Friday, July 30, 2010


TGIF thread.


hedgie said...

Have called the others over........but no one seems to be "home"!

Watching a lovely little gray tree frog on my deck....don't know how he got there---hoping he didn;t fall out of a tree---it would be a long fall/jump. Doesn't seem the least interested in moving on, but has turned around so guess it's okay. Got pics!

Impromptu lunch with my youngest, so gotta get ready to head out. Later, gators.

hedgie said...

P.S. Christie got her new job!!! She will start training on Aug. 30th! Now I have to write her resignation to the hospital.

movin said...

They have the SD panda site all beautified, which I like, but they don't have the I.D. of the animal referenced to the cam number now...

But I think it is Su Lin they have on now. And the keepers have dumped a fresh load of wood chips (looks like) in her enclosure. She is going crazy over them, rolling in them over and over and sniffing them, rubbing them on her head and legs as she rolls....

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

All three eyasses and the Mom are back on the nest now at BWO.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Judie said...

Good early afternoon, everyone.

Thank you, Steve. Are you enjoying some cooler weather?

Got busy with laundry and doing some kitchen stuff. Made cole slaw and put the outer cabbage leaves and carrot shavings out for thumper.

Lynn, sorry about Shannon's grandparents. Will pray for best outcomes for them.

Congratulations for Christie. Could not be happier for her. Given her an extra hug, please.

Happy Birthday, Just Vicky.

Checked out S.D. panda web page. Clicked on videos and it was just a joy to watch a series of videos beginning recent and going back to birth and early exams.

Hoping Paula gets through inventory without a headache. Wonder how is Brensin?

Andy, glad you're having a good time. Just enjoy having family there.

Have to look up tree frog. We only get a toad or two.

Okay, back to the laundry.

hedgie said...

Jo left a message saying that dial-up is being very contrary.....she can't get on blog or on FB now. Says hello and that she's fine!

Judie said...

HI JO!!!


Hey Lynn, are we the only two bloggers? Where did everyone go?

Oh, looked up side-effects for Plavix. I've got four. Deep purple bruises, headaches, really itchy skin, worsening joint pain (all started about two months ago). Been on this stuff for ~year. Guess I need to try to make an appt.

Okay, back to some reading.

hedgie said...

Definitely, Judie.....maybe even CALL Dr.!!!! Bad least for you.

hedgie said...

Don't know where everyone else is today, Judie. Hope they are having fun!

Lolly said...

Hey, Lynn, here I am!!☺ Laurel and the boys are at the pool. Jack and I are in the air conditioned trailer. Jane and Herbert are out sitting in the shade beside their RV. We are going out to eat tonight. Seafood here I come! Found a great restaurant down by the harbor. W are going early and come back for an evening walk on the beach. Having a G & T right now!

Lolly said...

Oh, it is slow on here today. lol Went back to the old thread but saw that I had not missed anything.

Lynn, saw where Christie got the new job. Fantastic!

I posted new pics on fb. I thought I had taken pictures of the new sandcastle created this morning, but alas I did not get pics with my phone.

Lolly said...

See you later, Gators!

hedgie said...

Hi, Lolly. Bye, Lolly!
Enjoy your dinner. Glad you have had a great week. Safe journey home!

BEagle said...

Well, #04 has just landed on the TH nest. Probably so I could post something.

She looks like a bowling ball so she is probably hovering over an fish she brought in.

She is eating and whatever it is itty bitty. She treats it like a prize though. Very proud of her catch.

BEagle said...

Gosh, my apologies.

Good evening everyone in eagle land...all you eagle buds, or is it buddettes?

BEagle said...

And what is an eyasses?

BEagle said...

#04 has finished her appetizer and is now tweaking her beak.

She is making quite a fuss now, maybe demanding more of a wushi.

She is a pretty bird. And off she flies..............

Keep checking for Palmer. She may land one more time. ??

BEagle said...

Awwwww. Poor little #07 on the WE nest. He must have been so traumatized by something! He can fly, just don't know why he doesn't.

Wing cramps maybe.

BEagle said...

There are two chicks at the BWO nest.
I don't know if the last one has flown off.

hedgie said...

Hi BEagle!
Eyasses are falcon chicks!
Way to go, 04!!
07 better get up his nerve and just do it!
Seriously doubt that we will be honored with Palmer's presence again. :(

hedgie said...

