Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Tuesday December 26

2nd day of Christmas thread. Heading to CT today.


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Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great time, Steve

And thanks for thinking of us!

Anonymous said...

Cam still looks stuck on a night picture....but time is correct.

Anonymous said...

Goodmorning Eagle land!

Anonymous said...

MOrning, Vicky...glad to see someone else is awake

Anonymous said...

I did check the live feed, have a green picture there.

Anonymous said...

Still dark in Kent. BW nests are MT. FL is still down.

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW eagle nest

Anonymous said...

2 eagles in BW now

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Paula & Vicky
Safe journey, Steve & no break down this trip! Enjoy your time with family

I was expecting to hear from Suzanne this morning -lucky gal must have off.
I see we have an extra thread in case we need it.

Anonymous said...

Missed the BW eagles.

Checked on Buta Buta - she is sprawled out and really looks so big. I think that Lun Lun takes her to where she is lying now.

MITS said...


MITS said...

With all the terrible weather in FLA, doubt we will see that nest for awhile.

MITS said...

Nasty weather up in MAINE. Beautiful sunrise in KENT.

Anonymous said...

Had not heard from Nilla..

Anonymous said...

Tai & Mei are giving a show to the Zoo visitors.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Camera isn't set up to follow them from den to den.

Anonymous said...

Tai loves playing in the water...Just like all kids do!

Anonymous said...

Morning Mits and Jo.

Anonymous said...

Will blog later on today - will be checking in every once & awhile.

MITS said...

Lun is washing Buta...

MITS said...

Paula, are you working, of course you are, you told me the other day...end of year!! DUH, ME!

MITS said...

I will be working on getting house picked up, told hubby, don't bug me when I get on computer, I will be in and out of here.

Anonymous said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

She did it - Buta Buta climbed from the one nest bed over into the next one. Her little leg just lifted up and there she went.

Poor baby! Momma came and pulled her right back to where she started from!

Anonymous said...

Mits I think she is going to try it again. lol

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta is getting pretty good at moving around - she is getting faster!She gets the top part of her body out, but has a hard time getting that chubby little rump of hers to follow.

There she goes again!

MITS said...

Boy, is she going to be tired after this....Where is DANA? Haven't heard from her since Sat.a.m., have we?

MITS said...

She's a gymnast...look at that split.....

Anonymous said...

lol I saw that split! She is exploring big time!

No, haven't seen Dana on here. I hope Nilla comes on & give us an update.

Anonymous said...

So far, the panda CAM has been following her up & down the floor.

MITS said...

Yes, Jo I saw that and I'm glad they are doing that, think she is going to take a nap.

MITS said...

The wind is a-whipping up in Maine....

Anonymous said...

Tai & Mei are enjoying their bamboo out in the yard. Earlier, Tai was being a goof-off - I love it when he gets on his hind legs and lunges forward at Mei.

Looks like Buta Buta is tired out! Hasn't moved for a few minutes. Maybe she is waiting for Momma to come & take her home......

MITS said...

Yep, Buta, is down for the count..

Anonymous said...

Do you think that the Panda Cam could be frozen? I thought she was napping but her head is sorta upward.

MITS said...

I'll go look.

MITS said...

The clock is moving and she has her head on her right paw.

MITS said...

I see her moving her back legs.

MITS said...

The tiger cubs are outside at national zoo.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, you're right - Back legs are on the move again. Cam is active. I don't have a clock on my Earthlink cam...

Going over to Wavelit - I think the lions have taken over the waterhole. Recently they are there continuously.

Anonymous said...

On Wavelit - I think some jackals are there now.

Anonymous said...

B W EAGLE ALERT - Both eagles in Eagle nest.

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW Eagle Nest

Anonymous said...

They were in and out pretty fast!
Hopefully they will return.

Anonymous said...

BW Pair are really beautiful - in their nest. You can tell how large the nest really is when both adults are in it.

Anonymous said...

Eales at BW nest again

One just flew out..Can the other be far behind?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandra - Hope it works for you!
Both eagles are in the BW nest.

Anonymous said...

If you sign out completely and come back in, the new one may be there.

MT nest at BW for now. They really have been in & out, so you might just catch them in the nest.

MITS said...

I was thinking the same thing, Jo, how big the nest is and how beautiful they are.

MITS said...

