Thursday, July 26, 2007


New thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone
Taking Jim up on his invitation to come over to a new thread. Thanks, Steve.

Mema Jo said...

I am quickly going to be in & out! Read previous blog - Safe Journey Mits. Everyone is jumping here this morning. Wish Dana would appear. Dr office just called with a canceled appointment so now I am headed down into Frederick. Be back on when I return.

Robyn said...

Morning Jo I see you're number one :)

Wanda the reason we didn't know this sooner was because when they tested tori in 2005 they already began treatment so it made the test show a negative besides that they usually test hypersensitivity against chickens and pigeons.

Robyn said...

Save trip to Frederick Jo and hope all goes well :)

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING JO. You are #1 now and always! Thanks Steve for the new thread.

GOOD MORNING JIM Just took a look at your link form last night. Very interesting. Poor thing, tho, can't compare in beauty to our Bald Headed Eagles.

GOOD MORNING NORMA Those little ones can really astound you can't they. I love being with the little ones. Gosh, it looks like your lovely storks have found a better playground now that they can all fly. I bet they will be back for meals, tho.

Robyn said...

That was safe trip :)

Suzanne said...

Blogger cop kicked me out, wouldn't let me go back, but I insisted, and guess what? I won! Didn't even have to re-logon! Wow. What's the deal with that? Maybe I won't say how much I dislike Google blog today!
Ok, good boy, Google blog.
Thanks for the new thread, Steven. Thanks for the heads up, Jim. Morning, MemaJO! Have a safe trip, Jo. Mits, you drive safely too. You're going back to the beach, aren't you? And Robyn, you drive safely too!
Ok, where's Norma? She just arrived on previous blog, but don't see her here.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING AGAIN EAGLE BUDDIES!!----I just finished a paragraph on the other side---then MOVIN'JIM SAID come on over!---Not much in my last post--but you must go back to the other blog to read it!!---ho!--MORNIN' JO--YOU ARE #1!!!--WE VOTED & YOU WILL ALWAYS BE #1!!!--ROBYN--I have been following your travels & SO HAPPY TO HEAR THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT TORI!!!---JIM--GREAT VIDEO with the White Tail Eagle!! Thanks----

Robyn said...

Have a great day all and those traveling be safe, I know I will (hate this Houston traffic)

Off to Gulfport for a few days, will try to pop in while doing classwork and homework :)

Robyn said...

Thank you Norma and good morning to you, you too Candy and Jim

OK I am outta here

normabyrd said...

I have questions!!---- 1) Any word from MEGAN? 2) Where did JILL go? 3) MITS is going back to the good life!!? 4) SUZ--Where is the site you & MITS were watching? Finland?

BOY!--I WILL get here earlier tomorrow!! (ho)---FORGOT TO THANK STEVEN FOR THE NEW THREAD!! sorry!!

paula eagleholic said...

Norma - Megan was on briefly yesterday morning - Daughter doing good, prognosis for her hand is very good also.

MITS said...

HOODIES ARE BACK...sending you the link, Norma

MITS said...

NORMA, you have mail

Suzanne said...

Morning, Norma. I posted, then had a few things to do. Did you get the link from Mits? The Marina is cam 5, the underwater is cam 3.
Safe travels, Robyn!
Missed the hoodies, Mits. Saw a couple fish swimming right at the cam, but they're fuzzy looking. Very wierd! Not like you can put a scuba mask on and see it clearer!

Suzanne said...

Chow time for Fin chick! Storks are back, first time I've seen them all day!

MITS said...

Anyone know a good way to track down a person on the internet??? Looking for a woman who did not finish a paint job at the condo, and refushes to answer my calls

Suzanne said...

There is a site called Yellow Pages, try that.

Suzanne said...

Look quick, is that an egg still in the Swallow nest?

Suzanne said...

Kent is getting the fog no, and looks like Puget Sound is clearing up a little. Must have been feeding time for the storks, cause 2 of 'em are back "on the road.'
Wow, very blue bird, dang, never mind! Beautiful blue bird WAS or IS BACK in Kent. Blue jay? About that size, but bluer, I think.

Suzanne said...

Bird is still there, but that poor nest looks like it's gonna topple any minute. Probably a good thing the kids fledged when they did!

What is that bird there?

Suzanne said...

Never mind, think it's a blue jay.

paula eagleholic said...

