Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Here's some info from Bent's on Bald Eagle plumage and molting:

Plumages.--When first hatched the downy young eaglet is completely covered with long, thick, silky down, longest on the head; it is "smoke gray" on the back, paler gray on the head and under parts, and nearly white on the throat. When the young bird is about three weeks old this light gray or whitish down is pushed out and replaced by short, woolly, thick down of a dark, sooty-gray color, "hair brown" to "drab." The plumage begins to appear on the body and wings, scattered brownish-black feathers showing on the scapulars, back, and sides of the breast, when about five or six weeks old; at this age the wing quills are breaking their sheaths. At the age of seven or eight weeks the eaglet is fairly well feathered, with only a little down showing between the feather tracks, and the flight feathers are fully half grown.

In fresh juvenal plumage the young eagle is uniformly dark colored "bone brown" to "clove brown" above and below; the flight feathers are nearly black, but there is usually a slight sprinkling of grayish white in the tail. This plumage is worn throughout the first year without much change, except by wear and fading, the under parts fading to "hair brown."

After the first annual molt, the next summer, the plumage becomes paler and much mixed with white in very variable amounts. Individual feathers on the back, scapulars, and breast are more or less extensively white, those of the breast and belly being largely white in some specimens. I am not sure whether this is a second or third year plumage, or both; if the latter, the third year is whiter than the second. The tail is more extensively mottled with white than in the first year, and the feathers of the crown and occiput are broadly tipped with pale buff. After the next annual molt the plumage of the body becomes darker, much like that of the adult, but lightly tipped with white below and mottled with white on the rump and upper tail coverts; the latter and the tail are now quite extensively white; the head is mixed with white above, about half white and half brown, or nearly clear, dirty white below. This is probably the third year plumage. At the next annual molt, early in the fourth year, the bird assumes a plumage that is practically adult, with a pure-white head and tail; but usually remaining signs of immaturity are seen, such as a few brown feathers in the head and some dusky mottling near the tip of the tail.

The length of time required to assume the fully adult plumage does not seem to have been positively determined, and it may take longer than I have estimated. Adults and immature birds have one complete annual molt, which is very gradual, and prolonged through spring, summer, and fall. The flight feathers are molted mainly during July, August, and September.


Anonymous said...

Well Now -Just Who Are You, WVUAG?
We haven't heard from you other then once before. I think we labeled you as W V University Agriculture.. Please take some time to blog with us!
Thank you for giving us the heads up!

Do you have the link to the FL eagle cam? It has been awesome this afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Steve Thanks for the info on the molting. Did you by any chance see the young bird at BlackWater today? I had no idea they molted to that extent.

Anonymous said...

Still nice closeup of FL eagles...

Thanks for the info, Steve.

Jo, sounds like about 4 molts.

Anonymous said...

Looks as though the wind has calmed down in FL. Really gusty there for awhile.

Anonymous said...

DC Panda cam 1 has Tian Tian & Cam 2 is Mei & Tai looking as though they are ready to go in or at least get a treat.. Didn't see Mits anywhere yet!
Couldn't get the CNN panda cam up but the earthdata one is running-- ButaBall sleeping away.

Anonymous said...

Wow, pretty quiet afternoon after such a busy morning!

Nests have been quiet too...

Anonymous said...

Eagles in FL

Anonymous said...

Doing what else?

Rearranging those sticks again! What were you thinking?!?!

Anonymous said...

I am watching FL also, Paula. Wonder how soon those eggs will be getting in that nest. Off she/he goes. Back she/he comes... That was quick.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the FL camera can get a view down into the nest?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful closeup of FL eagle. Looks warm down there, beak is open

Anonymous said...

Their beaks look really big, don't you think, Jo?

Anonymous said...

Paula, I am wondering if she is squawking or yawning... I don't have any sound - do you? When you get that close of a shot - their beaks look really large.

Anonymous said...