BTW, that is a great angle for the cam to be at BW, will get some great shots as the season progresses.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Should be able to see everything that goes on in the nest at BW. All other nest are side angles.

MITS said...

Ours, will be good also, IF, it stays functional

NillaWafer said...

Good Afternoon, Sorry havent got back sooner but just so much going on...As for Aalehia saw her yesterday and she is doing alittle better they have all kinds of lines in her with meds, the doctor came in while there and said they are gona try this antibiotic for few days ( they seem to think it was Tonsilitius and she has leasions in her throat and strep ) Anyways if this doe not work they will operate ..So keep her in your prayers..If it works she might get home tomarrow... Got home (knew son in law was not feeling good) Daughter calls she is taking him to ER in Winchester... Good Lord he has Tonsilius (Sammies tonsil's are bad) so he gets meds... Later that night daughter calls he is running fever of 103.6...Told her to make him get in cool shower and he took Tylenol cant keep nothing down... So hopefully he is doing ok ... All in all Christmas was good we ate dinner and left to Washington Childerns Hospitol, rain rain rain, glad brother in law was driving.. Hope everyone had a good holiday.. Hugs, Nilla

Anonymous said...

Hi NIlla I've been hoping to hear from you. Next time you say your throat is a little sore - Off you go to get some meds!!! I'm sorry for all the confusion you had for Christmas, but I knew you could handle it & keep everyone in the Spirit! Love Ya!

MITS said...

Hey, Nilla, how you doing girlfriend? Are you taking care of yourself???

MITS said...

1 eagle at BW/EAGLE NEST.

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW

Buta Buta still napping out on the floor to where she crawled from the nest bed

Our cams are down...boo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Well, it's the end of the month and the end of the year - I need to go do some things with my budget.


NillaWafer said...

Hey Glas .. Dont know why we have not heard from Dana i will call her later.. didnt Sharon go back to hospitol also today ? or tomarrow i am so confused... Did anyone else see that FDA hernia repair mesh used? It can cause perforations, rupture at repair site infections, and or even death Well remember my step mom yup she had it all but was even close to the death part had we not taking her back to hospitol!!! I found this advertisment for it in our local newspaper... Told her about it and she is calling the number..

Anonymous said...

Time is correct on the cam now...but have that pretty green screen...live feed is psychedelic

Anonymous said...

Can you give me the link to that hernia mesh info?

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear niece is better!

Anonymous said...

One eagle BW Eagle nest, eating.

Anonymous said...

ARe you talking about the fake mesh that was on the market?

MITS said...

Yeah, Nilla, whats that info??? I've had 3 hernia operations, and I know he mentioned mesh last time, and, I know I have another hernia, stuff does not seem to work for me.

MITS said...

Buta looks like she is trying to figure out a way to get out. Nilla, believe Sharon will be traveling back to Charlottesville, sometime tomorrow, her CT is Thursday at 8.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see any current info on the FDA site...they had some fake mesh on the market a couple of years ago is all I could find. Son has to have a hernia operation, that is why I am interested.

Anonymous said...

EWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE As you gals say when you see the Sanitation Cleaner on the osprey nest at BW

MITS said...

Thanks, Paula. Mine are from having an old time C-section 30 years ago, and I was told, I would keep having them, last operation 3 years ago, was just awful and a long time to recuperate, and DR. said this mesh would hold for about 10 years....DR. was wrong, but it will be a cold day in hell, before I go thru that procedure again. Must people have no problems with it, you just need to research your surgeons and make sure they know what they are doing, thought I had, but guess not.

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

http://www.pritzkerlaw.com/Mesh_Patch_Recall/ Mits go look around this site or just google medical device recalls .. headin off to work see you from there

Anonymous said...

You are in, Sandra!

Anonymous said...

Hi all Happy Day after Christmas.

Been sick..haven't been on...now I'm hanging around a little while.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dana, hope you feel better!

Anonymous said...

Have to check out that mesh also for Eds' nephew had that surgery last winter.

MITS said...

Hey, DANA, how are you feeling?

Anonymous said...

Hi Paula and Mits

Still feeling yucky...had the meds from dr. but I don't know. He couldn't see me so he called it in.

Oh yes you can still get tonsilitis..they would never take mine out. That is what started all this mess. Then last 3 days couldn't see out of right eye. Joy Joy :( but I scooting through.

