Wednesday, December 06, 2006

We're Up and Running

update: We still have some cleanup work to do on webpage text, and on our connections. The site is currently running through Denver. We will make the transition to Wheeling tomorrow.

None of us can believe that an eagle was in the nest when we finally went live.


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Anonymous said...

Yes we are .Steve Thank you so very very much

Anonymous said...

I can't believe she has been in that nest almost 2 hours now.

Anonymous said...

We have a minimum of like 50 pictures already taken LOL. We are all so beside ourselves, functioning in a dreamworld at the moment. Give us a few minutes to get our feet back on the ground. You are so very appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Cheers to NCTC!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! (((((((Hugz))))))) from all the Momsters!

Anonymous said...

Whooooo hooooooooooo

NillaWafer said...

Oh Steven you have made my heart melt and tears flow this is such a great present for me just coming home from hospitol. I am so grateful i am here to share this with all the wonderful people who share our love of these eagles..

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Momsters!!

Anonymous said...

Your pics are great. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

They have really made the "pad" look great! Built up the walls!

NillaWafer said...


Anonymous said...

YAHOO! We are a flock of
Thank You everyone at NCTC/FWS!

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

Thanks PAULA I HAVE OOOOODLES BUT let others send also...

NillaWafer said...

Oh my Mits is here now let the nest hanky panky begin..lollllllllll Mitizypooo how was your day at the zoo?

Anonymous said...

Well I just found my keys. They were no where near the coat or the purse. Geesh I must have been on a mission as I tripped over my dogs getting in the door. Guess I emptied out my hands too so I could hit the keyboard LOL. Wonder what else will be showing up in strange places today!

NillaWafer said...

Ook gang we need to take a moment and say to those who have been lurking and never joining in our blog conversations PLEASE dont be shy and say HELLO would mean alot to all of us if you joined in...

Anonymous said...

Momma left us! (Belle!)

MITS said...

Nilla great day at the zoo, saw Mei and Tai really close up at he window, they were in the new yard this afternoon, but, did not linger too long wanted to get home to see this glorious site, took a pic of my first views of Belle, but sure others have much better ones:):).

NillaWafer said...

Nest empty but just put apicture on momsters of eagle right before leaving

NillaWafer said...

I doubt if our spidy is still there because of them going up and working on the cam? Hope they didnt squish her yikessssss

NillaWafer said...

Oh let me tell ya i told all the people who was down in the heart cath lab and the xray rooms and stress test rooms about this cam and our eagles and my nurses beleive it or not even a couple of the doctors wrote down the web site so they can watch.. Afew had been watching Petes Pond also..

Anonymous said...

.Mits Feel free to send picture of your first view .With a caption for us too please it will be on the Feed Blitz Loop tomorrow,

In fact since several of us watching from somewhere today also did the Farewll Tributes , Why not all the Hello 2007 Photos from First time you saw the nest today and a caption you would like by your photo for Tonight"s Loop.

If you don't have a Photo you want to send, but you do have something you would like me to Share on the Thread as I enter tonights Loop and Blitz, send that to me. I will add it.

I will need to have the Loop ready to Upload tonight by 10 pm my time, so send for sure by 10 pm Eastern Time as well. I am old and slow after all LOL.

MITS said...

Excellent BW the new pop-up cam, Jo!!! That Lisa...gotta love her.

NillaWafer said...

Taking this quiet time to go and fix alittle dinner... but have cam up on screen..Ok Glo will do i added agreat 1 of her i snapped right before she flew off on momsters

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

This has really warmed my heart and made my day, week, month, year!!! When I first brought the site up, Liberty and Belle were in the nest. Got so excited, I forgot to snap any pictures.

Jack Hanna is on Ellen with kangaroos babies. I think he is going to have a warthog on here in a minute.

Anonymous said...

LOL Nilla Ok thanks. Yep fixed me a nice hot drink, made a necessary trip and am thinking about letting the dogs out again. Probably not too much longer before sunset for viewing left today.

Anyone who reads this is welcome to send a Photo and caption or just your comments if you prefer, to me, to Celebrate the Opening of our New Eagle Season 2007 . It will go on the Feed Blitz Loop for tonight. If you need info on what or where Feed Blitz is just ask me in your email.

Send to :

Anonymous said...

Oh Sharon I a m so glad you got to see them both there.

MITS said...

Glo, you have mail.

MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Got it Mits Thanks

Anonymous said...

