Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Wednesday November 8

New Thread.

Had a visit from Mission Wolf today, with their ambassador wolf, Maggie.


MITS said...


MITS said...


glo said...

LOL Cute Mits Thanks for the new thread Steve

Just Vicky said...

Awe, that's an awesome wolf!

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful animal - hope you enjoyed having Maggie for a visit - She looks very tame. Thanks for the new thread.

Mits lol That was such an appropriate greeting for the Maggies.

Mema Jo said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Absolutely gorgeous wolf, of course it has to be having the name of Maggie! :):):)

Just got back from the doctor. I thought I had the flu but it turns out I have an infection somewhere, they just don't know where. White count was pretty high. Gave me antibiotics and I have to go back on Friday. More will be revealed. Please pray for me!

MITS said...

But, of course, we will all be praying for you, Sweetie!!!!!!!!

MITS said...

I think Tai Shan has a headache!

MITS said...

Been cleaning and rearranging my favorites today, the Northeast Utility cam has been sold to someone else, but they will be putting the cam up when there is activity. I took frodocam that was a quick season!

Mema Jo said...

Always, Sharon, Always!
I know you really must have been feeling really lousy - so thankful you went to the Dr - this could have hung on you for weeks!
Mits NU will now be --
I think that link is on the old NU page. I cleaned out a lot of the old favorites just the other day -- I must have been saving everything going!

MITS said...

Jo, I figured, I would just clean up and make new folders, since at least I know how to do that stuff. Its like my closets...too much stuff!!!!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Little Ledge Lodger is in a strange position tonight on the ledge.

There is an update on LunLun - getting to get up and go to more areas.

Mema Jo said...

I wish LunLun would just used both of her paws to pick up BabyButaBall instead of grabing her by the hair on her neck.... I know - ButaBall doesn't mind a bit.........

Anonymous said...

Ok This is glo and I switched over ALL my Blogs this afternoon in between 2 dog baths so it really went a whole lot easier than I thought it might. Not to my switch involved 3 BLOGS, Film Loops and two different video sources. It went smooth, BUT I did make back ups of the MOST important items before I hit the change button, as it turned out I don't need those back ups at all LOL

Just Vicky said...

So, where is everybody??

wvgal_dana said...

Yea Vicky you got a "fire" there !!

Anonymous said...

LOL Hi Vicky... I am in and out. I think so many of us are kind of well ya know waiting...I know I am

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I'm here Vicky!

wvgal_dana said...

Glo waiting for what?

Mema Jo said...
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Mema Jo said...

I'm not going to answer that question - I'm going to keep Glo's secret.... lol

I did delete my other comment - Hope you all didn't read it to quickly...

Mema Jo said...

Has your meds kicked in yet, Sharon?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I know the answer to that question too, but mums is the word here!

Anonymous said...

LOL Ok Hmmm Mema Jo what you deleting while I struggle with Google letting me back in LOL. Yep i had to sign in like 3 times to get here to post. Gr-r-r-r- But here I am.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Well for now lets just say I'm waiting for Vicky to stop playing Hide and See, since we are here to talk to her, and she stuck her head inlike Peek a Boo and then split on Us...LOL But nope definitely is NOT the only thing i'm waiting for.

Mema Jo said...

Are you just lurking????????

Mema Jo said...

I hear someone out there going
Boo Hoo

Better watch out or the big bad wolf will get you... Shhhhhhhhhh !

Mema Jo said...

Dana Let me know you are still there and I'll give you a clue for the answer to your question to Glo....

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Was that you or the big bad wolf...?

MITS said...

Might have been Maggie passing gas:):):).

Mema Jo said...

I think I have had a 'silly fit' - it's time to shape up!

The secret I was keeping was the answer for Dana's question to Glo as to 'what was Glo waiting for' ....
Well if you look at my pic towards the very top - you'll quickly know what we are all waiting to have up & running!

Anonymous said...

Very good Hint Mema Jo patience is a virtue and we are all turning in to very "virtuous women here ...and a man or 2 occasionally LOL

Just Vicky said...

No I am NOT lurking! I am extremely ticked at my computer which seems to be slower than all get out, ALL because my dear husband has got me linked in through the wireless network and now my computer is bogging down! He is in trouble!

