New thread. Another cool one here in CT.
I have gotten some questions regarding the status of the cam, the status of upgrades, etc. I'll tell you what I know.
First off, remember that this project is a labor of love for a number of people at NCTC. We all have full time jobs that do not include doing the eagle cam work, so we all do this as an extra. We have even had some comments from NCTC staff questioning why we are even doing the project to begin with. We have always pushed past those types of comments because we do see the great value in the project.
Those involved in the Cam work have met a couple of times recently on the upgrades for the cam. We have targeted the last week in July to try and get these upgrades installed. That assumes that we are able to get everything through the contracting process, which is detailed and time intensive. NCTC is a big place and many procurments are done every day. We can't just call a supplier and buy things, there's more to it than that and deliberate moves around the process can wind up with an Inspector General officer, with a badge, questioning you :>(. We all try to do this right to avoid such a result.
The current status of the cam is still unknown to me, since I am not at work. I suspect that because of the pending repairs and upgrades, we may keep it down until we can get everything right. More on that when I am back in S-Town.
One more thing, we continue to spar with security folks in DOI who consider the cam a threat to network security. We believe their stance is wrong, but have to play the game to ensure that we can continue to work the cam in the future.
So things are happening behind the scenes and I will update you when we know more. We need to hope that we will have a successful clutch next year so all this work pays off.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 362 of 362Oh, Mits, that will be so exciting! Sorry they kicked the volunteers out of the kitchen, though. Bet you would have had a front row seat! darn! But you'll be able to get up close and personal after she has her cub, won't you? If she has her cub.
Wow Mits hope you get the visual on this birth personally.
Thank for the wave hee hee
Good Morning Mema Jo
Ok Suzanne I'm leaving for therapy. You won't be here when I get back. So have a good longggggggggggggg one ( :
Yeah, we will be one of the first groups to see it...right behind the big time contributers....
LOL, who said money doesn't talk???
Dana, you have a wonderful 4th and wonderful weekend. Hope your therapy works well today, and doesn't hurt so much.
GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---HI!!--SUZANNE---WANDA---DANA---ROBYN--MITS & JO!!----Hope I didn't miss anyone!----BEAUTIFUL COOL JULY DAY IN WV--60°---Did find a FALCON at PA!!!---Noticed the FIN family jumps up fast!!--ho!---REALLY MISS not being able to watch them!!!---What's happening folks??
Good morning all. The Santa Cruz nest cam is up and working!
Hi Normabyrd! I miss those guys too, wish they'd fix that cam! Chicks are growing so fast, we're missing so much.
Falcon in PA was on the bar for a long time, then moved into the nest box. Guess she's hiding, not ready to go to school today.
Limuw is on a top branch checking his environment out and probably waiting for breakfast since his crop does not look very full.
I saw the Kestrel mother drop a whole mouse-rat before the chicks and take off. The oldest one jumped on it, and I was afraid the others wouldn't get any.
I just looked back though, and one of the smaller ones is feeding. The oldest is trying to sleep already.
Good morning, Candy! Is it warm down there? It's cool here.
Mother Kestrel is back and portioning out the food to the chicks. Musta been a test to see if they were ready to feed themselves.
Hope you are enjoying the beach (Of course you are).
Are you allowed to take photos of Mom and the new baby when the time arrives?
Good Morning Dana and Jo--
Ok now for the proper good morning now that I have read the blog and see that you have found the SC cam before me. Good morning to all you early risers this morning; Suzanne, Dana, Mits, Jo, Norma, Robyn and where is Wanda? I don't see her on yet this am. She usually has coffee with Suzanne.
I, too, want to see pics of Dana getting a dolphin hug from Mit's dolphin friends at the beach. I am also waiting to see Suzanne's pics of her Gypsy. She has got to feel a lot better with all the knots out of her hair.
AND good morning Jim and Wanda. Good to see you are on.
SUZANNE, it is probably warm if you stand in the sunshine, but we have had a couple of nice cool days finally here. Turned the air conditioner off, threw open the windows and awoke two mornings now to the sounds of all the chirping birds. :)
MORNIN' CANDY & JIM!!---I have been watching the STORKS---They even seem to be subdued this a.m.---ho!----Bet they have FULL TUMMIES!!!
