Friday, July 13, 2007

Cool Pics

Here's a shot from an FWS mailing list I'm on. Not eagles, but fun wildlife shot nonetheless.


paula eagleholic said...

Cool Picture, Steve

Thanks for the link to the brochure. I'm going to print some out to take to the market on Sunday!

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jill said...

Nobody likes that road on Friday Jo. He works for Northrup Grumman at BWI. Should never have gone to work in the first place.

Norma-read Steven's brochure about the eagles. Where are they in Grant County? Probably living in a tree right by the park in Petersburg and nobody noticed. HEHE.

paula eagleholic said...

BTW Steve, was that playground made for the bears, LOL :)

paula eagleholic said...

Nice juvie at VA

paula eagleholic said...

Did you check out the brochure? Might be an eagle on there you are familiar with!

Anne-Marie said...

I am sitting here at my desk empty my purse of anything sharp, liquid, or life threating to any living soul. It will still take me an hour to get through security. They will let Habib through with out an blink of an eye but will stall me every inch of the way. I am blond, blue eyed and am the 4th genertion born here but you wait and see what I have to get through to get on a plane. First I set off all the alarms. Right knee is metal and then its starts. I have a card from the hospital but they dont even look at it. Its a circus. If I had time to drive I would.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey Paula,Jull and whoev3r is on the other thread. Just wanted to let you know that I just got ingo Winchester and am at my son's house for the night. I hope everyone else made it ok. Wondering if the swallow layed another egg...See you all tomorrow.. Jill you have a safe tip to Baltimore..

Anne-Marie said...

Candy she is still sitting on eggs. Seems to be napping along with everyone else. I cant or I would.

NillaWafer said...

Howdy Folks, Tomarrow is the BIG day for those who are going to NCTC... Ok Jill any weekend is good for me just say the word!! I dont think Shepherdstown has had as much excitement as it will tomarrow with the Eagle Express going thru since They held Summit talks at the Clarion with president attending (Clinton i think it was) i know i worked over there in Shep. and security was Highhhhhhhhh... anyways I am sure Sandra remembers that also....

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Candy! Rest up tonight coz we're gonna party tomorrow!

Mema Jo said...

Candy - check your emails...

Steve - If you read this before leaving work- IF you have the brochures there at NCTC, could you leave a good many at the guard gate for Paula or myself to pick up? About 30 attending tomorrow and Paula could really spread the word down at market with her Eagle table!

Since you can't be there tomorrow you could autograph some of them!

Mema Jo said...


All is well - about 4 more hours to

Mema Jo said...

Good Luck getting thru security, Anne! I didn't realize anyone could have so much trouble all because of their knee........ But I had forgotten that my daughter has a pin in her ankle area and she flies quite a good bit. I am remembering her stories - she is so used to it now that she always goes earlier then the norm! Good Luck!

Anne-Marie said...

Thanks Jo, I was just griping again. Nasty habit I need to stop.

floralgirl said...

Viva, viva Las Vegas!!! still singing that darn song.. have fun Anne- once you get thru the airport security line that is. Hey Paula- couple of my customers asked about you last week, should be busy Sunday, Shepherdstown is bustling with activity this weekend- the Theatre Festival, art shows, Goose route dance Festival..not to mention the eagle express party vehicle..

Anne-Marie said...

Mama swallow is brooding. She isnt going to move. SF owls are hopping from one foot to another. It looks like they are dancing. West coast kids are napping. Mama BB is back on nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, Floral. I got the photo order ready, and had a couple inquiries also! Think I'll plan a couple more visits!

Costume Lady said...

I so envy you and your Las Vegas trip. We have friends who live there and they showed us the Highlights of the town many years ago. It gets more interesting each time we visit. Haven't been there for about 6 years. We are planning a trip there next March for a Costume Convention. ( This is when I order costumes for the Halloween Shop I own) It has been in Chicago for many years and suddenly changed to Las Vegas. WoW!!

paula eagleholic said...

I'm heading home, taking the kids and grandkid to the Thurmont Carnival tonight...see you later....or tomorrow!!

floralgirl said...

Hey Wanda- do you have any pirate outfits in your shop? Daughter is looking for a jacket like they wear in Pirates of the Carribean- for a costume party this weekend. told her it probably would be too pricey if she could even find one- we have had no luck, it has to be red I think- darn these kids and their last minute needs.

Jill said...

Nilla-the Shepherdstown Police have been sufficiently warned to stay out of our way. And if they dont', Norma will take care of them with her cane. LOL

Jill said...

Yes, Nilla it was Clinton. I was helping out at the Police Station those days. It was awful just trying to get into town. And I had Police ID.

Jill said...

Jo-Did you ask Steve to leave a picture of himself for Norma? LOL
Autographed of course.

normabyrd said...

NILLA---I remember when CLINTON held the meeting at the CLARION & I believe most of it was held at NCTC----LISA was there----It really was top-notch!!

Jill said...

Candy-things have changed a little since you left this morning. I may be joining you tomorrow. If you get this and have a cell phone with you send me the number to and I will call you as soon as I know. Hubby hurt his leg and has to go for X-Rays. Probably won't go to Vegas after all. Trip in on hold til they find out something.

Costume Lady said...

