Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wednesday November 22

Wednesday thread. Sorry about blogger yesterday, it was all bloggered up for me in the AM.


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MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Suz, that is great news about BW cam going up soon....LET THE EAGLE SEASON BEGIN.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Steven for the New Thread.
May you and your family have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.

Now maybe Megan can get in here.

Oh my look at that eagles in Florida. Beak kissing and mating.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Now more sticks to build up the nest. For I'm sure should be eggs. lol

Anonymous said...

Mits I got to see "handy panky" going on.

MITS said...

Good at least he is attempting to help....

Anonymous said...

Yes he is Mits but I think he has other thoughts on his mind.

MITS said...

Yes, Dana, he does.

Anonymous said...

I just told those eagles this morning that their nest looked flat. lol Guess they heard me. Most have taken offense building it higher (just kidding) ( :

MITS said...

Oh yeah, Suzanne, going to roll it up into a big ball, and push the door open gor Megan.

Anonymous said...

One flew off other still working on nest in Florida.

MITS said...

Only going to be 64° in Port St Lucie today...

Anonymous said...

We are suppose to hit a big 48 degrees today with rain tonight 30 degrees. Thanksgiving day maybe rain and 48 degrees.

MITS said...

The other eagle just landed in FLA.

Anonymous said...

This pair of eagles (they expect its the same pair) have been coming here since 1978 that's 18 yrs. plus maturity is about 5 yrs so they are 32 yrs old.

Anonymous said...

Just checked in on my sweet Buta Buta. New hay and she is sleeping. Mom is off somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Checked on Tai he is asleep up a tree very plain to see. Mei is asleep over a tree on the ground.

Anonymous said...

Maine nothing

1 eagle at BW

red light at Kent in the dark

Nothing at Conn. nest

Florida eagles left sure will be back

MITS said...

BW seems to be stuck on same pic for last hour.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that is why Suzanne hasn't commented lately. She is trying to get the cam at BW unstuck.???

MITS said...

Everything at BW is moving except the eagle.

MITS said...

Think it may be unstuck???

MITS said...

Updat about the nor'easter coming up the coast and that is the reason BW may not update.....that lady Lisa is on the ball at BW....

Anonymous said...

Don't have to call her to tell her cam is stuck.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne you still around here?

Anonymous said...

Wow I type it and look an bingo there you are.
Geesh might be a good time to wish for something I want for Christmas. Just can't think of anything lol

Anonymous said...

Suzanne I know it is cold out and you would want something warm. Have you ever had the "frozen coffee's"?

MITS said...

Wind gust of 50mph are expected in Ocean City today...Cambridge is about an hour and a half from there.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne like I said in email. I don't know what Ed's plans are for Saturday. He is a late sleeper. Not up yet.

Still wondering about those "frozen coffee's"?

MITS said...

Cambridge wind gusts 35mph today. That's a great idea, Suzanne.

Anonymous said...

Nest Update - 11/22/06: A Nor'easter storm is heading up the coast, and it might cause problems with the image updating.

Message on BW as I just got on their site.

Morning all!

Yup, can't wait fow BW eagle site to come up, either!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Paula. Sounds like an enjoyable time with your son.

Anonymous said...

2 eagles at BW now

Anonymous said...

More hanky panky in FL? KEWL! Maybe she will lay 3 eggs!

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta is resting on Mom after a nice feeding.

Anonymous said...

Looks like one brought breakfast at BW

Anonymous said...

Nice close up at BW

Anonymous said...

Eagle is RIGHT in front of cam at BW

Anonymous said...

Good Morning all. Hope your day goes well, and your travels wherever they take you goes safe.

In an dout today mostly out.

Anonymous said...

That was definitely neat, Suz..looks like the rain has slowed up for a few minutes...

Anonymous said...

The close up the feathers looked like velvet.

Anonymous said...

Starting to get light at Kent

Anonymous said...

Time for the Sanitation Engineers to show up at BW, eagles are gone!

Anonymous said...

LOL! We know the routine, don't we Suz!

