Monday, July 12, 2010


New thread.  Still working on the cam.


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Dana Gray said...

Good Afternoon ALL! I can't believe I got here at this very moment!

hedgie said...

Good timing, phyrfly Dana! Thanks for call overs!
I am finished reading the older blogs! Whew....marathon reading.
Now need to pay some attention to FB!

magpie said...

Thank you Ceil for the call over! So good to "see you."

Thanks Steve for the new slate...we are READY! ...

perpetually exquisite Eagle in the nest...

brought over from the last thread regarding the Still Cam:

from Steve this morning....
" They are doing maintenance in the Production building and that is impacting the still feed. They are trying to get things done ASAP. "

magpie said...


Great picture of your crepe myrtle!

Hi phyrfly...!

gotta disappear from this chair for a bit, daggone it the Big Bird just bailed.

might have to work 4-12, headed for an "insurance nap" just in case

Best wishes for the rest of this day for everyone
(repeat info: Tomato on my avatar is from my Megan Totem Tomato Plant)

hedgie said...

MT nest again. Palmer missed out on her free lunch!

magpie said...

Okay, no Wanda Alerts needed:
just spoke with the Captain...
They are fine, they are helping one of their daughters out with something this afternoon...should be home later on...the Captain was chilling in the Eagle Express waiting on the Ladies ☺

Whew! glad that Frontier did not clobber things up there at their Roost !

ttfn xo

Mits said...

thanks for the call over, Ceil:)

Mema Jo said...

Congrats Dana for being #1. Incidentally all of your new photos from this past weekend are great. I love 'old buildings' especially the one you captured.

Hello Ceil and Mits!

The smallness of the tomatoes Margy does not diminish the delicious taste.

Have fun over in FB Hedgie.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Lynn, that was an awesome surprise for you Mom, great idea!

I'll have to check out Dana's pics later!

hedgie said...

Hurray---raining here...hearing thunder, too. Guess I better shut down. TTFN.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Did you all see the news that Hope and Lily reunited on their own?????

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

How is everybody?

Lynne2 said...

OMG!!!!!! I could cry waiting for this update just posted on FB

Lily and Hope REUNITED

Lynne2 said...

LOL! Once again, didn't read before posting! Hey Sharon!

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, my crepe myrtle has just begun to bloom, too! I was getting a bit worried that maybe I pruned incorrectly.

Rain on the doorstep, need to put a plant and bush in the ground....

Turtle well be says has seen way worse cracked shells. She have to be in a plaster cast while it heals!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne Thank you so much for the Hot News Flash!!! I tried to open your link but I failed... Just in case it happens to others........
Lily the Black Bear ‎**NEWS FLASH** Lily and Hope reunited on their own! Details in tonight's update! We're overjoyed! -- SM

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - hope you and Megan get the rain and then send it over this way. Believe me that the storm would probably do less damage then Frontier has done to you! lol

Hi Sharon - you ok for 2 more days?

Mema Jo said...

Happy to hear about the Turtle Repair Lynne. I can't imagine if the shell
is cracked that it can mend on it's own. So glad you saved the turtle.

Mema Jo said...

Scampy is really getting his fill of peanuts today. He even almost caught one that I threw to him.

Mema Jo said...

Okay - bbilw

Called to change Dr appointment to this week instead of next because I
want to leave on a Thurs night to beach. That means I now need to go get
Sed blood word done so Doc will have it.

As I said BBILW

magpie said...

Aaaah, the sound of the wind chimes that Lynn gave me....
lovely tinkling sound....
no rain here yet...but I am dancing my feet off

You're so right about that tomato flavor, Jo
I ate one just like it is, then the next one went into the world's smallest tomato sandwich!
My tomato tree tomatoes are the size of Softballs - No Joke!

Headed for some kid fun...
work didn't call, so James gets the extra energy

Take Care Eagle Pals
ttfn xo

hedgie said...

Rain was short-lived....just enough to make things sloppy again. Sounds like it's doing it at the nest now.

hedgie said...

Still going through FB----will try to finish to go back to check and wonderful news about Lily and Hope! Link didn't work for me, either.

floralgirl said...

Someone said beach...heard it all the way outside.

magpie said...

OH Megan you're a Pip!
Hope you heard the words
Megan Totem Tomato and delicious too ! ☺

.. headed out...

paula eagleholic said...

