Monday, November 13, 2006

Monday 13 November

New thread. Sorry for the slowdown in new threads. Back from CT, and had to deal with a breakdown saturday on the highway more than 100 miles from home. Loads of fun :>).


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floralgirl said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve!!! Sorry to hear about your travel troubles. Glad you made it home okay.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody in Eagleland! :):)

floralgirl said...

Hope you are taking it easy, feeling any better Sharon?

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steven for the new thread. Sorry to hear about your vehicle probably. They are great when they run. Kick them when they breakdown. Glad your safe and home.

Floralgirl thanks for the heads up on the new thread.

Morning Sharon nice to hear your from "home".

wvgal_dana said...

eagle in main

wvgal_dana said...

It is eating something

MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

Only one Eagle in Maine but it sure is enjoying its food.

MITS said...

Dawn is breaking out west...eagles at Maine and BW.....

Anonymous said...

Good morning all. Time to eat here, but wanted you to know i am back from my vogage LOL, and getting prepared to deal with those who are needing a little boost with their computer either setting it up or changing over to Google's Beta LOL MTBR

MITS said...

EAGLES AT KENT.................

MITS said...

Boy, they are really hard workers out at Kent............

MITS said...


MITS said...

Glad we got that cleared up, before I had to call Glo to get her noodle. I had seen you refer to the 2 nests before, but I was just letting you go...if you were happy I was happy:):):):).

Mauley said...

Good Morning Eagle Land. Sharon, how wonderful you are better. We have been praying for your speedy recovery and healing. So glad you are home. Glo, did you eat Wedding Cake for me? Was it good? Mits I am going to change over as soon as somebody tells me to. Paula, Mema Jo is it okay to switch over now? Steve, so sorry to hear that you had trouble, but so thankful you are okay and made it home. Do you want me to tell Mits on your car. She will borrow a wet noodle. Better yet, she will give it a good talking to. Hi dana, Hi Delphia. Good Morning Suzanne and Norma Byrd. hope ya have a great one. donna

Anonymous said...

LOL Yep This is definitely the right place, and the right people are here bright and early...OK Not so bright, but they are here early.

How many of you have YAHOO IM ...since most if not all are eaglet_momsters in Paula's group you do have a username for sure, just wanted to know how many have found and are using the instant messenger part of Yahoo "im"

Yes yes we are happily re-united I too always miss them so very much. I don't have to worry about their getting proper care as they are downright spoiled by the folks who care for them, but they were happy to see the suitcases return to the basement. Will choose a wedding photo to put on here later today or tomorrow. I don't know how to get them to the Photo Bucket for Momster group, and I odn't know where to find any of your that have moved there either. (shrugs shoulders) But maybe I can play with Hey a Film Loop yep that will be my plan. I will add them to a filmloop later today or tomorrow and give you the link to go see. my nes daughter in law is a sweetheart. I really really like her.

MITS said...


Mauley said...

Lake Barkley State Park is my favorite place in the world to stay. I have spent many nights at the Lodge there. Hubbie and I love it there. I loved the picture and wish I was there. thanks so much. donna

Anonymous said...

The info to get to the momsters photo bucket is in the files section. It has the password and login info there. Anyone from the group can look at and add pictures.

Anonymous said...

I have resent the email about Photobucket to all momsters. Check your mail, Glo.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Mauley, Glo and Paula

Norma it's ok we all have those times where the brain thinks one thing and it's the other (:

NillaWafer said...

Good Morning, just got back from a business meeting breakfast at cracker barrel and i am stuffed!! Any who really yucky outside again today but still alot of beautiful trees to look at..... Watched the eagls at Kent working yesterday on nest and alot of the vid's on you tube ....made me smile and tears thinking of OUR family of eagles and the kids wondering where they are...... what they are doing and are they safe. BBL

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Nice to hear eagles have been around this morning....wonder where ours are?

Steven, glad you made it home safely.

Anonymous said...

Can you get Kent cam 2 up? It is working again.

MITS said...

Wrestling match between Mei and Tai.

NillaWafer said...

