Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Another nice morning thread.

I signed off on the orders for new equipment late last week. It includes a more robust power system (will prevent all of the previous problems), better microwave (less interference), and a new camera with audio.

Install in a few weeks.


carolinabeachmom said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Yea! I did it! Thanks Steve for the new thread. It really sounds as if our nest nest year will be a super one; thanks to you and all there.

Now I have to go over to the other thread and read what I missed.

Suzanne said...

Wow, Steven, how exciting!!! Audio too! That will be great! Thanks for the new thread, along with the great news!
Thanks Candy, for the heads up. Hear you were MIA yesterday too.
Guy still on scaffolding in PA, BW osprey still in nest, Albert back in nest, Finland chick taking a nap now, one stork has made it back to nest. Kinda laying down in the center. MRs S on eggs, Eggbert off cam again. Benicia owls in for their night, and an Osprey in the Finland nest... the other one. Think he/she may be eating.

Mema Jo said...

WHOOO HOOO! Steven you certainly did good by all of us!

I am so very excited about the upcoming season! Thank you so Much!

Good Morning
Good beautiful Morning

movin said...

The new equipment sounds really great, Steve.

Now all we need is a radar controlled, multi-cam system to follow them outside the nest... Hahaha.


Limuw is in the nest already and calling for food from time to time.

The Pitt. falcon cam is fini for the season, according to the note.

Swallow mom is still on her eggs.

Albert is back up on his lowest branch.


normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---3 CHEERS FOR OUR FAVORITE EAGLE BUDDY----STEVEN!!!---"more robust power system"--"better microwave" AND "a new CAMERA with AUDIO"!!!!--WE LOVE YOU & THINK YOU ARE THE GREATEST!!!---Thanks for the update CANDY---YOU ARE #1 today & every day---LIFE IS GOOD! on this BEAUTIFUL DAY in JULY!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Candy & Suzanne - It's a good thing you two are the first ones on here and are accounted for today!

I think Megan & Robyn and their daughters are in the DRs office now.
Prayers with them

Need to look at some cams and check comments on previous thread

Suzanne said...

Albert's heading back up to the branch! Finland chick playing possom, he's not napping...
Osprey still in 2nd Finland nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Suzanne, Robyn (prayers are with you and your lovely daughter), Jo and Jim.

The cam news sounds really great! Looking forward to nest year. Our nest will be the best! :)

Jo, I can't believe that you are already up and around; you went to bed so late.

Mema Jo said...

Good view of swallow's eggs now

carolinabeachmom said...

AND NOR NORMA. You posted after my comment. Good morning Norma! Now I have to bring up my sites. BB

Suzanne said...

Wow, morning, eagle buddies, Jo, Jim and Norma! Yup, both the AWOL kids have returned...

Suzanne said...

Mrs Swallow is off the eggs. 3 eggs visible!!!

Suzanne said...

Ok, so a gazillion posts posted while I was typing. Sorry, Jo, didn't know you alerted eveyone to the swallow eggs...

paula eagleholic said...

OMG. Audio! Steve, you da man!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Not fast enough to get the swallow nest or eggs. Guess we still just have eggs!
NORMA, are you watching?
Mother stork just came to nest and left. All three stork juvies anre making those noises hoping she will be back with food. Boy they sure came back fast after she came to the nest.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CANDY--SUZANNE--JO & JIM!!----CANDY & SUZANNE---We MISSED you two yesterday a.m.!!----Some thought you both were still on the last chapt. of HARRY POTTER!!--ho!---WOW!!---JO & JIM are EARLY BIRDS today!!!---I looked in on the PA FALCONS too JIM!!---ALBERT "WING FLAPPING" & up & down limb/nest!!----the FIN CHICK stood up & spread his wings--(reached across the nest) & laid back down to rest!! ho!--Going to enjoy MOM'S B & B as long as he can!!!!

Suzanne said...

Oh, thanks, Candy! I've been watching off and on for them to all return. Saw one a little while ago, but didn't see Mom return. Now the chicks are there. Nice to know they all made it back safely!

carolinabeachmom said...

JO I am about to give up on Eggbert. I never seem to catch him anymore. He must have finally grown up and does everything in the tree branches.

Suzanne said...

Bw osprey gone. Oh, Albert just flew to the lower branch! How cool is that!!!

normabyrd said...

GOOD THOUGHTS & PRAYERS are with you & your DAUGHTER today MEGAN !!!!

Suzanne said...

Well, he's on a roll. Just flew to the higher branch, now he's back in the nest! Aren't we just the big boy now!!

Suzanne said...

Ok, now we're back on the tree trunk. My, we are exploring today!

movin said...

Are we talking about the swallow in WA?? Because I keep refreshing and only see the back of the Mom.


carolinabeachmom said...

Albert is sure antsy today; already doing the up and downs. Will this be the day.

Suzanne, the one stork juvie was in nest when in flew mom and two juvies and they all started to make the funny noises. AND Mom just flew off, leaving the three juvies.

carolinabeachmom said...

