Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Tuesday December 26

2nd day of Christmas thread. Heading to CT today.


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Anonymous said...

Link for Buta Buta


Anonymous said...

I went out to FSK Mall - What a fool I am! It was only to meet up with NY gals and my son went with me. We were picking up pics of Samantha, the 5 yr old. Glad I didn't have to stand in any of those long lines for anything.
Then I got my Broccoli Cheese soup from Panera's! Love it!
I had called to NCTC and left a message with Angie over at FWS. But I really think John was working on things way before I called. Looking Good!

Do we wait until the blog starts acting up or when we hit 300 or 400? You know we have gone to 1000+ in the past

Anonymous said...

Panda Buta Buta is lying on her back in the middle of the floor... Looks really tuckered out!

Mei & Tai are out in the yard. I just love seeing Little Prince run.

Saw the nesting eagle in FL
Kent MT nest
BW 2 MT nest
ME MT nest
WV MT nest

Good time for a nap!!

Anonymous said...

Cough cough, sniff sniff, arghhhh arghhh the cabin is full of smoke!!!! YES REALLY I was due back last night but my flight made it to the run way whith seat belts fastened engines revved and the cabin filled with smoke...I will spare you all the details but we taxied back tot he runway and flight with 200 plus passengers all retreived our baggage and got back in long line for new flights today. so here i am, very tired, and bvery glad to be home.

I was supposed to work tonight but will call and find out what time they need me tomorrow instead .

Elia Is absolutley one hug, laugh, chuckle, kiss hug, well you know one right after another...she was worth the WHOLE thing.

Gonna love on some dogs and unpack, but I have done a quick read of BLOG, gonna check emails now.

Anonymous said...

So good to welcome you safely home!

Anonymous said...

Eagle alert, both in the nest!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful

Thanks for the heads up Paula. I emailed Glo so fast - What a home coming present

They are arguing as to who is going to go out and get the food.

Anonymous said...

So glad you're here, Norma! Pretty good show going on in the nest.
I guess they are tidying up a bit.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree Glo... Was not teamwork tonight. Looks as though more is getting done since the other took off.
Still looks like work to be done at the 9:00 position.

Anonymous said...

5:05 pmm MT WV NEST

Anonymous said...

Yippie, Glo's back!! Welcome home Glo Bug! We missed you!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Heading home to play w/ the videos I took this afternoon...but first to Walmart for dog food!


Anonymous said...

I say switch over around 300 or 350...or maybe first thing in the morning???

Anonymous said...

Ok Paula I'll keep an eye on the blog & switch when needed

Anonymous said...

Norma Both my RealPlayer live feed and the Eagle Cam are up. Can you not get the live feed up at all?

Anonymous said...

Norma You have an email

Anonymous said...

The eagle spirits have surrounded the nest - BUT I don't see Spidey's web.

Anonymous said...


I made a boo boo.

Anonymous said...

Sandra you have email.

Anonymous said...


Just hung up the phone with Sharon She said they arrived about 30 min ago. She is tired and doesn't feel too great - but lots better then she had been feeling.
She is anxious for tomorrow so she knows exactly what is going on. She said Thanks so much for all the prayers. She knows that is what is helping her along this rough road. She will call tomorrow when she gets finished the CT & seeing the DR. MTBR

Anonymous said...

Normabyrd Helping you out was worth every email we sent! lol

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Oh Mits, so sorry you are under the influence of the "bug", take care of yourself!

Anonymous said...

Mits Get out the Chicken soup
and drink plenty of liquids and get plenty of rest!!! OR call the DR.
We all want you feeling better very soon.

Anonymous said...

Sandra We heard from Nilla last night close to midnight when she was going to watch TV. Maybe she went to see her niece at the hospital in DC today.

Anonymous said...

Nilla was suppose to go visit the neice today!

Anonymous said...

SO the grinch is still stealing pictures!

NillaWafer said...