Anonymous said...

Oh Oh...Did you try a Restart? Count to 10 LOL Remember he was trying to know all those kinds of things. ((((Vicky)))

MITS said...

Wet noodle for Vickys' hubby!!!!

MITS said...

I'm in the mood to slap someone silly!!!

Just Vicky said...

No I don't need a restart, I just need him to stop messing with this internet!

Just Vicky said...

All I have running is this blog so I don't need to go closing "other" programs! It seems to be faster now --fortunately for him!

Just Vicky said...

Hey Mits, I'll provide the object (person) to slap silly!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think the wet noodle or slapping him silly sounds good! :):):)

My little Buta Buta is growing so fast. Just so precious. They said on the update that Lun is venturing out more and they are even going to let her start going outside if she so desires but she will always be able to get back in to Buta Buta. I just want to hug and snuggle Buta 1 time! I don't think that is too much to ask, do you?

MITS said...

You can do whatever you want, Sharon. Vicky love the candle. It has a nice calming effect.

MITS said...

Buta-Buta really has the nursing down pat!!

Anonymous said...

I love that candle...I think we might be needing the wet noodle pretty soon for "You know whom" so if you want ot borrow it, why go ahead BUT there is another "male" not too far back in line if you get my drift lOL

MITS said...

Jo seems to be having problems getting on the blog...and who is this engineer, and what does he look like, and where is he????????

Just Vicky said...

Hey, who's the other male in Glo's line up?

MITS said...

Going to watch Criminal Minds...BBL!

Just Vicky said...

Sharon, I'm with you, I want to hold that baby Buta too! Just once, not like we are asking for custody!

MITS said...

I haven't a clue...unless it is STEVEN???

Just Vicky said...

Hey, at least I got wax tonight!

Just Vicky said...

Oh yeah, Steven, Where's our cam????

Just Vicky said...

Well it seems I have been called to go help another friend with her computer problems. I'll be back later! Keep the place warm and cozy!

MITS said...

Buta is getting a bath!!

MITS said...

Beautiful sunrise at Petes' Pond, weren't we just watching it go down a little while ago.

paula eagleholic said...

Not too much activity except early this morning it seems. Busy day at work and couldn't watch anyhow, LOL.

But, tomorrow is another day! Maybe we will get our cam up...hmmm, Steven? Any further news....Hmmmmm?

paula eagleholic said...

Time flies, Mits!

paula eagleholic said...

Went shopping tonight for birthday presents for my grandson. He will be 1 year old on is Sunday...

Mits, you been in Toys R Us lately? Everything is electronic!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going to bed now.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur.

Anonymous said...

Good Night sharon Sure hope you get to feeling better tomorrow. I will stop back in soon to say good night myself. few things I need to take care of yet.

MITS said...

Paula, I haven't been in Toys-R-Us in years. Not to much to get for "little Maggie", this year. Yeah, hoping cam comes up soon. Wish the eagles in FLA would show up..their nest need some repairs.

MITS said...

There are some storks on Petes' Pond site.

MITS said...

Some really pretty birds at petes' pond

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Jo still can't get in the blog so she is eating oatmeal raisin nut cookies...hmmm, where are the chocolate chips?

Just Vicky said...

So I take it there hasn't been any excitement here tonight?

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, and not much earlier today either. There was an eagle at BW for a while, and There was one at Kent, I think.

Nothing yet on the FL cam

Mema Jo said...

Excitement Sure was some!

I just bribed the Blogger Cop & Here I Am... Trouble is that it's that time of night when I am ready to sign off for the day. Probably won't let me post this...but I'll try.

Good Night All
Sweet dreams of Liberty & Belle in the tree top...

Get the cookies, Paula. Yummie!

Good Morning Suzanne

Just Vicky said...

Goodnight Momsters! I'll keep the candle burning!

paula eagleholic said...

G'nite all!