If you really want to see some fish, try this cam, has 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 second updates

floralgirl said...

Hello all- hope everyone is doing ok. Daughter is resting and seems to feel a little betetr. Already stressed mom just had to deal with black snake in the basement.. gross...I hate snakes, tolerate them in the garden, but DO NOT want to see one inside.

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE Is is so dark in thee, I don't know how you can see anything in the swallow nest.

carolinabeachmom said...


carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING MEGAN! So glad to hear your daughter is feeling a little better today. What a way to spend the summer break.

I know what you mean by snakes. I just hate them! And in your house and all, ugh! You are a brave person to go after it.

carolinabeachmom said...

Ms. S off her nest and looks like one egg is still there.Babies are laying over it now and then. :(

Suzanne said...

Oh wow, Paula, that is awesome! Much clearer than Finland!
OMG Megan! That would have scared me to death! I'da had to get a gun and shoot the thing! Course I have no idea where I would get one, like IMMEDIATELY, but I would screamed for someone to bring me one! Can't tolerate snakes!!
Candy, it's very dark, it's hard to see anything, but I keep trying!

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Candy. You're right, she had 2 sleepovers to attend in the next 2 weeks, and we were going to take her to the beach for 2 days, all that is off now. We will do some fun stuff once she heals, but she is really disapointed. Thank goodness for pay per view, distracting her with a movie right now.

Suzanne said...

Oh that is so cool, Paula! Lots of fish, sure glad I'm not swimming anywhere near there!

floralgirl said...

Ha Ha, Suzanne. I had a 15 minute panic attack as I planned my strategy. Then I caught the dang thing using a long garden tool, but coulnd't get him out. Had to be a girl and called my neighbor, he came up and took over and carried it out of the basement.

Suzanne said...

Mom's off, chick just got on toop of the egg. Oop, peeking out from under chick.

normabyrd said...

WOW---THANKS MITS for site!!!--THANKS SUZANNE for pic---THANKS CANDY for update---STORK-KIDS are back---BUT MAN!----THEY ARE QUIET!!!----THANKS PAULA---will try yours too!!---I thought that ALBERT would at least check in for food!!!!---Hope he is OK!!!!

MITS said...

Hi Megan, its rough on them when the are sick or injured, have friends come over when she feels up to it......HATE SNAKES

Suzanne said...

Mom is still gone! Chick keeps moving over egg. Well, make a liar outta me! She's back!

Suzanne said...

Megan, does she like to watch the cams? Check out the site Paula has listed. Really cool!

paula eagleholic said...

Don't mind snakes, but agree w/ Megan. Don't want one in the house...

I hate spiders!!!

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---Thoughts were with you folks all night---Delighted to hear MADELINE (sp) is feeling better!!---As far as the SNAKE goes---KILL--KILL!!---But I know one shouldn't do that!!!---Look at it this way MEGAN--------NO MICE! ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, Megan, you could get that one...

15 second refresh would work for you, or do 30 second...

normabyrd said...

PAULA--I HATE---I MEAN HATE SNAKES!!!!---But spiders don't bother me---I don't kill them!!!---Of course I have never seen one of those REALLY BIG ONES!!--ho!

floralgirl said...

Never kill one unless I see no other way, Norma. I knew if I didn't catch it it would disapear into the dark areas in the basement and I'd be freaking out all day. Now he is food for the buzzards. See, I'm feeding the birds. CAms are not her thing, and I have to keep her on the couch right now, as her arm is elevated to reduce the swelling in her hand, which is key to getting the pain to ease. So just bought her some silly teen movie and that will occupy her for while.

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks for the site PAULA. It IS much better than fhe other Fin one.

NORMA Your storks are quiet now, but when they first came in, you should have heard them. Mom hasn't arrived yet, so they'll get vocal then.

SUZANNE You have one stuffed, tired out, not Osprey juvie. He is just spread out as far as he can be trying to keep cool.

Anne-Marie said...

Morning all, I'm lurking but I'm here. Mrs S is really dark this morning. I so wanted to see if there was a new chick. Robyn its been two years since I have been that Highway 10 route. What a beautiful trip. Enjoy. I love Louisiana especially its people. I need to see to a couple of conference rooms. Be back in a while.

carolinabeachmom said...