Wanted to get a glimsp of ButaBall before that cam shuts down at 5:00.She is still sleeping away. I've been too busy with the eagles today to have watched her much as far as seeing her squirm around the nest bed.
I wish all cam had the Stand Alone Real Player like FL so I could just open them all at once and leave them on the screen.

Anonymous said...

Both eagles in the FL nest - I guess that is what Mits calls "Beaking"
I bet those eggs are in the making!

Anonymous said...

2 back in FL, beak touching and more rearranging...

Anonymous said...

I think she was panting, probably hot.

Anonymous said...

LOL, now I think they were just arguing over who gets to move the stick, they both had it in their beaks, trying to move it around...

Anonymous said...

HO HO! I am not sure that is affectionate beaking or an argument about who gets to place the stick and where it should be placed.
Off one goes............

Anonymous said...

lol Paula- you and I are seeing the same thing going on in that nest.
Those are really large sticks she is moving around. Really busy.

Anonymous said...

Eagle has left nest in FL
Panda Cam went off right at 5:00
MT nest in Kent
Guess I'll check out Tai & Mei

or I could get some dinner...that sounds like a winner. I'll be back later this evening - Safe trip up RT15, Paula.

Anonymous said...

Eagle is back, rearranging more sticks...

MITS said...

HI EVERYBODY Had a great day at the zoo today. The next few weeks of training are on Wednesday and Fridays 10 to 3. Saw all the animals on the Asia Trail, including Giant Pandas, Red Pandas,Small-clawed Otters,Clouded Leopards, Fishing Cats, Giant Salamander and the Sloth Bears. Nice mild day today and they were decorating the zoo in parts for Christmas. Also saw the elephants, zebras and cheetahs..just a neat day.

MITS said...

Tai is sleeping in his new favorite spot and Mei is eating her bamboo...DANA AND JO they are working to try and fix the audio for the panda cams. Tai was vocal when I saw him this afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the eagles have left for the evening...

Anonymous said...

Nope, one just came back in!

Anonymous said...

Dad just came back too

Anonymous said...

Wow Mits you heard the "boy" did you, great hee hee. Bet you was in seventh heaven.

Who is this wvuag? Getting alittle funny that they can't talk with us. Don't even have their blogger page set up. Oh well I figure you don't come to talk ok then won't talk lol.

Hi and bye wvuag and ty have a good day too.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To the left just a tad, please camera operator....

Anonymous said...

Sorry forgot thank you Steven for all the fresh information.
I'm trying to find my secretary to write it all down. My memory is not what it use to be. And that info it great. (:

Anonymous said...

Howdy Dana and Mits. Sounds like you had a neat day at the zoo, Mits. Where you been, Dana?

Anonymous said...

And Sharon, where has she been hiding all day?

Anonymous said...

One still in the nest playing pick-up-stix, the other just flew up on the big branch on the right

Anonymous said...

Dark in FL now....heading home... TTUL!!

Anonymous said...

Mits & Dana glad you're blogging. Paula & I had a monopoly on this new thread all afternoon. FL cam has certainly been keeping us entertained.
MITS This zoo adventure of yours sounds very very interesting! I anxious to hear about all the training & what kind of contact you'll have with the different animals. Especially Panda Bears.You will simply be in seventh heaven if you get to shake that treat at Tai to get him down out of the tree! That would be awesome!

Anonymous said...

Eagle in KENT nest

Anonymous said...

6:08pm Eagle flew from Kent Nest May be back.

MITS said...

They have paid employees for that, Jo. Brenda was on today, we all just said a quick HI to her. We actually have to go thru the cam room to sign in when we get there fro our shift, which I think will start sometime in January. Lisa Stevens the curator that you see on TV alot of times when it involves panda will be talking to us on Friday. That is our homework to read in our manuals about Giant Pandas.

MITS said...

Don't know if you all remember me posting last week about the juvie in FLA, from reading Stevens' description the one in FLA may have been much younger.

