Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Wednesday August 23

New thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you are good at calling new thread time!

MITS said...

I'm physic or physco, not sure which... Thanks, STEVEN!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It is so funny. When my birds out here see any movement whatsoever, they are out of here. But, let a squirrel jump from one roof to the other and go right beside them and eat, not one movement.

MITS said...

Sure miss the "BS MORNING SHOW", don't you SHARON? Love watching the birds at my sons' house. They have a hummer that eats out of the bird feeder, a family of yellow finches that live in the tree, a pair of mourning doves that have been there for 20 yrs and a female woody who comes to the upside down bird feeder and eats right-side up. They also have a racoon who comes up onto the deck and eats the grease out of the grill.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Cool. I love watching my wildlife out here. See rabbits hopping up the road sometimes and squirrels everywhere except when dogs are out. Right now, I have a wren, sparrows, baby cardinals out here.

glo said...

Good morning all. Sorry didn't get here before coffee and treats today. Late start. My body must be trying to tell me that I'm semi-retired LOL. I get to go in to work for a while today as soon as I knw what time I will have computer access. Not sure how long I will be at work. I kind of DON"T want to go in there, but I will finish what i have started, at least til the end of the month rolls around. What i have done at home hasn't really been too bad. I just don't even like the atmosphere int hat office!!

OK will BLOG at you later. Do have a very nice day.

MITS said...

GLO, This too shall pass...

MITS said...

1 osprey up at Woods Hole and 1 up in NU..MT nest in Maine.

MITS said...

Mei and Tai are in the grotto.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Maine nest has been empty all morning but the view is so beautiful.

MITS said...

MT nest out in Seattle, that nest is looking ggggrrrroooosssssss!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Off work until 4 p.m. unless I do a little OT in the meantime. Right now, I am going to stretch out and watch some TV.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That nest is pretty nasty looking and I think it gets a lot of bees swarming around it too. I certainly wouldn't be living there myself!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

CT osprey nest is MT. No Baby Smurf but Teddy Smurf is still hanging in there.

MT nest in Santa Cruz.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Almost time for Lun Lun's cam to come up!

MITS said...

Good for you SHARON resting is good when you are not feeling well. Talked to son about an hour ago, he is going to work, even though he has what Annie had this past weekend, sick stomach. My sisters and I will be there this afternoon, to help out. Can't wait to see Maggie. Have to let neighbors' dog out around noon. The dog is a golden and he grins...too funny.

MITS said...

Heading to Atlanta now.

MITS said...

Hmmm...sometimes it takes them awhile to start showing Lun.

movin said...

Good morning, Everyone...
Happy nest watching...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have Atlanta up but they haven't gone live yet.

Enjoy that baby this afternoon. Kiss her cheeks for me! Love golden retrievers - all retrievers!! Buphals is part lab and part german shepherd. Such a cool dog with a great but turdish personality!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Jim!

Mauley said...

Good Morning Momsters, I pray everyone well and happy today. I wish I lived close to Maggie, and I could just eat her up. Hi Sharon, Mits, Jim, Glo, has anyone heard from MeMa Jo? Paula where are you today? Cindy, will you look for our babies today. Love Mauley grantoeight

glo said...

Jo Ok So am just checking, I think maybe during the "rubber smell" thread, you put in a comment that you Did get your mouse pad Correct?

Did you say something about flat shipping goes into the regular mail and that is why it takes longer to get your item delivered? I have figured out a solution for that, Always buy a Mug when you stop by the store LOL There is a newly designed mug there waiting for everyone I think you will really like it AND its lots more fun to have a cup of coffee with a friend and tell them the story of the "3 Little Eaglets". There NEVER will be another story quite like that you know.

And even though I loved the Ballet I saw the other night. I like the # Little Eaglets so much more than the 3 Little Pigs.

In case there is a lurker out there that needs the store address info here it is.

$2 of each item purchased is going towards the Eagle Project at NCTC for next years Eagle season. It is my hopes it can be used towards the camera fund etc, but mostly it is a way to say Thank You for This was Fantastic

Still down a few dollars this month to make that $25 minimum for the commission check..although I do think we will make it. So if you have a Birthday or want to start Christmas/Holiday shopping early, go see what's new at the shop.

Cereal is done. Dogs are walked, off to work for me.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I ordered a mug and it still got passed off to USPS. Just a little FYI!

glo said...

That's because you live in the Boonedocks LOL Just kidding.

Need to think up Plan three, which I guess would be

Order early, Be patient, and Have another cup of coffee or tea, in whatever mug you are forced to drink from until your

Beautiful Mug arrives!!LOL

Well it surely sounded like a good idea when it first hit LOL. I better go cause trouble at work, before I get fired. Now that one there, it ISN'T going to happen

later all.

