Friday, July 13, 2007


Hope the visit to NCTC goes well.

New thread.

Update: Check out this WV Eagle Info Brochure.


Jill said...

Hey folks, Happy Friday the 13th. You all drive safe today and tomorrow.

Hey Nilla, next couple of weeks are busy but I will take you up on that offer to visit the track later. You live on Winchester Ave right? I know it is pretty close to me just can't remember exactly where.

movin said...

Hey, Good Morning, Everybody...

Look where Einstein is!


MITS said...

Thanks for the bring-over, Jill.. .........Jim, they are both down in the nest now, think there may be some mantling going on.

normabyrd said...

THANKS STEVEN FOR THE NEW THREAD & THANKS FOR THINKING OF US TOMORROW!!!---What are the ODDS of seeing "OUR EAGLES" tomorrow!!!---SORRY you can't join us!!---CONGRATS!! JILL!!---YOU ARE #1---(I already knew that)--ho!---

movin said...

Einstein was all the way up to the next branch...should leave room for Albert on the lower one.

Kestrels have dropped all visible fuzz......


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SUNNY--MITS--PAULA--JILL & JIM!!!---Watch out for "Black Cats" today!!--ho!----

normabyrd said...

I AGREE JIM!!---The KESTRELS CHICKS are looking more like adults instead of chicks---They are handsome birds!!!

movin said...

My mother was born on Friday the 13th, and I was always scientifically oriented and never believed in bad luck ... until I saw "Apollo 13"!!

movin said...

Is today the day you all get together back East there?

Hope you enjoy it to the max.


movin said...

Limuw didn't spend the night, and nobody is home this morning.


normabyrd said...

The FIN CHICKS are asleep---But they have all dried out!!!---MS FIN watching over them!!----
Can't see the BB EGG this a.m.---too dark in the box----

movin said...


I've got to get ready for work now.


normabyrd said...

JIM---You still have time to join us!!----TOMORROW IS THE BIG DAY!!---It truly is going to be a WONDERFUL DAY!!----LOTS of FUN!!---Let us know if you need a ride from the DULLES---That would really be COOL!!---ANNE-MARIE can't join us----she going to VEGAS today!!!

Costume Lady said...

The EAGLE EXPRESS is ready for take off.
I have to get a haircut, so I will BBL.

sunny said...

Jim, give me the word, and I'm headed to Dulles to get you! Seriously, it's not too late!

Jill said...

Carpool from BWI is available too.

Black CAts????? How about police officers? I finally get a day off and the guy who his supposed to work is sick and the other is in Williamsburg. HELLO.

Friday the 13th never really bothered me til my mother died on Friday the 13th. Now it only bothers me in January. (Although July ain'tlooking so good right now}

Norma-maybe some fall afternoon some of us can take a trip over the mountain and see you and have lunch. (is there anywhere in Romney to have lunch? No McDonald's doesn't count) HEHE
Did you ever find out where Dr. Keith's farm is? Everybody seems to think it is his fathers home place but they also think somebody is living there too.

Jill said...

UPDATE-Hubby hurt his knee and may not go to LV. Won't know til late today. Maybe seeing you all after all. Jo-do you have phone numbers for the ladies at the DAYS INN? Could you email them to me? I am sure Candy has left by now hasn't she?

Mema Jo said...

Good Late Morning
Jill the Eagle Train is near Norma - we have thought about doing that in the past.
The same is forcast for tomorrow.
I have heard from Steve and he already had tomorrow with his wife & daughter. What he said was this: I'm told by security that the eagles are flying in and out a lot recently, so there's a good chance you folks will see them. You folks are always welcome at NCTC.

normabyrd said...

JILL---A friend just called & talked until my battery went dead--(ho)---She doesn't call often---but when she does!!---
GUESS WHAT JILL!----HILLARY CLINTON is coming to MOOREFIELD---7/27/07---How about that---I couldn't believe it!!----going to cut a ribbon at the new MEDICAL CENTER------Hasn't been advertised much!!

normabyrd said...

JO---THANKS!!!---GOOD NEWS from STEVEN about the EAGLES!!!---Welcome any time!!!--WOW---WONDER if I could go everyday!!!---ho!---
KIDDIN'!!!!----HOW ARE YOU FEELING TODAY???---I guess we all need to REST up for tomorrow!!!!

