Monday, June 08, 2009


New thread.


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Mits said...

I hear hidey in the tree.

hedgie said...

Ceil, did the government entity PBGC cover them for retirement? Or was it too long ago for that to have been formed yet? Awful.....

ceil said...

Too long ago.

ceil said...

I can hear Hidey and it is the first time I have heard him sound like a whimpering puppy

Mits said...

off to fix dinner...bbl

ceil said...

Off to watch TV

Bibee said...

Hey, I'm back. We had a bad storm here in southern WV. We even had hail. So, I had to turn the computer off. The storm has left now. Deb - be careful on your trip. Paula, I will check to see if I have real player. This is a new computer and I am unsure about what is on it. I hear Hidey. I saw two bears at the snowman cam last night. Pretty cool!

paula eagleholic said...

Hidey came down

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you Hidey. In on my 10 minute break

paula eagleholic said...

Think he's trying to convince someone he needs food...scrounging around the cabinets for something to eat....gotta go finish the lawn...

Mits said...

poof he went screaming off the nest, but he sure does not go far, can hear him up in the branches.

Mits said...

he is not close to the cam..

Mits said...

now don't hear him, may have left again

gwen of s.c. said...

Glad I finally got to see Hidey tonight, was about to give up. Well there he went.Hope everyone had a good day. I had my grandson most of the day, he's so precious. His name is Talmadge, and he's two and a half. Talk to you all later. LOve, Gwen

Bibee said...

Paula-thanks! I did not have realplayer on my computer. That is why I couldn't get pete's pond. Went right to it after the download. I appreciate the help. Where did Hidey go?

stronghunter said...

Good evening everyone. Worked late today. Guess I missed Hidey's visit.

Mits, I hope you are still here. I asked Suzi where she worked at the zoo, and she said "everywhere." She spent a day watching one of the baby tigers the first time it went outside. They were afraid it might fall into the water.

She says she still knows the names of all of the elephants and can tell them apart. She would love to volunteer again someday when she is not so tied up with work and school.

She thinks it was in 2000 that she was there.

paula eagleholic said...

Backyard is done, dogs fed, I ate...

Taking a break, then gotta pay the bills!

paula eagleholic said...

Bibee - glad that solved your problem!

Bibee said...

Well, I am out of here for the night. Talk to all you Eagle Friends tomorrow! Sweet Dreams!

Mits said...

good night everyone:)

ceil said...

Just stopping in to say Good Night. Had company stop in.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Mits. Good night Paula,and Bibee.

stronghunter said...

Goodnight Ceil.

hedgie said...

Been working on menus for next week and the week after that this evening. Hard to plan ahead like that....not something I'm used to doing. But sure is making me hungry! We have a few outings planned that will include eating out, but on the days we just stay home I'm planning on brunch and dinner. Sis is a late riser, and I think Mom has started sleeping in later as she's aged. They are staying at The Woods Resort hotel which is about 2 miles from me. Mom can't do the steps to my loft, and says she can't get down low to the cot in the office, so....that's all the accommodations I have!

hedgie said...

G'night Mits, Ceil, Kat and Shirley.

Mema Jo said...

Hello There! Had a busy day and didn't get much time here on the blog.

I just found on the Wild Watch site that the streaming video is now on for
the little Burrowing Owls I love.They are too cute!

Burrowing Owls Streaming Video

hedgie said...

Know that makes you happy, Jo!!! Enjoy!
I've been busy, too. Crunch time is on for sure. So many things that can't be done too far in advance...or it would just have to be redone! LOL.

Mema Jo said...

I am amazed at what you are accomplishing around your home! Where
are you getting all your energy Lynn?

When does your mom arrive.

Mema Jo said...

Oh Lynn - I just read your comment about you Mom not doing steps. It will work out with they staying not that far from you.

Mema Jo said...


The yellow roses are called
'Scent from Above'.
They are Jackson Perkins brand.

Click on my name and send me an email so that I can return it with a pic of the roses. Jenny is also looking up the White Climbing Roses' name.

Mema Jo said...

Going to get some things done in the short time I have left before sleep overcomes me!

Good Night All!
Prayers for all our needs
Special prayer for Deb's safe travels
and for the comfort she will find with family.

(((hugs))) ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Calling it quits for tonight...night all.

Safe travels to Deb. We'll be thinking about you.

Hugs to all ♥

hedgie said...

