Saturday, July 21, 2007


New thread. Have a great weekend.


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Mema Jo said...

Good Beautiful Saturday Morning

Just signed on and maybe, just maybe I got the lucky #1 spot!
Best Publish and see who is on other thread & get them to come over!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---THANKS STEVEN for the weekend thread!!---BEAUTIFUL SUNNY MORNING here in WV---temp. 56°----The birds are singing & LIFE IS GOOD!!----HOPE YOU & FAMILY HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Norma - Mits may be coming over as soon as she comes in off the balcony- It is beautiful all over the east coast this morning!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO & MITS----JO---I think we may have a tie--ho!---CONGRATS!! JO---You are always #1 in my book----I was just watching your burrowing OWLS & lo & behold there were at least 4 or more of those "hooded crows"---I think?---BEAUTIFUL BLACK & WHITE BIRDS!!!---Looked a lot like the WINDEX COMMERICAL----ho!!---Going to go back & check out BIRD GIRL'S pic--

Mema Jo said...

Adult in the nest momentarily must have brought food to Eggbert who is now mantling.
I can only see Albert on the tree trunk at this time - all 3 cams working great!

MITS said...

lol....How did you know where I was Jo????:):) It is gorgeous, treasure days like this in the summertime.

MITS said...

Albert looks like a woodpecker the way he goes up and down the tree trunk.

Mema Jo said...

I was checking out the Asia Trail-
I think I see the tail of the Fishing Cat - lol Cannot ID the panda with their back to the cam. Looks too broad for Tai and he sits with his back up against the glass usually. Lots of early visitors there today.

paula eagleholic said...

Way to go Jo, #1 for our early bird!

normabyrd said...

JO--If you still have a pic of the HOODED CROW---Please send me copy---I must have deleted bird girl's copy----Thanks!!!

ALBERT was up much higher when I last checked!!!---He's such a JOY!!---I can identify with him---I HAVE NO SENSE OF DIRECTION--(you all may have noticed)--ho!---"BLESS HIS LITTLE HEART"!!!!

carolinabeachmom said...


carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD SATURDAY MORNING TO JO, MITS AND NORMA! I just finished watching Jim's kestral links and they were really neat.

Before I have a Senior Moment, I want to wish Robyn and her daughter a very safe trip to Houston. Our prayers for a safe journey go with them.

normabyrd said...

1 EAGLET at NE NEST----PA Ledge --MT---Keep watching to see if the STORK KIDS attempt to "hover" over the nest!!!---Those KIDS are so VOCAL!!!!---No wonder MAMA'S visits are brief!!!

Mema Jo said...

Osprey are having brunch at the Dennis Puleston cam....

Brunch - Osprey style

carolinabeachmom said...

AND GOOD MORNING PAULA! I didn't see that you were also on. My eyes are still stuck together like Mr. McGoo.:)

That little scamp, Albert, is way high up in the tree limb this am. He is getting very brave!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA & CANDY!----As MITS says "OH WHAT A BEAUTIFUL MORNING" & doesn't she have such a lovely voice---

Mema Jo said...

Hey there Paula & Candy - Norma I didn't save the Hooded crow but I can go in on the messages at Momsters and probably get it for you. Give me a few..........

Mema Jo said...

Norma Check your emails in a little while - I resent Delphia's message about the mystery bird to you It has the picture links in it...

Mema Jo said...

Candy - Dad or Mom did feed Eggbert this am. Nest was MT - in came the food - and like a flash - Eggbert appeared. lol

Mema Jo said...


1 adult and 2 eaglets!!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Einstein is back!

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey at CT and LI eating.

carolinabeachmom said...

One hooded crow in nest, like Norma said. The three storks were waking up and one was on the edge of the nest; maybe to practice wing flaps.
I just say Eggbert fly off to parts unknown. Swallow eggs being covered so can't see them yet this am.
Finland chick is in nest with parent.
All three eagles off Germany nest.
Looks like there might be one of Suzanne's Pa falcons catching a little shade on the ledge.

carolinabeachmom said...

JO Thanks for the info on Eggbert. I could see him in the nest, but his back was to me, so he must have been eating. He is gone again.

normabyrd said...

JO---Don't worry about the "hooded crow" pic----CANDY just saw them too!------They are where the burrowing owls come out!!!

Mema Jo said...

I am going to now go into Borders & get my Harry Potter book - I did not go in at midnight! ho ho! But I hope everyone else did so that I don't have a line today... :) :)

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA I loved watching the 3 storks yesterday. They sure are noisy and when Mama came in they just all settled down around her making a cooing sound and started eating. They were doing a lot of wing flaps before she came with food.

normabyrd said...

