Wednesday, July 25, 2007


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Steve---Nobody wants to be 1st?

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - You were too fast for me! lol

Mema Jo said...

I was just signing on - emails finished - Thankful to hear from Megan that surgery was completed yesterday. Going to surf the few cams we have going for us and read previous thread from this morning.

Good Morning Steve - still can feel the excitement in the air and up the tree concerning new equipment. Liberty & Belle are even preening and tiding up the nest!

MITS said...


Costume Lady said...

Keep an eye on Mrs. Swallow; pretty sure eggs will hatch today.

I have 2 morning appoints with my Doctors. Need another cortisone shot in my knee and hope to find out if my newest med is causing me to gain weight. 20 lbs in 4 months is a lot!
I will probably miss the first hatching--maybe someone will snap a photo. BBL

movin said...



normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---WANDA & JO!!---WONDERFUL NEWS FROM MEGAN & ROBYN---!!!--GREAT way to start the day!!---I have been watching the STORKS---They have been in & out of their nest!! --The FIN CHICK is growing by leaps & bounds!!!!---"LITTLE PRINCE" is acting like JIM again---He is MOVIN' all over the place!!---ho!Cloudy day this a.m. in WV temp. now 67°---Had rain yesterday----REALLY hope MEGAN got some too.!!

Mema Jo said...

I can decipher what you just wrote but ARE YOU OK?

movin said...

thanks for asking, Mema Jo ... I'll get back to you on that....


MITS said...

OK, JIM.....stay out of the bloody mary's,you have to go to work

carolinabeachmom said...

OK Mits where are you. YOu said new thread! I was the first on already this week. I'll just hang out here until someone comes over. Reading Harry Potter for awhile.

movin said...

None of the cams seem to be working this morning on the Channel Islands site.


MITS said...

adult eagle eating Eggberts' leftovers.

MITS said...

never mind Eggbert chased him out.

MITS said...

I went to read the blog, Candy....:)

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MITS--GOOT MORNINK CHIM!!------(is jim parking his car in the wrong garage again)----ho!---SORRY--COULDN'T RESIST!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Bou where did you all come from? I left to take down curtains and beds to wash and came back to find a bunch of buddies in the blog. Welcome JIM, AJO AND NORMA. Ok Mits, so it is only Wednesday. Where were you? I was waiting for you to be the first on the new thread! JIM I did understand what you said. I sounded it out like we do in Kindergarten!:)

CONGRATS WANDA for being the first!

MITS said...

Nothing long or enduring, but just want to take the time to THANK GOD, for looking out for all those in need:).

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA You go girl and give it right back to Jim. Serves his silly self right. :)

MITS said... know how to stick the knife in and twist it:)

carolinabeachmom said...


normabyrd said...

MITS---Get some of TAI'S vitamins---We need to send some to the "ATLANTA BEAUTY"---She is always asleep---as is LUN LUN!!---The "LITTLE PRINCE" has been running & running this a.m.

normabyrd said...


movin said...

Took Jim a couple of minutes to get it, Norma, but that's funny.

Have a good day, everyone... I should go back to sleep, but I've got to go to work.


MITS said...

Norma, that means when I am there this afternoon, everyone will ask...when is he going to wake up?

Mema Jo said...

Email through Momsters from Sharon that she received from Chrissy.

What were the names of those boots?
We had such fun with that last year!

WELLIES or something like that?

paula eagleholic said...

LOl, you guys are too funny this morning!

Megan - glad to hear things went well.

Mema Jo said...

Have a good safe productive day at work, Jim. Talk with you after work

MITS said...

I think you are correct, Jo

paula eagleholic said...

Wellies it was, Jo!

Suzanne said...

Wow, thanks for the new thread, Steven. Thanks for the heads up, Mits and Jim. Lots of folks over here..
Morning, Jim, Mits, MemaOwlJo, and Normabyrd! Looks like Chim needs another cuppa coffee!

Suzanne said...