Doesn't look like any rain for Eburg unless it already march thru

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Thank you, Steve and Dana for the call over.

Cannot wait to find out what happened with Lily and Hope. Sure would be nice for Hope to have some companionship. Has to be very lonely for the little one.

Jo said the B word and Megan heard her.

Jo, glad you could change the appointment

Lynne, happy about the turtle repair. What terrific experiences you are having.

Shirley, so happy you have your butterfly bush(es) planted and I am wishing you a lovely weekend away from the routine.

Hey, Margy. Thanks for the Wanda report.

Lynn, what's the job status for Christie?

A few, very few raindrops here in the past 10 minutes. Now sun is lurking.

Ospreys both nests doing lots of wingersizing.


Mema Jo said...

I don't believe you, Megan!

I was in and out within minutes for the blood work. I usually don't get that lucky.

Margy - softballs are much larges then my totem tomatoes from Megan - More like enlarged golf balls! You're lucky to get a whole mouthful!

Mema Jo said...

Oh the way home from Frederick I had
34 raindrops on the windshield. Now that I am home the rain sure didn't follow me.

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Judie - I really wish they wouldn't wait until tonight's report to give us more details on the
Lily/Hope Reunion....

hedgie said...

Just got off phone with Frontier. Same services with them are $20 cheaper than Verizon was, and they gave me $20 credit for loss of internet for 9 days, and now messaging is down--2nd day (widespread--working on it)--so $5 credit for that. Not too shabby...but should have asked for "pain and suffering" damages award!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Guess it's been a nightmare for them, Lynn, not to mention the damage to their name and reputation. Not what they wanted either, I'm sure.

hedgie said...

Jo, I think Margy meant the large toms are on the tomato tree, not the totem, if I understood correctly.

Great news about the turtle, Lynne!
My roommate and I took one to the vet back in '70 and he said nothing could be done and euthanized it. Thankfully, vet med has advanced over the years! He charged us $5 for the procedure----good samaritans robbed! That was 2 hrs. wages then!!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Lily and Hope together again...what a story!

hedgie said...

Judie, haven't talked to Christie yet today (she goes back on 3rd shift tonight). The interviewer didn't call her last week to re-set a time after he didn't call her the 1st time. She sent him an email and cc'd it to the personnel director (who did the face-to-face interview and wants her) of the company! The interviewer works for an agency that they are paying to do it.

Lynne2 said...

pic on FB of Lily nursing Hope today!!

Lynne2 said...

Lily nursing Hope picture

Lynne2 said...

I can't wait til they post THIS story!!

hedgie said...

You're right about that, Paula. Surely not the smooth transition they were touting!

Lynne2 said...

Lily the Black Bear
We watched Lily and Hope play hard, forage and nurse 4 times. They are sound asleep next to each other now. Surprisingly, Lily has resumed lactation! -- SM -

Mema Jo said...

WOW What a pic! I didn't think Lily was producing any more milk. Going to be quite interesting to see what goes on next. I pray they stay together!

Lynn/Hedgie - I think that if you look at Margie's avatar with the coffee mug and the size of the tomato - it is from the totem bush. They are small.
As long as it tastes like a tomato all is well!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - That info is great on Lily & Hope! I bet Sue and Dr Rogers are dancing up a storm!

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break


Lynne2 said...

well, lots of thunder and really dark skies but only a brief 5 minute light rain. Most of the rain is east and north of here, as usual.

Judie said...

So full of anticipation about Lily and Hope. I just really want that cub to have to loving care from one of her own.

Probably won't have anything in the way of veggies this summer. Deets are destroying the plants. Neighbor gave Darth a bag full of human hair (I do NOT want to know how he got it) and said to put it in a pantyhose and tie on tomato plant stakes. Swears it works. Anyone ever heard of or tried that?

Speaking of destroying, I have long wanted to know what type of weed we encounter in our yard but don't know what to use to Google. It is a vine type weed with very painful thorny things and very deep roots almost like an underground runner. Sound familiar to anyone?

Lynn, pleased you will receive some compensation for the inconvenience -- just wish it were more. Hope Christie hears something soon.

Taco salad tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Judie - lots of folks use the Human Hair as a deterrent for Deets...
It isn't 100% known to work - worth a try.

BEagle said...

Hello everyone.

I just got in and I just got to go out again.


Mema Jo said...