Morning Mits you watching the lil terror this mornin g giving mom a fit? Oh he is rotten i hope he is out and that playful on weds when i visit the zoo. IF only i could climb a tree and hide and some how get Tai home with me, but ill will be the big mouth you hear hollaring ( or niece will) heyyyy Or take up postion at a big window and wave.

MITS said...

He certainly can push Mei around now..

NillaWafer said...

Hugsss Norma hopefully more time to join in once more as finally things are getting back to normal with family issues now. Feeling some what better have doctors appointment on Dec 11th and hopefully will be ok. I love watching the polar bears also Norma, they do get playful sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else notice the plant growing in the osprey nest at BW?

NillaWafer said...

He sure is getting rough with her Mits. I dont have sound on cam 2? I know one day u turned in and for some reason he was very vocal and afew times looked like something was scareing him.Maybe he will tire out and climb a tree for a nap and leave her alone awhile..

NillaWafer said...

Paula i noticed plants growing in afew of the empty nest. Also i sent that Greg fellow a e-mail about the falcons. He finally wrote back i told him the forum and his attention to keeping it updateed was poorly done and few other He said he was taking some time off... I said now new blogs had been added since October9th!!! No new word on any siting of falcons neither. I say fire HIM!!! I was even looking for a e-mail address to the news paper he works for ... Grrr send

Anonymous said...

Eagle at kent!

MITS said...

Go getem, Nilla....

wvgal_dana said...

Norma right now watching Kent eagles.

Later going to check out the polar bears. I remember being there with Nilla. Just didn't have it set in this computer in favorites.

Hi (: Nilla gal. So glad to hear you again. Was going to call while no computer. Thought you would be really busy with family. See in blog where I guessed right. Glad these are improving health wise for family. Congtrs. on NO SMOKING!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok I found a photo from the wedding to share, hopefully it came out OK. Thanks for more info on Photobucket Paula I shall go have a look there later this morning.

Does anyone here have there yahoo IM up and running? I only ask because that will make it very very easy most likely to get the Beta switch done for google if you are needing quick kind of help, and since ALL Momsters have a Momster ID I think that is an easy step too.

Google's Beta is NOT at all hard Don't set up a new password to remember, just keep your one you use now. Your email is your user name, and as you can tell, you can have the same display name too. Some of you may need help getting your pictures back on. That is the only real challenge at all...and it won't really be that challenging either.

I think I need to go visit some eagle cams now too, I need an eagle fix. LOL Although Mits is doing pretty good sending along the pictures this morning...Thanks!

MITS said...

I have sound at the zoo, its just not a noisy as it was when all the building was going on, and I think they have fixed the static.

Mema Jo said...

The late lurker has arrived- lol By the time I hit the emails, read the comments and put up the cams - it is late morning.
Steve, I am sorry to hear about your travel troubles. I always say a prayer as I pass a broken-down vehicle. I hope someone offered you and the family some help!
Nilla The only thing going on at Brisbane is the plants on the ledge are getting larger! I have written that site off my favorites.
Norma I love the way you keep everyone on their toes around here!
Well, for a morning show of bloggers, this Monday tops them all.
It's such a good feeling knowing you are all out there!

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Glo Beautiful bride and handsome groom! Congratulations to the Mother of the Groom.

NillaWafer said...

Morning Jo i know the falcon site they just seemed to not bother with it any more and after checking it afew days i got PO'd and wrote him. Arrogant%^&%^&% is what he is. Any who rainy here miserable day, going to work at 2:45. Gona make my fold up sign at work today saying Hi to Eagle Momsters Shepherdstown WV, that way i can just fold it My i can not wait to see Tai Shan weds!!!

Mema Jo said...

That is one heck of a BIG stick the Kent couple has. They certainly do work together.

NillaWafer said...

Tai will recognize his auntie Nilla and come over to the

NillaWafer said...

I have yahoo messenger and MSN Glo Bug.. talk to girls from UK on MSN

MITS said...

SUZANNE Since I am NOT computer savvy, I was wondering the same thing, if it ain't broke....???? There are a few of us, who find this stuff difficult to do.

NillaWafer said...

