so old they are disintegrating. Will be checking Lowes. Had not thought about that - duh!

Never tried the battery repellent thing but looked at them today at Home Depot. $8.00. Let us know. Was thinking I might waste a bunch of money.

Missed the local weather. Strong winds right now. Trees are swinging and a swaying.

Off to check out t.v. schedule.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Joseph!

Mema Jo said...

I bet you're right! Hard to imagine
his being 7 years old. BTW Joseph has 2 brothers and 1 sister.... September will bring an addition to the family.
Joseph's philosophy is that last time he prayed for a sister for Sophia but Donavon was born. So this time he will pray for a brother and hopes he'll get a sister ... as this should be his last chance!

Mema Jo said...

The way mosquitoes love me - I may be going to Home Depot tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and I got amused when we noticed that the lady at the place we were staying in Maggie Valley had painted the lampshades. She goes a little crazy with the paintbrush. I think replacing lampshades is really a better idea.

Mema Jo said...

Checking out TV

hedgie said...

Happy Birthday to Joseph!
Jo, I had forgotten that Melissa was expecting again! Hope it IS a girl or Sophia!

LOL---I have been known to paint lamp shades---gold spray paint!
Judie, for family room, I'm sure you'll find something at Lowe's!

hedgie said...

That should be....FOR Sophia!

stronghunter said...

Gold spray paint might be okay, Lynn. These lampshades were white and some paint had dripped over the edges and dried there.

stronghunter said...

I am hungry. Thawing some hamburger so I can fix tacos.

magpie said...

Great photos, Shirley !! Enjoyed every one of them !

and a Happy Birthday to your great grandson Joseph, Jo !

Good Evening, Eagle Pals

sure hoping for success in the job prospects for Carolyn and Lynne

And Hoping that Ajay is feeling tip top Wednesday, Paula

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, enjoy your time at the shore.

Sooo, no adult visits either, huh?

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday Joseph!!

Lolly said...

Happy Birthday to Joseph! Must be a really special little boy with the name Joseph!

Dinner over! Also prepared two rolled flank steaks for the freezer. Taking them to the beach with us. Was going to bake some banana nut bread but lacking the cream cheese. Guess that will wait for tomorrow.

Tomorrow we are getting the trailer and buying groceries. Thursday mow, Friday my brother comes, Sunday Laurel comes, Monday we leave for the beach. Wahoo!

Will have yard service for the yard while we are gone. They are supposed to water pots as well as mow. I will have a neighbor check to make sure they are all watered.

Jack's sister and her husband are coming from Georgia and meeting us at Port A. Going to be a good week IF a tropical storm does not come straight at us! Yikes!

Jo, throw a bottle into the water. Send me a message!

hedgie said...

Gave up on slideshow or video. Pics are up on my Lair.

stronghunter said...

Interesting pictures, Lynn. Haven't spent much time thinking about turtle HP.

Lolly said...

Great pictures, Lynn.

Interesting that they found each other in this big ol world.

magpie said...

I liked the picture also, Lynn!

Time to hick the sat, I mean hit the sack here
eyeballs are in protest
feeling tired and definitly kind of old :(

so that means, sleep is needed

Hope everyone gets a good night's rest tonight that recharges any and all kinds of batteries

Prayers for health and happiness
Good Night
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Watched 2 TV shows on the WETA channel

Thanks for all the B-Day wishes for Joseph. I will tell him about the Eagle Ladies wishing them for him.

Gotta go look at the turtles..

BEagle said...

Hi everyone. It is late and it is hard to read the blog. I keep slurring the words and reversing beginning letters, just cannot figure out why.

Happy Birthday Master Joseph.

I have checked in on #07 at the WE nest. He seems to have an injury in one of his wings.

When he holds his wings out, it looks like he has some pain. Poor bittle laby.

Judie said...

It's that time again.

Turning my light off but leaving the night light on for all others coming in, going back the hallway, to the shower, to the tub, to a jet plane. Andy, when you get here, please set our alarm and Dana's thumb print scan. Hope the birds have been respectful after your cleanup efforts.

Wishing everyone pleasant dreams. Mine will be of lamp shades.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone. Could not get on here as Blogger wouldn't recognize my Password!!DUH I did not want to change it, so waited a long time & now it worked! As bad as the phones at Park. Verizon came out & left. Then we get a call that a "special tech" will have to come out in 24-48 hours!
Been waiting for a call from WV friends--no call tonight. Seems that when our friend Nita passed out at the Dr., her BP was very low.Hope to hear something in AM.

paula eagleholic said...