In Harrisburg, SD......cattle were crossing a rain-swollen river. A calf got caught under a fence. Two cows dove down and lifted up the fence, freeing the calf! How cool is that??

hedgie said...

It was actually caught on video!

hedgie said...

We are finally having perfect temps--80° and low humidity. Hope it holds tomorrow so I can get some stuff down outside.

stronghunter said...


I spent a good part of the day with Kathryn. She got a cortisone shot and a new prescription, and I left her resting at home. She went to work long enough to pick up her paycheck.

Susan e-mailed me about her boyfriend's mom. She is doing well at the hospital and may be able to go home on Saturday. She had a twisted intestine. I had not heard of such a thing.

Happy birthday GG and Just Vicky!

BEagle said...

Hi Hedgie. Where's the story on the cows?

BEagle said...

The Rescue Bovines!


BEagle said...



stronghunter said...

I'd like to see the cow story, too.

BEagle said...

What a name for baby chicks. Eyasses.

How do you pronounce that?

eye asses?

stronghunter said...

You are wound up today, BEagle!

BEagle said...

Are the three on the BWO nest, Hooper, Hope and Holland? Or is one an adult?

Or are there two adults and one chick?

BEagle said...

Yes ma'am. It is Friday and it is beautiful and I got to help sell fruit at the Farmer's Market today.

Discovered Jazz apples.
There's also a mix of nectarine and apricot (cannot remember the name of it) that was absolutely delicious.

BEagle said...

Yellow watermelons and cantaloupes that where bigger than the watermelons.
The watermelons were small but....

paula eagleholic said...

Andy, you sure were up late making deviled eggs!

Lynn, awesome that Christie got the job! Nice of you to write her resignation!

Judie - nice you gave the leftovers to Thumper!

Sorry the dialup isn't working for Jo...I can't believe she can really get on FB with that!

Brensin slowly getting better, fever down, and he actually ate something today. Poor kid has ulcers going down his throat. Other 2 kids don't have it, keeping fingers crossed they don't get it. Ajay is doing good!

Quiet day here today.

paula eagleholic said...

Trying to rustle up some dinner here, inventory went good, but stayed late to get some other work done!

paula eagleholic said...

No buns, so having a nekkid cheeseburger!

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle is wound up!

Eye asses, rofl.

I pronounce it e-esses

WE - 07 has spent some time down on the far left pinnacle!

paula eagleholic said...

Cool story about the cows!

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday to GG

Happy Birthday to Vicky

paula eagleholic said...

Hoping to get up to see Ajay and kids tomorrow evening after inventory.

movin said...

I had a pandy nappy..feel pretty good, hope it lasts.

I see that K-07 is back on the WE nest. He looks much healthier, probably just waiting for dinner to be delivered.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...

I thought IWS would post something about 08 from the WE nest in this week's update, but no mention.

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like a nice day, BEagle

BEagle said...

Someone asked the question on their chat line about #08 and were told the antenna was founds.

Oh, a little bird is hopping on the TH nest.

BEagle said...

I think I need to go back to school and take some English, Writing and Composition and maybe some spelling.
Oh, and an editing class.

: D

BEagle said...

My son made spaghetti sauce and served me up a nice plate of sketties.

He does good.


paula eagleholic said...

Oh BEagle, does that mean the eagle was found with the antenna, or was it just the antenna?

BEagle said...

Just the antenna. Was washed up on the shore.

Doesn't sound too good.

paula eagleholic said...

This is what Dr Sharpe said on 7/26 when asked if they picked up 08's signal...

We haven't picked up its signal again and have had no reports from the mainland of anyone finding it or its transmitter.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh really...was that today?

magpie said...

Hi Friday Folks

Appreciate the news from other nests...'cause I haven't been able to keep up watching them myself

Golly Miss Molly...HOW in the world did I let GG's Birthday sneak up without my getting a snail mail card out!!

Happy Birthday to our very special Grand Lady, GG xoxo ♥

and Happy Birthday once again, to another Super Chick,
"Just Vicky" Vicky ! xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

K07 acting like Palmer...on the nest calling calling calling for dinner!

magpie said...

Blackwater looks so beautiful

Or nest does too, but it is missing something...

