Sunday, July 01, 2007


It's bright and cool (45F) here in CT after raining all night.

New thread.


Costume Lady said...

It is a beautiful, cool morning here in the Shepherdstown area. Sorry you have rain there but it is sure to get better. Enjoy your trip.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!!----THANKS STEVEN for the new thread!!----"NEWSWEEK" has an "ESSAY" on THE DANGEROUS BOOK FOR BOYS in this week's magazine----Interested in your comments!!!----ENJOY you week---It's SUNNY & 58° here in WV!!!

Costume Lady said...

Not much going on this morning. I guess everyone is headed to Shepherdstown to buy EAGLE items from PAULA and FLOWERS from MEGAN.
BW eagle cam is frazzled-
BW osprey nest MT
Finland cam is still stuck
Kent eaglets are still asleep
#3 cam down again
Va cam has a sign over the nest
Panda cam is panning around, but no pandas in sight
Puget Sound eaglet searching all over nest for food scraps
Storks are looking pretty,as usual
BB cam is still on--babies still in nest--not pretty (don't look)
Hope you all have a BLESSED SUNDAY.

normabyrd said...

HELLO WANDA!!!---CONGRATS!!! you are #1 TODAY---GREAT way to start the DAY & the MONTH!!!!!---Thanks for the new thread!----Must fix coffee---LATER!!

Costume Lady said...

I think you and I should sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO NILLAWAFER. OK?
1-2-3 go Happy Birthday to you NILLA.
Have a wonderful day!

normabyrd said...

HAPPY---HAPPY DAY NILLA!!!!---WISHING YOU A HAPPY BIRTHDAY & MANY--MANY MORE!!---How does it feel to be 25?????

Mema Jo said...

It's a new month and a new year starting for Nilla!

Mema Jo said...

Ms Owl is in the Kent Nest Box. She hasn't been around for awhile - many many days!

Thanks for the new thread Steve-
It is cool here in the valley also

Mema Jo said...

Need to get cup of coffee -

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful osprey pair on BW cam..Hope they are they when Jill goes in.

Mema Jo said...


wvgal_dana said...

Wait Wait Wait hold on back up

I want to sing along with you all to Happy Birthday Dear Nilla Happy Birthday to YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

hee hee now I feel better ( :

Robyn said...

Good morning Wanda, Norma, Jo, Happy B'day Nilla

Gorgeous day out slept with the windows open and it got pretty chlly last night.

Sorry wanda I had to look at the BB cam they look to be in eternal sleep, shame someone couldn't save them, since their numbers are in a decline.

Sun is bright out in Washington can't see much in the PS nest and 2 eagles relaxing in Kent.

MITS said...


movin said...


I also am in need of the nectar of the mountain coffee bean....

Have a happy Sunday,


movin said...

Thanks, Norma....I hadn't heard of "THE DANGEROUS BOOK FOR BOYS," so I did a search and read a short review on And it looks to be and inspired book for modern boys of all ages (it seems to have a chapter for girls too).

Looks a lot like stuff boys of my age needed to know, wanted to know...don't know if they have much on the Morse code, but they have a section on how to tan hides.

This is a book of important stuff.

Thanks, Norma, this looks like a "must read" to me...


normabyrd said...

JIM---STEVEN had a long column on THE DANGEROUS BOOK FOR BOYS---last week & I was sold on the book & ordered it for my grandson---GO DOWN TO 7/28---(HIS NATURE JOURNAL)----SCAN THROUGH the clothing part---If memory is correct--There you will see the BOOK---"THE DANGEROUS BOOK FOR BOYS"---log on the lady writer's comments---& You will reach the column STEVEN had posted that day!!!!----He has----ADDED TO IT!!!----VERY INTERESTING---Promoting "LEAVE NO CHILD BEHIND"!!!----

movin said...

Thanks, Norma, for the info ... I'm seriously considering buying a copy for my Great Nephew.


movin said...

By the way, how about a dose of "Tom Sawyer," followed by a large chug of "Huckleberry Finn" for those housebound kids??!!

And some "Nature" episodes on PBS. And some Cub Scouts==>>Boy Scouts. And some hiking, fishing, hunting, camping, Nature appreciation trips??

Many of these things are good for the souls of the whole family anyway.


sandyshaw said...