Yes, Jim, you missed the Ma Ma get off the eggs like I did. Last night I thought I saw a couple of cracks in the one, but was a false alarm. They should be getting ready to hatch soon.

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Candy!
Yes, Jim, what used to be the BB nest. Ya gotta be quick, she doesn't stay off those eggs very long. I'll send ya a pic.

normabyrd said...

OH CANDY & SUZANNE---I watched those "long legged ballerinas" yesterday!!----They had the nest down & you could see the grass!!---Then moved it went back up---When checked again---MT!!---But you could hear them---"VERY VOCAL"---Slowly they returned!!--But saw them doing the 10 ft. lift---THEY ARE SO GRACEFUL!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

PARENT EAGLE BROUNDT FOOD INTO ALBERT!! Guess he won't have to go looking for food today.

carolinabeachmom said...

I can't figure out what his breakfsst is. Looks like an omlete to me. :) It must be fish although I don't see a tail, fins or head. It looks like a light colored blob.

Suzanne said...

What in the world does Albert have? Looks like a white rag, or something.

Suzanne said...

LOL Candy, that about sums it up! No clue what he is eating!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh my, the word is brought folks.

Suzanne said...

Is that Einstein or a parent in the tree?

movin said...

Limuw has searched the nest for leftovers...not so much...and now he's waiting patiently for Dad to innocently bring in food, so he can attack him like an NFL linebacker and do his hyper-aggressive mantling act before eating.


Suzanne said...

Oh, Norma, yesterday sounds like the storks are really growing up! Is the nest on a lift? I mean, can they move it up and down? Neat.

Suzanne said...

BW osprey back.

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA I just love watching the storks too. I am so glad that they still come back to the nest yet. Only two left now. It must have given up on Momand wants to be a big bird and sit in a tree.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Don't know what it is---BUT appears he is trying to EAT IT!!----(maybe he likes the white meat)

carolinabeachmom said...

JIM I think it is time for that Limuw to stare getting some manners pounded into his head. He must be all boy! :)

Albert is sure standing on his breakfast this morning and no one will be able to take it from him, whatever it is. He has made his claim for now.

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA Mom is back and all the eagles are gathered around her eating. I just love watching the ritual of it all/

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---One day you could hear the children laughing & I saw a dog on the sidewalk---But now it appears to be back up----CANDY saw them showing their flying skills (BIG TIME) on Sat.---I wasn't here!!---They still depend on MOM for food!!

Mema Jo said...

Which stork nest are you watching?
Hugo's old one - the Storchennest or the Aktion PfalzStorch--both are in Germany.

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE Your fin osprey is still resting in his nest. I feel he is your favorite at times OMG he just got up It must have stopped raining. It is like he sensed something coming; parent? Nope, that didn't last long. Now he is fully down again, the sleepy head.

carolinabeachmom said...

JO Storchennest.de is the one that NOrma seems to like. You can see more action there.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Candy. I thought that was the one. Like I said the other day, I think Eggbert is a Free Bird now.

Need to leave until early afternoon. You can not say I didn't tell you and I will therefore not be MIA! lol

Really Really excited over Steve's news about the cam

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE, from what I can see of the stork nest, the camera moves in and out and up and down. The other day, I could hear people laughing and talking and the camera moved back and pointed down so you could see a group of people standing in the road or sidewalk a little way from the nest. They were looking up as if they had binoculars or cameras. Probably all excited, hoping to see them fledge.

normabyrd said...

The CT OSPREY CHICKS are fighting over FOOD!!!---Looks like the parent is ignoring them---They are "good looking" CHICKS too!!--BUT NO SHARING!!!----ho!

carolinabeachmom said...

I am right behind you Jo. I have to do errands around a bit this morning before it gets too hot. You all keep track of our juvies for us.

Yes JO, I guess he must be gone and is soaring high above in the beautiful sky. We wish him well.

Watch those Swallow eggs. You never know.

SUZANNE, you have a safe trip home. Talk to you tomorrow.

movin said...

Until tonight....

Have a great day.


Suzanne said...

Jo, not sure if this is Hugo's old nest. Think his nest was on a chimney, wasn't it?

Here's the link:
One line, of course.

normabyrd said...

CANDY---They posted the fact that the cam would be moved up & down so we could see these 6--10 ft. flights!!!

Suzanne said...

My, ok Jo and Candy, both have a good day. Thanks, Candy, I'll be careful going home. I sent you pics of the eggs I took this morning.
Norma, I think this year Kent is my favorite eagle nest, and I do love the Finland osprey nest! Both of them! Chick is still snoozing in the one, and adult is still hanging out in the other. Been there for quite a while. Did see a couple hoodies this morning, but they left after a short visit.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING ALL Well, JO, I'm here with my querty face on??? We have to get Robyn to explain what a querty face is. Watched the dolphin show about an hour ago, they were jumping and doing high-five tails...Prayers for all those in need today.....and Steven, that sounds really exciting, something to really look forward too.

normabyrd said...

