Thursday, July 12, 2007


Fresh thread.


paula eagleholic said...

Happy Thursday! The heat has finally broken! Enjoy your day!

Mema Jo said...

GOod Mid Morning again ! Thanks for the heads-up Paula & congrats for being #1.
Great weather out there today.
Steve - thank you - hope your day isn't too busy and you can get out of the office for some fresh air & sunshine!

Mema Jo said...

Where did they go?

My comment from previous thread:
I never said I was beautiful - I just look like a genuine MEMA - I was repeating Norma's remarks as to how to notice her - She is the beautiful one - Inside & Out
Why don't I don't know about WalMart?

carolinabeachmom said...


carolinabeachmom said...

I just put the last brownies to bake and came back to find three eggs. 1,2,3!

carolinabeachmom said...

JO You look like the PE teacher I went bird watching with down at Pea Island, just south of here. I saw her in Wal Mart the other day and told her I was going to see an eagle nest and meet with some ladies that have been blogging, and she was thrilled; although, she didn't like how much weight I hat put on. :(

MITS said...

GOOD THURSDAY MORNING EVERYONE What a beautiful day...I'm still tired from yesterday, but I really had fun getting up close and personal with the sloth bears, I forgot to get a camera.

carolinabeachmom said...

Her husband used to be head of the Park Service down here until he retired. Then she retired. We missed her at school, as she was a nice lady. Now she has grandkids that keep her busy.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning, Mits. The rest of the gang has not come over here yet!

carolinabeachmom said...

Congrats PAUL for your #1 spot on the new thread, and WELCOME MITS. You did seem to have a busy day yesterday; a long one too.

carolinabeachmom said...

Huh, what are PAULA AND I, chopped liver? :)

Costume Lady said...

I will bring my comment over from flip side.
Will make a pitcher of Sangria for Saturday in case anyone would like a cocktail before dinner. We will have other drinks and non-alcoholic drinks available. We can do this in Clarion parking lot if you like.

Suz, Candy and Sharon and all others traveling tomorrow; have a safe and fun trip.

carolinabeachmom said...

I'll be in and out as I am now cleaning house to leave it clean for tmy husband and our border.

carolinabeachmom said...

Sorry Paula about your name. :( That isn't a very good way to start the day.

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA Thanks for the good wishes for a safe trip. I hate being on the road, but I should be used to it by now. Hard to cart my son back and forth each month to NCS Science and Math in Durham each month for grades 10 and 11, and then to Carolina for about three years. Should be used to it by now, and most of it is they way I go to Josh's in Winchester.

Suzanne said...

Geesh, couldn't go back, had to logon again. Thanks for the new thread, Steven, and thanks for the heads up Paula and Jo.
What I started to post on previous thread:
Morning, Paula. Norma, I think that is Einstein who climbs the tree, he's the bigger one. Albert stands on the pile of sticks, that's as high as he's gone yet.
Oh, Jo, we're all beautiful in our way. And if you don't know about WalMart, we'll just have to take you with us!!! Oh, didn't read far enough, you do know about WalMart. Denial won't work, Miss Jo!
Don't know what I did to not get the pics to you guys, but they sure didn't come through.
I hear there is a new thread, heading over there now.
Now back to this thread. 3 Eggs, whaoo hooo, I've been watching all morning, waiting for her to get up, and I leave, and she gets up with a new egg. I'm glad we have 3!!
Mits, glad you had fun with the sloth bears yesterday. Those meeting Wednesdays give you a long day, don't they? Did you get caught in any rain? Had a little going home, but think it went around me...thankfully!
Ummm, fresh baked brownies! I ordered mine this morning, don't bake or do much on the 13ths, when the 13 falls on a Friday!
Mits, you're gonna have to get a camera and take pics on Sat! But I'm sure there will be plenty of camers and pictures taken!

Jill said...


Just talked to hubby, he has to leave town tonight and won't be back til either late Saturday or Sunday. They have a plane stuck on a tarmac in LV, have to get it fixed asap. Son has a competition in Baltimore Saturday morning. Guess who gets to take him???????? I will email step by step directions from the parking lot of DAYS INN to Sharon's house. Will try to do Clarion as well just not sure where it is. Jo is it on the by pass?

