Thursday, July 22, 2010


New thread.


paula eagleholic said...

The weekend is in sight! One more day! Have a great one!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve and for the call-over, Paula.

I have to hook up to my printer and print out some stuff.


Costume Lady said...

BOB QUINN posted photos on last thread:

Bob Quinn said...
Good morning! I see Lisa beat me to the punch. Photos are here:

BW Photos

Thursday, July 22, 2010 9:47:00 AM

Costume Lady said...

Love Bob's capture of the BEAVER carrying materials for his DAM. Probably a FIRST for him:)

Bob Quinn said...

Here's the link:

BW Photos

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - nice to start my day on a fresh new thread- Thanks Steve.

I'll be going over to quickly play catch up on the other thread as I am packing it up for leaving shortly after the noon hour for the surf/sand.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey, Bob, you beat me to your link!

And no, Bob doesn't take any bad photos!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, have a great ride down to the beach. Enjoy your family, and check in with us when you can!

Judie said...

Good morning, and thank you Steve for the new thread and Paula for the first call over.

Hi Shirley. Sorry you weren't THE winner but glad you weren't last.

Thank you for the advice about lamp shades at Lowes. Went online and think I may have found a possible replacement. Will have to go and look in real life to make sure.

Yesterday was a lot of walking so that was the problem. Grocery shopping, etc. Feel better this a.m. but a little slow getting started.

Looking forward to an update on Ajay.

Still need to look at pictures and see that Bob has added some as well. Will try to get to those soon. First, need to try to clean myself up -- must notify Water Authority of an excessive amount of grime coming their way.

Have signed up for some online teaching instruction. That will be needed if I take the police class fully online next year. Just the thought gives me anxiety -- so computer challenged.

Have a good morning everyone. BBL

Judie said...

Doing a Margy:

Wanda, a first for Bob or the beaver? Can't imagine seeing Bob carrying a stick to a dam.

Jo, safe trip to the sand (new word for b____. Megan will never know.


Costume Lady said...

LOL, Judie...BOB would carry grasses in his mouth to get a great photo!

Bob Quinn said...

I photographed beavers before but never at Blackwater. Got some shots of a large beaver construction project in Moorefield WV once.

Costume Lady said...

Dearest Jo...a well deserved vacation...happy you can get away and relax. There may be 20 or 30 of us to pile into the Eagle Express and visit you for a few days;)

Costume Lady said...

But Bob, have you ever seen one with nesting materials in it's mouth (or is that food for babies?)?

Bob Quinn said...

Ah, no. Don't ever think I've seen a mouthful like that!

Costume Lady said...

SHIRLEY posted a link to BABY BOX cute and tiny:
Posting the blue link is not my forte, so you need to go back to last thread:

stronghunter said...
Box Turtles

Interesting information, though whoever wrote this doesn't get an A in spelling!

Thursday, July 22, 2010 10:10:00 AM

movin said...





[:~D] Jim

Mema Jo said...

Will do Paula. I am hoping that Ajay feels better as each day passes but that she doesn't overdo!

Mema Jo said...

Bob - what can I say that I haven't said before when looking at your photos. Such a variety you find and they are all just perfect. Thanks
for sharing!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Jim

hedgie said...

Good morning all.
THis has been a messed up one for me. Overslept---til after 8! Rarely dream but had a bad one last night that woke me up and had a hard time getting back to sleep---I killed a kid on a sled in the snow....and I DON'T DRIVE in snow anymore!!! Rushed to the blood test center. Got home to find that stoopid neighbor has moved dogs 30 ft. closer to my property line and back far enough that my fence doesn't hide guess I'll have to add more fence. Hair apptmt. in a little over an hour. I'm TIRED!

Mits said...

hmmm, just downloaded something called microsoft fix it, because IE8 freezes so much, now I have lost all the pics on the blog...back to the drawing board.

Mema Jo said...

Take a deep breath and keep on going gal!

hedgie said...

Dana....why is your laptop keyboard crooked? Don't understand what you mean!

Shirley and Lolly, cute cat stories. I had one dog who LOVED the vacuum cleaner----I always had to vacuum HER everytime I had it out.

Wanda---poor GG....sure glad she didn't find the loo outside!

Bob, you are something else!! What a talent.

Mits said...

Lynn, I'm exhausted reading about your morning

paula eagleholic said...

I told Ajay that everyone said she had better follow the Dr's 0rders!

hedgie said...

Happy Birthday, Mei!!!!

Loretta.....feel so bad that all of your week days off involve dr. apptmts. Ugh.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Lynn, that's a horrible dream...I hate dreams like that...

hedgie said...

Judie, hope the store has the shade you like!

As to Lolly's story about the cat on the fur coat....a new supervisor came to our plant. Saw my sister with me across a crowded store and came and asked who she was, etc. Ended up they dated for a couple of years. He was a rigid ex-Army type...who fell in love with my SharPei. He would literally chase her through the house and talk baby talk to her to get her to like him....which she didn't. He came to pick up sis one night for a date (don't recall why she was at my house), and Shang walked over, hiked HER leg and pee-ed all over his leg! It was all hubby and I could do not to laugh and applaud!!!

hedgie said...