I've decided I going to have a "yard sale" and sale whatever this is. lol

Called Dr. only in 1/2 day try tomorrow. Oh well I can see some. Eye is blood shot and not Ed did not give me a left hook in it lol.

NillaWafer said...

Hey Dana , hope you had a good Christmas have missed you...

MITS said...

Dana, sorry you are feeling so poorly. My hubby is still sick, our DR. is out of town this week, hubby has already postponed trips for this week.

NillaWafer said...

Mits did you see on the news a stabbing over at Springfield Mall... Oh my volcano eruption caught on tape... Off work tomarrow guess we will go down and see Aalehia at hospitol doesnt look like she is coming home any time soon ..

NillaWafer said...

Mits Aahelia is on 3rd floor room 3153 i think it was...

Anonymous said...

Nilla and Mits I had a quite nice Christmas. Hope you both had a nice one.

Sorry Mits your husband can't get to the dr. I'll keep him in prayers this is not a "nice cold" its more. Hope he makes an appointment as soon as he can.

Sorry Nilla to hear about the young one. Poor gal. She in my prayers too. We all know they work.


NillaWafer said...

Oh look at that big Boo Boo sleeping up in his favorite spot.. adorable...

Anonymous said...

Eagle at both BW nests!!!

NillaWafer said...

The bad news just keeps rollin in .. Now my parents dog patches they have had for years is bleeding from her nose and being rushed to the vets... She has lost a lot of weight recently... Always something!!!

NillaWafer said...

Missed the eagle GRRRRR... I hope my parents dog will be ok ... She was brought back from Korea when Carrie was in the Army and they have had her along time... In fact BRINGING HER BACK SAVED HER FROM BEING EATIN AS THATS KIND OF DOG THAEY EAT OVER THERE...

MITS said...

Well, Nilla, at least you have a cute picture.

NillaWafer said...

Yeah Mits and did you relize i had just put this picture up on the blog afew minutes just before getting thphone call about Aahelia and told you it was for Maggie to... twilight zone

MITS said...

I remember, and, it does remind me of Maggie:).

Anonymous said...

Nilla I know this sounds like it has happened before. You are a "red square" again. NO pic.

That is really funny cause I seen the candle and the angel. What is your picture this time?

I hope the doggie will be ok. How old is it?

NillaWafer said...

Dana its the little girl in the red sleeper suit holding the bear with a santa hat on... Patches is prolley 14 years old Dana... Like i said Carrie brought her back from Korea... No news yet

Anonymous said...

Picture sounds really cute Nilla sorry I can't see it don't understand.

NillaWafer said...

Dana you have mail

Anonymous said...

ok Nilla check in a bit I'm reading comments back some. You party gal you lol

Anonymous said...

Nilla how is your niece doing now?

Will she have to have her tonsils out?

NillaWafer said...

Dana right now she is to have another cat scan i guess tomarrow and surgery will be scheduled after that.. The part her being so far from home down in Washington DC is rough... When Carrie took her to Washington Co in Hagerstown they sent her down there...

NillaWafer said...

She is the little one in the video of me and Mits at the zoo...

Anonymous said...

Iris That is really a great interesting picture. I would estimate your son to have 6' arm span where the eagle's wing tips reach an awesome 8'.
Where was the picture taken - url mentioned Alaska...??

Anonymous said...

Hello Dana and Nilla I am just peeking for now.

NillaWafer said...

Hey Jo ... how many life savers you have left?? I am eating new gummie sour life savers they are good... start eating them u cant stop..lol

NillaWafer said...

Paula i ment to tell you the video of Liberty & Belle at the nest is just awsome... i had to laugh when she came into the nest and he beaked her like Hi Honey i am home..lol

NillaWafer said...

Ok i admitt about eating gummie sours life savers you can stop eating them after your mouth puckers up and you just cant eat any more...lol

Anonymous said...

Iris - That picture is really amazing...is your son interested in watching the eagles too?

Nilla - I love those gummie life savers...bought some for Halloween, they were really good. Hope all goes well for your niece and the puppy dog.

MITS said...

PAULA Rudolphs' Shiny New Year is on CBS.

Anonymous said...

Yup, I saw that Mits...thanks!

NillaWafer said...