Hoping that the ailments with the young and older ones, improve very quickly

glad to hear of Christie's scoring the job, Lynn, and I sure enjoyed working with Carolyn today!

don't you all work too hard now....

Oh yes, remember to check the sky in the West a little after sunset/dusk..check for Venus and the two dimmer sidekicks, Mars and Saturn

Judie said...

Hmmmm. Wonder how a nekkid cheeseburger looks without nekked buns?

BEgle, you need to consult with Shirley, our English expert.

Forgot earlier and feel bad. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GG.


BEagle said...

Have you ever heard K-07 chortle? He has got a very different sound at times, like a cicada!

Judie said...

Memory lapses.

Glad Brensin in better, Paula.

BEagle said...

Judie. I sure hope you get straightened around with your medicine.

hedgie said...

The cow story was on CBS evening news.

Hi, Paula and Margy and Shirley....better seeing you late than never.

BEagle said...

I missed something. What's going on with Brensin?

I am going to CBS on the web to see if the bovine story is there.


hedgie said...

Paula, glad that Brensin is improving. Hope luck holds with the other kids. And hope that Ajay is taking it easy.

SIL's Memaw was released from hospital today. Thankfully not a heart attack!
Cute story--Papaw was at church one day last week when 7 college co-eds on a biking trip from New England stopped and asked for a good, cheap place to stay the night. He invited them home. He and Memaw took them all out for Chinese dinner, put them up for the night and fed them breakfast before they hit the road again! Only in the rural hills of Glenville, WV!

BEagle said...;lst;1

hedgie said...

BEagle, Brensin has hand-foot-mouth disease. Poor little guy.

hedgie said...

Not to be confused with hoof and mouth in bovines!

hedgie said...

Margy, Carolyn loved today!! So interesting watching you all in your proficiency!!

BEagle said...


paula eagleholic said...

Stepped out back to water the maters...and the hummer was right at the feeder...I stopped dead in my tracks and got to watch him feed and even perch on the feeder. Of course, didn't have my camera!

07 just took off from WE, still peeping for food! Or maybe he followed a parent for some!

Time to open the doors and windows...

Kewl, 07 just floated over the nest and down onto the pinnacle!

BEagle said...

Prayers going up for Brensin, little guy.

magpie said...

Way cool story about Memaw and Pawpaw, Lynn...

Glad there is health improvement in them thar' hills too !

Hi everyone, good to see some "smiling faces" here

thanks for the links folks...
you know someday I will actually open up a few more of them

today was a good action day, Lynn...nothing too awful, but some good activity for our new folks ☺

ttfn - reading up on some things here
wish I had hummingbirds here, used to have them at another roost

BEagle said...

Just missed 07 flying oof.

BEagle said...

Looks like two sailboats out at the WE nest.

BEagle said...

I never see hummers around here. I guess they have to be lured.

hedgie said...

From Blackwater: BNWR Flower Watch: Queen Anne's lace is found throughout Blackwater Refuge at this time of year. It's a member of the carrot family and is native to Europe. The plant also goes by the name of Wild Carrot and Bird's Nest.

Learn new stuff everyday!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the link, BEagle, will check it out.

paula eagleholic said...

07 back on the nest calling for food, missed his re-entry, was talking to bro for awhile on the phone.

paula eagleholic said...

Hooray for 07 at
WE..parent just dropped in with a fish!!

paula eagleholic said...

DIL just sent me a text..."I need zucchini bread", LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, glad SIL Memaw is OK

Judie said...

The memaw and pawpaw is so sweet. Nothing like a little hospitality and kindness to make wonderful memories for those students. So happy Memaw has been sent home.

I hear the sandperson whispering my name. So, time to respond.

Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in. Pleasant dreams and healing prayers for all in need.

hedgie said...

Judie, did you call the Dr. about the Plavix??? Sleep tight!

Costume Lady said...

My goodness, is it still Friday? I feel like it should be Sunday:)
Dusted GG's house yesterday, came home and washed Dustin's clothes and a load of mine. Preparations today for GG's Dinner Party and sent Dustin home with his mom...cleaned up, with Gene's help, after party was over IS STILL FRIDAY!
We had a lovely party with just family present. GG was feeling well and in an excellent mood. I forgot to tell her we were having a party;) Completely surprised:)
I have posted a few photos on Just For Fun. Gene did a cute video, but I can't get it to go facebook or U tube:(

Lynn so glad Christie took the job offered to her...I think she will be very happy she made that choice:)

Where'd you go Margy? Loved the tomato, wonderful texture and flavor! I put some photos of it on facebook.