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the good travel wishes, Wanda, and I'm sure you meant for Saturday! This kid ain't getting outta the house tomorrow!

Suzanne said...

3 eggs visible!!!

Suzanne said...

Man, Eggbert has been off cam for quite a while. Owl is still there, Jo. Still 2 owls in Benicia, in for their night, now.

Suzanne said...

Ahhhh, Benicia barn owls are grooming each other again. Reaffirming their bond, I guess. They won't have another clutch, will they?

normabyrd said...

CONGRATS!!! PAULA---for being #1!!
MORNIN' to JO---MITS & JILL!!!---I apologize SUZ & I have been on phone a lot this a.m.----I KNOW YOU HAVE THE KENT GEUNIOUS CORRECT!!----JILL the CLARION is over close the Shepherdstown Grade School---I come in on that road---(LEETOWN RD)----JILL hope you get there in the evening----.

Jill said...

JO-just sent you email but I think it went to the whole group so you won't need to forward it.

Norma-when you actually get into Shep are you in front of Sandys house or near the Nursery?

normabyrd said...

SUZANNA---Are you off tomorrow??---
Will miss you---Know you won't miss us!!!--ho!---JUST never say the "B" word again!!!---I think I might recognize you!!!---I saw your pic when a few of you had lunch together---Your sister was with you!!!---Got your e-mail too---So it must have worked!!!--SAFE JOURNEY HOME & MY BEST TO GYPSY!!

Suzanne said...

Parent is in Puget Sound eating, but no Eggbert. Did he fledge this morning?

MITS said...

Suzanne, I got drenched yesterday, clothes are still damp this a.m. was at the zoo from 12:15 til 9:15 yesterday, 1st Wednesdays of the month are always long.

normabyrd said...

JILL----I AM RIGHT BY SANDY'S HOUSE!---Lisa keeps reminding me!!!---

Mema Jo said...

Let me know what I may have missed saying and I'll send another one

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne doesn't drive on Friday the 13th, right?

Suzanne said...

Never mind, he's back trying to steal food from parent!

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. In fact, past time, but caught up for the moment.
All have a great eagle day! Enjoy the cams.
Not here tomorrow, but I'll see everybody on Saturday!!! Can't wait!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Mema Jo said...

You gotta see this guy paint
I know you all love this song


ENJOY it until the tears come...

Anne-Marie said...

good morning all, yahoo wont let me into momsters so I guess I will have to wait. Its frustrating. I wanted to see the pictures. Oh well, its a beautiful day. Mama sparrow off three eggs. Mama BB on her 5 eggs.The west coast kids doing fine. Tonight will be household chores getting ready for Vegas trip. It will be an adventure. Got to get my watering done for sure. Have a beautiful day all and I will be back and forth. Anne

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon - You were right. No Suz tomorrow!

Anne-Marie said...

Jo I loved your video and remember you are all beautiful. God doesnt make JUNK. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

JO I think that is the same man that painted the head of the Statue of Liberty on the 4th. I don't know who sent it, but isn't he something?

carolinabeachmom said...

You must be getting excited about your Vegas Trip; lucky you. Like you said, it will be an adventure. Good luck to you, may you win loads of money and have a safe trip there and back.

MITS said...


Anne-Marie said...

Candy I have mixed feelings about my trip. I know I sound like a spoiled child but I so wanted to be with you all but the right thing to do is to not hurt someone else and thats what I would do if I cancelled. So it will have to be another time. I want you all to have fun and take lots of pictures. Maybe yahoo will let me into the sight by then.

normabyrd said...

WOW JO!!----What can I say---THAT WAS "WAY COOL"!!!!---OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!----

normabyrd said...

ANNE-MARIE---How is your tooth??--I know a "root canal" is at the BOTTOM of my list of things I enjoy!!!----ho!---BUT IT'S OVER!!!---Who wouldn't want to go to VEGAS!!---You can't wear your 'RED DRESS' at the EAGLE NEST!!!!---We'll say hello to BELLE & LIBERTY for you!!!---Want to know how much fun you had!!!---Friends tell me it's AWESOME!!!---ENJOY!!