Anonymous said...

Sky is starting to get pretty at Kent.

This has been an enjoyable morning. Watching all the cams.


MITS said...

Yes, it is Suzanne.

MITS said...

eagle at kent.

MITS said...

Busy moving sticks .........again.

Anonymous said...

So great I got to see eagle at Kent before I have to leave for an appt.

Anonymous said...

Eagle at kent

Anonymous said...

you don't suppose that the female at Kent is martha stewart eagle style do you!!!LOL

Anonymous said...

Very rarely do I post without reading the latest commetns. Sorry about my duplicate comment, and of course can't delete it. Guess all who folow at least in the next little while can't miss that there's an eagle at Kent.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi All,
Just a wishing well for tomorrow to you all for THANKGIVING from over the pond.
I hope you all dont eat to much, and end up with very large bottles of pepto bismo for afters.

ENJOY and have loads of fun.

Love Chrissy

MITS said...

HI DOREEN AND CHRISSY Thanks for the well-wishes, have missed you. How's Lou? Pretty much like you see on the might get some yuppies that change their menus, but as for me....its turkey with all the usual trimmings:):):)!

MITS said...

Chrissy and Doreen...lots of eagle activity lately...hope you have been watching the different cams recently.

MITS said...

Yes, Suzanne:):):)

Anonymous said...

Hi Chrissy and Doreen thank you for the Thanksgiving Wishes ( :
Missed talking with you all.

I've got to leave now for appt.

Suzanne you will be gone for home before I get back. Take care and enjoy the parade and again Happy Thanksgiving. Don't know what Ed is doing on Sat.(((hugs))

MITS said...

Up on the limb at KENT.

MITS said...

OPPPPS, Sorry, Suz, my bad!!!!!!

MITS said...

LOL, probably, Suzanne:):):)!

MITS said...

All gone at KENT>

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning all my eagle friends! Attempting to work a little today so I will be checking in from time to time. Hope everybody has a wonderful day! Hi Chrissy and Doreen. Many thanks to both of you!

MITS said...

both are at kent!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well for me its the Earliest int he day I had had a chance to see the Kent eagles. I got excited and wanted everyone to know it was there. of course you already knew LOL. I bet you know its gone now too, or is it back LOL. I'll go look now LOL.

MITS said...

SSSSSHHHHAAAARROOONNN, as Ozzy Osbourne would yell to his wife....good to have you here.

Anonymous said...

LOL OK I give up the Kent watch but I iwll be reading from the Local or is that "loco" reporters off and on as I stop by. I am doing my Mantle for Cmas right now. No one will be here for Thanksgiving so I can take all the Fall stuff down. Didn't do any Cmas last up its going, lots of it today and Tomorrow whaile I wantch the Macy's Parade. I too love that Parade.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,
Well we wern't sure about the menu thing as Doreen said we only know through watching fims you see.

Food sounds lovely though, never had pumpkin pie had pecan pie though, We have our big Turkey Dinner on Christmas Day over here.

Light soup or anything you like really.
Main Course
Roast Turkey,Cranberry Sauce, I do two kinds of stuffing Sage and onion and Pork and sage with herbs,Mashed potatoes,piped into Dutchess whirls, sprouts with very crisp smoked bacon crushed on top with toasted almonds, buttered carrot sticks topped with herbs, tenderloin bacon rolls and little sausages roasted in the oven, Roasted crisp Hassel back potatoes, Bread sauce and gravey.
Christmas Pudding, a rich dark fruit pudding hot and steamy served with either a white sauce made either from Brandy or Rum, and if you have room lots and lots of choccies and plenty of good full bodied wine.

Well now I feel sick, I'll go and cook the dinner.

Speak soon
Love Chrissy

MITS said...

I always try to read post before I post, so, I'm not being redundant. I checked and my spelling is correct, Sharon:):):):)! But sometimes just seeing an eagle I get soooo excited, that I just want to share like the rest of you. So, no harm no foul in repeating!

MITS said...