Wow, good morning, Paula. You came here when I was writing a comment.
Yup, Jo you guys were talking about Wellingtons, (Wellies) last year.
Been on other computer, have to go check cams see who is home.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA & SUZANNE---WHOA!!---"LIFE IS GOOD"---Everyone seems to be ENJOYING the a.m.---LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Where did Albert go!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, I was going to ask the same thing. Albert - where are you?

MITS said...

He has been up and down and now????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think Albert has finally fledged!

MITS said...

I think he flew the coop....I'm sorry I did not take the shot when I thought he was leaving.

Suzanne said...

Geesh, Eggbert was there, looked like he was eating, then looked around the nest, looked at the cam, and poof...gone. Same with the Kent was on the tree, looked like he walked down to nest, other joined him, then both gone! They're outta sight! Not on the tree, so I guess they have both officially fledged now.
Hotel owl still there though, and both in Benicia. BW osprey MT, and 1 stork has returned from his/her travels. Finland chick and mom grooming. Mrs S got off the nest for a few, got a pic, gonna send it to Candy to see if that was a beak I saw. Kinda doubt it, but she'll know better than I would. Lost my 2nd Finland cam this morning, and so far, it's still MIA. Can't get it back this morning.

MITS said...

Albert has left the tree:).

Mema Jo said...

I quickly emailed Garry & Loraine - hope we get an answer soon as they can go right outside and look for him.... EXCITING BUT SAD
Last one to go......:( :( :(

MITS said...

Got that pic, think it is Albert who just came back

Robyn said...

Good morning all.

Meagan so glad to hear all was a success, that is 2 bits of good news and everything comes in three's so we now know who will also hear good news ;).

Robyn said...

I just saw one in Kent on the tree had his wings partially open then next frame they were closed

Suzanne said...

Hi Robyn! Glad you got good news for your daughter, yesterday!
That's Albert on the tree, he left very briefly a few minutes ago, but came right back.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Robyn - I gotcha! I sure hope so.
Are you and Tori/Faith traveling today?
Maybe Albert was up above the cams like Einsteinella did that one time when we first thought she fledged.

Suzanne said...

Looks like Albert is really holding on for dear life after that little excursion!

Robyn said...

No Jo we leave tomorrow morning to see my other cousins in Gulfport we will stay there till sunday morning the make our way to florida where we will stop at my very dear friends home for the evening. He wants to take tori for her favorite dinner, crab legs lol.

paula eagleholic said...

Robyn - we already got the 3rd good news - Wanda's Mom just needed a shot!

paula eagleholic said...

Whew - I see Albert now! Yay Albert!!

Robyn said...

I must have missed that Paula, then we wait on #4 :)

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, both CT osprey chicks are eating a fish - One for each!!

paula eagleholic said...

#4 - Would be Sandra's husband, Tom. Hoping healing is going well :)

Suzanne said...

Albert's gone again!

paula eagleholic said...

#5 - Is Dana - like Jo said, haven't heard from her in a couple of days...

Suzanne said...

Geesh, Albert is gone, the one stork that returned is gone, BW osprey is gone, Eggbert is gone. Man, all these MT nests now! And Mrs S still on eggs, at least that's something! And the Fin chick is sure getting pretty. Did you guys see his chest feathers today? Beautiful.

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----I AGREE!---The FIN CHICK is one "Good Looking CHICK" ho!--- His feather change everyday---WILL MISS HIM!!!

Mema Jo said...

OK you guys :) - What # do I get to have for the 31st? I really don't care if I am last in line - just so once I get finished I want everyone and their loved ones to stay healthy!

normabyrd said...

I think they have moved the STORK NEST up since this a.m.---MT & no "Stork Sounds"!!!

normabyrd said...

HEY---ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!---All these "friends" that we have been watching & worrying about are now playing HIDE & SEEK!!----

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, we will start over with #1 for you :)

floralgirl said...

Please pour me a glass of whatever Chim was drinking this morning.

Suzanne said...

Norma, no stork sounds, no storks home. One came in and took a brief nap, then left again.
Our Fin chick is getting fed!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo - or whatever number you desire! What's your favorite?

paula eagleholic said...

You got it Megan!