I don't know what ALBERT is eating---but it appears EINSTEIN wants a taste---or visa-versa (sp)---I CAN'T TELL THEM A PART!!---Maybe we should start painting a number on them--

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---It's hard to chose a favorite----NOW---I LOVE ALBERT!!!----BUT LOVE THE FIN FAMILY & LOVE WATCHING THOSE STORKS---(1st time I have ever seen them)-----I LOVE 'EM ALL!!!---Really enjoyed your story of the SPARROW & THE DRAGONFLY----I could see it as I was reading your description!!---YOUR ARE VERY GOOD!!

normabyrd said...

Yesterday---I saw the SWALLOW'S EGGS a few times---3 BEAUTIFUL EGGS----OOH!---I hope these little "chicks" survive!!----Must get dressed---doing lunch again!!---SAFE JOURNEY HOME & WELCOME BACK SUZANNE----LOVE TO "The GYSPY"!!---THAT SOUNDS VERY MYSTERIOUS!--ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - Try QWERTY :)

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MITS---It will be hard to come back to "REAL LIFE"---ho!--SAFE JOURNEY HOME!!!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Paula. That's what I was thinking Mits was saying... QWERTY. Some of the first keys you learn on a keyboard. Or in some of us old folks time, a real live manual typewriter! Good grief, remember them???

Suzanne said...

OH, both ospreys in 2nd Finland nest, and it stopped raining!

MITS said...

How am I supposed to remember something from 40 plus years ago???:) I only remember the asdfjkl;...I can't look at the screen and type, I watch the keyboard.

MITS said...

This is what ROBYN said last night....RobynAnn said...
Night all. I am going to get querty face if I don't crawl into bed

Suzanne said...

LOL,, oh she replaced the W with a U. QWERTY face is what happens when you are so tired your face just falls on the keyboard! You wake up with keyboard markings. She musta been beat!

Suzanne said...

The osprey in the 2nd Finland nest was watching a boat go by. How cool is that!

MITS said...

Yes, and rightly so, I have never heard of that expression before.

normabyrd said...

ALMOST DRESSED!---Checked in on the 'LITTLE PRINCE'----He is a RIOT!!----He was in the water---came out & began to play JIM---He was MOVIN' all over the place---Started climbing this "skinny" tree to the top----TOP BENT OVER & DOWN HE WENT!!!----I think he hurt his 'PRIDE'----Began running again & back to the water---WHILE ADORING CROWDS ARE WATCHING HIM!!---SUZANNE----He may "TOP" my list!!!

normabyrd said...

OOOH MIT!----Tell them the TRUTH!!!!---YOU are only "29"---You can't remember manual typewriters---Ho!----SUZANNE--you brought up bad memories--ho!---I remember having to learn to use an electric typewriter!!!--I think I was about 6 when that happened!!---AM running late now!!!----couldn't resist seeing TAI---1 more time!!

MITS said...

HE LOVES THE WATER, NORMA. Yes I remember being taught the manuel by Sister Edward, we called her BIG ED,(not to her face,), but she could almost push the manuel right off of her desk sometimes, and smack your knuckles if she did not think your hands were correctly positioned. Might give you some insight as to why I don't like to type.

paula eagleholic said...

QWERTY hardware
/kwer'tee/ (From the top left row of letter keys of most keyboards) Pertaining to a standard English-language typewriter keyboard (sometimes called the Sholes keyboard after its inventor), as opposed to Dvorak or foreign-language layouts (e.g. "keyboard AZERTY" in french-speaking countries) or a space-cadet keyboard or APL keyboard.
The QWERTY layout is a fine example of a fossil. It is sometimes said that it was designed to slow down the typist, but this is wrong; it was designed to allow *faster* typing - under a constraint now long obsolete. In early typewriters, fast typing using nearby type-bars jammed the mechanism. So Sholes fiddled the layout to separate the letters of many common digraphs (he did a far from perfect job, though; "th", "tr", "ed", and "er", for example, each use two nearby keys). Also, putting the letters of "typewriter" on one line allowed it to be typed with particular speed and accuracy for demos. The jamming problem was essentially solved soon afterward by a suitable use of springs, but the keyboard layout lives on.
[The Jargon File]

The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing, © 1993-2007 Denis Howe

paula eagleholic said...

Did she smack them with the ruler Mits? That's what my Mom said they always did...

Suzanne said...

Rain stopped in GE, at least for a while. Stork nest MT.
Kent twins were doing wing flaps, awesome. Both in nest. Finland chick laying down looking at the cam. Darn, I was too slow. There was a hoodie and osprey in 2nd Finland nest. Pic refreshed as soon as I brought it up, didn't get a pic. Both Frieda and Diego are in the Benicia nest for their night. Jo's owl is in the owl hotel. Eggbert is nowhere to be found on cam, and Mrs Swallow on her 3 eggs.

Suzanne said...

