Saturday, July 07, 2007


New thread. Another Hot one.


normabyrd said...

THANKS STEVEN!!---Thought you would be enjoying cooler weather WAY UP NORTH!!!----It is going to be a WARM day in WV---82° now & forecast says in 90°s today!!---

normabyrd said...


Costume Lady said...

I just read the list of Momsters that plan to visit on the 14th. WOW! Sandra is going to have a house full. Hope it is a nice day and we can be in her courtyard.
Really looking forward to it.
It looks like you and I are the only ones not going to a wedding!

Costume Lady said...

Looks like Albert or Einstein is in the branch that Parents usually sit on.
Mrs. Fin looks like she is sheltering babies from rain or sun. She has been a really good Mom.

Just Vicky said...

Ooopppssss Norma, I was talking to you -- ON THE OTHER THREAD!!!

Robyn said...

Morning Wanda and Norma, no wedding here either but the pool is crystal clear and inviting. Going to be getting hotter and hotter as the days go by, stay cool everyone

I must admit I thought today was the 14th and almost woke my daughter up at 8am, where is my head these days.

PS nest looks MT, I see one in Kent, did someone clean up the BB nest Wanda?

Just Vicky said...

Robynann PS just had visit from parent and is hidden out of sight now where the cam doesn't show, and I think "egg-mate" is in that area also, if we could only see!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING ALL. JO, have a great day...PAULA, hope you find out where the wedding is??

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Robyn, they cleaned the nest out Thursday. Mrs. Swallow was trying to build her nest over top of the dead babies and all the left-over eggs. She immediately began a new nest after it was cleaned out.

Mema Jo said...


My wedding isn't until evening - so hopefully like yesterday it will cool down when the sun goes down. It is an outside affair so I can be happy that rain is not in the forecast.

normabyrd said...

HI WANDA---VICKY---ROBYN & MITS!!!----Been on phone---They all check in on Sat.------We are forecast to have "HOTTER" weatherthan daughter in FL!!!---WANDA--Wonder if CANDY is taking "deviled eggs" or "egg salad" to the party today!!!--ho!

normabyrd said...

HI JO!!---Aren't you the lucky one-----an evening wedding----That will be much nicer---I have eaten at the VENICE INN in Hagerstown---MANY-MANY MOONS AGO!!!---Don't cry!!---I always cry at weddings! ho!---

MITS said...

JO, hope you all have a blessed day, give my best to Aaron, and his beautiful bride.

Mema Jo said...

I have tears in my eyes now just thinking about it! It is so wonderful that Aaron & Holly have found each other.

I wonder too if it's deviled eggs or egg salad LOL

Mema Jo said...

Mits Are the dolphins running?

I just finished my cam surfing:
SC nest is MT - Limuw out spreading his wings.
PS Adult still with Egbert (Egbert did leave that nest yesterday-I saw it MT-and then Candy saw him come into the nest from behind the cam angle. I said he branched or flew!
VA Think I see one Juvie on the lower branch.
NE MT nest
BB NEST - The egg bowl is really getting built. Like Wanda
mentioned it does look like a woven work of art. Like the Fin osprey nest.

Mema Jo said...

Panda cams at DC - I can't tell which 2 pandas are outside sleeping...

Mema Jo said...

Vicky - the Libby Dam nest - have they fledged?

Whoops! Cam 1 panda is inside...

normabyrd said...

LISA has updated the OSPREY LOG---further down in the update---She has these "OUT OF THE WORLD-AWESOME PHOTOS"---taken by JIM THEIL----a MUST SEE!!!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning EAGLE BUDDIES; Naula, enjoy your wedding, Norma, Vicky, and Wanda. HAPPY 7/7/07 to all out there. Congratulations to Norma for being the first on on today's blog.

I am not going to a wedding either. I spent part of my morning going through my Yahoo folder and deleting old things I saved. It was long over due. I couldn't believe al the junk I had on there.

carolinabeachmom said...

Also good sunny morning to Robyn, Mits, Jo. You can see that I hadn't finished reading the blog before getting on. :( Oh boy, what a start to the day.

normabyrd said...

