Saturday, July 24, 2010


Too. Darn. Hot. Thread.


Judie said...

Hey, Dana? I thought Shirley was telling you to put sliced tomatoes on the rash, also. Well, who knows? Maybe try some calamine lotion, if you have some.

About Open House -- I have reserved a room but I am uncertain. I have no doubt you would find Darth quite nice because he is. However, the Judie on the blog becomes suppressed when Darth is around.

Judie said...

Forgot my manners.

Thank you Steve. Enjoy the remainder of the weekend.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Steve and Judie!

Judie, if you bring Darth, we will just have to sneak you away from him from time to time.

stronghunter said...

I guess I am the only one who has met Darth. He is very nice.

stronghunter said...

Sliced tomatoes . . . they are for eating, not for heat rash!!

Lolly said...

Got lost of the old thread. Was chatting away but basically just talking to myself. LOL

Lolly said...
Helloooooooo! Jack and I are sitting here resting. Most of the food is loaded into the trailer. Larry and Sandy have gone to a party. This is the reason they drove up here. Hope they have fun!

Being out late last night and sitting and visiting most of the day has left me tired!

I am worried about George. Why is Shirley putting him in the dryer? And Darth???? My goodness, what has he been up to? I am worried, very worried....empty nest syndrome is affecting folks.

Lolly said...

Lolly said...
Laurel sent me pictures from the baby shower. The burp cloths (or rags) were a huge success. Yea! Jack also made a name train and they were thrilled with it she said.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, George will do almost anything for a food treat.

stronghunter said...

So glad the shower gifts were such a success. Those burp cloths were beautiful.

hedgie said...

Ribs, corn--on-cob and sliced toms are all gone here! It was very good. Even had a beer with it! Panda nap sounds good for this little piggy!!

magpie said...

that's the heat talking I mean Judie....

bring Darth...and we will transform him with some Momster magic then HE might have to be one that is suppressed ☺

Nice neighbor Love Story....sad for the loss.....

Hello Good Evening/Afternoon Eagle Pals

Glad Paula decided to skip work today !

magpie said...

computer all slow.....heat stroke I think...

Glad the overnight Oxygen worked ok Lynn
Sorry about the heat rash Dana

magpie said...

I have the B and the T but need the L for BLT's...

can't really blog now, takes forever....maybe when computer finishes its umpteenth scan

Thinking of all in the meantime....
at least the brain is working normal speed I think

apartment dweller NEXT BLDG OVER FROM MINE had her TV removed from her unlocked apt overnight or daytime today....Yikes! That's too close for comfort !!
Now why leave your door unlocked and go away ??

ttfn xo

magpie said...

3 chix and a parent at BWO - see lots of wingersizing

magpie said...

breezes making my "Lynn wind chime" tinkle nicely, wait that does not sound right....
clinkle maybe?

ok have to go next door to Lorraine's bbl

Lolly said...

No, Margy, some wind chimes do tinkle! I've got the L, and the home made bread, want to meet me half way?

Lolly said...

Yes, that is too close for comfort. Tells you someone was walking through and just trying door nobs. Scary!

Lolly said...

Just loaded some clothes into the trailer. Hard to pack for this trip. Do I take shorts or shorts? LOL

Lolly said...

Tomorrow all we have to do is last minute grocery shopping, take Annie to camp, and feel Laurel's family dinner.

Lolly said...

excuse me that is "feed" not feel. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I am beginning to think this is "not" a heat rash!! I have had this on my arms since remember back in winter when I got that rash on legs. Well I've had the arms since then....yes heat does make it worse. I'm in air conditioning and already got fan on me. Hummmm...
Ok need food and want to put feet up and see if I can find a movie with ice, snow and frozen lakes.
prayers for those that need them

Judie said...

Because she's stuuuuuupid, Margy. Also, she has not taken my crime course.

Oh lordy, now Margy has a wind chime that tinkles. Weird stuff up there in them thar hills.

One of my favorite sammiches is a bacon sammich. All you need is bread, mayo, and bacon. Tomato is an added treat.

