Tuesday, July 13, 2010


New thread.


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Judie said...

Good afternoon!

Thank you, Steve. I'll go call the others.

Mema Jo said...

Here we come! I want to post Mits' comment from osprey cam.....
just saw this on the Finney osprey forum.....

Re: Hailuoto - Marjaniemi 2010
Kirjoittaja Millan » 12 Heinä 2010 09:00

Greetings from Voitto Pulkkinen: Tagging is planed 17.7.2010, in the evening. What time, that will be solved later!.....

I can't believe they are letting them get near this nest again:(

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon everyone
Thanks Judie for the call over
Thanks Steve for the new Tuesday thread

Mema Jo said...

I am going to get some lunch!


Lynne2 said...

thanks Steve and thanks Judie for the call over!

Mits said...

Thanks, Judie for the call over and thanks Jo for bringing the Finney info over.

Lynne2 said...

message on FB that Hope and Lily are still together!

Lynne2 said...

Just saw my first Monarch of the season flittering around my milkweeds which have just budded finally!

hedgie said...

Hello again!
Good lunch....got to see several old friends that we haven't seen in a long time!
Toilet still not cooperating here....Ha, ha Judie---think I'll call Mr. Bill, NOT Frontier!
CHeck out footage from Tai's 5th birthday bash....English translation below video. Even Chinese handler sanf the birthday song in English, tho'. Wonder how the British boys got so lucky??

Tai's Birthday

hedgie said...

Hmmmmm......Hornby is doing T-shirts at CafePress!

movin said...





mAYBE late, but been busy.

How goes it with you??



movin said...

Did you read that Hope and Lily have reunited??



hedgie said...

Hi, Jim. Oh, yes, we were rejoicing last night about Hope and Lily! Link on old thread if you haven't seen it!

Judie said...

Yep, Lynn. Call Bill. More fun to have him around.

Jim, there is a video of Lily and Hope on that website. Really nice and so heartwarming.

Need to look at Tai's birthday party.

Off to search for a hush puppy recipe.

Mema Jo said...

I had a lazy afternoon. Daughter has gone home.. I always enjoy my Tuesdays.

Mema Jo said...


I am so sorry that I forgot to get on here and remind you!

paula eagleholic said...

Yum, hush puppies!

stronghunter said...

Yep, I did, Jo. I was a little late, but I took them. I set up my Yahoo messenger to remind me, but I was taking a panda nap, so I didn't see the message exactly at the right time.


movin said...

I took a short Panda nap too.

Have you seen the wingercises at BWO?? They've gone from little, nearly invisible lumps in the nest materials to nearly full grown ospreys without much notice this year.



Mema Jo said...

I've been watching them Jim.
Won't be too much longer.

Mema Jo said...

Well Shirley at least you got them in you!

Mema Jo said...

My youngest grandson turns 15 today.
These kids are growing up too fast.
He went with me over to the Farmers' Market Sunday. BTW I am cooking the small new potatoes for dinner. They had a lot of peaches displayed.

stronghunter said...

I was pleased to learn how I can put a reminder on my computer. I think I can put one on my cell phone, too.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday to Jo's 15-year-old grandson!!!!

Mema Jo said...

I left him a message over on FB- had to sign it Mema.

Mema Jo said...

Headed to the dinner table....


Ragdoll said...

Hello and Good afternoon everyone. Remember me !! Deb, from way up north. LOL.

Wow, It's been over a week since I have posted. I need to get back to school so I can have a social life.

I hope this finds everyone healthy and happy.

Ragdoll said...

I will never catch up on all the reading. I have read todays. LOL only 27 comments.

Happy Birthday to Jo's Grandson.

I am so happy about Lily and Hope. I hope they stay together.

I haven't posted but When I have a minute or two I tried to check on Palmer, All of you, and Hope.

I have been getting lots of work done on this end. We are no working on the positive drain and I am also trying to get some closets and bureaus cleaned.

You have all been on my heart and mind.

Ragdoll said...

I saw Palmer the other day, maybe yesterday. The parent brought in food. Palmer is so big. Also very selfish. She will have to be this winter. She could be a bit more polite to her MOM and DAD.

movin said...

Excellent video on "the smart bomb", Palmer, landing directly on her dinner, mantling, squalling and driving both parents off the nest in the process, Paula.

Palmer seems to be learning her lessons well, wonder how much longer she will stay around.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Ragdoll said...

My flower gardens are all blooming. I have done lots to my flowers. I enjoy playing in my flower gardens.

We just started getting Japanese Beetles. URGGGG! Yesterday I saw mu first hummer moth. Funny looking characters.

Mema Jo said...

Well Deb - you and that Whale's Tail crossed my mind yesterday. Just wondering how you were and how you are enjoying summer vacation time from work. Very glad you back and like we told Shirley - don't get lost in those closets! lol

Mits said...

smart dog, stupid owner.....

