Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Wednesday november 15

Midweek thread.


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MITS said...

He had a nice looooong nap and now he wants to play.

MITS said...

She is in his favorite spot and I think he wants her to move.

Anonymous said...

ButaBall will have her exam tomorrow. I guess she may get some more shots.
Dana has me thinking of shots from her last remark telling us how to get her to & from Atlanta. lol

MITS said...

Is Dana, talking needles or whiskey????

MITS said...

Now Tai is in his mommas spot eating bamboo.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It is my recent lack of wax, I think, that is making me sick! :):):) I am so glad Thelma and Louise had a good time today.

Nobody knows (or maybe you do) how much I would love to be in Atlanta when they put the pretend name on Buta Buta. No matter what, she will always be Buta Buta to me.

Getting ready to lie back down. If I don't get a chance to check back in, good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur. Love you all!

MITS said...

Don't know what time we will here from Nilla, she had enough time at Metro til midnight.

MITS said...

Sharon, a volunteer told us that down in Atlanta they call her "cupcake".

Anonymous said...

Mist it's not been whiskey the Dr. has been giving me lol

Anonymous said...

Just thinking: Isn't it wonderful how we humans, such as us Momsters, can see the different personalities in all living things. I think it is remarkable - but then every living thing is special.

Anonymous said...

Big Boy Tai is sure chomping away on that bamboo. I think it is time for my ice cream! He's making me hungry!

Anonymous said... cream....

MITS said...

Well I'm off to watch that show that I like on Weds. at 9....can't remember the name, but I like it. TTUL

Anonymous said...

OK Time for me to get away from the computer for a while too. it has been a really fun day.
Please look for newsletters tomorrow. I just now sent them to the queue so not sure how long they will be "stcuk' there LOL. supoposedly Cafe Press starts sending them out in order submitted at 3 am their time LOL.

I will check back in and see if nilla stops by...If not I ams ure we will hear from her tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Ture Mema Jo everything seems to have a place.

Humans seem to look for their place while I think animals know their place. We just seem to disturb it alot.

Anonymous said...

Words of wisdom Dana


NillaWafer said...

Hey Hey Hey here i come a draggin my butt into the door.... Ohhh what awonderful day with Mits and Tai Shan... My neice didnt tell me the metro stop was 4 city blocks away from zoo... thought i would not make it to the zoo... Walking down i told my neice Carrie to look for a hot pink sweat suit.... OH MY GOD EMMITT N CHERYL JUST WON DANCING WITH THE STARSSSSSSSSSSS!!! OK any ways i spotted her and snuck up behind her and gave her ahug.... So we walked down n saw Mei who was laying up in the door way(i had small binoculars) got a great view... Tian Tian was sleeping in the big yard so we watched hi awhile.. Well Master Tai Shan went up the tree and up the tree higher n higher.. then Dana called we made our moves so hopefully you could see us... Mits and i went in side to see Tian n Mei eating and Tai was still up the tree when we left.. as Carrie and i walked by he sorta woke up and looked my direction.. lilbooger... Poor Brenda was trying to get him in with the ol apple on the stick Any ways Oh after saying good bye to Mits she is such a pretty lady... WellCarrie an Aalieha and i where leaving the 2 sloh bears were right by the windows so we stopped to see them... DARK when we left and walked down Constitution Ave towards Metro and found a nice Chinese resturant to eat in and then caught the metro and drove home... The day could not have been ore perfect other than to have all you friends along to share in the joy of seeing the ONE AND ONLY BAD BOY TIA SHAN...LOL Oh mits gave me 2 presents a beautiful flag with an eagle on it to hang out side and a lovely prayer plaq... Hey i am game for the trip to Atlanta to see Buta Buta... Dana ill driveeeee lets go Jo.....

NillaWafer said...

Oh Mits n I sat for along time seemed hours n chatted with a lady who volunteers there and learned alot. We saw all the cameras they use to show us the pandas... Poor Breanda was pickin up panda doo doo when i left and i gave her the thumbs Mits you for got to tell them we touched panda poop and seen panda sperm in the microscope...... Mei was eating bamboo on the rocks n Tain had found something to eat on the floor but his back was turned... What time did Tai come down out of the tree finally???? Whattt a wonderful dayyyyyyy

Anonymous said...

So glad you two met at the zoo and got to see the pandas Nilla! Sounds like you had a great time!