YEP!! CANDY you are right---PA still has a FALCON on the ledge---I always check that one 1st----I so ENJOYED it last year---We didn't have as many sites to watch---BUT WE DID HAVE "OUR EAGLETS" to WATCH---WORRY --- & LOVE!!!---(maybe nest year) ho!

carolinabeachmom said...

SC cam is up but no Limuw :(

normabyrd said...

PAULA---I enjoy watching the CT OSPREY SITE----Some times I have a hard time getting out of the site---Does that make sense??

normabyrd said...

PAULA--I got out--ho!---They are all there eating-----Have they attempted to FLEDGE---HANDSOME BIRDS to watch!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

PAULA Again thanks for giving me the heads up on the SC nest of "feathers". :) Boy did I feel like a jerk, but at least today I won't have to keep hanging around it looking for Limuw to bring a bird in to pluck!!!!! :):):) What an idiot!

carolinabeachmom said...

I also have the Conn chicks in sight. Mom is no longer feed ing them now. I wonder if both will take off today? I never really saw if the one left finally flew.

normabyrd said...

Has ALBERT gotten any food?---I have been on phone----

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA One of your storks just took a run on the nest and took flight! Two left in the nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA The little bird that Mama brought into the nest for both eaglets was soooo small I would think it would only fill one gulp.

Your other stork is flapping now, while one sits there. Do you know if any of them have flown yet; now that you have one gone, one practicing and one sitting.

carolinabeachmom said...

Now three storks in nest,as one came back.

paula eagleholic said...

CT osprey have both fledged and are flying in and out of the nest really well. One just came back.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like A&E are eating...

movin said...


Having troubles getting my head pointed in the progressive direction this morning. And most of the cams I checked don't have any birds or they don't have any action this morning.

Did you look at the post-fledge clips of the Kestrel I put on yestereven's thread??


movin said...

I don't think Albert got much, but now Einstein's off-camera again and Albert's much farther up on the branching ladder.


carolinabeachmom said...

Only one chick left in Conn osprey site with Mom.
Hey NOrma, I have the Hooded Crow site up now and it looks more like an osprey to me; Brown wings and partial chest, rest of underneath is white, head white, brown, and black. It is on the site that Suzanne gave me. Maybe it is a baby?, then click on Kohde1:Saaksi.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING JIM! I took a look see at your Kestrel videos and they were really great. Thanks for giving us the heads up. I got tickled with all of them trying to get on the little fromt deck. :) And it was very interesting watching the adult poised in the air waiting to strike her prey.

carolinabeachmom said...

JIM we are still all waiting for Albert to make his first flight. All cams in Kent are up and working today.

carolinabeachmom said...

PPAULA I must have just missed the Con chick take flight. I was watching and the last I saw it was with it's parent. Rats!

wvgal_dana said...

Almost noon might be before I post this. Morning and Afternoon Jo, Norma, Mit, Paula, Candy (safe trip), and Jim (such a dedicated Dadster). Need to check mail was catching up on post.
Going to check mail.

carolinabeachmom said...

Not to worry about Albert eating. Parent is back in nest hopefully with some food. I can't see as both have backs to cam.

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA Mama just came to your storks and they are busy surrounding her and feeding, if you want to see it.

MITS said...

Candy, that is an osprey there now, they did not have chicks this season, they just come in and out to make sure everyond knows this is their nest....Lisa from BW posted this site months ago, then we found out about no chicks this year, but still a wonderful site.

wvgal_dana said...

So I am correct in my thinking that Albert at Kent has NOT fledged yet right?

wvgal_dana said...

Is that him Albert up high on that limb where the parent was and he is now?

wvgal_dana said...

Come on Albert from there that would be "sky diving attempts". Come back down towards the nest and let us see you fledge.

carolinabeachmom said...

Mits, do the Hooded Crows come in when the osprey leave?

carolinabeachmom said...

DANA Welcome aboard The Eagle Express. As far as we know, Albert hasn't fledged. There was a lot of wing flapping yesterday, and he is getting up and down the branch now with his wings. He is alos higher today than yesterday. Maybe today is the day!

carolinabeachmom said...

Three Swallow eggs sitting comfortably on feathers. That has got to be the most comfortable nest I have ever seen.

MITS said...

Yes, Candy, sometimes, but not always.

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS Thanks for the info

normabyrd said...

CANDY--How high up did the STORK go----my daughter has been here & I was dying to get back on---I saw the STORK CHICK do that yesterday-----WOW!!----It really BLOWS ONE'S MIND----Doesn't it----Has my friend ALBERT flaps his wings???--ho! (poor baby)----LOVE HIM!!

normabyrd said...