Sleep well, Margy!

Lolly, saying this so I don't forget...have a great time at the BEACH! Hope there aren't any tar balls!

stronghunter said...

Going to say good night to everyone out there. I will see you tomorrow.

Heading upstairs to read for awhile.

stronghunter said...

Yes, sleep well, Margy. Enjoy the beach, Lolly.

Costume Lady said...

I wonder if Lynn ever thought of "TATOOING" Myrtle to see if it is she that keeps coming back each Spring? Wonder when the eggs will come?

Mema Jo said...

It is that bewitching hour again and a few have already felt the touch!
Loretta - pray that you hear something from your friend Nita up in Paw Paw.

Also I know Ragdoll is probably packing for the hike and I won't be up before she leaves tomorrow which is the 21st...therefore;

♪♪♪♪♫♪ Happy birthday to you Deb
Celebrate your special day out on the trail! Have a great year ahead ♪♪♪♫♪♪

hedgie said...

BEagle, sure hope that whatever is wrong w/ 07 mends and that he can be a healthy bird.

Okay, everyone dragging your hot, tired bodies to bed.....rest well, and prepare for another hot one. So what else isn't new, right??

Hope and Lily update on FB----but I can't open for some reason. Maybe I need to reboot.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - I asked Jenny about her turtles in her garden - marking them.
She said that she knows their shells - nicks and scratches... Remarkable!

NatureNut said...

Happy Birthday to Jo's Joseph!
Lolly, hope your trip goes well and beach is clean. Maybe my SIL can put his boat in for fishing!
Lynn, I never realized turtles were acrobats!!☺

Took a little walk after work in the Nature Study loop. Quite a few trees down there, but surprisingly the boardwalk wasn't damaged.
We lost one osprey foster chick---the baby fell out or got pushed in the water yesterday. The other 2 are flapping & jumping a lot. Today there was an empty nest for awhile---both flew around. Found out that another man who worked for DNR and used to band many ospreys south of us retired. So, our naturalist, Greg, ended up banding 160!
Glad to read Paula's DIL, Ajay, is doing well.
Thoughts & prayers for all,
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

I am sure we will enjoy the beach. Thanks! Had a quiet evening tonight after last night. Read some magazines, looking for new recipes. Found some!

Sorry you have not heard anything yet about Nita, Loweeda! Hope you hear something tomorrow.

Expecting to talk with Jane, Jack's sister, so better shut down.

Nite to all! Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Wanda, I guess someone needs to tell Myrtle and Hugo this:
a female box turtle will lay between 3 and 6 eggs each spring in a shallow nest. The eggs are left unguarded and hatch in the late summer or early fall when hatching occurs.

Maybe they were just having fun and not fertilizing!!

Lolly said...

Hope and Lily update is posted, but does not say much.
They are together and foraging.

Nite again!

Mema Jo said...

short one but good one for Lily/Hope

Judie said...

Lily and Hope are foraging big time. Little Hope’s scat collected yesterday was mostly blueberries and raspberries and a little red osier dogwood, alder-leaf buckthorn, and wild sarsaparilla. Lily’s contained wild sarsaparilla, blueberries and raspberries and a little alder-leafed buckthorn. It also contained unknown vegetation.

When feeding on berries, mothers and cubs usually forage apart to be most efficient. They are in a roadless area that has forest and an old clearcut. This clearcut is used so frequently by bears that we are trying to learn the exact history of it.

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Nice turtle pics, Lynn!

Heading for bed, see ya tomorrow!


hedgie said...

Wnada, when we were kids we would mark turtles with nail polish. But Myrtle is easily recognizable. Not only the unique pattern of shell markings, but her shell has a distinct indentation on the back left side. So I have always known it was her!!

hedgie said...

Bath time for me. I will talk to you all in the morning.
I, too, will say ♪ ♫HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RAGDOLL DEB♫ ♪
because I'm sure she'll be gone before I up in the morning! Have a nice camping trip. Stay safe. Hope someone makes you a cake over the campfire. I used to know how to do that when I was a Girl Scout!!

Prayers and peace.

Mema Jo said...

okay for me...... back the hallway
lunch tomorrow with past coworkers

Good night friends
Prayers for everyone's special needs

Good night Palmer wherever you are!
Fly free & far!

((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, don't forget to look for little Myrtles or Hugos in a month or so. That would be so neat if you could find those babies:)

Costume Lady said...