Appreciate the offer of momster magic BUT my wish is for me to have a getaway. Last year's open house was the first vacation I'd had in 26 years. I need time away to be me. Sorry. Hard to explain. I just need time away and that may not be possible. Enough said. I'll have to wait and see.

stronghunter said...

Really hope you can make it, Judie.

stronghunter said...

The farmers' market tomato was excellent. I can't buy too many at a time because I can't eat but so many, but they are so good.

floralgirl said...

Helloooo everybody:)
Too darn hot is right, this weather is brutal.
So Margy, in case you're wondering- the moon is full on the 26th, and it's the summer moon or even the ripe corn moon. Take your pick.
Back to work- later gators

hedgie said...

Back after a short nap and some long phone calls.
It is 9pm and the temp is still 93.....give me a break!
Thank the Lord...the dogs next door were NOT left out today...but they are out now and still unhappy (w/ good cause) as they are whining and barking.

Hi, Margy! Another fun day, huh?
I agree....that woman ain't too bright!

magpie said...

OH I didn't mean to be rude and disappear, and Lolly I meant to say it did not surprise me one tee tiny little bit that your burp cloths were a big hit !
James and I would call them #5 cloths...we have number codes for some of the important body actions...☺

hello again..
Judie... understand completely...because you express yourself succinctly...
really....hope the trip to Open House can be just what you want and need it to be !

magpie said...

well Lynn...hope Carolyn is really looking forward to her spanking shiny new job !
I will meet her Wednesday...have Sun, Mon, and Tues off

(extra day Tues...have plans to meet with a long lost 2nd cousin in Lancaster Pa )

and Yo Ho Megan ! Thanks as always...thought my Astronomy magazine pegged the full moon for the 25th...
Moonie's looking pretty snazzy right now !
Miss you !!

magpie said...

I hate to suggest another doctor's visit but it might be in order....
you know, to get the right treatment and quick relief...

magpie said...

this neighborhood has always seemed pretty safe..but lately, I have noticed some downturns :(

Rats! It was hard enough to go through having to be here in the first place!

Maybe no one will bother this old Magpie though...

hedgie said...

Glad you have three whole days off in a row, Margy :) ...but know Carolyn will be disappointed. She was looking forward to meeting you. :(

Judie, keeping hopes high that everything will work out for Open House.

magpie said...

lady left her car in the parking lot (not sure where she went to when she went or how) because she thought it would "look like" she was home

Huh ??

magpie said...

Summer Moon all right, as in HOT Summer Moon...
heard a pile of singing katydids last night in Morgan County....
lovely exotic sound

Hope everyone is doing okay
or will be....

Lolly sounds like you are ready and rarin' to go all righty.
Hope it is just great....

did I say Hi Everyone ?
meant to....

magpie said...

need to clear some debris fields here...
back in a little while....
ttfn xoxo

movin said...

There are some fairly interesting reports from the Islands this week; some mortality signals, which might or might not be confirmed later; some brighter news of new fledglings as well.

One piece of news about a chick they found and necropsyed (sp?) showed dehydration (chick died during heat wave here). Dr. Sharpe said the parents had been providing, but much of the menu was squirrels, which have a lower water content than the normal fish. That made me think of the two fledglings that had been found near each other and brought to mind a cause of heat and dehydration for their deaths too....

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Channel Island Reports

hedgie said...

That's too bad, Jim. Poor youngsters.

movin said...

The eldest BWO chick has DEFINITELY fledged ... several flights now. But it's dark there now and all three are on the nest with no adult at the moment.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Judie said...

Well, here I am feeling exhausted from all the hide-and-seek and espionage of today. Need to assign more responsibility to Agent 00Jo.

Am tired tonight so going to turn my light off early. Will leave the night light on for others coming in, going back the hallway, to the tub, to the shower, to the porch to power wash away bird poop, or just plain to bed to get some sleep. Pleasant dreams everyone.

magpie said...

It's daylight in Finland...
two chicks and Mom at Finney's with beautiful colors

and the nest at Finland, empty, and looking really bedraggled

magpie said...