Hello, all. Paula just stopped in after a trip to the eagle tree, and she has pictures of Liberty posing on one of the branches! She tried to load it on my computer, but it didn't work, so she'll put it up later. Good omen for the 14th.

Interested in the Dangerous Book. I grew up on my father's complete set of Ernest Thompson Seton's Woodcraft books, which I still treasure.

Mema Jo said...

That was a very good omen....I do hope they put in an appearance for our visitors!

Mema Jo said...

Kent has named their 2 male eaglets
Albert and Einstein

carolinabeachmom said...

Good afternoon all eagle lovers. Happy Birthday Nilla. I hope your day is a good one. Hekko Wanda, Norma,Jo,Mits, Robyn, and Dana, and Jim.

carolinabeachmom said...

You all know that hekko meant hello. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Eagle parent sitting on a branch with babies, did I say babies? on the nest in Norfolk.
BW Eagle cam down, and no osprey on BW nest.
Night time with storks in Germany. Boy are they sure growing by leaps and bounds.
Baby NY Kestrels all snuggled down in nest box.
Finland Mama with growing chicks.
Puget Sound chick up and looking,
while the Kent younguns are
Nothing visible on the Pa. falcon nest.
Two Richmond chicks snoozing with parent.
Baby woodpeckers are still cheeping for food.
Ms. Wood duck is back on her eggs. I really don't think she is on all of them. It will be interesting to see how many of them hatch.

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh gee, there goes my dryer calling to me. BBL I hope you are all having a nice day.

Mema Jo said...

I knew what you meant - Just thought you picked up another language!!

Mema Jo said...

Dinner time here. BBL

carolinabeachmom said...

I am back for a second until my wash is ready for the dryer. I have the woodpecker cam on. I just love watching the two babies fight to see who is getting out the hole first. And I never knew that they had such long tongues. Learn something every day.

carolinabeachmom said...

I'm with you on the nature stuff for the kids. I guess parents can't be bothered or don't have the time to do these things with them, and how sad is that. Even my Kindergarteners come in and know the word bored. I tell them I don't like to hear that word. They need to go use their imagination and make up something to do.
Instead of video games, they would be looking at all these cams and parent could read about each animal if the child can't read. Like you said, there is PBS, Animal Planet, National Geographic Channel, and your Boy or Girl Scouts, camping, hiking, etc. Kids sure miss out on alot of stuff today.

carolinabeachmom said...

READ, what's read. Kids would rather be playing video games, etc. I try to tell my small ones all the good things they can learn and enjoy when they read, and I hope some of them get their parents to take them to our local library to pick out some good books. All of our kids were reading this year before school was out. Get them in the habit at a young age. It is just that I don't understand why people have children, if they can't provide for them or have no time to give them. AND with my 5year olds, if they watch a movie with a parent, it is usually some awful one that I wouldn't even watch myself. Oh well, I guess I had better get off my soap box now. Sorry. It is just that kids are so precious and a parent only has them for such a short time.

carolinabeachmom said...

I wish whatever is near the woodpecker tree would get out of there. It has them scarred to death. NY Kestrels are still sleeping soundly in their nest box. Oh oh, there goes my washer. BBL

sandyshaw said...

I don't know what goes on near the woodpecker tree, but the noises are horrific. Sounds like saws and hatchets. I wish I knew how to tell them to PLEASE STOP!

Costume Lady said...

At what site are you watching the woodpeckers? I can't seem to find it.

sandyshaw said...

The woodpeckers are at Push the Wildlife button. Babies are hungry.

normabyrd said...

I "GOOFED"!!!----STEVEN'S SLOGAN IS---"LEAVE NO CHILD INSIDE!!!----He is advocating a child needs to spend time in the outdoors & woods-----SPEND TIME WITH NATURE!!!

normabyrd said...

HELLO EAGLE BUDDIES----JO---ROBYN--MITS--CANDY--& SANDY!!!----WANDA---DANA & JIM were on this a.m.----There is a DANGEROUS BOOK FOR GIRLS in the making---not out yet!!! ESSAY about the BOOKS in this week's "Newsweek"!!!---


Mema Jo said...

She must still be partying!

Costume Lady said...