I was on fairly early having my first cup of COFFEE with Suz. Had my second cup with hubby.
If you are still with us, check out cam #1 at Kent. There is a Long white cane in the photo just beckoning to you. QUICK!
I am just looking at the Wood Duck. She is just sitting thee in the middle of the nest box with eggs on either side of her. She is not even trying to cover them today. I can count at least 5 eggs that aren't under her.
HAD a note from "COMMODE CITY VICKY"----She may get to come to see BELLE & LIBERTY & all their FRIENDS on the 14th!!!---Wouldn't that be GREAT!!!---!!!!
Good morning, Jim! Candy, I just went outside for a few minutes. That sun feels really good! It's freezing in this office. I also turned off my AC at home. Had the windows open all weekend, then open them again when I get home. Love the fresh air in the house!
Looks like our PA falcon has finally decided to attend school this morning! She's been on the ledge for hours.
SUZANNE!!!----If you reread JO'S statement---I think she asks for a pic of GYPSY & SUZANNE----WE want to see both hair cuts!!!
WANDA, don't think they will let us near the panda house, and if she does have a cub, the panda house is closed for a long time. If I can recall, Tai was born in July, the public could not get in to see him til December and then it was by tickets only.
Norma, that's great! Hope she can make it! It will be a fun day. Looking at cam 2 at Kent, looks like God is talking to the Kent kids...S H A R E Y O U R F O O D.
The Norfolk cam is up, but doesn't look like any activity there yet.
Both nests in BW empty still.
Pa. ledge is still vacant of birds.
A couple of brave burrowing owls are out of the big hole, just looking around.
Nothing happening in Kent nest or Puget Sound. Sun looks like it is just coming up there.
Two sleeping BIG chicks in Finland nest.
Three storks up and walking around in Germany.
Still no cams at West End or Two Harbors.
AND no Barn Owls in Benicia.
That is it from this reporter. :)
I think the "LITTLE PRINCE" is enjoying a nap this a.m.----LOVE WATCHING HIM!!!---Must check on the "LITTLE PRINCESS"---
NORMA you are right, we all want to see a pic of both beautiful hair cuts. :) Come on Suzanne!
You missed the CANE at Kent!!
I'll let you know the next time I see it--but, you have to look quick!!
LOL, Candy, great minds! I just went and checked all my cams too, but you've already reported!!! Way to go, girl!
Ok, Norma, I have pics of Gypsy, I'll have to train one of my other kitties to snap a pic of both of us! I'm not quite as shorn as Gypsy, though!
Ok, Candy and Norma. And Jo. Maybe I'll bring Gypsy with me on the 14th. Yeah, that'll go over REALLY well with her!
EVEN the ATLANTA CAM is "goofed up"!!---You can see a stone structure & 3 "black spots"!!!----
SUZANNE you must be getting excited to be off the rest of the week. I know how I felt as the end of school was near. All I wanted to do was be able so sleep in, read a good book, and get on here to see all that was going on with everyone. I usually can't wait to go back to school in August, but I am sure going to miss the daily chats with all you wonderful folks.
SUZANNE----That sounds GREAT!!!---Would love to see GYPSY!!----REMEMBER----she can't eat any BIRDS---ho!!----So bring her a MOUSE!!!----
MITS did they give your panda's a sleeping pill or haven't they let in the noisy public yet? I see both of them still snuzing. zzzzzzzzzz
I sure am, Candy. Been waiting for this week for quite a while. 5 whole days off in a row, that's wonderful! Course after the 3rd day, I'm gonna start getting ansy! I'll have finished my book by then, cleaned all I'm gonna clean, slept late and got caught up on sleep, the kids will be getting on my last nerve, and I'll be ready to get out of the house!
BW---LISA has 2 photos of a GREAT blue heron that was there at the OSPREY NEST yesterday!!
Hey Suzanne, that would be great to get a real look at Gypsy! I just love dogs, even naked ones! :)
LOL, Norma, I don't think she's a very good hunter! If I get a fly or some flying insect in the house, two of her kids go nuts till one of them she catches it. Gypsy looks and just watches, makes absolutely NO move to get it!