Anne-Marie said...

Thank you Norma. I just took three aspirns. Its getting better. Doesnt hurt enough to stop me. Just annoy me. Dont know what I'm wearing yet. Not red anyway. Saving that for the cruise. I have never been to Vagas as an adult. I live about a little over an hour from Reno and Tahoe so I never went south. Vegas is supose to be better. I'm sure it will be great. I'll make it great even if it isnt. We are going for a photo shoot in the desert. That should be fun.

Carol_in_WV said...

Your first time in Vegas? I went there and to the Grand Canyon with some friends last October. Being a "country girl", I was prepared to totally hate Vegas - but I loved it. It is so outrageous and amazing! We spent several days just going to the various hotels on the Strip, checking them out. Have a great, but hot, time.

normabyrd said...

HI CAROL!!---ANNE-MARIE---Listen to CAROL---She's a WV gal & she doesn't exaggerate!!---If she says you will have a great time---believe her---

Costume Lady said...

I hope you read this before you go away for the day.
YOU MUST SEE THE "FREEMONT EXPERIENCE". It is an overhead light show on Freemont Street. You won't soon forget it!

Costume Lady said...

Did you get to see The Freemont Experience? It is near the Golden Nugget.

Anne-Marie said...

Thanks gals. My kids went and had a great time and said there was so much to do without spending money that they were surprised so I know it will be fun. I am so light that it will have to inside fun during the hot times. I could burn in the moonlight. By the way Bob, if you read this I'm being drug out before daylight to take pictures again.Photographers are so much fun.

normabyrd said...

ANNE-MARIE---I think the photo shoot in the desert would be AWESOME!!----But remember I haven't seen the desert!----Bet it would be beautiful in the morning too!!!---SUNRISE!!

normabyrd said...

ANNE-MARIE----WHOA!---BOB will probably tell you photographers have MUCH MORE FUN!!!---

Anne-Marie said...

Norma, morning is the time you go before the sun it up other wise you get "HOT SPOTS" in your light even with filters on your lense. The color is better in first light and I dont burn. HaHa. I have learned a little in all of these years of being dragged all over the US. It was my late husbands love.

Anne-Marie said...

Candy the Freemont Experience is free too. I just looked it up Wow...thanks. I am not going with my heart throp. I am going with "Mr. Right Now" He is sweet and treats me nice which is more that some men do.My heart throb is in Virginia until next week and I want to be too.. Oh well. Maybe some day

normabyrd said...

Well you are an old PRO at this photography thing---That's GREAT!!---Do you take pictures too?---This person sounds interesting---you two have a lot in common----That's wonderful----

normabyrd said...

ANNE-MARIE---HEY---Do you know that SHEPHERDSTOWN is on the border with VA?---IGNORE ME----ho!---maybe you should come here!!!!

Anne-Marie said...

He is a nice and a good friend. He treats me like a lady and I appreciate that.

Anne-Marie said...

Yes Norma I know. I thought it would be perfect but its not good timing. He needs to get his head together and I need to stay away from him until he does. I wont be second best!

Carol_in_WV said...

this is a test - I'm having trouble blogging-in


paula eagleholic said...

Awesome, Jo. Thank you!!

Carol_in_WV said...

OK - It's working.....

Costumelady - We ran out of time and didn't get around to going to the "Freemont Experience". There's too much to do out there! Guess they want you to keep coming back - which I'd love to do. If you get a chance, Heidigirl, go up in the Stratosphere.

PS - I haven't been following the blog closely for a while, so I don't know everyone's real name - only your sign-in names.

Mema Jo said...

There were only 40 when I left, now there are 58 comments. BUT I had peach pie and ice cream during your 18 comments! lol

I have a problem - my printer quit printing banners...... I wanted to
make the Eagle Express banner & also an Eaglet Momster banner for the tavern......... Anyone have any access to do this??????

Anne-Marie said...

Thank you Carol I will. Off to lunch. Back later. Anne

Anne-Marie said...

PEACH PIE AND ICE CREAM? Now I have to go and have my tuna salad after that? Yuck...