UPPER MACUNGIE TOWNSHIP, Penn. (CNN/WFMZ) -- Talk about one smart pooch! A labrador saved his own life when he was left out in a hot car.

11-year-old Max went on an errand with his owner, but when she got home she immediately was distracted cleaning her home.

About an hour later, she heard a car horn. When she looked outside, she didn't see anything.

A few minutes later, she heard the horn again and spotted the chocolate lab in the driver's seat!

Max's owner took him inside, gave him water, and got him cooled down before taking him to the vet.

Max's owner says she'll never make that mistake again and hopes this serves as a lesson to other pet owners.

Ragdoll said...

That is one smart doggie!!!

Although I have been doing loads of work. I have also been enjoying the time from school. Out in the evening with friends. Relaxing in the evenings on the screen porch. We also volunteer at the local theater once or twice a week. I enjoy that task. Some of the actors are from New York, students from Boston and our own local talent.

Ragdoll said...

I think I heard an eagle call a few minutes ago.

Ragdoll said...

Okay, I am trying to learn how to put pictures on my blog. What a joke. I have a lot to learn. Someday I will have mine pretty like all of you. I have to put a 911 call into my daughter. LOL

stronghunter said...

Story with a happy ending, Mits. Thanks for sharing it.

Mits said...

sounds like you are having a good summer, Deb...and that is good:)

stronghunter said...

If I can figure it out, Deb, I am sure you can figure it out, too.

Just looked out the window. It is raining here!

stronghunter said...

We are in the same storm as Martinsburg and Shepherdstown. Looks like there is more to come.

Ragdoll said...

Yes, it's a good summer. I usually do the Extended School Year., so the work I am getting done is good

Shirley, I just need to take some extra time and play with it.

How's your closets coming along?

stronghunter said...

I still have more to do, Deb. It is a mess. I didn't want to do any summer school classes, either. Now there are offers to teach night classes. I am not interested in those either. I did them before, but prefer to have time to myself for now.

Oh my, I see bird HP in my backyard.

paula eagleholic said...

I think it's sprinkling at the nest...just checked radar, lots of showers around...would love to have some more here.

Gonna go throw the ball for the dogs.

Nice to see you Deb, glad the summer is going well...don't get lost in those closets for sure!

Ragdoll said...

Hubby is sitting on the porch. Wants to know when I would like to join him. I am getting a glass of wine and heading out. No rain here. BBL

Mema Jo said...

Heading over to birthday cake...


hedgie said...

Hi all, and welcome "home", Deb.
Raining here---had a really hard downpour a little while ago.
Bill replaced the inner working of the toidy.....still not acting 100% right....need to watch closely. He says I may need to have the septic pumped......but know from experience that other drains would be backing up if that was the problem...????? Will call my plumber tomorrow and ask him.

hedgie said...

Poor dog, but SMART, and lucky.

hedgie said...

Satellite out---sure glad I have antennae. Just better be ok by 9 for Deadliest Catch!

hedgie said...

Raining at nest, too.

Judie said...

Shirley, glad you remembered the meds.

Happy birthday to your 15 year old grandson, Jo. So nice to hear about a teen going to market with great grandma. Enjoy the birthday cake!

Hi Deb, welcome back! Oh good grief, now we have another momster in the closet. Wondering if this condition is contagious.

Lynn, glad the plumbing is sorta fixed.

Will send a rain wish, Paula. Brief rain here. Not enough.

Good dog, Max. Good dog!

Shirley, are you in or out of the closet this week? Only two more days until Friday.


hedgie said...

Nest is now getting hard downpour that I had earlier.

hedgie said...

Nest bones are getting a good wash. Guess the nest itself will smell better after this.

stronghunter said...

Someone just won $100,000 on Wheel of Fortune. Wouldn't that be nice/

Kathryn is thinking about staying at Maggie Valley until Monday. She wants to leave here at 5:00AM on Friday. I think I can handle that okay. Her father-in-law wants us to bring a truck window with us. I'm glad I don't have to pack the vehicle. Good thing it's Kathryn's SUV. I will just bring my one suitcase and let someone else deal with where things are going to go.

I hear rain at the nest.

I haven't gone back into the closet today, but there is more to be done.

BEagle said...

Good evening everyone.

Can anyone say what happened with the microphone on the nest?

Judie said...

Blog cop ate my post.

Storm here with related issues. Thunder, lightening. Shutting down for now.

BEagle said...

Is anyone else having a lot of static coming in at the nest?

BEagle said...

Yooo Hoooo! Anybody there?


: D (That is so funny when people do that!

stronghunter said...

I hear lots of rain and wind at the nest, but no static.