Now is the time, too, to join the eaglet momsters group!

Just send an email to:

All are welcome! There is always room in the nest!

And don't forget to support the NCTC eagle cam. Visit

to purchase items to support the cam, or just make a donation.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to tell all of you that I got to meet Sandra from Shepherdstown last Friday night. I also had the pleasure of meeting her mother. Both are eagle, Redskin and Nascar fans. They are lovely people and we had a very nice evening. I took some items out to her so she can sell them at a function in Shepherdstown.

And tonight, I am going to meet Beth! She only lives about a mile from the nest. I'll be gazing off her back porch, looking for Liberty and Belle!

NillaWafer said...

Oh my Paula i wish i felt better top drive over, but tell her we all are visiting her alot when babies After all WE ARE FAMILY....

Anonymous said...

I hope Beth has a very large deck.
Maybe she would like our Spring Gathering to socialize there.

MITS said...

PAULA Tell her we will bring a picnic lunch one day:):):

MITS said...

L&B are very neat nest builders:).

NillaWafer said...

both in nest at 5:03 took picture

MITS said...

I'm sooo happy to see them.

Anonymous said...

Looks like they are pretty much "hanging out there for a good amount of time hopefully on a very regular basis. So wonderful still just "flying high here in IL LOL "

MITS said...

Yikes pic is acting weird.

MITS said...

Did they bring food in????

MITS said...

All gone.

Anonymous said...

Both are gone now I think. Probably were not chowing down is my guess

NillaWafer said...

Picture is on Momsters

Anonymous said...

hmmm nope maybe they are still there camera feed is not able to tell right now

NillaWafer said...

Getting to dark now turned off cam, wow what a fantastic day this has been!!! They are prolley going to roost in a near by tree huh? Wish it was the nest ..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When we speak of eagles, we are going to have to be specific as to which ones we're talking about.
I didn't know if Nilla just took a pic at 5:03 of FL or WV without reading blogs above her's & quickly going to our WV cam thinking they had returned.
I am giving you all have the honor of keeping this old gal straight! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Jo, that's a very tall order!

NillaWafer said...

LOL My dear Jo the only Eagles today that has my heart pitter patterin is "OUR" eagles... and might i add thank God for Nitro cause it took my breath away. The headache is worth

Anonymous said...

The cam: Don't know how are we going to see if Spidey comes? Are we assuming that this cam is 24/7 like it was last season.

MITS said...

I've got a headache and I'm not on nitro!!

MITS said...

Jo, there is an eagle sitting on branch in FLA.

NillaWafer said...

I said in an eariler post i doubted if she is around as they have been fooling with the cam is would assume up ther maybe squished her or ran her off Jo , first time i ever saw Spidy was in April

Anonymous said...

Vicky I know you can handle it!
What did you always call me - the Chief? or was it the Captain? lol

Anonymous said...


NillaWafer said...

Now yes Jo there is a eagle in Florida cam. I just dont like the angle of that cam or do they move it?

Anonymous said...

Well I am sitting here waiting for Spidey to show up LOL. But you do make a couple of pretty good points as its pretty cold for spiders now. Shall we name her Charlette, or perhaps the late Charllette.

NillaWafer said...

Oh my beaking going on in Florida

MITS said...

They are both in the nest in FLA., JO!!

Anonymous said...

I am looking to see if the circle of eagle angels are surrounding the nest yet. I am not sure Jim called them angels - maybe ghosts. Does anyone remember. HO HO!! Eagle Spirits!!!

Anonymous said...

I just killed a old black spider yesterday. Spidey will come!!!!!
Keep the faith!

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo, you are the best no matter what!

Anonymous said...

Nilla I made it home and I got to see both in the nest. Now the pic has been messy.

Hope we find another name for spidey. Wash. state osprey call theirs Charloette (spelling?)..

Anonymous said...

Well I don't think that lens is looking like there is any spiday home. At leasst not that I can see.

Anonymous said...

I will really be surprised if we get to see down inside that nest in Florida.

Anonymous said...

Glad you got to see them Dana i was hoping you weren't still shopping and had missed the whole thing...well ya know while it was actually happening.

MITS said...

Just got completely knocked off the cam page and can't get back on.

Anonymous said...

This was on the blog page from Steve when I just came back into the blog.

update: We still have some cleanup work to do on webpage text, and on our connections. The site is currently running through Denver. We will make the transition to Wheeling tomorrow.