Uh oh, Candy, don't tell Gypsy she's a dog! She thinks she's a cat, and would be very upset. Cats are so superior, you know. Just ask any cat, they'll tell ya.
MITS I spoke two soon, The panda on Cam 2 is up and about now. She must have heard me.
OMG, kent cam 2 quick!!
SUZANNE, is Gypsy a CAT? I know how much you love cats, but I thought you said she was a dog. I can't imagine getting a cat's hair all cut off.
Parent brought something in, had 4 legs, so not sure what it was. Parent is taking, well, was taking big hunks of it and holding it. Chicks are on either side of parent, so it was first chick first served. Whoever stole the bite first got it.
The "ATLANTA BEAUTY"--appears to be down in a STONE PIT---SHE hasn't figured out how to climb the stone----LONG SOFT ROLL is there too---but when she attempts to climb up---it slips down & she jumps back----"POOR BABY"!!!!
No, Candy, Gypsy is a cat! The hours I work, I wouldn't have a dog right now. She looks like a tiny lion, same color and has long hair on legs, tail and head, so she even has a mane!
When you get ansy hit the computer room.... We've been after you all year to Just Do It lol
That is a full house at Kent
You know, you're right, Jo. May be a good time to get off my duff and hook 'er up.
If cam 3 was on at Kent we could maybe see what they're eating.
Suzanne - you think it is a squirrel?
Wonder where Benicia mom is spending her night? She's not in the nest box, and it's past her bedtime. Hope she's alright! Hum, wonder if Dad knows she's staying out so late...
Candy - you have Norfolk up? I am getting black screen there.
Morning, all!
Don't know, Jo, don't think so. I'll send ya a pic.
Suzanne, here is Loraine's comment on the names - I know you had asked which was which.........
Names have been chosen for our 2007 Eaglets, "Albert (smaller one) and Einstein (of course, the larger one)".
We feel since there hasn't been much aggression toward each other and they take care of each other too that they're both males. We could be totally wrong but then it wouldn't be the first time. Anyway, those names seem to fit perfectly.
Oh, thanks, Jo. Knew the names, just didn't know who was who. They do seem to get along very well together, as long as they don't have to share the same piece of food!
ALL IS WELL IN ATLANTA!!----BUTA BUTA is up in the lawn with LUN LUN---She is in the process of driving her MAMMA "NUTS"!!!---All over her--- biting here & there---DIDN'T LIKE THAT PIT AT ALL!!---LOVE WATCHING HER "LITTLE BLACK LEGS"----SHE'S SO COOL!!!
SUZANNE----You are CORRECTION--Get along GREAT---until feeding time---NO SHARING IS ALLOWED!!!---It's hard too call a "Selfish EAGLET" EINSTEIN----ho!---
FORGIVE THE ERRORS in the last comment!----I was laughing so hard---About how well these two get along!!!
PAULA...Yes, I have the Norfolk cam on, but nothing is happening at the site. No birds anywhere.
Beautiful shot of Tai close up and eating bamboo, and Mei is still sleeping.
I know what you mean, Norma. Sometimes it's hard to type when you're laughing so hard!
San Diego has a cool pic on now. either Mei Sheng or Gao Gao is laying between 2 rocks just pigging out on bamboo.
Mits, too funny. Panda tummies must say "eat bamboo now" at the same time.
Good morning Paula before I forget. Does anyone know how long it will be before the Kent chicks start flapping and are on their way? They are really getting big.
Bird back in BB nest!
I hope she doesn't think that those eggs are hers. They must be able to tell, no?
AND Limuw fled the nest for parts unknown.
Candy, I just went to look, and the only thing I wrote down was est hatching dates were 29 Apr to 4 May. Think the first one hatched on the 30th, but wouldn't swear to it. Can't believe I didn't write it down!! Geesh!
Lunch Date---LATER!
Hey Mits and all!