MEGAN When I went into my school the other day to drop off some stuff I had bought for the classroom, they told me that they have found a snake in there room where we store all our extra supplies for Kindergarten. I would have freeked, but a First Grade teacher came to the rescue and got it. They didn't tell me how, but I sure hope it doesn't come back.

PAULA I don't like any kind of bugs and spiders in no. 1 of my enemies. Bugs give me the heebie geevies.

MITS said...

Still see one egg at swallow nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh well, back to washing windows, blinds and curtains. BB

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh I forgot to wish SUZANNE a safe trip home if I am not back.

ROBYN good to hear you are in Louisana now. Keep safe, and have fun.

paula eagleholic said...

Candy - sounds like a loverly day...NOT!

normabyrd said...

MITS---You can track people on the internet----I have seen it done--but it was a long time ago!!!---Just type the name & see where it leads you!!!---you probably have address!!!

normabyrd said...

HEY KIDS---I GOT WAX!!!---Of course--BLUEFIELD SHARON wasn't playing---nor was VICKY OR GLO!!

floralgirl said...

It's all yours Norma. I've had enough excitement for one day. Gotta go pay some bills, talk to the ins. people again(ugh).Later

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---THE FIN CHICK is EXHAUSTED!!!----Not ready to live on his own!!!!---That's why I worry about ALBERT!!---He had never been away from home!!!!!


normabyrd said...


Suzanne said...

I saw the 2 chicks and still 1 egg too. Will the other egg hatch now? Man, I hope so!
Thanks, Candy, I try to be careful driving down here.
Morning, Heidigirl. I never get to talk to you!
Just noticed the time. Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle day!
Hope the Kent nest is still there tomorrow, it looks like it's gonna fall any second! Albert was in the tree very early this morning, but haven't seen either of them for hours! Boats are kinda trickling back on cam 5, and looks like it will be a beautiful sunset there. No more hoodies, no more fishies. Lots of fish on Paula's site, though. Awesome colors! Just beautiful when the sun hits it! Poor Fin osprey does look hot. All hunkered down.
Ok, I'm outta here. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Norma, Albert has been gone a long time. I hope he comes back to check in, I worry too!
Thanks, Norma, I'll be careful. Gypsy says thanks, too!
Ok, really gone now.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' ANNE-MARIE!!!---What's happening with you?---Logged on LATE this a.m.---Kids & Grand-Kids phone calls---they all seem to call at the same time!!!----Have you gotten your travel plans worked out-----I haven't heard of anyone in re: POTOMAC EAGLE TRAIN dates-----

Anne-Marie said...

What in the world is a hoodie? Where is cam 5 and what fishes? HELP

normabyrd said...


Anne-Marie said...

Norma I cant plan anything until I get some dates. I got an email from Jet Blue offering some real deals to your area this fall. I'm keeping it. Just waiting for a date. Praying it will be as late as possilbe. I like Jet Blue better than South West. The seats are wider for my big fanny and each seat has its own TV with cable. They also have a station that I really like and it works like a location system and shows you an airplane flying over the US and shows you just where you are on your flight.

MITS said...

Annemarie, you have mail.

paula eagleholic said...

Carribean fish cam

Finnish osprey cam - has hooded fish crows on the osprey nest - "hoodies"

Cam 3 is a fish cam, tho not as clear as the one above. Cam 5 is here also...

Anne-Marie said...

Thank you Mits, your the bomb!

Anne-Marie said...

Thank you Paula, I multi-task so much sometimes I'm not sure of what I'm doing. Never boring!

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA Tour storks are sure noisy now. I heard them all the way into the bedroom where I am washing windows. Feeding time!

normabyrd said...

ANNE-MARIE---A "hoodie" is a bird or HOODED CROW--bird with black head that appears to have a "black hood" on!!!---


Hope that helps!!

Anne-Marie said...

Paula, when you were on Catalina did you take the glass bottom boat out to the kelp gardens?

normabyrd said...

CANDY--They really have the STORK NEST lowered!!!---I saw two kids on bike go ridding by---COOL!---They want FOOD!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Mom brought food when I heard them noisy. They got into a little tiffle and she took off again. Maybe they didn't get enough. Back to my curtains

paula eagleholic said...

Heidigirl - I didn't go to Catalina. I went to Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa, which are further north. No glass bottom boats there. We used Island Packers to get to the Islands. Maybe Catalina next time!

normabyrd said...