Paula my son is starting work over ther tomarrow for Delauter construction company he is a heavy equipment operator... Said prolley be working in Gettysburg.. i am watching Tom Brokaw about the Colorado immigration problem..

MITS said...

I forgot that was coming on, wanted to watch it.

MITS said...

Glad you found it ,Paula, it was ABC....duh.

Anonymous said...

Kennedy Center Honors is on channel 9 or 13

Anonymous said...

Update on Sharon

Her computer does have a very bad virus! Asked me to say Hello to everyone. Sharon will leave tomorrow around noon for Charlottesville VA.. She has an 8 am CT scan on Thursday morning and then will see her Doctor.
She'll be in touch as to how she did. Good news is that Andrew and his best friend John will be going down with her as John's mother is driving them!

Anonymous said...

Sharon asked for a rundown on how everyone was doing. I also told her about ButaButa climbing out of the nest bed today and that Mits & I watched her do it. I told her our cams were down and that Steve was headed to CT. She is really appreciative of all you prayers. She knows you are helping her along this rough path.

Anonymous said...

Lions are getting awake by the water hole (Wave-Lit)

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo thank you for letting us know what Sharon had to say. Prayers are always around her and will go before her to prepare those doing the CT scan and the dr.
Angels of Mercy travel with her.

Sorry about her computer that is always the pits when you have those problems. We get so use to having these machines.

Sharon God's speed and remember gal He is with you dear.

MITS said...

Thanks, for the update, Jo. Will continue to pray for her recovery.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome, Dana.

Lions must have realized it wasn't even 5:00 am and they all laid down and are asleep again. I don't know how long they are going to hang out at the water hole - they have been there for a couple of days straight.. Keeping all the others away - except the jackals-they were there.

MITS said...

I love the lion tails, they way they swish them around.

Anonymous said...

That one's stomach looks full!

Anonymous said...

He must have known I was talking about him - He just jumped right up! I thought he had me.......... lol

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo better watch how "loud" your talking....thought he had you.

MITS said...

I was just reading on their forum at wave-lit, that the lions need to rest 2 to 3 days after a big feed, and, how they would like to see the lions get the noisy geese..poor geese.

NillaWafer said...

Home now from work i see the lions laying over there, picture is black n white and my sound keeps going in and out? BBL hungry for fried egg sandwich..lol

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha I thought the same thing the other day watching those lions. I had the volume on hoping to hear a roar - but had to turn it off because of that DUCK QUACKING. I wondered if a lion could catch a duck....

MITS said...

Right now, I think they are too full to run after them, lucky ducks.

Anonymous said...

At the bottom of the BW cams, there is the Wildcam.com. It's from South Africa - Botswana is north of it. I haven't investigated it yet.

NillaWafer said...

Ewwwieeeeeeeeee some ugly vultures at the pond on wavelit

MITS said...

Beleive it is all a part of the earthcam.com family, lots of good cams from around the world, Jo.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

They look as though they have Bow Ties on.

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

Ooooo close up of them

MITS said...

Did anyone see the lions leave, hope they are not breakfast for the eeewwwiiieeess.?

NillaWafer said...

That 1 on cam looks like ayoungin

Anonymous said...

Hay Ma they ain't eagles

MITS said...

Ok, enough eeewwwiiieeess for tonight...good night, Nilla and Jo and everyone else. TTUT!!

NillaWafer said...

This looks like afamily ot what you call a bunch of vultures? A GAGGLE? some have white marking under necks some dont

Anonymous said...

I don't see the lions. Crazy noises on the speakers. This is really cool watching them. Quite a wing span.
I still hear the geese - but can't see him. They're not really that ugly.

NillaWafer said...

Ut Oh vulture fight..lol Or maybe alil beakin hey Mits dont leave might see alil vulture lovin..lol

Anonymous said...

I think they found where dinner is

Anonymous said...

Do you hear a lion growling..????

NillaWafer said...

Jo i dont have duck quackin on mine only bird noises....Somewthing is moving in the bush? the vultures are looking at what ever is in there

Anonymous said...

That's a jackal right there with the vultures now... Did he kill one?

Anonymous said...

Something scared him away now look at them all flying in to the meal.

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

That Hyena picked it up and carried it was just the head i saw the horns,,, i bet Lions made akill thats why they are full and all theses just cleaning up

Anonymous said...

