Monday, November 20, 2006

Monday November 20

New week thread.


1 – 200 of 244   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

Good morning all. Thanks for the new thread Steve

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Eagleland. Thanks Steven for the new thread!

Anonymous said...

Happy Monday

Thanks for the new thread, Steve!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are enjoying the mug!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Maine cam is still down, just getting light at Kent, FL looks overcast..

Anonymous said...

Just saw George and Georgette at Kent!

Anonymous said...

A late morning Hello to all! Steve surprised us with a new thread and I will have to go over to see who hit the 100th mark. lol Not too much planned for today - can't believe that Turkey day is this week. Yummy!

Mauley said...

Good Morning Eagle Fans, Thanks for the new thread, Steve. I think I am back in the land of the living. Thanks for all the prayers. God heard them and I am here at work. Can't wait to see our Liberty and Belle. God Bless you all today. donna

Mauley said...

Thank you so much Suzanne. I felt every prayer that you all prayed for me. Never been that much under the weather in a long time. Much better now. I bet I missed a lot of good blogging. Hope to catch up soon. donna

Anonymous said...

Go to have you back feeling better, Mauley. Suzanne,how did you let Glo beat you to 100 lbs of wax. Tricky!

Anonymous said...

DC Cam 2: Tarzan Tai is at it again. He has gone sooooooooo high in the tree that the camera took about 5 minutes trying to get the right angle in order to see him.

Anonymous said...

Mauley I was saying Good to have you here I miss my little trash can when I do a typo... I still never read how to delete a comment.

Anonymous said...

Lunch time here - guess you'll be leaving soon, Suzanne. Hope Megan got her boxwood - really sorry to hear she took a fall! That's gotta hurt....BBL

NillaWafer said...

Just a quik hello, had a time getting in here at first the blogger engineer held me up sending messages... Ok have a nice day everyone i am off to buy fall flowers and go to CharlesTown to my sisters grave as tomarrow she will be gone 1 year, and wont have time to go tomarrow. Miss her terribly was with her by her bed side at the end or shall i say her new beginning singing in the Lords choir she has such a beautiful singing voice. Ok c u all later.....BBL

MITS said...

Prayers are with you at this difficult time, Nilla....Have to go out again...TTUL!

Anonymous said...

Paula just sent an email through Momsters: Anyone else having problems getting into the blog? I keep getting
that "Engineer is working on it" message, and have only seen one post
since on the main page since that error came up.
I told her I would let you all know where she was!

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you Nilla - I pray you will keep all the good happy memories of your sister first in your heart.

Anonymous said...

Great scene of LunLun and ButaBall sleeping in the nest bed.

Anonymous said...

No trouble here except for finding the time right now LOL

Anonymous said...

Whew! Finally got back in!

Anonymous said...

And everyone else is gone! LOL !

MITS said...


MITS said...

And they are gone.

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Hi, Vicky.

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Did you watch the video link I sent around? Did it look like that? That was Hanky Panky! I will be very interested to see how long it takes to lay eggs after mating...

MITS said...

Yes, I did Paula. And I did post on Saturday night at sundown there was beak touching and mounting and I saw it LIVE!!!! Thought I had read from willpatts' video that Lynda said maybe eggs beginning of December...I have to go look up some bald eagle facts, but they were just going at it again about 10 mins ago.

MITS said...

one is up on the left limb again.

MITS said...

Really gets grainy at dark.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Bald eagles in the south lay eggs in Nov/Dec. What they don't seem to know is how long after mating the eggs are laid,,,this may be a good reference point!

Anonymous said...

yup, see him/her

Anonymous said...

Apparently not something that is seen very often, it happens so quick!

MITS said...

Egg laying can begin in late November in Fla. and go til Feb if 1st hatch is unsuccessful, they might try again

Anonymous said...

They need a cam you can see better at night...although it seems like the streaming cams are harder to see at night than the still ones.

Anonymous said...

They need a cam you can see better at night...although it seems like the streaming cams are harder to see at night than the still ones.

MITS said...

