Wednesday, July 18, 2007


New thread.


movin said...

I'm first, I'm first! Yeah!!!

movin said...

Thanks, for the thread and the great pics yesterday, Steve.


Mema Jo said...

Hello Jim Just signed in and I get to follow my eagle buddy, Jim. But now I need to go over and read the est 60 comments from all of you this morning. I was into emails and took me awhile.

I will return after a haircut this afternoon. All of you take care until I get back - keep the comments coming!

Mema Jo said...

JIM I meant to say that you are Always first with this group

movin said...

Yes, Paula,
I was just scanning the notes about yesterday's visit by "Cruz", A49 to the old nest.

There's been a lot of fantasizing of what would happen when the two offspring met.... Well, they have and it wasn't too warm and friendly as yet.


Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven!
Thanks for the heads up, #1 Jim.
Morning, Ppaula when you get over here. Think I've spoken to everyone else. IF not, morning to you too!
Brought over from other thread:
Einstein is now making his way down the tree to join Albert. Eggbert has made it off camera with any leftovers that he may have left. Yeah, right!
Feeding time again for out big Finland chick!
Ok, Einstein is down, both standing in nest together.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, Morning, MemaJo! Didn't see you! Your owls are out, and there is one in your owl hotel also!

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE Thanks for the info. I had just found it. I was still watching the old nest in Germany. This nest even has sound!

GOOD MORNING JIM and thanks for the heads up. As JO said, you are always the # l around here; man that is. ;)

Suzanne said...

Well, darn. From the time it took me to get over here and repost that comment, Einstein has gone back up the tree again. Little toot! Guess he likes the view better!

Suzanne said...

Glad you found it, Candy. Yeah, this is the one Norma keeps saying is so very noisy! Those storks get very loud sometimes, I guess.

carolinabeachmom said...

So sosrry to hear about the Finland nest baby, but the surviving one sure looks healthy as he eats breakfast with his parent.

floralgirl said...

Hi Jim And JO! Wanda, there is a company in Winchester that makes large plastic tanks of all sizes to hold chemicals. They sell their seconds there, ones that didn't make the cut for some reason. So they can't be used to hold toxic materials, but they are perfect for water, and that is where I got mine. I bought a 2,000 gallon tank, which is exactly how much a water truck holds. I use irrigation hoses in my flower beds and also hand water many that don't have the hoses in them.

Suzanne said...

yeah, Candy, lost another one. Depressing! The chick left has been eating all day, little porker. He's gonna be to big to fledge!
Einstein is bak in the tree, around parents branch. Albert keeps looking up at him. His day will come soon, I hope.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Megan for the info. We really do need to look into something like that, because, as you said, you never know when a well will go dry--even after 45 years. We have a big Housing Development being built very close to us and that could easily affect our well.

floralgirl said...

Yep, Wanda,you are right. A new house was built back behind us and we started having problems after they had drilled their well. There was no way to prove this is what went wrong, but we figure they tapped into the same water source we were using, and their well was deeper, and that may have caused the water to drop down below our well. It was a very inconvenient and expensive problem for us.

Suzanne said...

Looks like it finally stopped raining in Germany, and the sun is ocming out. Storks are standing around enjoying it.
Our Finland chick is laying down hiding in those sticks. He sure blends in well!
Einstein is walking down the tree again, to join Albert. That's just too funny! He won't fly, he walks. Just think, our very own tree walker!

Suzanne said...

oop, back up the tree he goes.

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE he is funny going up and dwon the big tree limb. He must be trying to get used to heights! :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Does anyone know why the swallow cam is so dark? It didn't seem that dark when the BB were in it.

Suzanne said...

Candy, that may be it. Remember when he fledged, he was walking around Loraine's driveway and on her deck? Sure hope he gets used to heights pretty soon!
I was wondering that too, Candy. It's very dark, and it doesn't get light enough to see anything! Least while I'm at work.