Howdy Jim and Good Morning, Suz!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning All. Very busy day ahead for me, but will drop by here and there. Then tomorrow about 10 am I'm gone til Sunday Night. Please IF there are pictures of "Our" eagles/nest to take...Please please save them for me. OK Thanks

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I see my Buta Buta has made it back to Momma safe and sound from her Thursday morning checkup. I wonder if they would hire me to transcribe her checkup reports? That would get me one step closer.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! Beautiful morning here in Bethesda...temp 62° already. Great Blitz video, Glo. Sharon, I believe you should be hired for that job. How are you doing today, my friend? Take advantage of your days off. Would be nice if "our cam" came up for you while you have some time off.:):):) Mei was eating and Tai was climbing

Mauley said...

Good Thursday Morning Eagle Land and all of my dear friends. Blog was mean to Mauley yesterday. Bad Blog. Mits is going to get you for that. I, too, loved the Wolf, and especially the name, too. Have a blessed one. Sister Sharon, hope you are better. Hope the blog cooperates today.donna

MITS said...

Good Morning, MAULEY I will slap the blog-cop silly for not letting you in, Glo will let me use her noodle.

MITS said...

SUZANNE Did you see the new pics on the BW site? Its your favorites!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Good morning Eagleland

Beautiful day here in the Mid Atlantic area!

paula eagleholic said...

MT nests everywhere.

You still eating? :)

Anonymous said...

Mits Glad you got the Feed Blitz OK this morning. I hope you and everyone figures out how to get to the You Tube site and watch it on the Big Screen. That's as close as we are going to get to "Our Eagles " for sure. I just love it when the 3rd little head pops up....way toooooooo cute!!!!!! LOL

MITS said...

Elephants at Petes'

MITS said...

Blog is acting weird for me.

Anonymous said...

Well Suzanne Enjoy your weekend...Hey does that mean you don't have Plans for Fri yet, since you thought you had to come in to work. I wonder if your Blog friends coul dcome up with a project for you to do...Now let me think Oh yeah She's got this room where she wants the

Ooops forget how I was going to end that sentence LOL.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They have the video for Buta's exam this morning. She barked at them. It was so precious, though she probably wasn't feeling too precious at that moment!!

MITS said...

Little Buta has a husky voice:):):

Anonymous said...

Well Suzanne I bet you can figure out a way to see them live, and get ready to see them on Cam too. yep sure you can, cuase I believe in you AND that would be a wonderful surprise! Whatever you do, drive safe and enjoy your time off. The first time I saw eagles live I couldn't stay away, and I hadn't grown attached to those eagles the way we all have Liberty and Belle. I was very sick and yet found myself in the car and heaidng to the Marina cause I jsut had to see them again and again and again.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning everyone
The Blitz did it for my Eagle fix this morning. No problem whatsoever getting to the You Tube, Glo. Third little head popping up - That's our Spunky!!
Thanks, Sharon for the headsup on ButaBall's exam. I'll head right over there & yes, I think you could get that job & maybe you could be the one to bring her to her exam!
Suzanne Remember that Fri is a govt holiday & therefore the gates to NCTC (govt facility) could be closed...

MITS said...

Beautiful giraffe at Petes'

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne you have mail.
Watched Butaball's video.. scared me at first when she barked but after watching it 3 or 4 times, I was ok. I am anxious to hear her weight. She looks small down in the nest bed, but boy or boy she looked big on the exam table.

Wanted to mention that daughter/hubby are going to Hawk Mountain for the weekend. The migration count on their site shows a lot of activity - I'll let you know Monday the activity they saw in the sky!

MITS said...

God Bless you Mr. Cam-Man in Botswania, sounds like he has a cold.

MITS said...

2 giraffes at Botswania. big one and little one

MITS said...
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MITS said...

That was me that is playing games with me this a.m.

Mema Jo said...

I am out of here for a few hours


MITS said...

Jo, you got the WAX!!!!!

MITS said...


MITS said...

And the giraffe is still there.

MITS said...

Make that 4 giraffes.

MITS said...

Yeah, Suz, no eagles:(:(:(, but plenty going on at Botswania, giraffes, a lynx, and a cam-man with a cold.

MITS said...

Yes, CSI is still on, but I have not watched it all season since it runs against Greys' Anatomy now...I catch it when Greys' is in reruns.

Mema Jo said...

Mits I was hoping no one noticed about the wax...... IL gals have so much - don't know if they can handle anymore - especially an additional 100 lbs. lol


MITS said...