Daughter up yet?

normabyrd said...

JO---I don't understand what you are asking!!!!

Suzanne said...

Hi Megan. Glad to hear your daughter's surgery was a success. Hope she heals quickly!

Everybody is out and about today, lots of MT nests.

floralgirl said...

Woke up abut 10, she has had a little food and is resting. She is in a lot of pain right now, today will be rough for her. Has to keep arm up above heart so we can get the swelling in her hand to go down. Hello to all, too tired for individual greetings- just plain worn out..

Suzanne said...

Oh, Megan, I bet you are! Geesh, your last post was after 3 this morning! I'd be beat too. Tell her she's in our prayers.

MITS said...

I'll drink to that , about a nice tall, cool Gin & Tonic:)

MITS said...

Megan, have you got any rest???

Mema Jo said...

They are playing our Momsters' song
on 106.9


That is a very good sign that all our Eaglets have flown the coop!

normabyrd said...

HELLO MEGAN!!!---SENDING LOVE & GOOD THOUGHTS TO YOU FOLKS!!---How is your "little one" doing? Did you get any RAIN?---I'm still DANCING!!---We had some yesterday!!

---I said Jim must be parking in the wrong garage again!!--ho!!---He's COOL!---

MITS said...

First day post-op is always a little dicey.

Mema Jo said...

Emotional drain-out is the pits!
You put both hands above your heart & don't do a darn thing today!!!

MITS said...

Heading out to the zoo, my boss called, other volunteer called out sick, so doing the trail by myself...I really like it that way.

normabyrd said...


Mema Jo said...

See you later Mits - Give Tai our love!
Must take a break and hate to do that & leave your company. BBL

Norma you will have mail soon.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow - what a chatty group we are today, up to 79+ posts already!!

floralgirl said...

Slept for about 3 hrs. No rain here yesterday:( NO time to deal with garden the past few days, family first, figure the rest out later. At least I just found out our insurance should cover everything. Not that it would have mattered, we were going to the hand center no matter what. What a wonderful place it is.

normabyrd said...

MEGAN----VIDEOS? Does she enjoy watching movies?---Might take her mind off her hand----GOOD THOUGHTS-----MADELINE & MEGAN!!!

Suzanne said...

Have fun, Mits! Give our love to big ol' Tai! And the sloth bears, too.

normabyrd said...

"POOR ALBERT"---He can't seem to win!!!---When he is roosting on the limb----We wonder why he doesn't go higher!!---Now he is not on the limb!!--We wonder where he is & what is he doing! ho!

Suzanne said...

Hey, Megan, isn't she reading Harry Potter? That should take her mind off her hand! But she can't tell the rest of us anything when she finishes the book before we all do! Glad the insurance is picking up the tab! That's always a help.
Thanks, Norma, no deer this time of day. Hopefully! Saw one last week in a corn field going home, he was helping himself. I almost never see deer during the day, but maybe he was hungry. I'm sure that thrilled that farmer!
Gypsy says thanks, she loves you!

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle day. Hopefully, I'll stay awake on the way was rough yesterday.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

floralgirl said...

Tv is our greatest distraction right now, she's too tired to do much else. She is asleep on and off,and that's the best thing right now. All the things she loves to do like play video games and to draw are impossible as she is right handed and that's the hand she broke. we finally got Harry Potter yesterday when we were waiting around for surgery.

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

FIN MOM is feeding CHICK!!

Mema Jo said...

Kent Nest Alert
Kids and adult. They sometimes move too fast for me......But they were all there.

Robyn said...

Ok enough with the counting lol, we are all #1 :)

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all, So glad everyone is doing better. It will be cooler here today which will be nice. We had 17 days in a row last year in Aug over 100 so I'm not looking forward to that. When it gets really hot the birds leave for the hills. Only the humans are not smart enough to leave. I will be back and forth today and keeping an eye on Mrs.Swallow. I want to check on the TX owls too. They stated yesterday that they were starting a new clutch. New babes are so much fun.

Robyn said...

