Tuesday, July 06, 2010


New thread.  Getting hotter...


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Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

MT nest, I see. Yes, I have amazing luck with timing and being able to get the MT nest.

Good morning, Shirley and Phyrfly

I see Margy has been into the Chasteberries this morning and is feeling gorggy.

Speaking of ospreys, I see Isla and EJ are still feeding the chicks. Are they weaned the way eaglets are? When does migration usually begin? I new to ospreys, as you can guess.

Wanda, are you all thinking about the soup kitchen every week even in summer or just in the coldest weather in winter? Good work you and Gene are doing but...how many helpers would you have every week?

Andy, feeling much better. Just seem to be drained from all the oppressive heat. Need lots of rain around here.

Off to get coffee and newspaper. BBL

Lynne2 said...

Good sweltering morning all! Much more humid here this AM

Took dogs for run EARLY, did some chores and now heading off to Irvine for a few hours.

Feeling a bit blue about my gardens. Despite watering, everything sort of looks, well, sad. My sunflowers last week were gorgeous and now the petals are shriveling on the ends and the leaves are getting yellow spots. Other things just look washed out and are not growing very well. UGH.

I just broke into laughter this morning when the weather gal said "heat wave will break tomorrow as temps will ONLY be near 95, although it will be humid" LOL LOL! and LOL!

Better get going...have a good morning all and I'll see you later!

Judie said...

Shirley did the split this a.m.

Lynne2 said...

not happy that Palmer is MIA this morning :(

stronghunter said...

I left my raincoat at school and had a friend pick it up and take it home with her. We agreed that we'd get together sometime this summer so I could get it back. A raincoat is something I have not needed at all this summer. Unfortunately.

Judie said...

Have a good day, Lynne. Know what you mean about the garden/flowers. Ours are not doing well either.

Lynne2 said...

glad you are feeling better Judie! I know what you mean about the heat...it really is exhausting.

I guess Shirley has WAX this morning!

stronghunter said...

Very glad to read that you are better this morning, Judie.

The heat is definitely hard on our plants.

Dana Gray said...

Lynne2, Sorry about your garden. My son built me a small underground irrigation system for my garden using caught rain water. I am thankful that when he built it he anticipated the need to use a hose at times. So far so good

Costume Lady said...

This 'puter says it is 78°, but I was out in the garden and I know it is warmer than that...must be 95° already!

Judie, we threw out a lot of suggestions that have been given to us, to our volunteers and serving dinner every Tuesday was one of them. We wanted to see who all was interested enough to serve on the various committees. Just asked everyone to run the suggestions through their minds and we will have another meeting later. Probably won't do anything until Fall, if EVERY Tuesday is decided upon.
We have won one soul over to the Lord in the 3 months that we have had the Soup Kitchen and, to me, that is worth the time and effort that we all have put into this project:)

Shirley, have you been dieting?

Lynne, I think flowers and plants are just like humans, in that they can only stand so much heat:(

stronghunter said...

I have lost weight because of the colitis, but once it started, I have not fought it. I would not recommend this way of losing weight, though. It got to the point that I really needed new clothes. Twenty pounds so far.

Lolly said...

Good morning! We have more rain coming so heading out to mow in a few minutes. Need to beat the rain. I have to say that our lawn and flowers look beautiful! The rain last week really perked things up. So nice to look great in July!

Have a great day! I am heading out!

stronghunter said...

My lawnmower is not working. At this point, it does not matter, but I guess I need to do something about it.

stronghunter said...

Bye for now, Lolly.

NatureNut said...

Gotta hit the trail---put yesterdays osprey event pics on Blog.

I know Megan is real busy, but in answer to her ? about the suet~~Yes, Fubby has been leaving the cellophane cover on them to deter the starlings and grackles somewhat. The woodies can poke right thru it.

stronghunter said...

I don't suppose cellophane would deter squirrels. They go right through the suet here.

Mits said...

Good "WEDNESDAY" morning everyone...stay out of the heat:(

Mits said...

just talked to Lynn, she is fine....Frontiernet is still working on getting everyone online, might take some time in the changeover from Verizon..

stronghunter said...

Golly, that changeover is taking awhile.

Mits said...

yes it is Shirley...while we were talking Frontiernet was calling her.....she has called everyone, including the Governor's office to let them know what is going on...

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone! Thanks Mits for calling Lynn. I can imagine her frustrations of being cut off for so long.
I see the Still cam is still dead.
Live feed is running - MT except for that turtle shell!

Mits said...


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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...