As you know, there is the slogan "No Child Left Behind", but I like the one "No Child Left Inside"---That may help keep them from being left BEHIND!!

Costume Lady said...

How was dinner? I had my first Squash Casserole this evening. YUM, YUM!

Thanks for the Woodpecker site. I didn't hear any loud noises so I am not sure I had the right site. What I saw appeared to be a video I watched that Jo gave us a link to the other day.

wvgal_dana said...

I made it to Shepherdstown and got 2 (same) beautiful plants. Jo last year I believe yours was purple. Someone got it for you near end of summer. You put it on table on porch and said you got hummingbirds. So hopefully my 2 red ones with Megan's special touch will bring me some hummingbirds. Fingers crossed.

Paula was busy at her table; really looked nice.

Got home and went to bed. Can't unscrew the leg. "It goes where I go" and I think I go where it tells me to go and that was
"lay me down in bed!!"

Finally after hours of playing around with it. I got Santa Cruz to role again. I hear him on there but don't see him. I chuckle at his sounds.

wvgal_dana said... on left side is a button that says wildlife click on that "see woodpecker" click on that. IT IS NO VIDEO it is two baby woodpeckers in the hole. The one hogs the hole lol I've even see the parent on the tree feeding them. GREAT SITE

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...



carolinabeachmom said...

Eagle parent at Santa Cruz nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

Woodpecker is hanging out of nesy.

carolinabeachmom said...

Limuw just joined parent at SC Now parent left

wvgal_dana said...

He just flew in the nest at Santa Cruz lol

carolinabeachmom said...

Looks like SC had some kind of bird for lunch or dinner today, too.

wvgal_dana said...

Je os pulling at something so I think he has something to eat

carolinabeachmom said...

I love watching the woodpeckers tongue come out and feel around for bugs.

Bob Quinn said...

Happy Birthday Nilla!

Slow day at Blackwater. Mama osprey was feeding one of the chicks. The other was sitting passively by. Don't know if that's because it was already fed or waiting it's turn. You can sorta make out the difference in the eye color of the parent and the chick.

It was so slow I even took a picture of a flower, a turkey vulture and a very cute rabbit! Ha ha!

Recent Blackwater Photos

wvgal_dana said...

Candy the other day when you said you couldn't watch and listen as Limuw sounded weaker. As you can see now he fledged and did his eaglet thing. His parents will continue to feed him and he also will find some food. They will fly together and he will learn.

I can remember and so can alot of other eaglet_momsters. From the season we had the (3) eggs. We worried so much that the littlest wouldn't make it. Due to his siblings and other factors. Then as he grew 2 fledged, but NOT the littlest that we called Spunky. We all eagerly commented and someone was always watching the nest. WE WERE 'GLUED' to that nest. We even did guesses as to when he would go. Couple of times we thought he had. Only to have gone to a branching. We finally decided that is "branching" and did lol qualify for fledging. Then it happened on Flag Day 2006 we had happy tears and sad tears. Then the watch was on for him, and the two other to return at nighttime. Oh the nest was so so activity. We all learn't alot that season.

Sorry didn't think I was going to go on like that.

Candy aren't these cams just wonderful.

carolinabeachmom said...


I remember the nest from last year, as I did a lot of watching the nest with my kids in school and at home. I just was to bashful to get on the blog. I was right there with you all as they grew and went out on their own. The kids just loved watching too. I had my class start this year until our nest didn't make it. Then I turned it to the Panda's.

carolinabeachmom said...

I keep thinking that I wish my mother were still alive, as she was a bird watcher, and here she could be watching on the pc close up. Sshe would really have enjoyed it as much as I have....up close so you can see it all.

carolinabeachmom said...

And now I am soooo glad that I got the nerve to get on the blog so I can talk to all of you. You are such a wonderful group of people. I can't wait to meet you all on the 14th of July.

wvgal_dana said...

I know where you are coming from Candy. My Dad was a Boy Scout leader. He loved birds and animals. I don't think he would have been a computer person. Although he would be ready to watch when I showed him these webcams. lol

Again Welcome aboard. I love reading the comments, even when I can't be in alot.

carolinabeachmom said...

We have bird watches down here in the winter when all the birds stop off here during their migration. I went once with a friend. My eyesight isn't good, so I don't do good with binoculars. I did see better when I got to look through a telescope. Soooo I just love the computer for watching.