Evening Folks.. Welcome Home GloBug ... Prayers with Sharon... Thelma awww hugs partner... everyone else whoisnt feeling well hugs to... Been down at Childern's Hospitol in Washington DC visiting my great neice Aalehia she is 3, she is still on IV antibiotics, took another cat scan today and the lesion or groweth in her neck has not gone down any and right now they dont know what the doctors are going to do as for the surgery the reason they havent already did it is this is now very near her brain sytem location, so please keeps prayers for her.. Her neck is still swollen and she cant turn her head back n forth... BRB fixing something to eat

Anonymous said...

Time for my ice cream.. No cake or cookies with it tonight.

Megan How are you? Hope to hear from you... Taking good care of my gourds-right?

NillaWafer said...

Hope someone caught Liberty & Belle today on fraps?????? I sure could use a lift from seeing those 2 .. My son in law is not any better.. Now son just called and he has this sore throat also... Oh and Patches the dog the news isnt good large tumor in her stomach but they gave her meds... Pres Ford died.. James Brown died... always happens in 3's who is next?? Gona hang Ssaddam!!! BBL

Anonymous said...

Nilla you are one multi tasking woman! Fixin food, blogging, watching news -- you are woman hear her roar!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nilla Paula caught pics from today of Liberty & Belle. Said in her comment as she left work that she was going to do a video.

Lets allow Saddam count for #3. Or my son's mother-in-law's 12 yr old dog died on Christmas morning - can he be #3 so this can stop the vicious circle?

NillaWafer said...

Yessss Jo i agree.. We passed the National Catheral tonight what a beautiful sight... only been ther 1 time in my life and that was back in 1965 my senior class trip... Just makes it so very hard for the family because she is so far away from home, but Carrie has not left her side (except to run down for a quik smoke) which i told her tonight would be a great tiem to quit n she with that look of her said Aunt Janet dont go there...lol

Anonymous said...

Well I have had a chance to download half of the photos I took the last 4 days. I am not sure if the one I want on here will sho wup or not so this is a test. I am getting ready to call it a day here pretty quick. Prayers for lots of you "and those you love" are on my list tonight for sure!.

NillaWafer said...

Hey Vicky u have no idea how good i am at multi tasking..lol Hope you had a good Christmas...

NillaWafer said...

Oh my GloBug how she has growen.. wow just mazin how fast they grow.. sorry to hear about your plane i bet scary also..

NillaWafer said...

Elia look so much like Aalehia those big brown eyes and dark hair.. Aalehia's 4th birthday is January 3rd hopefully she will be home..

Anonymous said...

There is that little dark eyed beauty!
She has sure lost any baby look she had in other photos. You are Blessed!

Anonymous said...

Oh Glo, I saw a whole bunch of grandma kisses all over her cute little face!

Anonymous said...

Yes Nilla, I had a good Christmas -- at least the Grandkids sure did!

Anonymous said...

Nilla, I pray that Aalehia's birthday will be at home! I also pray for Carrie to have the strength she needs during this time.

Anonymous said...

LOL Looks like you all caught those well kissed cheeeks nad gorgeous eyes. Elia and I did have a wonderful time. She is all Toddler now...all over the place all the time...for sure. Nilla i am so sorry your little niece is so ill right now. I am surely hoping and praying for some good news fromt he Dr tomorrow.

Yes Nilla the plane experience was somewhat scary...very glad we were still ont he runway, but I sure had an sudden urge to break some plane windows just to change the air in there while they decided what to do with us. I guess I will never know what it was we were inhaling for several minutes. I did though have a ownderful Christmas trip and visit with my family. Going to call it a night here. Will blog with everyone for a while tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

My eyes are getting heavy - not going to be long before I also leave you...
Nothing but the birds flying around over the water hole in Africa.

NillaWafer said...

Yes i to callin it a night,,,Hugs to Thelma... Prayers for the best news for Sharon tomarrow... Trips down to Washington DC just wear me out. Nighty nite

Anonymous said...

I guess that running around at the mall tired me out!

Good Night All
Prayers for all in need

Good Morning Suzanne

Anonymous said...

Evening, all. Sorry to hear Mits is sick...stuff travels quick...surprised she didn't get it sooner.

Glad to hear you made it home safely, Glo...second time!