MITS said...

Going to start dinner...BBL.

Anonymous said...

Tai looks so cute, he was just yawning now he layed back down. Wore himself out today.

Anonymous said...

Ok Mits see you after dinner

Wow sure was an experience today at BW and Florida.

Anonymous said...

Most cams are dark now.

We use to be able to look at Buta Buta into the night. Miss that cam in the evening and night.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, Dana. Cams are dark or off and Tai is asleep for the evening. What's a gal to do?
I wonder if Spidey is still at the nest? Guess we'll find out soon!

Anonymous said...

Hey, MITS! You better hit the books big time for Friday's quiz lol Are they ever going to be surprised if you get asked any questions or if you give additional input to some answers.

MITS said...

LOL, Jo, there were only a few of us who have been watching panda-cam since he was born, but I did, and they seemed interested about how I get on these eagle answer...GOOGLE IT.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like we could get some more eaglet momsters!

Anonymous said...

WAX for the ladies coming in the Spring!

I have 103.1 FM on the radio & I am listening to the Christmas music....
So Peaceful....

Anonymous said...

Mits - check your email for a laugh!

MITS said...

Hoping to get decorating done this weekend. Hubby is flying to Cinn, Ohio tomorrow, so he has the tree half done. Lucky duck gets to go to the RAVENS game tomorrow night. And I don't get to go to Florida with him next week because of the zoo commitment. I love going to Orlando at this time of the year with all their Christmas decorations.:(:(:(

Anonymous said...

Oh man Mits sorry no Florida trip, but I know you will miss it. Yet you are a person who committs.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening everyone. Been working a little bit today but not too much. My great-niece, Mattie, is staying with me again tonight. I love her so good. She is 8 years old going on about 16.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, did you forget about Florida or were you just willing to sacrifice it this year. I say anything for Mei Xiang, Tai Shan, and Tian Tian, right?

Anonymous said...

Sharon, Do you and Mattie have a movie to watch since there aren't any cams up and TV isn't so great?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Right now, we are watching Christmas at Rockefeller Center.

Anonymous said...

I hope that Suzanne or one of the momsters got some pictures today of the juvie we saw at BW to share or at least sent to Lisa. Lisa will probably put one up on the site. I still can't get over how their molting makes them look so NOT like an eaglet. So much white on their body.

MITS said...

Yeah Sharon, I did know about the trip, but when I saw the schedule for the training, told hubby, I better stay home and do this if I want to be a volunteer. One of the ladies is going to Hawaii next week, so guess I could have said something, but I would hate to miss 2 classes.

MITS said...

Yes, Jo I think Suzanne said she took alot of pics and sent them to Lisa.

Anonymous said...

Christmas tree is beautiful up there..I have never been to NY for Christmas - lots of my friends have.
Think I'll go check the show out. I do have Christmas music on my radio.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone. Looks like its been a fun day around here. Lots of eagle action at least coming and going. 2 new threads. Mits starting a volunteer program at teh zoo...that is wonderful AND Sharon that most likely means she won't want to be camping out at the tree in shepherdstown when we get our new jobs.

I too have Rockefeller Center on in the background. Going to write a few Cmas cards tonight also is my plan.

MITS said...

NY is a beautiful place to be at this time of year, its been many years since I have been there at Christmas. We did talk over Thanksgiving about going up there next Thanksgiving.

MITS said...

Glo, my plan hopefully is to get up to that nest before Christmas sometime. I like going to Cracker Barrel to do some Christmas shopping.

NillaWafer said...

Man i sure been doing alot of smiling reading the blogs... Mitsssssssssss congrats on getting the zoo job, guess see since i was with you when you turned it in brought ya some luck!!! LOL so excited for you especially if your going to be close to Tai!!!!! Okie Dokie now that i am calmed down some what Oh and the news Liberty & Belle are around the nest like Norma says life is good!!! Another day down and Jenny is still carring the baby with no signs of miscarriage. Our vacation to Florida is last wk of April til May6th i believe... Kids are xcited about going back.. even my parents are going this time us girls are taking them for there 60th wedding anniversary ( early its not til next year) but 59 is enough to

MITS said...