Saturday, July 9, 2005 - Page updated at 04:17 PM
National Zoo's Panda Gives Birth
By D'Vera Cohn
The Washington Post
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AP video: National Zoo Panda Mei Xiang give birth to a cub
WASHINGTON — The National Zoo's female panda, Mei Xiang, gave birth early this morning to a squealing cub the size of a stick of butter, and keepers say she is caring for it tenderly.
Mei Xiang, although appearing startled at first by her baby's cry, quickly cradled the blind, squirming cub and is attentive to its every need, according to keepers. Zoo officials, elated by their first successful birth after years of trying, said the next few days are critical to the cub's survival.
"She is doing a great job taking care of it," said Suzan Murray, the zoo's chief veterinarian. "Like most new moms, she tries to rest when the baby is asleep, but she wakes up when the baby squawks."
A photo released by the zoo shows the tiny cub resting on its 250-pound mother's arm in an indoor den at the Panda House, as staff and volunteers look on via closed-circuit cameras in a nearby room. It may be weeks before they can get close enough to the cub to learn its gender or weight, because its mother will hold it close and they say they will not intervene unless something goes wrong.
The Panda House will be closed for at least three months to avoid disturbing mother and cub, zoo officials said, but the public will be able to monitor them via round-the-clock Web cams beginning Sunday morning. The outdoor panda yard will remain open, and zoo-goers will be able to see her mate, Tian Tian, when he is outside.
Mei Xiang was artificially inseminated March 11. She recently had been acting like a mother-to-be, sleeping much of the day, eating little, building a bamboo nest in her den and cradling apples. Hormone tests gave every indication that she could be pregnant, and volunteers began a round-the-clock cub watch last month. But pandas often have false pregnancies that mimic real ones. Zoo veterinarians hoped to capture a pregnancy on a sonogram, but the panda had not sat still for one since June 20.
It was around 1 a.m. that the volunteer on duty at the Panda House noticed on camera that Mei Xiang seemed restless and unable to settle down. The animal honked, grunted and panted, signs that she was in labor. The volunteer called for backup, and keeper Brenda Morgan, who had gone to China with the zoo delegation that brought the two pandas to Washington in 2000, witnessed the birth at 3:41 a.m.
The cub was not visible on camera at first, but made itself heard.
"The cub came out squealing," said Lisa Stevens, associate curator for pandas and primates. "We knew right away we had a healthy cub from that squeal."
The cub will not be given a name until it is 100 days old. Under the zoo's 10-year loan agreement for the pandas with China, the cub will be sent there when it is 2 years old. Stevens said cubs generally stay with their mothers until they are 18 months old.
Have fun, Norma. And have a Happy 4th of July! Stay safe.
Thanks Suzanne.... good enough. I was wondering when I would start to write things down myself; first of all, all your names and about you, so I can keep track. :)
MITS Sorry you didn't witness it, but you will get to see it soon. I thing congratulations are in order. :)
Oh, Candy, that's too funny! I had to do the same thing when I first got on here. Wrote myself cheat sheets! But then you quickly get to know everybody, then you get together and meet them, and you don't have any more problems!
I wrote down when eggs were laid and things like that. I also wrote when some nests hatched, but sure can't find anyplace where I tracked when Kent hatched. Can't believe I did that. May have to go back to the old blogs and look around those dates, I'm sure they're on there! I also don't remember how many days after hatching that they can fledge. Last year our birds fledged at 11 weeks and some days. Think Spunky was 11 weeks and 4 days when he fledged. Other two fledged a day or so earlier, maybe 11 weeks and 3 days old. So a little past 11 weeks, but don't know hatch dates!
Thank you Candy...I remember that day all too well....the vounteers they are referring to, are the web-cam operators...when the time gets near they will be there 24/7. She was not inseminated til the first week in April this time, so hard to tell if and when she will delivery, if she delivers, Gao-Gao"s reputation is on the line here:).
OK who is going to be the first to call me a JERK and make me feel not so embarassed about my earlier post about the baby panda that was in 2005? I was sooo excited, as you had been talking about a baby due, I didn't reaad the date. :( SO SORRY
I think it is time for me to give you all a rest! BB
Candy - Thought you were reliving old moments!