MITS said...

maybe there are feathers blocking the light to the entrance, she was moving around alot last night.

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Mits. She's really hard to see now.

Costume Lady said...

There doesn't seem to be enough action going on in the SWALLOW nest--Don't thing the cam is showing "real time". There is a 3 hour time difference but she should be more active than she is. It looks as though this may be recorded in the night. Just my guess.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like CT is ready to fledge - Osprey chick just hovered beyond the nest!

MITS said...

Talk to you all later:).

Suzanne said...

Have a fun afternoon, Mits! Hope you stay dry!

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Paula!

Suzanne said...

Wanda, that's funny! The tower of leftovers! (Maybe that's the tower of power in disguise!)

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Suz!

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. Have to get gas and that's my only stop tonight! Man, that's nice!
All have a great eagle day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

paula eagleholic said...

Both eaglets in the nest at Kent

carolinabeachmom said...

Have a ssafe trip home Suzanne.

Anne-Marie said...

Howdy all momsters. Its a beautiful morning. There is cloud cover. Its raining in San Francisco so its cooler here. The break is wonderful. We wont get any rain but thats ok. I'm happy its just cooler. Thank you Candy for your pictures. It makes it nice to know what people look like. My grapes are ripening and the roof rats are moving in. I have two big barn owls who sit and wait for them. I have only seen them once but I can hear them at nite. The two of them can wipe out a rat family in nothing flat. Nature is wonderful when it works for you. I wish rat snakes would stick to rats. Its been a rough year. Well I had better get to work. I'll be back later.

Mema Jo said...

I've returned from my Me Day - haircut, facial and manicure! One stop shopping I told my girls. Everyone of you should take time to
have a Me Day - you are important and should treat yourselves as such!!!

Need to look at some cams..

Sprinkles only to report and very few even though the sky looks like it could burst open - I sure hope it does.

Anne-Marie said...

Mema had a Me-day. Thats pretty neat...

Anne-Marie said...

Mrs Swallow is fussing. She cant get comfortable. Its really dark in the birhouse which leads me to believe that there really must be a storm up north.We are getting a few clouds from it but no rain.She either has a chick under her, she is tired or an egg is hatching. Isnt it about time anyway? The clock on the cam is off too but its still working.

Anne-Marie said...

Spoke too soon. Mrs Swallow is off the nest and three eggs are showing . Everything looks fine.

Mema Jo said...

I saw the 3 swallow eggs, too Anne.
I think Wanda told me on the other thread that they should hatch around the 24th or little later.

Do you make jams & jellies or wine with those grapes? Are the white or purple ones?

Anne-Marie said...

Well Jo I have to fight for them but I do get some out of the whole deal. I made a flagstone patio which is another story and needed shade. I had my son put in a few posts and planted only two seeldess red grapes. The two have covered the compleat patio and half of the roof of the house. It took only two years. I cut them back every fall but by summer its covered again. I pick what I can reach and the birds, squirrels, and cridders take the rest. What is really wonderful is the migrating birds in the fall visit and load up on what they can find. The rest dry like rasins and feed the winter birds. I get all we can eat plus jam for the whole family. All I ask for is jars.

Mema Jo said...

Sure sounds like a multi-purpose grape vine! Even gives you the shade on the patio.

I went to see NE eagles and the only thing in the nest were 3 crows eating whatever they could find.
I can never see any eaglet at the FtStVrain CO cam.

Anne-Marie said...

They are like grown kids. They come and go. Sometimes I feel like I have a revolving door on the front door. I would complain if I never saw them so I guess I'm greatful they do come and go. I keep a shelf in the frig for them so they wont take tomorrows meal. It also keeps the house occupied when I am work. One stops for lunch and others stop to use the bathroom.They water and do chores which I am glad for.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo - you actually got NE to come on?

paula eagleholic said...

:( WOW no warning at all!

The Norfolk cam is off!!