Going to have a spaghetti dinner even without Ally! Sauce smells good......

Tonight 9:00 The Closer starts a new season. I have always enjoyed the show.
Before that the Lie To Me is on at 8:00
At 10pm Obsessed - that's up in the air for me even if it is the only thing on.

Time for me to do meds before dinner.


ceil said...

We had very hard rain here for the last couple of hours
So glad Lily and Hope are back together and hope they stay together for awhile

Lynne2 said...

well, lots of thunder and really dark skies but only a brief 5 minute light rain. Most of the rain is east and north of here, as usual.

Lynne2 said...

well,either my computer or the blog has gone crackers...

GUESS WHAT! I was out weeding the front garden where I have 2 huge phlox blooming like crazy and I got buzzed by a hummingbird moth, and another was already on the plant! Ran to grab camera but they were gone when I got back. Will check periodically now, with camera in hand. We just never use the front door and I'm not out there too much but will make a point of it now!

Ceil, I saw on the radar all the storms and rain the city was getting. Steve called and said water and mud were flowing all over the place at work!

stronghunter said...

Wow!! Exciting news about Lily and Hope. Who would have thought it?

Back from doctor's office and grocery store. More blood work. Stopped at the lab and got that done and over with. Routine stuff. Different doctors want different things done. I still have the bruise from the test last week. Doctor doubled my medication and said that I need to set an alarm or something so I don't keep forgetting the mid-afternoon dose. I can do that.

Tiny tomato, Megan. The solution is to eat a bunch of them. I like the grape tomatoes, and sometimes I use cherry tomatoes in sandwiches.

Glad the Wanda mystery has been solved.

Lynn, touching story about your mother's 75th. Quite a feat reading all of those messages.

Judie, I saw deer fencing at Meadows Farms. Have you tried that?

Need to take a break and a panda nap.

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone! So happy to hear about Lily & Hope and can't wait for the details.

Hi Lynn, welcome back.

On the way home from PT ran right into a terrific rain storm. Had to put the wipers on high speed and it followed me home. It didn't last long but streams were beginning to form on the sides of the road. Not exactly what we needed, but hey .... we'll take what we get.

Hope those who need the rain get it!

ceil said...

Lynne it poured buckets for at least an hour and half Yippee

hedgie said...

Doreen, the lady who Deb followed on Caring Bridge, has passed from lung cancer. RIP, Doreen.

Mits said...

good news about Lily and Hope:), good news for your rain, Ceil, hope everyone else who needs it gets it.

Mits said...

sorry to hear about Doreen, Lynn, prayers for her family and friends.

Mits said...

hey there, Sharon, nice to see you here:)

Mits said...

off to fix some dinner..bbl.

hedgie said...

Jo, the totem tomato pic is of the ones she is eating already. The softball size ones are on the tomato tree (first one is promised to Wanda) and not ripe yet.

Wow, what a reunion that must have been. But can't imagine that Lily would have any milk now.......????

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello Mits. Good to be here.

hedgie said...

I, too, have worried about how Hope can learn to be a bear withoout companionship of other bear(s).

Judie----I tried the hair two years ago---it didn't work!

Christie had the phone interview today!

BEagle said...

Good golly. There's a squirrel on the WE nest!

hedgie said...

Seems pointless to me to have an employment agency interview AFTER you've already been interviewed by the Personnel Director of a company.....but guess it's part of what he said about having to go through the motions with other applicants. MTBR!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Diann. Good to be back with all y'all!

hedgie said...

Sprinkling here.....

paula eagleholic said...

Speaking of Meds...Lynne did you take your allergy stuff today?????

It was sunny when I got home, now cloudy. Hopefully some wet stuff in our future.

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, just clouds. Lynne might be getting some rain.

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle, there was a squirrel there the other day, the eagle spotted it and it took off very quickly! They have squirrels on Catalina (WE and TH) nests, but not on Santa Cruz (PH)

BEagle said...

Well, I guess the squirrel knows it won't be food at the moment.

It's been on there for a while. It just seems strange.

BEagle said...

Shirley, your crape myrtle is absolutely beautiful. Patience brought some blooms.

hedgie said...

Local (Hagerstown) Doctor, Mary Money, is on CBS evening news about Avandia!!!

BEagle said...

....and that place you will be recreating is very lovely. You will enjoy that even if it is a few days.