The hatch and fledge dates for our nest are on the momsters calender. I don't think I put any other nests info on there, unless maybe Jo did.
Hi Paula. Didn't see you on here, earlier!
Sounds like things are getting out of hand on here!! lol lol
Can't wait to meet you Candy!!
Ok I am having a senior moment now - Help me out. What does Norma's comment refer to:
Time for me to hit the road. I HOPE it's gonna be a normal ride home, but day before a holiday, I'm thinking it's gonna be a nightmare! Well, hope I can make it home in less than 3 or 4 hours, anyway. But...have a good book in and a full tank, and I can stay up late tonight, so who cares?
All have a very nice 4th of July!! Stay safe!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly! Blog at ya next week.
ROFLMBO...CANDY, thought you were taking a stroll down memory lane.:):):)
LOL, JO, think she's calling me Sharon. Think it's one of those senior moments we all have!
See you later, Suzanne! Enjoy your time off & thanks for the explanation of Norma's remark!
good Morning all, boy its been a morning from hell. My grand daughter got in from Oregon last night and we had a nice dinner on the patio. At 11:00 when I went to bed it was still 80 degreees. I looked out the kitchen window and all was safe and sound. My car,truck and her pickup and trailer with quad runner in a trailer. This morning when I started to leave for work- no trailer and quad. $8000.00 gone! I woke her up and called the police. It wasnt a happy morning. They took the trailer off the truck without makeing even a noise. Not even Heidi barked. She barks at everything. I doubt they will ever find it. She says she is still off to Pismo but she was crying when I left. Cruel lessons in life. The weather man says it will be in the 100's for the next week. We will see if it goes longer than that. I love a/c.Its been a month of loss for me so I know things will get better soon. Dana, are you using a walker or a cane.? You seem to be getting better faster than I did. I'm proud of you. Hang in there. Jo get some rest. We want you better and Suzanne, I'll send you some heat.
I feel so sorry for your granddaughter. Even if she has insurance, (and I hope she does) it's a traumatic experience to have something stolen from you.
If JILL were here, I bet she could find your granddaughter's Quad. She is our resident magistrate. Or maybe NORMA could get her CANE after the thieves!
What is a Quad?
I hope they get the BB nest cleaned out today--Mrs. Swallow looks as if she is building her nest right over top of the dead babies, left over eggs and her own eggs. She is bringing feathers in and not taking anything out!
thank you Costume lady, the day has to get better. A quad is one of thoes moter bikes that run on sand dunes an off road vehicle. they are expensive and dangerious. I would have not allowed her to have it but I am not her parents. I think its my son getting back at me for not letting him have a motercycle. LOL. I was working ER at the time and took him to work with me . He sat in the emergency room and watched what a motorcycle can do to you if someone hits you. That did it. He never asked again.
I noticed that too about the swallow. I wish they would get it cleaned out. Do you have mocking birds in the east?
Wanda... Just guessing that it is a four wheeler. Not sure tho.
AND that is all the speculation that I am going to give after the early announcement of a birth at the DC zoo! :)
Your right Carolina, I guess I dont know much about them. You couldnt get me on one.
OK That is it form me for the day of speculating. Just a motor bike. Gotcha! And AnnMarie, I also am sorry about the theft; right out of your own yard. That is the kicker.
Don't they register or have an id # on them someplace to help with id? Don't listen to me. I don't know what I am talking about, as you can well guess. Just hope luck is with her and she somehow gets it back.
They haave to have a vin number just like a car but I'm not holding my breath. The officer said that kids from other areas come into areas like mine to see what is there for the the picking. Boy they got a pocket full last night. I wonder how much drugs they can get for it. Sad. And no the state of Oregon does not require insurance or it. Foolish. She will have to make payments for a long time on something she doesnt have. Its a very expensive lesson.
Carolina are you in North or South Carolina?
Hi again, everybody,
I'm off today, and I didn't feel 100% right earlier, so I just went back to sleep.............
Better now, but also significantly later. Guess that's why we do vacation days.
I read Suzanne's comment about the abundance of deer. That's due to the fact they are browsers and eat shrubs, etc., and not grass...