Good Night Judie...
you know I can just about eat mayonaisse straight outta the jar...
but sammiches are a little more civilized

Sweet Dreams to you too...

magpie said...

Will be fun to hear of Paula's carnival adventures

Holey Moley it is still really HOT outside...but I bet it is a great night to be at the respective beaches where some of the Momsters and their families are...
whoops said that word...

Going to do what Deb used to talk about doing..a little reading before sleep

Good Night, praying prayers for our needs, our families and friends...and of thanks for the many gifts given...
God Bless Us, Every One
xox ♥ (( hugs ♥ ))

Lolly said...

Oh, mayonnaise! Around here it is known as filthy white stuff. Jack can not stand it. All the rest of us like it but Jack really can not stand it. lol Therefore, the Filthy white stuff! Jacob likes it on his hamburgers, Granddaddy then really carries on. The boys love it!

Lolly said...

Nite Margy! Sweet dreams!

magpie said...

ha ha Lolly..they love...the mayonnaise? or Granddaddy carrying on? LOL

Take care now, get some rest....

Lolly said...

I have been slowly gathering stuff for the trailer. Have been putting in games and activities for the boys for the afternoons when it is so hot or if it rains.

movin said...

Magpie, I looked in at the Finney-on-sea nest this a.m., and there was a female O. in the nest and doing a bit of work on the central part of it.

I think they are just keeping their "hand in" for next season now though.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lolly said...

They love the Granddaddy carrying on! They like to show him the filthy white stuff that they pile on. lol

NatureNut said...

Hope everyone chilled out today. Like a dummy, I kept trying to spend a little time outside doing stuff, but not very long. Then it takes forever to cool down when you come in! I checked inside temp & it was 82!! That crummy thermostat has got to go! I have to keep nudging it down for AC to start again!
Sorry to read of loss of Mits friend. Prayers to all~~

movin said...

Before I had A/C, I used to employ a wet towel for wipe downs and one or two large box fans for the evaporation effect.

Oh, and wet T-shirts too on really hot days.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

LOL---Finney chicks look really zonked and Mom looks like she is asleep on her feet!!! These 23 hrs. days are killers.

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening from the surf/sand Mema! Tonight was Sea Shell City night. It was so hot the family only stayed for 3 hours.. burning up.

Would someone please inform me of Mits friend. My dial up isn't going to make it.
I want to copy for all of you the email I have from June - Karen Kinsaul' friend - as she gives us a report on Karen condition.

NatureNut said...

Was just reading back some & know some have hit the hay, but want to tell Dear Dana, Please see Dr. about skin. That's way too long! ♥ You might have an allergy or something.

hedgie said...

Finland water nest does look like it's falling apart, Margy!

I had a very favorite unrelated "Uncle" Chuck growing up who lived in Pittsburgh. He abhoored mayo...and Daddy and I loved it (I still do!) time my sister and I fixed a mayo sandwich and MAILED it to him!!!! What a hoot!

hedgie said...

Jo, the nephew of a good friend of Mits' was killed in Afghanistan. Remains came in to Dover today I believe she said.

Mema Jo said...

Update on Karen
Hi Jo,
I told Karen I would write to you and let you know how she's doing. She's been through a rough Chemo treatment 3 weeks ago to which she is still very weak from. She is trying to decide whether to go ahead with the 2nd treatment.
She told me she would like some quality days and doesn't know if she can withstand another round. I am really afraid for her to go through another round.
If you could let the other sweet and thoughtful momsters who plus yourself have sent her cards and prayers thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts. What a wonderful group of caring ladies you are. Thanks again Jo...I'll keep you informed.

I have June's email address if you
email me for it. I'll do my best to get it to you. Remember that the cards really help Karen's spirits.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Lynn for the information.
I'll call her tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Loretta, bet electric bills will really soar this month....argh!
You should NOT have been outside!!
Jim, your ideas all sound good....will sure use them if, heaven forbid, anything happens to my AC!

NatureNut said...