CANDY---Do you mean the STORK CHICK actually flew away from the nest???---WOW!!---Would kill to see that!!!----They say they will actually go up to 10 ft. above the nest for awhile---that's why they moved the cam so we could see them---I saw him go up about 6 ft. & fly from side to side of the nest!!

normabyrd said...

LATE MORNIN' TO JIM & DANA!!!---Lots happening in the nests??----ALBERT was up to the 3rd limb this a.m.---I call it 3rd---really 2 & 1/2--ho!!----

wvgal_dana said...

I hope Jo still has "our SWEET darling Norma's cane". lol lol she is talkimg about let's see the words were "would kill to see that". It was in reference to the storks get up to 10 ft. above the nest. Norma said she has seen 6 ft.

Our Sweet Sweet Tiny Norma. See Tiny and Small and Beautiful eyes; but you'd never know. lol I'm cracking up here Norma. Love the words you use. I enjoy them so much ho! Not like my words oh no a mis-spelt one again.

wvgal_dana said...

Parent at Osprey CT been on cam two chicks just flew off.

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA The one stork started on the right side of the nest, ran along the bottom edge of the nest and just kept goig. I couldn't see where he landed, but it wasn't the nest. He was gon awhile and then came back, jsut in time for Mama to bring food.

carolinabeachmom said...

No Limuw in SC, no Eggbert in Puget nest 3 storks still in nest, and poor Algert still on the same branch in the same spot. Just did a little wing flap, but doesn't seem in any hurray.

wvgal_dana said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Since I didn't get the new Harry Potter book, I am sitting here watching the birds. Jo has been gone for a little while. Hope she didn't have to get into any crowd, or they still had her book saved for her. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Parent back at Kent nest and has food. Parent is now on branch while Albert eats away.

Costume Lady said...

OH MY, WHAT A BEAUTIFUL MORNING WE HAD--Just came in from the garden. (picked the beans that the Groundhog left) It's getting warm now.
What a sissy Albert is! Watched him til 11:30 last night. He did finally fly down to the nest from his branch. Immediately began searching around the nest for food.

carolinabeachmom said...

HI WANDA Well you guessed it, Albert still is in nest; eating a small animal that Mom just brought. Other than that, he has been up in his tree branch. He seems higher today.

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA I do see a type of platform to the left of the nest when the cam was out farther. There is is now way out like a stick to stand on. Maybe the stork went on there and didn't fly off after all. The cam is pulled way back and now they have moved it up close again.

carolinabeachmom said...

Eggbert just showed up in his nest at Puget Sound.

Two storks doing wing flaps while other naps. There cam keeps moving in and out. The perch or stick is visible again to the left of the nest.

Albert finished his meal and is high up on the branch again.

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA Where are you. The stork cam is now pulled way out and you can see the street below with a group of people down below watching them. I could hear laughter, and I wondered if people were watching. The storks are now up and watching the people/ :)

normabyrd said...

CANDY---While I was eating lunch--I put the STORK CHICKS on full screen---I could hear children talking & dogs barking---You can tell that it appears to be lower!!

normabyrd said...

ALBERT is back up WATCHING---Maybe flying will be coming soon!!!---He doesn't seem to want to fly----Maybe MAMA will withhold food----

carolinabeachmom said...

He seems to be flapping more to get on and off the branch, so maybe that is a good sign.

normabyrd said...

I guess our "MAGISTRATE" is working today----Wanted to tell her I am going to the races---Going with the "crew" from the Court House----So JILL---I'll be in good company!!--ho!---
LATER!!---CANDY---Keep watching the STORKS ----Don't they act like ballet dancers???---ho!

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA You go and have a bit of fun. You are with good company. :)

Jill said...

Norma-call me if you need anything. LOL. If I wasn't working I woudl join you at the races. Tempting to do it anyway.

carolinabeachmom said...

I am going to read some myself for awhile. If anything flies while I am gone, I'll be really mad at myself. So all you babies stay put!!! BBL

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA yOU LEFT TOO SOON One of the stork babies just flew off the nest to the cheers of the people. That might have been the same one I saw this morning. I don't know. Another one is trying sooo hard to lean out and go.

carolinabeachmom said...

Baby stork just landed back in nest to the cheers of the people down below.

carolinabeachmom said...

Come on Albert, it is your turn. You can do it. He is back sitting in nest again. :(

Costume Lady said...

Albert just flew down from his branch and went to the Launch pad. Thought he might take-off but changed his mind. He wants food.

NillaWafer said...

Good Beautiful Afternoon Folks... Just came from hospitol and my new granddaughter is going home today but not before i got to feed her and change I will have her on Monday for the day....SMILES!!! Norma your going to the race track??? Good luck if you are as for me my gambling will be limited as i have the new baby to But will always make time to take Jill.. Enjoy this beautiful day, Hugs Nilla

Mema Jo said...

