Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sunday 19 Nov

Evening Thread.


Anonymous said...

Am I really here by myself?? :(

I gave everyone plenty of time to get here before me.

Thank you Steven for the New Thread.

Going to check on Florida eagels.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am here Dana!

Anonymous said...

Count me in

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody. Thanks for the new thread Steve Thanks for the heads up Dana

Anonymous said...

Hey everybody I put up the wedding photos this afternoon. They are here:


Anonymous said...

I wish our little gal, ButaBall, had treads on her back feet so she could get where she was going. I see LunLun has been eating in the nest bed!

Anonymous said...

Going to see the wedding photos....

Anonymous said...

Fight! Fight!
DC Panda Cam 2

Anonymous said...

You missed it, didn't you?

Anonymous said...

Peace at the Milk Bar.... lol that little boy!

Anonymous said...

LOL yep I missed it!

Anonymous said...

Love your picture, Glo. No mistaking that it is ButaBall! lol

Anonymous said...

LOL oh good glad you figured out who that was in my latest photo ((((Mema Jo)))) Thanks for visiting the bLOG and seeing the Wedding Photos too. Can't remember if I had told others aobut the one with Becky at the piano on there or not. Hope you listened or have heard her play...that post will bounce to Archives next time I add something to that page. The piece is Dream of Olwen beautiufl piece of music...didn't practice ahead I just asked her to play something for me to tape and bring home because I missed hearing her at the piano. That is what I got.

Anonymous said...

Going to watch the conclusion of a movie that was on last Sunday... BBL

belle_wv said...

HI everyone

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello, Belle. I sure have missed you!!

belle_wv said...

glad to see you're online sharon! How're you feeling?

Hi Dana and Jo and Glo :) What wedding? I am so out of the 'loop' sorry

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, I am still feeling about the same. Have to undergo more tests in the next couple of weeks. I am going to try to work 2-3 hours a day starting tomorrow. This is such a bad time to not be working, with Christmas coming up but more will be revealed.

belle_wv said...

First priority is to get you feeling better. What do they think the problem is? Still pneumonia? Just not clearing up?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, you've got mail.

belle_wv said...

It's been so long since I've blogged I have almost forgotten how to do it! SCARY LOL

belle_wv said...

I love the Senior night Sharon! Such a proud mom and son pair :)

belle_wv said...

I saw the post that we might be getting pics of Liberty and Belle again soon... that will be awesome!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Belle.

belle_wv said...

I'm glad I have a few years before 'Senior Night' I will probably cry and embarrass my lil girl LOL

Anonymous said...

Howdy Belle & Sharon

Anonymous said...

Belle, Glo's son was married last weekend

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello Paula. Yeah, Belle, I was pretty emotional on senior night!

belle_wv said...

Hi Paula! Oh that's wonderful - a new daughter for Glo :) I will have to look at pics. How're you doing Paula? I like your new pic, too. I guess I should figure out how to chance mine to something a little less 'springy'...

belle_wv said...

Where's the pic taken, do you know Paula, and what does he/she have in its left talon? Looks like a stone? Is it a she getting ready to drop a rock to see if the guy can catch it? She's making it tougher than dropping a stick! She must wanna make sure she gets a DOOZY of a mate

Anonymous said...

Doing good, Belle. Can't complain!

Anonymous said...

That was an eagle spotted in Frederick. That is road Kill in the talon!

Anonymous said...

Hi BelleGood to see you in here tonight. How is that busy semester coming along. Seeing light at the endo f the tunnel yet. I am gla dyou are up on the news about the cam. We are literally ocunting the days in here Right Paula? Don't overdo it now Sharon Just a little at a time.

belle_wv said...

Road kill? Hmmm I think I need to look closer - on second thought - I'll take your word for it LOL

belle_wv said...

Hi Glo!

Yeah light at the end of the tunnel - just a few more bits of paperwork to get settled and this semester is 'in the can'... then only one more.... and it will be a repeat of this one virtually, so it won't be difficult, I hope

Anonymous said...

I went Eagle watching this morning, but it didn't prove very profitable. Got really cold. sunny htough. Went to a couple of different locations. Dexter ended up with a nice ride and 2 nice walks. Daphne didn't come, she doesn't like my driving...yep I'm serious. Anyway neighbor saw 3 eagles earlier this week so I went looking with camera in pocket, but alas, not yet. But soon.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I promise I am not going to overdo it, Glo.

Anonymous said...

Time for hot chocolate for me BRB

NillaWafer said...

Belleeeeee hey girly girl how the H are ya? Glo could you send me that web site for your weddin [pictures dont know why but those urls never work for me in here... Sharon you feeling any better?? Tell ya a good greasin of vicks would fix ya right Paula hpw was bowling? Jo you staying in also and behaving? Belle be sure and go look at Me n Mits pictures and video Glo made of us 2 down at the Washington zoo seeing Tai weds. Ya know they are calling for snow flurries here tonight it so cold... Dana told me that today on the phone , did you get your floppies taking care of Dana???

Anonymous said...

That is my cue!!!

17 days and counting!

Anonymous said...

Bowled like crap. Too tired from working outside today!

NillaWafer said...

Paula is the Dick & Janes close y you??? Any ways was just to late for us to go this weekend, but definatly going before season ends prolley this weekend, we are a big bunch of crab

belle_wv said...


Crash - bump, thud

That's me fainting!!

Good to see you Womaaan!!!! Man it sure is good to take a few minutes to get on here and say howdy.