BEagle said...

I thought it was Palmer landing on the cam again but it was followed by very loud static.

I think something hit it and broke something.

I know there's wind but I have additional static.

paula eagleholic said...

Light rain...yay!

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry BEagle can't hear crap outta this infected ear! Might be more static, not really sure.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Judie, lol

Lolly said...

Hi all! Preparing a quick pasta dinner. It has been a funky day. I feel funky!!! Not sure the problem. Bad mood! Grrrr!

Laurel, Joey, and boys are at 6 Flags. Been receiving cute pics and messages.

Jack and I went to the trailer in storage, hooked it up and did a test drive with the new car. Did just great!

BEagle said...

Mama Swift and Papa Swift are feeding their naked chicks. The chicks have grown a lot already.

I just cannot figure out what holds those little chicks in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

No thunder or lightning BUT wonderful
down pour - Hubby almost needed to pull over because of limited sight.

Oh My - Last for about an hour and I hope it isn't finished.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! Never got on here yesterday after butterfly count! Came home, had giant Panda nap well into the wee hours & then stayed up til work time this AM!I'm pooped!
Didn't get too many butterfly pictures, as most are flying by like birds, but one, a hackberry, especially liked to sit on us! Got pic of it on naturalist Stephanie's nose!Then it went on my hand. She got pic w/her phone, but I don't have it.Saw other neat stuff along the route which went into Merkle State Park next door.Thoroughly enjoyable, no money--there as volunteer. Sure is better than ofice work--YUCK!!
Today I thought Greg K., other naturalist had switched the osprey cam to the older nest because there were 2 chicks. But no, he added a foster.Then a rehab lady brought in 2 fledglings that had been rescued down river. They went out in boat & now cam chick has 2 foster brothers!!

NatureNut said...

We've been having a downpour w/T & L for about 1/2 hour. Maybe I should get off this machine! BBL

hedgie said...

Very little sound at all from nest here....just a mild hum. No static, or rain or wind........pouring here again, but not storming.

hedgie said...

Lowreeda, hope Momma osprey does well by the fosters!! Glad you had fun counting flutterbys!

hedgie said...

Thank goodness my shows are all repeated later tonight, cause satellite is out again. ARGH! Changed all the recording schedules for later.

News Flash:
For those who watch CSI: NY---Melina Kanakeredes (Stella) won't be back in the fall....BOO! BUT: Sela Ward is taking her place....love her. Remember her from "Sisters"? She also had a limited role on House as his ex.

Mema Jo said...

Spidey has lens really covered!

Going to check out a 9:00 TV show


Judie said...

Loweeda, sorry about being pooped but think the butterfly count was great fun. You really must have enjoyed that. Cool about the foster osprey and hope the fostering is successful. Oh, when a butterfly lands on a human it is supposed to bring good luck.

You are welcome, Paula. Wish I could have sent more. Are the meds not working? Not quick enough?

Jo, glad you and hubby are safely home.

BEagle, enjoy the Swifts. Gone all too soon.

Lynn, programs are something to look forward to. Ours went out briefly.

paula eagleholic said...

Doing more zucchini bread tonight, this time with nuts :) Got last 2 loaves in oven.

Judie, ear was hurting, now it's full of medicine and not hurting...I hate the clogged up feeling and not hearing, but what ya gonna do.

hedgie said...

Rain has stopped here.

Ragdoll said...

Just came in for our porch. It's a beautiful evening. It's still warm and muggy. We have hundreds of fireflies this evening.

We are going to get about 1" rain tonight. Boy, do we need it. I didn't have to water my flowers tonight. YeePee!!!!!

Ragdoll said...

We are going camping this weekend. It's not the way I usually go camping. This time it with tents in the wild. We are going to do a little hiking on the Appalachian Trail. I don't know...I am not as young as I use to be. Wish me luck!!!

Ragdoll said...

Paula,I hope you are feeling better with your ears.

Going to take a shower and watch some TV. BBL.

hedgie said...

Deb, if you start on the Trail and just head south, you might be here in time for Open House!!! It's very close to nest!! Enjoy your weekend. Don't forget an air mattress----the ground is really hard nowadays.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Ragdoll. Sounds like fun!

Lolly said...

LOL We used to tent camp. Last time we did it, every night we moved the air mattress to find a better spot. Never did! Every rock and pebble could be felt. I must be a princess!! Now I am so thankful for my bed in the trailer and the bathroom close by. lol Still LOVE camping and hiking.

stronghunter said...

Paula, I hope you feel better very soon.

Enjoy your camping trip, Deb. I will be near the Appalachian Trail, too, but much further south.

Judie, I have never needed to use deer fence, so I don't know much about it. Sorry it has not worked for you. I have birds and squirrels that sometimes get into the few tomatoes and strawberries I have grown.