CT OSPREY CHICKS are growing fast----HANDSOME PAIR!----MOM was in nest--but flew off!!

normabyrd said...

CANDY---Still hanging out at the nest!!!

normabyrd said...


carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA They sure are a noisy bunch wihen there is food.

Anne-Marie said...

Paula it looks like a forest with strange tropical fish swimming through it. I used to spring vacation there as a teen. I was afraid of nothing and would dive down in it. I'm smarter now and afraid of sharks. They come after the seals that hide in the kelp.

Anne-Marie said...

all three babes in view at Mrs. Swallow's nest

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey in CT is about all I can see...ok, one in LI, MS S still on the nest...

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, 3 babes for Mrs S

Carol_in_WV said...

Hi, birdlovers. I know that I've mentioned on here that I see blue herons in the river a couple of times a week, on my way to and from work. Yesterday morning I saw a white heron-like bird flying directly over the river. Then last evening, I saw a white heron-like bird standing in the river, not very far from 2 blue herons in the river. Then this morning, I saw 2 white ones in the river. I remembered that I once I read that the juviniles of the "little blue herons" are totally white. I just checked on some websites and that is true. So - the chicks of the blue herons I've been seeing must've just fledged! Isn't that cool!

paula eagleholic said...

Carol - you also might be seeing a white egret. They look similar to herons, too. You might want to check out some of Bob Quinn's pics.

Anne-Marie said...

Arent they beautiful Carol. We have miles and miles of rivers and rice patties here and there is a thin very white crane that loves the small fish and crawdads that live there. They freeze if you get close to them so good pictures are easy to get. they are so graceful I love to watch them.

Carol_in_WV said...

Maybe they were not litle blue heron juviniles - but they were the same size and shape and one was close to the 2 blue ones. I'll keep an eye open for them and see if I can figure it out. Once, several years ago, early in the morning, I saw 4 or 5 big white birds roosting in 2 trees along the river. They were larger than the little blue herons and had fringier looking feathers. So - I'm pretty sure the 2 white birds I saw yesterday were not those big white birds (which I think are great white egrets). I have never seen those big white birds again. I think they were lost that day - or maybe they were migrating.

Costume Lady said...

Hi Carol--
Isn't it exciting to see a large bird like the Heron in our part of the world. I have always thought of them being in the South.
A few years ago, we were fishing in Sanabel Island off the west coast of Floria and the White Egret kept trying to take our bait off our lines and the fish we caught before we could get our hands on them. What beautiful birds they are. I have seen the Blue and Green Heron in our area, but never a White Egret. That would be wonderful to see.

MITS said...

Al and Ei are home.

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS Now all they need is the parent with the food. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS Did you happen to see the third swallow chick in the nest? I missed the hatching as I was still cleaning..

Anne-Marie said...

Candy I sent a picture to both Paula and Jo. I dont think I have it any more. Sorry.

Jill said...

I am in Philly for the weekend. Talk to you later.

Anne-Marie said...

Br safe Jill, stay out of trouble.

carolinabeachmom said...

JILL Safe trip!

Megan, what did you have a pic of, the three babies? That is ok I'm watching them now.

BOTH Algert and Einstellia are sitting on the same small branch together. Now that both are flying, they can be close buddies. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Did anyone get on the Santa Cruz site today? I can't seem to get in it.

NillaWafer said...

Good Evening Ya'll.. Hope all is well with everyone.. I just heard the strangest story on NBC news tonight about this cat named Oscar at a nursing home in Providence Rhode Island who for the last 2 years has gone around to each patients room and checked on them daily.. But when the patient is about to die this cat lays beside them as if to say I am here its ok... other wise the cat does not stay around on the bed.. Strange but true story..Animals do have a sense about dieing also when my Tinker(had her 16 years) was dieing she would not let me near her and move under the bed.. Awhile ago both eaglets were at Kent.. Is the bluebird nest MT? I can not get SC open neither CBMom...

Anne-Marie said...

Nilla, Mama swallow is on the blue bird nest and doing well with her three chicks. Loved you story about the cat. I have heard others like it. Animals seen to have more understanding than we give them credit for.

Jill said...

Nilla I saw that about the cat. Been right 25 times so far. Not bad for a cat.

Staying out of trouble is no fun Heidigirl. GEEZ.

paula eagleholic said...

SC nest is down, no word when it will be back up.

Nilla, they had pics of that kitty on my yahoo home page....guess you wouldn't want the kitty to visit ya!

