Friday, July 20, 2007


Fresh air from the northwest thread.


Just Vicky said...

Wow, new thread! Good morning everyone!

movin said...

Good morning, Vicky. Thanks to Steve for the fresh thread.

Check the fish crows in the BW Osprey nest.


movin said...

That's a switch! K10 is in the nest, perhaps with fish, looking around for Limuw.


normabyrd said...

WOW VICKY!!!----I was wondering where you were---BUT---now I know!!!---You were waiting to be #1---CONGRATS!---We all knew you were #1----You drove all that way---So GLAD you did!!----It was GREAT seeing you again---Next time you will have to bring GLO!!!--How is little HEREDAN? (sp)---She is a beautiful child!!!! --Looks just like GRANNY!!!!

movin said...

Limuw landed "hot", blew his dad off the nest temporarily. He's now mantling the fish and eating.

He seems to act better with his dad's not constant temper tantrums now.


paula eagleholic said...

Good morning, Eagleland! Have a great Friday! What a gorgeous day!

normabyrd said...

10:04---"ATLANTA BEAUTY"----Guess what she is doing???---SLEEPING!--SUCH A SURPRISE----NOT!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did Albert fledge?

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SHARON!----ALBERT flew from the 2nd limb down to nest!!!---& appears to spend time on at least the first limb!!!---

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of activity at SC today!

movin said...

Limuw is still carrying on, mantling and acting like his dad is going to attack him and take his food.

Got to go to work...potluck for a birthday though...carne asada and the rest. Should be good.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I see both of them up in the tree now. Couldn't find him before.

MITS said...

Sharon, did you get my pics of him this a.m.???

suz said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven. Thanks for the heads up, Vicky and Jim.
Morning, Paula and Shraron. I must be missing something, I only see Albert on the tree higher than the limb. He's been there since daybreak. Haven't seen Einstein yet this morning. Was he here and gone?

normabyrd said...

Watching #63 this a.m.---What a delight!!---DAD was perched in #63's place in the nest----63# kept SQUAWKING LIKE CRAZY---DAD leaves & #63 quits squawking & starts eating his food!!!----Sometimes I think he just "vants to be alone"!!! ho!

normabyrd said...

SUZ---I haven't see EINSTEIN this a.m. either-----ALBERT was up on that 1st lim when I logged on---he seems to like it there---

normabyrd said...

ALBERT has moved up to 2nd limb-----I missed that---

suz said...

LOL, Norma, he's been in that spot since before the sun came up this morning. He's a big boy now, and he's showing Einstein he's bigger than he is, cause he's higher! Other than wing flaps and looking down, he hasn't moved for hours! I'm guessing he's gonna end up walking down, like Einstein did. Too funny, only eagle nest with tree walkers!

suz said...

Jo, just head on the news in the hall that said they sold 2.2 million pre-orders for Harry Potter! Barns and Nobel pre sold 1.4 million. Didn't hear any more than that, so don't know about Borders or other book chains. Wow, Ms. J.K. Rawlings will never have to worry about money ever again!!!
I'm hoping my Harry Potter will arrive today. Depending on who is working at the post office, I may get it, I may not. That happened once before, amazon shipped them to arrive on time, and it got to the post office a day before release, but the lady gave it to me anyway. I was thrilled to say the least!

normabyrd said...

I JUST SAW THE STORK lift off to at least 6 ft.---then he went from side to side-----HE'S getting there!!---EXCITING!!

suz said...

Wow, Norma, which one?

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---You will have a GREAT WEEKEND if you get your BOOK Sat.----I understand J.K.R. is worth more than the Queen of England---That's a few BUCKS!----Last nite's news---some papers have already printed book reviews---There seem to be a 'FEW' copies floating around!!!---don't read any of those reviews!!!---ho!

normabyrd said...


suz said...

I don't read reviews much either, Norma. I prefer to make up my own mind!
Wow, hope that baby does it again! Love to see one of them 6' up! They are really huge, aren't they?

suz said...

I think the swallow is off the nest, but the eggs are hiding under the feathers! Can't see them.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----She/He isn't going to do it when we want----ho!---She started flapping her wings---they are huge---up & down & before I knew it she was going straight up--then to one brim & then the other!!