Jo, know you're probably already gone....Mom gets here Mon.
I have to pace myself, but I've always accomplished more under pressure/time constraints, so....I'll be ready. Have let a lot of things go the last 4 yrs. Partly from lack of energy, partly from being involved w/ genealogy and the Momsters, and partly because I never know how long I may have!!
Goodnight all...hope everyone has a great night. Gotta check yahoo mail and then I'm turning in. Peace and prayers.

Costume Lady said...

Busy this evening with unexpected dinner guests... Karla and Dustin.
Dustin needed help with a science project (making a catapoult). Granddaddy to the rescue. Karla brought steaks...she can be an unexpected guest ANYTIME! Love it when she comes over by herself (as opposed to being with the whole family), we have really good Mother, Daughter talks. It doesn't happen often enough. Wish everyone could be retired:)


movin said...

Good evening. The smudge seems to have a dark extension tonight, but when I enlarged that area, it appears to be breathing....

Guess Hidey's behind there.

Just turned on Pete's Pond, it's still dark there, and it sounds like some 30 lb. fish are jumping! Probably they had a big insect hatch there.



Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, everyone,
I just got home from school, and by golly, it's official! They gave me my student ID card tonight. It's going to be fun deciding whether to use my student discount or my senior discount at the movies! LOL :oD Lynn, thanks for the prayers (and thanks to anyone else who was praying, too!)-- school went well tonight. By the way, Lynn, so sorry about the benefits, and Ceil, yours too! Boy, God'll get them for that one! Shame on them! That's just not right. Just goes to show that our source is God Himself, not benefits man says he'll give us!
Prayers for blessings from above for you two-- the kind that He gives are what you're needing right about now. They're glorious!
Say, looks like Hidey's hoping that if he hides behind the smudge, the bugs won't see him either! Hope the poor little guy gets a really good night's sleep tonight. He was just miserable last night! Bugs everywhere! Eeeww! Well, I'm so tired I can't believe it, so I'm gonna call it a night. Prayers that all of us get a good rest tonight, prayers for all our travelers, for safety and protection from above, and prayers for health where needed. G'night, all. Talk to you tomorrow. :o]

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. I wasn't able to sleep and thought I'd just check in on Hidey and all of you. It's very late - 1:45 AM - so everyone is probably dreaming sweet dreams now. Wanted to say hello to whomever is going to read this and hope this day brings you peace and joy. God bless! diann

movin said...

I'm wondering if that actually is Hidey in the nest.

I didn't look at it for a while, and when I came back, what I had thought was him had not moved at all.



movin said...





Lori O. said...

Good Morning my sweet Hidey who is in the nest now waiting for his breakfast delivery.

Tammy said...

Good Morning All...

Hidey returns to the nest at 5:38

Tammy said...

Hi Lori...

That didn't take long, did it... Bye Hidey!

stronghunter said...

Good morning to anyone here this morning. Just taking a quick look before going to work. Thunderstorm brewing outside. See Hidey left already.

stronghunter said...

Thought I heard Hidey. Good to see that the storms are not at the nest.

Lori O. said...

Hi Strong -

I checked in to see is this thunder & lightening was affecting Hidey or maybe if he had come back.

Still out of the nest. Just glad he's okay.

Mits said...

Good Thundery Morning from, it rumbled me out of bed....

Mits said...


Partly sunny. Showers and thunderstorms likely...mainly this morning. Highs in the upper 80s. West winds 5 to 10 mph... becoming northwest this afternoon. Chance of rain 60 percent.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly cloudy in the evening...then becoming partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 60s. Southeast winds around 5 mph...becoming west around 5 mph after midnight. Chance of rain 50 percent.
Partly sunny. A chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs in the lower 80s. North winds around 5 mph... becoming southeast around 5 mph in the afternoon. Chance of rain 30 percent.
» ZIP Code Detail
Wednesday Night
Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers and thunderstorms. Lows in the mid 60s. Southeast winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40 percent.

normabyrd said...

DEB---may have missed you this am---but sending my love & prayers with you today---may God be with you----

Lori O. said...

Hi Mits and NormaByrd -

I'm in Rockville this morning at work and that was insane!!! So strange to have a storm like that in the morning! Just glad the eaglets are ok. Skies are fine in NBG for the Rebels, and in WV for Hidey.

I hope it does't get any worse this afternoon.

Mits said...

yes, Lori, it is strange to have a big bummer like that in the a.m., thought I was dreaming...