Glad there season is early, we could be watching all eagles all the time soon...once again "great counter of the days" how many more days til "our" cam is on????

MITS said...

Still can see their 2 shadows on the left on the high limb and one on the lower limb.

MITS said...

Yeah, like at BW, if anything came there at night, you could see it.

Anonymous said...

I can't see a thing there now.

Anonymous said...

That's what I was going to post earlier when I couldn't get in! Thanks for the reminder...

16 Days and Counting

Steve let us know if there is any delay to the Dec 6 date, so our counter will be correct!

Anonymous said...

Dr Mits You been watchin Hanky Panky again? LOL

MITS said...

Yes, Glo, its a tuff job, but, someone has to do it...tee-hee!!!! More action then I have seen in years!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Heading home...TTUL~!

Anonymous said...

Kind of like a Little less talk and a lot more action Some how that seems to fit about now LOL

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Well, guess our Dr. Mits is keeping track of all "bambooning!"

MITS said...

You know me, I'm just a bambooning fool!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sooner or later we find a purpose for everyone!

NillaWafer said...

Oh Lordy i see Mits is Hanky Panky watchin again.... Good thing we didnt go to the monkey house weds ya know they always seem to be checking body parts Well reading those blogs brought a smile had ahard day going to sisters grave as i said, and also stopped by and saw my brother in law,, who had news he is getting married next month... But my sister wanted him to remarry but she sat and cryed to me because at that time she was already jealous... Tears i guess he needs to move on i agree but he and my sister were married almost 40 years. Ok enough of that. Hope everyone is preparing for a big Thanksgiving Dinner... If you have any good family receipts how about passing them on? I have 1 for an Applesauce cake so moist and yummy used by family long before i was born and still is by me...

Anonymous said...

So Nilla, where's the receip??? You've had a tough day -- our hearts were with you!

Anonymous said...

AND NillaBean, Mits would still be at the zoo so its very smart planning NOT to take her to the monkies!

MITS said...


MITS said...

Cake sounds good, Nilla

MITS said...

Going to fix dinner, BBL!

Anonymous said...

Well Mits, you add a special touch to this blog!

NillaWafer said...

My Familys Old Applesauce Cake Receipt.......................... 2 cups applesauce warmed.. 1 1/2 cups sugar....1 cup shortening heated....2 eggs....2 teas. baking soda.....3 cups flour....1 teas.cloves....2 teas cinnomon.. 1/2 cup raisins....1/2 cup chopped nuts(walnuts or pecans) Directions: heat applesauce and sugar together... Mix dry ingred....add sugar and applesauce... add the heated oil...beat the 2 eggs and add....Bake 1--1 1/2 hours in a 300' oven (best if you use a tube pan i use one handed down to me from my great grandmother)

Anonymous said...

Hey, that sounds great Nilla, how about sending it to the momster group so we ALL get it

Anonymous said...

I especially like it because it doesn't seem complicated! Always looking for something good and simple to make!

NillaWafer said...

Ohhhhhhh Gloooooooooo deal or deal is on lime green i Dooooooooooo hope this young girl wins!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Oh my goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh look Glo he offered her the lime green Escalade wow oh wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

NillaWafer said...

Ohhhhhhhhhh she took it and her case only had a dollar in it!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes Nilla I am watching She did very good. Ihope this guy does well too.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello all my eagle friends. How are you on this fine evening? Cold here in Bluefield. I am getting ready for bed. I have to train a couple of people in the morning at the hospital. Easing my way back into work so it will be good. I thank everybody for all their prayers!! :):):)

Anonymous said...

Sounding like a little more than 3 hours a day here Sharon Also sounds like you might be feeling some better. Continued prayers coming your way.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, sometimes we just have to act as if and one day it happens. Tomorrow will be 4-5 hours and then after that maybe 4 hours a day, depending on what I feel like. They are so good at working with me. So grateful I work for the company I do. They are wonderful, caring people! God is good! The 2 ladies I am training tomorrow actually trained me on my first transcription job in 1999 so it will be all good. :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is December 6 the date our cam will be up? The past couple of weeks are a little foggy but was wondering if that is the right date.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

All alone, I feel so all alone!

