Monday, July 30, 2007


New week, new thread.


MITS said...


Jill said...

Mits-have you seen the news today? Cousin says that they found 3 infant bodies at a construction site in OC. Didn't say where tho.

Mema Jo said...

GOod Morning my friend

Mema Jo said...

I am off for now and will return -
All of us are blessed with a beautiful day!

Happy Birthday Vicky
I know I said it last night before leaving the blog, but will send my good wishes again. Norma jogged my mind about where we all were last year on your B-day. This year has gone pretty fast for all of us.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mits! Did you get any rain at the shore? I got a little, but guess that's better than nothing.
Morning, Jill. That's terrible! Hate to hear things like that! Man's inhumanity to man never ceases to amaze me!
Hey Jo, enjoy your lunch.

MITS said...

Not at a construction site Jill, go to for story.

MITS said...

Very little rain here at the beach, Suzanne. I thought of you yesterday as I was watching 2 osprey over the ocean in front of the condo, have never seen them come out to the ocean before, usually stay back on the bays and wetlands......JILL, how was Philly???

MITS said...

Jill, you can also go to for the story...also both of these sites have cams of OC.

paula eagleholic said...

I read that story this morning too about the infants in OC. Horrible.

Suzanne said...

Oh wow, Mits, did you get to see them fishing? Or do they even fish in salt water. Bet that was awesome to watch! They sure are beautiful birds. I looked at Lisa's update on the osprey page, and some of those pictures she has a link to are absolutely breathtaking! Especially the one of the osprey catching 2 fish. Just amazing!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle alert at Saanich....Skye eating...

Suzanne said...

Fish coming at ya on cam2 in Finland! And look at those dark dark skies on cam 5. At least somebody is getting rain!

MITS said...

Didn't see him catch it, but he did fly over the condo with a fish in its talons, Suz....Are you watching the pregnancy wacth of Bai Yun in SD?

MITS said...

Ok, they took the cam off of Bai Lun and now they have it on Su Lin.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday, Vicky!

Jill said...

Mits-just saw it on Fox News. Don't know where my cousin got construction site from. It is awful and apparently worse than she originally thought. How sad. Poor little babies.

Philly was great but I am worn out. And I have to go to court today to testify.

Robyn-I am probably not going to make it to your house today, if you talk to Donna tell her I will try for tomorrow. Have to testify at a jury trial. Sorry

Suzanne said...

Yes, Mits, I've been watching SD for quite a while, since I can't get our little Tai or the Atlanta Priness! Is that what that is? I couldn't find on the site anywhere where they said what was wrong with BaiYun!. I hope she's pregnant, she sure acts like she doesn't feel too good! Isn't Su Lin too cute the way she's sleeping? Love this site!

Suzanne said...

Mom is feeding Fin chick a huge fish! Man, those guys sure catch some whoppers! Mits, bet that was just too cool watching the osprey with the fish! We're gonna have to get you a camera!

Suzanne said...

Kent looks pretty with the sun shining on it, doesn't it? Only thing wrong is, it's MT!

glo said...

Well Suzanne I am not really the the Guardian Eagle, but I have kept really close tabs on her for many months now.

A little birdie told me she had requested this special assignment, and so has been sent on her way. I am sure that even though she has overseen the fledgings of many Young Eaglets this season, she is well rested and quite ready for her newest assignment. She is such a wonderful source of Comfort and Peace.

She does have instructions to be in touch on a regular basis. I am sure we will be hearing from her .
Thanks Iris for your kind words as well and

((((( Hugs)))) today for Mema Jo as she goes about her appointments.

Keep a lookout Momsters you just never know when there could be a Feather in your cap.

Glad to hear the info on the Nike and Rebok and that Vick. So sorry and sad to hear of those young babies who were found. So hard to even comprehend.

Suzanne said...

They are getting some serious clouds on cam 5! Sure glad I'm not out in a boat in that weather!

Suzanne said...

Gotcha, Glo!

Suzanne said...

Oh, looks like it finally stopped raining in Germany! Storks are getting up and about the nest, maybe they'll fly around a bit, now that the rain stopped!

MITS said...

Yes Suzanne they are on a watch at SD...and yes, I need a really good camera like Jills', but not sure how to use it.

Suzanne said...

Oh, diver in the water at Paula's site!

Suzanne said...

Make that divers!

MITS said...

Good ole Tai is up a shady tree this a.m.

Suzanne said...