Yesterday i watched the vids of the Maine eagles kids they raised last year. No wonder those nest get flattened the way they hop and jump around when flappin

Mauley said...

NillaBean, so good to read your entries. So glad you are on here. Hip Hip Hooray for Nilla quitting smoking. You rock, girl, as my grandkids say. love donna

Mauley said...

Mema Jo, Paula, Glo, when do i swithc over to google???????

Mema Jo said...

Nilla It would be great on Wed if they were in the yard right over by the walkway where you could talk to Tai and tell him all about us.
We'll be looking for your sign.

Mema Jo said...

I wish all sites had the 'Stand Alone Real Player' like FL does. Sure would be convenient.

Mema Jo said...

I will 'Go With The Flow' and switch over to Google. I don't think it will be an option in the long run. I just want Glo or Paula to first tell me about the photo transfer.. I'm thinking it comes over automatically with the switch.

MITS said...

Like I've said before, I'm not going til I have too...and if I don't make it, its been good knowing all of you:):):).

Mema Jo said...

Little Scooter ButaBall isn't going to take much longer until she is crawling, I bet. Cub update for Sunday is interesting. Sure does hold that little head up so well.

I need to do some things...BBL

NillaWafer said...

Oh Norma yes Tai will come to me i will be waving a big Mits you been watching the tiger cubs? easier to see now the leaves have gone they are playing in front of camera, sure are big now. Norma the croc in Petes Pond is my hero he is so sly and sneaking up on the flea's n animals, but misses alot to. Many vids of him over on you tube to watch.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just checking in for a minute. Still feeling pretty crappy but this too shall pass. Love you all!

NillaWafer said...

Ut Oh must be awreck out on 81 alot of tractor n trailors going by and traffic backed up in front of house both directions. I have been grooming Sugahhh Boogaahh he goes to grommer in the morning but i always groom him before going, like cleaning the house before house cleaners come

Anonymous said...

The google account is just a different way of signing in, that's all. You have to make sure you sign in before you post.

If you have your picture on your blog, it will transfer over, no problem.

NillaWafer said...

Good to see you up and about Sharon take care so that does not turn into Plurasay ( spelling) but i know you can fix

Anonymous said...

Eagle still at kent, btw.

wvgal_dana said...

I haven't changed over yet either. I am wondering if it is going to be an "option or a have to do".

Nilla I hope I am on the computer when you are there seeing Tia. Wonder if your cell will work to my cell. If so I can tell them on the blog to go to the site.

NillaWafer said...

Ok who is the engineer of the blog and does he blow a whistle????? Geezzz hard time refreshing and get a message engineer is fixing it. Oh thats right Dana we both have S

NillaWafer said...

Ok who is the engineer of the blog and does he blow a whistle????? Geezzz hard time refreshing and get a message engineer is fixing it. Oh thats right Dana we both have S

NillaWafer said...

Not deleting last message but it showed up again as i was typing to Dana... Dana yes i can call you as we both have Sprint cell phones okkkkk

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Nilla you got my number in yours so I'll tell them where you are. When you are getting near Tai so we can get to the site. Looking for you. Sounds good. No appointments tomorrow. Glad it wasn't Thursday have appointments.

MITS said...

AAAWWW!!Eagle resting at KENT.

Anonymous said...

Donna switch over whenever you are ready. I posted something from Google last week saying eventually it will no longer be an option. Sorry not going back to try to find it but I did copy it directly from their site. It would have been WEd or Thurs. I personally wanted to be set to go so that it doesn't mess with "Our Eagle CaM" viewing on this BLOG" I like knowing its a done deal for me.

As soon as one of you who doesn't like to do new things on the computer You know who you are makes the switch and survives LOL, my guess is one at a time, just like getting names in blue, people will switch over. Any who don't when google says has too NOW..will have email support through Momsters fromt he rest who already survived LOL.
My suggestion is Go For It while you aren't trying to watch a cam too. That would have driven me crazy if I couldn't have done it easily then. I wanted to learn to do it ahead of time. definitely my personality here!!! LOL

Paula said her picture switched right over too. That sounds good to me. I was changing pictures at the same time so I didn't get to observe that, but if Paula says it worked easy for her picture wise too, I would be going for it. HINT HINT!!!