Costume Lady said...

Speaking of Zucchini Bread...GG made some earlier in the week and forgot to put the baking soda in it. Turned out like 'flatbread', but was very tasty.

NatureNut said...

Checking in after a slam wore out day!We successfully covered a 10' x 4' printed picture w/clear over lam & didn't get any air bubbles!!!Took 3 of us.Next, it will wrap around a big recycle bin going in the hall of the main Park & Rec. bldg in Riverdale!
Made a big batch of salmon salad after work~~so now I've got lunch for tomorrow & Fubby has plenty to nibble.
Haven't read all notes yet, but see that Lynn's Christie has a new job & Brensin is getting better!! Hooray! Also, 07 was in the nest and was getting food!!
Watching true mystery on Dateline, then am hitting the hay..
Pleasant Feather Dreams to all ;>)

hedgie said...

Wow, Loretta, that sounds that a very tedious job!
Wanda, so glad your party was a big success. Going to look at pics!

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like a wonderful evening Wanda. Glad GG is up to baking :)

paula eagleholic said...

Hitting the hay here, more inventory tomorrow...catch ya'll sometime or another!

Missing those that aren't here!

Love and hugs to all ♥

Costume Lady said...

Doing face plants into the's time!


hedgie said...

Goodnight, Paula and Wanda!

magpie said...

went back to the office, senior supervisor retiring from 24 years at 9-1-1

went to cut and serve (and eat) the "Happy Retirement" ice cream cake and say Fare Thee Well

Terrific GG birthday party pictures, Wanda...sure see some real joy there!

Good Night Precious Pals...
Prayers for wellness and comfort
God Bless Us, Every One

xo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

oh I have crickets chirping here tonight...
love that sound
wonder when the first one will start chirping INDOORS

xo 'Night

hedgie said...

Glad you were able to go in for the party, Margy. Do you work tomorrow , too? Sleep well.
I'm right behind you! Prayers for all.

Lolly said...

Just watched the cow video. Interesting.

Enjoyed our dinner out. Watch boats and one ship in the channel and harbor. Then went for a long walk on the beach. Came back to Laurel's cabin and played a game and visited with Jane and Herbert. They are headed for San Antonio in the morn and we are headed home.

Exhausted...heading to bed.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

stronghunter said...

Interesting cow video.

Thanks for the link, BEagle.

Ready to call it quits for the evening.

See you tomorrow.

Good night.

movin said...

Peregrines downunder


Interesting developments in SE Australia, as the Peregrine season is about to begin.

No news on Frodocam since last October though.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...


GooD NigHT,

EveryONE ...


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

PA Nana said...

Late again!

Happy (belated) Birthday to GG. Hope her day and year are the best ever.

Happy (belated) Birthday to Just Vicky too. We haven't met yet, but if they say you're one of us, that's good enuf fer me.

Lynne, the sleep interruptions just might be the prednisone. Stranger things have been known to happen with that medicine.

BEagle, thanks for the updates. I can't get to see all the cams myself and you keep me informed. Thanks!

I did spy a bit on the Finney (land) nest and all 3 chicks were there and one was looking right at me (so it seemed). That cam is so clear and concise it's a joy to watch. Just so there is no repeat of last year's debacle.

Well now I'm winding down so must head to my chair.

Blessings around for all needs/wants.

PA Nana said...

OOps! Thanks Jim for the link to the Aussie peregrines. I hope to spy on a nest of young peregrines very near here soon.

P.S. Has anyone thought to register a patent for an airbag on the keyboard? Seems like that would suit a lot of us.

Lynne2 said...

Sleepis Interuptus again.

Paula, so glad Bresen is a little better and praying the others stay uninfected! My hummer story of the day...there is one that sits in the redbud near the feeder and then dive bombs other that come! Well, today, she had some second thoughts when she tried to dive bomb a wren that perched on the feeder for a sip....she started to go after it and got close and suddenly flew away from it...too big for her to tangle with!

