Sunday, November 26, 2006

Sunday 26 Nov

End of Weekend thread


Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Land

Hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend!

Anonymous said...

My Kent2 cam is down also, just balck pictures. I sent them an email.

Anonymous said...

MT nests all around....

Anonymous said...

Looks like rain in FL...actually glad cam2 in Kent is down...cam1 gives a really good perspective on the nest - you can really see how high it has been built.

Anonymous said...

speaking of Kent....eagle in the nest now.

Anonymous said...

And Gone just as quick! Maybe she'll be back soon...

Anonymous said...

Yup, and back just as quick...gonna go watch 'em now...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagle on Kent Cam1!!

Anonymous said...

Awww..she is laying in nest now...

Anonymous said...

Howdy, Sharon! How ya doing today?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Doing okay. Getting ready to work from 4-6. I am working about 4 hours a day now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

How are you doing, Paula?

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are getting back up to speed. Doing good here, was just showing my son all the eagle cams I have up. Love this DSL!

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW!!

Anonymous said...

Eagle still laying down in Kent nest, eagle at BW is gone.

Anonymous said...

Eagle gone at Kent

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Earlier Kent Cam2 had No Video across the screen. Now it is just black. That was a beautiful eagle lying in that nest. I tried to save the pic when she was flying off but didn't get to it in time.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Florida lens is covered with rain drops.

Tai is exploring his den and trying to figure out the easiest way to get the bamboo.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I would love to know what my little Buta Buta is doing. :(

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now Tai is sleeping!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagle back at Kent.

Anonymous said...

Just caught the tail end (literally!) of eagle leaving Kent!

Anonymous said...

Hi good friends of Eagleland....

I too Sharon miss our "growing panda cub" sniffle sniffle..

I have been in and out watching cams and football.

Anonymous said...

Well well well, the "gang" is NOT all here today from the look of things!

Anonymous said...

Wax maybe lol

Anonymous said...

So I think Eagle viewing has been good today for those who could watch. Soon now, sooner than we thing, we will reporting on "Our" eagles. can't wait!!!

Anonymous said...

Bring it on! Let the camera roll, ACTION

Anonymous said...

Celebration time about to begin! Think I'll camp out at the tree and wait!

Anonymous said...

Yep You are looking pretty ready to hang out at a tree. I like your new picture. suppertime here. new Job starts tomorrow. Hope you have been watching your mail. Snail not email LOL

MITS said...

Love the new pic, Vicky.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mits! Have to change it now and then -- keep life interesting in this place at least till we get our "Cam!"

Anonymous said...

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, my baby boy is home safe and sound. He had a wonderful weekend with his sweetie! He says it is good to be home, kind of! :):):) He is missing her already but he sure does have a happy Momma right now.

Anonymous said...

All right! Happy Momma !

I've been waiting to hear that.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No doubt. I am really glad that I let him go. If he wasn't such a good kid, I never would have let him.


Anonymous said...

And go Skins...they won today!

MITS said...

Why thank you, Sharon. So glad you let him go, 1st love is always special, they always have a place in your heart, for the rest of your life, and sometimes you 1st love is your true love, sooooo maybe Andrew has hit the jackpot, but Andrew, listen up....go to college, lets not get sidetracked here.:):):)!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is what I am saying, Mits. College absolutely!!

Paula, I am so glad the Skins won today!!!

MITS said...

Life is his bowl of cherries now...soooo happy that he and his MOM are happy.

Anonymous said...

Paula When does or When did
your college guy return?

Anonymous said...

Got a nice response from Loraine & Garry at the Kent cam from email I sent them earlier letting them know cam2 was down...sorry was out bowling when the response came should be back up now..for tomorrow..

Anonymous said...

Vicky Your pic looks exactly like some of the houses on Main St here in Middletown - Lots of old Victorians - I call them the Gingerbread houses.

Anonymous said...

College kid has returned to school this evening...will see him again at Christmas...had a nice weekend...

MITS said...

Yeah, Jo, there are a lot of neat houses up in you area.

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well everyone, good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur.

Anonymous said...

Good Night, Mits

Anonymous said...

Good Night, Sharon.

Good Night all!
Sweet Dreams........

Good Morning Suzanne! Glad you made it to Market!

Anonymous said...

Suzanne Good morning lady.
Sorry the gate was closed. Figured it would be. I thought you would go to the turn.
Ed didn't want to venture except for the places he needed to go. Which wore me out, since I'm trying my "new" as I call it leg out. Still can't do steps too well but did better on just walking "SLOW".

Sorry you didn't get to see Liberty and Belle. I sure was waiting for someone to say they did.

Anonymous said...

Good Mornng all. hope everyone will have a very great day. Hi Ho Hi Ho , Its off to work I go!

Anonymous said...

Since he drained it better. I just need to learn to walk "slowly". My life in the NFL is no more though lol. I've just started the walking and not the cart riding so we'll see. I have a good "outlook" about it. Wink (:

Anonymous said...

Since he drained it better. I just need to learn to walk "slowly". My life in the NFL is no more though lol. I've just started the walking and not the cart riding so we'll see. I have a good "outlook" about it. Wink (:

Anonymous said...

Well I need a trash can it doubled. Google you are a pain for "littering" ! :(

Anonymous said...

Oh yes I still can't walk on grass or dirt ground. Throws back out.