LOL, yeah, me too Norma! About 6 or so when I had to learn an electric typewriter! So let's see, that made me about 2-4 to learn the manual thing. Yea, these days that's feasible! LOL, Paula, I also remember those ^(*&)*&$ sticking keys!!! My, must have had a good memory before I learned to walk! Ah, to be young again!!!

MITS said...

The nuns loved the rulers:). Mrs. S is off the eggs alot this a.m.

MITS said...

she just got back on them.

MITS said...

REMINDER!!!!! 5 months from today is CHRISTMAS EVE!!:):):)

Suzanne said...

Oh good grief, Mits! How could you? Already.
BW osprey still hanging around, Falcon MT, Stork MT, Eggbert gone, Owl in hotel, burrowing owls out and about, didn't see Mrs S get off the eggs again, but it's getting lighter there now. Stork still in 2nd Finland nest looking around. Finland chick looking at cam and hanging leg out showing off bracelet. Looks like more rain in Finland and GE. Albert back up tree, and that's my reports for today.
Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle day. Hopefully, blog at ya tomorrow.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

MITS said...

TAI SHAN is eating honey out of a box:).

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all. yes I have been here for a while. I have been looking at pictures on the momsters sight. So many I havent seen. Its a beautiful morning. I'm sleepy and it all Jo's fault. She kept me up too late. Boy she is a night owl. There are rain clouds over head and you can smell the rain but we wont get any. Its OK at least it will cool down. I got an email from the cruise line asking me if they could bump me up to a larger room. I guess they looked at my age and figured an old lady needed all the consideration she could get. I'm so excited. Hope today has brought smiles to all.

paula eagleholic said...

Albert resting in the nest after the very fine white meat meal,..

Anne-Marie said...

Both Kent kids in nest. Mrs.S on eggs. NEWS.... We are going to have new owletts hopefully in birdhouse TX. They are mating again.

Mema Jo said...

I am finished my running for the day! Did get to stop by & see Paula & retrieve my binoculars that Sharon borrowed!
Steven Your comment concerning installation in a few weeks - does that mean the cam will be turned on for us to check all this out?

Mema Jo said...

Both Kent Kids at home but no Eggbert! Have not seen any adults at PG nest either.
Warming up out there - humidity to return - Have a noon picnic Sat & I was hoping for the weather we have been having would still be around.

ANXIOUS to hear from Robyn and Megan - I so pray they do well

normabyrd said...

HI EAGLE BUDDIES!!----Just back from lunch----IT'S RAINING!!---IT'S POURING--I hope MEGAN is getting this too!!----REALLY WOULD MAKE HER FEEL BETTER!!!---Keep DANCIN' MEGAN!!!

normabyrd said...

HI BUDDIE JO!!----I was just thinking about you too!!---PRAYING YOU ARE HAVING A GOOD DAY TOO!!

normabyrd said...

BUTA BUTA is SLEEPING AGAIN!!!--atop of the wood structure!!----The "LITTLE PRINCE" is asleep with is head hanging over the ROCKS!!--He is so COOL!!!

Jill said...

Send the rain our way Norma. So far nothing but sun.

Costume Lady said...

I am back from my appointment with my Mom and her Doctor. He was able to give her a Cortisone shot in her hip and said she should be feeling much better in a few days! Maybe we can take her somewhere in the "EAGLE EXPRESS" now. Prayers for Robyn and Megan that they have as good an outcome as I with their daughters.

Costume Lady said...

I have my photos sorted and ready to post, if I can figure out how to get them from Kodak Easy Share to JPEG and beyond.

Mema Jo said...

Norma I had a nice lunch also. Met up with 3 prior co-workers. Have lunch once a month. Great friends!

I wish you could send us some of that rain over those mountains. Hubby just finished mowing the weeds..didn't take him long!

Norma I do have the Eagle Train website bookmarked. Do you have any idea for a plan?

I think I may take an hour nap..
I'll be back.

Jill said...

Thanks Norma, rain just started here. Pouring for a minute now just shower.

Anne-Marie said...

Norma, I have ordered a long Indian summer and beautiful fall color. Keep that in mind when planning a date for the train trip.

paula eagleholic said...

Einsteinella just left Kent. Albert in the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

check out this cam


Robyn said...

Hello All we made it back from Texas Childrens.

We have good news and sad news.

The good news is Tori does not have a protein dificiency which there is no cure and will be no cure found in her lifetime. Tori has hypersensitivity pneumonitis which she got from our tiels. The sad news is I need to find a good home for my 2 feathered babies who are 13 years old with aprox 12 years left. They are cockatiels.

I will need to leave tori in florida with my parents so I can pull all my rugs up and literally scrub the inside of my home down and repaint it which I was going to do this fall but now I need to do it sooner. Once that is complete tori can come back home. I will need to remove as much as the bird dander as possible or molecules as the Specalist stated.

The dr said tori can eventually have full capacity of her lungs where as of today she is functioning on 40% up from 18 mths ago which was 35%

Thank you so muchy for all your well wishes and prayers.

paula eagleholic said...