GREAT pics of GG's party....she looks like she is just glowing!

Lynn, so happy for Christie's official job offer, she must be very excited! And VERY happy for Shannon's grandmother's better news!

Lolly, I guess your long walk on the beach tonight was the traditional "good bye" stroll after vacation is almost over. Glad to know you've had such a good time!

Good idea about the Keybord Airbag Diann!

I had a busy,, busy day today. And this evening, we took the dogs out for a nice long run in the field with new neighbor dog (our up over the garage neighbor adopted a lab last weekend) Ashley. We were all out well past dark...and saw the planets, too. Daisy was slam wore out...came in, had a drink, and took herself up to bed!

And I am heading up myself again now. Good night/morning!

Lynne2 said...

oh gosh....Judie, I almost forgot...that's a shame what the Plavix seems to be doing to you :(
Hope the Dr can find something less annoying for you to take.

And glad you asked how to pronounce eyasses. I thought it was pronounced eye-asses, too!! LOL! Guess we know now...but e-esses isn't nearly as funny! Eye asses IS funny, especially when it's after 4 am, or when I'm feeling like a 10 year old!

BEagle said...

Airbags on the keyboard? Great idea!

I dozed off at the dinner table the other evening. An airbag there would be good also. lol

BEagle said...

Looks like I missed K07's food feast.

Looks like the chat line at the WE nest doesn't stay up to date either.

BEagle said...

07 is presently tucked in at WE.

There are no eaglets on the TH.

A twig must be hitting the cam at the royal nest. I hear ker-plunking.

BEagle said...

There are two eyasses on the BWO. Or may that is an adult and one eyass.

They are tucked in too!

Spell check doesn't know their eyasses. They underline the word.

BEagle said...

I wonder what that clunk is at our nest. I keep checking. The wind is not blowing. Maybe there's a little eagle up there.

BEagle said...

Hope the nekkid cheeseburgers were delish.

BEagle said...

The peregrines in SE Australia will have a bright pink nest! That should be interesting.

BEagle said...

There is something on our nest.

Wow. I am trying to figure out what it is. I am not sure it is Palmer, but it is a bird I think.

Hard to see through the web.

BEagle said...

It is moving around.

BEagle said...

It was an adult. It just flew off but I could see the white tail feathers.

Doggone it spidey!

BEagle said...

I didn't think the eagles flew around much in the dark.

BEagle said...

So much for early bird watching.

That could have been Lib. Checking to see what's necessary for nest restorations for the upcoming year. :)

BEagle said...

More cam noises.

BEagle said...

Adult on the nest.

BEagle said...

Picked up something and flew off.
Taking out the trash?

I know it wasn't a turtle shell.

BEagle said...

Now to TCB.

Have a beautiful day

magpie said...

Oh BEagle - Hurray for you!
You saw an Eagle at the nest!
That is really a nice way to start the day....

Thanks for the play by play!

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
Headed out to look for some things at Swinging Bridge

Best wishes for a good day for all
xoxo ☺

BEagle said...

Hi Magpie.

It WAS good to see Lib. The first time I saw him, he looked like he was peering through that gap in spidey's web.

When he came back spidey's web was fading out.

I am thinking that the break of dawn is about the only time to see anything.

Gotta go.

hedgie said...

Morning all.
So cool that you spotted one of our adults, BEagle!
LOL---Diann....saw a cartoon a couple of days ago with an airbag popping out of the monitor, preventing a faceplant into the keyboard!! It was cute.....but I couldn't get a capture of it to send out!!!
Have fun on Back Creek, Margy!
BTW---friend Frank said that he and Mr. Bill had an eagle fly across in front of them in Hampshire Co. coming back from Bill's hunting camp anot too long ago. Such things do not impress Bill....but it did Frank. He also said that roads in Sleepy Creek aren't too bad at all....???

hedgie said...

Still don't understand why the Anglesea nest box is PINK!! But those falcons are sure lucky---roof overhead makes for good protection from weather as well as invaders/marauders.

BEagle said...

Hi Hedgie.

I looked for a cam for the pink bird house. Didn't see one but I may have missed it.

Do you know if there is a cam?

stronghunter said...

Good morning. Last day of July. The summer is coming to an end. It is too soon.

stronghunter said...