Suzanne I'll just have Ed carry me over those areas. lmbo yeah right lol

Anonymous said...

DC Zoo it saying both cam are full to capacity..

Anonymous said...

Pete's Pond is showing a film clip.

Maine is pretty but MT.

Suzanne can you get the page at all? I you do then to get the "live" click on it about 4 times straight in a row.

Anonymous said...

Go to Florida Suzanne they are moving cam all around.

Anonymous said...

Well don't let it ruin your morning. There is no eagles in sight in Maine.

That was awesome though. In Florida they had the cam moving off to the right from the nest. To the sky and the ground. Neat beautiful landscarping. Bushes with flowers sort of pink shading off to a red. Pretty ( :

I love trips like that lol were I don't have to travel from my chair.

Anonymous said...

There they go again in Florida watch.

Anonymous said...

Florida is panning around again...nice you an idea what everything looks like around the tree.

Anonymous said...

Hi Paula. Yes it does they earlier had it to the right of nest. Near the ground level and up high in the trees. Boy that water goes on for a long ways. Never did see the end of it.

Anonymous said...

Your right Suzanne one eagle in Kent.

Anonymous said...

Do you see our darling little girl, ButaBall! Oh how I missed her

Good morning all I need to read comments ...

Anonymous said...

Hi Mema Jo yep got her on now. Was caught up in Florida. Then went to Kent. Now to Buta Buta. Sleeping she jerked must be dreaming.

Anonymous said...

I got three cams going at one time here. Put Florida in Real Player, Buta Buta, and Kent up lol. I'm getting close to being around the world.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love windows XP.
Now I've got Buta Buta up, Maine in Windows Media Player airplane just went over, Kent up and Florida in Real Player. Oh I'm having fun here.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Morning, Mits.

MITS said...

I see that Suzanne...Dana has her travelin shoes on today. You had me all excited on Saturday when you posted, thought you had your puter up at home:):):).

MITS said...

Good Morning to you, MEMA JO. How was your weekend?

MITS said...

Glad you saw Spunky, Normabyrd. Wonder if the juvies visit their nest like the one in FLA. does?

Anonymous said...

Morning Norma check back after your dental appt.

Mit Oh the trip that Florida cam took me on was beautiful. Don't know what they were looking for to the right of the nest. Yeah I had a good ride with them so pretty. That water just goes on and on. Never knew it was that BIG. Those eagles sure should have plenty to eat.
While we were moving I was looking in the trees for like a 2nd nest they might have started in case of hurricanes. No other nest did I see.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne yes pleae email Megan how you get into the blog so she can too. Miss her.

Anonymous said...

Eagle back in Kent

MITS said...

I don't know how you do it Suzanne, with all your traveling back and forth, and can understand how fooly with a computer on weekends does not appeal to you after being on one all week long.

Anonymous said...

Getting my chuckles this morning by watching Tai & Mei on Animal Planet.

Anonymous said...

I still can't get them on their cams Jo. Glad they are getting you to watch them. I'll try animal planet.

2 eagles in Kent

MITS said...

They are so funny when they are running around, Jo.

Anonymous said...

Jo I'm at the Animal Planet page but can't seem to bring Mei and Tai up. Where do I click?

Anonymous said...

Dana Sent the link email to you.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne What are you going to do with 100 lbs. of wax?
Just like Mits said, when I saw your Saturday message, I got all excited thinking that your home computer was up. I think you need a weekend visitor to help out! But I also think you need all that sleep you get on weekends to help you make it through the work week.

MITS said...

Yes, Jo, I agree someone needs to come to her rescue!!!!!!!!! She can nap while they put up her puter.

Anonymous said...

Our cam coming up should be an incentive for you - Are you saying that you need company this upcoming weekend so that you'll be ready? lol

MITS said...

SUZANNE I definitely would NOT descibe you as lazy!!!! You deserve to rest on the weekend and take care of your felines.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jo that are a pair aren't they.

Lun Lun just came and snatched up Buta Buta for a feeding at the milk bar. Of course the Mom is taking care of washing her.

Anonymous said...

Tai is finding all kinds of things in the yard - empty cardboard boxes and he did have a plastic jug of some sort. Don't know if a treat was in the jug as he was turning it all around.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne if I don't get back in time before you leave to go home. It's a pretty nice day out there now as to when you came to work.
I have to go help Ed get a perscription from doctor and send it out. To town we go. He forgot lol men.


Anonymous said...

Mits, you asked me about my weekend - I had to stop and think about it because on Thursday it sure seemed like Sunday! That threw me off the rest of the real weekend.

Anonymous said...

I need to get some things done around here - I am off to the dentist TraLa..
3:00 appointment that may turn out to be a doozie! I will return toothless I hope NOT!

Anonymous said...

Eagle in FL

Anonymous said...

Gone in FL

Mauley said...

Good Afternoon all my Eagle Buddies, It is so good to be back on the blog. This is my last week of classes and semester tests are next week so I will be limited on my blog time this week. I am much much better. Thanks for all the prayers and the Happy Thanksgiving wishes you have all sent me. God Bless You all and love Mauley Donna

MITS said...

Glad to know you are feeling better, Donna:):):).

Anonymous said...

New Thread is Up!

Anonymous said...

Wax, LOL!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...