Cool, coming right at ya! Ok, everybody waive!!! Hi guys. Oh, peek a book!!! He looked right at the cam.

Jill said...

Hey Mits-Just push the button. Download is almost as easy. But I could just come sit on the deck with you and take the pics. LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, I see the diver, sure wish I get a decent pic from there. I emailed them but havent heard back

Suzanne said...

Another diver is back, but he didn't look in the cam, just swam by. Sure doesn't bother the fish any, they totally ignore the divers. This is rather cool!

paula eagleholic said...

Only pic I can get has the stupid ads on it...

Suzanne said...

Paula, I tried to take some pics, but nothing is there when you save them. Just a plain blank white screen. This is really cool. Lots of schools of fish went by earlier!

Suzanne said...

Mits, I need a good camera like Jill's too. Not satisfied with mine anymore. Maybe we can both get one and Jill will give us lessons! What do you think, Jill, doable?

Suzanne said...

Oh, swallows have their little mouths wide open, feeding time. How cute was that! Well, dang, mom got back on them before I finished typing this! Op, she's gone again. After more food, so she'll be back shortly.
Mom and chick standing around taking a break from feeding!

Suzanne said...

Geesh, time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle day, prayers for all. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Jill said...

Blogger ate my comment. Camera is easy, just push the button. Download is just a bit harder, push two buttons. Of course I would give you guys lessons.

MITS said...

Sounds good, Jill.

movin said...


Just dropping in to say Happy Birthday to Vicky, and I'm hoping for the best for you, Mema Jo.

I happened to notice that the Santa Cruz camera is up now, but Limuw is not there..

Have a great day.


movin said...

Limuw just showed up, sounding hungry... take a look.


Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all, by the time I can log in you guys are loged out. Its was a good weekend. Not a productive one but, oh well. I tore apart my walk in closet and now have everything in piles. "Too little, too big, too old, dont wear, Indtead of being responsible I ran away with a girlfriend to the hills. It was a beautiful day. Now I have to pay the fiddler. I guess I will do a little each night to make up for my goof off.Hope all is safe and happy. I will be in and out all day. Anne

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, Anne!

paula eagleholic said...

Eggbert in the nest, flaked out!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey chick in CT

paula eagleholic said...

Eggbert went up the tree, I think he is gone now..

paula eagleholic said...

Nope he is back in the nest.

Limuw paid a short visit to SC nest about 1/2 ago.

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Paula, I'm here off and on. Just trying to get my desk cleared off.

MITS said...

Light, but, welcome showers here at the beach.

MITS said...

Can't be long now ...
Frieda is spending more time on the nesting ledge. Keep an eye out for an egg.

Msg. above from peregrine falcon site of Frodo and Freida.

Anne-Marie said...

OK Mits what sight are you talking about?

MITS said...

I'll send it to you Annemarie.

Anne-Marie said...

sorry Mits it didnt come through.

NillaWafer said...

Afternoon Ya'll, Mits i went and looked at the artical on those babies and what a horrific murder of those innocent babies... Mema Jo all our love and prayers are with you for a quik recovery... I sent the check Paula so you should have it in couple days but you know snail mail.. I also scanned pictures and sent e-mail of my beautiful adopted grandaughter Diana who is now 2 months old.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY VICKY..your not getting older just more Stop and think about it folks Christmas is only a little less than 6 months then Eagle season begins!!!!!!

MITS said...

I just sent it about a minute ago, got sidetracked with doing things around the condo...should be there soon, Annemarie

Anne-Marie said...

thank you, I thought it Comcast again.

MITS said...

No, Annemarie, just me trying to multi-task...

Anne-Marie said...

Mits this is something I know very little about and will have to do some reading. Do they lay right in the rocks?

MITS said...

Yes they do, Annemarie, a little unusual, but the eggs are beautiful, we had fun watching them last year. They get some real closeups of them.

NillaWafer said...

Ok what site are ya'll talking about with divers and fishing and boats??? Please send it or paste here...

Anne-Marie said...

Nilla, Mits is the expert here not me. I'm going have to be taught how to send a link.

MITS said...

Nilla the peregrine falcons at Brisbane Australia, Frodo and Frieda, we watched them last year on the Frodocam

MITS said... on on line Nilla.

MITS said...

Going back to work..

NillaWafer said...

Oh ok i know which one now... been waiting for F & F to make it back to the ledge... Hey Fatty will be showing up soon also at Petes Pond... But is that the one with boats n divers n fish?