With that, I will leave again. Be back later after my hair gets beautified.

Mema Jo said...

I heard what you said Wanda about a visitor or 20. Helen & I would need to split you up! lol

Mema Jo said...

Take care - need to finish packing my bags.. Talk to you later!

Mema Jo said...

Almost ready to pull out
Will keep in touch as much as possible

Really hope you see Palmer one more time

Love ya friends! xoxoxoxo ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Well, guess Jo is gone now, so maybe I should yell....HAVE FUN JO! DONT FORGET TO SEND ME A MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE!

Just came in a little while ago from doing the yard. Lost three pounds and my face was beet red when I cam in. Now I am all clean but plum tuckered out!

Bob, love the pictures as usual. I had a bunch that were my favorite. lol To get beaver pictures is really special.

Lolly said...

Time to start doing a little house work. Not much to do as I gave it a thorough cleaning last week, but I do need to get fresh sheets on the bed in the front bedroom.


paula eagleholic said...

Hedgie - love the dog pee story!

movin said...

Tuned in to the WE nest, and the youngest is not there right now.

But an adult, Wray, I think, is waiting patiently there. Can't see if she has a fish or not.

[:~D] Jim

hedgie said...

WhooHoo----Praise the Lord----Hallelujiah!!! Carolyn got the job!!!! She starts Monday!!
Thanks for all thoughts and prayers and crossed digits!!!

stronghunter said...

Yay, Lynn!! I am so happy for Carolyn and for you. Wonderful!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Best news I've heard all morning!!!
Couldn't be happier for Carolyn!!!
Sorry your morning has been sorta crazy. Hate when I wake up late and have to be somewhere! Hope all goes well with your tests. Sorry about your neighbor, too. We've finally made it official--our trigger-happy neighbor behind us is now considered to be gone for good!
Haven't seen a living soul back there for about 6 weeks now, and no lights on at all after dark. We figure they may have been just renting, or else they had a forclosure experience.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Shirley! This mama can relax a bit now!!
BTW---forgot to say that sis's BF was a West Point grad! Yep, Paula....after Gail washed and dried his slacks and they left, the rest of us were ROFL. And Shang got extra attention and treats!

Ms Bookworm said...

...In any case, ask me if I miss them!

Ms Bookworm said...

LOVE the Sharpei story! LOL! :oD

Got a bit of a late start myself this morning--slept in, then couldn't get it in gear right away.
Coffee finally kicked in.

Saw a Band-tailed Pigeon this morning--it's been a couple of weeks since I've seen one. Glad he's back! Was greeted by one of our hummers when I was out watering the patio plants earlier. Cute little fella! Gets right in your face! I just about give up when it comes to cleaning up after the baby herons! They seem to insist on hanging around the front porch and our back patio at night, and I've never seen such busy poopers! It's a never-ending battle, I guess.

Ms Bookworm said...

Here's an idea of what I'm up against, trying to clean up the yard!

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Get out the hose again, Andy!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, need to sign off for a while. Got a CD for a computer program that speeds up your computer's performance on the internet. Had one from Earthlink on my computer that I was trying for 30 days, but didn't see any difference. When they removed it, my computer suddenly got ridiculously slow--worse than it was before the trial program. Long story short, I ordered this new one from someone else. Will let you know if it works well!

Ms Bookworm said...

You got that right, Paula! No rest for the weary, I guess. :o[

Ms Bookworm said...


hedgie said...

Oh, Andy, that is excellent news!!! Just hope that somebody is tending to the lawn so that you don't have a mess of weeds and junk that will draw more rats! Thanks for congrats!!

hedgie said...

Shirley, thanks for the RainForest link......lots of cute babies. DId you notice the one python egg that looked like a peeled cooked chicken egg? Weird. Yep, the facts they had about the box turtle jive with what I had learned recently, except the baby coming out of the egg is much smaller than I realized.

hedgie said...

Oh, my, Andy, that is some big globs!!!!! Yucko!

stronghunter said...

Rainforest Link

Brought over the link to the baby turtles and rainforest babies.

Ms Bookworm said...

Yes, Lynn,

There seems to be a gardener who shows up on Fridays to do their yard. So far, so good.

You aren't kidding, yucko! The only other bird I've ever seen that poops so much is a seagull! If they wouldn't hang around here at night, it wouldn't be so bad. Would think the parents would take them fishing to teach them how to feed themselves, but maybe they need more wingersizes to build up their wing strength first. They seem to be able to fly pretty well, though. Sigh....Can't wait for the first really good rainstorm to clean things up!

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Bob, super terrific pictures. Liked each one. Have a question - the large bird with red bill -- not seen one before. What it is, please?

This was a day for reading and resting my legs.

Happy sand trails to Mema Jo.

Lynn, I could not possibly be more happy for Carolyn. Now, maybe on Monday, she can sound a 911 alarm to rescue Andy from the, uh, mess.
Congratulations and maybe this could justify another peanut butter cake? Am sure the good news has erased the hectic morning.

Dana, did you figure out the crooked keyboard? Check to see if you're sitting up straight, lol.