Now where do I find all this stuff about the trip to the zoo? Sounds like a great time!

belle_wv said...

Crabs? Where?

NillaWafer said...

I have seen so many people putting up their Christmas lights guess taking advantage of the weather... Would you beleive Santa HAS ALREADY ARRIVED AT TEH MALL... geeezz it isnt even Thanksgiving yet... By the way last year big stink over saying "Merry Christmas" well i for 1 have been saying it for almost 60 years and aint changing to Happy Holidays!!!

Anonymous said...

OK Nilla You have mail

NillaWafer said...

Belle when i go watch it i just click on Glos name and the last blog link on her page..Crabs over at this resturant in Emmitsburg or Thurmont Paula?

NillaWafer said...

k Glo Bug thanks

belle_wv said...

Santa is at the mall already? Yikes... we put our lights up mostly - got my mom's up. Just had one strand that wouldn't work for ours, so now have to get it replaced to finish our lights. Feels good to have that mostly done, I want to be able to enjoy the holidays this year instead of havihg them be over before I'm ready to get started getting ready for them! LOL

NillaWafer said...

Belle my phycodelic eagle is finally flat and i have it laying on my desk shelf.. Panda is right here and had a hard time holding on to it as my great neice wanted it, but NO WAY..Love her but ITS MINE..

Anonymous said...

Dick & Jane's is about a mile or so from my house...

belle_wv said...

Glad your panda is getting lots of love and attention :) LOL on the psycadellic (Sharon? a lil help with the spelling please?) 'eagle' going flat finally

Anonymous said...

LOL Nilla Actually if you have learned to get to the links for the Eagles that way, the Wedding pictures are on Blog number 2, and my Grandbaby is number 3. LOL

Anonymous said...


belle_wv said...

Dick & Jane's - sounds like a story book... Crabs sound yummy. I still have never eaten a 'whole' crab... but I certainly can do a number on the king crab legs - yummmmmm

belle_wv said...

LOL Glo on the links - I was just wandering my way through them again... still haven't found what I was looking for - but lots of purty stuff just the same :)

Anonymous said...

Belle If you are looking for the Video of Mits and Nilla at the zoo, it is on the last link...The one For the Love of Eagles.

Anonymous said...

Almost daylight at PP

NillaWafer said...

Oh my GloBug very beautiful wedding, but would have liked to see more of our GloBug in pictures, was you the photographer? Ana looks very young to have sons that big good looking boys. Can we expect any more in the future???lol

belle_wv said...

Found all the pics and video :) And Nilla already said what I was gonna say about the wedding pics - what's such a young gal doing being a mom to such handsome young men and is there going to be any more grandkids??? Tom looks very happy :)

Anonymous said...

Very bad hair day for Glo bug LOL and yes I did take lots of the pictures. No more kids in the future as far as I know LOL

belle_wv said...

Wow - it is nearly 11 = time for this gal to find her pillow - it was so nice getting to 'catch up' a tiny bit - still missing y'all lots, though...

{{{{hugs}}}} and sweet dreams to everyone

Anonymous said...

The oldest boy Fran just had his 14th Birthday.

Anonymous said...

Good Night .Belle Good to see you

Anonymous said...

Well its bedtime here. I'll bLOG at you tomorrow. Good Night everyone.

NillaWafer said...

Niters Belle & Glo geeezzz Glo i got over on your page and went and was reading those tributes we all wrote and here i set tears again and alll gushy.......sniff got ahankie?????? Wonderful memories to reflect upon..

NillaWafer said...

Well i gona call it anight also and watch some tv, c ya in the morning....... Morning Suz....... Niters Ya'll

Anonymous said...

Just finished my movie - & whole lot of commotion on here when old friends return.Hi Belle So wonderful to hear from you.
It's great to be able to refer to all of Glo's wonderful works when someone needs to catch up on happenings of our blog.

Anonymous said...

It is that time of evening for me.....

Good Night All
Sweet dreams of 17 more days

Good Morning Suzanne - Hope you had a restful weekend

movin said...



Anonymous said...

Helloooo!! Good morning everyone! Off to DC to pick up boxwood and some other greens. Horrible hour to leave, that's right it's 3 am, only way to avoid beltway traffic!! Boy, am I draggin, hate this trip, but gotta go! Morning Suzanne!! BBL

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Suzanne, you are right the only way to get in and out of DC fast is to leave in the EARLY morning hours. Leave at 3:15 back home by 6:30. Now my butt will be dragging the rest of the day, but I can't stand to waste time sitting in traffic.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, you've got mail!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Megan. (is that how you spell your name?)

MITS said...


MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Morning Mits.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Cute shot of BUTA and LUN.

MITS said...

Cams on the move at zoo.

MITS said...

There is Tai.

MITS said...

And there is Mei, eating.

MITS said...

Yes, thank you, Suzanne...went by fast.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Buta is trying so hard to motivate this morning. Lun is snoozing away.

Anonymous said...

Morning Mits and Sharon( yep- you speeled my name right). Hope you're feeling better. Hurt myself yesterday when I fell as we were loading greens into the van. Really hurt my tailbone and have a huge bruise this morning. That was a looong 3 hr. ride this morning,(enjoyed those good old DC potholes in the road) Off to make wreaths, let the marathon begin!! Blog at you guys sometime later.

MITS said...

Megan, honey, we like to refer to them as craters...your DC government at work, and it WILL not get better with the new mayor either....such a shame for the nationals' capitol.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thread LOL

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...