Anne-Marie said...

Nilla, who is Fatty?

NillaWafer said...

Fatty is the big croc at Petes Pond.. he is a huge

NillaWafer said...

Heidi if you just google... petes pond cam... it brings up the National Geographic site and you can go into the forum and there are vids of the animals from last year... just browse the site Right now its night time over there like 11 something and the Pond is very active at night... I think it comes back on sometimes in August after the rainy season eands..

Anne-Marie said...

Thanks Nilla, I will have to wait until I get home. Its blocked.

NillaWafer said...

1 of the eaglets is home at Kent resting in the nest.. BB nest the babies look hungry...

NillaWafer said...

Mits the other night i was watching the Fishing cat at zoo and it was there on the rock bathing its self.. and then watching the water.. do they stock it with fish ??? Right now i have the Golden Lion Tamarin monkeys up and they are in the nest box.. adorable

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla - for the boats. Cam 5. Cam 4 also has underwater view.

We saw the divers today on this underwater cam.

NillaWafer said...

Ok thanks Paula now i guess it is dark over there.. so will check it tomarrow...

MITS said...

Yes, Nilla, they do put fish in it, and they have fish in their dens off-site.

Robyn said...

Good evening All

Made it to mom and dads safely and now I am just relaxing while the girls go swimming.

Happy B'day Vicky. Leo's rock ;)

We saw many swallow tailed kites making our way here from central florida. Even saw wood storks and a heron fly overhead.

Jill got your msg and will pass it on, I feel like sleeping for 2 days.

When did the last swallow egg hatch?

IrisF said...

Hi, just tried to go to the Frodo cam and it said I did not have permission to visit that site with this server. What's up with that?

Probably something I'm doing wrong again!!!

Just Vicky said...

Well Nilla has given a new lease on Christmas, "after Christmas Eagles!"

Thanks Nilla! So far getting older does beat the alternative!

IrisF said...

Hey Paula and Glo, If I didn't mention it befor here on the blog, I want to thank you both again for all you two do to help fund the NCTC Web Cam. Do I remember that the funds actually go to "Friends of NCTC"? Do they ever let you guys know how the moneies are used?

$1150. plus is a great help I would imagine.

Thanks again, all of us Momsters appreciate the work you put into this effort! ((((((hugs))))) Iris

NillaWafer said...

Hahaha Vicky i had thought about saying you get crankier but i was Thank heavens i didnt pull out my check book when you was here.... GASP!!!!! HUH??? LOLLLLLLLLLLL

paula eagleholic said...

Iris and Nilla - resent an email through momsters from the Friends of NCTC about the eagle cam funds. The money is fowarded to them.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening, everyone.

Mema Jo, where are you?

Robyn said...

Paula that is wonderful and even a documentary!

IrisF said...

Thanks Paula, appreciate it!!!

IrisF said...

Happy Birthday Vicky!!!! AND MANY MORE!!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

ROBYN So glad to hear that you finally reached your Moms and Dad's house in Florida. You and Tori are ssure the world travelers. Now you can kick back and relax for awhile and just have some more fun.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MONDAY EVENING SHARON, ROBYN, PAULA, IRISF. AND NILLA. Finally just getting on after being on for just a second this morning. Sounds like some of you had some excitement with the scuba divers this afternoon. I will have to try to watch tomorrow.

Thanks Paula for all you do with selling and keeping track of all the money that you give to Steve. You are a special person to do it.

Robyn said...

Thank you Candy we will. Would be nice if the storks visited again while we are here. We will stay here for just over a week then a night or 2 in Lancaster SC to see another friend *grin*.

Jill said...

Hey Robyn. Glad you are safe and sound at your parents. I will try to get up there tomorrow. Hopefully the jury trial will wrap up early. Gotta love the really stupid ones. Give Tori a hug.

NillaWafer said...

WOW Jill are you testifying for the Philly Mafia or something????? LOL We need to have a MARTINSBURG get together when everyone gets home again....

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS You sure have your place in a famous area. It was all over the news today. I hope you had a nice day at the beach. It rained here for most of the afternoon; just a nice steady rain.

NORMA I hope you watched those storks today for me. I miss their squeaking when Mama comes with the food.

SUZANNE I hope the Fin juvie is till in the nest flapping. I want to see him fledge when he goes.

JIM Good to hear SC cam is back up and working. I'll have to look for Limuw tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up.

Robyn said...