Costume Lady said...

Morning customers again. HOORAY!!
Yes, Suz, customers are a good thing.
Talking about JKR--Norma, wasn't she quite poor before she begain the Potter books?

suz said...

Yeah, Norma, not while we're watching! Wanda, she was on welfare in England before she started writing! See what an imagination can do? Amazing!

Costume Lady said...

Mrs. Swallow should have babies around the 23rd 0r 24th (Maybe 25th) I have forgotten--need to go over my records. If it has been really hot in Washington, they may hatch sooner.

Costume Lady said...

WOW!--I have to get my imagination working.

Costume Lady said...

Gene is having fun trying to decide on the suggested names you girls gave. He is leaning toward EAGLE TALON--I like EAGLE EXPRESS. We may have to put the names to a vote.

Costume Lady said...

Have a safe trip home and a good weekend.

suz said...

Getting ready to hit the road. Was leaving Wed, and my boss grabbed me...left an hour later. Yesterday, same thing, but this was only a half hour. So getting a jump on Friday traffic.
Oh Mits, went outside a while ago and it was like being at the beach. They grow those large grasses here, that grow near sand dunes? Anyway, wind was blowing, sun felt good, grasses were blowing, felt just like the shore! Only thing, didn't have any sand. Bummer.
You guys are gonna have to tell me how Alberts gets down. He's been hanging on for dear life, and he is just not moving. I'm dying to know if he walks down or flies.
Is that Eggbert in the Y of thee tree on the right? Maybe he has a new perch.
Ok, all have a great weekend. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

suz said...

I like Eagle Express too, Wanda! Thanks for the safe wishes, you guys have a good weekend too! Gene has time to make up his mind!

normabyrd said...

I have changed my thinking about the OSPREYS----The FIN nest has shown me just how beautiful they are---quite a bit like the EAGLE----(that's saying a lot) ho!---They are such great parents too!!--So ENJOY watching them!!!

normabyrd said...


MITS said...

Have fun with Harry this weekend, Suzanne. Haven't read any of those books.

normabyrd said...

I think ALBERT is on limb 3---Am I counting correctly!!!!

Mema Jo said...

I am alive! Just got back from an appointment - checking the cams
NE Both eaglets in the nest!
Hadn't seen them for quite awhile.

We think that Eggbert has fledged from some of the pics a Kent Forum member captured.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for this thread - It is great just like our weather is today. We haven't hit 300 mark on comments in a long while

Congratulations Grandma Nilla!
I could just picture you late last night over there holding that little darling and not wanting to put her down!! I hope Jenny gains lots of strength before she goes home! Tell her congratulations from all of us Eaglet Momsters!

Mema Jo said...

Award-winning writer, artist to present lecture at NCTC

Here is the article that Robyn has referred to in her posting on the other thread.

Mema Jo said...

Paula She lives in the Catoctin mountains - Any chance you know her - I guess they mean like Thurmont but could be Emmittsburg (sp?)

normabyrd said...

I heard about the author on NPR earlier---all I could remember was her last name CHERRY---Didn't realize she was from your alls area!!---Would like to hear her too!!

paula eagleholic said...

I don't know of her...

normabyrd said...

MEMA JO---Just checked BUTA BUTA again----last time I checked--10:04----still doing the same thing---SLEEPING!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, how are you getting into NE? I haven't been able to get that up for weeks.

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all, Hurray for Nilla and her family. What a blessing. Its payday so I will be in and out. Some checks didnt make it so Denver is sending them UPS. People are not happy. Some of these people have worked graveyard and want to go home and go to sleep.Its hard to put up with grouchy people this early in the morning.All I can do is smile and be patient.
I enjoy watching Mrs Swallow and her feather bed.
The Zantac worked. Boy did I sleep. I feel much better. Back Later.

Mema Jo said...

First Light (NE) site 128K

Did you make it in yet?
It's the same link we had used.

Mema Jo said...

I just tried it after posting the link - Now I can't get it to open..
Could be busy since both eaglets were there...... I'll try later.