Jo you rock listening to 106.9 classic rock

Is that Albert in the nest? He is so big!
I see 3 swallow eggs, shouldn't they be hatching any day now? Wanda it is the 25th I think they are ready.

paula eagleholic said...

Albert is gone - I'm happy yet sad.

Jill said...

Hey Paula, I think they all went to take a nap. LOL

paula eagleholic said...

They must have, Jill. Except Mits. She went to the zoo to watch Tai nap :)

Jill said...

Don't let her fool you, she is taking a nap with Tai. We just can't see her. LOL

Anne-Marie said...

No I'm not napping. I'm off to lunch. back later.

carolinabeachmom said...


I am just llurking today between cleaning windows, blinds and doing curtains. AND I missed Algert fledge AND so did everyone else. What Happened?

carolinabeachmom said...

I have curtains to iron and put up, so be back later. Keep your eyes on ms.Swallow and her eggs. :)

paula eagleholic said...

Candy - One moment he was there, the next he was gone! Hard to catch it on a 10 second refresh!

Anne-Marie said...

Ms S off the nest. Looks like 4 eggs or maybe a chick and empty egg. Look and tell me what you think

Jill said...

I definitely see 3 eggs. And something else but I can't tell what it is. Not an egg tho.

Jill said...

Looks like an egg that has cracked maybe. Can't tell for sure

Mema Jo said...

Who is Ms S ?
You don't mean the swallow on WDFW cam, do you?

Mema Jo said...

Earlier Suzanne & I thought or imagined that we saw a little beak!

Anne-Marie said...

Jo I got a picture. Let me see if I can send it. No bells went off so maybe I can.

Jill said...

I couldnt' make out the egg at first but on the next refresh it looked like something sitting in a broken egg. Then Momma came home.

Anne-Marie said...

I saw the same thing. Jo I sent you the picture. See if it went through.

Mema Jo said...

Momma Swallow is in the nest....
Too many feathers to see anything yet!

Mema Jo said...

Got the picture - see the 3 eggs very clearly but I can't say I see any cracks yet. Sent it to you Jill - take a look......

Anne-Marie said...

I wish I could reach in there and remove or move that one big feather

Mema Jo said...

Eggbert is back in the nest for a nap or food drop

One Kent Kid in the nest

Mema Jo said...

You will get your fingers smacked with the ruler, Anne!

Anne-Marie said...

My heavens she is antsy today. "Hold still".

Mema Jo said...

I think Albert just took off again from the nest - no hesitation whatsoever!

Anne-Marie said...

Sent another Jo.

paula eagleholic said...

Eggbert is back again

paula eagleholic said...

LOL - can always watch the salmon...

Anne-Marie said...

OK, I havent lost it compleatly. With mama gone something is moving the feathers in the nest. I'm not saying what it is but something is.

Mema Jo said...

Headed out for another appointment - I will return early evening...TTUT

Mema Jo said...

WHOO! Big Movement of feathers..

Mema Jo said...

You sure Mom isn't in there?

Mema Jo said...

Keep watching - and snap those pics - I really must leave.......Good Luck

Anne-Marie said...

She is back now. She goes in and out. Cant seem to hold still

Jill said...

ONe egg is definitely broken, not cracked, BROKE. It looks like it is two pieces on different sides of the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Def 1/2 egg there for Mrs S

Anne-Marie said...

Your right. Thats what I saw. When mama leaves the feather still moves when little one moves. We have one chick.

paula eagleholic said...

Awww, you can see the chick is moving now..

Anne-Marie said...

Paula I sent you pictures just because.

carolinabeachmom said...

Holy smokes, did Ms. S have a piece of egg shell in her mouth Yup

carolinabeachmom said...

You have good eyes. Here comes the other half

paula eagleholic said...

LOL - cleaning out the trash already!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Anne

Anne-Marie said...

Mrs S has a cleaning,compulsive disorder. Watch her go.

Anne-Marie said...

I hope who ever is in charge of this birdhouse put some ant spray or something around its base. If thats what got the last bunch they will be back.

carolinabeachmom said...