Got my book No hassle & it was reserved & just gave my name & was handed my book & a poster!

Had other errands like more b-day cards for the month & other little things. It is warming up out there but I have not seen the sky this blue for quite a few weeks! So clear and so blue blue! Clouds are fluffy and white!

Mema Jo said...

Both Kent kids in the nest lying down side by side! Maybe there is a storm coming? OR maybe they do miss each other's company............


Mema Jo said...

Going to get ready to go to Mass this evening... I'll be back later this evening... Keep your eyes on Albert!

Jill said...

Hey, Nilla, from the looks of my schedule you have at least a month to spoil that baby before you go to the track with me. Get busy, you can get a lot of spoiling done in that time. LOL

Costume Lady said...

Did you read yesterday's article in the Journal about the "SCAM" by our mutual customer?

Jill said...

Wanda-I sent you a post to read it, guess you didn't get it. That was really low. I haven't seen the arresting officer yet, he is off on Sat. & Sun. hopefully I will see him Monday.

Costume Lady said...

JILL--We have to appear in court next month. Don't know what to expect.

I see ALBERT is still up the tree. I think we need to re-name him "Sissy". Of course, you know that once he fledges, Kent won't be near as interesting. We are dwindling down on babies and fledgings. Mrs. Swallow's eggs are due to hatch 24thish. We can watch them for awhile.

Jill said...

Wanda, just take the paperwork you have, you shouldn't have to say much. Paperwork speaks for itself.

NillaWafer said...

Hey you two i know which person you are talking about and what alow life she is...Grrrrr Really really sad situation for the family of the child also and oweing all those vendors.. Throw the book at her!!!

NillaWafer said...

For Those who might have missed this when i posted last week, its a bus trip to Walt Disney World my daughter and I are putting together...The Tickets alone would cost you $331.00 if bought separtly... Great Deal so hurry the bus seats are filling fast!!!!! Your Package will include:
• Round trip bus from Martinsburg to Orlando
• 5 night’s hotel at a Disney Value Resort.
offering themed rooms, pools, & shopping.
• 6-Day Park Hopper Pass- with admission into the following: Magic Kingdom, Epcot, MGM Studios, Animal Kingdom, plus 2 water parks Blizzard Beach & Typhoon Lagoon, & 1 Pass to Pleasure Island in Downtown Disney. ($331.00 value)
• Convenience of transportation while staying at Walt Disney World.
• Everyday of your stay one park opens early and one stay open late for Walt Disney World Guests only!
• $699.99 for Double Occupancy
• $669.99 for Triple & Quad
• Meals are not included.
• Call Dawn Marquez @ (304)-886-9598 or 262-9328
bus seats are filling fast!!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Ooops the date of the trip is leaving April 6, 2008 thru April 13, 2008 returning to Martinsburg

Costume Lady said...

JILL-- Thanks for the info. Never had this problem before. Always settled in a few days. (21 years)

NILLA--we will all have to get together and go to C.T. to dinner and whatever else you all do when the baby powder settles! (Lucky baby to be loved so much)

carolinabeachmom said...

I guess I can take it that Albert didn't fledge yet? I see that Eggbert is back in his nest now too.

Robyn said...

I posted this on the previous post, long day!

Thank you Jo, Mits and Candy

Here we sit in Chattanooga Tn, we made good time today and the skies remained clear, hoping tomorrow beings us the same weather.

We saw two red tailed hawks around Roanoke Va and LOTS of Vultures the rest of trip.

Tori says Hello Ladies and Mr. Gene

Costume Lady said...

Hi Robyn and Tori--
Meant to talk to you before you left but didn't know when you were leaving. Have a WONDERFUL, SAFE trip. Keep in touch.

Costume Lady said...

Are you on the Blog or did you go with Robyn and Tori?

Jill said...

No problem Wanda.

Nilla-wish I could throw something at her. It's one thing to write bad checks, entirely another to do this.

Yes we all need a trip to CT. Nilla can be our leader. No way will we get in trouble then. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Hi Robyn and Tori! TN - made good mileage there gals! When do you expect to be in Houston area? Really been thinking about you two - take care - you are in my prayers!

carolinabeachmom said...