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---CONGRATS! LORI--you are #1 EAGLE MOM---today & every day!---MORNIN'--LORI--TAMMY--STRONGHUNTER--& MITS!----We have grey-blue skies --lots of chirping birds--& a 50% chance of thunder showers---but that's par for the course this summer!!---here in WILD & WONDERFUL WEST VIRINGIA---HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY---PARENTS OF HEIDY aka MIRACLE!---She is the LOVE OF OUR LIFE!!!---LET US ALL GIVE THANKS & REJOICE----LIFE IS GOOD!!

Costume Lady said...

No storms here in Hidey territory, unless I slept through it. No signs outside of rain.
It's gonna be another hot, stuffy day. Have to take GeeGee to doctor today, so I won't be on here very much...No Silver Alert necessry;)

Mits said...

OK, Wanda:)

normabyrd said...

NORFOLK SITE!----See 1 EAGLET at the 'REBELS' NEST---#3 EAGLET fledged yesterday & the #2 EAGLET(fitted with a transmitter) has NOT fledged yet!!----LOVE THAT SITE!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' WANDA!---How is your garden?----If I remember---last year you had enough 'VEGGIES' to feed the town! ho!---Envy you--

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning eagle buds!! Prayers with Deb!! Hope every one is well this wonderful morning. Saw Hidey earlier but not in a while.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

How is every little body??

normabyrd said...

I didn't leave kids!---I went to the STORK site &--BIG FREEZE!!---just got back on!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BEAUTIFUL SISSY!--How is your husband?---pray he is feeling better---thoughts & prayers with you all!--

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Parent in the nest!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Tom is doing alot better, having a stress test this morning, make sure this mess hasn't damaged anything there. He still is very very tired and has bad headaches but nothing like it was. So I reckon the antibiotics are doing their job!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Parent gone and Hidey on the nest!!

normabyrd said...

WHOA! SISSY---That sounds good---he is not getting worse---one step at a time--prayers---

normabyrd said...

SISSY---Hard to believe our 'BABY' is in the nest & is so quiet!---ho!---We usually hear her before we see her!---SHE IS A DEAR

Bozzett said...

Bird buzzing the nest???!

Bozzett said...

Good morning and blessings to all by the way!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Are you all watching that bird that is bugging Hidey? Keeps swooping down at her and squawking. It better watch out, it will be brunch!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh, and good morning all!

Bozzett said...

Yep..saw and heard the bird doing flybys in front of the nest...couldn't tell what it was but was sure buzzing Hidey...

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SHARON & BOZZETT--How big is the bird that keeps buzzin' our 'little one'?----haven't seen it!!---

Bozzett said...

Couldn't tell for sure...but it looked sizeable...haven't seen it in a few did flybys for a minute or so...and really made alot of noise as it did...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, I am thinking it was a crow.

normabyrd said...

I have have classes this am---trying to keep up with blog & get dressed at same time!!---SHARON--where is SON working this summer?

Bozzett said...

I have to get to will check back with all all a great day!

normabyrd said...

TAMMY & SHARON!---I think our 'BABY' is beginning to ENJOY life out of the nest!----want her to go--but it will be sad!---We have said more GOOD BYES to this little 'STINKER' than all our others put together!!!--ho!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, Andrew is working at Staples in Bluefield, VA. He is going to try to transfer to Staples near Charleston next month. Just found out yesterday that he is going on a cruise at the end of July with Kelsey and her family. He has to get a passport because it is "somewhere in Mexico" he told me. Summer band starts at WV State University sometime in early August and then school starts I guess near the end of August.

normabyrd said...

BOZZETT---Got my names confused!!--I was thinking of you with horse & thinking of TAMMY who was rooting for CALVIN---mixed the names---forgive me---i am old-----ho!

Bozzett said...

New thread posted by Steve...and don't worry Norma - I am old too! :)

normabyrd said...

SHARON---That is GREAT news about the CRUISE!!---WOW!---He has plenty of time to work later!!--Sure you can't go along?---

ps--i'll keep your dogs---

stronghunter said...

Good evening, don't know if anyone is there right now. We've had thunderstorms and couldn't get online. Can't use streaming video at work right now becausse it uses too much bandwidth, so I have not been able to be on much. Hidey seems to be peacefully resting on the edge of the nest.

When did the picture change?

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9/27/24 bella pm

 Bella Hurricane was devastating for our area