The Eagle Cam has ended for 2007.
Thanks for watching, and check back again next season!

I was just thinking about emailing them and asking them how long the cam would be on.

Sniff, Sniff....

Anne-Marie said...

Jo, I sat last night and worked out my finances and I just might be able to work out the trip in November. Will it be too cold to go to Williamsberg?

Jill said...

Early November should be good. Little chilly but okay. Late November is a bit unpredictable. A lot of people to go during Thanksgiving break but be prepared for cold weather. I have seen 6 inches of snow on Thanksgiving and I have also been wearing shorts so you just never know.

Anne-Marie said...

thank you Jill.I really am going to try. How did you get such a responsiable situation being so young. I expected you to be much older.

paula eagleholic said...

If you go to Williamsburg, you have to visit the Pottery Factory too!

Anne-Marie said...

OK, what the pottery factory?

paula eagleholic said...

Cool place to shop with pottery and all sorts of stuff.

Anne-Marie said...

Just right down my alley. Now how do I get the stuff home> :)

Anne-Marie said...

OK ,I think I have figured it out about Mrs Swallow. I bet the cam is solar powered. Some of them are. Its heavy cloud cover and not much power. Maybe.

paula eagleholic said...

Ship it back...

paula eagleholic said...

Could be Heidi...on the solar power. A lot of cams run that way...

Anne-Marie said...

Paula you are no help in the money saving department. I'm bad but you not going to be any help. :)I'm a fool when I get into stores like that.

Costume Lady said...


paula eagleholic said...

Now that's an idea! Then we can all visit Heidi!!

Anne-Marie said...

"COME ON DOWN". It would be a blast!

Anne-Marie said...

I even calculated how much it would be if I drove and pulled the 5th wheel. With gas the way it is it would be cheaper to fly unless I was going to stay longer.

Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...

Heidi - Williamsburg is open all year. Not sure when they put up all the Christmas decorations but I'll find out. Funny about the Pottery Factory - Ed and I notice the sign on the door stating tour times.We weren't going to be there at tour time-one of the craftman came out of the door for a break & of course took us right back in with him and gave us a tour. My granddaughter is a potter so we got lots of pics for her. All the shops thru the town have the Williamsburg pottery.

Anne-Marie said...

I've got room.Its a deal.

Anne-Marie said...

Williamsberg has always been my Disneyland dream. History is just one of my things. All I got was promises to take me. The last one was just a week ago. The idiot is still in Richmond at a conference. After all of you met and I couldnt go he has the nerve to call and say'Gee wish you could be here we could go to Williamsberg". I could have reached through the phone and strangled him. Well I have decided to go alone just like Alaska. To hell with all men! Especially him. If I have to put a second out on the house I'm coming.

Mema Jo said...

Anne, My fondest memory of Williamsburg of course were the Inn's where we ate. Real old fashion menu items - original dress - entertainment - it will be well worth while your getting there.

Anne-Marie said...

Sounds wonderful. I have reading about the train trip on line. It would be a dream come true. We have four seasons here but not like you do. It should really be beautiful.

Anne-Marie said...

I am going off line for a few minutes. I'm having computer problems.

Jill said...

Pretty sure I am not as young as you think I am. Been doing this for almost 10 years.

I would love to go to Williamsburg, I always wanted to go but nobody would ever go with me. And did somebody say Good Food? I am there. LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Jo - did you try the peanut soup? Yuk!!!

paula eagleholic said...

CU later, heading home!!

Carol_in_WV said...

Different strokes for different folks - the peanut soup is one of my favorite things at Williamsburg. If you like history, Heidigirl, Williamsburg is the place for you. There are so many historical places in Virginia, it's amazing.

The Potomac Eagle Scenic RR only runs the first 2 weekends of November. I wonder how much in advance one needs to get tickets?

Anne-Marie said...

Its a date Jill. Now I wont have to go alone. Keep your calendar open.