That one missed the whole thing. Wasn't that interesting. Never saw so many of the vultures! Dana, you were right about dinner! I don't know if it was a jackal or the female lion that came in and picked up the meal--whatever it was it had horns.

NillaWafer said...

Jo read my messages and what isaw very clearly..lol

Anonymous said...

That's the show for tonight!

Time for me to say
Good night!
Keep the Christmas Spirit alive!

Prayers to all in need

Anonymous said...

Nite Mema Jo...

They always said you eat then you get lazy so that same thing happened with the lions. They had their meal. Then layed around the water hole.

Leftovers for others....

Anonymous said...

Night everyone prayers for those who have needs.

Morning all have a good morning.

NillaWafer said...

Well i am getting the spirit... New Years HAS got to be better than Christmas was hopefully everyone will be well and the new years off to a better start!!!

NillaWafer said...

Ok i am foolin around with pictures again..lol didnt like the new years one but love this one for now.. Good Nighters going to watch tv

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING, SUZANNE, AND EVERYONE! Yep, Suzanne, probably will not get the cam fixed til after the new year, Steve left for CT yesterday. How was your Christmas and your time off?

MITS said...

FLA cam is fixed, they have had bad weather the last couple of days.

MITS said...

Lots of action on WAVE-LIT last night....

MITS said...

Tai is rolling all over the place this a.m.

MITS said...

up the tree he goes....

MITS said...

and down he comes...

Anonymous said...

Morning, all! Glad to see you back Suz - how was your holiday?

I hope the cam gets up this week!

Anonymous said...

Not much to see in FL from the cam angle...looks like an MT nest! But I know it isn't.

Anonymous said...

Eagle back at BW Eagle nest

Anonymous said...

Eagle has a fish!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning All
Glad to have you back Suzanne - even if you had to go to work to be with us! I got on here early enough to see both BW eagles at their nest. They are beautiful eagles - Just wish we could see OUR beautiful eagles in the sycamore!
I'm still on my second cup of coffee.
Will be more talkative later... lol

MITS said...

I think they were supposed to get some snow showers overnight at KENT.

Mauley said...

Morning all dear ones, Prayers for all in need. Has anyone heard from our eagle eyed Sharon today? Nilla, how is the baby girl today?
Hi Mema Jo, Mits, Paula, Suzanne anyone heard from Glo today. I finally worked one of Geula puzzles. I was so slow I was embarrassed thanks Jim for sending it our way love donna

Mauley said...

Morning Normabyrd, donna

Anonymous said...

Suz, I have no clue...but Mits thought since Steve is in CT maybe we won't get it on till he gets back....I'm hoping it is sooner than that!

Anonymous said...

CAM IS UP!!!! wooohooo!!!!1

MITS said...


MITS said...

Gee, do you think "our" STEVEN was lurking and made a call:):):).

MITS said...

live feed is also working.

Anonymous said...


Thanks, NCTC!

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Ewwiiiee at BW Osprey nest

Anonymous said...

We replaced the battery today for the NCTC eaglecam.

Anonymous said...

Thank you John at NCTC, you guys are awesome!

MITS said...


Mauley said...

John, thank you so much. How thoughtful of you. You know that we momsters suffer when cam is down. Thanks and God Bless You for going above and beyond. donna

Mauley said...

Norma B yrd, what are you going to do with 200 pounds of wax?????????/

MITS said...

Mom is peeking up over the nest in FLA.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Don't know when Glo is returning.

MITS said...

Talk to you tomorrow, Suzanne.

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Woooo, nelly, live feed is going bonkers...

MITS said...

OK, it settled down now.

MITS said...

I saw some eagles at BW this a.m., Norma, and, of course, the FLA eagle, but nowhere else

MITS said...

She crawled over the ledge yesterday, Norma, still just really pulls herself by front legs, it will not be long.

Anonymous said...

All cams are up and working....come on Liberty & Belle!

Geula said...

hi all! WOW BOTH cams are up!
This is the first time I've seen the live feed since AUGUST!
I even saw a little bird fly into the nest and fly out...

Okay, what's the link to Buta Buta...she sounds cute!

Geula said...

okay, I'll check back tomorrow...I need my beauty sleep...

Have a grand day, all!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...