CHRISSY YOU GOT WAX!! Christmas dinner sounds fantastic!! We will all come over:):):)!

MITS said...

All gone again at KENT.

Anonymous said...

Nope I'm not saying nothin this time LOL

MITS said...


Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all
Sharon pet how are you better I hope, take it east let the men do the work !!!!!

Well Helen if I had the room in my house you would all be welcome to come and have Christmas Dinner here, but the tradition is that guests bring a bottle, bottle of what is up for debate but a bottle will do.

Yes been trying to Eagle watch as well, but time does run away with us over here with the time difference, and what with baby sitting our new baby in Atlanta and keepeing up with naughty gobbo [Tai] we seem to have so many websites to watch there arnt enough hours in the day and look after a family as well, I get complaints as it is.
" YOUR spending far to much time on that computer ", is the usual thing i get everyday, but what the hey, I cant leave my animals alone, but I have to have my Fix of Mai everyday she is such a darling, I get withdrawls if I miss out on her.

Right dinner to cook now or I'll have a mutiny on my hands here.
Speak soon Take care all,

Love Chrissy

MITS said...

Oh, I get those comments ALL the time..Chrissy...usually ham here for Christmas and sometimes turkey on the side.

Chrissy Beahan said...


Helen I just noticed I GOT WAX


never had that before, at last I can do my legs.

Speak soon.

Cooker calling
Love Chrissy

Chrissy Beahan said...


Helen I just noticed I GOT WAX


never had that before, at last I can do my legs.

Speak soon.

Cooker calling
Love Chrissy

Anonymous said...

Nest decorating time at Kent!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that nest just amazing!! They surely have worked long and hard on that one!!!

Anonymous said...

I read the comments, but for people that only read a couple of them, there is an eagle at Kent!


Anonymous said...

Darn, missed the pic of her flying off....the manual page updates before the cam page...

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon - eagles, eagles every where In less then one year it is amazing how 'eagle educated' we have become!
I know that yesterday I wished everyone of you a blessed Thanksgiving-but I'll say it again!
Blessed Thanksgiving to All
Be safe in your travels.

Anonymous said...

Eagle back at Kent...not going to let that stick get the better of him!

Anonymous said...

Not much blogging I missed while I was gone for appt.

Anonymous said...

Tai and Mei are asleep inside

Atlanta is doing something to cam

Kent, Maine and Florida MT

Anonymous said...

BW still up but MT northeastern hitting it

Anonymous said...

Pete's Pond was on this morning and playing good. Now they are showing an untitled clip. Not up :(

Anonymous said...

Eagle at Kent 4:32 pm EST

Anonymous said...

I think it is the female large white tail feathers and very large beak. Not sure if she brought something in to eat or not. Waiting awhile to see. Yep I believe she did pulling on something.

Anonymous said...

Just flew off at Kent..didn't stay too long. Maybe went to a branch to eat.

Anonymous said...

That was neat just seen an eagle on the Florida cam. Flying through the blue sky. Sweet ! (:

MITS said...

Keep a close eagle-eye, Dana, they like to come in at sunset at FLA>

Anonymous said...

Ahh someone's been by. Good to see you. I did miss those eagles though and I do have the cams up. Got my mantle just about done. Feels kind of nice actually. Now I have atmosphere for Macy's Parade tomorrow.

NillaWafer said...

Good Evening... well Atlanta Panda cam has changed to Earthlink instead of CNN and now they are saying this:Starting on Wednesday, November 22 live images of the cub will be accessible Monday-Friday from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Daily updates about Lun Lun and her cub's progress will continue to be posted until further notice. Visit our video library for videos of mother, cub and dad – Yang Yang.
That breaks my heart as i watch her constantly !!!!! Doug Hill weather is calling for sleet also in the weather forcast Mits... Well BBL

Anonymous said...

Wow, sure has been quiet...guess everyone is getting ready for Turkey Day!

Guess I didn't miss anything either!

Anonymous said...

'Cept those eagles Dana just saw :)

NillaWafer said...