Well, inspiration tonight is steak, mushroom sauce, baked potato, and a salad.


Ms Bookworm said...

Well, have installed the new program on the ole laptop. It apparently is in its "learning" phase right now. Seems it figures out what you do on the internet, then decides how to speed up the computer. We'll see!

Lolly said...

Wahooooo!!!!! Way to go Carolyn!!!! Lynn, we are all celebrating with you!!! Now all we need is for Lynne to get her job, for it to rain on Megan and me and we will all be happy campers!!! Well...and a few other things to go the right way for some momsters. ☺

stronghunter said...

More Stuff About Box Turtles

Hey, they eat slugs!

hedgie said...

Margy is stuck at work until 8---someone called in sick. Just told her that hopefully things will ease up when the newbies get trained!

hedgie said...

OK, Judie, thanks for the dinner invitation. If I leave now, I should be there by 6:30!!! LOL!
Wish, wish!
Thanks for all comments!!!
Yes, Lolly, wish Lynne would get the news she wants and needs!

hedgie said...

Another cool turtle site!! Hugo never fell over backwards that I saw.....and they weren't occupied for 3 hrs., maybe they were just practicing for next year!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, Maybe Margy could bring you some slugs for them, build up Hugo's strength!

hedgie said...

Yeah, Paula......of course Myrtle may want to give him a different kind of slug!!!

Lolly said...

Have been on on line checking out ordering a lei for Ashley and Michael's arrival in Hawaii. They are leaving Tues for Maui. Want Ashley to receive a lei on arrival. They are going to be staying at the Four Seasons. Nice! This trip is to celebrate Ashley's 40th that is in a month.

hedgie said...

I thought everyone arriving got a lei, Lolly.....or is that only by ship? Nice trip!! Christie and Shannon have been twice with her dad. They leave for Cancun a week from Sunday. Lucky bums!! Who is babysitting? Ashley's folks?

Lolly said...

Ashley's mom will keep Zach. She moved from Florida and lives within minutes of them. She is at their house every day, "Nana" is the nanny! Gag! They asked us to keep him the weekend we get back from the beach. They forgot we were going to be gone. Have not kept him in a couple of years.

No, only those going on a tour get the leis. When we went I did not get one. Jack did not know you had to order it.

Lolly said...

Excuse the "gag". lol Jack and I can stand only so much baby talk, which is how she talks to Zach, all the time!!!

Judie said...

Lynn, it is now 8.04pm. Dinner has been devoured. Sorry, but you might as well turn around and head home. Also, it was yummy!

All else is quiet. Going to watch 48 hours. BBL

hedgie said...

One of those kind, huh, Lolly?? Ugh!

hedgie said...

Judie, I'm sure it was yummy. Sounded like my kind of meal for sure!

Judie said...

Lolly, my experience is that all ladies receive a lei when deplaning in Honolulu. Maybe that has changed because of cost?

Lynne2 said...

evening everyone!

Just taking a minute to catch up...funny animal stories and great pictures!

CONGRATULATIONS for Carolyn getting the job!

I was not so lucky in the poison ivy department as I had hoped. All over my right arm big time, and some on my left now. VERY VERY painful itchy. Called Dr's office this morning. Got some lip from the twit that answered the phone. After explaining my situation, she had the nerve to say and I QUOTE....Can't you just find something over the counter to use?


Not Have you TRIED something over the counter. AND, didn't listen I suppose to what I told her I had already been using. I have to tell you, that little girl came very close to me going all Julia Sugarbaker on her ass. Then she asked me if I was sure it WAS poison ivy. I guess she missed the part where I told her I was allergic and got it often. But maybe she was texting on her cell phone at the time, so I probably should have apologized for myself, for having interrupted her.

Bottom line, Dr said she won't prescribe anything for me until she see's it for herself. It has to be diagnosed as poison ivy. Even though this has occurred before, and even though I was just there to see her for my dizziness and she knows I'm perfectly healthy. This has NEVER happened before. I'll be taking my business elsewhere. I've had nothing but problems with wrong referals, wrong prescriptions and even going for an appointment only to see the Dr had the WRONG CHART.


stronghunter said...

Good grief, Lynne. I don't blame you for being upset. I hope you get some relief soon.

Lynne2 said...

well Shirley, it will just have to run it's course!

hedgie said...

Wow, Lynne....sure sounds like a real snafu! Take a deep breath....sip some wine....and cool off!!! Don't understand why some people have to be like that.
My new (old) Dr.---not age-wise; he was my PCP before cancer---gladly gave me a script I wanted. TOld him that if I go to bed with a sore throat and runny nose, I will be into bronchitis by morning....and I couldn't wait 2 or 3 days to be seen. He completely gave me my antibiotic to have on hand in case!

Lolly said...

Have been out washing the car...gotta keep my new wheels looking good, you know! Then we dug out all the beach stuff and have it ready to load. The trailer will be full...beach stuff, wagon, bike, grill, etc.

Oh, Lynne! I am so sorry for your problems. Shall I scream and curse for you???? Ah, man, that is not fun!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne - get in there to the Dr and get your scrip, then go find another Dr!!

paula eagleholic said...