Jill said...

Hillary in Moorefield. She does know that security there is a little lacking? LOL. They have a new med center? Maybe it is just me but doesn't Moorefield always get more than Petersburg and Romney? Well okay Peterburg did get a Pizza Hut and McDonald's but..........Always heard it had to do with a local family who owned a hardware store, they wouldn't let anything come in. But they moved to Montana so.......

I am sure you will be first in line to see Ms. Clinton when she arrives. Will Bill be with her?

Mema Jo said...

Who's Bill? lol

Just could not resist saying that.

Norma - when are you traveling to Lisa's? Safe trip! See you tomorrow. Feeling pretty good today.

Mema Jo said...

Look at the Kent cam.... Getting his nerve up, I'd say!

Mema Jo said...


normabyrd said...

OH JO!!---He is the "HANDSOME" one!!!!---ho!

Mema Jo said...


normabyrd said...

JO---BUTA BUTA is nursing & those teeth must hurt---GET A LOOK ON LUN LUN'S FACE----(agony)-----

normabyrd said...

JILL--Remember where the 'TREASURE ISLAND" store was in MOOREFIELD--Near the MCDONALDS----It's in the TREAS. ISL. place!!---Must be US GOVT. money---or she wouldn't be there to "CUT THE RIBBON"-----Then something at GOLF CLUB---Still hasn't been announced in the papers!!!----That info came from Co. Clerk!!!

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all, Its a cool beautiful morning and a breeze is coming in from the bay. Its wonderful. Well I'm packed and ready. Everything is in the car. My girl friend is taking me to the air port at 5:00 which is about 10 minutes from work. I really wish I could be heading your way but its not to be this time.I just remembered what I forgot. Sunscreen. Of all the things to forget. My mouth is better this morning. It doesnt even hurt when I smile. Things are getting better every hour. I am going to check the cams before office work hit me. I will be back and forth. Anne

floralgirl said...

Have a great trip, Anne. Remember what they say, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. But that will never work here, they'll make you spill every detail:)

Anne-Marie said...

Mama sparrow fidegting. Cant seem to get comfortable, The west coast kids are hanging out. Mrs BB is on R&R. 5 eggs on their own. Back to work for me.

Jill said...

Yeah Norma, it was Heck's before Treasure Island. I know where you mean. Guess all the good ole boys from Grant County will be there too. Well at least the Ours and McDaniels.

Anne-Marie said...

OK, I will give the info up. I know when I'm out numbered. Thanks floragirl.

Mema Jo said...

Kent Kids - Albert is at the tree trunk and Einsteinella is up on the high branch.

Mema Jo said...

Anne - You have a great time in Vegas and good luck with the photography trips! Watch out for the lizards!

Megan - Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Do you think that Beth is home? Been nice to see her again.

Norma - Is there any chance Lisa would join us tomorrow?

Jill - Any Xray results in yet?

Mema Jo said...

Eggbert is having visit from a parent
Looks as though parent is finishing the lunch Eggbert didn't eat...

Mema Jo said...

Kent parent came in and took over the higher branch leaving the juvie to jump down into the nest. It may have been a food drop.

I just saw Eggbert go out of the pic but he was on the far right bottom of the nest... Suzanne said that was his hiding place. I really don't think he has been branching although he is old enough!

floralgirl said...

She is, Jo and I just asked her, I'll let tou know when I hear from her. Darn, can't get Viva Las Vegas out of my head, gonna be singing it all day now.

Mema Jo said...

Megan if you don't know until tomorrow - just bring her along. The more the merrier!

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...


Jill said...

Nothing yet, Jo. Still waiting. Probably won't know til he gets home. If he doesn't get done at Medical before too long, I may have to go get him. You are closer could you run to Baltimore and get him, his car is in Frederick. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Jill, I don't like that stretch of road on a Friday evening!!!
Wish I could help you out! I thought he was local - didn't realize he was down there!

paula eagleholic said...

New thread is up. There is a cool picture, plus Steve has an updated link at the beginning of this thread.

Anne-Marie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
normabyrd said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...