Anonymous said...

G'nite, Nilla & Jo.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Suzanne for the WAX!

Anonymous said...

Morning all my eagle friends and lurkers.

I got an angel for Christmas. She is encased in glass and she lights and turns.

Nilla angels and prayers I sent although have been here much to say. They were sent along in the ambulance with Aalehia. They stay with her and aid the drs in decisions.

Sharon has angels that traveled and stayed with her and have been with her also even as she went back down to Charolettsvile.

There is alot of sickness due to virus (not computer related) although they keep you off the computer some going around. Special prayers for Mits and husband. Nilla's son in law and son. Any others that haven't spoken up that are sick.

I have finally another drs appt. they are loaded down, Fri. so hopely some help. Z-pack helped some but it's in my eyes or pink eye in both??? Have to see what dr says. Can't hear out of rt ear. Well this does lessen other pains don't feel good enough to go anywhere so can't hurt other areas.
I'm making a funny here but you probably don't get it Suzanne might. lol

Anonymous said...

Good Morning all. Back from coffee and dog treats. Running a little slow this morning but I'm getting there. here hoping for a good day,w ith good news on all who are in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning all. Back from coffee and dog treats. Running a little slow this morning but I'm getting there. here hoping for a good day,with good news on all who are in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning all. Back from coffee and dog treats. Running a little slow this morning but I'm getting there. here hoping for a good day,w ith good news on all who are in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

MOrning, MOrning, Morning, Glo!!

Morning Suz and Dana.

Anonymous said...

Glo, you're stuttering!!!

Anonymous said...

Well ya learn something new everyday. Tried doing a video last night and had it all set to go, then I messed it up....will try again tonight if there is no new activity in the nest today.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Suz...and yesterday Mits and I were saying the same thing at the same time, too. I'd love the pics for momsters...I didn't take any pics yesterday, just videos.

Anonymous said...

Looks like this blog has a bug or two...or three, LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Morning, Morning, Normabyrd!!

Anonymous said...

Look at the nest this morning....you can really see the nest cup.

Anonymous said...

LOL Just wanted to be sure everyone knew I had coffee and dog treats LOL. Finished looking over those Cmas pictures I took. One cute little girl LOL. tea time now and hopefully Liberty and Belle will stop by the nest for a quick visit. i go to work this afternoon so not much Eagle viewing today ALTHOUGH I do need a few groceries and my camera and dogs are going with LOL.

Anonymous said...

Eagle Alert!

Anonymous said...

If studdering is the only "bug" you gals get in here hip hip horray.

The Z-pack did its job. Just wasn't strong enough I guess. You know it's been 5 years since I had a cold. I'd say that is good for me. Cause I got them every year aug-oct kept till june.

By the way morning morning morning and another morning to glo and Norma. hee hee studder bugs you two.

Hi again Paula and Suzanne..Vicky hi wherever you went. Also howdy Mema Jo. Glo that granddaughter sure is a pretty cute toddler. Bet you throughly enjoyed yourself.

Sorry about your plane..seen the taxi back on tv. Didn't know it was your plane though.

Just tried calling Nilla because my voice isn't as rough. Thought she might be able to understand me. I wanted to know about Aalehia. Nilla is at hospital with I think she said son. Suppose to call me back.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning All

Hello Liberty & Belle - Now get to work guys & fix that nest at the 9:00 position

Anonymous said...

Suzanne You sure have had a great eagle viewing morning!
BW site has started their Eagle Gallery pictures. Maybe someone could set up a Gallery here on the NCTC site. But then we are more fortunate then other sites because we have GLO and PAULA presenting videos for us.

Anonymous said...

Well all I know is that they really
take my breath away!

Waiting for a call from Sharon.
I hope Mits isn't too uncomfortable with her flu bug.
Dana - I hope your Dr does his magic on you. Are you saying that Nilla is back down at the hospital today? (she was there yesterday) I'm praying for her, Carrie and Aahelia.

Anonymous said...

Are you picking on us Dana Glad you are feeling better enough to come on and joke around a little bit!

Anonymous said...