MITS said...

Lun Lun is in her hammock...

Mema Jo said...

Good almost late morning all you Eagle Buddies. Glo Today I bet I get my mousepad = I can smell it coming up the road! LOL When I ordered my mug, I had also ordered 3 other items from my grandson's military site - it was a good size box - guess that's why it came UPS. I will not attack the maillady today, I promise. Anyway she drives a mail truck.

Just Vicky said...

Mema Jo I caught that about "Smelling" it coming up the road! That sure brings back a few laughs!

MITS said...

Lun-Lun just pooped in her hammock, the cam came up real close, because, I think, they thought she was delivering...false alarm...just poop.

Mema Jo said...

Vicky Since Dana is no longer a Vicky - you can now be yourself without the IL.
Mauley Did you get reactivated on the Momster site yet? Let me know if you still want links sent to you in an email.
Sharon You sound so much better today - May be a Good thing when Andrew gets you off the computer so you get some rest.
Mits Enjoy your Maggie day!

Mema Jo said...

Mits That report on LunLun is so funny. Really disappointing I'm sure. At least they are keeping close watch. Guess she doesn't know about poop shooting off the hammock.

NillaWafer said...

Good Morning , I am drinking my decaff tea in my Momsters mug right now.. Had abowl of Kelloggs Smart Start Healthy Heart cereal,, Lowers both B/P nad Cholesterol.. Taste good to.. try it Feeling pretty good right now.. Now if i could get enough strength to run the vacumm cleaner n other things..Was watching Lun Lun (PRONOUNCED LOON LOON) is it me or is that cam not as interesting to watch as Tai?? 1 Osprey in NU nest.. Bio nest MT... I do need to go out awhile to K Mart they were very busy yesterday and didnt get prescrips filled.. BBL

MITS said...

JO, I think you need to go to Atlanta, to inform her how to poop-shoot the proper way. You still have me LOL!!!!

MITS said...

NILLABEAN If she is pregnant, I don't think she is going to be dancing around, cut the poor thing some slack. LOL!!!! She's nesting...

Mema Jo said...

May the vacuum cleaner suck you up should you even think of turning it on

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

So what is Lun Lun doing now. I thought the cam had froze up but saw people moving in the window. She made a nice little mess in her hammock. Don't she know you don't poop where you sleep or eat!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Took a little nap just now. Felt pretty good. Was watching "Two for the Money" again. Two gorgeous men, that is for sure!! Wouldn't turn either one of them away!! :)

NillaWafer said...

Hmmm her head is againist that pole.. I wonder if she thinks she is hiding? lol Tai has been a really good lil boy lately.. He is sleeping up on top of the Grotto .. I know she might be Prego but is that where she will have the baby? Is it outside? Where is her mate? I am so Sharon you feeling better? Jo we could have made a run over to park to check out tables n stuff.. I am not sure of directions neither...

NillaWafer said...

I wonder how Belle is doing today with her kids at school.. Ran into this woman last night at WalMart in the cat food ilse and we talked n talked she takes in cats and has them spayed n shots so they can go to good homes... Any ways she has a Autistic son and said she has heard many good things about BELLE and her teaching and patience with childern.. APPLAUSE FOR BELLE!!! Man i could take anap..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, feeling a little better today. Working a split shift today so just kind of chillin' right now. I am with Jo on the vacuuming thing. Probably the worst position you could put your body in.

Mema Jo said...

I'll check out the park - question is: What are we putting on the tables?

I'm also going to check out prices on lunch menu over at the Inn.

I am running some errands... BBL

Take a nap, Nilla...

MITS said...

NILLA, Take a nap, FORGET about that vacuum...

NillaWafer said...

Ok Jo check the lunch menu out Mits i am choking on cat hair balls Yeah a nap sounds good.. Sharon dont work to hard neither..Well watching Price Is Right cant lay dwn til after news.. Might ride down to Hagerstown to HARTLES SUBS and get some for dinner.. Jo bet you love HARTLES to.. Oh tonight is Mexican night at Golden Corral.. Yippeeee almost forgot.. LOL since i am not smoking always thinking about food, but not eating

Mema Jo said...

Being an old Hagerstonian

Now you've got me thinking of FOOD!
Well, it is lunch time..

Mema Jo said...


Any suggestions as how to get my
mousepad out of DC....?

I call the 800 for CafePress if it doesn't come tomorrow. My patience
is as great as an eaglet waiting for

NillaWafer said...

Yeah me to Jo i can smell the onions and the whole place.. God my mouth is watering.. You know they arent on S. Potomac St across from Rose Hill Cem. any more moved up off Salem Avenue... Well news is over goin to take apower nap as Sharon says.. BBL

NillaWafer said...