ROBYN Glad to hear that your trip so far has been a good one, and you made it all the way to Chattanooga, Tenn. You are west of me now. :) We aare glad you checked in. Our prayers and well wishes for a safe trip are still with you and Tori.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well JO do you think we should give up on Albert for today. My eyes are about out of my head, between Albert and watching the first stork fledge. Albert seems comfy up on his branch in the tree for now. I guess I'll get off for now and let my husband check his email. When are you ever going to find time to read the new Potter book? The bird watching keeps you so busy. :) Talk to you all tomorrow. ALL HAVE A PEACEFUL AND RESTFUL NIGHT. TOMORROW BRINGS A NEW DAY@

Mema Jo said...

Hi Candy, I think Albert is being a very sensible young eaglet - After all Once he goes - that's it no more eaglets to watch for that thrilling moment. Only get to sit and wait for their return to the nest for food or rest. I am enjoying every minute of his sitting up on the limbs. He will be gone all too soon.
Then it's Down Under with Freida and Frodo and the pink pebbles

Costume Lady said...

I don't know about not getting into trouble; we might have to borrow Norma's cane from JO.

Mema Jo said...

You'll have to pay the price! lol

Robyn said...

We made great time. i love to drive so this 1400 miles won't be all that bad, it ss the traffic that dives me nuts.

Wanda, mom is in Florida we will be making our way to see the folks the last week in July for just over a week. Taking the time to see family and friends while I am in this part of the country.

Mom said she will post when I see her and dad and help her get set.

Thank yo Jo, now it is just a matter on Tori's test results to see which way we go with her recovery.

Wanda, mom has been keeping me updated on Albert and Einstein during the drive :) so she has been lurking (a little secret, she lurks daily ;) )

Mema Jo said...


Einstella is in nest - bet she's hungry. Albert up on his limb.

Mema Jo said...

Wish some of these nest with 2 or more eaglets had name tags on those wingblings!!!

This blog is credited to having the Bestest Bunch of Lurking Lurkers as no other blog or forum can ever claim
Let's hear it for the LURKERS!
You keep us straight because we
know you're out there reading us like a book! Love Ya All!

Mema Jo said...

Albert is walking down the trunk just in case a food drop comes, he will at least have a chance!

Jill said...

Hey Robyn. Somehow I missed your post earlier. Glad you are having a safe trip. Drive careful. Give Tori a hug. Good luck with the tests.

Costume Lady said...

I was trying to get your MOM on here. Thought she might answer me.
SILVERWOLF, you are welcome on here even if you don't say anything. Just keep Robyn informed.

NillaWafer said...

Well Jo i think its a proven fact that eventually those lurkers come out and join But your right and the more the merrier... Kent was way up high on the branch and Puget was up high sad to think the season will be over soon and then its on to Petes Pond and other African cams... Oh and yes F & F on the ledge down under..

Robyn said...

Thank you Jill, sitting here with the girls, listening to them laugh up a storm,I am so tired I wont hear them much longer as I slip into unconsiousness here shortly

Robyn said...

Wanda, mom isn't sure how to sign up so when I get to their home she promised she would blog.

Mema Jo said...

Nilla - that was Sept and/or Oct when we were watching Freida & Frodo.. I haven't seen any activity at Petes or on the Africam yet. Grizzly bears are in the river cathing all those fish!!

Mema Jo said...

Robyn Is the weather decent.
It was so beautiful here today - I said before that the sky was the bluest I've seen is weeks!

Mema Jo said...

I only have one Kent Kid in view unless the other is on the highest limb and I can't see him...
I hate to say it but I am confused as to which one in resting - I think it is Einstella.... I just wish I knew for certain...... becuase that would mean that I can't find ALBERT!

Darn It All!

Mema Jo said...

Tee Hee I sure did some good
typo's in my last comment

NillaWafer said...

Your right Jo the sky was beautiful blue and from the 7th floor of the hospitol looking out the window you could see almost to Hagerstown it was so clear...

Robyn said...

Yesterday in my opinion was one of the top 10 days of summer. Not sure how the weather was there today but I heard it was good. It is dry here and comfortable, hopefully the storms rolling thru Houston will stop by the time I get there.

Did PS eaglet fledge?

Mema Jo said...

I really think he has Robyn. Some of the other Kent Forum guys thinks so to. With that 10 sec refresh and limited span of the camera view - can't be sure BUT I say Eggbert is now a Free Bird!

Mema Jo said...

All the Osprey chick are fledging also......... Just like the Kestrels. If you have time go to yesterday's thread and watch the video link that Jim gave us. Bobble Heads!!!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Jo, that video is well worth
the time to look up.

Costume Lady said...

Look at last evening at 10:14 (Jim's Link)

Robyn said...

Going to look Jo brb...

Robyn said...

Like Tori said, Awwwwwwwww
Such pretty birds

Mema Jo said...

Well, some things to do before saying good night in about an hour. BBL

Get some good restful sleep Robyn.
I'm sure it will take awhile for the girls to calm down! Peace

NillaWafer said...