I will Jill and no rush. Donna is taking everything off the walls and bringing the living room furnture to the basement that will become a part of tori's hang out room once we steam clean everything.

Jill said...

I am home Nilla. Stupid jury trial for a guy who hit a cop then said he didn't do it. They have a video and everything. Kicker is he is representing himself which makes it that much more entertaining.

Robyn, we will at least get the carpet out for you. Have you thought about whether you were going to prime the walls or just go ahead and paint them? Did the Drs make any suggestions?

carolinabeachmom said...

Fin nest is now in some daylight. Juvie is just resting alone in nest. I think it said it was after 4am there.

Robyn said...

Jill the Dr. said we can just paint them but to make sure we can get as much bird out as possible I will bleach water the walls then paint. Know what colors but looking for that low toxic paint and if they come in the colors I will be using

carolinabeachmom said...

If you PRIME THE WALLS, make sure you have it well ventilated. I did my middle bathroom once and almost killed myself with the fumes.

carolinabeachmom said...

BIG bear has a nice sized fish he is eating for dinner.

MITS said...

Robyn have a good time with Tori, and try to relax, before you come back. Enjoy:).

Robyn said...

Thanks Mits we will. Dropping the girls off at the movies tomorrow.

Jill I do need some advice. While we were gone my Blk Lab disappeared this past friday. We feel someone picked him up near my home. He followed my friend to the end of our road before it meets the pavement(near my mailbox). We spoke to animal control and they do not have him nor did they pick up any injured or dead anlmals fitting his description and my friend place fliers at 7-11 near us and in the development down the road. Is there anything else I can do? I do not want to tell Tori yet as she will be devastated. Nothing I cn do from here but make calls and have friends look for him. One reason sleep has been difficult to attain!

paula eagleholic said...

Limuw back at SC

Mema Jo said...

Mema Jo is here .. busy busy day for me. You never realize how many lose ends need to be tied before calling it a day
I want to go over and send out an email through Momsters so everyone is on the same page as I am.. Look for it soon.
Meanwhile - I feel great & it is amazing what prayers from friends can do for you! Thank you all so very much. As tomorrow's dawn awaits me - I am ready.

MITS said...

Oh, Robyn, how awful. Hope someone sees him and brings him back.

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...


paula eagleholic said...

Oh, no Robyn.

Robyn said...

We hope so Mits, my friend wrote a nice narrative ragarding tori and her puppy who is 9 yrs old. He is a very friendly boy and will jump into an open door which is my fear. I am not sure how to tell Tori and I can't till we get close to home. We live on a very pvt road and everyone knows him but has not seen him.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo - glad you checked in.

Robyn said...

that would be *regarding

Jill said...

OH Robyn that is awful. I will email you with some ideas. Is Tori coming home with you next week?

Robyn said...

We are not sure Jill depends if my brother stands up to the plate and do for me as I once did for him for 3 yrs go.

MITS said...

Yes, Jo, and I need it for my eyebrows:):). Get a good nights rest.

MITS said...

Robyn someone might think he is just lost and is taking good care of him.

carolinabeachmom said...

ROBYN So sorry to hear about your dog. What else can you hae to bare. I'm with you, Mits, I hope someone is taking care of him until Robyn gets home.

Costume Lady said...

So sorry about your dog. Would you like me to put a heads up in the Journal Junction?

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE Got a busy next couple of days.

floralgirl said...

Wow- when it rains it pours, glad your trip has gone well, Robyn, hope you find your dog. Good luck tomorrow, Jo. We will all be waiting for your good news. Just rest and let the Drs work their magic. We will head to hospital tomorrow to have daighter's hand looked at and a new splint put on.

Costume Lady said...

Enjoy your company.

Costume Lady said...

You will have a lot of Guardian Angels with you tomorrow. HUGS.

paula eagleholic said...

Ditto and ditto that again, Wanda!

movin said...

Good evening, everyone...

this retirement thing (if it holds up, I'm suspicious it won't) doesn't seem too bad so far!

The Grizzlies are getting really busy now, and Limuw has returned to the nest, attacked his dad when he brought a fish and mantled like a pro. Now he's got a full crop and is calling for more.


paula eagleholic said...

Limuw is still calling for food because he lost the drop from Dad!

Robyn said...

