Wednesday, December 06, 2006

We're Up and Running

update: We still have some cleanup work to do on webpage text, and on our connections. The site is currently running through Denver. We will make the transition to Wheeling tomorrow.

None of us can believe that an eagle was in the nest when we finally went live.


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NillaWafer said...

Niters Jo, I am watching my favorite movie "Dirty Dancing" I had all those moves once upon a time Thelma, then my hips went out... nighty nite

Anonymous said...

Sandra has a little display in her window, the red house on the corner...might be a few eagle items in it!!

How about a Christmas dinner in Shepherdstown? some of us work, ya know! I was thinking about Saturday eve on the 16th

What do you all think of that? Maybe get a little nest viewing in beforehand?

Anonymous said...

You all would just love Beth's house.

It sits right on the river, maybe a mile down from the nest. Gorgeous view, house is full of large windows. You can sit on the back patio and watch the eagles catch fish in the river.

We went into Shepherdstown and had a lovely dinner at "The Press Room". Of course, we talked eagles all evening long. BTW, she saw Belle in the nest, live, as she was coming around the curve to come home this afternoon. Thank you Beth for a wonderful evening.

Anonymous said...

Ok Ok I got in here late. Needed to do emailings. Geezeesze Nilla you should have called me. Let me know all this gabbing was going on in here. Most nights nothing. I come in and talk to myself.
YES get together sounds great ! When, Where, Time????????????? Let me know.

Anonymous said...

Ok I have a dental tomorrow 10:15am. Hope to be in here before I go then after I get back.

Jim if'ns you come in here no playing the pengiune game. lol

Suzanne I hope to see you in the AM'ers.

Night my eagle friends.
Night Liberty and Belle and Spidey wherever you are hibernating.

NillaWafer said...

Well Dana where u been?????? Oh Paula sounds good to me, count me in!!! I dont work on saturdays so thats perfect.

Anonymous said...

We'll have to see what everyone else thinks!

Night all and sweet eagle dreams (for real! now we have something to dream about!)

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Thanks to Steve and the crew at NCTC for getting the cam running. So happy you guys got to see an eagle as the cam went live. Hope to get a chance to see them tomorrow. Glad you went to Beth's house, Paula, it is truly beautiful there. Off to bed, loooong day here. Hands are hurting bad tonite.

Anonymous said...

One last note:
It does appear the cam is up 24/7. I can get a pic of it now.

Good Night!

Good Morning, Suzanne!

movin said...

Just lovely, you two...

I see you've added to both the width of the nest and to the height of the walls... Might could use a little more work in the area of the 'take off pad' though...

It's looking even more beautiful than last year. You must be expecting a like increase in the family size too.............

Hi, everyone,
It IS a beautiful nest so far, and the pictures you took today are great... can't say the same for the still cam at night though, at least not yet. No spider webs yet, that's good.

Have a great day..


Anonymous said...

Good morning, Suzanne. Nice this morning, cold air and wind on the way late this afternoon. Tomorrow looks like a cold windy day.

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm up and in here too

Hi Suzanne, Norma and Megan

Anonymous said...

Hi you wonderful looking georgeous sycamore tree and our eagle nest ( :

Anonymous said...

Suzanne wont this be great on the weekends for you now

Anonymous said...

I am saving pics too Suzanne

Anonymous said...

We are suppose to get snow today and tomorrow maybe light snow.

Anonymous said...

OH, that is so cool, have missed looking at them. Hey Dana, Hi Norma. No SNOW yet!!! Not ready for it...

Anonymous said...

Help can't remember do we send pics to Glo or Paula?????

Anonymous said...

She is watching for him to come back.

Suzanne hope you got the pic of the two in the nest this morning. I didn't.

Anonymous said...

To GLO, I believe.

Anonymous said...

I was snapping and snapping and sending lol so excited lol oh so excited here

Anonymous said...

The old pink kitten is in tears everyone !

Anonymous said...

Good morning all. Sounds like things are already "Flying High" at the Sycamore tree.