All the air ports on the east coast are having delays... If your traveling or going out please be extra careful!!!! Suz prayers are with you on your way home as traffic is a nightmare down there. So whats up for saturday going to the nest if weather is better and megan? what time?

MITS said...

Nilla, when did he report sleet and for when???? They don't have any mention of it on his weatherbug.

NillaWafer said...

Just watched the news and he said sleet also for washington area.. so i know we will get something way up here in WV...

Anonymous said...

Geesh between the weather report and the Panda cam report that not such good news. Everyone leave plenty of time to get wherever you are going. i think this year we will all worry several times over suzanne now and her commutes as the weather gets more difficult to deal with. You all just be careflu and be safe...You have a date with an eagle cam in just 2 weeks now!!!

NillaWafer said...

I am watching the local news here and they showed alot of frozen precip down in Virginia looks like heading for Sharon's way.. So stay in Sharon be safe.

NillaWafer said...

Glo i was watching earlier the beach cams here at Bethany and Rehobeth and Ocean City and the surf is way up and wind blowing so hard...

MITS said...

Partly Cloudy and 48° in Bluefield, West Virginia right now...was watching the beach cams also, Nilla.

Anonymous said...

Nilla where did you hear about sleet? Where is the sleet suppose to be at, what area?

Anonymous said...

14 Days & Counting

Anonymous said...

Sky turning pink in Florida

MITS said...

Waiting for the eagles in FLA.

NillaWafer said...

Oh the Washington News weatherman Doug Hill Dana... He is one i trust for Now Lien Lou at NBC25 is another story

NillaWafer said...

14 DAYS AND COUNTING Paula thats 2 weeks.........336 hours..... and as for the minut total my brain doesnt function that high..LMAO

Anonymous said...

I hear sleet for Penna. and Pocanos

Anonymous said...

They had some snow flurries in Orlando Florida last night. Weather channel tv said.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I will have to travel all of about 1/10 of a mile to Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. We are having it at my sister's house. I have to work from 9 to 11 in the morning. Work today was pretty tough on me so I am hoping tomorrow is a little better.

Anonymous said...

Kitty Hawk, NC flooding in the streets.

MITS said...

Hope so too, Sharon.

MITS said...

Dana, you got wax.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Nilla for what area is the sleet?

MITS said...

Still waiting....

Anonymous said...

Sharon you could make it exciting by putting on ski's for the 1/10 of a mile.

Anonymous said...

NO NO not me not wax it gets in my computer and messes it all up. Then I can't use the computer. Someone, anyone take it---take it please please say you'll take it!!

Anonymous said...

Could be problems for the balloons for the Macy Day parade if the wind is up for the large balloons.
Yikes ...

Anonymous said...

2 eagles at kent

Anonymous said...

oops I mean FL LOL

Anonymous said...

Forgot which cam I had on top but its that Beak to beak stuff. They get along quite a lot more nicely than edith and archie it seems.

Anonymous said...

Got that right in Florida Glo. Both now on same limb, boy is that limb bouncing up and down.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there a commerical once that said, "Florida is the place for lovers".

Anonymous said...

Glo they or one of them are still there. Just seen it fly to a higher limb.

Anonymous said...

LOL Yep They're at it again. getting quite an Eagle Education aren't we. We started with the egss last year, why we are way ahead of thast one this year at least with the FL pair.

Anonymous said...

Nilla what are you baking now?

Anonymous said...

Leesburg some snow and skyline drive and front royal sleet. Allentown Pa. light snow and freezing rain.

NillaWafer said...

Sory just had a delightful phone call from Sharon .. Lord we two can yack yack like Ms Dana ducks!!! Dana i have not got anything baked yet ... Dawn called me before 11am (slept in and asked me to come in early at 2 pm) So i scrurried and got ready so tonight after i go home i will bake.... Oh my its raining hard here... Will be a long night and NO Buta Buta to watch !!! That really PO's me!!!

NillaWafer said...