Need to go to bank for a notary...Will BBL

MITS said...

I could not get in either:(

MITS said...

ok, just got in, nest MT.

floralgirl said...

Hello to all!! What a beautiful day! Congrats Nilla, sure you are a wonderful grandma! Glad Jenny and baby are doing ok. Hey Norma, better keep dancing, cause the only moisture we got here was the tears from my eyes as I watched yet another storm go by us:( Harry Potter day, huh- daughter always drags me to the midnight book party for it, but she is out of town, so maybe I'll just pick it up for her tomorrow.

normabyrd said...

JO----I just checked NE EAGLES & I saw the 2 EAGLETS in the nest!!!

BEEN watching the storks to see if they attempt to fly---This a.m. one did go up about 6 ft. & flew side to side----But all I saw this afternoon was a "poop shoot"!
ho!----miss those!!
My KENT is blank!!---Must go to bank--LATER!!

MITS said...

Hey Megan, we had a feirce looking storm headed our way yesterday, ran out and bungeed the furniture, and in 5 minsutes it blew right past us out to sea.....NE eagle was just manteling.

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---We had rain a couple of times yesterday---Enough to get everything wet---Nothing else---W/KEEP DANCING!!----Our orchards are really hurting!!---

floralgirl said...

Same here, Mits. Lots of bluster, few drops of rain. At least we didn't get the severe storms some places did.

Mema Jo said...

Megan - they announced that Walmart were going to be selling for half price........

floralgirl said...

Borders has it for 40% off I think.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to Borders - I pre ordered there and I get the 40% off. I think Suz ordered and will receive by mail from Amazon. I did that with one of them. Should have done with this last one I think. Not going over at Midnight as far as I know!

floralgirl said...

Yep, we preordered at Border's too. We always have, cause we would go into the party and get the book at midnight. Had we known she would be out of town, I would have done Amazon also.

Costume Lady said...

Standing in line at Midnight for your Daughter's book!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - were any of your morning customers looking for any Harry Potter outfits?

Costume Lady said...

No Harry Potter customers. Just wigs and makeup. Harry Potter costumes have never been very big sellers for me.

Mauley said...

Blog has kicked me off all day. Hope it takes this one. I loved the pictures from the Eagle Express outing. I poured over all of them it seemed for hours. Paula thanks so much for sharing. I loved the cake was it as good as it looked. You gals know my weaknesses grandkids, eagles, and Cake. love to all mauley donna

paula eagleholic said...

Finally got on to NE after changing some settings....funny, don't know how things just have to be changed like that! Fish crow there now...

But I can't get into Kent now! Always something!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Finally getting on for a moment. Had things to do today. and I'm sorry to say to Megan, that we just had a downpour with thunder and lightening. I am hoping that it cools us off down here a little.

Watched Limuw come to his nest and fly off again. Still hoping to catch him defrocking a bird for lunch or dinner.

Got a couple of pics of poor Albert and his wing flapping up and down the branch, and he has been sitting like a statue for quite awhile; part way down the branch. The only thing that moves is his head.

Puget sound is darkish, but I didn't see Eggbert when I first looked. He must be out and about

Oh before I forget, CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU NILLA AND YOUR DAUGHTER AND HUSBAND ON YOUR NEW GRANDCHILD. That is a very special moment for all and so glad to hear that all went fine.

carolinabeachmom said...

PAULA Just keep at it. I had trouble at first and just kept trying. Once I got in, I just have to use the back or forward to bring it up again when it refreshes. I have Puget and Kent cam 1.

carolinabeachmom said...

I missed Albert leave and parent came and now left. I am having trouble getting into Cam 2 at Kent.

carolinabeachmom said...

Now I have Cam two. Albert is in nest all alone.

paula eagleholic said...

I usually don't have any problems with Kent Albert hasn't fledged yet, correct?

carolinabeachmom said...

Right Paula. He is in the nest now and keeps looking at the four legged leftover from yesterday. He has done a lot of wing flapping up and down the branch when I was watching this morbubg, and then I had to go out. So, don't know if he went while I was out or not. He hasn't flown off since I have been watching this afternoon.

carolinabeachmom said...