I had to go an watch the video also of the Kestrals fledging and they are so pretty...

NillaWafer said...

Yes Robynann take care driving and stay safe... I know i sound like a mom but only stop at well lite areas and gas staions that are lite and sorta busy always be aware of people around you... Ok enough just have fun, Hugs , Nilla

movin said...


I don't know if the Kent eaglets have had dinner yet or not, but Albert has 'crashed' in the nest and is sleeping it off.


NillaWafer said...

Hi Jim well on my cam he is up on the branch setting again... I dont see Puget neither but something white is dead n laying in the nest it looks like?

Robyn said...

Thanks Jo, Nilla

We stop before it gets dark, going to make it to Baton Rouge tomorrow for the night. Should arrive there btween 4 and 5. To many crazies on the road one of the things I tell the girls no matter what STAY TOGETHER!

I'm going to get some sleep now and the girls are unwinding... I hope.

Hugs to all

Robyn said...

OH I see Albert hanging out on a branch

Robyn said...

Night all

movin said...

Yes, Nilla, Robynann, Albert has come back to life and flown or climbed back up the branch...

Limuw has returned to his nest and is calling...probably for dinner.

They have some videos of him nearly 'taking out Dad' about noon today. He flew in right behind Dad, who had the fish, and instead of landing in front of him, he blew right through where Dad had been... Take a look if you have time.


Costume Lady said...


NillaWafer said...

Good Night Everyone, Hope ya'll have awonderful weekend stay safe... stay happy....and keep and eye out for eagles flying above.. Hugs, Nilla

Mema Jo said...

It's late but I must go over to IWS and see that, Jim. BRB

Mema Jo said...

Limuw tackles Dad with food

This link may work for you. If not - go to the IWS forum for today on Page 5, Cumbrian's What An Entrance film.

Mema Jo said...

Jim That was sooooooo funny - I'm glad you spotted it!

Time to call it a day - was a full day!

Good Night Everyone
Peace to you and Yours
Prayers for all your needs

Which Early Bird is going to get to be number 1 (the worm) this Morning?

movin said...

Limuw has given up and flown off to roost for the night...

Everybody is signing out for the night, so I'll say,



Robyn said...

Have a wonderful day all, back on the road stopping in Baton Rouge, till then....

Costume Lady said...

Robyn is already up and gone. Wish her a SAFE and SUNNY day.
ALBERT is up on a branch. Don't know if he stayed there all night or not. He seems so comfortable there, maybe he will never fledge. I guess Mom & Dad will have to cut off his food supply.
Mrs. Swallow has about 2 more days and then she will be soooo busy with her babies.
Finland is DRY for a change. What a boring baby Mrs. Fin has. He just lays there; only gets up to eat. I guess he misses his sibling.

Time to get ready for church.

paula eagleholic said...

Good morning to all the sleepyheads!

Albert is still up the tree...

Mema Jo said...


I bet you all are outside enjoying the sun and breeze - too nice to sleep in! But then I did just get up about an hour ago. That is my norm...

Robyn is on the road & we'll hear from her when she arrives in BatonRouge!

Both Kent kids at Nest.
Eggbert's not to be found in view
Foggy out there
Ms Owl back in the Owl Motel
1 burrowing owl standing guard
Limuw not at home - link to video of his tackling Dad is up a few comments..Loved it......
And for the tail end of my observations, Tai outside sleeping (I think it is him)

Mema Jo said...

Hello Paula. Is your grass all browned? We had to mow the weeds the other day!

Mema Jo said...

Ho Ho! I must have awaken Tai - getting some antics from him as he tries to scratch himself on the tree- He's rolling and tumbling all over that tree......... lol Reminds you of when he was younger.....
Our little Prince

paula eagleholic said...

Browner than brown, Jo! The weeds aren't even growing! Like straw out there...

Enjoyed my coffee out on the deck this to do chores!

Get the grandson tonight while Mom and Dad go out to enjoy a movie...

Mema Jo said...

I need to do some things for my DIL B-Day picnic this evening over here.
I'll be in and out throughout today.
Talk to you all later - get outside & enjoy this weather!

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Hello.. Just got off the phone with Sandra. She is having one devil of a time getting onto the blog. Tom is home and is doing fairly well - has 7 more weeks of rehab for the knee. Sandra did go to market and saw Megan. Megan's daughter has had a hand (3 fingers) injury that will require medical treatment Keep her in your thoughts

MITS said...

Poor Megan's daughter, hope she is better soon.

Mema Jo said...

Email Megan direct if you know of any exceptionally good orthopedic surgeons down at John's Hopkins-St Joes'.....

Mema Jo said...