Oh Atlanta Panda cam is off line ... Ya know thats cruel we watch for months every day all day and night and they just pull it away from us!!! Who do we write im calling EARTHLINK!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Aww how very sad. That is one crummy deal. gr-r-r-r- !

MITS said...

Video update of Buta today has NO AUDIO.

Anonymous said...

I did write the Atlanta newspaper man that contacted me for the interview.
I hope everyone will sign the petition I've sent around.

NillaWafer said...

Just watched awonderful story about this animal place in Utah that is flying in pets that are in Iraq some wounded and hurt and getting homes for them here in the United States they ae being adopted... Did anyone watch Oprah today? She had Will Smith on who stars in this tear jerker of a real life story new movie coming out real soon.

MITS said...

Really wasn't sure where I was suppose to sign it,Dana???

NillaWafer said...

Called "Pursuit Of Happiness" his son plays in it with him... take a box of tissues!!! Good DANA I HOPE HE GETS BACK TO YOU REAL SOON AFTER THE HOLIDAY...Ya know they could have let us know about this change.. I signed it think it went back to you

MITS said...

I thought it was going to the eagle momsters...Dana just sign my name when it comes back to you. I would be very surprised if they changed their minds,,I wrote to CNN, several times about a better cam and response.

Anonymous said...

Mits you just move down under the name there like I am (1) ------- my name just
(2) -------
put your name and state

Anonymous said...

Mits is your state Md?

NillaWafer said...

And if i calculated correctly we have about 20,16000 minutes til the cam.... Correct me if i am

Anonymous said...

Eagles haven't been back for awhile in Kent.

NillaWafer said...

Dana i should be number 2 did i do it right?

MITS said...

Yes, Dana, MD...just tried that when Nillas came thru, but it did not work.... I get e-mails to sign all the time and MOST of the time they always work, but not this time.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My heart is broken over not being able to watch my Buta Buta all the time but I reckon we will just have to accept it. At least we will get to watch her 7 hours a day, much better than none.

Anonymous said...

I see that we are back on the original viewing schedule as it was before LunLun gave birth to ButaBall. I sure was hoping that CNN would keep the site until she reached the 100 day mark & received her name. Dana, it will be interesting to see what your contact's reply will be
Nasty weather all around! Hoping it all clears by tomorrow.

NillaWafer said...

You know whats cruel about it that we have watched her as she grew and now she is trying to walk and moving scooting around and getting teeth and finally making us smile with her gaining abilities they do this ....

Anonymous said...

Well I didn't get the email, but I am saddened and disappointed anyway :-(

Anonymous said...

Worth Watching
Copy & Paste the above - it is a much better newsclip of ButaBall's exam!!

NillaWafer said...

Oh Jo send it to me please in e-mail for some reason cant open them here at work on these computors.

Anonymous said...

Sounds right Nilla. If I can some back and they aren't on the same list I'll combine them onto one petition.

Anonymous said...

Our Buta Buta is good - one of the viewers calls her Bling Bling! And the zoo must call her CubCake - I thought Nilla had said CupCake... Oops! There I go again - Oh, Glo! Don't forget about the Hearing Aid story

NillaWafer said...

Glo she sent it thru Momsters you should get one mine took awhile also..

Anonymous said...

Nilla check your email for the video

MITS said...

CUPCAKE is what they call her in are correct, Jo:):):).

NillaWafer said...

Jo the lady down at the Zoo said they call her CupCake at the Atlanta Zoo, but according to what i been reading they just call her baby and nothing special.. She is "OUR BUTA BUTA"

Anonymous said...

Nilla - you have mail with the link

Anonymous said...

Oh, almost wax!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

got it

Anonymous said...

Jo thank you it is a much better video of her. Lord I'm a cry'n. Dang mean people to cut us off from her. I feel badly for the UK girls.

NillaWafer said...

Wow the video is awsome Jo thanksssssssssssss. Thanks Dana for sending it... i laughed and cryed aint she just the pretties lil thing i say we marry her off to Tai when they grow

Anonymous said...

I say we just NOW kidnapp her !!!

Anonymous said...

Jo how in the world did you find that video at that place??????