Yes, Nilla you were my good luck charm:):):)

Anonymous said...

MIts - yes, I remember your comment about the juvie in FL.

Jo - I sent Lisa about 20 pics today of the juvie - been trying to keep up on my picture submissions!

Mits - How many classes for training? And what exactly will you be doing at the zoo?

Anonymous said...

Nilla - the trip to Florida sounds like fun - and you're going at a good time - you won't miss the eaglets fledging, it will be too early for that!

NillaWafer said...

Oh Thelma i a m so xcited for you!!!! Now i am not expecting any special visits but sneaking me into to give Tai a lil auntie lovin would be great.... just kiddin.... Had ahouse full tonight for dinner made chip beef gravy... yum yum... Well BBL off to watch the ginger- bread house decorating contest on food channel..

Anonymous said...

Well .Mits From what I have seen and read tai can be a "trip" in himself, so there is some "trippin" gonna be happenin there at the Zoo for you LOL I am sure!

Nilla your trip in late spring sounds wonderful for the whole family. One of my goals while I am still on this earth is to take my kids and their families on a cruise. Now that could be anything from a boat ride to a full week somewhere LOL. Time will tell on that one too, but I would love to do a real cruise somewhere with them, and do plan to do some saving towards that while I am still working some.

Everyone have a great evening. Got some heavy weather coming in here by the sounds of things. Not too bad til tomorrow night though. I am tired however and ready to call it a day for now.

Anonymous said...

Howdy all!!! Finally quitting time for me... watching the gingerbread competition also. Hate this part where they have to carry them to the table...makes me sooo nervous.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Your pic looks just like my front door Megan

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur. I hope you all have a very peaceful night.

Anonymous said...

Almost 5am at Pete's Pond
The Impala are there

Anonymous said...

Good Night, Sharon
Prayers for you

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you, Mema Jo!

Anonymous said...

There's a TURTLE in the pond on a rock... Woo Hoo Haven't done any turtle talk for quite some time.

Anonymous said...

Whoops! There's fatty. Where's Nilla?

Anonymous said...

Could someone get Nilla away from the gingerbread house? Fatty is out of the pond....

Anonymous said...

Camera at PP just panned away to look for birds in the trees.......

NillaWafer said...

Well the gingerbread didnt win that i Glo its wonderful to be able to spend a vacation like that with family. Last Christmas we left for Florida on Dec 18th and returned Dec 27th spent days at Universal and Islands Of Adventure and then on Christmas we spent at Disney... Way to crowded... Right now Florida is beautiful at Christmas especially St Augustine all lit up with white lights... Thank God For income tax or i might not be able to go Jo i am watching PP but it keeps communicating .. Grrrrrrrrrr

NillaWafer said...

Rebooted PP arent the colors so vivid and pretty... I have those big horned antelope eating tree's on mine Jo

NillaWafer said...

Thers Fattyyyy Jo man he is gotten bigger

Anonymous said...

Do you have Fatty back on now?

NillaWafer said...

Yes he is laying out on the ground sleeping

NillaWafer said...

Man everything is so lush and green

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see him move the tip of his tail or something...

NillaWafer said...

BBL shower time and get into jammies.. Hey from what the weatherman said we might have snow soon...........

NillaWafer said...

Jo lots of times he just lays there and has his mouth open....BBL

Anonymous said...

It's that time of the evening for me...

Good Night All...
Sweet Dreams ...

Sorry I couldn't wait up for you, Nilla. Hear from you tomorrow...

Good Morning, Suzanne

Hi! Jim if you stop by

MITS said...