Carol_in_WV said...

Heidigirl -
Another Las Vegas hint - All of the hotels on the Strip are so massive that you loose your sense of perspective of how far it is from one place to another. Unless you really like to walk - take a taxi occasionally to get somewhere. It'll only cost $12 to $15 bucks, but may save you 30 to 45 minutes walking. There are cheaper means of transport - a tram and trolleys - but they make a lot of stops, so they take a while.

Mema Jo said...

Perfect picture of the 3 swallow eggs..

normabyrd said...

CAROL--I have trouble getting on sometimes too!!---seems I am forever signing in---HEIDIGIRL--is ANNE-MARIE---CAROLINABEACHMOM---is CANDY---CUSTOMELADY---is WANDA------MOST OF THE REST USE THE NAME THAT'S LISTED WHEN THEY SIGN ON!!!----Most of these are fairly new!!------REMEMBER----JO is going to have name tags!!----ho!

normabyrd said...

SORRY JO---I am no help!!!

Mema Jo said...

Carol Mick is that you?

You think you have problems remembering names - lister to me asking you who you are??? lol

Carol_in_WV said...

Yeah, Jo, this is me.

Jill said...

Jo-first make sure you have banner checked in options (Sure you have done that) If it is checked, turn off computer and printer, disconnect power from printer then plug in, turn on and try again. You can try the shortcut, turn off printer and disconnect, if you want. I always end up doing it all so I quit the shortcut. LOL

carolinabeachmom said...

JO I just printed a banner with black lettering and a wierd pic of an Eagle head on it. It has purple, pink, black, green colors in his body.

carolinabeachmom said...

Jo I have one with Eaglet Momsters!! It has a pic of a flying eagle on each end.
I also made over the Eagle Express with the flying eagle on both ends.

Mema Jo said...

Kindergarten gals turn out to make the bestest banners..........


Anne-Marie said...

Candy you saved the day.... Hurray.

Mema Jo said...

OK Subs are ordered - emails have been sent - Candy has banners - I am taking a break.. Everyone is helping to make Sat a Perfect Day - You hear that Liberty & Belle? Don't you even think of spoiling our fun by going down and staying at the river all day long!!!

Talk with you all a little later - soldier boy coming out with about 13 other family members for dinner!

MITS said...

I'm hungry just looking at the Rumseys' menu.....JO, hope they are bringing dinner to you and you don't have to cook.

Mema Jo said...

SPAGHETTI Ed's spaghetti

I'll fix the salad & breads


Mema Jo said...

I hope everyone coming Sat remembers to do what you are doing, Mits! Really is a good dinner selection!

Mema Jo said...

Be back early evening..........

MITS said...

My only problem is what to choose, everything sounds sooooo good, they have some great selections.

paula eagleholic said...

I can vouch for the steak! :) Yum!

paula eagleholic said...

I forgot about this cam till someone mentioned it today on the Puleston forum. (Thanks Melanie!)

Discovery village Osprey cam

paula eagleholic said...

Oh yeah, whopper of a striped bass on the puleston cam...

MITS said...

Never seen that one before, Paula.

carolinabeachmom said...

Back again after finishing my cleaning, getting rides set up and routes marked out, and doing stupid looking banners. I don't have a very good Print Shop (hardly paid anything for it). I have three; two for the bus and one for Eaglet Momsters. I just asked Jo if she needs more.

I checked out the menu and it is good. I think I am going with Paula and getting the steak. I don't get out much, I might as well splurge.

carolinabeachmom said...

Mits, thank you for everything. I'll let you know when I get up there. I'll probably come a little early so I can let them know I will be back to check in later in the day. I don't want to lose my room.

carolinabeachmom said...

I have 3 boxes of brownies all baked, put in small bags and in a container, ready to go. Now if I can just keep my hands as well as my husbands and the borders hands out until I leave tomorrow. :)

paula eagleholic said...

Skye at Saanich nest flegded this afternoon!!

NillaWafer said...