Anne-Marie said...

How long is the drive from where we are taking the train to Williamsberg?

Carol_in_WV said...

Norma - Have you heard any more news about Hillary's visit to Moorefield? Yesterday, I went to her website and looked at her upcoming visits and it wasn't listed. Also - I've been meaning to ask you - have you ever crossed that little toll bridge from Green Spring (in northern Hampshire County) into Maryland? I crossed it on my way to Berkley Springs for a weekend with some friends this past May. It's the last privately owned toll bridge in the United States. It was really cool!

Carol_in_WV said...

232 miles -- 4hrs 20 minutes Romney, WV to Williamsburg, VA

Anne-Marie said...

Thanks Carol. That do-able.

sandyshaw said...

Hallelujah! I'm in! Hello to everybody, my mouth is watering for the eagle/Williamsburg trip. Do we get to have a slumber party at NorOa's house?

I've been enjoying the photos from the weekend. I'm so happy that things worked out so well for all of you. We'll see if Romney, the SECOND OLDEST TOWN in WV, will can live up to it. Hi, Norma.

Tom got home today and is settling in. It's still hot and dry--we really should have done a rain dance.

floralgirl said...

Good news, Sandra, glad Tom is home.

floralgirl said...

I don't see where they list the prices for the Eagle train- 2006 prices were $30- for coach, and $60- for 1st class.

NillaWafer said...

Howdy Folks, I see everyone is having a good day with the exception of no rain things are fair to mid land here... Well i'll tell ya girls last time i went to Williamsburg i got pregnant that was 27 years Oh and did i mention drank alil beer in the Fest House n danced the Polka.... Oooo lala

Anne-Marie said...

OK, No beer for me. Pregant at 65 would cause a little sensation in my family.

Jill said...

Prices still appear to be 30 and 60. Norma, can we get a group rate if we have enough people. You are in charge of checking on that ok? And if they say no, show them your cane. HE HE.

Anne-Marie said...

Its time for me to go home. Surprisingly I got allot done today. May you find rest and peace tonight. I have a freeway waiting for me. Later.

NillaWafer said...

Kent has all 4 eagles in the nest both parents n kids!!!

NillaWafer said...

Now 3 in nest and parent up on the thick branch behind up high...

Mema Jo said...

Well you know what? I have been in Catonsville having dinner since 5:30!
I left in such a hurry I didn't have time to tell you.
I never had peanut soup - may have seen it listed but not sure. One place you don't want to miss is the Trellis Restaurant on Gloucester St...The most heavenly quiche is there! Oh my goodness!

Mema Jo said...

Sandra I am so thankful that you have Tom home and I hope he is feeling fairly well.

Jill - I have the eagle cane :)
so let me know who needs to be caned. lol

Mema Jo said...

Nilla I missed the Kent reunion. Both kids are home. I sure thought Einstein would be out of there more often.
One burrowing owl on guard
Swallow eggs visible and all intact
Ms Owl staying more then one day at the Owl Motel.....
Wish the Eggbert would come home or at least get into the nest for the night.........
Need to go look at 20 couple emails!

Mema Jo said...

Whoops! I looked again and seems as though Eggbert is up on his limb.

paula eagleholic said...

Sandra - Woo Hoo, Tom is home. Great news!

Carol - Definitely different strokes for different folks. Everyone raved about the peanut soup, but I didn't like it....

We may not see too many leaves if we wait till November to take the train ride...just a thought...although less leaves makes for better eagle viewing! Yup, that's it!

Jill said...

Jo-I told Norma she was in charge of seeing if we could get a discount for a group for the train and if they didn't give her one she needed to show them the cane. LOL

Peanut soup? I don't think so, not a big fan of peanuts.

movin said...




Mema Jo said...

Jill I have the cane is what I said. Norma is caneless until next time we meet. We have a deal on the cane..

Mema Jo said...