I do have Pirate costumes, but I don't think I have a red jacket. I do have some really cute Lady Pirates and you are welcome to bring your daughter to look at what I have. (Even tonight if you like)

Anne-Marie said...

Sound like fun Candy and Jill, your hubby is going to Vegas too? Did I read that right? Gee maybe he could take my place and I could come and be with you guys? Sounds like a plan. Now to get the guys to go along with that...

Anne-Marie said...

Jo, Paula I have messed up my login for the Momsters. I have tried everything and it wont let me in Yahoo, is frustrating. Maybe the first of the week you could help me.

Mema Jo said...

BBL this evening..........

Anne-Marie said...

Well I am off to the airport. Have a wonderful time all of you. Enjoy each other and isnt wonderful that we all enjoy the beautiful gifts of nature that have been given to us. Not everyone does. Anne

Mema Jo said...

Is anyone home?

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Signing off for this evening - Big day tomorrow!

Good Night Everyone
Peaceful sleep & eagle dreams
Prayers being said for all

Jill said...

Hey everybody. Hubby can't go to Vegas. I will be joining you tomorrow sometime. I, unfortunately have to work until 8 am. If I don't get called out to much I will be at Sandra's for brunch. If I get called out alot, I will join you at the nest. If I stay up all night, I will meet you at Rumsey Tavern.

If I get up in time to come to Sandras I will attempt to make it to the Days Inn and come with them.

movin said...


Take some pictures, of course, and share with us, who can't be there.


Mema Jo said...

Good Meeting Morning
Lots of excitement in the air -
Beautiful day weather wise -

I will be leaving within the hour and meeting some new faces that have been old friendships for close to 2 years and then some for 2 months! This is going to be a great day. Life is Good

Thinking about ALL of you not able to attend

normabyrd said...


Costume Lady said...

Have a safe and beautiful trip. A beautiful morning for driving.
See you at Clarion or Sandra's.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eagle Friend ( :

Yes I too am excited about meeting people I haven't seen in a while. Then NEW PEOPLE faces I can put a name too. Hee hee as forgetful as I am I'll have to look several times in the picture album.

For those that wanted to be at the luncheon, the nest or the dinner and can't. Someone in this group is caring your "heart" along with them. Your NOT LEFT OUT...Some have company for this weekend and can't make it. While others possibly live too far or maybe have to work. YOUR AN EAGLE BUDDY !!!

NillaWafer said...

Good Morning Everyone, Well here it is the 14th and excitments in the air all over... I do hope and pray that "OUR BELOVED EAGLES" Liberty and Belle are there for ALL to see.. may they feel your presence and love and come soaring from the sky flying above.. Oh and Jo they dont give ya a poop shoot Howdyyyyyyyyyyy from up above......lollll Everyone safe driving have agreat time at Sandras.. you will love all the antiques in her house... Will see you at dinner... Nilla

NillaWafer said...

Before i forget Vicky was in a motel close to Pittsburgh last night and is on her way... Be on the lookout for her...

wvgal_dana said...

Hi there Nilla...yes your right excitment is soaring high. Hopefully like you say Liberty and Belle feel that Eagle_Momster love soaring high up there with them.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Norma, Wanda, Nilla and Dana!!!

Getting ready now and will pick up lunch subs at 10 - Nope, Nilla I didn't get Hartles' and the onions are on the side, Dana! lol What picnic memories!
Drive safely Norma and watch out for the deer or will they be watching out for you!! lol
Got your number Wanda, Thank you. See you in about 2 hours! WHoo HOo!

Mema Jo said...

Will look out for Vicky and also Iris is going to come down from PA. Maybe they will ride together! I bet they do!

floralgirl said...

Have fun!! Catch up with all of you later! Working now so I can play later:)

Mema Jo said...

See ya later, Megan!

GOURDS hahaha

NillaWafer said...

One of the Kestrels is setting up in the hole.. could be ready to fly soon... Sidney was MT as far as i could tell many shadows early in the morning...

NillaWafer said...

Both eaglets in Kent nest... Puget is MT guess it finally flew the coop... moma BB is on eggs...Burrowing owls are out and flapping their wings.. cute lil critters.....SC is MT ...Osprey at BW...

NillaWafer said...

Well its after 11:30 and i guess the party is under way at Sandras house... Not much going on on any cams rather slow day every wheres but here hoping that NCTC is soaring with Eagles!!! Have fun girls...

NillaWafer said...

Hahaha just had acall from Vicky she is lost in Shepherdstown and needed to know Sandras address.. So she is here safe and sound...

NillaWafer said...

So everyone should be a huggin n laughing n havein agood ol time at the luncheon, Bellies full ...yackin awayyy.... gettin ready to round up and hop on the Eagle Express for the excursion to NCTC... Hope Vicky got to the house ok...

wvgal_dana said...

Well Nilla since Vicky didn't call you again. She probably made it to Sandra's. She probably spotted all those banner on the Eagle Express hee hee

I'm all shower and shaved Nilla. Hey there is one thing they didn't tell me about this "new knee". That it get more hairs on it and it grows hair faster. What's up with that????

NillaWafer said...

LOLLLLLLLL Dont asked me heck with all the meds i take im going bald in more places than 1 See you at dinner tonight...

Mema Jo said...


vijay said...

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I would like 2 show some more pics in this

Vijay Reddy Pics collections

Editor said...

Love the Wild life!

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