It's rained lately, and there are many fresh shrubs (bushes to you and me) in clearings, at the edges of wooded areas, and along highways and freeways. So it's the fresh greens they're after along the roads you drive, Suzanne.
On the BB-T Swallow nest...can't tell if the dead are still in there with the 3 eggs. The swallow mom was just there depositing more grasses over the top of the whole thing, including her eggs.
And as for the feathers, while I was reading up on Swallows the other day, I learned that they make there nests from dried grasses and the feathers of other birds. So we'll probably see more feathers before long.
Mother and Limuw just flew back into their nest.
Looks like something other than fish for lunch, but I can't tell what it is yet.
Thanks Jim, I'm at work and keep checking back and forth.
AnnMarie Yes I am from the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I live on an island, Colington Island, and live in Colington Harbour......just west of the Wright Memorial. It used to be a lovely place with a few homes when I first moved here in 1982, but has rapidly grown into a house every 50 ft. and getting crowded. They are starting to take away some the small beach house they build when I first came here and put up some bigger homes on two lots. I originally came from NY State where I lived on two and a half acres of woods; cleared just enough to put our house in. I wished I could have brought that acreage and house down here, as I do like it here except for all the people and traffic. I work at the First Flight Elementary, just acrossed the road from the Monument.
Eaglet in nest at BW and the cam is up close.
Hey Jim, good for you to take a vacation day to get ready for the 4th. I do hope you are feeling better tho now.
Wrong again. The eaglet is in the Norfolk nest, not BW. with the close up cam on. I have been having a lot of senior moments today. What else is new......I have been in Kindergarten for 23 years! :) That is always a good excuse.
Juvie close up in VA -
Squawking and eating Limuw at SC
Carolina, how beautiful. My son lived in North Carolina for two years on a church mission. He went to Charlotte, Hickory and Mt Airy. He really loved the people and the country. I still keep in touch with friends there who were so kind to him. I taught headstart for four years until I got my RN. I loved the kids, hated the office and state politics.
ANNMARIE I am sorry to hear that she had no insurance on the vehicle. That is really a tough one. It is a very sad and heartbreaking lesson for a young person.
Ms, Swallow seems to be covering up all the dead and decaying stuff (including her eggs) and making herself a new nest. Yuk! Oh well, it is in the wilds and she must know. Maybe she thinks the eggs are still hers from before. Who knows.
Now that Limuw is finished lunch, he is looking like he is going to pester his parent to get off the launch branch so he can have his turn. LOL
LOL! @ Candy - stuck in kindergarten for 23 years.....ROFLMAO!
Her back is usually toward us . I am thinking the box may be big enough to start building up another corner of the nest. I wish they would clean up that box. I am going to lunch. Back in a while.
Heidigirl - So sorry to hear about the theft. Have had it happen before also....really upsetting!
Yes, the swallows do line their nest with feathers. Usually duck feathers of all colors. When they get done lining the nest, they put an edge of feathere all around the nest similar to a playpen. It is the most beautiful nest I have ever seen. I have one in my shop that my Mother salvaged for me.
thank you Paula, CHP is on their way to my work. They just called. I dont know why, they should all ready have the report. Maybe they found it ? No such luck I'm sure.I guess its a lesson for me as well. I had a feeling about it before I went to bed but egnored it. Why do I do that? I just dont pay attention.
This is a different kind of swallow than I'm used to. The ones we have around here build mud homes on the side of homes and barns. Even bridges. I'm going to do some reading. I may learn something yet.
The swallows around here that build mud nest are call Barn Swallows. Look very similar to the Tree Swallow (which is what we have been looking at today), but are not quite as colorful.
Afternoon everyone, #63 is in the nest and so is #10 eating something and 63 is either begging or not happy he is not getting the
I think the barn swallow is what I was thinking of. Do you have mocking birds?
Oh now #10 has finally decided to share the food...
Yes, we do have Mockingbirds. They are, as you probably know, very territorial and there is usually one pair in a given territory. They wake me up every morning before it gets daylight.
I think Limuw is SPOILED. He reminds me of a cranky child!
Beautiful take off by #10 from the branch just so gracful and majestic...