Or hurry up and go find another Dr and get a scrip, especially since you are allergic to it!!

I wouldn't put up with that kind of crap from the receptionist either!

paula eagleholic said...

Poor John, having a rough time...only got to talk to him for a few minutes, said he would call back in the morning.

paula eagleholic said...

AND I would let the Dr know what a lousy receptionist she has!

Lynne2 said...

Well Lynn, I'll be going back to my old Dr office from now on. They are a bit out of the way from my normal routes which is why I switched, but they sure were a lot more helpful, and didn't mix me up with other people!

It's been 72 hours since exposure so all of the breaking out should be done and now just a matter of running it's course. I was a bit frantic last night because my face started itching, but there are no signs of it on my face. THANK GOD!!! If there were, I would spend the money and go. I got it in my eyes a few times when I was younger and hope that never happens again!

In other news...the caterpillars are HUGE! I rounded up 2 more from outside this morning and took them into Irvine. I set them up in a butterfly house with plenty of milkweed, and made a "fact sheet" for the kids to look at and read about them. I couldn't find the others that were outside on my milkweed. I got worried that they may have washed away in the very heavy rain we had for about 20 minutes at around 3am. Hopefully they are just well hidden. I'll look again tomorrow.

PA Nana said...

Good evening everyone. I see we have some good news - Carolyn - and some bad news - Lynne.

Lynne, so sorry to hear about the poison ivy. Hope you get some relief soon.

Lynn, it's great to hear about Carolyn. Sure she's jumping up and down but tell her to be careful. I remember breaking my ankle the first week of a new job.
What a horror. Fortunately had a very understanding boss.

Bob, great pictures as usual. You are so talented.

Must share with you that a nest of Peregrine falcons has been found very near. The nest is under a bridge over the Susquehanna River. A local birder has been following this pair for 4 years and after 3 unsuccessful years they now have 2 chicks.

What's so important to share with you is the the 5 year old male is from Southmarsh Island Wildlife Mgmt Area on an island in Maryland and the 4 yr. old female was hatched on a Richmond VA skyscraper and relocated to a mountiantop in VA Shenandoah National park. They now make their home in Lancaster County, PA.

For those going to places with sand, have fun and be sure to use the sunscreen.

I'll try to get back later as Royal Pains is on soon.


Lynne2 said...

Paula, I have talked to the office manager in the past when I 've had problems, but they still continue. They have a high turnover of staff, and several of the Drs have left the practice in the last year and some newbies are on board. THey also just went from being a Lifebridge group to the St Joseph's Medical system. I feel most upset about some of the elderly patients, and others as well, who may not be as diligent as I tend to be, and who will suffer because of incompetent staff.

And I must be getting old, because normally, I would have had some choice things to say in that sickenly sweet way I can say them to that bimbo on the phone. I just didn't have the gumption this morning.

paula eagleholic said...

Diann, very interesting about the falcons

Lynne, glad you have the old Dr to go back to.

Costume Lady said...

Lynne...maybe tomorrow you can look for an Urgent Care facility. They will take you in without an appointment.
GG got into poison Tuesday while trimming bushes along the edge of her property. She said the next morning, her arms were full of a rash and itched terribly. She put straight Dawn dishwash on and scrubbed herself...itching stopped and within a few hours, the rash was gone??? She said she had no idea why she used Dawn, but it worked! LOL

Costume Lady said...

Hey Lynne, maybe you should apply for that BIMBO'S job!

Lynne2 said...

WOW Wanda! I'm going to GG's for a poison ivy treatment! I used regular soap when I got home, but Dawn breaks down oils....that's why they use it on oiled birds. Now I am kicking myself WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT!!!! It's sitting right next to the hand soap on the kitchen sink....UGH!

Lynne2 said...

I KNOW WANDA!!!! All I could think of when I got off the phone was HOW could this piece of incompetent brain have a job and I DON'T!!!

Lolly said...

Judie, we flew to Hawaii six years lei for me. Some were getting them and I found out that those that booked through a travel agency were getting them.

Costume Lady said...

My Karla is very good at dealing with Bimbos. She could write a book about all the encounters she has had over the years with them...Bimbinos, too;) She even argued with a recording once!
I think she attracts Bimbo attacks because she would do anything for anyone and expects the same in return...well, most people aren't like that. It infuriates her.

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, Gene and I both got a Lei when we went to Hawaii...I also got pregnant;)

Costume Lady said...

We were with a Travel Agency...maybe that is why we both got one.

Lolly said...

Paula, so very sorry John is having a hard time. No one is there to help with the kids? How is Ajay doing?

Judie said...

Ah Lynne, I can relate so easily. Before one of my surgeries last year, went in for pre-op. Young twit anesthesiologist, looked to be about 15 years old, asked me to verify my name and date of birth (1945) and then asked me the first day of my last menstrual cycle. Hello? Said I couldn't remember. Asked if were within the past four to six weeks. Asked him when he had is most recent orgasm! Sorry you have poison ivy and can only wish you a speedy recovery.