Lynn, it is so nice to see you back on here tonight. We really missed you.

Hope you are enjoying your program, Jo.

How nice to have a butterfly light on your hand, Loretta.

I really like your avatar, BEagle, especially after all of the comments about slugs. Most appropriate.

stronghunter said...

I'm with you, Lolly, I appreciate a bed and a real bathroom, not to mention a kitchen. That's nice, too.

We had our camper in a Wisconsin campground one night and were trying to sit outdoors, but we were being attacked by mosquitoes. We were very thankful for the camper with screens on the windows. (To which we retreated.)

When we went to bed, the screens were all covered with mosquitoes trying to get inside.

stronghunter said...

I'm ready to head upstairs with a good book.

stronghunter said...

See you tomorrow. Good night and God bless.

magpie said...

Just missed you Shirley I think...
Good to see Ragdoll Deb on here and many others
sure hope and pray that the different ailments here and there take a hike!

Rain rain and more rain...tried to put my buggy into all wheel drive it did not want to cooperate...now what!

Lolly - I get those bad moods sometimes, not sure I call them bad moods...but...sad and down moods sometimes...hope yours takes a hike pronto also!

Had a great time at the Soup Kitchen

magpie said...

and hot dogs were the ticket for James believe me...
kid after my own heart, he started his meal with his dessert...vanilla yellow cake..with two different kinds of icing

magpie said...

The Church folks were lovely...so welcoming...and the church building is a charming place...
church itself, stunning...

the chow was great, I had my two hotdogs, my bread pudding. James's bread pudding - a bowl of great chili...and my own dessert...and some tea...
got a full tummy, great fellowship

Thanks Wanda and Gene !!

Lolly said...

Nite Shirley!

Thank you, Margy! I would like to shake it! Maybe I should just go to bed and sleep it off!

magpie said...

plumbing problems are a pain in the hiney! Hope your situation is a simple fix, Lynn...

Great PRP report, Loretta...nice foster Osprey story...

Best wishes for a good night everyone...
I have a checkbook balance problem to figure out

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Lolly said...

Hey, I am a strong believer in dessert first. When we were in Paris we would pass the pastry shops. I would be drooling and we always said..."later". Later never came!! So, when you are hungry....enjoy that dessert!

Sounds like a great time at the supper. Sounded yummy! Did they have many takers?

magpie said...

I tend to say the 23rd Psalm over and over and over again...
have a little book that sort of puts the verses in a light that I can relate to...
Then I pray for peace and that I can fall asleep....
(( Hugs ♥ ))

Lolly said...

Tomorrow the carpet cleaner comes. He will probably be here around nine...that ruins my lazy morning.

magpie said...

Lolly -
I think there were eleven new guests before we showed up and became New #12 and #13....♥
Wanda will probably post the count later...
James really enjoyed himself too...I was very proud to have him with me...

Lolly said...

Margy, you are so sweet! (((hugs)) right back at you.

hedgie said...

Shirley, I am SO very glad to be b ack among my friends! It was an awful 9 days without all y'all.
We were down at Chincoteague one time when the skeeters were so bad that the noise of them on the screens kept us awake all night and just going from truck to camper was awful. We hitched up the next morning and headed home---itching and scratching.

Ragdoll said...

Well, I am falling asleep watching "The Good Wife". So I am heading up the stairs.

It is so nice to see you all. I have to make more time. I have missed you all. See you tomorrow.

Good Night, Prayers for all needs, health issues and wants.
Pleasant dreams to all. Night, Night.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Bev - Will look forward to seeing you tomorrow..

Judie said...

Goodnight, Shirley.

Deb, enjoy the camping and hiking and listen to Lynn about the air mattress. Don't forget the bug repellent.

Margy, glad you and James had a nice time tonight at the soup kitchen. Am sure Gene and Wanda were pleased to have you two join them. Out in the midwest, when we had snow and blizzard power outages, the rule was always eat the ice cream first.

Lolly, sure would welcome having my morning ruined by the arrival of a carpet cleaner! Jealous.

Margy made a funny: plumbing problems are a pain in the hiney.

Time to find the sandperson. Turning my light off but leaving the night light on for others coming in. Pleasant dreams of seeing Palmer tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Margy, glad you and James had an enjoyable meal and fellowship.
Sorry about the Blazer.....hoping it's a minor fix. Checkbook, too!

Mema Jo said...

TV show "White Collar" FBI themes was ok - I'll watch it next week.

Once I had a butterfly sit on my hand.. I was watching the eagles' nest when it happened.

Happy you and James enjoyed your evening. I know you had good company.

I am going to close up shop..
Heading back the hallway..

Good Night and prayers for all..
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Oh-oh, am I confused??? I've been calling Ragdoll Deb.........did I goof???