None of us can believe that an eagle was in the nest when we finally went live.

TTUL heading out to Shepherdstown. I'll let Beth know we'll be paying her a visit soon!

Anonymous said...

Me too Mits can't get back in after it knocking me off.

Anonymous said...

Mits & Nilla
Thanks for the FL info - Isn't it great. Seems like each evening recently they have been home in the nest.

Anonymous said...

My WV cam went black. Put it down but now cannot load it... Boo Hoo
I will try later.

Anonymous said...

Dana Please Email Lynda down in FL & ask her about us being able to see eggs in the nest once they are layed and let us know what you find out...If we can't see down in that nest-We'll never be able to see the eaglets until they start branching.........

MITS said...

Finally for back on after numerous tries, but pic is funky.

Anonymous said...

If you NCTC eagle cam went down. Restart your computer and it will come back up. It was good for awhile now I have alot of lines. Can still see nest though.

Anonymous said...

I got the WV cam back up in the dark.

MITS said...

Yes, Jo they always come back to rest at night in FLA, maybe it is because they are so close to their egg time. Maybe we will see more of "ours" the closer it gets to their mating time, I hope.

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo someone on the blog was talking to Florida. It wasn't me. I would also like to know the answer to that question. Maybe whomever was emailing her from in her can do that.

Anonymous said...

My eagle cam for our eagles is in Christmas colors. Can't see through it.

Anonymous said...

Well going to fix something to eat, and take care of my dogs. Hoping to hear from you. I will start working on the Film Loop pretty soon. It does take a little time to put together so why not send yours now as you are reading this

Don't know what I'm talking about? Read BLOG from me at 1:37:15.

Such a great Day.

MITS said...

I think Paula is the real contact with her, but I have e-mailed her and gotten answers and would be happy to do it, will also e-mail people out in KENT with a pic and invite to join us if they so desire.

Anonymous said...

A thought.......Maybe like we did for Liberty and Belle. We could do a poll on naming "spidey".??????

Anonymous said...

I do like calling him/her "spidey" lol

MITS said...

Sara Spider:):):).

Anonymous said...

Those eagles in Florida are enjoying their retirement too too much lol lmbo I'M NOT RETIRING TO FLORIDA IF THAT IS WHAT RETIREMENT THERE IS ABOUT/LIKE LMBO too much like work

MITS said...

Ok, just jotted off a quick e-mail to FLA, probably will not hear from her til tomorrow.

NillaWafer said...

I am going to say we call her IttsyBittsy

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mits for being our corresponding secretary. And especially for getting such fantastic results in the replys.

NillaWafer said...

You know ItsseyBittsey spider went up the eagle tree... along came the momsters and watched her in the tree... at night she weaved her web to catch her dinner time in the breeze...the web glistening in the moon light is what we all like to see... Hope this year she returns to show us her beautiful weave....

MITS said...

Just e-mailed Loraine and Garry out in Washington...PAULA GAVE THEM YOUR ADDRESS, IF THEY WOULD LIKE TO JOIN US ON OUR BLOG!

MITS said...

Yeah, well, I just hope ittsy bittsy stays out of the cam shot:):):).

NillaWafer said...

I just sent pictures to our local tv station in Hagerstown, Md Got a great scenic or historic shot of the four state area? Submit your photo to be displayed on homepage by emailing it to

Photography must be sent in jpeg or gif format and is subject to approval.Picture of the Eagles in Shepherdstown as camera is back on today
Hello, These are first photo's of the Eagles named Liberty & Belle in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. The camera has just been turned back on for the season 2007. Last year this pair sucessfully raised 3 babies. This is the new web page for access the camera and our blog page. This is so exciting for us. Thanks, Nilla (aka Janet)

NillaWafer said...

I hope they put them up on the news site or tv i sent the very best and clear pictures i took...

NillaWafer said...

They will put it up on there site but i am hoping talk about them on tv also!!!!

Anonymous said...

Let us know if you see any coverage in the Hagerstown newspaper or on CH 25.

Spidey will always be Spidey in my heart & head

MITS said...

Good job, Nilla.

Anonymous said...

Where is Sharon
Where is Sharon
Wax is here
Wax is here.......

Anonymous said...

Mits - your comment made me get the wax.................. Arghhhhhhhhhh.

It's up for grabs.

Anonymous said...

Oh no you don't Mema Jo NOT ME I'm not taking that stuff. I've told you all it messes up my computer. That's why I had to get this one.

