Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tuesday November 14

Fresh thread.


Anonymous said...

Thanks steve.

Anonymous said...

Good Tuesday Morning All
Thanks Steve for the new thread. Is there much action at our nest?

Hi Glo! I almost forgot not to comment before signing in.....lol

Anonymous said...

Yep it takes alittle getting used to. You did gGreat !!! Good Morning Mema Jo

Anonymous said...

actually i was a slow learner for that one before I left for the wedding and first post yesterday too. Got it figured out now though LOL.

Anonymous said...

Whew, Thanks Steve!

Anonymous said...

Well I did emails, checked out eagle & panda cams, got Pete's Pond to finally come up, read comments and now it is time for me to get ready for a dental visit - much to my disliking!!!

Prayers for your good health to return, Mauley

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Steve. Eagleland pray for me. Doc is sending me home. Got two shots and an antibiotic. I asked him what I had and he just said the crud. So crud it is. love donna

Anonymous said...

And eagle gone at Kent!


MITS said...

Both eagles moving sticks again.

MITS said...

Just one moving sticks now.

MITS said...

Some kind of animal is sitting in the water at Wavelit, almost looks like it is stuck

MITS said...

Its fine it was a hyena.

Anonymous said...

Mauley Glad you went to the Dr. I think there is quite a lot of that there crud going around. You will be in my prayers. Hope to hear you and Sharon are both feeling better very very soon.

I will be gone for mnost of the day now. Will BLOG later this evening for a hwile perhaps.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Is that Gary and Lorraine's house on the Kent cam?

Tuesday, November 14, 2006 7:36:33 AM

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone, Old slowpoke here trying to get with the 21st century. Let me know if this works. Watching the eagles is a lot more fun than "switching".IrisF

Anonymous said...

YES Welcome to Beta irisF Good for you!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes i so agree watching the eagles is a whole lot more fun than getting this done! bad Google LOL. But you are up and running ready to roll in Beta now.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Glo, now I just have to figure out how to do - gasp - photos...
I really appreciate all your help and encouragement with all this.

Anonymous said...

LOL send me a photo you want on there for you. I will size it and send you a url. In your profile for blogger is a place to put in the url and voila a Photo will appear. Yes it really will. Send me that picture you want in there. I'll be watching. We do the Photo next LOL

Anonymous said...

Eagle at Kent!

Anonymous said...

Hi. Dipping my toe into the water again. Isn't that the Blackwater eagle on the picture of the day at Wavelit?

Anonymous said...

They brought another stick for the nest...imagine that!

Anonymous said...

On the forum, Sandra?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, it's Africam's pick of the day.

MITS said...

PAULA, I think you can see their house on the #1 cam. The tree is in their back yard.

MITS said...

There is singing on the AFRICAM-WAVELIT.

MITS said...

Must be some sort of celebration.

MITS said...

The singing has driven the hyenas to the water.

Anonymous said...

Got 3 Eagle Cams and a Panda Cam running here. I need 4 eyes now and I will be all set. Gonna kind of veg out and nap some in vicinity of Monitor. Back to work in a coupl eof weeks for me. Gonna rest and relax some now LOL

Anonymous said...

I see that Mei has her treat & that Tai is doing his best to get from her. Did anyone see Tai also get a treat?

On Wavelit - it almost sounded like a commercial was in the background.

Anonymous said...

As usual, as I was making a comment Tai now has either received his own treat or taken the treat from Mei...At least he is happy now!

MITS said...

Yes, Jo it was quite the part for awile. Tai had a treat this a.m.

MITS said...

I've been watching what looks to be an Eagle hiding near the upper trunk of tree at Florida.

MITS said...

He's just sitting there up on the bare tree limb..looking around. best view is when you go to full screen.

Anonymous said...

I see it too, Mits, thanks for mentioning it. Took a quick look and didn't see it...can't see the head or much of the tail.

MITS said...

Can see a little bit of white tail feathers, and everynow and then when he moves his head ever so slightly.

Anonymous said...

If I am looking at the same place as you two are, he really is big! I can see the neckline of the white head..
Who is going to watch until he flys???

MITS said...

LOL!!!I'm peek at him every now and then..hoping to catch him take off. Must be that Florida mentality..not in a hurry to do any work.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha :) I was just going to ask you all if you thought he was just sitting up there, thinking about all the work that needs to be done on that nest???

Anonymous said...

Be great if we would see his mate fly in.

I love those RealPlayer stand alone cams. I could fit 6 of them on my screen & see everything at once.

Anonymous said...

Whoa!!! He just moved and you could see a good shot of his whole head..

MITS said...

I saw that......maybe the wife is nearby and he wants to look like he is getting to work before she comes by for a visit

Anonymous said...

Maybe that is wifey waiting for hubby to bring her a stick or two so she can get to work!