Judie, I read Margy's thing and it didn't hit me until you repeated it! LOL......I can be a little slow sometimes!

I am adding my goodnight to the rest. Was up too early this morning. Pleasant dreams. Prayers for all needs.

Andy-----hi and bye!

hedgie said...

P.S. Lily and Hope update!


Costume Lady said...

Almost bedtime...
As Margy told you, our Soup Kitchen was fun tonight...always is. James had a blast, I do believe. It was a new experience. It is so wonderful how Margy teaches him and treats him to so much of the world around him! I have posted a few photos on Just for Fun of their visit.


Tired tonight, so I'm saying...

Costume Lady said...

Hopping back on to tell Lynn that we had the very same experience at Chincoteague. As we ran back to the Motor Home we shooed the skeetas away from each other with a magazine...awful!

Lolly said...

Just read the update on Hope and see that Lynn beat me to it.☺

Heading to the shower. Think I am ready for bed.

Nite all!

Sweet dreams! Going to check Wanda's pics first!

Lolly said...

holiree!!!!!! That is what I had to type to make a comment on Wanda's blog. LOL

Margy, big concern!!! Where, or where were your bibs? ☺

Nite all!

magpie said...

I DID have a bib apron...but all the cleaning up was taken care of by the church folks ☺

Forgot to wish Jo's youngest grandson a Happy 15th Birthday (with just barely 15 minutes left on this Special Day !

Good Night all you Special People...and the Night Owls to come on later perhaps...

xoxo ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I'm getting here late, so before it's belated, here's a

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jo's grandson!
Hope today was a really special one for you!

Just got home from school a short while ago. Got caught up on today's blog. Thanks, Paula, for the "Thanks for the fish" video of our Palmer! It's a classic!

Gosh, Lynn, sorry you're having problems with the plumbing! Hope that gets straightened out, pronto!
SOOOOOO good to have you back here!

Shirley, do you hire out to do closets? Mine need some attention, for sure!

Good to see Ragdoll/Deb back here again! You have been missed! Hope you're able to spend more time with all of us. Know how it is, sometimes, though. Get mighty busy myself, lately.

May have to type up class notes for my classmate again tomorrow. She was MIA on Monday night. Haven't heard from her, so will have to either e-mail or call her.

Got all my Practice 3 homework done except for the 10 word definitions. Will do those tomorrow, and can go home from school early on Thurs. after handing all that in and signing the attendance sheet. When I asked the Dean of Admissions about the other 6 weeks of Vocabulary class, he said not to worry about it, and they will give me full credit for the class! Yippee! Wonder if he spoke with my teacher, though. Will try to find her on Thursday.

Ms Bookworm said...

Getting kinda sleepy here, so think I'll go veg in TV land for a bit, then call it a day. Prayers said for everyone. Sleep well, good buddies, and have sweet dreams of Palmer. Will talk to you in the morning.

The night light is on, the porch light is automatic, and the eye scanner security is enabled. (Russian spies, don't even think about it!) Good night, and God bless! Love all of you guys! :o]

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eaglette Land Friends!

Just waiting for Palmer to reappear this morning. Haven't seen her yet.

It seems everyone made it through the rain and storms last night. Thank you Lord for the rain!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

I am up early after falling asleep early last night.

Palmer just arrived in the tree.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Nest empty now, but I hear Palmer!

BEagle said...

Good morning.

The static is gone and I heard Palmer too. No can see though.

BEagle said...

Did the same Paula. Have been up a couple of hours.

Haven't seen Palmer though.

stronghunter said...

More calls from Palmer.

BEagle said...

I heard Palmer in the distance.

BEagle said...

It's windy at the nest.

BEagle said...

Good morning Lori.

BEagle said...

I hear a bird but I do not think it is Palmer.

Lori O. said...

Hey Paula and BEagle,

DANG! I missed her this morning.

Isn't it great getting up early?
Sorry about your ear problem, Paula.

Lori O. said...

My apologies.

Good morning StrongHunter!

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Lori.

magpie said...

Good Morning
Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

How Great, Palmer graced the morning and the nest with her presence

Best wishes for a great day today...
today is "Eat Healthy" at work...some are bringing salad makings...
I'm in charge of the Smoothies!

time to leave...
xoxo ☺

stronghunter said...

We had thunder and pouring rain here last night. I am glad to see that the baby tree I planted did not wash downhill.

BEagle said...

Lori, you missed Palmer's song. She has not appeared on the nest yet.

BEagle said...

I hear her again.

stronghunter said...

Bye, Margy! Enjoy your healthy foods.

BEagle said...

There's some noise at the cam. Maybe that is her or Belle or Lib.

BEagle said...

Later Margy. Enjoy a healthy day.

Mits said...