I love the name "spidey" too. ( :

NillaWafer said...


Anonymous said...

They've called me "spidey" for so long
The eagles have returned the eagles have returned
You all know I will too return those eagles need me
I weave my web it's lite by the moom or stars
My web is always lite even if its cloudy; it's sack-a-delic
You have to wait it's not quit time for me
Spidey can't interfere with Liberty and Belle
They need time to fix the nest to do the do to lay the eggs
Then your famous "spidey" that's me will appear
I'll weave my web protect the nest watch the eggs
Then Mom and Dad will tell the story of "spidey"
Just like year after year the new babies hear of me
You wait You watch You'll finally see

MITS said...

TEE-HEE, JO:):):)

Anonymous said...

Poor Mema Jo has to go to the ear doctor to get all that wax removed.
I'm so sorry Jo.

Anonymous said...

Dana is on a sugar high tonight!

NillaWafer said...

She better not be with her diabetes Vicky!!! But then again maybe she couldnt pass that big candy display out at the mall where they sell loose candy... I love those peanut butter melts....

NillaWafer said...

Since i am off work i hope maybe we can get together for lunch or dinner before Christmas Jo? Ya hear Mits??? Dana?? Belle?? Paula??? and anyone near who can make it. The hotel over in Shepherdstown would be a great place to meet?

Anonymous said...

Here we go Loop di Loo , Here we go Loop de Lie, here we go Loop de Loo, all on opening night...but not quite yet LOL

NillaWafer said...

GloBug did you get the few i sent ya?

Anonymous said...

Yes .Nilla Thanks...I will choose some of those to add ...You got some great shots for sure!

NillaWafer said...

I GOT ALOT MORE JUST SOME LOOK ALITTLE LIKE THE SAME ... I am hoping our local news puts the pictures up on their site or

Anonymous said...

Thanks Nilla...yes I agree lots are pretty similar that I took too. Like you I want to wait to see what others take and share as well. We have a fun opening Loop though.

Anonymous said...

What did you Tee Hee me for Mits? lol
Well, Dana not a bad idea about the ear Dr - you know I'm half deaf anyways! lol
I'm giving the IL gals the wax!

I'm ready for the Loop de' Loo!

MITS said...

Jo, because because of my comment you got the wax............tee-hee.

MITS said...

Sounds good to me Nilla.

NillaWafer said...

Ok Mits what sounds good 2 u? I have lost the groove and now feelin kinda looooppppeeeee doooo

MITS said...

On Jauary 7th ( just read this on the panda page) at 8:00p.m. there will be a special on "BABY PANDAS' FIRST YEAR".

MITS said...

LOUISE....FOCUS, you were talking about getting together for lunch up in Sheperdstown!!!!

NillaWafer said...

I wonder if from where Beth lives it is possible to walk to the nest thru the woods?? Should we buy camoflauhg? (SP)

NillaWafer said...

???????? which Panda?? Tai? geeezzz Mits make it clear here ya know Jo is deaf .. i am 1/2 blind all we need are the 3 lil mice Not to mention i am very tired n gettin silly..

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

Oh yes the lunch at the Clarion Hotel... wouldnt that be nice to do ..Dana can ride with me if Ed doesnt make it...

Anonymous said...

Lunch Great Idea & great place

That's the hotel that our kids flew over the time I was having lunch in the outside area.

It's your call Nilla as to when we go. Pick a date that Mits doesn't need to go to the Zoo. I can cancel anything anytime you want to go -- You too, Dana - Right?
Maybe Beth & Sandra would join us.

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

Oh Mit its going to be on tv "Baby Panda's First Year" Premieres January 7
Get exclusive access to the Zoo's panda family in Animal Planet's "Baby Panda's First Year." Follow the first 12 months of Tai Shan's life and be amazed by the instincts of a first-time mother. Don't miss this remarkable story, January 7 at 8 p.m. on Animal Planet.

Anonymous said...

Tee Hee I guess we have known only one panda for a full year. Silly me, I was also wondering which panda..GA OR DC ? Tai of course.
But where are we to see the special??

NillaWafer said...

Thelma be nice remember i been ill and a redhead and wuvs ya alot

Anonymous said...

BOLD AND CAPS MEANS - Do you hear me yet! Loud & clear! Stay focused!

NillaWafer said...