We do have a couple of feeders in the yard and a bird bath, but it is still hard for me to see them. I still enjoy having the noise of the birds in the yard.

carolinabeachmom said...

We came home this morning from church this morning to a squirrel spread out on our driveway up by the house. They do that sometime when the sun is on it. Well he beeped the horn and nothing. I got out and it was dead. Soooo I think that is the third thing, so now our bird/animal friends should all be ok from here on out.

MITS said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Hello Mits. Yes thank you Bob for the wonderful pics of animals at BW. They were beautiful as usual. Thanks for sharing with us.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Mits

Looks like Sidney has one to fledge; can't remember how old he would be now. Looked in forum haven't found it's age yet.

wvgal_dana said...

Sidney hatched April 20th about now alittle over 8wks old. Fledge around maybe 11 or 12 wks old. Could fledge sooner. They called the eaglet "Skye".

Bob Quinn said...

Hey Mits! I'd love to make it out to the "Tree" on the 14th but it would require a divorce! We are on vacation that week. Keep me in mind for future outings though.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday, Nilla

carolinabeachmom said...


Is there only one eaglet in the Sidney nest? I had stopped watching that one. The baby is really big that is in there now.

wvgal_dana said...

That one eaglet at Kent is really spreading his wings and jumping back and forth.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Candy one eaglet in Sidney. The other egg didn't hatch and parent deposed of it. Then this one hatched.

MITS said...

Will do...Bob:).

paula eagleholic said...

I am trying to load my pictures from today to momsters. I think they are too big, so I will have to resize them first.

The guy that live in the white house nearest the road let me drive up closer to the tree. Lib or Belle was in the same branch to the upper right of the nest. I couldn't stay, because he and his wife were headed out for a motorcycle ride, but I did get a couple of pics.

Mema Jo said...

Bob Thanks for letting us view your pictures. They are all exceptionally good - Lover the FLW - trumpet vine, I think! I love orange.

Paula So glad you got some pictures of our eagle.. Hopefully he'll/she'll be there on the 14th!

paula eagleholic said...

Sidney eaglet is 10 weeks old.

Howdy Dana!

Yes, Jo, I am hoping it is a good omen for the 14th, too.

wvgal_dana said...

Way to go Paula. I told you they had been down there. So glad you got to see. Hope pics turn out.

I put Sidney CU and Wide both up side by side so I can see better.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula if you get a chance try to remember about the ducks you told me about. hee hee

wvgal_dana said...

Friends it has been wonderful chatting about the wonders of nature. I've enjoyed the company.

Think it's time to get in another position....lay on the bed and watch atlittle tv.

Nite all

Costume Lady said...


PAULA--Hope you did well in Shepherdstown.
We will have to have some kind of fund raiser to afford a cam like the one in Finland!

carolinabeachmom said...

It has been nice to chat with you too. Hope you have a good night. Put the timer on the tv in case you fall asleep watching. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Welcome aboard the night express Wanda. I am sitting here watching the woodpecker chick get real brazen and go further out his hole. Mama is still coming and feeding them.

paula eagleholic said...

Okie dokie - got my pictures from today done.

Eagle Cam goes to Market

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Sandra for the post earlier about our eagle sighting!

paula eagleholic said...

BTW, Megan's flowers were just gorgeous!

carolinabeachmom said...

You got some nice pics of the Farmers Market and our eagle in the tree. Hope he/she is there on the 14th. You had a very nice set up for your eagle things. I hope you had good sales. Megan's flowers were just beautiful. I can't believe growing so many different beautiful flowers in a yard. They were gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing your outing with us.

MITS said...

Great pictures, Paula, thanks...good night everyone!

Costume Lady said...

Woodpecker must have the world's longest tongue!!

Costume Lady said...

Did I see Jo in one of Paula's photos? Megans flowers are beautiful. LOOKS LIKE SHE HAS BEEN WATERING THEM A LOT!! Hey Megan!

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Night Mits. Sleep tight and have a good night.

I saw their tongues for the first time the other day. I had no idea that they had long tongues like that. I love to see them stick it around in all the cracks in the tree; looking for bugs. They get sooo far out, that they look like they are going to fall out.

carolinabeachmom said...