NillaWafer said...

Isnt it amazing Jill... For you news in Martinsburg since your in Philly... Magistrate Overington recused herself in the case of Speikers and its asigned to Sandra Miller now... This is a very complex case as i see it and he has Kevin Mills who you know is 1 of the best lawyers... Are you in Philly ? I lived right outside in Bensalem up off Roosevelt Blvd. Sounds like the camera for nest year will be really nice...Hope all goes well with hooking it up... BRB

NillaWafer said...

Paula i dont think it would be so bad might be comforting as alot of people in nursing homes are abandon by family members... Many nursing homes have regular visits from animals as it seems to bring vitality and life to patients just stroking a pet and smiling... Is true animals can predict earthquakes also.. I would bet as the animal lovers we are we all beleive there is a animal heaven as in Rainbow Bridge site...

Jill said...

Hey Nilla I read that in the paper today before I left. Overtington needs to learn to keep her mouth shut. That is the second or third time she has done that. Then there was the Protection order she lifted and the guy held his wife hostage later that day.

NillaWafer said...

Oh Jill i remember that situation wasnt he the one they shot and killed later in the day? Just talked to Jenny about Jasmin hope to see her tomarrow.. She is alittle juandace and had blood taken yesterday.. Now they called and said they need more blood tomarrow.. Bruised her little foot too...

Costume Lady said...


Jill, Just wanted to tell you that Gene got results today from all his scans and blood work. Nothing wrong with him!!
Enjoy your time in Philly.

Jasmin is beautiful--looks like Grandma.

Costume Lady said...

Still anemic, but apparently not a concern anymore.

Jill said...

No NIlla that was a different one. That one had a protection order and violated it. The one I am talking had a FPO and she said she didn't think he was a danger so she voided it, the next day he held his wife hostage but in the end didn't hurt her physically.

Wanda-Glad Gene is OK. I have been anemic all my life, nobody got too concerned about it.

NillaWafer said...

Well i spoke with Dana and she is not well and was in the hospitol a few days.. She says hello and will get online soon as she feels better..Sends her love to all....Hi Wanda, you tell Gene he needs to drink wine i hear it helps I use to drink Mogan David...Yeah i was a But glad to hear he is fine..

movin said...


Couldn't open this blog through Beakspeak tonight...???

Looks like Albert is perched on the high branch tonight. And the Swallow Mom just left, but the chicks are so well camouflaged I can't see much.

How's everything with you???


paula eagleholic said...

Nilla - I agree that animals in nursing homes are therapeutic for the patients...but in this case, I think I would be upset if that kitty stayed on my bed!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I am sorry to hear about Dana!

MITS said...

The cat would get the boot, if he was in my room, or a room, that had someone I loved....

Mema Jo said...

I wouldn't want that cat on my lap either - and I love cats.
Thanks, Nilla for the info on Dana.
We had been missing her and thought something was amiss.
Jim I couldn't open the link on beakspeak either.

Mema Jo said...

You could mistake Albert for a tree trunk the way the shadow is on him.
The swallow peeps need to get some more detail to them - even when you enlarge a pic it's hard to determine what is what.

Costume Lady said...

Missed you today. It's a good thing you checked in this morning or we would have the State Police out looking for you.
Missing Robyn now. She should be in Gulfport, I think.

paula eagleholic said...

Turning in early, I'm beat! Night all, sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

Robyn should have been there early afternoon but is probably busy visiting and catching up with her friend.
Glad to hear about Gene's health update!
Wanda - those baby swallows need to grow some more before I tell what I'm looking at! lol

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Paula - I'm not far behind.

Costume Lady said...

Yes,Jo, they do need to grow up through those feathers. I have a magnifying glass here beside me to look at them, but it doesn't help much.


Mema Jo said...

Good Night Peace to you & yours
Prayers for all being said

Good Friday morning Suzanne and all the Early Birds

movin said...

Growing up in the country, which was wild at first, north of San Diego, we got used to snakes...non-poisonous ones.

When we first moved in, we were in a temporary basement setup (sheets for room dividers and 1 X 10's for a floor), and a King Snake lived under the flooring, sticking his head up through a knot hole once in a while. Well, my mother, who wasn't particularly fond of reptiles, took a liking to that one and used to put a saucer of milk near the hole now and then...the snake drank it all.