Well, it is that time to allow the sandperson to ease me into slumberland.

Hope Jo had an uneventful drive to the b____ and arrived safe and sound.

Turning my light off but am leaving the night light on for others coming in. Pleasant dreams everyone. Happy 6 months birthday to Hope. Happy eagle dreams for Palmer.

Lynne2 said...

oh my goodness...there are so many places I could go with that statement, Wanda.....LOL LOL LOL! But instead, I'm going to bed with my mouth shut!

Prayers for all of you friends and have a good night!

Lynne2 said...

JUDIE, ROFLMAO!!!!!!!! oh my I'm so blushing right now!!! Orgasms, leis, pregnancies....I had forgotten how we get on here when there are no birds to watch at the nest!!!!

Lolly said...

Michael did not go through a travel agency, but if he did and she got two leis that would be great. When we went to Hawaii and got to our hotel, we were told we had a breakfast being brought to our room on the morning of our choice. We had breakfast on our bacony compliments of Michael and Ashley. I want to do the lei for her to make sure she gets one. Just have to find out their flight number.

Costume Lady said...

Just read about Lynne setting up a caterpillar house at Irvine, for the kids...adults will love it too...LYNNE, you are so talented and thoughtful, I would hire you anyday for anything, if I was hiring:)

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly - what I gather from John is that they are at her Mom's house, but she is trying to run the show all day until he gets home...not letting others take charge of the kids. Then she is expecting him to take over completely when he gets home...he's finding it hard to be Mr Mom even with help. Ajay can be kinda bossy at times, she wants things done immediately...she really just needs to relax and let others take over the kids care.

Costume Lady said..., with JOY about Carolyn and her new job! I'm so habby for the both of you!!
I guess she will have some schooling and on the job training, maybe with Margy.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! Got all tuckered out driving around the beltway today but was in an area that has a Chevy's Mexican Restaurant. Every time I go up there (Greenbelt) I pick up the sampler platter!! Yum. We nibbled out in late afternoon & I ended up w/a Giant Panda nap!
Hope Jo & Lolly have great trips to the (b) water!
Our friend in Cumberland Hosp. had her dye test today & they didn't find anything wrong!Could be good or bad~~~why did she have tightness/pain in upper left chest to shoulder????She was coming home this evening. Hope I can talk to her this evening.Dr. I went to today had her hubby as a patient & he said (a) Cumberland Hosp. is good for those matters.
Saw Bob's wonderful pictures!We used to have muskrats just like that swim across the Chelsea pond w/mouthfuls of grasses.

Lynne2 said...

thanks Wanda!

Oh Paula, I sure hope Ajay relaxes...won't be easy I guess if she is that way normally, pain and discomfort can make it worse. Prayers for everyone that recovery goes smooooooooothly!

Really going to bed now...

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, I'm sure that's the case...I guess she is doing OK, John didn't say she wasn't.

hedgie said...

Diann, that is SO neat that they've been able to read the bands on those falcons to know where they came from!!!

Lynne, go ahead and try the Dawn---might be too late, but you never know!

Paula, do you think John is just overwhelmed with all the chores of motherhood??? Poor guy!

Costume Lady said...

Nite, Lynne:)

Ajay should still be taking HABBY pills and be relaxed to the max!
Sleeping pills should be a must, too for a few nights. Rest and sleep are very important for a speedy recovery. But, then, you all know that!

Costume Lady said...

Oh, LOL, I wasn't kidding about the two Leis for Gene and I, or about the pregnancy. I was 40 and not very happy about it:(

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

I'm home from school. Had to go pick up a couple of prescriptions, or would've been home even sooner.

Have had some interesting bird sightings late today. One of our Eurasian Collared Doves came by for dinner. On the way home from school, an egret flew across in front of my car. And right after I got home, the Cooper's Hawk made a supersonic-speed fly-by in the back yard! I don't think it caught anything. If it did, the poor thing didn't have time to squeak!
It was SO speedy that if I had blinked, I would have missed seeing it!

NatureNut said...

Congratulations to Lynn's Carolyn on the new job!!!!
Paula, hope Ajay will behave!
Lynne, sorry to hear of your horrible encounter w/Dr. receptionist. If she's not a nurse or med. professional, she shouldn't even be asking or telling you what to do!
One crummy story I can think of was long agao when I was in hosp for a few days for tests (they thought I passed a kidney stone).Was packing up to leave and a Dr. I never saw before passed by the door for a second. Later, we got a notice from Blue Cross that they were paying unknown Dr. for hosp. visit!!!!!(Date was the day I left!)I called them & said not to pay him---he did nothing for me but walk by the door!!!!

stronghunter said...

My doctor's receptionist story--
When Kathryn was in high school, she broke her leg. I took her to the orthopedist for an appointment. When we got to the car, I realized I had left a book in the examining room, so I went back to get it, but the receptionist said that someone else was in the room and I couldn't go in there.

Of course, I did not expect to go into the room myself. I said that I just wanted the book and would appreciate it if someone could get it for me. She said that nobody could go in there and I would just have to wait until the doctor was finished with the patient.