Ms. S looks like she is watching the other two eggs. Could she know something?

paula eagleholic said...

Eggbert is gone again!

paula eagleholic said...

I swear the egg closest to 6 oclock looks like it has cracks in it.

paula eagleholic said...

A&E both at Kent

paula eagleholic said...

Suppertime at CT

Anne-Marie said...

I am amazed at how soon after hatching mama goes out to find food for the babes. It hasnt even been an hour and she is feeling it.

paula eagleholic said...

That is parent on Kent tree, eaglet in nest...

Costume Lady said...

It looks like we have a swallow chick. Does anyone know when it hatched?

Robyn said...

mazing how right on schedule the hatching is, so tiny. Ms.S is back in nest lets hope the other two hatch soon.

Mom was looking at fin chick and thought she saw a necklace around her neck, did anyone else see that or am I behind on the blog again? She asked me to post that, should have told her to do it herself :)

Anne-Marie said...

Wanda we got our chick about an hour ago.I'm not getting much work done either. I keep checking on her.I will have to work overtime to get what I should have been doing done. Got to earn the dollar.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks Anne-Marie--
Looks like we have 2 chicks now.

Anne-Marie said...

Mama is sitting on her babes and I cant see. I wil have to wait until I get home. See what happens when I work like I'm suppose to I miss important things. Oh well,Later.

Jill said...

Around 3:41 is when I saw the egg was completely broke in half.

NillaWafer said...

Evening Folks, From reading some of the post alot has been going on for ya'll.. Hope each one is doing better now and on the road to recovery... I sent a picture of my new grandaughter n son to those i have e-mails for and also added a picture here if it turns up.. Going to check cams BRB

NillaWafer said...

Hmmm the picture didnt show up.. i tryed again so here we

Costume Lady said...

Nilla, I sure would like a photo emailed to me!
Check out Swallow Nest--2 chicks now. So cute.

NillaWafer said...

well let me try this again for the picture

NillaWafer said...

well i know i put it in Ok Wanda whats your e-mail address?

NillaWafer said...

For anyone getting the picture i dont know why it has the wrong date in the corner she was born July 19, 2007 at 8:26 pm So it is

Costume Lady said...


Jill said...

Hey Nilla,, please send me a picture of the little angel.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey Eaglet MOmsters. Do we have a swallow family of three yet or haven't they all hatched yet?

carolinabeachmom said...

Mom just moved and I see one egg and 2 chicks. So I answered my own question. Thanks anyhow. It was nice of the Mom to move to give me a look see.

Albert has come off his perch and is now in the nest. No Eggbert in Puget Sound nest.

NillaWafer said...

Okie Dokie Wanda n Jill you have mail...

Costume Lady said...

Jasmine Nevaeh is beautiful. She looks very much like Grandma!

Hi Candy--
I think we still have 1 swallow egg to go.

MITS said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks WANDA. I kind of thought so too.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good night Mits. Sleep well.

carolinabeachmom said...

I'm right behind you Mits. Maybe we'll hae 3 chicks in Ms. Swallow's nest by morning. GOOD NIGHT ALL! Time for a little Potter before bed.

Mema Jo said...

Didn't get back on as I had planned. Glad to see 2 peeps in the swallow nest & hopefully 1 more by tomorrow.

Good Night Everyone
Peace to you and all those you love

Good morning early birds

Costume Lady said...

Sweet dreams; especially to Robyn & Tori and Megan & Madeline.

Robyn said...

Wanda there is a crack in Ms. S last egg it very pronounced too but mom is now sitting on it :( she is also fidgeting :)

Robyn said...

BTW I may have found a home for Freddie and Henri my 2 babies I must part with. My friend Jama has been talking about getting a new bird and I trust her and her children will love them as we did. She will let me know when she returns from the beach

Jill said...

Goodnight everybody. I will check in again in a few days. Drive safe Robyn.

movin said...


It DID LOOK like at least one chick had hatched in the swallow nest this evening when I opened the site. I could only see one egg clearly...maybe the head of one chick. Then Mom came back...