I gradually got used to handling snakes and horny toads, etc., and heard many a lecture on the benefits of treating the rodent eating snakes with respect.


movin said...

Oh yeah, I wanted to tell you about a fireman in So Cal somewhere, who is athletic and often takes long walks in the hills with his Labradors.

Apparently, one day his dogs kept doing everything they could to make him return guessed it, he was about to have a heart attack, and they knew it. I think he did have an attack, but the dogs got help and saved his life.

Now, he uses them to monitor his heart condition and general health... I think this led to special "helper dogs" being trained for similar purposes.

Did you see that story on the TV a couple of years ago?


movin said...

Good night, friends...sleep well.

Good morning, Suzanne, Candy, Norma and other early birds.


Robyn said...

Good evening from Gufport Ms, it is almost like being home seeing my cousins again.

Meagan glad to hear your daughter is doing well.

I just logged in but have been at my cousins since 5pm.

Going to check those 2 cams posted here and peek in on Ms. S and finish reading th blogs

be back shortly

MITS said...

Very interesting, Jim...GOOD NIGHT ALL

MITS said...

hey, Robyn, glad you made it...have a good time.

Robyn said...

Thanks Mits we will. Rest of family coming saturday for a BBQ. Tori and Faith having a blast last time Tori was here she was 4.

I should have realized the underwater cam was dark since it is night.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Eagle World! We made it to Friday! I sure am glad, seems my brain is not functioning well today. Or yesterday either, for that matter! Usually come in the blog thru NCTC, but NCTC is down this morning. Then it dawned on me to use the blog URL...DUH! So I made it. Was getting ready to send an email to Momsters when I finally figured it out. Man, I'm ready for a break, can't some too soon.
Nice out, 74 at home, 76 here, and you can see parts of a very full orange moon! When it peeks through the clouds, which wasn't often today.
Anyway, BW MT, Falcon was on bar now on top of nestbox, our Fin chick is playing find me if you can by laying down in the sticks, beautiful sight on their 2nd cam, there were 2 ospreys in nest, but then 1 left. Just checked again, and pic looks like a negative, reversed light or whatever you call it. Boats are out again, though. Stork nest MT, and very cloudy, so probably time for their daily rain storm! Benicia MT, owl in hotel, and of course dark everyplace else.
All have a great eagle day. I can only improve from here on out today!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!! My computer is really acting funny today! It is extremely slow, and I don't trust it, so it may go out at any time. If it does, let me just say now, all have a great weekend.
Fin chick up and looking around, and looking around the nest. Probably hungry! It's also getting kinda overcast in Fin, 2nd cam, so maybe they're getting ready for rain in that nest too.

Suzanne said...

Well, our visiting osprey is in the BW nest, was a falcon on bar then nest box, but now gone for the day. Our Fin chick is getting fed, other nest is MT, stork nest still MT, Benicia MT, owl still in hotel, way to dark to see swallow, and the new underwater cam is just too cool. It's dawn there, and getting lighter under the water, and you can see some fish swimming around. Can't see any fish on the 2nd Fin cam.

Costume Lady said...

Just go up--looks like we got some rain in the night. Probably 17 drops. My garden is crying and my flowers dying. Gotta do something about that today. We are growning Lima Beans for the first time and I want them to do well (love fresh limas).
Going to drink my coffee now while I read about MR. VICK. Wow--the crowd at the Courthouse really booed him. Made me feel good!BBL

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Wanda! He deserves every BOO he gets, and then some. Idiot!
Glad you got some rain, I didn't get a drop. I go home and water my plants every night, now. And have put saucers under them besides. Wonder if Megan got any rain? Hope so. Least think the weather said we're supposed to get some this weekend. Was gonna sit outside and read Harry, but not in the rain. We'll see, they've been wrong before!
I love Limas too, I hope yours do well. I like eating them raw, just pop 'em outta their shell and pop 'em in your mouth. Delicious! Like 'em cooked too, with lots of butter. I have made a meal out of that before many times. Love 'em.

Suzanne said...

There is an osprey in Fin 2nd cams, watching a boat go by. cool.

Suzanne said...

OOops, never mind. Both osprey and boat gone.

floralgirl said...

No rain here:(

Suzanne said...

Hi Megan. When Wanda said she got a little rain last night, I wondered if you did too. I didn't get a drop either! Bummer.
How's your daughter doing today?