Anonymous said...

Yes Sharon that is the date we are all waiting for :-)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...

Vicky You have mail

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night Mits.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I want

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

wax. I think I got it?

Anonymous said...

Glo, you have mail!

Anonymous said...

Yep, Wax Queen is back!

Anonymous said...

Wax for Sharon!

Good to see ya get wax, girl!

MITS said...

Just checking back in and LOL!!!!, the wax Queen is back:):):)

Anonymous said...

WE could say, we're "letting" her win -- ??

Anonymous said...

Yes it is wonderful to see Sharon back

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And it is good to be back.

Anonymous said...

Well Sharon about 500 posts ago I did win some wax for you. Check it out LOL,

OK nevermind just take my word for it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I vaguely remember that Glo. Thank you very much! :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur!

Anonymous said...

Good Night everyone, will bLOG some tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Suzanne...nice to be seeing you again.

Microsoft had to do a reset on my computer. So it was time for my virus scan. To my surprise instead of 10 minutes. It took 13 hours !

Nice to be back again. Missed everyone.

Anonymous said...

Morning Suzanne and Dana.

Anonymous said...

Making them as fast as my little hands can, Suzanne.

Anonymous said...

Morning Floralgirl ( :

Are you ok I was reading the blogs; well just got to Monday AM finished and seen you took at fall?

Are you ok?

Yep Suzanne just my usual 10-15 minute Anti-Virus scan. This one took 13 hours since Microsoft had to do a reset. I'll have to remember to send them a note of how happy they made me lmbo. I sure missed everyone !!

Anonymous said...

In my time of misery of being away.

Glo I like your picture. Now I wonder who that can be lol.

Mits...well after the bambon's with Mits. I shouldn't be surprised she was the one that got to see the eagles at Kent. In their private moment. lol With MIts around they need to pull the shades down lmbo.

Groceries today after Ed gets up.

Anonymous said...

Sure do, Suzanne, wear work gloves otherwise my hands would really be a mess. I use a clamp machine to assemble my wreaths, so there is no wire to pull tight. Makes a much sturdier wreath than one that has the greens tied on with wire.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Suzanne. You don't know just what that means to me for you to say that.

Oh yes Suzanne I better bring you up-to-date on Ed. (or you'll shoot me lol) Dr. appt. yesterday went over CT-Scan: those 3 blood clots absorbed, he does have emphyasma plus lung damage from toxins, chemicals, paint, fumes of the heat ovens from work. He was taken off Coumadin yesterday. (dr. said to drink a little wine again but he won't for awhile., still on oxygen when walking, bending, or doing things. Jan. 16th next appt. where he will do blood work. Trying to see if clotting or something wrong with blood.
Dr. said I will give you the one incident of clots. Watch for anything where you start feeling tired or pain get to me (dr.) right away, cause it will be clots again. So that is it we just said him/me our prayers he'll be safe. That's all we can do. ( :

Anonymous said...

I'm doing okay, Dana, fell on my tailbone which is now very bruised, swollen and sore. Luckily for me I don't have much time to sit down,ha,ha, because sitting comfortably is impossible right now. I will be selling wreaths in Shepherdstown this weekend, Suzanne.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Dana sounds like your husband has some serious health issues, hope he will be doing better soon.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne, I will be right on main St( German ST) in Shepherdstown on Friday and Saturday, down in the center of town right beside the Sweet shop. Can't miss me, they let me set up right on the sidewalk at the corner. Sunday I will be just behind the library at the farm mkt. location. If you came into Shepherdston off the bridge, go past the road that takes you to the nest, keep going towards town, at the four way stop turn left, go a couple of blocks and I will be on the left. BRB- gotta get dressed and take daughter to bus stop.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I worked retail for years and always dreaded those Black Fridays!! I love a great bargain myself, but hate to see people pushing and shoving and fighting! Not really much Xmas spirit there. I should be there Saturday from 10 til 3( unless it's really cold or I sell out sooner.) Ususally there til around 3. Previous yrs. spent some pretty cold days out there.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Eagleland! I am going to the hospital this morning to train a couple of ladies. Good for me to get out of the house for a little while. I hope everybody has a wonderful day.