Parent in Kent nest. Can't see what he/she brought yet.

carolinabeachmom said...

Parent went up tree branch and left Albert looking after it. He is kn the way, so I don't know if he got something to eat.

MITS said...

I e-mailed Loraine this a.m. about cam# 3, looks like it is updating now.

carolinabeachmom said...

Albert got nothing to eat. Maybe parent was trying to get him fly off with her/him, No luck.

carolinabeachmom said...

He flew up onto the tree branch and is just sitting there.

carolinabeachmom said...

HEY MITS, I'm having a time with the Kent Cams. First I couldn't get in, and now when I have to refresh, it takes me awhile. I am on cam one now where Albert is sitting on branch and won't try any other cams until he leaves there.

carolinabeachmom said...

I guess the blog will be empty tomorrow when all you get your Harry Potter Books. :) I just finished reading the one before this one. The poor birds will be neglected for the day.

Mema Jo said...

Well, I am also not able to get into Kent's 3 cam screen. Also not able to pull up any of the cams on the WDFW site. Oh my my my! Very interesting but at least I am not alone.

Candy, is you cam with Albert on it actually updating?

carolinabeachmom said...

JO It is dated July 20, 07 and it is l:21pm It has been moving right along, now 1:22pm and Albert is still on branch. I have trouble when it needs to be refreshed, but finally got it again. I am watching cam 1 and it has it like I am watching cam 2. It is crazy. I also have Puget Sound, and no one is on that nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

I couldn't get on at first either, but kept on trying and trying and finally made it. Once on, it is a trial to try and stay on as it updates.

Mema Jo said...

Candy did you view your photos on the Kent Gallery that you sent me yesterday?

Kent Gallery - ALBERT

carolinabeachmom said...

Albert is still sitting on the branch with his back to me not moving; just his head, and the clock keeps ticking off 10 seconds.

I'm sitting here waiting to see if Limuw gets a bird to eat today. I don't want to miss it.

carolinabeachmom said...

No not yet, but thanks Jo, I'll do it now.

Mema Jo said...

I made a comment on the forum to see if others elsewhere were having any problem with the cams.. Loraine usually reads the comments..

carolinabeachmom said...

You put some pretty good shots on there Jo. I have bookmarked the site now, so I can take a look from time to time. Thanks Jo.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well Albert is where I left him and was just looking straight at me. Still hasn't moved a muscle. You aren't missing anything ladies.

carolinabeachmom said...

Albert just flew down from the tree branch to the nest and right back up to the tree branch and is just sitting again.

carolinabeachmom said...

Albert just flapped himself down the limb to his nest. He is the only one there at this time. His head just came up as if Mama was calling to him. Time will tell.

Mema Jo said...

Some of the other Kent forum people have responded to my comment about the cams being out and they're having the same problem. Many feel it is the stormy conditions of yesterday that caused it.

Candy - don't lose that number - Seems like you're the only one that has it - Is your guest still with you

carolinabeachmom said...

Up the branch he goes again. He is really getting antsy, it seems. Sitting on branch with his back to me.

Still no sign of Limuw with his Bird for brunch!

carolinabeachmom said...

JO He'll be coming in tonight to sleep at around 11pm. Oh yes, I guess he will be with us through the fall semester of College of Albemarle. Then he goes to Wilson to the Fire Academy and stays there.

MITS said...

Just got an e-mail from Loraine and she can't get in either. Mine has been same pic for the last hour and time is not changing.

Costume Lady said...

You must be living a CHARMED LIFE. Why do you suppose you are the only one getting Kent Eaglets???
Must be a perk for being in Kindergarten for 23years! I tried to get Puget Sound and got Mrs. Swallow!

carolinabeachmom said...

JO Mine says that Cam 2 is active and that is the one I am watching and the time is running down, but Cam two is on the slot on the top right corner. Right now it is 14:05:36

carolinabeachmom said...

I messed that up. It says Cam 1 is active and that is the one I am watching

carolinabeachmom said...

Now I am watching cam 2 and it says cam 2 and I just see his tail feathers. It is messed up. I'm afraid to touch it until the refresh comes up, then I monkey around again until I get something.

carolinabeachmom said...