Robyn - I understand the sad news about having to give away your dear birds. I am sure it breaks your heart. But you must also be so relieved! I am so glad that Tori will be able to improve! Did the doctor say how long it would take?

Robyn said...

If in 2 months she shows improvement they will remove her from the cellcept after a few more months they will wean her of the prednasone and plaquenil. The dr. didn't make any suggestions on a time frame. He gave us an 80% she will get better

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds promising, Robyn. I just looked it up on Wiki-P

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (also called extrinsic allergic alveolitis, EAA) is an inflammation of the alveoli within the lung caused by hypersensitivity to inhaled organic dusts. Sufferers are commonly exposed to the dust by their occupation or hobbies.

[edit] Types
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (HP) may also be called many different names, based on the provoking antigen. These include:

Bird-Breeder's Lung
Also called Bird-Fancier's Lung, Pigeon-Breeder's Lung, and Poultry-Worker's Lung. Caused by avian proteins. Exposure is from feathers and bird droppings.

paula eagleholic said...

Guess she can't go eagle watching again :( Kind of ironic, eh?

Robyn said...

Oh no Paula she can go eagle watching she just can't have contact, and yes it is very ironic we did have a laugh over that in the hospital.

I am off to my cousins for gumbo and the girls to go swimming


Hugs to all

paula eagleholic said...

Yum..gumbo. Enjoy! My Mom is from Alabama, and boy does she know how to make gumbo.

Anne-Marie said...

Just got back from my no carb lunch and read Robyn's news. WOW, what a blessing. Birds we can love from afar but not beautiful children. My I suggest that "thank you's" are in order for thoes so inclined. Too many times I ask for blessings and forget to say thanks when they are granted.

Jill said...

Glad Tori will be improving. Sorry about the birds. After your back and ready I am sure we can all send out emails asking our friends to help find a place for them.

If you need help cleaning, painting etc let me know. I am quite used to pulling carpet and painting with 2 rental properties. And Zach is great at it too. We will do whatever you need to get Tori home sooner. Give her a big hug for us.

MITS said...

Robyn, that is really good news. Have a really good rest of your trip:).

Mema Jo said...

Robyn - You have an answer & it is for Tori's benefit! I am sure you will find a good home for your feathered friends & most importantly Tori will have improvement! I am so glad all our prayers for you to receive some positive information have been answered! (((HUGS)))

paula eagleholic said...

Now all we need is some good news from Megan!

paula eagleholic said...

Ya know, I was thinking on the way home about Steve's information on the cam....I am hoping that we will get our real player live feed back so we can hear the sound....hmmm.

Jill said...

He said there would be audio, dont' know what kind but audio is good. STEVE?

paula eagleholic said...

Can't have audio without video :)

paula eagleholic said...

Albert and E'lla are both up the trunk.

Bob Quinn said...

Some quick leftovers from a few weeks back. These were from two visits to Pickering Creek Audubon Center. Notice in the shot of the foxes you can see a bunny up the road in the distance.



Mema Jo said...

Hi Bob - You got the entire Fox family & yes, I see the rabbit up on the road. I really love the pics of both eagles soaring above. I Don't particularly like the last picture - Yikes! Curls my toes!

Thanks for always sending us these photos of yours - we all really love seeing them and appreciate your thinking of us!

Mema Jo said...

Don't think we have heard from Dana for a few days. Hope her therapy is going well. She may be finishing up with it.

Mema Jo said...

Both Kent Kids in the nest - Not sure which is which.

Candy will be glad to know I caught sight of him finally!

3 eggs - unhatched - clear as day!
I wonder what tomorrow will bring?

Mema Jo said...

Oh yes, the room at the Owl Motel is still occupied! Such a pretty owl - the marking of his/her feathers are breathtaking.

Mema Jo said...

SC Site down right now.
Fin osprey sleeping.

Nothing more to report at this time


Robyn said...

Back home from delicious gumbo and cajun potato salad. The girls had fun and had a chance to go swimming.

Jill thank you and I will take you up on your offer, the more hands we have the faster this will go.

I'l be back in a while need to get some work done here and phone calls to make.

Mema Jo said...

Countdown to Mei Lan's
1st Birthday = 43 days

Boy does time ever pass you by!

Mema Jo said...

Glad you had a very good evening Robyn!

MITS said...

Ahhh, they grow so fast.

MITS said...

wow, this is the first time I have seen Eggbert in a while.

Mema Jo said...

I like looking back at Tai's pictures during his first year. I sometimes forget how playful he was!

Mema Jo said...

Yeah and Eggbert seems to be all tuckered out! Don't know if he finds food himself, but have not seen any adults around. I would think they would still be feeding him.

MITS said...

I really do miss the interaction between he and Mei, was so looking forward to it again.

MITS said...

Yeah, he does look beat.

MITS said...

Maybe he is eating, looks like he has his beak down in something.

MITS said...

Tai is all sprawled out on his bamboo, sleeping.

Jill said...

Just let me know when Robyn. Even if I am on call, I can come help and leave if necessary.