Howdy Folks... Well getting down to the nitty gritty now and Saturday is approaching fast... Yes Paula Skye fledged and just awhile ago was very vocal and parent brought in food and shared it... still very vocal...CANT TELL WHERE HE/SHE IS AT BUT VERY LOUD SO CLOSE TO MIC..LOL

NillaWafer said...

Just beware this Saturday & Sunday going thru Martinsburg there is whats called "Rail Days Festival" with displays entertainment, food, Civil War renactments... Saturday a big Chili Cook off down town, so traffic maybe bad, If i were any of you i would leave the hotel and go out around the mall and go to Rt9 str8t(you will pass the (Va Hospitol) thru til Kearneysville traffic light at Sheetz Store and make a left at the light going towards Shepherdstown (6 miles or so) watch for Clarion sign on the left before Shepherdstown.. easiest way to miss traffic... Hope this helps with directions if needed...

Jill said...

Nilla-I forgot all about Rail Days. I gave them directions from the hotel thru downtown and also out by the hospital.

You guys should probably us the second set of directions I gave you

NillaWafer said...

Did we have a fledging at Kent??? I only see 1 eaglet on any of the camera angles...

NillaWafer said...

Now there are 2 in the nest.. Jill i saw the flyer in the newspaper i had forgot about it also... I just sent an e-mail to couple attending to follow the Rt 9 way from Days Inn... guess it seems so simple for us we live i remember moving here in 1988 and could not find the hospitol...

Jill said...

Nilla- I moved here from Germantown MD. Grocery store there was right down the street, literally. I cried because I couldn't find the grocery store here. The old Martins. Then when I did find, I kept getting lost trying to come home. (I lived on KY Avenue.)

Anne-Marie said...

Time to go home and water and pack. I will come to work tomorrow. Leaving from work straight to the airport. Have a nice evening all and take care of yourselves.

normabyrd said...

MITS---I can vouch for the food at the RAMSEY TAVERN----EVERYTHING IS DELICIOUS!!!----I think I had SALMON when we had dinner---OUT OF THIS WORLD!!----Must check the MENU now!!!---We ate lunch there too & it was GREAT!!

normabyrd said...

CANDY!!!----You are a "JEWEL"---MAKING THE BANNER FOR THE BUS!!!---SOUNDS COOL!!!---Thanks!!

NillaWafer said...

Norma i think you had a Taco Salad once i seem to remember eating some of your taco anyways hey Jill with your connections a police escort for the Eagle Express would be great... lo just kiddin.. with banners n such it will get plenty of attention im sure...

normabyrd said...

READ THE MENU---"Everything looks good!!!

normabyrd said...

HI NILLA!!----I think that was when we had lunch---I am pretty sure I had salmon when we ate dinner---Remember---It was the first time we went to see the EAGLES!!

NillaWafer said...

well the Imperial Crab is for me yum yum...

NillaWafer said...

Yuppers Norma never forget seeing them for the first time nor any time... Especially that lil stinker Spunky remember how she set on that food for what seemed hours in the and Jo and i jumped in the jeep went around the barn hallin butt to get abetter view... Well i hope they both show up and put on a show for everyone just as they have did every time we all went over... I am working and cant make it to lunch but will see you at dinner...

Mema Jo said...

Nilla, Last time we went to Clarion they were doing construction on the corner of Lowe Road and there was no sign! I think all of us missed the turn...right Norma?

NillaWafer said...

Thats true Jo but i have been down that way since and as far as i can remember the sign is back up now out along the road...

carolinabeachmom said...

OK EAGLET MOMSTERS I have the banners done 3 for the RV and 1 for the Clarion. I am bringing tape, but also told Wanda to bring some. My brownies are baked and waiting to go. I still have to pack my car tonight, and then I'm off tomorrow. Plan on meeting Mits and Sharon at about l0:30am on Saturday and we'll come on down to the Clarion. I don't know if they are going the back way or not yet.

carolinabeachmom said...

Jo Yes, I already put the push pins in for the Clarion. They are in my eagle tote bag with my camera and binocs. :)

Mema Jo said...

Candy, can't think of anything else Sounds like you're ready to go!

NillaWafer said...