I am here at my computer most of the day...have to make a quick trip for toilet paper Soon!!! LOL. otherwise I can certainly help you, but see no one has answered about Yahoo IM so I assume that is a No. We can do it email OR if you email me I will send you my phone number and we can do it over the phone too. I think You will all be fine!!! its not a new account...once you do it...its your Blogger account. there is no way I will ever be able to sign back in under my old blogger account now. I tried, and it doesn't take that sign in anymore.

NillaWafer said...

Bath time for Buta Buta Lun Lun cant even hold her in her arms like before Buta is so big now... i KNOW I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO TALKS TO THESE ANIMALS???? i do look at Buta how can you

Anonymous said...

Big stick movings at Kent

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back Nilla

NillaWafer said...

Oh Glo Bug i was just on you tube watching the video's and here i sit with tears just remembering those babies and the joy they brought to all of us

Anonymous said...

Just a reminder that All Ornaments are 25% off til Nov. 19 at Our Cafe Press shop. This is a Cafe Press sale...but yes we still get $2 towards the Eagle Cam for each ornament sold.

Just take a look in the Holiday Section at the store.

If you plan to shop and want a Coupon, towards the shipping let me know today sometime as I will shop myself before tomorrow evening and will be glad to send you one.

NOTE You do not need to spend $20 to use the ornament discount, it automatically applies. The coupon will give you essentially free shipping if you total comes to $20. Ornaments right now are $5.99....with $2 of that amount going to NCTC Eagle Cam.

I think that's a great 2006 Christmas Memory for all of us to have and/or to give for essentially... $3.99 a piece, and still have made a nice donation to NCTC.

Anonymous said...

Yes Nilla, It is heartwarming wonderful memories. Like yo I too very often wonder how and where our Little ones are especially now as winter approaches.

NillaWafer said...

Hey mits i just went to the

MITS said...

Went to the what, Nilla?????????????????????????????????

NillaWafer said...

Grrrrr what wrong withthis thing Ok here goes Mits i just went to the Ocean City and Bethany Beach cams and wow the ocean is wicked alot of heavy waves and white caps.. Yes Glo but when all these eagles start layin and hatchin and animals having babies good Lord we are gona be abunch of busy

Mauley said...

This may sound stupid to some of you,but do I go ahead and sign in with my username and password and then click on the sign in wity your google account or do I go to the blue words that say sign in here. Sorry I technology challenged. donna

MITS said...

Thats the tail end of another nor'easter that they have had.

MITS said...


Mauley said...

Nilla, so good to read your entries. donna

NillaWafer said...

Norma i have so many screens minamized smaller but really should check into buying a larger It is like shuffle this one and move that one and click this one... ow orma popcicle might melt but i can possibly sneck in a big carrot to wav at him when he gets near the Oh my im so excited when i see him i better wear depends because i am gona really BE XCITED N WIGGLE... Oh cant ya see the head lines now "Woman from WV visitng Tai Shan loses bodily functions while viewing" LMAO

Anonymous said...

Donna No you odn't sign just click on the switch to Beta option there. They will ask you a few simple questions like your email address, which becomes your User Name.. They will ask for a password, You can use the same one you are using now...not a problem, for Display name, put mauley if you want to keep that or whatever you want it to be. We all know who mauley is now though and We don't like change !!! Lol

MITS said...

Petes' Pond is back up.

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo, Glo!
You sure hit it on the head!
We don't like change !!! Lol

I am so glad Pete's is back up - I really did miss it--Mits I wonder if the camerman had to have a few days sick leave? lol

MITS said...

BW cam is stuck.

MITS said...

Cam at BW unstuck now.

MITS said...

I don't mind change, I just hate it when I don't understand the computer lingo..just gives me a headache.

Mema Jo said...

I wasn't making fun of anyone of us (me included) about change. We sometimes hesitate in our daily lives to make change - But it usually proves to be good!

Glo, I didn't sign up for IM - I was afraid I wouldn't know how to use it!
Something new for me to learn.

Mema Jo said...


Upon my return I will be a
Google Girl!