Got to get the best because she is a future guitar performing starlet!

movin said...


I'm running slow and lazy this morning, but I'm enjoying it. Haven't read any comments yet, but I did look at BW, and Lisa has a couple of interesting new links on the Osprey site.

Try Pomegranite Jelly is great, and I'm sampling some with my breakfast toast right now. I drove my sporty vehicle up to the mountains near Mt. Palomar last week. Bought some of their famous honey and some of their interesting jelly. Glad I did.

You might have tasted 'Julian Pie Factory' pies, which originate in the apple growing area around there. I love them, they put a lot of brown sugar and cinnamon in them, and at least in the Fall and part of Winter, they are made with locally grown apples.

Albert seems to be alone in the nest and perched high on the branch...probably won't be too long before he takes the leap.

There wasn't much happening at Limuw's place when I checked. Maybe later.

Hope you have a beautiful day.


MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Both kids home

Swallow's three unhatched eggs are very visible! Wanda says in about 2 more days or so we should see 3 open mouths!

Mema Jo said...

Jim Remember all those apple pies we were promised by Nilla!
I like the way yours sound ...a lot of brown sugar and cinnamon in them, and at least in the Fall and part of Winter, they are made with locally grown apples. YUMMY

Mema Jo said...

Einsteinella didn't hang out for very long. Albert staying up on his perch.

Little Fin chick certainly does sleep alot - Hope he is ok and not sick like his sibling. Puleston osprey lone chick in nest calling out to anyone who can hear.
Chicks are in nest in CT - just looking around.

Mema Jo said...

Off to set out some food for incoming crowd. BBL

Anne-Marie said...

Good afternoon all, Its 2:15 in my area. Boy am I tired. Yes this is suppose to be the day of rest but not for me. I babysat grandkids all weekend so today I pay the fiddler and get some chores done around here. I had new kitchen put in a few months ago and still haven't got it organized the way I want it. I worked on it this morning. Laundry and stuff too. I haven't even been out today. Wish I was sitting on the deck with Mits. I just wanted to say Hi then get back to work before I run out of Umpa! What ever happened to the energy I once had?

movin said...

Hi, everybody...
I think I got the pie company name a little wrong this morning, but I found it on-line:

Julian Pie Company

They have grown and you can get their pies several places locally, and now you can order on-line. I haven't done it, but take a look and see what you think.


movin said...

I forgot to mention a few things about the trip.

I live in Orange County, which used to be covered in orange groves...almost all gone to developers now.

But on the way to Julian or Mt. Palomar, there are still miles and miles of citrus and avocado groves, and I stopped at some roadside stands to buy bags of oranges and avocados at very reasonable prices. Now, all I have to do is figure a way to eat them all before they spoil...might make it, since they were not very ripe when I got them.

Also, if you are in to gambling or camping, the local Indian Reservations have some popular casinos and camping facilities. Good to see them getting something going to bring in monies for the tribes.


movin said...

Limuw is in his nest...don't know if he's eaten yet, but he's calling as though he hasn't.


Robyn said...

Hello all we made it to Baton Rouge and I am exhausted. 4 more hours left tomorrow till we reach Houston. I believe we saw a Mississippi Kite today on I-59.

Megan hope your daughter is doing well

MITS said...

ANNEMARIE its a tough job, but someone has to do it. JIM, I'm ready to order an apple pie, looks good. ROBYN are you eating cajun food tonight?. You are almost there:)!

movin said...

Hi, Robynann...
I just looked up 'Mississippi Kite' and learned a great deal about a very interesting raptor of the South and Central U.S.

Have a good trip.


Robyn said...

We went looking for cajun food Mits not much that is close enough to us cajun wise. When I stop in gulfport at my cousins for a few days on the return trip we may well have cajun YIPPEE!! I really wanted a muffaletta sandwich tonight

movin said...

Yes, I'm beginning to salivate over the apple or peach pies also, Mits.

I haven't had one for years (might fix that soon), but I remember the crust was very light and flakey too.

I think they are safe to order on-line...think I saw a TV spot on that subject years ago, but as I said I haven't bought one on-line yet.


movin said...

Well, now I've learned quite a bit about 'muffaletta sandwiches' thanks to Robynann.

They sound great, great, but I have one question: are they loaded with super hot spices (thinking 'Cajun')??

I don't do the really hot stuff, and my healing ulcer doesn't do them either. But the Muffaleta sounds absolutely delicious without the extra spices.


Robyn said...