Here Jo "Baby Panda's First Year" Premieres January 7
Get exclusive access to the Zoo's panda family in Animal Planet's "Baby Panda's First Year." Follow the first 12 months of Tai Shan's life and be amazed by the instincts of a first-time mother. Don't miss this remarkable story, January 7 at 8 p.m. on Animal Planet.

Anonymous said...

Oops! Nilla announced it already
The Animal Planet

NillaWafer said...

NO on the net caps means your yellin and my feelins are hurt ... sniff sniffff

MITS said...

No, I'm not yelling at you:):):), just don't realize I have caps on sometimes....crappy eyesight:):):)

MITS said...

I'm with, Jo, I take it to mean, listen up don't miss this and yes stay know I love you:):).

NillaWafer said...

By the way on Thanksgiving as a family tradition we all went to the movies to see "Deck The Halls" with Danny Divito was funny but the premier of Charlottes Web really looked like a good movie for the whole family to go see together...

MITS said...

ROFLMBO!!!! and I'm not yelling, but how did we get to the movies and Thanksgiving.

MITS said...

I could use a drink right about now:):):).

NillaWafer said...

I sure wish i had some of that Adivan pills they gave mme to relax me while inside of that big machine taking pictures of my heart.. man the stuff was goodd

NillaWafer said...

well this ad was on tv and i thought of it to tell ya about it , sometimes when i think of something i better do it while its still in my head because it doesnt last long in there

MITS said...

I would like some of them...

Anonymous said...

Jason just emailed me that he has added the link on for the cam up in Maine. I think we are covered now for all the cams we watch.

MITS said...

What ad???????????????????????????????????????

MITS said...

That's great, JO!!!

MITS said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
MITS said...

I need a bathroom break...BBL.

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo, did you have a little "technical difficulty" tonight sending an email link???

Anonymous said...

Yes, Vicky, I sure did. But I think I finally figured it out.. Did I send it to you? I mean the one that would open...

Anonymous said...

Yes Mema Jo, I got the "real" one finally! I enjoyed the serenade!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


NillaWafer said...

Thelma watch that drinkin your studderin n remember to change that depends if headin to the bathroom.... Good Lord i aint sharin my Adivan (sure i spelled it wrong) Duckinnnn lol

Anonymous said...

See Nilla, we need you in here to keep us laughing!

Anonymous said...

Jo, why so much emphasis on MITS WENT TO THE LOO???

MITS said...

Remember when Jo, went to the LOO and disappeared for 4 hours LOL!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just a heads-up warning, Vicky. Once I went to the Loo and didn't return for a long time. I wanted everyone to keep an eye out for the return of Mits.

I need to ask her if she took a break to eat dinner...............

Anonymous said...

Whoops! You are fast, Mits!
Did you eat any dinner yet?

Anonymous said...

I figured I missed something there, but I catch the drift gals!

MITS said...

Yes, I was hungry tonight, and, did take a break for dinner, and feel better now, but am still tired from all the excitement today.

Anonymous said...

I think you did get that wax, Vicky. I donated some to you IL gals today.

I don't see any trace of Spidey. Maybe tomorrow evening. Once he knows the cam is on, he'll probably show up.

Anonymous said...

I am going to break for about an hour. Hoping for the Loop de' Loo to come up soon... BBL

Anonymous said...

Cute card Mema Jo I am wondering am I the only one who looks out my window and sees snow...Lots of snow, and its not even dirty at all "well there are few yellow stains here and there come to think of it " but other than that not warm enough to melt anything. Going down to like 5 tonight with wind chills in the teens below. Yuck!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone.....
I can't wait until day light so I can check out the Liberty & Belle

Anonymous said...

Glo, you're the only one with snow that I know of! No snow in Commode Town IL

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone, I'm in.
It worked..........

Anonymous said...

It was certainly a very very special day for all of us momsters! Wish I could express the heartfelt appreciation I feel to NCTC and everyone involved with making this happen! THANK YOU NCTC!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindi! Glad you're here!

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm out of here, off to the store, seems we are having gift exchange and carry in dinner at the credit union tomorrow, Yippie!

NillaWafer said...

Speakin of loo's funny story: My sister used my bathroom last week ,,, sometimes for unknowen reasons the water in my commode gets hot and as you set on the cushioned seat feels warm... Ok so she used it comes out looking puzzzled n says Janet is your toliet seat heated??? I laughed n said no the water is as you set there it warms that area .......LMAOOOOOOOO

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

BBL going to watch on food network the Holiday cake challenge... they are making and decorating cakes for 10 grand ...