But please stay away from the closets.

BEagle said...

I cannot remember what Avandia is Hedgie.

hedgie said...

An oral diabetes drug that is being reviewed and will probably be pulled off the market by FDA due to cardiac complications it causes.

BEagle said...


hedgie said...

New show with Angie Harmon starts tonight at 10 on TNT---"Rizzoli and Isles"---looks good....and I really like Harmon. Wish they hadn't canceled Women's Murder Club---it was a good show. She starred in it a couple of years ago.

BEagle said...

Women's Murder Club was a good show. It was the wrong time for me but I got to see it a couple of times.

Someone mentioned Lie to Me is on tonight. I like that one too.

BEagle said...


Costume Lady said...

I am back from Winchester and stopped at GG's. She had already fixed her supper. She picked some fresh green beans and cooked them with bacon and potatoes. House smelled wonderful.
Our Karla (Butterfly Mama) had a D & C and a laparoscopic exam of her uterus. Her surgeon told me she had a large fibroid making her uterus tip backward and causing a great deal of problems and discomfort. No hysterectomy, at this time (if not now, when?). She said there was a lot that could be done now-a-days for that condition. Karla is not too happy, she says she doesn't need that organ and wants it out!
Thanks, Margy for your call and prayers♥

BEagle said...

Adult on TH nest just brought in some dinner. Young 06 was right behind and reminded me of Palmer. Mantling and raising a fuss.

BEagle said...

Just saw a most beautiful landing by one of the WE chicks. It was something. I think it's 07, an expert at landings.

BEagle said...

Noted that Palmer showed up on the nest. Who ate what the Adult didn't

The baby swifts are in full view.

BEagle said...

They are rioting.

BEagle said...

All four of them look strong.

Hehe. The finally just froze...I guess they get wore out easily.

paula eagleholic said...

Time for a break!

Been working on zucchini bread...4 loaves tonight and 4 loaves tomorrow night...zucchini is all ready for tomorrow night, first 2 loaves in right now, everything prepped for second two...then I'll send John a pic later and tell him "Here's your sign!"

Mema Jo said...

BEagle - does that slug on your avatar bite?

OKAY Lynn - I got Margy's tomatoes squared away now. Thanx.

Ceil what does all that concrete in Baltimore do with 2 hrs steady ran?
I think you should bottle it and ship it over the mountain to Megan! lol

BEagle said...

They are sooooo CUTE. Not a chance to zoom in though.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, glad GG is doing better!

Mema Jo said...

After following the Caring Bridge for
Doreen my prayers are for the entire family. They really showed their faith by their actions.

BEagle said...

I haven't checked to see if there were three teeth.

I was hoping that Margy could help with that.

Lynne2 said...

So sorry to learn that Doreen has passed :(

Wanda...JMHO, I think it's important to have a hysterectomy only as a last resort. The uterus serves a hormonal function as well and I think that some doctors are just too fast in deciding that a woman should have them out. I once felt the same way, I don't need it, let's get it out, but now, I'd try EVERYTHING first (and I have so far) before having one. Every woman in my mother's family has had one, early on, due to fibroids. I'll say a prayer that one of these new procedures will work for Karla!

PAULA!! Yes I am taking my meds like a good girl! (so far)

Diann, glad you made it home safely in the deluge. Dangerous driving in them.

Lynn, let's hope that Christy won't have to wait too much longer for that JOB!

Mema Jo said...

Gotta Go
Lie To Me is on and it looks good

Oh - I can smell the zucchini bread!


Costume Lady said...

GG puts lots of walnuts in her zucchini bread, do you Paula?
I don't know if she is able to bake anymore or not...last time she baked, she had flour and peaches ALL OVER the kitchen AND herself:) Gene has been making her fruit cobblers and I put ice cream and cool whip all over the top. She will eat that when she won't eat anything else...that and Egg Drop Soup.

Costume Lady said...

Zucchini bread, toasted with butter on it...yummm!

stronghunter said...


Raining here.

paula eagleholic said...

Both adults our nest. One has supper for Palmer

paula eagleholic said...

Here she comes!!!!

OMG that was perfect! Right on the fish!

hedgie said...

Palmer in nest!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Lib took off, then Belle!

One eaglet at WE

crunch time!

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, I use pecans.

The loaves tonight don't have any nuts...John doesn't like them. The loaves tomorrow night are for me! They will have plenty!