Costume Lady said...

Is your Daughter feeling hopeful now that she will regain full use of her hand? (what is her name?).

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Early Birds
No rain here - dry as a bone. Very humid out this am.
Looks like Albert & Eggbert are in their nest. Too dark in the Swallows' nest to see & Ms/Mr Owl in nest. I guess he/she goes out at night.
One osprey on BW platform nest. Our Fin chick is getting so large - with an adult in nest now.

Suzanne said...

Wow, Good morning, MemaJo. You're up early! Fin chick was doing wing flaps. Such a beautiful bird! They're also an osprey in other Fin nest. BW osprey is all puffy, isn't he? He must feel good.

Suzanne said...

Oh, one of Norma's storks has come home. Others may not be far behind, must be getting close to feeding time.

Suzanne said...

Jo, are you watching Kent? Eaglet flew to tree, parent came in, eaglet almost landed on parent coming in, but parent didn't have any food. Parent went to tree, eaglet followed. Now parent has left, and eaglet still in tree. Thought when whoever it is was on the top branch they were getting ready to fly off, but then parent arrived. Eaglet changed directions quickly. Too funny!

floralgirl said...

Hi Jo, Wanda, and Suzanne. Sending you mail, Wanda. Trying to protect daughter's privacy by not using her name.

Costume Lady said...

I hate to ask personal questions--always afraid I may be out-of-bounds. I guess I should have e-mailed you.

floralgirl said...

Please don't be sorry, we discuss many personal issues on here, just have never used her first name, teenagers are sensitive about their privacy you know. She was feeling better last night, we seem to be getting the swelling to go down by keeping arm elevated. Dr says that is key to helping ease pain. Just a lot of disapointment, no swimming, no beach, missing parties that friends are all going to. Sometimes life is rough, we will get thruought this. Really miserable that she cannot draw, she is a good artist.

Mema Jo said...

Saw all that at Kent, Suzanne. Hi Megan! Hi Wanda - hope your limas survive!

I think I am watching Tai out in his yard with his bamboo. Hope he heads for the AC this afternoon. I see one stork in nest - doing knee bends & kackling!

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING SUZANNE, WANDA, MEGAN, MITS AND JO. You are all getting to be quite the early birds on here. I can't seem to wake up mornings anymore. Maybe I am getting the must needed rest before going back to school and tackling those new kids coming in. :)

Sorry to hear about DANA. Hope she is feeling better and on again soon.

MEGAN Glad to hear that your daughter is feeling a little better day by day. That has got to be hard on her, missing out on all the joys of summer and her drawing. Each new day will be a little better for her.

MITS said...

GOOD A.M. EVERYONE Yes, Jo, that is the little prince, and mom is flat out on the payment on cam #1

MITS said...


floralgirl said...

Hi Candy, gotta go make a quick delivery.BBL- There's a NEW THREAD!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Candy! Best get your rest now, sure won't have time when year 24 starts in K this year! Sleep now, for tomorrow it may be too late.
Oh geesh, guess you can figure out what's on MY mind! This is Friday, I'm ready for a nap about now.
Megan, glad to hear your daughter's feeling better. Hope her hand continues to improve!

Robyn said...

Good morning Suzanne, Wanda, Jo, Meagan.

Nice way to begin the day while, drinking my coffee on the deck a ruby-throated hummingbird came within 5 feet of me to drink from the feeder and styed maybe 2 or 3 min. I went to get my camera but I forgot to charge it last night and couldn't take a pic. Maybe later I can.

Suzanne said...

Oh, our kid is still in the tree, but the sun is coming out, so he's gonna be blocked soon...

MITS said...


Robyn said...

Meagan that is true about the disapointments but they are resiliant and will bounce back. I seen it happen to Tori, 2 years from enjoying any of her activities so she adjusted and found new ones to help ease her world a bit. Now she may make a full recovery and already she is planning her future. She even was able to do flips in the pool when just a 2 weeks ago she couldn't even go underwater more then 5 sec without gasping for air.

movin said...


New thread..


Costume Lady said...

Mits, are you at the beach?
Robyn, you sound so different when you post now. I hear the happiness in your coments and we are all so happy for you and Tori.

Candy--I'll just bet those kids that are going to be new to the school this year have heard of you and are anxious to meet you. You are very important in their lives as a teacher for the begining of their next 12 years.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...