CBMom please be extra careful driving and have safe trip... Well i wirk til 11pm friday night and then usually go over to the track n play the slots alittle... Hey if i win bigggggg dinner will be on

carolinabeachmom said...

Jo I think I am about ready to pack the car and see you on Saturday at the Clarion

NILLA, We'll hold you to that. I hope you win big. Thanks for the good driving wishes.


Good night.

Jill said...

Nilla take me to the track with you. I have never been there, always wanted to go. Nobody I know wants to go when I can go.

NillaWafer said...

HEY HEY HEY Jill im ready if you They have live music on Friday n Saturday nights bands from DC N Baltimore area.. I play the Frog Prince slot love it!!! Give me acall cell# 279-8557

MITS said...

Well, my stuffed eagle Eddie is ready to go, sitting here next to me, he likes to ride on the dashboard.

NillaWafer said...

I am also wondering if anyone is interested in a trip to NYC to see the broadway show "The Color Purple" in the fall perhaps? Fantasia a winner of American Idol is starring in it now... Although tickets arent cheap the memories of those shows are priceless...

NillaWafer said...

Mits are you coming up to Frederick n taking 340 into Charles Town? Or Rt66 or Rt50 to Rt 81??? My number is above in the blog if you need to call for any reason....

paula eagleholic said...

Well sounds like things are going well for our get together on Saturday. Sorry I missed Candy to wish her a safe drive up, but I see everyone gave her their best wishes.

normabyrd said...

JO!!--THAT CLARION SIGN is up---I check it every time I go to Shepherdstown!!!----Ho!---

NillaWafer said...

Hey just thought of something Saturday will be 11 months since i quit smoking also!!! Saying good night now for all traveling safe journeys....

paula eagleholic said...

I can wish Sharon and Mits safe travels tomorrow!

MITS said...

Think my directions are 270 to 70 to 81, Nilla

MITS said...

Thank, you, Paula:).

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Norma - I know how very special that sign is to you. lol
Without it we are lost!!!

Eddie the Eagle!!! I love it when he comes up out of the sun roof!!!
I remember the first time I saw him - Thought you had kidnapped an eagle!

normabyrd said...

MITS---WHO or WHAT is GOOD EDDIE?-----Does he need a date?

Mema Jo said...

Paula we can all wish Norma a safe journey!

Don't forget to pack your eagle cane!

Paula - got the subs squared away this afternoon. Ready to go!!

Mema Jo said...

Norma Remembering meeting Mits for the 1st time - Outside in the parking lot just before we were ready to leave -- Didn't you see that eagle pop up out of the sundeck of Mits car? Startled me!

Mema Jo said...

I am out of here for the night! I am tired...

Good Night Everyone
Pleasant dreams and Peaceful sleep
Prayers being said for all

paula eagleholic said...

And a safe journey for Norma as well!

And Heidigirl heading to Vegas!

MITS said...

Norma, I'm sorry you didn't see Eddie, he was flying out the sunroof, but I caught him, he was also trying to get you to turn right that day:).

paula eagleholic said...

Good idea, Mits. Everyone bring an eagle beanie if you have one....I have two! They love meeting other beanies!

paula eagleholic said...

Limuw at SC eating.

MITS said...


sunny said...

H E L L O out there! ! ! I hear an echo! Well, tomorrow is the big day! I won't be arriving until dinner, but I can't wait to meet everyone! Hubby wanted to come too, but I don't think he has any idea what he's getting himself into! Safe trip to anyone who is travelling.

We're planning to kayak in the Shepherdstown area in the afternoon. Can anyone tell me just how casual we can be dressed for dinner?

I'm getting excited!!!!!!

MITS said...

SUNNY their dress-code says anything goes very casual...GOOD FRIDAY MORNING EVERYONE

sunny said...

HI Mits! Isn't this weather beautiful today? More of the same for tomorrow.

MITS said...

Yes, perfect weather for an eagle outing...

MITS said...

Man, it is quiet in here this a.m.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Happy Friday the 13th!

Nice juvie closeup in VA. And if you haven't seen the morning sun on SC, take a look, really pretty!

MITS said...

Yes, SC is very pretty....

Jill said...

Hey everybody, there is a new thread.

movin said...



3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...