MITS said...

Nilla only you could have hot water in your toilet.

MITS said...

Hey Cindi, how ya doing??? Glad to see you on this side!

MITS said...

Don't keep us in suspence, SANDRA What is on German Street????

MITS said...

Looks like Mei is sleeping, while he is nursing.

MITS said...

Tai is one thirsty little dude.

Anonymous said...

OK Loopty Loo FilmLoop is up and running. All of you on the Feed Blitz will get a link to it again in the morning. It goes out of Blitz at midnight unless I want to pay them like $9 a month to send it out now LOL. I'm cheap. Anyway . Hope you enjoy I would suggest you hit the Pause Button And scroll through at your own pace, easier to see some of the captions etc. Go here:


Anonymous said...

Hi Sandra Paula said she got to meet you. I would think that on your windows in your home on German St that we might see some of Megan's wreaths. It would be great for you to come to lunch - I told Nilla to pick a date. Send you an email if you don't get back here on the blog. I might have to come into town & look at your windows when I hit the 4-Way stop.

Anonymous said...

Mits Was that our trusted emailer friend, Cindi?

I missed her unless she is lurking and comes back on. I'll be here for awhile.

MITS said...

Yes, Jo it was and I'm glad to see her on the if we could just get someone very special to me to get on....:):):)!

Anonymous said...

HEY THERE Cecilia - YOU BETTER GET IN HERE ON THIS BLOG!! The season has started & I bet you already know all about it! Please Join Us

MITS said...

ROFLMBO!!!! She is going to smack me when I see her:):):)!!!

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo Just feel free to cut to the chase LOL.

I wonder why we didn't see any of our UK gals in here today. They are missed.

Birdgirl, Jim Maybe we will still hear from you tonight. Of course there are several others that will be stopping in very soon too, won't you?

MITS said...

I'm not shouting, but, GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE It has been a great day.:):):)

Anonymous said...

Good Night Mits

NillaWafer said...

Ceciliaaaaaaa your breaking our hearts .. Ohhhh wont you be apart of this group... Ceciliaaaaaa stop lurking and come out of the dark.... The nest is up and Liberty & Belle await... Cant wait Cant wait.... open that door and hit the floor music is playing swingin and swaying to a Eagle Boogie Woogie... In other words "Git Your Butt In Here"

NillaWafer said...

Niters Thelma sweet dreams of eagles ,Tai and

Bird Girl said...

hello everyone!

Yes, Bird Girl has returned! I'm still alive, just got a lot going on now that I've gone back to work and the holidays and whatnot...

I'm so happy the cam is up again! I can't wait to see what will happen!!

I hope everyone is doing well... If I don't talk to you guys sooner, Happy Christmahanakwanzakkah!!


MITS said...

Action on WAVE-LIT....

NillaWafer said...

well Jo i cant make all the decisions need to know what everyones schedules are will it be evening or lunch? Yes Sandra Winchester is the best and so are my doctors with Selma Group and all the nurses on 3rd floor are special ... Welcome to all the new friends who join this evening...

Anonymous said...

I couldn't wait until tomorrow morning to view the Loopty Loo FilmLoop ! Splendid - superb - LOVED IT! Sure is a keepsake. Thanks, Glo

Anonymous said...

Film Loop is posted if you want to go see it before it comes out in Am. See my post...


Good Night all. Looking forward to doing it all over again tomorrow.

NillaWafer said...

thats Wildabeast arent it Thelma?

Anonymous said...

Hello Delphia We sure do miss you and I am really glad you popped in to say hello. Take care & please don't overdo!

Anonymous said...

Where is Sharon
Where is Sharon
Time for Wax
Time for Wax

Don't mess this up Mits

MITS said...


MITS said...

Wilderbeasts are running around like crazy....

MITS said...

night again.....

NillaWafer said...

Oh how wonderful GloBugggg the loop is fantastic applause on your making it for us to enjoy...

Anonymous said...

I am going to come after you with more then a wet noodle, Mits. And I am going to bring Cecilia along to help me!


Anonymous said...

WaveLit: They are all lying down

Anonymous said...

I am going to say it is that time of evening and it has been such a beautiful, beautiful day. Thanks again Steve and staff!
I am so glad so many of you were here on the blog today to share your feelings with all of us. There are many many more days to come.

Good Night All
Sweet Dreams of our Liberty & Belle

Good Morning Suzanne!

Is your tree up yet?

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 245   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...