Thank you all

Wanda I decided to call animal control AGAIN! My 4th time on top of Donna my best frind who spoke to them 3 times since saturday when the decided to come into the office. They have scooby which I just found out and had him since friday afternoon. They never logged him in I asked the (d I will be very nice right now)animl control officer who I asked to check the back where the pound is and lo and behold he wa there and SINCE FRIDAY!!!!!! I wonder if someone was going to keep him if no one claimed him. He is extremely friendly and a good dog excellent with children and other animals. They will waivedthefee since he said they screwed up. Mke me kinda ahem mad we worried all this time (4 days) Donna even ut fliers all over town where we live.

He is safe an being fed and will be home tomorrow. Now I wont haveto tell tori he was missing.

paula eagleholic said...

OMGOSH that is wonderful Robyn...just as Mits said!

Robyn said...

Makes me shake my head...

carolinabeachmom said...

JO I bet your day was a busy one. You have got to be tired out. You finish getting yourself together and get in that bed; no night owl chats tonight. Tomorrow brings the new day.

Mema Jo said...

Yeah SCOOBY! Now that is the way the story should have ended! But what a waste of your worry and time just because someone didn't go that extra step! I am very happy now, Robyn.

paula eagleholic said...

So go get some rest now, Jo. You have a big day tomorrow. Eagle spirits and prayers be with you.

Mema Jo said...

Candy - I think I am going to be out of it for a couple of days... I'm going to get enough rest for all of us lol

Mema Jo said...

Guess I should take your advice
I will call it a day...

Good Night My Friends
Peace to You and Yours
Prayers for all being said

Good morning Suzanne and Early Birds

paula eagleholic said...

Good Night everyone

Robyn said...

Night Jo, Paula

Jill said...

Robyn that is great. I will call you tomorrow. I am at work right now.

Robyn said...

I'll be around somewhere Jill.

Fin chick doing wing flaps and I got some nice pics too

Robyn said...

WOW fin chick keeps leaving the nest or the cam isn't catching her in the air...

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Nice out, 71 at home, 74 here. Big bright, white moon! No excitement coming in this morning, and it was wonderful! Quite a change, loved it.
Raining like mad in Finland, chick is soaked, and their 2nd site is also soaked. Stork nest is also soaked, 1 very wet stork in nest. Oh, Fin chick just did big wingflaps! Getting up, he must be getting hungry.
May try to go back and read what I missed.
All have a great day. SPECIAL PRAYERS FOR JO TODAY!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Looks like it stopped raining on part of Finland 2nd site, boat is out on lots of whitecaps, but raindrops on marina cam. Parent with Fin chick.

Costume Lady said...

We are all so grateful for the rain we have been getting. Flowers and veggies are perked up and standing tall. We are using our tomatoes now (finally). How is yours doing? Hope you got some of this rain.
We had some interesting conversations last night, especially with Robyn talking about her dog 'Scooby'--read it when you get a chance.
Yes, prayers for Jo. We all sent our Guardian Angles with her to the hospital. Hope Jennifer lets us know as soon as possible how things went.
COFFEE quit perking, so I will get a cup and BBL. (Fin chick looks like he is ready to fledge soon)

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Wanda. I'm glad you're getting some of this rain, and your veggies and flowers are perking up. I'm getting hardly any! Seems to go all around me. If I don't get any today, I'm gonna have to go home and water after work. I have eaten 2 tomatoes from my plants. Love them. Couldn't eat them from the plant, had to wash them first since I used that Seven, but that's ok. I've been on a BLT kick lately, so I've had BLTs for dinner quite a few nights. Love my own home grown maters! And just plain sliced tomatoes...yum.
I'll go back and check out the conversations with Robyn about Scooby.
Hope Jo will be alright. I also hope Jennifer lets us know sometime before I leave, but she may not know anything by that time. Have to wait and see. But lots of prayers for Jo today!
I've been watching the Fin chick. He already ate, and when he finished he was doing wing flaps. Sure is beautiful when he does that! He was soaked this mmorning when I logged on...Finland is getting copious amounts of rain over there. Sure wish we could get some of that over here! GE was raining this morning, too. Looks like Mom is feeding him again. Guess he eats every 2 hours or so. No wonder he's growing so big. And I saw on Momsters that on the 2nd Fin cam, their cam2 is now on. Interesting! About a gazillion Cormorants! And on cam2, the rain is stirring up all kind of debris in that water!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING ALL...ROBYN, I am sooo happy Scooby is safe and sound. Prayed to St. Francis, last night and when I got on this a.m. saw the good news....

Suzanne said...