BEagle said...

Er..isn't that one eaglet on the TH nest?

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, BEagle, I typed WE in my haste. Had checked WE too, it's MT.

BEagle said...

Palmer is a beautiful bird.

paula eagleholic said...

Boy is she warning parent to stay away, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

I think that was consumed in record time! Looking for more!

BEagle said...

Palmer chortling. Isn't that sweet?

ceil said...

Jo I wish I could it all goes down into the Harbor. We do have trees that need water badly and they got some. My garden looks terrible Even though I watered it twice a day

BEagle said...

She downs the fish and doesn't need the adult help with it.

I doubt it would happen, but it would be fun to see Belle feeding her again.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, it's down to the begging whine now.

BEagle said...

There she goes.

BEagle said...

Well, she isn't far I can hear her.

paula eagleholic said...

There she went! Crying all the way!

ceil said...

RIP Doreen Wonder if Jim knows he usually checks that site.

BEagle said...

I cannot understand when people don't like nuts.

My son doesn't like them either.
I could live on them.

paula eagleholic said...

Look at the sun's rays at WE...pretty

hedgie said...

She didn't stay long!

Wanda, glad that Karla got along well. I agree----if it's not needed, yank it out! It's the ovaries that provide the hormones, and uteruses casue too many troubles! One of the best days of my life was when I had it yanked---age 26! After 14 yrs. of pure HE--!!!

hedgie said...

Aha!!! If interested, check this article about Verizon/Frontier from Charleston paper:


hedgie said...

I like peanuts, cashews and macadamias........NO other nuts!!!

Lynne2 said...

OK folks, made a bunch of new posts of Irvine, Dinky, Dragonflies etc. on my blog.

Anyone want a bluejay feather? I have several if anyone is interested...just an email me!

Judie said...

Wanda, good to hear that GG is up and about and doing things for herself. Has to be good for her in many ways. Whatever Karla does, I hope it will the best solution for her health and well-being.

Brief downpour here. Quiet after about 5 minutes.

Am sad about Doreen. It was Jim who posted about her only a few days ago. Prayers for her family and friends.

Ceil, D.C. planted several thousand trees around the city and has now recruited residents and shop owners to help water. Drought and lack of manpower to keep the trees alive.

Deer fencing? Well, the fencing hasn't stopped them yet! I'll let Darth try to hair. I didn't think it would work but I'm not going to tell him that.

Headed to Paula's for zucchini bread.

Actually, headed to look for the sandperson. Still not feeling good. Wish I would either get sick or get well. Anyway, sleep is calling. Maybe there will be a Lily/Hope update in a few minutes.

Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for all others coming in so no one stubs a toe in the dark. Pleasant dreams.

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo it's raining!!

BEagle said...

Food fight on the TH nest.

BEagle said...

Hooray for the rain.

Mema Jo said...

It's raining but not much here in the valley. Hope you get more drops then I did!

Watching the end of the Closer -
The new show on after this looks good.

Sorry I missed our girl!

hedgie said...

Judie, hope you get to feeling better PRONTO!!! No fun to feel so blah.

Yes, Jim follows Doreen's story----don't know whether he gets email notice of updates or not.....I'll send him an email to be sure he knows.

Lolly said...

Hi all! So, there I was at the pool with Laurel and the boys. I posted a pic of Jacob on fb and then saw the news about Hope and Lily. I was soooo excited! I can not understand how she could be nursing, but in one of the pictures you could see the milk.???
Can hardly wait for tonight's post.

So sorry about Doreen. What wonderful love and support she has had.

Wanda...for what it is worth. I had a total hysterectomy because of fibroids when I was in my 40's. Best thing I every did!!! I do know they now have alternatives, but I have never had a problem.

Mits said...

hmmm, Lynn, I'll say it was a snafu....watched Lie To Me, it was good...can't seem to get into the Closer..will watch the new show after it...watched The Glades last night...liked it

hedgie said...

Message from Deb's sis, Dianne:

Wanted you to know I got this update from Janie and it is the exact time we are going to be in SD so we can help with the Osprey!!!!

Hello Dianne,I wanted to catch up with you and say "Hello" again after our missedconnections to actually speak at any length. It is wonderful to know that you are all planning a Lake Yankton visit inJuly! I am scheduled to arrive with the 20 young ospreys on July 26th or27th! I will look forward to meeting you at that time. I will be staying inmy travel trailer in Chief White Crane Campground nearby at site 146P. Until then,Janie Fink

Mema Jo said...