It was a 100-degree day and I had Kathryn sitting in the car with a broken leg, so I left without my book. I was so frustrated that I explained the situation to the doctor as soon as I had the opportunity. His comment was that the receptionist was a "space cadet."

Sounds like there are plenty of space cadets working out there.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, John can handle them, but motherhood chores are easier without someone directing! I'm sure Ajay still isn't feeling great, so I imagine it makes things a little tense. Plus she needs help, too.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, what a vacation memory!

NatureNut said...

Hi Andy!!!How exciting--sounds like you're in your own sanctuary!
I love hearing about your black-crowned night herons. Many years ago a couple visited the trees next to pond at our "farmhouse" office. Got some very blurry pictures, but will never forget them & haven't seen any since.

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals...
wow, some great and funny posts on here, but also some worrisome ones...sorry to read of Lynne's poison ivy and experience with a poisonous receptionist, and that Ajay's return is a little touchy....
sure hoping for better days tomorrow regarding all that...

Sure want to say, though:
It is Wonderful to See Carolyn's name on our schedule at 911...

How about a tomato sandwich, anyone ??

Good to see you guys..after a long day...

magpie said...

I'll let you all know how many tomato sandwiches I can make out of one of these bigger than softball on the pic is actually the first-born for Wanda.....hoping it will preserve well in cold storage for her!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, my Dr story is good. Called the vet today, Boo has another ear infection. They didn't have an appt until Monday eve, cause I couldn't do tomorrow day and no vet this Saturday. I said what I really wanted was some Tresaderm for Boo's ear. She said let me talk to Dr and I'll call you back. She called back and said you can pick it up this evening. So we discussed if it does help by Monday, I'll call back Monday a.m. and cancel the appt. If is doesn't, then he'll see the vet and maybe get something else for it. He just had the same thing 2 months ago, but the medicine got left there there when I boarded the dogs.

stronghunter said...

Another story--

When Kathryn was a newborn and I tried to nurse her in the hospital, she kept falling asleep. At that time, you only got to keep the baby with you during scheduled times.

When the time was up, and even though Kathryn had not gotten to nurse, they took her away. I asked the nurse to see that she got a bottle so she would not be hungry, but the nurse said that she could not give a bottle unless the doctor had ordered it.

I asked her to check the records and tell me what the doctor had ordered, but she said that she could not reveal the doctor's orders to me. I almost jumped out of the bed!

I immediately called the doctor who agreed that the situation was ridiculous and that he would take care of things right away.

I wondered if the nurse had planned to discuss the doctor's orders with Kathryn.

magpie said...

wish I could say something about everyone's posts, but to borrow an expression from Sissy:
I am slam wore out...
have to settle for letting you all know I care !

And I am in separation anxiety with Jo gone, but I sure hope it is a great vacation...

Megan don't now what the full moon name is for July 25 at 9:37 pm -
but I suggest the Tomato Moon

magpie said...

great article in today's Journal about Mason ! I am going to see if I can post the link....
fundraiser on Saturday in Shepherdstown....
anniversary of his accident, is July 23 -
can it be two years? already? Remember when we were all hollering Wake Up Mason !

bbl after finding link if I can do it

stronghunter said...

Might have been a little hard to discuss it with her since she was asleep!

NatureNut said...

BTW, read back on turtle discussion & looked in my reptile book. Says they lay eggs in early summer & takes about 3 mos. to hatch. So you may see some yet!And hatchlings grow about 1/2 inch a year for 5 yrs!!!
Speaking of eggs, I am not quite sure what's going on w/our little wrens, but I HAVE seen Ms. come out of the house after a stay & return later. I'm thinking it's so hot, she shouldn't have to incubate that much--poor little thing.

stronghunter said...

Great name, Margy!

magpie said...

Here you go:

Fundraiser set for Accident Victim

(Mason )

NatureNut said...

Margy!!!! Is that your tomato I see??????I'm hungry....

magpie said...

oh so many interesting stories and posts here today...and last night...loved the Bridge Night stories, GG's stroll by the light of the silvery moon, and all the rest...
got shoulder cramps right now...
think I should to have a tomato sandwich, this week-end I will add lettuce and bacon...

Best wishes for a good restful night, with no bad dreams....
Prayers for Health and Happiness....

will be back in a little while to catch the late night news

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the link, Margy. I hope that the fundraiser is most successful.

magpie said...

sure is Loretta...tried to put some things with to give a size reference...little Eagle is one that Suzanne gave us one time...

by the way I like the new avatars here and there...Wanda's caterpillar, Pa Nana's cardinals and others too !

paula eagleholic said...

yes, the tomato sandwich sounds great...I only have green ones!

stronghunter said...

Lovely tomato, Margy. Beautiful color.

stronghunter said...

I ate my the first tomato from my plant today. It was smaller than a ping-pong ball, but it was fine in a taco. It was so small because its stem was broken from the plant, but it ripened anyway.

I am actually seeing a few blooms on the tomato plant now.

stronghunter said...

Haven't said anything about Wanda's and Gene's leis. Wanda has a way with words. And so does Judie. She didn't tell us what the young man said in response to her question.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the link, Margy. Hope the fundraiser is successful. Tomato moon sounds good to me, too.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, I doubt he said a word!