So if you don't hear from me again..
BooHoo.. it means I didn't do
it right!

MITS said...

I don't like the way that eagles' wing at BW is hanging there, been like that for the past 15 minutes.

NillaWafer said...

I made the google account and it was so simple and easy just put in your e-mail address and make apassword... then go check your mail they send and it has a url to click verifying thats your e-mail and waaallllaaa created... Oh and click you accept there TOS yes

MITS said...

I know that, JO.:)

NillaWafer said...

BBL from work need to run and pick up grandson and take him to his classes at Rumsey.....

Anonymous said...

Thank You Nilla !!!! That will help others to do it now so quickly and easily.

I have sent many of you emails about the info whether or nOT you want to klnow LOL. You do need to know, and YEP you can do it. Please send the email around as needed.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to use a new password. Just re-enter your old one...they don't care what it just got to remember what it is for you!!! LOL

NillaWafer said...

Oh and when you bring up your google from now on your e-mail address is at the top ...Really girls it is very very easy just follow the directions ... took me all of a minute to make the account. BBL

MITS said...

Just sent Lisa a pic of the Eagle and his drooping wing at BW...hoping he is ok.

Mauley said...

Please somebody tell me that the BW Eagle is okay. Hurry, donna

wvgal_dana said...

Looks like it's been injured eagle at BW

Anonymous said...

Oh, I don't think I could take it if it isn't ok. Who can do something about it. donna

Anonymous said...

I switched. I sure hope this posts. If not, I will have to have help. And now that the eagle at BW seems to be hurt, what will I do if I cant find out. donna

Anonymous said...

If Mauley can swithc anybody can. Sharon, you still feeling bad. Help on the BW Eagle. donna

wvgal_dana said...

Glo what about the picture does it switch over?

MITS said...

I've sent several shots of the eagle to Lisa, will let you know if I hear anything, looked a little better a few minutes ago, but is drooping the wing again next picture I looked at, I'm quite sure they at BW are watching also.

MITS said...

Eagle at BW looks fine right now.

wvgal_dana said...

How do I know that I signed in right.
I click the Beta Account it came up asking for username and password that is all no email address or anything else?

Anonymous said...

150 lbs of WAX
to our faithful momster,

MITS said...

If he wanted it, he got it.

Anonymous said...

Mits, you are so efficient. I am so worried about eagle. He sure has my sympathy.

Anonymous said...

BW eagle looks fine to me, he was probably trying to dry out!

Anonymous said...

I had some problems until I realized that I may have already had a Google account. MTBR later

Anonymous said...

I guess I did because my picture didn't come over.... Boo Hoo...

Mema Jo said...


Anonymous said...

OK There you are Mema Jo Another one all set and ready to roll LOL.

Anonymous said...

I am testing this out I switched to Beta and google account fingers crossed and hope picture comes up too.

Anonymous said...

And there's Dana One by one here they come LOL.

Mema Jo said...

testing again

Anonymous said...


Good Job! Told you guys it wasn't hard!

Anonymous said...

Kathy if you see this and just made an order from Cafe Press this afternoon, I would love for you to email me...I have a gift for you.

Anonymous said...

I think I am now a google girl...
Oh my, I am going to hold my breath
and see if my pic came with me.

Check it out Glo. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe it. This proves that
2 account are not better then 1.

Back to the drawing board.

Anonymous said...

Jo, you had it up earlier!

MITS said...

Hey Jo, Tian is on cam #1 amd Mei and Tai are on cam #2.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Mits. I finally got to see all 3 at one time. Do you think they give TianTian enough bamboo to eat!? LOL

Paula: I was under the old blogger when my pic came up. I had just made the switch. I'm about to just post my pic on my google dash board.

Mema Jo said...

I am now known as a
Double Agent

MITS said...

Well he is just covered in it and loving every minute of it. I love it when we see all 3 of them.:):)

Anonymous said...

See what I mean

Double Agent Jo Jo

I am losing it - I may need to try this at a later date...

Anonymous said...

LOL! Secret Agent Woman

How's 007, Jo?

MITS said...

Go watch the pandas..DA, its more fun.