He is not far up the branch.

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA Forget Ms. Swallow. I have Puges Sound and am not trying for anything else. lol

carolinabeachmom said...

On a 3:57 comment, Mits said that cam 2 was updating. Maybe she is also getting it on her pc.

carolinabeachmom said...

Make that cam 3. 23 years in K :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Wanda Keep messing with it and mess with your back and forward arrows. Try that if you have the swallow nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

That Limuw snuck in when I wasn't looking and plucked his bird. White feathers all over, and I missed it again. :(

Albert still sitting very low on the branch by the nest, and there he stays.

carolinabeachmom said...

JO YOu have mail!

carolinabeachmom said...

Albert is still sitting up on the branch a little way from the nest. Hasn't moved a bit in quite awhile. I am going to leave him on the screen, but I have to get off for a minute.BBL

Mema Jo said...

Got your pictures Candy. I still can't get any of the cams up. I did email Loraine because she told Mits in her email to let her know if they went down.
Candy are you watching the site with all 3 cams? I can't even get the Puget Sound or BB cams up. I do know that earlier Ms. Owl checked out of the motel!

Mema Jo said...

I got the WDFW cam of Puget Sound to come up for an instant - a very brief instant - but could see an MT nest.
The time is recording every 10 sec..
I am afraid to select any others!

NillaWafer said...

Good Afternoon Folks, What a delightful afternoon i spent with my new grandaughter Jasmin... She looks alot like her mom but has a high forhead like son and his yes i undressed her and checked n counted everything... Her skin is so smooth and soft... But oh my did she do a dirty mess for me Eeeewwwwie... Hopefully she will going home tomarrow after a visit from doctor... Now who is next to become grandma again??? Paula or Mits??? BBL checking cams

Mema Jo said...

WOW Eggbert is in the nest - mantling so he must have food. I didn't see from where it came as I was still trying to get the Kent 3 cam up.

Mema Jo said...

Nilla - Mits is up next! Maggie is getting a little brother!

Glad you had time to spend with Jenny and Jasmin. I just love holding those little ones.

I best be going as I said I was 10 minutes ago. Joseph's 4th b-day party. Have about a 15 min drive up the road.

Then I need to decide IF I am going to Borders to pick up my Book.

Mema Jo said...

Before I leave here is Loraine's reply from Kent:
Hi Jo,
We're thinking it's a WDFW server issue.. Their webpage won't load either as you have discovered. I'll contact the PTB and let 'em know.. Fingers crossed??


wvgal_dana said...

I can't get Kent open. I just loved the comments Suzanne was making earlier. lol "tree walkers" hee hee she is so funny.
Maybe it will settle down and Lorraine will fix it.

Well I don't know who is going to now....but I sure do know who has a very young newborn Granddaughter.
Hit this person wouldn't put the baby girl down most of the night except to change her. Oh alright incase Grandma is still sleepy. Nilla what do you thing grandbaby with call you?

carolinabeachmom said...

JO Eggbert is in nest and Albert is still low on branch. I have two pics open; one for Puget and one for Kent.

carolinabeachmom said...

Anyone who is out there, try the Kent cam again. I just went to Beakspeak, clicked on the Eagle cam 2 and it came up after a wait. Thenk I clicked on the BB cam(swallow) and it came up for me. So now I have BB cam, Puget Sound cam and Kent cams;all three on at same time.

carolinabeachmom said...

Dinner time for me. BBL

Anne-Marie said...

Well, its almost time to go home and I feel like a truck hit me. I have a nail appt. and then a date with my 6 year old. He wants to go out for sushi. What ever happened to hot dogs or hamburgers.? Whats the matter with these kids today? They are raising a bunch of yuppies. Tomorrow I am taking my youngest sons babes 1 and 2 years. He is taking his sweet wife to Le Miz. Tomorrow night I'm resting.

I cant get on Washington. It drops me so I gave up. The Benicia owls are cuddeling. It looks like pillow talk to me.

Jill said...