Had to go back and read about Scooby. Robyn, I'm so glad you got him back...or at least found! That would be terrifying these days that someone would take him, especially if he's friendly! Glad he's gonna be back home with his family! And Tori never has to know a thing....

Morning, Mits!

MITS said...

Hey, Suzanne, how's it going today?

Suzanne said...

Well, Mits, I'm here. Tired, and it's only Tuesday! Bummer.
Have you checked out the 2nd Fin cam? Too cool on cam2! And it's still raining over there. How's the shore? You getting any rain down there yet? I'm sure not, going right around me. Bummer!

Suzanne said...

Looks like they have cables hanging down by the PA falcon, so guess their days of roosting for the night are probably over. Too much new activity I think. BW had a visitor osprey, but gone now, and not back yet. Mom in nest with chick in Finland, there is an eagle or eaglet on branch in Kent. Still dark, but you can see someone is there. 2nd Fin cam is cool, raining like mad, check out all but the bat cam, cam4. Rain is sure giving lots of whitecaps and stirring up gunk in the water. Storks have been out and about, but now all 3 are in taking a nap. Mrs S too dark to see anything, burrowing owl on, but nobody is out. There was an owl in the hotel, but gone now, and only 1 owl so far in Benicia. Sun is coming up on our ocean cam in the Netherlands. And that's all, folks.

MITS said...

We got a little shower here yesterday. I have watched the storms going right by us here too. I think Bethesda got some rain, I hope. My company from Arizona went to the White House and the Capitol yesterday, and the 11 year old daughter called me last night all excited. They are doing the museums today, and will be done here tonight or tomorrow a.m. Just watered my 2 geraniums plants and it is pretty hot out there this a.m.

MITS said...

Yes, wish Finland and Germany and England would send the rain back this way.

Suzanne said...

Oh my, hot already. I'm freezing in here, maybe I should go out and get warmed up! Glad your company-to-be is having a good time. They'll enjoy the Smithsonian, there is something for everyone at almost all of them!
I had some lightening this morning when I came in, but think it was heat lightening. No thunder, and no rain, just the lightening. Didn't know what it was at first, when I got in my car, half way scared me to death. Then it happened again, and I figured it out! Duh, so ok, sometimes I'm really not ALL that awake before 2... Even after a shower!

MITS said...

Love watching heat lightning. Haven't seen any storms out in the ocean this year. Have not seen the osprey since Sunday, think that was a rare sighting to begin with.

Suzanne said...

Probably was, Mits, but at least you got to see them in real life! Must have been exciting, specially since 1 had a fish.
Daylight in Kent, eaglet still on branch, nest MT. Must be Albert. Wonder where Einstein roosts for the night.

Suzanne said...

Eggbert is in nest! Owl in hotel, dark in Mrs S nest.

Suzanne said...

Eggbert is eating.

MITS said...

He was soo close, could see the fish right in his talons.

Suzanne said...

He's holding on to something very tightly! Wonder if he caught it???

MITS said...

Geez, he has gottin soooo big.

Suzanne said...

Crap! Lost my WildWatch cam. Mits, are you still getting it?

Suzanne said...

He sure has! Mits, our kids are growing up...

Suzanne said...

Finally got WildWatch back! Had to close it and reopen it again! He is big, and doesn't have that much white on him anymore. Turning into quite the pretty boy!

Suzanne said...

Mits, Pandas are waking up! Mai Sheng is walking around now.

Suzanne said...

Awwwww, Eggbert all finished, so now he's off for the day. Check out the fish crows in the BW osprey nest.

Robyn said...

Good morning Suzanne, Wanda and Mits.

Hopefully today there will be some visits from the storks at moms.
Suzanne I sent a few pics o the fin chick doing his wing flap exercises. I was amazed at how high he goes as he kept disappearing from the screen

Suzanne said...

Oh, Eggbert is back! Look at that sunrise!

Suzanne said...

Robyn, thanks for the pics! Looks like he got liftoff!! I'm glad he's growing up, but I'm gonna miss that guy!
Eggbert is back, looks like he's eating again. And Still raining like mad in Finland, 2nd website, not our Osprey baby. At least it looks like it might have stopped there.

Suzanne said...

Both owls in Benicia, Robyn!

MITS said...

Yes, that is quite a beautiful sunrise....

paula eagleholic said...

New Thread Is Up!!

MITS said...

Got my fingers crossed for a new cub in of their cubs is moving to China in the fall.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...