Robyn said...

Jill when you get a chance email me at myst864@yahoo.com

MITS said...

That is really nice of you, Jill.

MITS said...

mom just arrived in finland

Robyn said...

This has been a very difficult day with decisions that are hard to make. I will be leaving Tori in florida for the 3 months though I do not want to I need to.

Mom has been reading the posts and she has been in tears with the kindness from everyone here. Mom will homeschool Tori till we can get her back home. I normally do not post my private life but you all have been nothing but kind and supportive. Sadly my brother does not want to place my burden on his family otherwise Tori would have been 3 miles from home and not 1000 miles.

We aren't even apart yet and it hurts to think of our seperation. Tori is more concerned with missing her kitties at the moment, the silly girl :)

MITS said...

Bless her heart, that is a long time. Thank God ,for Mom. Way to go, Silverwolf:).

movin said...


More great photos from Bob, thanks...just a harmless, non-poisonous snake, Mits.

I don't know if it is my imagination, but the last eagle...before the foxes...appears to have something wrong with his feet.

Tonight, Limuw could be up to anything as the dreaded black screen has struck that camera.

Both Kent eaglets in or about the nest tonight.

Hey, I was raised on mechanical typewriters, and I still have one my mother gave me for Christmas in the '70's...never owned an electric, but I did use one for a while at work.

These computerized things are great in many ways, but there's no substitute for a full-sized Remington or Royal keyboard.


Mema Jo said...

Robyn - it is hard making those kind of decisions when the end result is one of heartache! Just maybe your girlfriend will find a job & a place close by you. and , well you just never know! It's all in the big plan. Just offer it all up and go with it! For Tori to have good health - well that's the purpose of it all. Why the 3 months?

paula eagleholic said...

Aww, Robyn, it has been a tough day. I know how hard it is to leave a kid somewhere. My son is a little older, but it was still hard leaving him at college. At least you know that she will be well taken care of by your Mom.

Sounds like a long road ahead now, but the time will pass quickly as it sounds like you will certainly be busy on the house so Tori can come home and feel better!

I'm sure Tori will miss you too! You can always send her pics of the kitty cats!

Mema Jo said...

Eggbert did not stick around very long - gone again. Maybe he sleeps up on one of the high branches..he is so big that he hardly fits in the nest.

MITS said...

That was Jo that was squimish, Jim. I haven't looked at the pics yet, headed there now, but I don't like snakes either

Mema Jo said...

Things always look best in the morning! Robyn & Tori just sleep on it! Other options may arise.

I am calling it a day!
Good Night Everyone
Pleasant dreams & Peaceful sleep
Prayers for all being said

Good morning Early Birds

Robyn said...

I'm off to bed too, sweet dreams everyone


MITS said...


MITS said...

Dad just made a brief visit to Finland, so the whole family was there.

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT ALL....I'm betting maybe Meagans' daughter might have had surgery today. MTBR! I told her to pack a bag just in case.

movin said...




Jill said...

Robyn you have mail. Drive Safe tomorrow.

floralgirl said...

We just got back from the hand center. Emergency surgery this evening at 8pm, lasted 3 hrs. Dr feels it was successful, she is resting now. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Raining out, but just sorta started. Drizzling on the way down, but now ya need the wipers. And an umbrella. That's a good thing, as dry as it is. Just hope it's raining at my house too! Back porch was dry this morning, but the roads had been wet, least past Thurmont, but not in my area. And the critters have been out... my outside cat's water dish had been spilled, but it was about half full, and the bowl with dry had been turned upside down, with the food under it. So something was there that hasn't figured out how to eat out of a bowl yet. Geesh, another training session to go through for an unknown critter! Even the skunks and opossoms have learned how to eat out of the bowl! I've seen them there too many times. Don't know what was there last night. Time will tell, I guess.
Saw a comment from Megan about her daughter's hand surgery. Have to go back and read what that's about. Megan, I hope she'll be alright! And Robyn, hope your daughter's tests or whatever came out ok, and she'll be fine also!
Gonna have to go back and try to catch up.
Morning, early bird Jim! Morning, MemaOwlJo!
All have a great day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Been watching the cams, among other things. Our Finland chick has been grooming for an hour! Too cute, got a feather caught in his bill and it stayed there for a long time. There is a hoodie in the other Fin nest. Puffy osprey in BW, haven't seen a falcon on ledge, but haven't been watching that too closely, either. All 3 stork babies are home, and have been since I logged on. Mrs S got off the eggs, cause all I could see was a big feather, probably covering the eggs, still very dark. There is an owl in the WildWatch hotel, been there for about an hour, but Benicia owls are still out for the day. Oh, hoodie just left, nest MT. Still dark out west. Still kinda dark here, too.

Suzanne said...

Fin chick is exploring his home. Going all over the nest, probably looking for leftovers, hasn't been fed since I've been watching. He was just on the very edge and looking over on the right side of nest.

Suzanne said...

Well, didn't find any leftovers, so gonna do wing flaps.