Hey Nilla, congrats to you and the proud parents. Glad everybody is doing okay. Guess you will be sleeping tonight instead of going to the track? Might not want to push your luck, you already hit the jackpot this week.

MITS said...

Nilla, I thought Paula was next????...Doctor told my Daugther-In-Law last week anytime between Sept 18th and Oct 5th, guess he is covering his backside since Maggie came so early. Jo, you must know something we don't know, kids don't know if it is a boy or a girl, they are old-fashioned like that, want it to be a surprise. I'm predicting a girl on October 1st, St Therese's feast day:)

NillaWafer said...

Hahaha so true Jill i have waited almost 18 years for a grandaughter because my grandson will be 18 in October.. So now i have my adopted grandaughter Diana Giselle born May30th at 4:46pm and my sons daughter born yesterday July19th at 8:26pm Jasmin Nevaeh (heaven spelled backwards)pronouced Na-Vaa... all the jackpots in the world would never top the feeling of love for those 2 babies... As any granny can tell ya.. And Dana they will call me Grandmaw as still does my grandson Nathan at 17 years But he never calls or leaves with out saying "I Love You " grandmaw... smiless

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey Jill. Everyone has split I guess. They were having trouble getting the Kent site to come up. See if you can get on, if you have time.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey Nilla. Have you come off cloud nine yet?

Costume Lady said...

Loraine must have pushed the EASY Button.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for the heads up, Candy!

NillaWafer said...

Mits... Jo said its a boy and she has I dont know when Paula's grand child is due??? I have pictures of Maggie in my saved pictures when she was little...

Costume Lady said...

I can just feel your love for that baby. There is a GLOW all around your words!

Jill said...

I got Kent. I had tried earlier and couldn't. Must have fixed it.

NillaWafer said...

LOL last night when i got to hospitol i heard someone hollar for me and it was my son and his father (we divorced in 1988) and we all went up together and into see Jenny n the baby and we took alot of pictures as soon as i can get them from my ex i will send... Was nice to see our grandchild together.. Johns father kept telling Jenny she did although i think they had a couple drinks

carolinabeachmom said...

Great WANDA. So glad that you finally got on Kent. Now I don't have to worry about losing the site overnight. I didn't want to let anyone down. I had just tried the swallow nest and it came right up. So someone has fixed something somewhere. GREAT!

paula eagleholic said...

On the subject of grandkids...DIL was pregnant but miscarried in March....but...pregnant again! I can finally say something (hopefully) since she is 12 weeks this week....Baby is due at end of January! Don't know what she is having yet, too early to tell...I'll update you when I know more...

Nilla, glad you got your granddaughter, and everyone is safe and sound and doing well!

paula eagleholic said...

Candy - you did not miss Limuw plucking a bird...the nest always looks like that at this time of day!!

paula eagleholic said...

Finally got Kent up. Glad I wasn't going crazy!

paula eagleholic said...

Albert is on the trunk by the lowest branch

Limuw just made a quick in and out

CT chicks laying in the nest

Puleston and BW are MT

carolinabeachmom said...

PAULA thanks for setting me straight on Limuw's nest. I thought that every afternoon he age a bird of somekind for supper. :) I guess it is the Kindergartener coming out in me. I wonder what causes the nest to look like that? It sure looks like a bunch of bird feathers.

Has anyone seen Albert ever get down from his branch yet? Poor soul has been up there a long time.

carolinabeachmom said...

AND congrats on you becoming a grandmother in January. I guess you are the next one after Mits. Our prayers will be with Dil and your grandchild to be. You must be so excited.

wvgal_dana said...

As Suzanne said someone is "tree walking" lol at Kent

paula eagleholic said...

Albert just flew down from the lower trunk into the nest and back up

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, I guess Albert is going to wait another day to fly off into the wild blue yonder, so I am calling it quits for tonight, GOOD NIGHT EAGLE BUDDIES. PLEASANT DREAMS AND A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP TO EERYONE OUT THERE.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Candy - I think it is the way the sun hits the SC nest that makes it look like that...

paula eagleholic said...

Night Candy, pleasant dreams!

Howdy Dana!

Mema Jo said...