Remember to do random acts of kindness. The rewards are great!

Anonymous said...

Ok was over looking at wedding pics Glo. Beautiful pics. Pray many years of happiness.

Megan selling wreaths humm might have to check it out.

Suzanne yes Ed is happy one less pill to take. The CT-Scan did show his heart by-pass arteries are open and pulling very well (: .
So oxygen yes but we'll have a long nice (ok vicky lol) life together.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne I see on BW page where they are having a Holiday Open House Dec 2nd. Are you going? Still too far for me.

Anonymous said...

Heading over to check my mailboxes. I just remembered haven't been able to get to them. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

Good morning all. Hope the day is good for each of you. I will be checing in for the latest Hanky Panky info from Dr. Mits. Wishing a very Happy Thanksgiving to those who are preparing whatever they need to do to Celebrate the joys of this time with others. Catching you now in case you are one who is going to be too busy to check in much between now and Thursday. I remain Thankful to each one of you, this Eagle Cam crew some of whose names I don't even know, who have bought us together and Steve for his commintment to us and keeping this BLOG runningeven through the down time. ((((((Steve)))))

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Dana, girlfriend glad you are back. In this 13-hour marathon of virus scan, did any viruses show up. Praying for better health for you and hubby. Megan, are you in Sheperdstown on Friday and Saturday or Saturday and Sunday. Hubby loves to be in the malls on Friday, he took me once or twice and I was not a happy camper. Know everyone will be busy the next fews days , so please be careful when you are rushing around.

Anonymous said...

Morning Sharon and Mits. I'll be in Shepherdstown Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Mits, unless it really rains on Fri. Not room on the sidewalk to set up my tent, hopefully the weather will cooperate.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Glo that was beautiful.

Mits no virus's happy happy ! I've never gone out into that rush of humans. I worked out when younger in retail and I know how they act, what they do and all the kindness they forget to spread around.

I also want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. In case some are traveling or preparing meals,etc where they don't get into blog. Ed and I take Mom out now each year for the last 4 years. Use to hold big dinner at our home. Daughter is in Florida and married now. So things have changed since she left home but Mom should have our company and will.

Anonymous said...

Seeing if my new picture will post.

Anonymous said...

Oh, this blog is ticking me off, couldn't get new pic to show, try again, took a picture of one of my wreaths, mixed greens and bittersweet.

Anonymous said...

Well, if you click on my name, the picture off the wreath is there, but it won't show up here for some reason. Breakfast over, off to make wreaths. Have a good day everyone. The sun is shining!!

Anonymous said...

floralgirl The wreathe is beautiufl. If I were closer you would have a customer for me, and each of my kids, but like others that has changed and I am a long way off. Nect time you log out and back in, your wreathe should show up

Anonymous said...

Suzanne leaving already?

MITS said...

Dawn, just starting to break at KENT.

MITS said...

Pink dawn at KENT:):):)

MITS said...


MITS said...

Pink didn't last too long.

Anonymous said...

My picture at Kent cam 2 is very very grainey...lines all through it. Anyone else?

MITS said...

Yes, Suz, its one of my favorites to watch in the a.m.

MITS said...

Ther are a few lines, Dana, but still is very clear.

Anonymous said...

I too enjoy so much the sunrise there. Always makes me think of sunrise at Easter service.

Anonymous said...

hee hee Suzanne I know you are there wandering from cue to cue. It was me lol that said "reminds me of Easter Sunrise service". It's ok you are anxious to get out of there lol.

Anonymous said...

Sanitation Engineer at BW

MITS said...

Just goggled that site, Suzanne, very interesting.....yummy, let me know how you like it.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, pecan pie good any time of the of my favorites...:)

Anonymous said...

Nice to see the Maine nest back online...

Anonymous said...