Reason for November - Wanda and the Eagle Express are not available in October due to the Costume Shop & Halloween business. I think Sept is too soon.What do you think?

MITS said...

Yum, Williamsburg peanut soup, the best.Got to the beach around 8, computer is trying to slow me down, told hubby, I needed a new laptop for down here, he said Xmas, I said Xmas in July or he will find it on the beach one day. Saw 2 osprey just as I started over the Bay Bridge sitting on a ledge, and, saw a deer just as I was getting onto RT 90. It saw my lights and headed back into the woods.

Mema Jo said...

I was over watching Limuw...I also was reading yesterdays Forum and watching videos of Limuw visit from Cruz.
Eaglegal has a new IWS Update for today with beautiful pictures!

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - You sound kinda serious about that xmas in July thingy...

MITS said...


Jill said...

Late September may work for the Eagle Train. As dry as it has been, I would guess leaves will turn quickly. Or just dry up and fall off.

MITS said...

You betcha I am, Paula:). But don't know if hubby is serious or not, if I b---- and complain enough he gets tired of hearing me.

Mema Jo said...

Jill it usually depends on the first frost for the leaves to turn unless with so little rain they just dry up and blow off! The Trough Trip (3 1/2 hrs) is what we want because that is where you see the eagles I think.

paula eagleholic said...

WAX :)

paula eagleholic said...

Night all,

Mornin', Suz!

Costume Lady said...

Are you still planning our Train Trip?
Jo--You should be in bed.

Jill--Are you on call?

Costume Lady said...


See you at 6:30--Bring your left-overs. lol

Mema Jo said...

Tee Hee Wanda! You caught me! I was looking up Inns & Motels up in Romney
in case the train left too early for most of us to make the 2 hr drive. Well it would be for me 100.65 miles or 1 hr 50 min travel... He put me on a medication that doesn't make me want to sleep.... I'll put it away for tonight... TTUT, Wanda
I should be home all day except for 1 errand to run. Did you get you wood chopped up yet. Won't that be too green to burn yet this year?
I need to stop talking and let you Momsters that get up early in the morning get to bed. BUT I am really waiting up until I see Eggbert safely in his nest! lol

Mema Jo said...

And Wanda she already ate all of those left overs last night!

Mema Jo said...

OH WANDA -- Look at the swallow's eggs before you shut down. Erie looking to say the least!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night to All
Peaceful sleep and pleasant dreams
Prayers being said for all your needs

Good Morning Early Birds

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. One more day to work this week! Then on Saturday, Harry Potter comes out, so I'll be reading that! Hopefully, I'll even stay awake! Not usually a problem with Harry!
Nice out, 70 at home, 77 here at 4, so gonna be hot again today. Came home through some rain, not heavy yesterday afternoon, so I do know it can actually rain in the United States... Europe isn't getting quite ALL of it, but we're sure not getting much. Stopped after about 30-45 min out from DC, and that was the end of it for the night. Watered plants again, bummer! Megan, I feel for you! I don't have that many plants, but I hate to take the time to water them.
Saw a couple comments back, Wanda wanted me to bring my leftovers.. There are long gone! Ate half of them Sun, then finished them off Monday. Sure were good!
All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly! Gonna go open cams now.

Suzanne said...

Raining in Finland again! Sure wish they'd share that rain. Not raining on the storks, though. But Finland also looks like it has a turtle shell that's been added to the nest. I didn't know they ate turtles, thought they were strictly fish, thus the reason to migrate. Oh well, what do I know...

MITS said...

Morning, Suzanne, I'm up right now, but headed back to bed. Just checking my computer, after McAfee checked it out, trying to do everything I can think of to make it go faster. Birgirl answered your question about the birds on that other Finland nest, they are pretty. She sent it on Eagle_Momsters...TTUL!

Suzanne said...