Mits - I guess I am sooooooo hoping it is a little boy for Annie &
Kevin but especially for Maggie! MTBR

Here is the latest message from Loraine - It's the response she got from WDFW -Message from WDFW - IT people:
The server is currently overloaded with traffic. All pages and applications will be slowed or possible error out until traffic comes back down to a reasonable level.
They must not know that it is the only site anymore with action on it lol

wvgal_dana said...

Night Candy have a good one

Mema Jo said...

There is a good view right now of the 3 swallow eggs

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Candy - you sure have had a busy day on this blog. Hope you have dreams of only soaring eagles - no limb walkers!

Mema Jo said...

Must report that I had a good time at my grandson's 4th B-day party.
Pirates everywhere - even in a jello mold! My Melissa Jo is so artistic and she & Joseph made all the favors! Had a very very good time.

Mema Jo said...

I guess the Fin chick is a male..can't readily see any necklace on him.......

Mema Jo said...


NillaWafer said...

Paula sorry to hear about your DIL miscarriage.. We went thru 1 last year with Jenny also... You know we all will be praying for her this time and a healthy baby... As for Mits family to... Now i have told me grandson Nathan he is almost 18 I AM NOT READY TO BE GREAT Good Night Everyone..

movin said...


TGIF....... It was a pretty good Friday. We learned that we would be paid for a full day Wednesday (instead of 4 hours) when the power went down early in the morning and remained down until mid afternoon.

We had a birthday potluck of carne asada and carnitas, etc., etc.... gooooood.

Now I'm ready to rest up and party, party, party. (If only I could drop 20 years).

Anyway, I was thinking about the recent Kestrel fledging, and I found this video, which will give you a better idea of what it's like outside... Think I'll look for some more too.

I think you'll like these cuties from the Netherlands:

Kestrel fly


Mema Jo said...

Jim that was really an eye opener!
I can understand why our 3rd kestrel wasn't in a hurry to get out of there as the perch was too crowded! lol

Costume Lady said...

Enjoyed the Kestral clip. What sweet faces they have!

Mema Jo said...

I like the way they look like little Bobble Heads!

wvgal_dana said...

Wow Jim thank you for sharing that video. That "front porch" was really too small.

Mema Jo said...

Mema is calling it a day -

Good night everyone
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers being said for all your needs

wvgal_dana said...

I'm following you out of here Jo. Sleep well. Take care.


MITS said...

Thanks, Jim, they are just beautiful birds, GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE.

Costume Lady said...

We have a beautiful weekend coming up. ENJOY

Robyn said...

WOW, too many posts for this fried brain. Went to my friends today and while we were out in the garden ( I was letting her know which plants I want next spring) we saw a really strange moth, turned out it was a hummingbird moth, How cool was that, it was my first one.

Alas I didn't get in on any cams today, busy running around getting car prepped for the long haul to Houston. I am packed and ready to get some shuteye so we can be on the road before 7am HAHA more like 8am lol. We were suppose to leave at 6.

I'll lurk tomorrow before we head out and will catch up when we stop for the night.

Thank goodness for all your posts and mom to help me stay abreast of all the fledgings.


Mema Jo said...

Safe and successful journey Robyn and Tori

movin said...

I'm glad you all liked the fledging video..

Here's another one showing the adult Kestrel's famous method of hunting...hovering while facing into a breeze... I've actually seen a lot of this years ago when I lived in San Diego County, which was not nearly as built up as now.

adult Kestrel



movin said...

I think there's at least one more video of interest on that site with the Adult's flight.


MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE, SAFE TRIP TO YOU AND TORI, ROBYN, KEEP US POSTED. Woke up this a.m. and thought I had slept for 2 months, feels and looks more like September at the beach, skies are really blue and wind is coming out of the NE....have a good one!

Mema Jo said...




normabyrd said...


Robyn said...

Thank you Jo, Mits and Candy

Here we sit in Chattanooga Tn, we made good time today and the skies remained clear, hoping tomorrow beings us the same weather.

We saw two red tailed hawks around Roanoke Va and LOTS of Vultures the rest of trip.

Tori says Hello Ladies and Mr. Gene

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...