Have really been observing the wrens lately. Poor little Ms. has been staying in the house quite a bit. We assume she's laying eggs or roosting.The u8sual behaviour for Mr. W is of course to be in the tree near the house a lot and announce his territory to the world w/loud song. This AM, he was in tree & Ms. left for awhile, came back w/another fluffy white feather. This evening he seemed to be gone for a couple hours & poor Ms. either came out on perch or went in w/her head hangin out panting. When he finally returned, she did a little chirp reply & flew out, probably for dinner.My unSherlock deduction was that she would NOT leave the nest alone until she had a housesitter!

NatureNut said...

BTW, instead of making beef stroganoff toni9ght, we had BLTs!!Turkey bacon. It was good--smoked nicely & you can microwave it!
Re: AC, I could move downstairs---it's probably 10 cooler there! (I have to study the Alt sheet to find the degree mark.Why don't keyboards have that???)

hedgie said...

Thanks, Jo. I just put another card in the mail to Karen today. Poor girl.....know how she feels....

hedgie said...

I know, Lowreeda. I have that by my PC, but not here with the laptop! I DO remember hearts and musical notes....but that's all!
♥♥♥ ♫ ♪

Mema Jo said...

Headed back the hallway.... more heat tomorrow.

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for all needs/wants to be heard and prayers of thanks for all we have been granted.

Hugs to All

Mema Jo said...

Degree Mark Alt 2, 4, 8


Now this stupid puter won't make hearts.........


hedgie said...

Anne Marie's son, Rick is doing the kidney donation to his friend Rainee on Monday. Holding them all in prayer. I know A-M is anxious, but even tho' complications COULD happen, it has become a very routine surgery nowadays. I have heard that some places even do it microscopically!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Jo. Saved me a trip to the other side of the house!
Rest well! I'm right behind you.
See all of you fine, fowl friends in the morning. Peace and prayers.

hedgie said...

Oops....almost forgot:

Lily&Hope and Jo info

stronghunter said...

Stopping by to say good night. Need to sleep. See you tomorrow. Rest well, everyone.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the bear link, Lynn.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Had a great time with the kids at the carnival...I'll have to check the cell phone pics tomorrow to see how they came out!

Boy, it was hot out there, but there was a good breeze. Kids loved the rides!

Cohen said at the end of the night that his legs were tired...guess I wore him out!

paula eagleholic said...

Hearts are alt 3

paula eagleholic said...

Had my bowl of ice cream and the dogs are settling down...time to hit the hay. See you fine people in the morning!

Hugs to all ♥

Costume Lady said...

Cohen's legs are, Grammy Paula must have been feeling her oats today, wearing out those little kiddies:) Good thing she can sleep in tomorrow!

It was so hot that, after I watered GG's garden and flowers, I had to go home early and clean up...took every bit of sap out of me. It was 103° on her porch. Luckily, I watered my gardens early this morning, otherwise, everything would be dead here, because I couldn't have done it this evening. Thank goodness I had left-overs for supper. Need PLENTY of everything to fill up Dustin. We had Swiss Steak and Rice and after all the steak was gone, Dustin got a dish of rice and put butter and salt and pepper in it and ate all that was left:) He told me before dinner that he didn't like rice:):) Love that crazy kid♥ BTW, he mowed my lawn, what's left of it, Thursday. Yeah!!



NatureNut said...

Konking out in front of TV. Time to say Good Night--prayers for Karen & all in need.
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

Been sitting here visiting with Larry and Sandy. Now heading to bed.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Getting here kinda late tonight! Hope all of you are managing to sleep. The heat back east is unreal!

Dana, maybe Hubby and I should try a fundraiser car wash. Thanks for the idea! Hope your problems with your neck and spine can be improved with either PT or meds! The rash isn't from a new medicine, is it?
Calamine lotion is a good idea.

Judie, the love story about your neighbors is priceless! Sorry about your loss.