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky Ok Well I am on digest with that mail. yes I will get it eventually. No problem .

NillaWafer said...

Oh i got a Thanksgiving card from the UK girls i will send them the link to the video.. Wont they beable to get it now at all and watch her??

Anonymous said...

Hay there Vicky

Happy Thanksgiving to you and hubby...are you going to watch any of the Macy's Day Parade?

Anonymous said...

Dennis Kelly, president and CEO of Zoo Atlanta and Dr. Zhang Zhihe, director of the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding announced today that the female giant panda cub born at Zoo Atlanta on Sept. 6 will be named through an online poll hosted by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution at The poll will include ten names and will begin on Dec. 1 and conclude Dec. 10, 2006
This will be interesting

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky! It was clever of you to get in here just in time for 200 lbs of wax! lol
Are you the cook in charge tomorrow or did you get an invite from one of the kids?

Anonymous said...

To answer the question, "am I cooking?" NO, invited to daughter's

Anonymous said...

DO you think we will get a chance to nominate Buta Buta for a name???

Anonymous said...

I don't think so Vicky. The 10 names will be there and you will select from the ten.

Anonymous said...

On Show Me The Money a woman just walked away with $740,000.00 nice

Anonymous said...

Well Dana, that JUST IS NOT RIGHT!

Anonymous said...

Vicky I am just going by what Mema Jo wrote by there.

Anonymous said...

All the family up this way will be going down towards Baltimore to have dinner at one of our daughters. I am the pie woman! Pecan/Pumpkin.....
I hope the rain and the wind go away by tomorrow morning! There is a state park right at the end of her street & is a great place to take a walk after dinner..

Anonymous said...

Vicky - she will always be our
Buta Buta no matter what fancy name she officially gets.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully they will tell us the meaning of the 10 names they select so that when we vote - we can get a name suitable for our little darling! I love the up close pic on that news video. She is really beautiful. They say LunLun is a beauty due to her round face! We hardly see LunLun's full face as she is usually on her head or has her paw over her eyes! lol

MITS said...

Jo, what is the name of the state park???

Anonymous said...

What ever they name her, she will be

Buta Buta onto the name they give her hee hee see Vicky we can call her always Buta Buta.

Anonymous said...

Mits Just checked it out - NOT a state park hubby told me. Catsonsville Community Park - I thought it was a state one.

Anonymous said...

Jo do you all take 70 to 395 towards Towson?

Anonymous said...

sorry I mean 695

MITS said...

Yep, know where Catonsville is...

Anonymous said...

Yes - 70 to 695 South to exit 14 -Edmundson Ave. Just a few blocks to travel to Oakdale Ave. About a 45 min ride from here. Traffic on Turkey day itself usually isn't too heavy.

Anonymous said...

I was going by my memory of where it was. I knew Towson it on around 695. When we lived at Edgewood we always past the exit for Catonsville.

Anonymous said...

How many hours ahead of us are the UK girls?

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

I think it is that time of evening - need to get up earlier then usual tomorrow.....

Good Night All
Sweet dreams of Turkeys Roasting

Blessed Thanksgiving Day to All

MITS said...

Same to you, Jo!

MITS said...

Good Night.

NillaWafer said...

Good Night to everyone and may your Thanksgiving be full of peace and love and happiness and laughter with memories. I just got y applesauce cake in the oven at 12pm. I stopped by Wal-Mart crazy house on the way home an bought a country ham to bake all night, my family loves it and thought i surprise them with it... Poor Ken will take him an hour to load up the I am so use to coming on this time of night and watching Buta Buta even with the lights off i almost hit the fav of her... sniff... Okie have more things to do tonight yet. Hugs to everyone and i hope this rain ends and saturday we have a beautiful day to visit the nest for the fall visit...

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Good Morning, and Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family and your friends.

Anonymous said...

Watching 2 beautiful eagles at BW

MITS said...

Tai is up his willow tree and Mei is enjoying her breakfast.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!!! I am grateful for all of you in my life today!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...