Mei Lan just finished nursing and is in the hammock cleaning her paws so adorable... Hard to tell Tai from Mei or Tian now but i think thats him on his favorite ledge eating a carrot and Mei is rolling a ball around
I thnk I have figured out mama swallow . She thinks if she just puts enough feathers over the eggs and chicks they will disapear. She just brought in another bunch.
Mei Lan is attacking a piece of cloth they have hanging from a window so funny.. reminds me of the video of her when she was real little playing with a piece of cloth in the back den where she stayed...
2 Happy Pandas at National Zoo eating bamboo... Mei Lan is up on the logs now her favorite place..
Just found out my son was in a motorcycle accident... a farm tractor pulled out in front of him and he went over the handle bars.. He did not let anyone call and tell so i wouldnt worry!!!! He is banged up pretty bad but alive.. alot of facial lacerations and tore his ear nearly off.. KIDS at any age ( he is 27) still worry you to death!!!!
Good afternoon Nilla. That is terrible news about your son. Thank God he is ok. Just take a little time to get patched up and healed. He was lucky or better yet, God was with him. Your kid will always be your kid, no matter what age. We'll keep him in our prayers for a speedy and full recovery. Prayers for you to get through it also.
Oh Nilla, I am so sorry. After 22 years in ER I am scared to death of them. My prayers are for you both.The things I have seen no human should have to see. Most usually its not the person on the bike that is at fault but they take the brunt.
Nilla - He surely sounds like a lucky guy....glad he'll be ok.
Heidigirl was just commenting on being a nurse in the ER and seeing so many motorcycle accidents. Her son saw a victim in the ER when she was working and never asked her again for a motorcycle.
Prayers go with you and your son while he is healing from his accident. Keep us informed as to his progress.
Well on alighter note the news just said with the president here tomarrow at the air port to plase avoid driving on Rt i live on Rt 11 near the air port... He will be at the 167th Air Guard... They are xpecting a lot of protesting too Hmmm i wonder why????
Juvies in VA and SC
CU later - gotta go mow!
Your tid bit of information for today: Each day over 35 million Tums Antacid pills are packed and shipped... just some info to know in case your ever asked that
Thanks for the prayers for my son and yes they do worry you no matter what age.. He rolled his jeep back in the winter on ice and was lucky to only get bruised up and dislocated shoulder and now this motorcycle accident.. I am going to have alonggggg talk with him thats for sure. God is telling him something!!!
There's a swallow in the nest now...
I watched a few mins. ago and the flies were busy laying eggs, etc.
Too bad the swallows can't remove the dead themselves.....
More feathers too.
Barn Swallows are colorful versions of the breed with forked tails, and they make an open nest of mud droplets, which they later line with grasses and feathers.
When we lived in San Diego County, we used to have Cliff Swallows, like at the Capistrano Mission, which build jug-shaped mud nests with the necks of the jugs pointing down at an angle (pointing SW into the prevailing breeze at our house). They would collect the mud from our lawn when I was watering and build the nest high on the wall where it joins the eves.
They are pretty little birds, and we were happy with them, except they invariably take a dump as they are flying in low to land in the nest....
Harrisburg Falcon Cam Live Stream Video Contract Extended
Commonwealth Media Services has decided to extend the falcon video viewing period. The live stream will be provided through the 16th of July. The remaining juveniles have been seen more often at the ledge in the morning and evening hours. By the end of July we expect them to begin wandering far and wide as independent young raptors.
Found this interesting site while surfing around has great cam views of Wolong China pandas and pictures of the new baby just born.. also cams from all over the world different sites, beaches in Hawaii...
i got an e-mail from the site about that Jo. I went there and was 1 setting at the nest area..i saw where 1 was found dead also already.. shame
Just posted my last remark without reading comments
Nilla - I certainly hope his
healing is fast - My son also has a motorcycle but ever since he did a skid, he hasn't ridden it much. These kids of our just don't know what they put us through
I am praying for Jenny and that new grandbaby you're going to have in you arms in a few weeks.
Nilla - I can count on your coming to dinner at Rumsey on the 14th after you get off of work - right? Say around 5 or so...