Hitting the hay, catch ya'll tomorrow!

Hugs to all ♥

NatureNut said...

Yum, yum. I didn't plant any this year, but I bet I will next year!
Gonna see news, so if I'm not back,
Pleasant Feather Dreams to all ;>)

Ms Bookworm said...

Wow, Margy!

Just LOOK at your avatar! I would LOVE to take you up on the tomato sandwich! Wish I were closer!

Sorry to hear about your lousy experience, Lynne! Hope your poison ivy goes away really FAST!

Diann, thrilled to hear about the falcons! My Hubby was born in Lancaster, PA, so would love to hear updates about those falcons!
Small world, isn't it?

Hope that Ajay is feeling better by tomorrow. Hope, too, that she has a nice supply of HABBY pills!

Judie, you had me ROFLMBO!!! Why DO doctors ask such goofy questions?!--expecting us to know the exact date?! Crazy. Let's just say it's been more than 10 years.

hedgie said...

You all have good tales to tell. It's just awful! Glo and I noted on FB while watching Boston Med that a doctor on the show said "if this patient dies, it's the insurance companies fault." And he DID. So wonder if the guys wife will pursue it....?

Margy, I'll take a sammich! Beautiful maters!
Was Carolyn's name actually posted someplace??? Cool beans!

Lowreeda, sounds good that your friends' tests came back negative!

Andy, I think you live in an aviary and just don't want to tell us!!

hedgie said...

Thanks for all the congrats for Carolyn. I know I will sleep easier tonight than I have in 6 mos. Sure she will, too!

stronghunter said...

Getting a headache and am about to do a faceplant onto the keyboard. It is time to head upstairs. I will see you fine folks tomorrow.

Good night and God bless.

magpie said...

hey there Andy...tried to get a closer look at your task at hand but the avatar had changed...could tell from the comments that it was "awfulsome" though

Yes, that report from Diann was great!

Trick here is to have a knife large enough to slice through these tomatoes....somehow, the plants are thriving, guess it has something to do with the daily dose of water all over the plants...and the Bless My Blooms decoration in the garden...and maybe little ScareSlug...and windchimes from Lynn and Snailslug gift from Wanda.....all that surely helps!

signing off now...
thinking of all with a lot of love and caring

Good Night Little Palmer, wherever you are....and to your parents too...
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Night, Shirley! Sleep well!

Lynn, you're probably right! I really can't believe how many birds we get here! One of my posts tonight got eaten up by the blog police, or something, but in it I said that there were 2 orioles, a male and a female (Hooded Orioles), and they were scolding each other on the hummingbird feeder. The Rufous hummer was chasing the Anna's, too. Never a dull moment!

magpie said...

Yes Ma'am Lynn...her name is on our schedule, which was re-done today!
btw, back to midnights for me in August....oh, gotta love shift work

I will surely share these tomatoes as well as I can...

Good Night now....

xo (( hugs ♥ ))

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Shirley and Margy, and all others turning in. It is my turn, too. It's been a long day. Margy, sure hope you get to stick to a straight 8 tomorrow!

I envy Jo and Mits going to sleep to the sound of the surf, and the smell of salt air. Lucky gals!!

Prayers for all needs, and praising the Lord for our many blessings.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Night, Margy!
Sweet dreams! Will try to take a couple of pictures of the damage from the unhousebroken herons tomorrow. Don't want to disappoint ya! (You wouldn't BELIEVE the mess!)

Ms Bookworm said...

Oops--goodnight to you, too, Lynn!
Hope no nightmares tonight! Sweet dreams only are allowed!

Think I'll go watch a TV show, then check back for a Hope/Lily report.


Costume Lady said...

Margy, that is a beautiful tomato, far bigger than any of ours (which are all light green right now). I small Juliettes are begining to ripen now...wonderful in a salad.
We have too much shade in our garden...don't want to cut the trees down, so, we have to be patient and wait a while longer than most gardners.
I am going to slice that tomato, Margy, and have it atop a grilled cheeseburger Saturday.
I promise to share it with all of you...I will send photos;)


PA Nana said...

Goodnight to those heading to their pillows. I'm about to settle into my recliner too.

With doctor appointment and therapy it's been a rough week and I'm ready to relax for a few days.

Prayers for all needs and wants.

God bless!

Costume Lady said...

Nite, Andrea, Lowredda, Lynn, and Margy.
Wonder if Jo has GONE DOWN THE HALLWAY yet? Miss her already:(

Costume Lady said...

...and Shirley, Diann, and Paula:)

Lolly said...

Well, while you all have been chatting away, I have been doing research. Talked with Ashley, as Michael is in LA until late tomorrow. Got enough out of her in "casual" conversation to look up their flight info. Have ordered a lei for her. Feel so smart! lol

PA Nana said...

Lolly, before I go, the FBI or CIA could use you. ;o)

Lolly said...

Hope Update

Lolly said...

LOL! Ashley is one smart cookie, but I think I got around her tonight! Hope so anyway!

Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Back quickly to say goodnight! Prayers said for everyone. The night light is on, and so is the porch light. The eye scanner security is enabled, and so is Dana's thumbprint scanner security.
Sleep well, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

stronghunter said...

Good morning! I feel so safe here with all of the security devices Andy enables each night. I slept well last night.

movin said...


HappY BirTHdaY

tO YA, DianE


GooD MorniNG

tO ya aLL.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

magpie said...

Up and At 'Em...
Red Friday

and Happy Birthday dear Diane...
hoping this is a wonderful day for you ♥

magpie said...

Sorry I missed adding 10th Birthday Greetings for Mei Xiang Thursday....Thanks for the Birthday Alert Mits !

Best wishes for a good day...
peaceful, restful, free of troubles...

time for work
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

and happy sand squishing between your toes.... if the foot fits !

Lolly - best wishes on your upcoming trip !!

xo out the door xo

Costume Lady said...

It is 72° here in Nestville (feels warmer) and going to be another hot one at 100°.
Heading out now to water the top half of the the bottom half yesterday. I can't help but think of Megan when I water. While I'm watering...I will do a rain dance, if my KNEE will cooperate. Been using my Eagle Can to keep me going, so hope Mr. Eagle feels like dancing;)
Peppers are looking good, tomatoes are going to be a while yet. Squash is slowly coming on...need to check for squash bugs....SQUASH them!
Have a great day...careful of the HEAT!!

Costume Lady said...


hedgie said...

Good morning, eagle dudettes and dudes!

News flash: Paris Zoo has introduced clouded leopard cubs, Pati and Jaya, both females, born May 14th. They kept the birth quiet so as to be sure the cubs would survive.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Dana I love the cardinals avatar and Margy, that tomato looks worth a drive to WV.

Paula is correct. The young twit in a white coat just stared at me with his stupid mouth hanging open. I waited a few seconds then told him to do the math and choose any day twenty years earlier.

Nice to know I'm not alone in the stupid doctor/nurse world.

Sorry for John having such a stressful time. Sending telepathic thoughts telling Ajay to settle down and focus on healing.

Off for coffee and newspaper. BBL

Lolly said...

Good Morning, America, how are ya?

Warm muggy morning here. Jack has already gone out to water....I have to finish my coffee.

Today I need to finish my house straightening....did not do it yesterday. Shame! Have another apple slices to make, Larry will LOVE it, and a few errands to run. Larry and Sandy should be here around 4, I would guess. We are headed to Dallas to be with family for the evening.

Lolly said...

I just have to say once again, loud and clear.....I MISS OUR NORMA! ♥ U Norma!

Lolly said...

I miss Suz on here, too!

hedgie said...


hedgie said...

Lolly, I sent Norma a snail mail invite for Open House, but haven't heard a word......
Suz is getting another new job.....and will be unable to communicate with us at all again while at work. However, she will be doing more tele-commuting, so maybe getting internet up at home will allow her to visit with us again!

Bob Quinn said...

OMG! Aliens have landed in my backyard:


And a Happy Birthday to Diane!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Cute, Bob! Thanks for the smile :)

hedgie said...

Great pic, Bob!!! Did you know that they can be VERY feisty and nasty and bite??!!

Costume Lady said...

Bob, the Praying Mantis does, indeed, look like an alien:)
What on earth is that squirrel in?

Costume Lady said...

Did I ever tell you all that I once put a Praying Mantis nest on top of a tall cabinet at my house when I was in grade school? Came home from school one day and GG had baby praying mantis all over the kitchen!

Bob Quinn said...

Yes, I've heard they can be nasty little critters and will sometimes kill and eat hummingbirds.

Bob Quinn said...

The squirrel is in a bird feeder full of seed.

hedgie said...

Wanda, I did the same thing when I was a kid---put it on the windowsill in my bedroom!!! Sorry to say that Mom used the vacuum cleaner!!

hedgie said...

Mits has beach company for a long weekend, so won't be computing.
Please pray for the family of a friend of hers whose nephew was killed in Afghanistan.

Costume Lady said...

******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************COME ON OVER*****************************

stronghunter said...


Back again. Kathryn called me because she was on the way to the emergency room. She had been having trouble with her arm for some time and it had become unbearable this morning. Rotator cuff problem. She is now relaxing in my recliner full of pain medication.

She had some thoughts of going on to work, but the doctor and her momma said no. She is not even in any condition to drive, and her car is still in the ER parking lot. We will work that out later.

Praying mantis--I found one on my front porch a couple of weeks ago. There seems to be a family of them out there each summer.

Wanda, my experience is that if you leave a bunch of them together, they eat each other up. But I wouldn't really want them in the kitchen! My info says they not only eat hummingbirds but other small nestlings. Wow!

Kathryn and I once saw a huge one on the top of my car. It was lunging at Kathryn and looked like it wanted to have her for supper. We didn't really want to find out if they bite or not; we both got into the car on the driver's side and let the critter fend for itself when we drove away.

The websites I checked say they may pinch but won't bite humans. That's not too comforting when you have one lunging at you when you need to turn your back on it to get into a car.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...