Anonymous said...

Relax and give it a rest for now Mema Jo Try again later. Youa re in and Blogging. I am sure you could BLOG in Beta too, just not with the picture yet. Not sure what thats about but we'll get you over here with the picture too. relax and surf...there's more time...lots hopefully.

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo You have mail, read the seocnd one first lOL

Anonymous said...

Boy oh boy this writing a comment just became HARD ! :(

Took me 3 times. Kept throwing me back to blogger account and google account. What's up with that.

I have blogged in here since I did those and it didn't do that.???? :(
:( :( :( :( :(

Anonymous said...

Yes Dana Be patient with yourself and Blogger, It feels strage when i first try to get in too, but it seems fine now all day, so guess whatever that was about has resolved itself. Maybe it didn't like my new picture LOL. but I sure like it.
We are getting there one Victim at a time LOL.

Anonymous said...

Mits there is a sleeping Panda on the floor by the glass doors. Who is it?

Anonymous said...

Dana, Before you post a comment, log in to your account, then it will bring you back here to the blog, and them you can post a comment.

Heading home, TTUL!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just checking in with everybody. Still feeling a little under the weather but just wanted to let everybody know I am okay! :):)

Anonymous said...

Newsletter Just a reminder that I do put out a newsletter from

If you have not subscribed and would like a copy please do go and add your email to the subscription place found on the left side of the page. There is nO Spam from cafe Press. I will be working ont he newsletter this week, with the hopes of having it out for you on Thurs morning.

If you have an article you would like me to include, feel free to send it my way soon.

MITS said...

Thanks for checking in, SHARON

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you Sharon.

MITS said...

It looks like Tian, DANA!

Anonymous said...

I was signing in as a Blogger when Google caught me and said "NO MORE You have been switched" So I am anxious to see if they gave me my pic. I was waiting for the email from google & signed in then, but here I come.

Anonymous said...

Looky Looky!
Mema got a picure !

How about that, Glo

Anonymous said...

Hey Mema Jo you got in here HI HI HI hi hi hi hi hi hi hi and you even brought your picture along (:

Anonymous said...

Pete's Pond after the commerical (that dumb commericals work fine) but the live feed stops after just a little bit.

Anonymous said...

I'll check back later nothing going on.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Mema Jo OK one more all set to go...LOL. Who is next? step right up, you too can have a day just like Mema Jo LOL, Or maybe not LOL, seems to kind of go in spurts but She is here with her picture and you can be too. The sooner you start the faster you get here LOL

Anonymous said...

George is in the Kent Nest

Anonymous said...

He must have heard me squeal -
he could be back shortly...

Anonymous said...

Yep! He's back & he is all
over the nest

Hope you all get to see him.

MITS said...

Got there too late.

Anonymous said...

Mits, he leaves and then suddenly he appears again. Funny little guy.

MITS said...

Thats' our George!!!

MITS said...

Ya know, if he messes those sticks up, I know 2 eagles who are going to be upset with him.

Anonymous said...

WAX ??

Anonymous said...

I did WAX for Sharon since I know she is lying down resting....

MITS said...

Why that is soooo nice of you, Jo.

NillaWafer said...

Ok whatcha up to Thelma n Jo?????????? Mits i was watchin that kiwi at the zoo, fast lil booger. Poor Buta Buta she is layin asleep n Lun Lun just grabs her looked like she was saying Mommmmmmmm let me be!!!

Anonymous said...

Well Mits, we have held down the fort for the last hour. I'm taking a break. By the way - did you eat yet?

Anonymous said...

Oops! Didn't know you were coming in Nilla - Think I'll stay awhile longer

Just Vicky said...

Hellllooooooooooooooooooo, its me again!

MITS said...

Not yet, hubby is on a 2 hour conference call so he will probably bring something in later. NILLA I always think the kiwi reminds me of the Tazmanian Devil

MITS said...

Now that turkey sure looks good.

Just Vicky said...

Well Dana was going to chop off a leg and thigh today -- so he gets a lot of threats!

Just Vicky said...

Of course, I think YOU are hungry Mits!

MITS said...

I'll take the stuffing and breast meat, thank you very much.