My live video went down!

Anonymous said...

My live video is down - The eagle cam is up & running. Both are still in the nest.

Anonymous said...

My live feed went down too.

No Nilla is not at this time down with great niece.

Nilla is at a hospital somewhere Winchester or around this area with her son. Remember he had the ear problem and sore throat. So I will hear from her later about what is going on with son.

Anonymous said...

That Liberty is there at Spunky's most favorite place.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Then there was one,,,,then there were none.

Anonymous said...

2 back in our nest

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta is coming out of nest bed almost!!

Anonymous said...

They can't make up their minds if they are going out to lunch or not! They're gone again. Now one returns. I think we just best keep watching - I can't monitor them as fast as they are.

Anonymous said...

They're back!

Anonymous said...

Well now she has flipped over on back now back over on stomach far away from this end of nest bed. OOpss now she is back near this end !! Will she make it out of nest bed???

Tai is riding Mei lol

Anonymous said...

2 back in the nest...

Anonymous said...

Just checked & live feed is still down. They are both back in the nest. Now one is gone.
Too much going on at any one time

I have to watch Buta Buta for awhile. She is something else. She has gotten over to the edge of the nest bed & maybe will be climbing out shortly. The pads they put in there really doesn't seem to give her that much traction. She tires me out just watching her.

Anonymous said...

Back to one

Anonymous said...

Me too Mema Jo bless her heart. If she would have lifted her head up over that board she would have been out of there. No those things they put under the hay/staw doesn't help her a bit.

Anonymous said...

She keeps butting her head again the board lol poor baby. Now that could happen. Get in position and just roll out of there. lol

Anonymous said...

Ok little gal - put your right arm up - grab hold of that 2x4 - and out you'll come!

One in our nest - maybe the other was going to get their lunch.

One on the BW osprey nest.

Anonymous said...

Look out first or 2nd week in January Buta Buta is going to be out of there for sure. If now sooner.

Anonymous said...

Take care Suzanne nice to be able to see you again.

Anonymous said...

Live feed still down, still on in the nest

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta may have tired herself out!
I think it is nap time - but then you never know when she will start squirming again.

Liberty is still in our nest.

February 2007 is when the Federal government is scheduled to vote whether the bald eagle population is healthy enough to remove from its list of endangered & threatened species. Keep your eyes on the news...

Anonymous said...


Called NCTC/FWS & Steve isn't scheduled back until first of the year. Once before when Steve journeyed to CT he was able to send us a new thread. You will notice that we do have a new thread under this one also dated December 26. We need to stay on this one a while longer before we jump down to the new one if Steve doesn't send us one. So until we notice that this one stuttering or really slowing down - STAY PUT

Anonymous said...

That is Lonely Louie

Anonymous said...

The phone is with me in case our call comes from Sharon.


Anonymous said...

Wow was that an arobetics (not spelt right) workout Buta Buta did.
Now she is all woren out.

Anonymous said...

Nest is MT

Anonymous said...

bbl nap

Anonymous said...

Wow, YES MAM, we have our orders from Mema Jo, STAY PUT!!!!

Anonymous said...

Live feed is back up

Anonymous said...

Had soup & crackers/cheese for lunch.

Tai is going higher and higher up the tree. But now looks as though he thinks he can climb down head first. lol
Buta Buta is still napping

Thanks Glo for the live feed info MT nest

Anonymous said...

Hey Vicky - you always did call me
Captain lol

Anonymous said...

Yes Mema Jo, you are the Captain of this Blog! We go no where without
you !

Anonymous said...

Iris - that is a most beautiful photo. Photos to place faces with names are over on the eaglet_momsters site - Do you have access to that site?

Norma Funny thing on the GA Panda Updates, it said that ButaButa and LunLun are starting to play! I think all that play is just inborn in our Little Prince. I just love it when he rears up on his hind legs and lunges forward!
No call yet from Sharon - Mits - or Nilla. Oh my!

Anonymous said...

Iris I love your Praying for you photo. Norma My grand daughter's name is Elia

For those wanting and eagle fix I did put a video on the NCTC eagles of Shepehrdstown BLOG. Just click on my name here and go have a look OR wait for the Feed Blitz tonight.