I got hooked on Greys' when it was on Sunday nights...always watched CSI and still love it, but Greys' is a little more lite-hearted viewing...then I head to ER.

MITS said...

Jo, I got my eagle-eyed training from the master...Sharon.

MITS said...

I can't remember what I was watching last night, but I know I missed the ending of it.

MITS said...

Have a good one, Suz.

MITS said...

WOW! quiet day on the blog, wish our cam was up....hint, hint, STEVEN!

Mema Jo said...

Mits There is a long awaited update on the DC panda page....

MITS said...

Thanks, Jo, I'll head over there.

MITS said...

AAAHH! No wonder we were seeing the cam so late at night.

MITS said...

EAGLE AT KENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...

2 AT KENT......................

MITS said...

BOTH ARE GONE............

MITS said...

Didn't even get a chance for a picture.

MITS said...

OMG....EAGLE IN FLA.........

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Eagle at Kent Cam 1

Mema Jo said...

Well, I hope he comes back... That was a quick visit.........

MITS said...

Jo, did you see the one in Florida, have you been able to get that site up yet??

MITS said...

eagle at kent.....................

MITS said...

2 AT KENT............

MITS said...

They are making me dizzy...just 1 now

Mema Jo said...

I've been on the phone for awhile and now I see the Kent eagle is in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

I'm going to hate to see snow covering all these beautiful nests......

MITS said...

I don't think, now I may be wrong, but not sure they get that much snow out in Washington state and know they won't get any in Florida. Maine probably...Sheperdstown some...BW not likely.

MITS said...

All gone at KENT.

Mema Jo said...

Almost time for hubby & me to travel to Greencastle to meet grandson for Pizza. I should have invited Suzanne as she doesn't have to work tomorrow.
Didn't even give it a thought.
I will be back later this evening..

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Mits I'm receiving mail...

Mauley said...

Jo are you and Mits still on line. I don't have to teach my night class tonight. I got to see the Eagles at Kent. Jo, it will break my heart to see snow on the nest at NCTC. My hubbie was voted Harlan County Man of the Year and I get to go EAT a big meal at his honor banquet. I told him they should have honored him as Workaholic of the Year. You gals and guys have a blessed evening and Mauley will catch you in the morning. love donna

Mauley said...

Mema Jo, please forward the letters from the children to Mits if I didn't get her on the first round. My favorite was Dear God, thank you for the little brother, but I had been praying for a puppy. Weren't those so sweet. Later Mauley

Mauley said...

Mits, jo must have left for pizza. Are you there? donna

Mauley said...

All alone on blog

Mauley said...

No one here at all?

Mauley said...


Just Vicky said...

Hi Mauley! I'm stopping by checking on everyone!

Just Vicky said...

Congrats on the WAX -- remember, 2 needy travelers need wax!

MITS said...

Hi, MAULEY...I'm here, been watching Tai sleeping...poor guy looks like he has had a rough day...Congrats to your hubby, gee, I've got one of those workaholics here, he's been out of town since Sunday, and we be out of town most of next week.

paula eagleholic said...

Congrats on your husband's award!

Eagle in Florida - WOW

2 Eagles in Kent - DOUBLE WOW

Jo - enjoy the pizza!

Mits & Vicky - Howdy!

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Pretty pink sky in FL

MITS said...

Sure is....

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home, TTUL!

MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone. Got a quick peak at the egle at FL. OK Now I know there is one there lOL. Still lots to do, so can't stick aorund long. Blog at ya later. So glad to see there are some eagle sightings today .

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

OK Is that Sleepy, Bored or Relaxed LOL...for me at least it was something to read.

Just Vicky said...

Glo, thought you were on an airplane?

Anonymous said...

LOL No Vicky That's tomorrow morning...I am 90% packed nw though .

Just Vicky said...

90% packed?? You're way ahead of what I would be! I'd probably start packing in the morning!

MITS said...

Hope you have a good time, Glo.

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone. I'm excited and nervous both. Its going to be a very busy hectic couple of days. I will be fried when I get home LOL.

floralgirl said...

New thread is up!!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone tried to get into Petes Pond tonight. it gives me some error script and ownt load the Real Player for me.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...