Good Wednesday morning everyone:)

Mits said...

Happy Bastille day to those who celebrate, it is July 14th:)

BEagle said...

I am not very French.

Mits said...

I'm not either BE.

Mits said...

from LOL....

Osprey Dairy 14th July
July 14th, 2010 by E Rawling, Perthshire Ranger SWT
A cool, damp and windy morning here at Lowes, with both the chicks visiting the nest in between training flights. Both are looking more confident in their flights and making remarkably good landings all things considered.

Our poor lady osprey has been looking a wee bit lonely on the nest -a bad case of empty nest syndrome literally. Some of us have been noticing that she seems to be spending a lot of time on the nest, rather than joining in with fishing, which would be more usual at this time of year. Is she resting up to build her strength? She seems to be supervising the youngsters and watching carefully, but taking things easy. Not a bad thing as she has only weeks left to gain strength before autumn migration. We can only hope she reaches full condition in time, in order to have the best chance of surviving the journey ahead.

Emma Rawling

Perthshire Ranger

BEagle said...

My grades were horrible in history and geography.

Had to look it up.

Mits said...

they have just put Mei Xiang and Tian Tian together at the zoo, 1st time since January

BEagle said...

It's easy to forget that Isla is will into her osprey years.

Makes you wonder if this is her last brood, but I am sure she will continue on as her instincts dictate.

Mits said...

yeah who knows what is in store for her.

BEagle said...

The IWS nests are still dark. There is an eaglet on the TH and WE nest.

hedgie said...

Good cloudy morning. MT nest, except for detritus.

BEagle said...

The other TH chick has arrived. They must be preparing to receive a meal.

07 is a pretty picture in the early morning sun and the feathers ruffled by the wind.

He just opened his wings and let the wind carry him upward and came back down as the wind died. Interesting what young eagles do.

BEagle said...

I forgot to note the WE nest is the one with 07.

BEagle said...

I see I must pull out a dictionary.

BEagle said...

Good morning Hedgie.

Had to look up detritus.

We did hear Palmer this morning but she didn't land on the nest.

All I hear now is a twig hitting the cam.

BEagle said...

There's a little crowd on the BWO nest.
Wondering if the fourth little bird is a visitor from another nest.

BEagle said...

Maybe it's the other adult. ?

hedgie said...

Storm the Bastille! Wasn't that what happened near the end of Les Mis??? Basically guess it was French "independence" but not from another country as our revolution was.

Andy...so glad you can skip the rest of vocab classes! Keep up the excellent work!

Wanda....glad you all escaped the Chincoteague assault, too. I can't remember what year it was. Maybe we were all there the same year. I would say it was probably in the early 80's.

Paula, hope you are feeling better. Lynne and Judie and Lolly, too.

Hi ya', Lori!!!! Our early-early bird!

hedgie said...

Mits, nice that they have put the pandas back together. Some interaction and playtime should make the summer less boring for them. Glad that it's going to be cloudy and cooler today for your shift. Toss up as to hair day: humidity=LIMP, but spray attracts gnats! Wear a hat!!

stronghunter said...

Hi BEagle,

You can always take a quick look at an on-line dictionary:




BEagle said...

Thank you Shirley. I thought I said something offensive.

I have a Webster's right next to the computer so I looked up detritus.

stronghunter said...

I always think of A Tale of Two Cities when I think of French history. It's my source of information about the French Revolution, although it's a fictional account. I use the movie in my English 12 classes; then I point out that the same author also wrote A Christmas Carol, a story most of them know--and one of Margy's favorites.

stronghunter said...

I think you are safe, BEagle!

stronghunter said...

Working on getting ready to pack. Will just brought up my suitcase from the basement. I was afraid I might need to buy a new one. With everything we are taking along, I needed the smaller suitcase, and now I have it.

Two basset hounds and a dog crate will take up a lot of space. And then there is the truck window.

BEagle said...

I work with a fellow who minored in history in college.

He would get into historical events like you just did Shirley and I can listen to him for hours talking history.

I told him it would have been nice to have a teacher like him who could make history fun and interesting.

He can take movies with historical settings and tear them apart with his knowledge of historical events, locations, and people esp. American history.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Headed for coffee and newspaper.

Andy, glad you have school work almost completed this week AND that you may get credit for the vocabulary class. That would be excellent.

Yep, Lynn. When power goes out, eat the ice cream first and put everything in a box outside in the 20 degree weather.

Email from Chrissy. Beauty doing fine. Old age and heat.

Don't celebrate Bastille Day but do remember I was about the only student in my high school English class who actually enjoyed reading A Tale of Two Cities.

Shirley, glad the tree is still standing. Storm here, also. Sure needed the rain.

Okay, BBL

BEagle said...