Paula, training sessions are 6 classes 6 hours each and we will be with another volunteer when we go out on the trail for the first 3 to 4 times. They call us Asia Trail
Interpreters. We are just like a docent at a museum. Fancy names for volunteers. When I start it will be 3 hours 3 times a month or it looks like more if I want to do it more

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE...GOOD MORNING, SUZANNE. Had a hard time making it back in here tonight..server kept telling me to try back in 30 seconds.

NillaWafer said...

Well Mitzipoo they dont need to teach ya anything about Tai. have you seen the nice lady we talked to at the zoo that day? Hey maybe you get to carry the Poo Poo around...ROFLMAOOOO forgive me i could NOT resist....

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Niters, Nilla!!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Niters my hero's Jay Leno and David Letterman is on love there monologs..... Have a homemade applesauce cake in the oven was surfin around and found this reciept from "The Homecoming" aka Little House On The Prairie... Receipt called Olivias Applesauce Cake.. I KNOW THE BATTER TASTED YUMMMMMYYYYYYY....

NillaWafer said...

Oh my God Letterman has Richard Simmons he said he is so irritating... This evening my longest 3/4 inch little finger nail broke off... Just alil tid bit i thought you find interesting Thelma...LMAO

Anonymous said...

Morning all...last warm day for a while , last day of November!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, it is so warm out there this morning, Saturday's cold weather is gonna be a shock. Gonna work outside for a while today, while it's still warm.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, my eagle buddies. I hope everybody has a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning all. Hope your day goes well.

Anonymous said...

Sharon You have mail

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Got it Glo. Thank you so very much!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Eagleland

Mits congtrs on zoo volunteer

Nilla nice to see you was in last night. For some reason tireness hit me. I layed on bed and out like a light bulb blowing.

Suzanne good to see you on the blog. That way we know you made it through the fog.

Anonymous said...

From the comments sounds like I missed a good time. "Fatty" and "turtle" yep Mema Jo been a long time since we talk turtle talk. TURTLE SHELLS lol

MITS said...

MORNING EVERYONE Have a good one.

Anonymous said...

Windy in Maine no fog also no eagles

Anonymous said...

I even missed Christmas at Rockefeller Center. Called Mom so she could watch it then I layed down for just a second.

Anonymous said...

Glo how are things going with your new position you have taken on?

MITS said...

Yes, Suz, we have to read up on the Giant Pandas first. Lisa Stevens the curator will be talking to us tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I had found Mei awhile ago but couldn't find Tai.
Well he is now with Mom and picking on her as Mei lays over a fallen tree.

Wonder why Tai would do something like that lol

Anonymous said...

Still no sound at DC zoo

Anonymous said...

That boy is wonderful to watch. On his head, laying on his back, laying across Mom and of course biting her. I'm not sure there isn't a position he can't get himself in or trouble. lmbo

Anonymous said...

If you need a laugh this morning just go see Tai.

MITS said...

DANA, They are working on the sound system and hope to have it up soon. SUZANNE The other animals on the Asia Trail are fantastic, can't wait to learn more about them.

MITS said...

Ya think he might want to nurse:):):) What a kick he is.......

MITS said...

She's going to bite him in the butt....

Anonymous said...

Well Mits if he does there's not a position he couldn't get in to do it. lol

MITS said...

Ok, now she is mad at him.

Anonymous said...

He is a hoot

Anonymous said...

Cam 2 is showing Dad asleep on rocks.

Ok nice volunteers please move cam 1 to find Mei and Tai ty please pretty please

MITS said...

Suzanne, the sloth bears are amazing, saw all 3 of them yesterday. I'm really kinda looking forward to this, just because I can hang out at the zoo. Hoping to go visit the eagles that they have sometime soon. Its a unique zoo in the fact that it is smack in the middle of a city and I like that.

Anonymous said...

Mits it is certainly close to you.

You'll have to tell us about all you see and do.

MITS said...