MITS said...

Don't ya think wifey would just dig in and start working with what she has.

MITS said...

I can't wait to see them start fixing up that nest.

Anonymous said...

I thought he was taking off BUT he really only did a poop shoot.... :)

Anonymous said...

That eagle is soooooooooooo large that it just could be the female... Wouldn't know until the mate was there for comparison.

MITS said...

50 lbs of wax to you MEMA JO>>>

MITS said...

Wish the other one would stop by.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


That was funny! Cub updates state that pandas in the wild often take their cubs to different sites.. I wonder what Buta Buta thought about it?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Once again - the two roaming pandas return. Lun Lun is can't seem to get

Anonymous said...

Eagle still on the tree limb in FL

MITS said...

Tas's keepers, when he got older but still could not walk, would put him in a nest of straw in the outer den....Mei would come along and take him by the scruff of the neck and back to the birthing den.

Anonymous said...

Eagle has left tree in FL I was not watching & didn't see him take off.

MITS said...

Missed her too.

Anonymous said...

Missed it three! Had to restart so I could print.

Anonymous said...

Mits, how long before Buta Ball will be walking?

Anonymous said...

Paula - straight from the Cub Timeline:
3-4 months
(December-January) walking begins (by 4 months, cub can walk and climb), Mother stops using den.

MITS said...

Tai started pulling himself around by the front paws when he was around 4 months, but as a girl she might progress faster, because she is leaner, his butt got in the way, think it was too heavy for his back legs. There is a good video under the cams from November 2005, that shows his 1st real attempts of walking.

Anonymous said...

Wow, didn't realize it was so long.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe one of us didn't see that eagle leave in Florida! We need help here, folks!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Lun Lun is her own built in stroller too. How cute. Missed that and the eagle taking off in FL. I went to make a hot dring after wathcing it for a very long time and vavoom all gone . I think it knew when no one was looking.

Anonymous said...

All have a good evening, be back much later, if at all.

Anonymous said...

Thanks again Glo, I'm getting to enjoy this, but then again it's easier when you have 'something to do or say'. IrisF

Anonymous said...

Guess I didn't get it in the right order, trying again.IrisF

Anonymous said...

There you are. Good Job. yep you are practically a natural.

Anonymous said...

Here ya go Lisa


Anonymous said...

Wanted you to know if you click on my picture I found a neat map of the locations between Pete's Pond and the Water Hole. its a little late in the season now as the rains are coming and sounds like the cams will be closing, but for the curious...might be fun to know, and of course the locations will stay the same next year lOL.

Anonymous said...

Glo, is the Water Hole what we see on Africam?

Anonymous said...

I meant to say on Wavelit

Anonymous said...

Jo's Good News

Phone call received minutes ago from grandson-in-law who had just arrived at the Syracuse airport from
Afghanistan !!!

Yep! He's in the states for 2 weeks R&R and I have one very happy granddaughter and one very very happy great-granddaughter!! And all the rest of the family is terribly
God is good

MITS said...

That is wonderful news, Jo, make sure you thank him for his service to "OUR", country and how most of us Americans support him!!

Anonymous said...

Great news Mema Jo I am so very happy for all of you!!! When will you get to see him? Thanksgiving prhpas?

Yes the Water Hole is the one we watch on Wavelit.

Anonymous said...

Glo Patrick said he was anxious to get to the house (NY) and they would be staying there awhile before coming down this way. In counting the 2 weeks which would start tomorrow, it means he will be in the states for Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Little Ledge Lodger is sound asleep. Mei is tackling some bamboo.

Anonymous said...

Great news Mema Jo. I know you are all happy to have him back home. And yes, please thank him for his service for us ALL when you get to talk to him. IrisF

Anonymous said...

Trying a differen picture thanks to Glo...AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

Well Iris I would definitely say you have this all figured out. Good for you. I have company coming for a couple of hours. Will check back in later before going to bed.

Anonymous said...

I am going to take a break for an hour or so. BBL

MITS said...

Ok, Jo, I'll be watching the KENT nest til it gets dark, then my Tuesday evening TV shows.

floralgirl said...

Oh, Jo, great news about Patrick, what a wonderful Thanksgiving it will be. Do let him know he has our support and we are keeping him, and his fellow soldiers in our thoughts.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have been so with the program today that I didn't even know there was a new thread. Oh well. Just checking in to let everybody know I am still alive. Still feeling pretty yucky but am okay.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I wish they wouldn't turn the color off on Buta Buta so early. It is only 9 o'clock.

Anonymous said...

Wow,Mema Jo gets a great thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Where's the action at? Sure isn't here tonight!!

Anonymous said...

Sure wish we could hear from Steve about our cam! WE WANT THE CAM, WE WANT THE CAM, NO PRESSURE STEVE!!(LOL)

floralgirl said...