Morning Paula it was 27 degrees here. I just retried on this new computer. What Sharon taught me for the degree sign. Screen went black. Came back up with my two screens I had open now sideways. I caught myself turning my head sideways. Screen turned black again then everything came up ok.
Don't think I'm doing the degrees sign lol

Anonymous said...

Guess it doesn't like me using
Ctrl and Alt pressed down at same time.

Pies sound tasty Suzanne. Ed likes pies more than cake. Of course, no nuts. Yep one year did my applesauce cake left out the raisins and the walnuts was "mashed to a meal" so he couldn't feel the nuts.

Anything happens to me that "boy" sure takes alot of work for a woman lol.

Anonymous said...

Here was our meal I used to cook:
Turkey/apple stuffing
gravy, mashed potatoes, corn on or off cob, green beans, skaukart (for Mom), candied yams, cranberry, sm. dish green limas, sweet carrots, broccili spears and rolls.
Dessert chocolate cream pie, pumpkin, lemon and butterscotch pies. Whipped cream to top. Also made my special fruit salad.

Miss doing it all sometimes was thankful I could then. Now just thankful can get Mom out to enjoy a time of gathering. Always people she and us know there.

Anonymous said...

was 27 nope comes up are you sure you want to navigate away from this page lmbo

I did hold alt key only then hit on right #'er keypad 2 4 8 that's what me got lmbo

Anonymous said...

Still no eagle at Kent

Also Suzanne I didn't say "yes" to that I didn't know where in cyberland I would end up lol.

MITS said...

Its 41° here right now, Dana, I get that msg and say yes, don't think it has anything to do with the degree sign..can anyone explain why that msg comes up on blog sometimes, I get it in other places also...just say yes, than move on from there. I think Sharon explained it to me one time, but have forgotten what it means.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Suz, I called her and she wasn't in, so I haven't ordered them yet, I'll try her again

MITS said...

Dana, if I recall, might have something to do with refresh button.....just trying to remember. The experts on here probably can explain it to you.

Anonymous said...

15 Days and Counting

Steve let us know if there is any delay to the Dec 6 date, so our counter will be correct!

Anonymous said...

Now 39 degrees grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

And that is all I am saying about that subject!

MITS said...

Yep, Suzanne that's the msg, rarely happens, but when it does I just hit yes and go on, but always happens when refresh is involved.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Norma he is feeling very good thank you..

Hope you have a nice Thanksgiving Day

Anonymous said...

No eagles anywhere so I need a fix.
Went to Buta Buta ok I got a fix ahh feels better...need that before I had to go grocery shopping.

Misery she is very cute. Looked at Tai's video this AM of his first steps.

Anonymous said...

Was suppose to be "Mercy"

Anonymous said...

This stupid google no trash cans.

Well Ed's ready to ride, ride, ride, post office, bank and groceries. He has my day planned lol

Talk to you all later Suzanne tc heading home.

Anonymous said...

Check out the newest entry on my blog

Just click on my name and scroll down to the bottom and click on my blog

I promise you will not be disappointed!

Anonymous said...

200 lbs of wax on the wall, 200 lbs of wax....

Anonymous said...

When it rains, it pours...eagle at BW

Anonymous said...

Eagles at Kent are busy busy busy!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the eagle at BW is sitting on a fish...Kent eagles still building their mansion!

Anonymous said...

Pretty soon they'll have it built over the cam lenses!

Anonymous said...

2 eagles at BW now

MITS said...


MITS said...

Great video, PAULA

MITS said...

Poor Suz, she leaves and all the action starts.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Eagle gone at Kent...1 still at BW...have really enjoyed this today! :):)

Anonymous said...

And back at Kent!!

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Busy, Busy Blog today. Great to hear from all of you! Beautiful day! Just watched the video that Paula found - fantastic! That sure was our sycamore tree!!! Better yet were the close up pics of Liberty & Belle. They are a beautiful couple.
Megan's wreaths are Beautiful! Might see you there on Saturday Suzanne.
My company has returned to NY as of this morning. As a family, they need some quiet time before Patrick needs to return.
My Thanksgiving with all the family will be at my daughter's home this year. I only need to do pies! Suzanne's pies sounded delicious.
Dana, if you want to ever cook again - I would surely be there for that dinner you used to do.
I am headed down to pick up my Alexis for the afternoon & dinner. She will be 2 in Jan - she's my giggleworm! BBL

MITS said...