Its only 5 miles from where I live, Dana. And we have to be there in ALL kinds of weather, unless the zoo is closed, which is rare.

Anonymous said...

Your perfect for the job Mits.

Anonymous said...

Dana You have mail.

My job training this week is going very well. I love being back at this kind of work. I had responsibility for 3 of the inservice training yesterday. My heavy responsibility for the week is now over "pretty much " LOL, got lots of new systems to learn 6 alarms LOL, on and on etc etc. Phones are ringing already Word is out on the streets The bad news is the storm coming in tonight and tomorrow and several needing shelter right now. There are places to refer etc until they are full which they will be very quickly now. Also thought the Good news is the number of calls also coming with folks wanting to donate, especially for Christmas needs etc. It is a ownderful feeling knowing there is a support system out there that cares too and are just waiting for us to say What we need and when...Well Hi Ho Hi Ho its off to work I go...have a Good day all.

I love yesterdays "juvie" pictures. Thanks so very much Suzanne

MITS said...

Thanks, Dana and Suzanne, yes, the time commitment is alot, will be a different summer for me this year, will try to work in time at the beach, not my normal go down in May come back in October routine, but I'm hoping Mei will get pregnant and a new cub will be born sometime next summer, that would really be exciting.

MITS said...

Tai will be 2 in July, Mr. Berry is going to China sometime in December and I believe at that meeting he will ask the Chinese Government if Tai can stay longer, but there is NO GURANTEE.

Anonymous said...

Sniffle sniffle oh my the UK ladies and us will be in tears if he has to go to china. No NO don't want to hear those kind of stories.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne you have a pic wow congtrs

Anonymous said...

Suzanne I hope is doesn't do a do on my kitty's head lol

Anonymous said...

I always think of Mema Jo when I hear, think or see the words "poop shoot" lol.

Anonymous said...

Purple sky in Kent

Anonymous said...

eagle flying in at kent

Anonymous said...

eagle flying in at kent

Anonymous said...

Is that a juvie????

Anonymous said...

Is that a juvie????

Anonymous said...

eagle flying in at kent

MITS said...

Yep thats a juvie....Suzanne it is 7:20a.m. out in Washington State, the clock is wrong, they are 3 hours behind us.

MITS said...

The sun rose at 7:34 a.m.PST this a.m.

Anonymous said...

I got kicked out but I got a pic of the juvie at Kent

Anonymous said...

Cool another juvie...BTW it is 7am there not 8am, they are 3 hours behind us!

MITS said...

Looks like he wants to stay there...ok, juvie sightings in Fla, Kent and BW, mmmmm, what about Sheperdstown.....going to dentist BBL.

Anonymous said...

It is just sitting in the nest like I'm home Mom and Dad from two years of wandering.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Mits, we'll get her on the right time, won't we!

Anonymous said...

Later Mits

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else get a pic of the juvie at Kent?

Anonymous said...

I think it just drop by "the old home place". When they want to find a mate they have their white heads 4-5 yrs old.

Anonymous said...

Florida moving cam around

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW

Anonymous said...

2 eagles BW

Anonymous said...

Morning Paula we are finally getting eagles. I sent you pics of the immature eagle in Kent this morning.

Hope Mits sends it to the people that live there.

Anonymous said...

2 eagles at BW now

Anonymous said...

This is just been great seeing these immature eagles. Getting to see what they look like a different ages. WOW ! (:

Anonymous said...

This is just been great seeing these immature eagles. Getting to see what they look like a different ages. WOW ! (:

Anonymous said...

Eagle in Florida

Anonymous said...

Eagle in FL, too

Anonymous said...

lol well Suzanne back there I was pretty excited lol

Anonymous said...

Looks like eating time in FL

Anonymous said...

Ok help me remember so I don't have to go back to all my calanders.
(1) After they mate together how long for eggs?

(2) After eggs are layed how long till hatch?

If anyone remember off hand or I can go look it up.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Eagles gone at BW

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...