Jim you can make it mild or hot depends on the peppers :)

3 large garlic cloves, crushed
1 cup chopped green olives stuffed with pimientos
1 cup pitted and chopped "black-ripe" olives or Calamatas
1/2 cup roasted sweet red peppers, chopped
1 cup olive oil
3 Tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
2 Tbsp. white wine vinegar
1/3 lb. salami
1/2 lb. provolone cheese
1/2 lb. mild cheese
1/3 lb. mortadella
1/3 lb. prosciutto

Costume Lady said...

Sounds like you are making good time. Watched the weather this morning and I think it is getting hotter for you now. Told Gene I hope you have a good AC in your car!
Now, what is a muffaletta sandwich?

Robyn said...

I don't like olives but the olive spread that makes the sandwich is really tasty

Costume Lady said...

Whoops---I guess I spoke too soon.

Jill said...

Hey Robyn. Glad you made this leg of your trip safely. Tell the girls hi. Watch the high water and storms tomorrow

Costume Lady said...

Sounds good ROBYN--are you SURE your not Italian?

Costume Lady said...

Robyn was telling me about some the dishes she cooks. I think she was a chef in another life. Maybe she will cook something for us when she gets back home. What do you think?

Robyn said...

Jill I love to cook, and good too! I'm not Italian,just German Irish and French but try my italian food and you'd think otherwise. :)

Robyn said...

Opps sorry I meant Wanda

Robyn said...

Jill we got lucky this trip coming down with the weather, I am not to happy about driving into Houston, since I left NYC I don't do well with traffic, I get very edgy lol. I was worried the weather would turn on Monday when we would encounter all the traffic.

Costume Lady said...

Do you do any grilling? Gene loves to cook, especially on th grill.

Robyn said...

I have Wanda I made a roast on the grill and it was tender and juicy

Costume Lady said...

How did you and the girls sleep last night? Hope you weren't too tired to sleep well.

Robyn said...

We slept pretty good, the girls like to tease one another, they are like sisters and I have warned them what duct tape can be used for lol.

We will get better sleep tonight since we can leave a little later as we are closer to our desitination. I get up almost a hour before they do to get some me time in for coffee email and quiet.

Costume Lady said...

Time to watch BIG BROTHERS---
Robyn, safe travels to you and the girls and do keep in touch. Look forward to hearing from you.

Robyn said...

I hope Jen gets the boot Wanda, she is one mean person

Thank you

MITS said...

Now you are all time favorite sandwich is a Muffelatta, I love olives, got my 1st one in New Orleans.

MITS said...

I'm getting a little concerned, like you, Jo, about the finland chick. Every time I check in its sleeping or scratching, and I have not seen a parent in awhile.

Bob Quinn said...

Hey all. That sandwich sounds good - except for the olives! I can't stand olives but I guess that's exactly what gives that sandwich it's character.

I went back and checked the old posts recently - looks like everyone had a great time at the get together. Sorry I missed it.

Had a quick run through at BW on Saturday at dusk. Went to Old Salty's first on Hooper's Island. Broiled rockfish with crab imperial. I'm geting hungry again.

There were three osprey around the cam platform again. Don't know if one was just a fly by or if there were more shenanigans. Two landed on the platform. One on the nest and the other on top of the camera.

Photos are here:

Saturday's Photos

Robyn said...

Mits that is where I had my first also. My cousin Sally took me to a hole in the wall restaurant in the Quarter, Bob I hate olives too but MMM MMMM it sure is a good sandwich

Costume Lady said...

Great photos--always look forward to your photo expertise.

Bob Quinn said...

Thanks Wanda. Being able to share them gives me the incentive to take the time to process them and post. I took over 150 shots to get the twelve I posted. You gotta love digital.

Robyn said...

I see 3 swallow eggs, aren't they about ready to hatch?

Albert and Einstein up the tree

MITS said...

Hey, BOB, was just thinking about you today wondering where you were???? Did you have a nice vacation....GREAT PICTURES:). on my way home from the beach I stop at a vege stand that sells Hoopers' Island crabcakes, with a side of tomatoes and fresh corn, dinner in a jif and it is yummy:).

Bob Quinn said...

Thanks Mits. Yes, had a great time. Still have a couple of photos from Pickering Creek I haven't processed. Mmmm, crab cakes, now you're talking. Best I ever had were at Stoney's on Broomes Island in Maryland (there's a Stoney's on Solomon's island too).

Costume Lady said...

Well, Jen got put up for eviction along with Kail.
Mrs. Swallow should be a MaMa on Tues. or Wed.

Costume Lady said...

I'm with you about Fin chick. It doesn't seem active enough and I haven't seen Mom since this morning. Although she may have been at the nest later, I was gone most of the afternoon.
CRAB CAKES, TOMATOES AND CORN--Yumm. Sounds good and healthy.

Robyn said...

I saw that Wanda :)

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...