EARLIER this a.m.----checked in on the "LITTLE PRINCE"----cam was on "something" black & white up in a tree----ho!---Climbed down & majestically walked over & went in a door----Would have to be the little imp!!!----Isn't he the only tree climber!!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA The gathering was last night and a nice time was had by all. AND yes, thanks to my eagle friends, my deviled eggs turned out spectacular. My husband said that the Chief said that anytime I wanted to make them, bring them on over. Thanks for the tip. My live and eggs were saved!;)

normabyrd said...

I AGREE WANDA---Watching the FIN FAMILY is lots of FUN!!--- MAMA FIN is the best MOM---next to BELLE!!!---Wonder if the site will be open after the CHICKS have FLEDGED??

carolinabeachmom said...

Yee of little faith! Once Norma gave me her directions, it was a piece of cake. Shame on you all. :)

normabyrd said...

CANDY---Will "FESS UP"---After all the egg talk----I bought some for myself----I love hard boiled eggs!!!----So JO!--go easy on describing all the delicious foods they are serving at the wedding dinner this evening!!!----ho!

normabyrd said...

CANDY---THANKS-----I need all the support I can get---ho!---ho!

carolinabeachmom said...

I only see two birds in the stork's nest. Has one fledged or could it be hiding. Did anyone see anything?

Mema Jo said...

Norma - I just finished over on Osprey BW - Man what pictures Jim captured. Awesome. Also got to see Bob's again. Lisa gives sooooooooo
much info on her Logs - I love it.

Hi Candy - Congratulations on the eggs. I knew you could do it!

LUNCH TIME I may be back - some things to do - if not, I'll touch base late late evening or tomorrow.

normabyrd said...

WOW!---The burrowing owls are out!!----Of course each time you look---the # changes---FUNNY!

normabyrd said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Enjoy the rest of your day and night JO. Enjoy your grandson's wedding.

Just Vicky said...

The Libby kids are still in the nest. The oldest has been branching this week.

Mema Jo said...

If anyone can find Egbert now - let me know where he was

Also Mrs Owl has been at the Owl Motel for the past couple days. Nothing going on egg wise - She's just resting.

Now I am Gone

Find Egbert & please report your findings

movin said...

Hahahaha, I wrote this over a period of time, and then after it posted, it refreshed and I saw there was a new thread.


Glad to see you all have happy, productive activities for the day.

I too will have to be taking care of business much of the day.

It's a beautiful Saturday for doing whatever you will be doing.


carolinabeachmom said...

It sure looks as if Mr and Mrs. Swallow are coming along on the nest. I wonder if we should start looking for eggs soon.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING JIM@ Welcome on this beautiful Saturday morning.

carolinabeachmom said...

EGGBERT IS HIDING FROM JO AGAIN! If they would back the cam up we might see if he is on a nearby branch pr a part of the nest yet. I think he has spread his wings and FLOWN THE COOP AGAIN. :) No sign of him anywhere.

movin said...

There's a big close up of an eaglet at Norfolk.

Fog is clearing somewhat at Limuw's place. But there's no picture at Catalina sites, which is probably owing to that ole Pacific Ocean fog.


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MOVIN'JIM---I have been reading the discussions, etc. at IWS----#63 seems to love his new found freedom---but seems to miss his parents w/their food drops---LOTS OF PICS OF HIS MT NEST!!!!---FOG!

movin said...

There's an interesting "Update" to the Bluebird nest at WDF, and here's the link:

Bluebird update

Don't know if you saw it already...


normabyrd said...

ANYONE NOTICE the NORFOLK EAGLET?---He doesn't look well---almost standing on his head, etc.---MAYBE the Little "Rebel" had a big nite!!

normabyrd said...

THANKS JIM----No---I hadn't read the update on the BB NEST---I also watched the video too---OOHOO--MS. BB made me itch---just watching her!!!--how sad!!

normabyrd said...

NORFOLK EAGLET---still leaning against tree----I am probably seeing things--ho!-----NEED FOOD!!

Jill said...