Anonymous said...

Hey There Nilla! It is going to take you days to come down from your Panda high! You had a perfect day in my book.

NillaWafer said...

Thanks Glo for the great fraps and also Dana ,, Paula and everyone staying here and watching and waiting for Mits n I to see Tai Shan... who i think might still be up eating

NillaWafer said...

Oh Jo i sure wish you could have went along... i know i sure could have used ahit of your oxygen We will do this again i know the way now

Anonymous said...

I hear ya, friend. We'll make it for sure one of these days.

NillaWafer said...

Yes we will Jo when we both can ride our Hovarounds up Constitution Avenue and into the zoo...LMAO

MITS said...

Hey, were on Connecticut Avenue:):):):) And I forgot to mention the sperm and the poop, not to mention the vaginal cells.

NillaWafer said...

LOL Oooops well i knew it started with a C Mits give me abreak i was xcited.... Only you would remember that Thelma.. Man i saw Tai Shan today...met you Mits.... found a penny face up... Emmitt n Cheryl won dancing with the stars... yippeeeee........... only thing wrong today was i killed a squirrel driving down...Mits Aaleiha was the best lil girl today never once did she say she was tired of walking but got in the car and she was singing to me and sound asleep..

Anonymous said...

It has been a busy beautiful day!
But it is now that time......

Good Night All
Sweet dreams of
Panda Bears..

Prayers for all my friends.....

Good Morning Suzanne

NillaWafer said...

Go to the weather channel web site and video on demand todays highlights and watch this video of Pandamonium: Pandas making a comeback 11/15/06 Thanks to a helping hand from scientists, the number of panda births is increasing in zoos.

NillaWafer said...

Mits for you thats

Anonymous said...

OK so it has been quite a day. Can't hardly think of anything that would have made it better, well maybe one thing LOL...soon.. Ok I am patieny!!! Rest well everyone will BLOG at ya tomorrow.

MITS said...

Smart arse!!!! I know how to get to the weather channel:):):):) Your niece and her litle one are very nice. She had to be exhausted, you did alot of walking.

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

Good Night and Thelma all the walking was worth all the pain in my legs and shortness of breath and aches n pains just to meet Hey we didnt walk much there at pandas just set n yacked and waited for the LIL Prince as Norma calls him to get out of the willow tree...... I am beat and heading to a nice hot shower n bed... Sharon and Mauley i hope your feeling better really soon, stay in stay dry.... Niters, Nilla

NillaWafer said...

Oh Glo good night and thanks for capturing our visit on fraps... It is great.....Dana you be careful going out tomarrow also in this hard rain thats coming and wind.... Night

Anonymous said...

Okay, sometimes this blog lets me in, other times not, so we'll see if this posts. Good morning, Suzanne, WINDY morning today. Those people you saw camped out in front of Target are waiting for the new Playatation video game system, which will go on sale tonite at midnight for about $600.00! Suckers!!

Anonymous said...

Well, they will be there all day until midnight, rain or shine. I also will be working outside today, got a Dr. appt. early, then back outside to get more cedar cut up. Got to get as much cut into small pieces as I can, then I can make wreaths non stop with all my pieces already the right size. It goes much faster that way. Have to go to DC tomorrow(hopefully) or Monday, waiting for a call from the wholesale florist. Have to buy boxwood. Mostly I just make wreaths, although I do have some straight frames to make window boughs.

Anonymous said...

No worries, turned 40 last year and won the prize of a mammogram!! Yipee! Put it off for as long as I could, Dr. says I gotta go, so I will:( I know what you are talking about for the swags, haven't made them in a couple of years, just have a hard time keeping up with the amount of wreaths I need to sell. Usually sell bags of greens so people can ue them to decorate and make their own swags. Hate making anything where I have to use wire and pull it tight, hard on my hands, which get extremely sore this time of yr. I have a machine that helps me make wreaths, clamps them onto the forms, making them super sturdy, no wire needed. Off to the dreaded Dr. appt. BBL

Anonymous said...

You know, I switched to the stupid beta, having problems logging in sometimes, also noticed I no longer have a trash can so I can't delete any comments. Anyone else notice this?

Anonymous said...

New thread is up w/ info from Steve!

Anonymous said...

Good morning all. Have a great Eagle Day.

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6/6/23 bella field cam

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