Wow, sorry I missed you, Mits! Not used to someone being up quite that early, so I don't check. I saw BirdGirl's answer on my Yahoo mail. They are pretty birds, and I'm going to look them up on Google later. Liked the pic of the tiny babies, no feathers, mouth wide open. Haven't seen them yet today, but maybe they'll drop by later.
Sleep tight, Mits. TTYL

Suzanne said...

Daylight in PA and BW, no falcons or osprey around. Fin chick is laying down, but not sleeping. He's just blending in with the nest. Storks are sure getting big. They're just standing around. Sun's out in GE, that's a break from all the rain they get. Mrs Swallow on eggs, and oh! Owl in the Owl hotel, as Jo calls it. She's grooming. Benicia MT, so they're still out hunting. Mostly everything else is dark yet.

Suzanne said...

Osprey has arrived in BW. PA still MT. Probably stay that way now for the rest of the day. If they hang around there, they are there in the early AM.
One owl is in Benicia already. Must be tired, early for them. Three storks in nest, Mrs Swallow still there on her feathery eggs, owl has left the owl hotel, and Finland chick still hunkered down in nest. Gonna go Google the new bird from yesterday!

Suzanne said...

Mits, and anyone else interested. You gotta check this out. A clip of the Hoodie bait fishing with a piece of bread! Unreal! Two clips, one unsuccesful, one successful. Wow, intelligent!

One line, of course. Too cool.

Suzanne said...

Mits, wake up. Hoodie is back!!!

Suzanne said...

That guy is still hanging around.
Storks are standing around, BW osprey left but may be back, Fin parent with chick, and Mrs Swallow still on eggs. BRB

Costume Lady said...

Just woke up--see we had some rain. Don't know how much. My garden will tell me.

My COFFEE is ready an I'm going to see what a Hoodie is. BBL

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda. The Hoodie is still there! I'm drinking my iced coffee. Love it. Well, in the summer, anyway.
I'm glad somebody got some rain. I drove through some on the way home yesterday, but didn't get a drop at home! Maybe today. Weatherman says every night we're gonna get rain, and last night he finally said maybe.

Suzanne said...

Finland chick getting fed.
BW Osprey still MT.
Storks still standing around.
Swallow still on eggs.
Hoodie still there.
Other nests either dark or MT.

Suzanne said...

Wanda, check out this site. When you get there, select Kohde 1: Saaksi. That's the site we saw the hoodie for the first time yesterday. He's still there.

Suzanne said...

Wow, either Gene woke up, or Wanda is really enjoying finding the Hoodie.
BW still MT.
Finland chick snoozing, full tummy.
Benicia MT.
Storks standing tall in nest.
Swallow on eggs.
Hoodie still in Finland.
Owl hotel MT.
Burrowing owl cam not up yet.
Still dark in WA and Puget Sound.
Still dark in San Diego, pandas aren't up yet.

Costume Lady said...

Loved that video. Isn't nature amazing? I love to fish and now I know how to use bread for bait instead of those slimy worms!
The Hoodie in the nest looks like the birds on that Windex commercial where they ring the doorbell and the man runs into the patio window. Have you seen it?

Suzanne said...

Almost dawn in Kent. Someone is on the branch, but too dark to see if it's Einstein or a parent.

Suzanne said...

OH, yes, I know what you're talking about! They're Magpies, but they're about the same size as the Hoodies. One of the sites I looked at this morning said they are about 18 1/2". That's a pretty good size! Now you don't have to worry about worms! Too funny!

Costume Lady said...

Went outside to see how much rain we got and it must have been 17 drops. Garden is bone dry. I could see where a Groundhog has been eating my Greenbeans. I guess I'll have to get my gun out. They can wipe out a whole row of beans in a matter of minutes.

Costume Lady said...

Just checked in on Kent and it's still too dark, but love the scene in cam 1.

Suzanne said...