MITS-Just catching up on yesterdays comments. If you go in past Floaters to Uncle Willie's on the left, turn right at the road before Uncle Willies, follow that back to the bridge. At the bridge you can see down the creek, that would probably be your best bet without going on private property. If you know when you might go, I can give you directions to my aunts house and you could go there and sit on the dock. She knows exactly which tree they were in down the road from her

Costume Lady said...

Norfolk eaglet looks like he is sleepy and doesn't know how to go to sleep with laying down! Poor baby.

movin said...

There's a good close up of the VA eaglet out on the branch.

Oldest Kent eaglet is branching now too.


carolinabeachmom said...

JIM That is a good close up of Va eagle. He must be cleaning up after having a good dinner.

carolinabeachmom said...

I have been watching the swallow nest and trying to watch Jo's Eggbert to see where he goes; if he flies off, or stayes in a hidden part of his nest. I kind of feel he is branching and then coming back. I can't catch him tho.

carolinabeachmom said...

It looks like SC Limuw had bird again for supper. I'd like to see him eating it. There are feathers all over again.

carolinabeachmom said...

Looks like the poor Va. eagle is a little hot; wings drooping and held out. Anyone have a fan? :)

Just Vicky said...

Well Eggbert seems sacked out this evening, and he sure fills up that nest!

movin said...

For the first time today, I believe. And he's calling strongly...probably hungry.


Costume Lady said...

Thanks JIM for the heads up on Limuw. I haven't seen him for a few days. He sounds as if he is begging Mom or Dad for food or companionship. Love to watch him.

carolinabeachmom said...

I hope Paula's wedding went off ok and Jo is having an enjoyable evening at her grandson's wedding. 7/7/7 is almost over for us on the east.

Poor Limuw is still calling, but it looks like he had dinner with all the feathers all around.

Both Kent eagles in thier nest. Puget Sound in his nest now.

Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow have een very busy today getting their nest ready.

One osprey in BW nest and the BW eagle cam has closed down for the season.

It looks like all NY Kestrels are present and accounted for.

Looks like two owls getting ready to go out night hunting in their box.

Wood Duck is off her multitude of eggs for the present time.

All three German storks bedded down for the night.

Finland osprey parent and chicks cuddling together for the time being. It looks like she could be trying to cover the chicks from the elements.

And that's about it for the night. Good night Vicky and Jim and all you other Eagle Buddies out there. A peaceful night to all, tomorrow is a new day.

MITS said...


movin said...

Well, good night, everyone...

I'm still watching Limuw off and he's flaked out in the nest, resting his bones like Mr In-between and Spunky used to do. I don't think he's had much to eat yet, and he's still calling for Mom and Pop, but there's still another hour or so for the adults to bring something in.

Have a good night and a great Sunday.


paula eagleholic said...

Awesome - I turned on the Live Earth Concert - My favorite performer, Phil Collins is playing. Perfect end to a great Day!

Mema Jo said...

It has been a very long 7-7-7- day!
Beautiful day! Just got home & so I'll talk to you all tomorrow.

Good Night
Prayers being said for all

paula eagleholic said...

Good night all, glad to hear from you Jo, talk to you tomorrow!

Costume Lady said...

Checked some of the cams and not much going on except with the Albert & Einstein pair. They seemed to be pleased with themselves and their newly-learned skill of branching.
BW eagle cam is closed til Dec.
BW osprey is present with sod ball.
Fin youngsters are doing wing flaps.
Burrowing owls landscape is so overgrown with weeds that I don't think they could be seen if they were out of their burrows.
Puget Sound eaglet is peeking from behind a branch.
Norfolk cam isn't on yet.
BB/Swallow nest looks like it will soon be ready for eggs.
Washington pandas are lazing--one on tummy--the other on back with feet straight up in the air.

Time to get ready for Church--Have a Blessed Sunday.

Just Vicky said...

Well it appears that Skye has flown the coop!

paula eagleholic said...

Vicky - the forum says Skye is on the branch in the middle of the screen that goes up off to the right. You can see her drop her wing tips every now and again

normabyrd said...


1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...