I liked the Glades, also. At first I didn't but he grew on me.

paula eagleholic said...

I am uploading a video of tonight's visit, it's just taking awhile

Mema Jo said...

Great news about Janie and Deb's sisters. Maybe we will get a video of the releases some way. Really an honor for them!

Mits said...

that is great news about Deb's sisters and the osprey:) show looks good:)

ceil said...

I also had a hystectomy in my 30's happiest day of my life. Had suffered for years
Lynn so glad that Diann and family will be able to help Janie with the osprey's

Mema Jo said...

Pretty darn BIG turtle on the new show!

paula eagleholic said...

Tonight's video is ready!

paula eagleholic said...

So sorry to hear about Doreen.

Glad that Janie will be there with the osprey when Deb's family arrives.

Lynne2 said...

heading to bed. Looks like we've got a storm heading right at us shortly.

Shirley, by the way, your crepe myrtle is so pretty and it's the same color as ours!

prayers for all and good night!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Lynne!

Costume Lady said...

Wow, Lynn...26 is really young to have a hysterectomy, but then, you already had your babies.
Lolly, I too had my hysterectomy when I was in my forties. Some time later, I told my doctor that I wish I could have done it sooner!

Karla just called and said she is feeling "pretty good". Dustin is taking very good care of her...bless his heart, I knew he would:)

Costume Lady said...

Nite, Lynne:)

Lynne2 said...

just went out to look at the sky....storm getting close! THUNDER!!!

REALLY going to bed now....yeah right, will watch storm, but will unplug computer!

Good night friends! REALLY!

Lolly said...

Just waiting for a Hope update!

BEagle said...

Time to saw the zzzzzz's.

Thank you for the nice video of Palmer.
At the beginning, I was amazed at not only how pretty Palmer is, but how BIG she is. I know she was ruffled and mantling but she is awesome.

Good night. God loves you.

Lolly said...

Hope Update

Mema Jo said...

Loved the video, Paula.
Fed your fishes a lot!

Mema Jo said...

I was thinking that Rizzoli TV show was going to be continue -- so glad it wasn't. She got them good!

Mits said...

I liked the new show....she did get them both....and that was one big turtle.....:)

Mema Jo said...

Just read Lily/Hope update
Now to watch the video

Joyous is a great word to describe our feelings!

hedgie said...

OMG---video and update had me crying.......and can you believe the up-close and personal shots when Hope was nursing. You could count the hairs. She sure was kneading hard to get that milk to flow. What a miracle that Lily coud start producing again....and that the mother/daughter bond was so instantaneous. WOnder if Hope has given her the 3rd degree...."Mommy, WHY did you abandon me???"

Lolly said...

Hope and Lily video

Lolly said...

Amazing that there is milk but you can see it. Apparently it took Lily a while to warm up. They have been together since yesterday and witnesses said Lily did not look enthusiastic.

Lolly said...

Had fun swimming with the boys today. Jacob's swim lessons have really paid off. He is now a fish! He was cannon balling into 17 ft water and in the 4 ft water, swimming to the bottom to pick up dive sticks. He was NOT doing this a few weeks ago.

magpie said...

Just finished reading all the news
just great about Hope and Lily, and the rain and some other things
Sorry that some are still in distress and discomfort.... hope that wellness swells soon

Love that avatar, BEagle.. lots of yellow on there !

going to close out the night with a look see at Paula's video

My totem tomato plant is in a pot, and yes, the tomatoes are about the size of golf balls, and the Softballs and Baseballs are on the Beefsteak and Brandywine Heirloom trees, firmly planted in the ground

James caught me off guard tonight with a totally unprompted exclamation:

Thanks, God, for Letting me be Alive

Love to all,
Good Night
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

magpie said...

Wow, that is GREAT Lolly
a great skill for a youngster to have!


hedgie said...

Wait til Judie sees this..Paula is sending subliminal messages in her videos. Looks like haybales.....wonder what is hidden inside??

I fed your fish alot of food, Paula--maybe they'll become Palmer's dinner!!!

stronghunter said...


Been visiting with Rus and Rebecca. Now I am very tired, so I'm ready to head upstairs.

Good night and God bless.