Karla brought Dustin over to GG's to spend the rest of the week with me. I fixed dinner and while we were still eating, GG proceeds to clean up the kitchen. She had finished eating (and ate everything I put on her plate) and I guess she thought we should be done too:) She came to the table and took our glasses (we WERE going to have an after-dinner drink) and plates, put them in the dishwasher, dumped the pork chops and mashed potatoes and gravy all in one dish and sat back down and and (I guess) waited on us to go home;) She hasn't cleaned up after one of our family meals in YEARS! This is so encouraging to me, she is ALMOST back to normal...although NORMAL didn't include putting mashed potatoes, chops and gravy all in one bowl;)
She walked us to the door and waved good-bye...you know, "what's your hurry, here's your hat"!
I posted a photo on JUST FOR FUN of "DINAH" in the kitchen:)


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Got home from school about 1/2 hour ago, and have been catching up on the blog.

Wanda, what a wonderful report on GG! Does my heart good! God bless her! Prayers for even more improvement!

Good to hear good report on Ajay, too! Prayers for a swift and complete recovery.

Oh, Lynn, wouldn't it be FANTASTIC to have some baby turtles! Prayers that it will be so.

Thanks, Judie & Jo for the Lily/Hope reports!


Loretta, so very sorry to hear that one of the osprey foster chicks was lost. :o{ ((Hugs))

BEagle, prayers for healing for #07 at WE! Hope it's better SOON!

Ms Bookworm said...

Margy, hope you're having sweet eagle dreams as you pillow surf! Rest well--you've earned it!

Judie, if you find some nice lampshades at Lowe's, I may go looking for some, too. A couple of mine are getting shabby. By the way, still have more cleanup to do in the yard. Did get a LOT of stuff trimmed while waiting for the gardeners to get rid of a BUNCH of fallen leaves, and fixed 4 sprinklers that were turned in entirely the wrong direction! No WONDER some areas of the front lawn and a couple of plants were looking sad! Will probably be able to finish up tomorrow, IF those baby herons cooperate! Looks like some of them aren't housebroken yet!

Ms Bookworm said...

Am going to go watch a TV show, then call it a night.

The night light is on, and the porch light is automatic. The eye scanner security and Dana's thumbprint scanner security are enabled. Prayers said for everyone, and all our feathered, furry, and shelled friends. God bless, and goodnight! Talk to you tomorrow. Love you guys! :o]

Lori O. said...

Have NOT seen Palmer yet this morning. She wasn't sleeping in the nest either.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Lori....I know you are an early bird....hope your day is going well and will continue that way

So, sounds like some powerful leftovers at GG's - What a cool story Wanda...thank you for sharing that kind of fun here ☺

Ran out of time in a hurry....watering plants takes awhile

Best wishes for a good day and especially

Happy Birthday Ragdoll Deb - hope it is filled to the brim with lots of wonderful things ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Hello to Dustin, Wanda

got to scram

ttfn xoxo

magpie said...

Excuse my poor manners...
Thanks for all the rest/sleep/dream well wishes...
I am feeling more like a Spring Magpie this morning ☺

Prayers, for wellness, and happiness

xoxo out the door now bye

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Wanda, good news about GG. Hope she continues to improve and stays active. Enjoy the time with Dustin.

Have a nice day, Margy. A quiet one, please.

Hi Andy. Hope you can finish the cleanup today. Maybe you could get some of Lolly's burp cloths to use a diapers -- no offense Lolly. Could start a whole new product line for Wanda.

Happy Birthday, Deb. Enjoy the day and I hope it will be special for you.

Hi Lori. Most of us think Palmer has made her last visit and is now off exploring her new world. She hasn't been seen in several days.

Oooo! Lynn can set up a turtle nursery school. That would be interesting.

Any word about Irvine and 911 jobs? Did I miss that?

stronghunter said...

Good morning!!

Got lots to do today, but want to check in for a moment at least.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Deb.

stronghunter said...

Update on the mockingbird story. Channel 7 just did a report on it, and the birds attacked their reporter.

stronghunter said...

More Mockingbird Attacks in Fredericksburg!

stronghunter said...

BBL . . . chores to do.

hedgie said...

Good Weds. morning......work week almost half over for those of you who must!
Hope everyone's day is off to a good start.

hedgie said...

Those mockingbirds are a riot! Remember as a kid that we had one who thought our chimney was it's home......and when the dog went outside it dive-bombed her, as well as Mom when she would hang out clothes!

Judie----read back to early yesterday afternoon for Carolyn and Lynne2 job news"es"!!

Mits said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...