For those who want to see JUST A FEW LOL pictures from Christmas trip and Elia Click on my name again and follow the Elia's journey to go hime BLOG

Anonymous said...

Thanks GLO for the afternoon entertainment hour!

NillaWafer said...

Just a short stop in to say hello.. Have not talked with family about Aalehia yet today been in Winchester with son in law.. he really has a bad case of tonsilitus... so just got home from there... No word from Sharon yet?? My i just wish all this sickness would end!!! I had better call about Aalehia... Mits how far are you from Georgia Avenue? I get off there from 495east and go down to Irvin Avenue up to Childerns Hospitol.. Hope your feeling bewtter partner.. Hugs BBL need food...

Anonymous said...

Call came in - They pulled the drain on her! lol She sounds so good! There is still an abscess and it will be treated with antibiotics. At first she thought they were going to put in another drain as there was a pocket under the one that had drained so well. But they decided that meds may clear it up. The mystery still to be solved is 'Where did it come from in the first place'. It has become smaller. She will be heading home shortly.
p.s.-Andrew & John did get to go to the Red Lobster last night for dinner.
Praise be to God for his healing powers!

Anonymous said...

Norma - I forgot to tell her you had 400 lbs of wax for her! lol

NillaWafer said...

Elia.. Ellis... Aalehia ( and thats not the correct spellin but the way i spell it) What happened to names like Sara n Jane regular names..lol Such good news about Sharon!!! Samuel my son in law needed stronger meds also .. they gave him steriods in IV to reduce swelling and antibotics.. and a prescrip for this medcine he takes for 7 days...New vid of Buta Buta on ajc site but i thought she said she only weighed 6 lbs anyone else hear that also?

Anonymous said...

Lun Lun just took Buta Buta out of the nest bed but the camera didn't follow.

Mauley said...

Good afternoon all my dear Eagle friends. It seems that God has answered our prayers for our Eagle Eyed Sharon. I continue to pray for our Maggie and Aleiah. Glo we missed you so badly and glad you are back. My little nephew may have to go back to Iraq in March. He has already spent a year there. You prayer warriors I need your help. Please help me pray that if it is in God's will that CJ not have to go back to Iraq. God bless you all. Thanks for praying for our baby Emily who has had RSV. She is almost completely recovered. Her big sissie, Lindsay, caught it too, but it wasn't as hard on her as she is 3 years old. She, too, is much improved. I don't know how I would make it without you EagleMomsters. love donna

Anonymous said...

Kewl...I see the live feed is back...

Anonymous said...

This is the time of day that they sometimes come back to visit the nest. I wonder if they sit up above the nest much during the day? Little black birds are visible at the tree.

NillaWafer said...

Theres a new thread up and if no one gets over there before me this is number 425 on this blog.. We staying here for now?

NillaWafer said...

I have live cam up and its MT, they do come back this time of evening to work alittle bit..

NillaWafer said...

Dana will get you called in alittle while .. going out for dinner right now... Hows our Thelma any better??? BBL

Anonymous said...

I think she is hiding under the covers today. Not on blog but she is alive.

Anonymous said...

The new thread is for Dec 28th not that older one that has 0 comments.

Are we staying here or heading for Thursday's Dec 28 new thread?????

Anonymous said...

So not to confuse bloggers when they see a new thread AND since Steve is once again taking care of us

Go on over to New Blog

Anonymous said...

Thursday - 4:30 pm



See you there

Anonymous said...

hee hee Jo I go back to computer and all of a sudden felt like I was going to pass out. No headache warning like usual. Made it to bed took sugar 48 eeekk yelled for Ed to bring orange juice and peanut butter crackers.. layed down again.
All fixed now just a little feel bad but ok sugar back up to 87.

Sure surprised me I'm ok me is tough..from west virginia made of tough stuff lol

Blackbirds for supper anyone??? Better stay out of eagles nest. lol

Anonymous said...

Heading for New Thread dated Thursday Dec 28th everyone go there

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...