Hi Jim, Jo and Nilla, I'm taking a short break. surprisingly I got quite a bit done today. Jo how are you feeling? Did you get your rest? Nilla, have you heard how your son is doing? And Jim I remember as a child going to Capistrano to see the mission and the birds. I was raised in Riverside.
Jim The 3 eggs in the bb nest are the left over ones that didn't hatch from Ms Bluebird. She laid 5 and the 2 hatched but the last 3 never did.
Hi AnneMarie - I sorta feel better but I think my antibiotic is slowing me down. I'm not up to par yet. I am trying since grandson's wedding is this Saturday and then the nest visit next Saturday. I'm an old die hard.
Message from Sandra
Hi, Jo I cannot get into the blog, it won't let me sign in no matter how I try it. Could you please wish Nilla a belated happy birthday from me(couldn't get in on the 1st either), and tell her I'm sorry about her son. I see these young men all the time on their motorcycles, and they usually look
like a disaster waiting to happen. Also, have you noticed that Mei has been hanging out in the birthing den, and behaving very birth-like? Maybe wishful thinking on my part. Thanks, Sandra
I can't imagine not being able to get your 2cents worth in on this Blog.
Have you tried setting up a new account? Wonder what the problem is?
Thanks Jo and yes i will be at the dinner.. I hope you get them to reserve the table in front of fireplace as i have something very special to bring let say to light up the event.. wink!! You betcha about the motorcycle well it is a motor cross bike i guess he rides it back in the woods on dirt tracks.. but dangerous just the same... Ok been watching the Muai, Hawaii beach cam and ready to purchase a plane ticket... New grandaughter soon ..Love the sound of that also.. My adopted grandaughter Diana Gizelle who i have spoiled and she is alittle over month old now and started to coo and smile at me... I love babies!!! Especially with
Sandra every time i come on i need to go in and make an account for some reason.. i just put the same info in every time and everything is ok...
Are you bringing those cute fellas that didn't show up for your Birthday?
I just went to South West airline and I can get a ticket,round trip to Virginia for around $300.00. Thats not bad. I've got that much credit with them. Now if I only had the time and more money for car, hotel and food. I'll work on it for another time but at least I know its doable. Right now I need to consentrate on Alaska.
Its time for me to go home. The cable man is coming. I cant get that big screen to volume control. I had to bring in the big guns. I give up. I have to get my watering done before I can check back in. Later.
LOL NOOOOO i wont be bringing any male strippers..lollll My daughter took me to see them for my 50th birthday and darn it they took my $$$$ and i didnt even get a good feel Oppsss did i say that??? LOL Beside the 60th my heart could not of stood all that xcitment... wink
Nilla if your bringing strippers it might be worth the price of a ticket. At 65 my ticker is fine. Really I'm going home.
Hi evening everyone
Heidi did you have a total knee replacement?
Heidigirl The deal was no cane again since it messes my back up. So it was the walker then my own two feeties. I take the walker closed up and roll it along beside me. I do have to say when I ask the therapist today about my small trip to Shepherdstown Market Sunday. She said yes it is very much "all new inside there". "You are rebuilding strength in muscles and ligements. And you may want to sit or go. Yet your leg, may be saying BEDTIME THE BED THE BED". "Do what the leg tells you". So I work hard at the therapy and mostly let the leg tell me what I'm doing. lol
Can't believe the prices just to use the inside pool. Like here at the Dorothy McCormick building "Wellness Center". They have all the land equipment but I don't use any. Very Very small pool but would do what I need. And only 15 minutes from house. They don't separate all together so it is over $500.00 for the year WOW
I'm checking everywhere close by. I can go where I going now at Winchester. But we wanted closer so I could start taking myself. hummmmm
Jo just means she'll "be back later". That doesn't mean we can't talk until she comes back. lol just kidding here (:
It's later and I am back - to say Good night.
Everyone have a good Fourth of July
tomorrow and remember to say a prayer for all our service members.
Good night Mema Jo and everyone. I heading to bed too.
Have a great anniversary day of the Birth of Freedom in the modern world.
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