Wow, sounds like you got 17 more drops than I got, but no where near enough! Too bad we can't spread all this rain around! They got so much out west, ended up with lots of flooding, and it seems to rain a lot in Finland, and it does rain in Germany every day...we need to spread this rain around! Get some here in the mid-Atlantic!!!!

Suzanne said...

Wanda, can you see the shadow in Cam1 in Kent? That's where the parents hang out, but it may also be Einstein, since he likes it there now too. Can't wait for daylight to see which one it is.

Suzanne said...

That Hoodie is still there. He's been there over an hour!

Suzanne said...

I think that's Einstein in the tree. Usually when it starts getting light, the parent leaves. This guy hasn't left. Think I only see 1 eaglet in nest too, little lonely Albert.

Suzanne said...

Yup, only Albert in the nest, and Einstein is farther out on the branch than the parents stand.

carolinabeachmom said...

A WONDERFUL GOOD THURSDAY MORNING TO YOU SUZANNE. Now I have to read what you have said about this glorious day. BB

Suzanne said...

Albert in nest, Einstein perched on tree. Think Albert is still asleep. Eggbert is in PS, well, he was. He's on far right of corner now, can see him flapping wings. Wow, big wing right in front of cam! Albert's awake now.
Fin chick with parent, looks like he's trying to eat leftovers. Both owls in Benicia, storks still in nest, mrs swallow still on eggs, and hoodie still on nest.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Candy. Did you get the link I sent you?

Suzanne said...

Owl back in owl hotel, Wildwatch cam, and the burrowing owl cam has been turned on, and they're out.

Suzanne said...

Albert was watching Einstein on the branch, and he got up on his little pile of sticks. then started doing wing flaps! Guess he wants to get up there too!!!

Suzanne said...

Hoodie gone.
Eggbert is discovering his wings, I think. He's there one sec, wings flap, he's gone, but then he comes in from a different direction than he left. Wonder if he's flying from branch to branch.
Einstein still on branch, Albert looking for leftovers.

Suzanne said...

Think Albert may have found some leftovers, and it looks like Einstein wants to join him. He did, he walked down the tree! Good grief, he better get over his fear of heights. Too funny, poor guy.

Suzanne said...

Einstein is going back up the tree. Think he flew. He did. Flew up partway to tree, flew back to nest. Both in nest now.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning also to mits and Wanda. yes, Suzanne I got the sites, and how interesting. I have never seen a hooded crow before. I just thought that crows were crows.

SANDRA Better late than never. I saw on yesterday's blog that Tom came home. How wonderful. Hope things are starting to look on the upside from here on out. Prayers are with you and for him.

Suzanne said...

Oh, thanks Candy, hadn't read past blogs yet. Didn't know Tom came home! Happy for you Sandra, hope he heals quickly!! You're still in my prayers! Hello to your mom for us!!

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE Albert and Einstein are both frisky yesterday and today. I saw a parent fly into the nest awhile ago and then head up the branch and one of the babies followed. Yesterday, they were up and down all day.

Suzanne said...

Einstein is back on his branch, Benicia owls are grooming each other. They were beaking a little while ago, too cute. Storks still hanging out, swallow on eggs, Eggbert gone again, in very far right corner. Burrowing owls are out and about, and the owl is in the hotel.

Suzanne said...

They sure are frisky! Didn't see the parent come in, but Einstein is back on the branch.

carolinabeachmom said...

Is Eggbert still in the nest? It is still darkish and hard to see. Swallow nest is again dark. I wonder when they are going to turn the lights on. HaHa

Costume Lady said...

NEW THREAD--come on over

carolinabeachmom said...

Parent Eaagle on Eggberts nest for just a second and that got him up. I can see him now; feathers all ruffled. Don't know if it was a food drop or not.

Suzanne said...

Can't tell, Candy. Going over to new thread. See you there.

paula eagleholic said...

Mom osprey in CT brought in fish for remaining chick

paula eagleholic said...

Where is ALBERT???

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...