Jo, when does Patrick go back??

MITS said...

Oh dear, one frame eagle next frame eeewwwie at BW.

MITS said...

And just that quick eeewwwie gone and eagle back.

Anonymous said...

Disappointed I was thrilled, Thanks for finding and sharing Paula. Do you all think the close ups of the adults before they pan into the sycamore tree are our adults too. WE of course all know once that pan starts. Man if that's Liberty and Belle then today we all actually got to "hear " them for the First time. Well Maybe not, maybe those of you have have been to the tree have heard them before, but I haven't. I would love to think that is in fact them we hear. I will think that till someone tells me I'm wrong who knows anything different. Happy Thanksgiving Liberty and Belle Thanks again Paula

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Gosh Mits maybe all that hanky Panky jiggled the cam off track. Its back on the nest now LOL

MITS said...

Wow, don't know if that was a coincidence, but I just e-mailed Lynda in FLA. about 10 mins ago and BINGO, its back.

Anonymous said...


MITS said...

Lynda from FLA, just e-maild me back with a thank-you and that the cam was fixed:):):)

Anonymous said...

I think that those who have the opportunity to sit and watch do nOT have a clue how exciting it is for us who do nOT have that opportunity right before our eyes! bet she didn't even know it was "jiggled LOL" around

Anonymous said...

Yep point made LOL Thank You .Mits

Anonymous said...

Time for me to be getting out fo a while. Blog later.

MITS said...

Glo, don't want to miss any hanky-panky this afternoon, and yes, in fact I do have a life outside the cam:):):), just jump on it everytime I pass the room and some visits are longer than others.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if the close ups were Liberty and Belle or not...but imagine my surprise when they panned on that tree! I knew immediately it was ours!
When we were at the tree in July, the eagles seemed pretty loud. Now maybe that was because it is a pretty quiet area back there, but I thought they were pretty loud. We did get to hear the adults and babies! Especially Spunky when he was sitting on that fish and talking back and forth w/ his siblings.
What a nice little surprise that was to find.

Anonymous said...

That is a loverly way to put it!

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW!

Anonymous said...

Yes Paula I bet you had some sounds of your own as they panned in on that tree. LOL I am so glad you found that video. Pretty neat, and We could vote on whether or not that is "Our Liberty and Belle " close up LOL...remember when we used to try to guess which of the fledglings had returned etc. We could all only relax when someone was sure at some point that day they "think" they had seen all 3 of them back in that nest. and all the better if they were mantling and/or eating.

Anonymous said...

Eagle still at BW

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Tai is in his new fav spot, den #2 up in the corner.

MITS said...

EAGLES AT FLA...........

MITS said...

Lots of flying limb to limb and stick rearranging.

Anonymous said...

Eagle in FL nest, no sign of Hanky Panky...yet!

(Unless of course, I missed it!)

MITS said...

Hope you saw that ,Paula.

Anonymous said...

Man, that just scared the crap outta me! She had moved to branch on left that is closer to the cam, facing towards the left. Then he flew down and landed right next to her from above. I though he landed right on her till I realized he was next to her.

Now, she has moved into the nest, was rearranging, and now just flew to the branch on the right, just out of sight...He is still on the left. Now She flew next to him and he is in the nest....

Anonymous said...

NOw they are both on the nest...

MITS said...

They seem to be sharing a meal.

Anonymous said...

Do you think he landed on her, Mits? I thought so at first...

Darn, getting hard to see...wish they would get here earlier!

Anonymous said...

They are now, and I also see some beak touching for neat!

Anonymous said...

One is back on the branch on the left, can only see dark outline...not sure where the other one is...

Gotta head kid coming home tonight for Thanksgiving.

MITS said...

Yeah, that beak touching in the twilight was beautiful...5:30 seems to be the time they like.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 244   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...