Suzanne said...

Mrs Fin has arrived, with food!

Suzanne said...

Whole family... well,they were there, now just the one parent again.

Costume Lady said...

Fin chick is looking more healthy every day. I thought he looked sickly for a while.
Mrs. Swallow's eggs should hatch today.

We had a lot of prayers answered yesterday: The Best One was that Tori's problem has been found and think she will have a full recovery!
My Mom was able to get a cortisone shot instead of surgery; she's (87)and I don't think surgery would have been an option at her age.
Megan said her daughter's surgery of 3 hours was probably successful.
Soooo there you go---Prayer works.
Coffee time. BBL

Suzanne said...

First Benicia owl has arrived. Bit early, maybe he's full already. Fin chick still eating, boats are going back and forth on other Fin cam, BW osprey still there, 3 stork chicks still there, Mrs S on eggs, and still dark out west.
BB in a few.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, MT stork nest. Kids are out and about. Fin chick alone but looking around, Falcon ledge MT, osprey still in BW, Mrs S on eggs, owl still in hotel, still 1 owl in Benicia, and no hoodies or boats on 2nd Fin cam. Still dark elsewhere.

Suzanne said...

Both Benicia owls in nestbox.

Suzanne said...

Oh, 2 Hoodies in Finland!

Suzanne said...

Somebody is on the branch in Kent, but still too dark to see clearly. Osprey still in BW, parent back in nest with chick in Finland, 2 Hoodies in 2nd nest, Benicia owls grooming each other, storks gone, and BBL.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, my bad. Good morning, Wanda. I didn't see you come in!!! Sorry, I wasn't ignoring you!

And here you are the bearer of all good news!!! How nice.
Looking forward to the Swallow eggs hatching.
Very glad to hear about Robyn's daughter, Tori. I'm glad they found the problem, and it can be fixed, and she will have a full recovery!!! Also glad to hear your Mom doesn't have to have surgery, that would be scary at 87! Hope the cortisone shots work well for her! I didn't know anything about Megan's daughter's hand surgery until I glanced back a couple postings on the blog this morning. Haven't had time to go back and find out why, but I was glad to hear her surgery was successful! Hope she has a full recovery also. Yes, prayer does work, I'm a firm believer in prayer!

Suzanne said...

Osprey still in BW, falcon ledge MT, getting dawn in Kent, must be Einstein on the branch, Albert in nest, Parent and chick looking around in Finland, storks still out exploring their new world, Mrs S still on eggs, Puget Sound MT, Eggbert must be out and about. Still an owl in the hotel, though. Both owls still in Benicia. OH, Eggbert has arrived! Waiting for breakfast, I guess. Well, he was looking up, now he's flying off somewhere, so don't know what that was about. Gone again. Hoodie in Finland, 2nd cam. Looks like the sun may be coming out there now. It was very overcast. Oh, burrowing owl cam has been turned on, but those little guys are still sleeping in.

Suzanne said...

Ok, now both Kent twins are in the tree.

carolinabeachmom said...

A GOOD THURSDAY MORNING TO JIM, SUZANNE AND WANDA. Yes Wanda, I saw your good news on yesterdays blog. That must have been a load off your mind for now.

ROBYN Great news about Tori! It is something that is fixable. Just hang in there and you never know how things will work out at home. It was so nice of Jill to offer to help. Those three months will go by quickly as you will be busy, and you can email every day besides call. Each get a web cam and speaker and you can at least see on another from time to time. My prayers are still with you and Tori that God will guide you as you go through this period in your lives.

AND Megan, good news from her also,so far. God is good to our friends again and again.

carolinabeachmom said...

Suzanne, you saw the Hoodies again. I'll keep trying. Thanks for the good rundown of all the nests this morning. It really gets the day started for all of us.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Candy. Yup, good news all around. Glad to hear it. But now I'm definately gonna have to read the blogs. Didn't know Tori had to stay there! Usually don't have time to read what I missed when I come back to work, so print what I didn't see and read it at home. That is, until I got started on my new Harry Potter! Went home yesterday and didn't read blogs, got my book out. Now guess I better read what I've been missing!

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA Where is NORMA? Two of her storks are sitting in the nest just mewing for their parent and FOOD.

I see the swallow eggs haven't come alive yet. It should be any time now.

BOB Thanks for another beautiful bunch of pics from your camera. I wish you would put them altogether in a book about the wildlife at BW. I know a bunch of people here that would buy it. :) I am in awe each time you post new pics.

carolinabeachmom said...

I got the Harry Potter bug along with all the rest of you SUZANNE. When I went to WalMart after church on Sunday, it just kind of lept into my hands. It was still $17. plus change. I can't read it fast like some can tho. I am only about halfway through the book yet. It seems like a good one.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, you are right about Suz, we don't seem to know how to get started with her.Then again, your early morning comments are appreciated also'

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE I think I finally see a Hoodie on the osprey nest; just one tho. Yes it is. Now I am part of the Gang of Hoodie Sighters! :)

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING WANDA! Good to see you up and around already. And like I said. so glad that your Mom's dr. visit went well. Hopefully that shot will at least give her comfortable time. Can she get it again and again?

carolinabeachmom said...