Have a very good time on your trip

Over and out.

stronghunter said...

Haven't tried to make them read the book recently, Judie. That is why I use the movie. I read it myself when I was in high school, but Dickens is a challenge for many students.

stronghunter said...

Well, I hope the goldfinches enjoy eating thistle seeds from the ground. It has to be the squirrels. The bottom of the finch sock has a hole in it and almost all of the seeds are on the ground. Second time that has happened. Last summer's squirrels didn't bother the finch sock. They checked it out, then left it alone.

I dumped the few remaining thistle seeds into one of the bird feeders.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Just time to say good morning then I have to get off. Carpet clearner could be here in 30 minutes. There are a few things I gotta get done.

Have a good one!

stronghunter said...

Going to see if I can get a haircut today. I have a dual enrollment meeting tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Hi Lolly,

Probably should get some carpets cleaned here, too. I have a carpet cleaner, but there are some stains I haven't been able to remove.

hedgie said...

Threw out some old grape toms last evening.....hoping to lure Myrtle back in. Nope...but a squirrel is having a feast right now.

stronghunter said...

Squirrels usually manage to have feasts with whatever you put out there.

NatureNut said...

Morning Everyone!Never got back on last night---konked out & made up on much needed zzzzzz's.
Altho rain is trying to stop & it's only low 70's here, probably will get hot & clammy. Gotta wrear the right outfit & head to Chelsea. I don't know if I can get on Blog there---lately it's been off limits--Boo.
So hope nice day & travel plans go well for those that are getting out of town! Be in touch later....

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning all you beautiful people out there in eagle land!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

The squirrels here aren't particular either. They will eat anything and everything I put out for them. Haven't seen our deer for 3-4 days. We bought corn and put it out and I told Tom I think it had deer repellent in it! LOL!!

Hope everyone is doing okay. Love and hugs to all!!

Lolly said...

Carpet clearner still is not here. Oh, well, have accomplished more this morning than I did all day yesterday.

Jack has retreated to his shop. ☺

Back to work!

stronghunter said...

Hair appointment is for tomorrow.

Just realized that I will not be able to use my Yahoo calendar to remind me of things when I'm at school because the school blocks Yahoo messenger. Wonder if I can figure out a way around it. I know I could have it e-mail me. Hmmm.

Judie said...

Saw the first hummingbird a few minutes ago. Hurried and made up some nectar and put it out. Would love to see many more.

LOL MT nest, full house at Loch Garten, Phoenix looking over edge of nest -- looks misty there.

Shirley, try one of the Resolve products depending on what you need done. Could be used as a pre-clean. Happy haircut.

Lolly, is carpet clearning more intense than carpet cleaning? Shirley might have an inquiring mind.

Back to watching a trial. Son admits killing father and mother and sister on trial as his accomplice in mother's death. Claims of schizophrenia involved so am particularly interested.


Judie said...

Pardon my lack of manners, please.

Hi Sissy and Lynn and Loweeda.

Squirrels love leftover/stale bread, too.

Mema Jo said...

Good Late Wet Morning! So happy happy to see the wetness that occured overnite. It is breezy here in the valley like at the nest.
Nothing exciting planned until 5:00 when it's Alexis time.

Costume Lady said...

Squirrels also love to lick the leftovers off of the grill...so be sure you close it up when you are done!:)

Mema Jo said...

Hey there Sharon - good to see and hear from you today!

Costume Lady said...

I was going to get a carpet cleaner to do GG's carpet...but maybe I should try a carpet clearner, they may do a better job;)

hedgie said...

You gals are too funny!

In addition to fighting with the commode, (hey, wonder what's up with Vicky in Commodetown?!) I also battled with big p--- ants yesterday. Sprayed good and it's working, but the stuff for outside says to only use on dry ground when no rain predicted for 24 hrs. Guess I should have been more proactive and done it last week....argh! Just can't figure how they are getting in.

Mema Jo said...

Hubby just brought in a new larger monitor for me. Need to sign off for awhile


Judie said...

Oooh! Jo's getting a larger monitor. All the better to read us with.

Sorry about the ants, Lynn. In a way, wish some of the earlier anti-bug cures were still available but safe for the environment.

Keep track of Shirley at 3:30. She's going to get her "do" did tomorrow.

hedgie said...

How big is it, Jo? Love my 17" on my PC! Bill got it for me at least 5 yrs. ago.

movin said...


GooD Wednesday MorN

tO YoU aLL.




Lolly said...

Carpet clearners come late!!! Will be sure to get cleaners next time!!! They are here now! A guy did call and say they would be late..duh! He knew I was a little ticked. hee hee Always get a email evaluation afterwards. hee hee Always easier to send a written evaluation. I talk big but when it comes face to face I am not so fierce.

Lolly said...