The two chicks at Kent are up and look like they are waiting for dinner to be served. I haven't seen anyone there yet tho.

carolinabeachmom said...


Where did you see Jo. The dark short haired lady in the blue blouse and shorts? I think Paula would have told us if she had seen Jo there.

carolinabeachmom said...

It must be hot in Kent as one of the eaglets is mantling (laying with his wings spread out?)

Mema Jo said...

Nope! I didn't make it to market today. Candy, Wanda and I had met at the last visit to the nest.
I really do love Megan's fowers
I may try to go down on the 15th.

I hope Jill is settled in down at OC.
If she stopped at BW on the way down, she may have seen Bob Quinn and not known it.

In case you missed it earlier Kent 2 male eagles now have been named
Albert and Einstein

Mema Jo said...

Bloggers! I am calling it a day

Good Night Everyone
Peace be with you and yours
Prayers being said for all

Good Blue Monday Morning

carolinabeachmom said...

Well gang. I think I am going to call it a night. Hope you all have a nice evening and a peaceful sleep tonight. Until tomorrow.......

GOOD MORNING SUZANNE! Hope you didn't see many deer this morning!

paula eagleholic said...

Calling it a day here too. Night all!

Costume Lady said...


Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Bright moon and stars out tonight, but chilly! 58° at my house, but 67° here. Actually wore a jacket, but only till I got here. Morning, Jo. LOTS of deer this morning! Saw 15 deer (yup, I counted after the first 6, included in the 15), 2 rabbits, and one very fat racoon. Thankfully, that's all!
See our cam is still kaput. Guess the next time we're gonna see Liberty and Belle is gonna be the 14th! And that's if you're around the nest at 5:15, they should be flying down from their branches!
And BW eagle is also down. Bummer! Osprey is up, but MT, just the sod balls. Finland is up, and man o man, those chicks sure have grown! And the dratted egg is also still there, unbroken. German storks are all looking this way, one owl in Benicia, one falcon in PA, and rest of the world is either dark or not on yet.
May try to read blogs, can't print them...seems to be a recurring problem on Monday printers, and we have to wait until support staff gets in somewhere between 7 and 8 to reboot the server! So, half a day wasted if you want to print anything.
All have a great eagle day! Oh, working only 2 days this week! This is my Monday(ugh), and Thursday (yeah). But nobody needs to get up to see the kids, unless they're gonna go to the nest and take pics.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Well, darn! I just read yesterday's blog, and what happened to our little bluebirds? I was surprised this morning when I brought the cam up, and they weren't covered, but I didn't know we lost them. How sad!
Finland cam is sick, not refreshing. Lisa said sometimes it does that, but it will be back. But this hasn't been refreshing since 4something this morning, so not sure when it will come back. Hope soon! And cam3 is still down in Kent. Bummer with these cams lately! At least the stork cam works, and the Benicia cam...which is MT now. Kestrals are all huddled together in a corner. Probably trying to keep warm, it is chilly out.

Suzanne said...

Oh, Happy Belated Birthday, Nilla. See your birthday was yesterday. Hope you had a wonderful day.

Costume Lady said...

That is really a lot of deer. It must be unnerving for you to drive under those conditions.

We think the BB parents must have been killed by a predator. They were last seen Fri. around 2:30pm.
Mits saw a bird go into the nest and leave so quickly that she couldn't tell what it was. I also saw one fly in and out so quickly I couldn't see it clearly. Jill and Jo have emailed those in charge of the cam and asked them to remove the babies. Hope they leave the cam on so we can see if another pair of birds take over the nest.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda. That's so sad about the BBs. Hard to believe a predator would get both parents, but I don't know how they hang around together away fromt the nest. Such a shame! Wonder if the bird flying in and out is another bluebird? I closed my cam this morning after reading yesterday's blog. And Finland is still down. It's after 3 in the afternoon now, so doesn't look like it's gonna be fixed today. Bummer! How was your weekend? We had beautiful weather! More like Sept weather, but it was nice to open all the windows and keep the AC off!

Suzanne said...

Dawn is coming to the west. Kent parent in tree, and you can almost see the eaglets there and in Puget Sound.

Costume Lady said...

Come on over--------

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...