Mits are you watching that lilrascal?? He is playing at the forked tree limbs.. upside down and all over..Ut Oh think he spotted moma.. Yup she is trying to take her draped over limb nap and he is under her.. LOL hangin upside down swingin back n forth.. Usually they are inside this time of day guess because it is so nice out they are staying out side..

Just Vicky said...


NillaWafer said...


floralgirl said...

Come on Nilla-forget vacuuming ,too much bending and stretching.Where's that grandson- how about vacuuming for gas money??

NillaWafer said...

Oh i have a new vac almost runs it self... No not doing it ok nor anything else.. Now i am laying down

glo said...

Hi gang, checking in quickly from work, feels like the old FBI days LOL. Anyway .Jo No call them today and ask them that very question. I just tracked my order placed on the 19th and I iwll get it today. You placed yours ont he should have it by now. Tell themt he shop owner told you she has stuff arriving today that she ordered 5 days after you ordered yours and you want to know how to get it out of washington D.C. let me know. I can bug them too when I get home, not sure how much I can help though, but I do have order dates and numbers here. Sorry ...Hope you like the smell, maybe that mail truck can burn a little rubber on its way up the road to you.

MITS said...

I've e-mailed them about that NILLA, as I have said before, these are volunteers that run the cam and some are better than others, but the ones recently must be new, it has not been very good. Needless to say the zoo completely ignores me and ticks me off about things sometimes, therefor. I do not contribute to FONZ. Sure they don't care.

MITS said...

Ok, I've let the grinning dog out and am heading up to see Maggie, don't know when I will be back. TTUL!!!!! Have a good afternoon.

Mema Jo said...

Ok, Glo. Will do & then will let you know how it went.

NillaWafer said...

Well so much for a power nap..Sugahhh wanted fed.. Fire trucks n ambulances going by.(HAZARD OF LIVING RIGHT ALONG A MAIN ROAD) Washed few dishes.. Ok Mits you enjoy the afternoon with Maggie...Well ok then Mits i went and was going to join FONZ but now i changed my mind.. I have so much stuff needs to be finished.. alot of things that need to go to Goodwill or to anyone who can use them.. many many clothes either to small or big for me.. Just gettin the get up and go to do it is the problem...

NillaWafer said...

Doreen Hugsssss we have wondered where you were ... Yeah afew of us have been under the weather..Most with sinus problems.. Me with hospitol and 3 stints in my heart for 90%blockages.. But we all have missed you and Chrissy.. In fact we go t the Denbury site and watch the Badgers n foxes n horses n all the animals they show.. Lets no forget Frodo n Freida God Bless her setting there.. i did see her 3 pink eggs the other night afor few just beautiful..

NillaWafer said...

1:30 pm in the afternoon here D..

NillaWafer said...

Cant wait to see the 3 fuzzy lil kids hatch .. Oh Lun Lun is on panda watch for baby but her hormons has not dipped or something as of yet... I am sure you been keeping up with that news.. Mits is a grandmaw now did ya know?? Yeah OUR NEWEST EAGLET IS MAGGIE.. Pics of her on momsters.. Things doin ok for you my dear? Where exactly do you live over there i can Google earth and come to your

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Doreen, glad to see you are here!

Starting on my over time.

NillaWafer said...

Denbury report.. Swollows all lined up in nest.. Cam 2 sheep in field.. Hey Sharon i am going into overtime Jo called she is heading out to drive over to the park we are meeting at saturday and check things out..

NillaWafer said...

LOL.. its ok ranting i been ranting alot on here since getting home from hospitol and i havent had a cigarette in 9 days now.. The others seem to look over my rants.. I agree way to soon to be putting her up with a stallion again.. I was reading the blogs over on that site and saw someone else mention what you said..I bet they were the 2 horses that wondered in the other night after the badgers left.. We need rain terribly here poor Floralgirls flowers are dying she has to water them.. We did have a slight rain but didnt amount to anything over wknd.. The Tai cam is down again they have new people running them and they dont know waht theya re doing..So rant all ya I am sure something will set me off before this day is gone...

NillaWafer said...

She is a race horse, didnt know that.. When i worked in Equine medicine n surgery 1 thing i DO remember NEVER EVER work with any medicines for horses Like Regumate and others without gloves can set a woman nuts get my Always careful when handing those meds..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Doreen, I am thinking that Danville is about 2 hours from Bluefield, West Virginia where I live.

NillaWafer said...

D checked and its about 5 1/2 hour drive from me and alittle over 550 miles.. Yeah Sharon about same distanse to you.. I am in Martinsburg, West Virginia about 15 minutes from Virginia line near Winchester.. Sharon is over time over yet?

NillaWafer said...