See you tomorrow.

PA Nana said...

Such good news about Lily & Hope. Thanks Lolly for the update video.
They are soooo cute and I'm so happy for them. My spirit lifted a mile high seeing them play together.

Paula your video of the crown princess was great too. She needs to respect her parents more, I think.

Well, all this good news and another good downpour and I'm washed out. Heading to the recliner and wishing everyone a peaceful and restful sleep.

Until tommorrow, may God grant you all your wants and needs and gratitude to Him for those already given.

God bless ((hugs))

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - loved the picture of the cool guy with the shades on!

stronghunter said...

Yes, the crepe myrtle bloomed nicely. You can see how brown the lawn is, though. I don't try to keep it watered. I hate to think how much the water bill would be. If you walk into the yard, you can see the green grass around the trees and shrubs because I do water them.

We had a pretty crepe myrtle hedge growing along the driveway at a house we lived in when I was a child. The hedge was the same color as the tree in my backyard, so it brings back memories. I used to feed the blooms to our pet rabbits.

See you later!!

Mema Jo said...

Time to head down the hallway

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for all
May Doreen's family find peace in their hearts.
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Oh, he is one cute Dude! He says the funniest things too. Joseph was giving his Mom a horseback ride IN THE WATER. So, I asked Jacob to give me one. Okay, he said, then "Have you lost weight recently?" I died laughing!

Costume Lady said...

Wonderful account of Hope and Lily reuniting, yet again. We all hope they stay together this time. Now that Lily's boyfriend is no longer in the picture, maybe they will stay together for a suitable lenghth of time!


Lolly said...

So, what happens if Hope and Lily hibernate together and then Lily gives birth? Should be interesting.

hedgie said...

Heading for the tub, so will say my goodnights now. Rest well, all my dear friends. See you tomorrow.

Lolly said...

My eyes are starting to water. That is my signal to go close and rest them. Have to get my glasses fixed tomorrow. Jacob walked on my beach bag at the pool and my glasses were in it. One of the nose pieces broke off. Now they hurt!

Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Got home from school later than usual tonight--about 10:30 Pacific time. Finally got my English class exam back, and I got an A! Thank God!

Still don't know for sure whether I have 6 more weeks of my other English class, the Vocabulary class. The young gal who's teaching it doesn't have a registration list yet, either! I'm supposed to call the Dean of Admissions tomorrow. He's checking into it for me.

Am so sorry to hear that Doreen Pospisil has passed away--what an inspiration she has been! Bet that when she arrived in Heaven, she heard "Well done, thou good and faithful servant!"

Sorry to hear that Judie still isn't feeling 100%! Doggone pesky ailment needs to go away! Prayers for healing continue....

Lynn, glad you're closer to being caught up on the blog. Has taken me quite a while just to catch up on Monday!

Pretty tired now, so think I'll call it a night. Prayers said for everyone. The night light is still burning, and the porch light is automatic. The eye scanner security is enabled, and will filter out any Russian spies attempting to enter. Sleep well, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and have a good night! Love all of you! :o]

Lori O. said...

Looking through Spidey's web work it's hard to tell, but I haven't seen baby Palmer in the nest since early last week.

I miss Palmer so much. She was always a huge bright spot and a smile to start the work day.

I hope you are all doing well and feeling blessed! I miss you humans, too. ♥ ☺


BEagle said...

Hi Lori.

Paula added a video from Palmer's last visit.

She posted it at 10:29pm.
If you scroll back a few posts you will find it there.

Maybe that will help the empty nest blues.

Lori O. said...

Oh, thank you so much, BEagle. I really appreciate that.

My smile will return!

BEagle said...

It's a really nice video with Belle and Lib and Palmer.

You will see a flash of hay bales. :)

Lori O. said...

Paula - thanks so much for posting the video of Palmer. It just does a human good to see her! Geez, Lib & Belle didn't stick around long after she arrived.

Thanks BE for the heads up!

BEagle said...

Have a great day at work Lori.

Lori O. said...

Thanks BEagle!

You too.

magpie said...

looks like there are a few leftovers in the nest

Overnight checked Loch Garten, first two chicks. then EJ arrived with a foot long fish....saw some bird circling the nest wide....then the oldest chick arrived....Mom was eating, and the chicks trying to weasel their way underneath her to get to the fish

Look forward to seeing the Soup Kitchen menu...expect to "See" it in person this afternoon with James
got the half day off that I asked for

So very sad to read of Doreens's dying....her illness is over, she is with many of our friends and family now

time to get ready for work now
ttfn xo

hedgie said...