Shirley, enjoyed the picture of George exploring the dryer! Hope he doesn't make a habit of it, though. We had a cat that took a spin in the dryer accidentally, along with a big load of clothes, at age 13! We rescued her after about 10 minutes, and rushed her to the vet. After an IV for dehydration, and an x-ray to check for broken bones (there weren't any), she spent the night there, under observation. Her whiskers were all "frizzled", with "split ends", and she had a spot on top of her head that looked like sunburn.
After an uneventful night, the vet called us to say she was ready to come home. She had absolutely WOLFED down a can of cat food, and was eager for more food! She lived for 4 more years, with no problems!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, it's really late, so think I'll call it a day.

Prayers said for Karen and everyone else here.

Leaving the night light on, and the porch light, too. The eye scanner security is enabled, and so is Dana's thumbprint scanner security. Sleep tight, and try to stay cool. Goodnight, and God bless! Love you guys! Will talk to you tomorrow. :o]

BEagle said...

Good morning to all.

The royal nest is still quiet. No motion or movement, not even a cam rumble.

BEagle said...

Checking on the Channel Island cams still waiting for the rising sun, #07 remains on the WE nest and

the smaller of the TH twins still in view.

BEagle said...

Thanks for the Channel Island update Jim. It's hard to believe that the three deceased eaglets found were dehydrated. Poor little birds.

BEagle said...

There are four ospreys on the BWO. Earlier I could only see two.

It's only a 20 second lapse on that cam but a lot can happen in 20 seconds!

BEagle said...

I would really like to see that BWO cam on steady streaming. Wouldn't that be exciting?!!!

BEagle said...

Nice close up of the osprey on the Milford nest. All fluffy.

I meant to say that even though the PH nest isn't visited much by the eaglets, were spotted and pictures taken of them in the heavy foliage in their nesting area. They are looking good too!

BEagle said...

bye-bye for now.

much to little time.

Prayers for you and those you love.
For a great day.

Later ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Yup, Wanda, old Nini is worn out too! Slept till 9:30!!

paula eagleholic said...

I see 2 chicks at CT, boy they are all grown up!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, some good news! Ajay got an A on her geology final! She ended up with a B in her class. She has 2 more classes to take, which she was supposed to start next week...she talke to her counselor and he said she could wait until as late as Aug 16th to start them, which she will do. She needs the break!

paula eagleholic said...

Sounded like something just landed in our tree!

paula eagleholic said...

2 chicks and 1 adult at CT

paula eagleholic said...

Put some pics on Paula's prints of the carnival...not great quality, just from my cell phone :)

hedgie said...

Hello there one and all!
Have had a very lazy morning....just finishing up papers....but here is link to article about the fundraiser yesterday for Mason's van:

Van We Can

Lolly said...

Good morning! Larry and Sandy have left. Had a great visit, now they are on their way home, stopping in San Antonio to see their middle son and family.

Now to get on to last minute packing, watering and moving plants. Want to move some plants so the sprinkler system get them. When I said it was raining Friday we got 2/100ths of an inch. LOL Hoping to get rain tomorrow, but will set the sprinkler system to come on. It has a rain sensor and will not come on if enough rain has fallen.

Will be taking my laptop but will not be on very much. I remember last year that in our RV we did not get good Wifi, but had to take the laptop to Laurel's cabin. We will see what happens this time.

Off now to get ready to do last minute shopping.

Have a great day!

paula eagleholic said...

4 chicks and one adult at CT, Adult is eating!

hedgie said...

90° here weather said high of 90° real relief IMHO!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, a couple of days ago they were forecasting 80's for next week, I see it has all been changed to the 90's :(

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Paula, so happy you and grandkids had a nice time. Really happy about Ajay's geology grade and that she can wait a few weeks before having to begin new classes. I think she has enough to deal with right now.

Lynn, thanks for the Mason fundraiser article. Stay inside today if you can.

Hi BEagle and Lolly.

Quiet morning. Catching up on news. So horribly hot already, 91º. Will be staying in today. Reading is nice.


BEagle said...

Our forecast is still showing the 80's.
Higher 80's than previous but still no 90's and a lot of rain.

Already had a lot of rain.

Can't get the CT cam back up :(

NatureNut said...

Hi Everyone~~~

Come on over!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...