So you saw Mr. Albert fledge today...that's great, didn't think he was quite ready yet. Looks like Dad brought him dinner tonight and is perched on the high branch while Albert eats.

They're probably feeding Einstein somewhere else so he can't hog the food from his younger brother.


Robyn said...

You too Jill, we leave around 930am.

Robyn said...

Ms S looks real busy tonight. I turned away for a moment to get some wash done and can't see egg #3, did it hatch or is it covered with one of the litle ones?

Robyn said...

it's only 10:10 here is everyone sleeping?

Jill said...

I think they have been sleeping all day Robyn. LOL. Earlier there was nobody here for like 2 hours. Kids aren't letting me go to sleep. Do they have to eat all the time??????

Robyn said...

LOL yes they seem to do. Jill do you see an egg in Ms S nest? Nevermind there it is :(

movin said...

Take a look at this video of the extended first flight of a young White tail eagle, which is the Bald Eagle's closest relative.

I think you will find it more satisfactory than a half second shot of the takeoff.

White tail eagle


Jill said...

Looks cracked Robyn. Guess we will have 3 by morning.

Jill said...

Or before we go to sleep from the looks of it.

Jill said...

Wait maybe that was 2 that still has part of the shell on it. Looks like 3 might still be intact

Robyn said...

I'll be here a few as I finish laundry.

BRB going to look at Jim's video

movin said...

By the way, that flight video link came from Blackwater's 2006 Weblog.


Robyn said...

Jim I couldn't play it on my computer

Jill said...

I am going to try to sleep again. Little one has a full tummy and the big one is out somewhere.

Robyn said...

Sweet dreams Jill

movin said...

Sorry to hear that, Robynann...

It's just Real Player, so you probably need to download their free player or upgrade the one you have.


movin said...



Jill said...

It's pretty dark in Ms. S nest but I believe the 3rd egg has hatched. Either that or one of the others is laying acrossed it, I only see 1/2 an egg

Suzanne said...

Good Morning, Eagle World! Beautiful night out, 74 at home and here! Not too many deer, but lots and lots of BEARS!, like in cops. Man, in VA they are all over the place, State Police and Sheriff. Didn't see any Leesburg cars, but that's not to say they weren't there! Maybe trying to get speeders since their new fines went into effect on 1 July. Be careful driving this morning.
Saw the last comment when I went to post, guess Mrs S's babies hatched yesterday. You were right on the money, Candy! Now can't wait for daylight so I can see them. Here's hoping and praying that they all grow up and fledge successfully! Jill, you still up? Guess you had to work tonight, bummer at this hour!
May try to read what I missed yesterday if I have time.
All have a great eagle day! Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Been a busy morning so far! Didn't realize it was so late till I decided I was starving. So, I'm eating my lunch! Geesh...
Falcon in nestbox on ledge, osprey in BW, Fin chick laying around, stork nest MT (has been all morning), 2nd Fin nest MT, owl in hotel, can't see Mrs S or her babies, too dark, and 1 owl has been in Benicia all morning also. Geez, these guys sure don't hunt all night. Too dark to see anyplace else.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suzanne! Hope all have a good day!

MITS said...


Suzanne said...

Good morning, Sharon. Good morning, Mits. Hope you guys have a great day too!
Mits, the sun is out and it's a beautiful day in Finland! Cam2. Boats all over the place all morning. But no birds. Osprey in nest first thing this morning, then nothing. No hoddies yet either.

Suzanne said...

Oh, Cam5, the Marina is totally MT!!! Everybody is out on the water.

MITS said...

I have never seen the marina with no boats...they must have a break in the weather and all the fishermen are out.

MITS said...

Suzanne, is that some hoodies and an osprey in the nest?

Suzanne said...

LOL, me either. 3 Hoodies in osprey nest now!

MITS said...

Nope, think it i just hoodies:).

Robyn said...

Morning Jill, Suzanne, Mits and Sharon.

Ms S is in the way this morning for me to see anything. Last night there was a crack in the egg Suzanne, so hopefully it did hatch. Hard to see

MITS said...

love those hoodies...

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...