Just Vicky said...

Love the turkey, EAT FISH!

Just Vicky said...

Where have the UK gals been lately?

Just Vicky said...

Has anyone heard from our Friend from Israel lately??

MITS said...

Eat the turkey...release the fish.

NillaWafer said...

Howdy Vicky... Thelma thats really the 1st time i have actually watched it run around.... Aw Jo now i do feel loved..lollll

Just Vicky said...

Ok, I can see there's not a friendly enviornment for my turkey tonight! His days seem numbered!

NillaWafer said...

well today i was on momsters looking at link and her yahoo smiley was lite up so Ms G was on yahoo Vicky

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky I heard from Geula about 10 days or so ago now i guess. She has been very busy, Says sometimes she forgets about her own life. she is waiting like the rest of us though for the Cam to be up and going. Signed herself up for the Feed Blitz. Hopefully she has seen the fun Video memories I have posted there while we pass the waiting time.

Just Vicky said...

HI NillaBean! My friend, my buddy, my pass to NCTC!

Just Vicky said...

So very glad you are back! Hope you are feeling much better!

NillaWafer said...

I know Glo Bug is watchin Deal Or No Deal........ Personally Vicky i love the dark meat thighs n legs Yumm Yummmm

Just Vicky said...

Thanks gals for the info! Sure think about her everytime I listen to the news!


Just Vicky said...

My husband has Prison Break on

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky! How was your day at work today?

Nilla Hope you have good weather on Wednesday and can go on the outside around the yard. Is your sign
finished yet?

Just Vicky said...

Nilla, what happened to the lady pic you had?

NillaWafer said...

Glo Bug your site is just fantastic, so much time and effort you have put in making it , i personally say thanks for all the memories and smiles and laughs i have got watching the vids..... Everyone Applause to all and think we get to do it all over again in approx 4 months huh?//lol

Just Vicky said...

Hi Mema Jo! Monday's tend to be the longest day after a weekend! Actually accomplished a few things though!

Just Vicky said...

Yes, we ALL say THANKS GLO!

NillaWafer said...

Ohhhhhh Jo i forgot about it geeezzzz BRB better make it quik

Anonymous said...

Glo Thanks for the update on Geula. I think a lot of people are waiting for our cam to be up & running! No one can disagree with that statement.

Glo, I haven't seen Kim since the first time. Hopefully she is waiting for the cam also.

Just Vicky said...

I hate to be a nag, but WHERE IS OUR CAM????

MITS said...

Good question....Vicky.

Just Vicky said...

Mits, my turkey chose to ignore your comment and "fish!"

Anonymous said...

Glo You have mail

Just Vicky said...

I see now the "turkey" turkey is not even flashing his sign! What's up with that turkey?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Nilla That is exactly why I have worked so hard on especially the Shepherdstown BLOG I want us all to be able to enjoy the Memories from times gone by and I want new people who find us to have a clue just What is so Special about our Eagles Because I happen to think this is a very special pair!!!!, not just because I got attached to them, but because i did occasionally watch the pair out of Vancouver, and the Northeast Utilities. There is NO comparison to the way the adults cared for their young. They really are amazing! They have of course also chosen an ideal location, and we of course have found them. It sure all goes together to make for something Awesome!!!

Well and as far as the Forum attached to Eagle Cams anywhere online there is also absolutely NO comparison to the "spirit" of Friendship etc. that prevails here. it is NOT at all like that everywhere!!!

MITS said...

He is still flashing.

Anonymous said...

Your signs flashing now on my screen.

Anonymous said...

Look at Buta Ball scooting around...

MITS said...

DA Jo, maybe you ought to arrest that flashing turkey. This is a family-blog.

Anonymous said...

OUCH! Momma - Don't yank me up so hard

Just Vicky said...

Well that turkey isn't flashing on my screen at all! He's going to end up a dead bird quicker than he knows!

Anonymous said...

Well Mits, You scared that turkey because now he isn't flashing.

If I know Vicky, she will have something new on anytime now.

MITS said...

He is still flashing on mine....

MITS said...

Buta still has a pig nose, too cute.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...