The jabberwockie is in the sycamore...hear her but don't see her yet.
Morning all!

Lori O. said...


hedgie said...

Breakfast arrived and down she came....almost clobbering parent. What a rude brat she is!!! But she DID shut up!!! ROFL.

Lori O. said...

Hi Hedgie -

That little (huge) Palmer makes my day! How great to see her this morning.

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning Palmer! Good Morning everyone!

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

When I looked, LOL was an MT nest. LG was full. Our nest MT. No newer update on Lily & Hope.

Hay bales? Oh my, I believe Paula's message is one of anticipation: hay bales = harvest = Fall = OPEN HOUSE (:

Lolly, so glad you had fun with Laurel, Joseph, and Jacob yesterday and that Margy and James will see Wanda and Gene at the soup kitchen tonight. What's on the menu tonight?

Andy, congratulations on another A. Sure hope you don't have to take that vocabulary class. Also, thanks for updating our security to keep Russian spies out.

Have a lovely morning! BBL

Judie said...

Palmer enjoying breakfast. A bit of whining but not screeching.

hedgie said...

Palmer is taking a long time to finish off that food. Lots of crunching...

Realized last night while in the tub that I have a luncheon to go to today, so a little rushed this morning. Have to be outta here by 11. Cloudy and gloomy...makes me want to stay home. Oh, well, it is what it is.

Lynne2 said...

How long does it take one bratty eaglet to eat a fish?? WOW, she's been at this one for an HOUR!

We got clobbered with 1 1/4 inches of rain during a storm late last night and my poor milkweeds are down, as are a couple of my sunflowers. Sunflowers not looking so good anyway. The got lovely blooms and shortly after the petals started to shrivel up and now the leaves have brown and yellow patches all over them.

hedgie said...

Okay, subterfuge on Paula's part!!
Oh, yeah, Andy---congrats on yet another top grade!!

Lynne2 said...

bye bye birdie

hedgie said...

Oh, I have a toilet that wants to overflow....caught it just in time. ARGH!!! I don't have time for this stuff.
See you all this afternoon.

hedgie said...

P.S. We are under a severe weather alert for this afternoon. Stay safe everyone.

Lynne2 said...

adult! eating PalmNestovers!

stronghunter said...

"Mine, mine, mine!"

Adult scrammed.

Lynne2 said...

PalmerBomb just dove in, not very pleased to see adult eating her PalmNestovers. Adult exited FAST!

stronghunter said...

Palmer does not share well.

stronghunter said...

Can you imagine that in about six years this little monster could be feeding babies?

Costume Lady said...

What a treat it was to see Hope and Lily together last evening. My thoughts were: maybe Lily is "With Cub" and that is why she is lactating? As Lolly mentioned, wonder if Lily and Hope will decide to Hibernate together (if they stay together this time)?
Could be a very interesting situation!

Happy to have Margy and James join us at the Soup Kitchen this evening. Only one problem...we are serving hot dogs again. We had oodles left over from previous functions and the fridge looks like it belongs to a Hot Dog Vendor!
Menu is:
Hot Dogs
Chili (Capt. Gene's)
Bread Pudding
Iced Tea, Lemonade and coffee

Costume Lady said...

One more mention, before I take off, my internet has been shutting down for a short while the past couple of, if you don't hear from me for a while, I will be in INTERNETLESS HELL;)

Judie said...

Lynn, call Frontier. Maybe they can fix the toilet faster than they managed the conversion. Enjoy lunch.

Yum, Wanda. Might have to head up your way.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Looks like the big split is about to occur. Watch out!

Lolly said...


Lolly said...

I did it and survived!

Have to get ready to go out soon. Gotta get these glasses fixed before they poke a hole in my nose. Jacob was really sorry about breaking them. He learned a lesson.

Have nothing else on the schedule for today. I am looking for a conversation game for the boys, so will head to Barnes and Noble. Thought it would be good for our trip.

Lolly said...

Really look forward to Hope and Lily updates as well as the researches thoughts about their reunion and future together. I am thinking I really want to go to MN, but Jack wants to head to the west coast next spring. We'll see!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...