Did some good cleaning waiting for the "clearners" to arrive. Cleaned two ceiling fans, a storm door, the wine glass rack and the fronts of my kitchen cabinets. I am on a roll!!

hedgie said...

Well, it's time for me to get ready to take the dog in for her pedicure. Hate it! BBL.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

RE: Kailey. Dawn posted this Monday. Sorry I have been in a fog!!
DAILY KAILEY: Kailey weighs 2 lbs 11 ozs, she has gained little over a whole lb since birth. She's off the respirator & has nasal cannula in place.

stronghunter said...

Sounds encouraging, Sissy. Thanks for sharing.

Ragdoll said...

Good afternoon eagle buddies!!! Thank you all for making me feel so special. It's nice to know I was missed. :)

This morning I did phone errands. I hate doing errands on the phone, always get put on hold or transferred ten times. If your lucky enough to get a person. Well, all done now.

Well, Shirley looks like no time for to do closets today.

stronghunter said...

Might go out and attack some crabgrass and other bad things today,Deb.

My bridge club comes on Wednesday next week, and I would like for the front yard to look nice.

Ragdoll said...

Sounds like some progress for Kailey. Will, keep the prayers going for little Kailey.

Andy, glad to hear all is going well with school....with all your hard work. You go Girl! Hope you get the vocab. credit.

Paula, I pray your ears are feeling better.

Lolly, They better do a good job on your rugs. Especially because they were late. I need to do my rugs before school starts. Oh boy!! More exercise...mmmmmmm!

Ragdoll said...

We got lots of rain last night. Yea! I don't have to water plants. We have more coming today.

I might have to do the theater tonight. I enjoy it, but I haven't packed a thing for the camping/hiking trip yet. I have my GS tomorrow night. He is sleeping here. We leave Friday at noon. I better get my but in gear. LOL

Ragdoll said...

Well, I have to get ready and run to the city. More errands. Yuk!!!

I will be back later, until then I hope you all enjoy your afternoon. :) (^..^ meow)

Oh, thinking of kitties, Lolly, how is Annie doing?

See you soon!!!!

Lolly said...

"Clearners" are gone. They did a good job. Then I asked a question about a repair and he said he could do it. Yea! Had a burn spot in front of the fireplace where a spark had landed. I had saved a sample of carpet and he patched it. ☺ Wonder if Jack will notice?

Then ran into town and picked up the burp cloths. They are so cute!Took a couple of pictures and uploaded them to family pics blog.

Deb...Annie is doing just great. She is back to her old self, wanting to be petted. Every night when we go to bed she is right there, in our faces, demanding to be petted. She is thinking "Ah ha, gotcha where I wantcha, now your gonna pet me!" Also, every time I sit down to do my hair, here she comes. She is not limping, so that is okay and she is eating good. Now, I am going to tell you....we made the decision not to give her the meds. Giving her pills was changing her personality, she was running from us, fearful of us. That is NOT what we wanted. She is 15, she sleeps most of the time, but last night she wanted to play. That is my Annie. We will not let her be in pain, but she is happy now and so are we. What will be will be.

stronghunter said...

I left a comment for you on the burp cloth pic.

stronghunter said...

I understand your decision about the medication. We had that problem with George with a particular medication.

Lolly said...

Thank you Shirley, for the comment, but a BIG thank you for understanding our decision about Annie. We had to make the decision on the quality of her life and it just was not good the way it was. There was the other alternative but that was huge $$$ for a few more years to her life. We are going to love her loads and pet her a lot. lol

stronghunter said...

Taking pills now so I can go outdoors for awhile.

stronghunter said...

I told the doctor that we just could not give George those particular pills anymore because it upset him too much. He wasn't just running from us. He was foaming at the mouth. No good for anybody.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Lolly, I also understand about your decision regarding Annie and the meds. The most important thing to consider is quality of life. The alternative to that particular med is SOOO expensive that YOUR quality of life is affected, and the pill form of the med for Annie is just not worth the consequences for the poor girl!
She has already led a long and happy life. I say, just enjoy whatever time you have with her, and pet her a lot. She will be grateful that she doesn't need to be "tortured" by administration of that pill! You are doing the right thing. :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

JMHO, of course!

Lolly said...

Thank you, Andy!!!!!!! I have hesitated telling anyone for fear of being judged.

hedgie said...

Oh, Lolly, no judgement on that decision. You are doing what you feel is best, and Annie is HABBY....and that is all that really matters.

Have had more rain. On way in to town, had already rained there. On way back, had already rained here! I didn't have to dodge raindrops on either end of the trip! Just finished raining again here.

Sweet little Kailey.....so I guess they have been able to prevent or, atleast, postpone more surgery, Sissy??

hedgie said...

Oh-oh....NO WAX, please.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...