JO Glad to hear that your Eggbert was still around for you to see last night. At least you know that he is doing ok for himself.

Can't wait for our new cam and equipment to come in and be put into action. That should be GREAT!

carolinabeachmom said...

I see Albert still high up in his tree branch. Oh well, guess he didn't fledge yesterday. :( In a way that is good news, as we can still watch him. :)

Suzanne said...

Hey, the gang's all here, Wanda came back. Yup, Candy, that's a Hoodie! Welcome to the group! Kinda neat looking, aren't they? Oops, he just left. They'll be back, though. Yesterday the Hoodie's were there in the early AM (our time), then the Osprey's showed up. One time I looked and there was 1 osprey and 1 hoodie at the other end, but hoodie left next refresh.
If you're half way through Harry, you're farther than I am. Think I'm on Chapter 10 or 11, only about 200 pages. I don't read it that fast either, and I don't have that much time a day to read it. But I'll be reading it again this weekend! had to get the oil changed, and service on my car last Sat, and it took longer than it was supposed to. Don't think I have anything this weekend, so I can read.
Wanda, not sure what you mean about getting started with me in the AM. I'm confused. But that's normal, so no biggie!

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE I see your osprey juvie and parent on the nest in Finland. That juvie is really getting to be one big bird, isn't he? At least he is up and around today and not being a "lazy bug" for now.

Suzanne said...

Osprey back in BW. Looks like Einstein may have left, Albert is on branch, but he's the only 1 I see. Mom and chick in Fin nest, Dad on tree in back. Think the 3 storks are back, all huddled together. Maybe it's time for the daily rain storm in GE. OH, parent in nest waiting for Eggbert! Looks like he/she's calling him. Never mind, he landed almost on her! Geesh, sure don't have to call him twice to eat!!!

Suzanne said...

He sure is up and around today. He groomed himself this morning for over an hour! See Dad back on the tree towards the left?

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE I know what you mean about not being able to reed. Whem I am in school, my reading stops; weekends are for cleaning. Soooo I try to read alot in the summer months we have off.

Mom finally arrived to NORMA's storks. They are busily eating whatever meal it is.

Suzanne said...

Oh, not rain in GE, turned out to be grub! Storks look like they're eating.

Costume Lady said...

Yes Candy, Mom can get the shot when needed. HOORAY! We can now plan on taking her on a trip somewhere. I Think she wants to go to Maine.

Suzanne said...

Well, the storks came, they rested, they ate, now they're gone. MT nest, BW MT, PA MT, Kent MT, one on branch only, Finland chick is home, Mrs S is home, PS is MT, burrowing owls still sleeping, owl still in hotel, and both owls in Benicia. 2nd Fin nest MT. Too many MTs!

Wanda, that's great about your mom. If you go to Maine, maybe you can get a birds eye view of the nest on their cam! Looks like a beautiful area there.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, lost my 2nd Fin cam. Lisa said that happens sometimes, but eventually, cam returns.

MITS said...


movin said...




Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi All,

Just to let you know that my computer is all fixed now and I can play again.

Hope all is as well as it can be with everyone. I have been trying to read all your E-Mails as usual, before my pc crashed. so I'll keep doing that from my end.
But as you can imagine it's difficult posting with the time difference, as when I'm ready for bed your just getting started girls.
Hows the weather,,, it's terrible here, cold dark and dull. missed the summer altogether and went right into Autumn, not seen any of the lovely colours as yet either.
What a surprise it was to see that Bai Yun had got a new baby girl, boy that fella Gao Gao is something isn't he !!!!! Pity Tian Tian isn't more like him,,,,, I wonder if there is such a thing as a Panda phone,Tian could get in touch with Gao for advice.
Sad news about the babies in Australia, let hope that the one surviving chick stays well.
I can't tell you how much I have missed seeing Mai Xiang while my PC was sick,, there is something very special about that darling girl, I just love her to bits.

Well, not much news from this end really,,, Mother Hens still chatting away as usual.
Floods all clear now but the clean up will take years unfortunately, luckily I was spared this time, but many around here wern't.
We have got rid of one Prime Minister only to be landed with another flippin idiot,,,,Heaven help us all !!!!!!
I don't know if you know about the ball game of RUGBY, but its Rugby feaver over here at the moment, England are in the World Cup, playing South Africa next week, I can tell you we are glued to the TV sets while it's on, poor Doreen and I are Rugby mad, our blood preasures go right up, shouting at the TV's telling the teams how to play, really girls the air gets quite blue, but we love it, we just hope now that England can win next week, but South Africa are such a good team,,, poor Frank [husband] has to leave the room and he just lets me get on with it.

Well thats it for now my frinds.
Speak soon, Take care.
Loves yah loads
P.S. That Brit Broad !!!!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...