Pictures Yes there does seem to be at least 2 of us who very much would love to share pictures in their own unique ways. Momsters has albums with pictures galore for you to explore and enjoy including one for the new Eagle Season. Glo Is making the Film Loop and video Memories on the same sight where you enjoyed Film Loops and videos from last year. That is the one operting the Feed Blitz that many of you have signed up for.

If I were you I would send to

Speaking for myself I will appreciate and love to share any photos you send my way. Feel free to add captions if you choose.

Enjoy Liberty and Belle today .

I will be in and out and work the overnight.

Anonymous said...

Wow Suzanne this has been so exiting for me this morning. I'm sure it has for you too. hee hee

I have a dental appt. darn I can't remember how to spell words lol. At 10:15am so I will have (thats the word I needed lol have) to leae before that to get there in time in Hagerstown.

Anonymous said...

I just sent the pics to both Glo and Paula. I don't know how to put them in the album. I think I'm too excited to think right now lol

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dana and Suzanne I got your photos. Fun to hear your excitement and see your pictures as we wake up to a new day.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It is so good to be home again! That nest is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Hi Glo Hi Sharon

I just can't stop be so excited and my fingers just are all over this keyboard.

I can't slow down.....................................eeekkss

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Huh-oh, pic is back on 7/28. Anybody elses?

Anonymous said...

Sharon my cam has lines all through it not a good pic at all :(

They said something about putting it through Wheeling. Maybe that will straighten it out. I hope ,..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah Suzanne! I would say they are probably resetting it all now.

Anonymous said...

Keep watching, hopefully they will get all the kinks worked out on the cam. Plenty of time. I'm glad we got to seee both in the nest. Finished wolfing down a bacon and egg sandwich, dragging my tired butt off to work. BBL Have a great day evryone!! Only 17 days til CHRISTMAS!!

Anonymous said...

Yep that is what I wrote comments before lol changing to Wheeling WVa.

Ok I'm not excited. Just took my sugar (didn't eat nothing to change it) haven't eaten yet this morning usually get 68 got 103 which is still under the 112. Oh no not me I'm not excited lol lol lol

Anonymous said...

Take care Megan glad you got to seee them this morning gal.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Dana got wax this morning!

Anonymous said...

NO SHARON NO NO NO NO NO someone hurry take it away pleasessesesese

Oh my dear computer oh lordy lordy lordy..................I give it to Liberty and Belle to hold their nest together forever ( : ty for taking it Liberty and Belle .....

Whew got rid of it computer ok

NillaWafer said...

Good Morning Eagle Loversssssssssss,, That darn Sugaahhhh Boogaahh sat in the hall way and cryed and cryed wanting fed this morning so here i am. I jumped on to see if any one was in the nest . MT with lines but like you i think they are moving from Denver To Wheeling.. SNOW????? Oh my the sky certainly does look like it this morning... Now that that brat of a cat of mine is happy im going back to bed for awhile...c ya la8er

Anonymous said...

Ok Nilla rest see you later.

Sharon I was just getting my nerves calmed down from the excitement this morning. Then you go and tell me I got ____ . I won't even say the word if it was for me. My computer has sensitive ears lol... Girl the next time just take that mess ok.

Anonymous said...

Tai is up in the willow tree (wide eyes here) already !!

Anonymous said...

So far Mt BW

Maine no snow no eagles no shooting sounds or eagles sounds.


Anonymous said...

They are down inside of nest hard to spot watch for movement. No not a "poop shoot" them moving around lol.

Anonymous said...

I'm still wondering if we will ever get to see the eggs in that Florida nest. The way the cam is. I know they've moved it around but never inside the nest.

Anonymous said...

Well I guess it is she that is just laying in the Florida nest all this time. If she keeps laying there. Then it means......eggs later.....if she leaves it means....eggs much later....???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just voted once Suzanne. Just 2 more days to vote after today.

CamsGrammy said...

I am one of the lurking bloggers. there is a new page up

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...