Hello Vicky.....ZZZZZ- this blog is a snooze fest.

Anonymous said...

Wow, life, Floralgirl how refreshing to see you! How was your day?

Anonymous said...

Hey, our pics have the same color schemes going on!

Anonymous said...

race ya

Anonymous said...


MITS said...

Hi Sharon, Vicky, Megan....later back to watching HOUSE.

Anonymous said...

ok, wasn't much of a race, you must be too tired to fight!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I got the picture, everyone is glued to the boob tube!

floralgirl said...

Too tired to race for wax.. Getting ready to go to sleep.

Anonymous said...

HI Mits, bye Mits, later Mits

floralgirl said...

That fire sure looks good. Good thing you got rid of that turkey.

Anonymous said...

ok, you're off the hook on that race! Besides once Sharon gets her punch back she will be taking back her title "Wax Queen!"

Anonymous said...

Yeah, he quit flashing his sign, got rid of the guy! Wasn't doing his job!

Anonymous said...

Better go to bed there Missy Megan!

floralgirl said...

Need to change my pic., been having problems trying to do so lately.

floralgirl said...

Yes, I am going to bed, hands are too tired to type...been clipping greens all day, hands are cramped. Good nite.

Anonymous said...

Goodnight Floralgirl!

Anonymous said...

Just stopping in here quick to say good night. doesn't look like I've missed to much . My picture is the Google earth picture of the locatiin and distance of Petes Pond and the water Hole so many watch here right now. Good night all. Will Blog some tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Niters Glo!

Anonymous said...

Seems I'm tucking everyone in tonight!

NillaWafer said...

Just poppin in afew to say good night. As you know i am going to Washington DC tomarrow to see Tai Shan. So keep those cam windows open cause i will be trying my best to wave at ya'll and hollar something into the mics you can hear..... Like Heyyy Momsterssssssss.....Ohhhhh so xcited Niters

Anonymous said...

Down goes Nilla! Goodnight sleep tight, have fun tomorrow!

MITS said...

Nilla, what time are you going to be there??

NillaWafer said...

will be around lunch time i think or just before that Vicky. My neice is taking me and driving to take the train down to zoo (Metro) Just watch for the crazy lady wavin

MITS said...

That was MITS asking you, you excited redhead!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Opppsssssss hey girl i know well should be around noon or close to it because she has to get her 2 boys to school and drive over here from Hagerstown then were goihng to Shady Grove to get the metro so i would imagine some wheres around 12 or so..

NillaWafer said...

see we got to drive right into Frederick to hit 70 and could have swung by and picked up Jo and then you could have met us also...

MITS said...

If I get a chance tomorrow..I'll try to stop over.

NillaWafer said...

yeah well how will i know its you???

MITS said...

I'll know its you because, I've seen you picture in the albums.

NillaWafer said...

Ahhhh right i wish i could get close enough to Tai to give him a peice of the pumpkin pie i made, i know he would love it....lol Ok be on the look out for you Thelma, hope to see you!!!! Niters

MITS said...

I'll probably be wearing hot pink warm-up suit.

Anonymous said...

I am excited for you, Nilla. Mits, you get yourself over there. That would be great. Now I am doubly excited!

I have a grandson & daughter coming by tomorrow & hubby's brother just had knee surgery & may go to see him up in Cumberland.

NillaWafer said...

Glad i checked back Hot Pink huh? Hmmmm maybe i will to and then everyone will be sure to see us when we get in front of those big windows...lol

NillaWafer said...

Ok i am really out of here this time, have the news papers to read yet before bed.... Say alil prayer that Tai Shan feels the love and walks up to the window for me!!!! Night

Anonymous said...

MTBR Tomorrow.......

Good Night All
Sweet Dreams of Panda Bears

Good Morning Suzanne

floralgirl said...

Good morning, Suzanne! You are right, very foggy here now. Nice day today, tomorrows weather forecast sounds horrible, more rain and wind. UGH!! Got to get lots of outdoor work done today, tomorrow will be difficult.

floralgirl said...

Don't worry, I'm always careful. Worried about the ground being too wet to get some more cedar on Sunday. Only time will tell. Off to trim the neighbor's spruce trees, while the weather is nice. THE SUN IS SHINING!!!

NillaWafer said...

Good Morning, have not left yet as Carrie ( my neice has to get her 2 boys off to school) Oh i have my white Spunky sweatshirt on and jeans. Well c u later, looks like abeautiful day to go visit Tai Shan & Mei..... Hugs, Nilla

Anonymous said...

Nilla I'm going to watch for a while for a Hot pink lady with FRAPS running. I will try to get a short video if I can. MTBR. Everyone have a good day.

MITS said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...