You all had me confused about the air bag thing for awhile.

BEagle said...

Air bags? You did have to read back a little for Nana's suggestion for air bags, which I thought was terribly cute.

Costume Lady said...

Ah, yes, Shirley. Summer will soon come to an end, especially for you wonderful School Marms:(
Hope August isn't as hot as has been awful! the idea of an Air Bag. So funny!

Costume Lady said...

I often wonder why we sit at our 'puters til we nearly do face plants? What are we waiting for? Why don't we just go to bed?

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, I was thinking the same thing about that Pink nest box. Wonder if it has always been pink or did they just paint it that color since they relocated it so the falcons could spot it easily?

BEagle said...

I was just remembering Lolly planting her face on the keyboard too.

Our temperature don't look bad for the first look at August.

Tuesday or Wednesday may be in the 90's. I can believe the reports are correct or I can believe them wrong.

BEagle said...

I was thinking the pink was for the benefits of the employees, so they can keep a distance.

Maybe falcons can see pink but they may be more tuned in to food items that move and wiggle.

BEagle said...

: D


Costume Lady said...

You may be right about the PINK to alert employees, BEagle. Or, you may be wrong;) LOL

stronghunter said...

What is the link to the pink nest thingy?

BEagle said...

Scroll back to Jim's post at 12:37AM.

That will take you to the pink BH

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Wanda, just loved the pictures of GG's 90th. She really looks great. Also loved the picture of Margy's HUGE tomato. That would be one I would want to eat but at the same time be able to keep forever.

Jim, thank you for the update like for the falcons. I do like to watch them.

Diann, I think you should investigate development of a keyboard airbag. Fame and fortune could be yours.

Margy, enjoy the visit to swinging bridge. It should be a beautiful day.

Off for some coffee and newspaper. Will do some ironing today, pick up medicine (plavix) and maybe go look for a new blouse or two for Fall.

Oh, I did call to try to make an appt. with primary -- closed for the weekend at 4:30pm. Will call Monday. If I can't get an appt. within a week, I'll call the vascular clinic and go in to see the surgeon.

BEagle said...

Touche Costume Lady. :)

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

Wonder if you should ask the pharmacist some questions?

Lolly said...

Good morning! Beautiful sun shiney day here in south Texas on the beach. We are packing up and heading home.

Have a great day and I will see you later!

BEagle said...

stronghunter said...

Can be so frustrating trying to call doctor's office. Get a real person who connects you to a machine. Call back to try to get a real person and an answering machine picks up. Always have to listen to a whole series of messages about calling 911, office hours, prescriptions, etc., etc.

My doctor told me to call back in 3 weeks. I will try.

hedgie said...

Don't know if they have a cam on the pink nest box for sure, but don't think so. Since Frodocam nest was deserted, haven't seen anything about a new cam. This box was apparently pink before they moved it.

Yep, Judie---ask pharmacist.....they know more about the drugs than Drs. do!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the link, BEagle. It looks like they have favored pink for their nest box for some time. For the 2009 season, it was unpainted, but other seasons it was pink. Must be some particular reason. Maybe they just had pink paint sitting around that first year and it became a tradition.

hedgie said...

Just saw an article in the paper that reminded me of someone recently posting about retiring to "Mayberry"!! Meant to say at the time that Andy Griffith lives in Manteo, NC....OBX!!! He's going to be doing some Medicare PSA's.

stronghunter said...

I remember seeing Andy Griffith in No Time for Sergeants many years ago. When I was in college, I got to meet Mac Hyman, author of the novel by the same name. He came to visit our creative writing class and just sat around casually talking with us. He was hilarious. He could take an incident and turn it into pure comedy. We laughed a lot that day.

stronghunter said...

Interesting . . . I remember Mac Hyman as an older man, but I see he passed away at age 39. When I was in college, I would not have considered 39 to be a young age, I suppose. Different perspective now.

My creative writing professor was Ovid Pierce. He was very much the Southern gentleman writer. I always thought his name was very appropriate for his profession.

The two men had very different writing styles, but they obviously enjoyed each other. It was fun to watch them interact.

stronghunter said...

Andy Griffith on Health Care Reform

I hope . . . Something needs to happen.

BEagle said...

New thread.

BEagle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...