He is coming at a really nice time D the leaves are turning autum colors. I love that time of year!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, Ms. Lun Lun just got pretty froggy and started playing around! That is cool since she has been kind of looking like a slug lately.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lun Lun just drug her cradle into another room through her little door.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Took a break from OT to talk on the phone so doing it now until I start regular time back at 4 p.m.

Mema Jo said...

LunLun is trashing the cradle - throwing it all around. Hope this doesn't tell us something.....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Click on the panda cam link. It only shows 10-5 our time.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Doreen
LunLun is the panda at the Atlanta,GA zoo

She has a hammock in her den - looks so comfy when she sleeps in it. The video only runs from 10am to 5pm so you could view it in the evening. Still love Tai & Mei the best. At the bottom of the Atlanta,Ga panda cam is the 3 other sites for pandas- but I think you have those.
Missed hearing from you past couple days. Take care

NillaWafer said...

Well Lun Lun is al tuckered out now laying in door way.. D i am sure she will like it over here.. Wish she were closer could meet up with her and take her around where i live with alot of Civil War history and close to Washington DC...Tell Lou to come set aspell and she will see we are harmless loving group..

NillaWafer said...

Jo what did you see? find out ? When you call me next time i need directions not sure.. I am with you Jo Tai Shan is the 1 and only Lun Lun in our hearts meaning Looney Still waiting on a call back from doctor Jo, daughter is stopping by... I checked Denbury was some sheep or goats in the field and they were sparing n playing...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Frieda just went to color. Lun Lun has disappeared from view, again. MT nest in Maine, Santa Cruz, Seattle. There Lun Lun makes a trip back through.

NillaWafer said...

D the picture i have here is my cat Sugahhh Boogahhh aint he Darn cat is so finicky bought him some Iams last night which wasnt bad price but also bought him like 4 of the cat food moist for 76cents each and dontcha know it he loves it!! of course its

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Three grackles and a gazillion sparrows on my roof. Hawk flew by nieces head a while a go. Scared her to death. She said it was huge. I said "are you sure it wasn't an eagle?" Hey, a girl can hope, right?

Mema Jo said...

What did I see? Riding around the park there was a very clear view (had my binoculars) of a very very large
Vulture! He wasn't so bad looking..He was situated on a limb just like when we saw the parent eagle down at NCTC.
I saw some covered pavilions- I saw that the trail up to the monument may not be what you or I want to hike if it is hot & humid. I stopped by the Inn & they close from 2:30 - 4:00.I had called earlier and they do have a luncheon menu - that is what I wanted to pick up--Couldn't even find the cook! Didn't someone run away with the cook one time? LOL
The lunch hour is 11:30 - 2:00. I'll call later & get a price range on the lunch menu. What were you thinking of if we had a picnic lunch?

NillaWafer said...

Just because he has pedigree blood running thru his veins he thinks he needs it in his Todays only the 23rd right the African cams dont start til 25th? By the way where is Dana?? Hope she is ok... Bet Belle will be reporting in soon..

Mema Jo said...

Sharon Doreen needs you!

Mema Jo said...

WELCOME LULU Great to have you join us!

NillaWafer said...

Welcome LuLu ....... I know your gona like our little group of eagle watchers and all animal Feel free to join in and tell us about your self..

NillaWafer said...

Ok Sharon work your wonders on D..LOL Well i thought if we was going to the park alil picnic with maybe some sandwiches n small things n of course a homemade pie promise.. Hey Sharon you got such a menagerey of animals down ther let me know when Big Foot comes aknockin..LMAOOOOOO

NillaWafer said...

Well LuLu is certainly in the right place we watch any and all the live cams we can Mits is the Pandaoligist here.. She is visiting with her new grandbaby Maggie our newest eaglet.. If you girls have any sites please add them to your blog comment and we can take alook see at them..

Mema Jo said...

You were #100 on today's blog

Sharon is the expert of placing pics on your blog. It doesn't hurt a bit!

NillaWafer said...

D Sharon put Sugahhs picture here for me as i was just to Trust me it wont hurt ..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think the grackles I have now are juvies. They have quite a bit of brown on their backs and tails.

Just saw the shadow of a hawk go overhead. Went outside and saw 2 flying way up there!

NillaWafer said...

LMAO... Hands D her can of hair removal wax

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,
how you all didleing girls,,,
Hope all is well your end, right in the middle of the nastiest storm here and just about to hide under the dineing room table !!!!!
SCREAM ahhhhhhhhhh

both cats with me also,
NILLA I'm very cross with you girl,, your supposed to be resting not hoovering pet, leggs up and pamper time pet, oooooo that sounds so rude doesnt it,
Congrats Mits she is beautiful isnt she, seen the pictures, now if I knew how to post pictures I would but i'm such an ignoramious on the computer, I dont think I will ever master the process.Lovely arnt they the swallows at Denbury Farm, about to fledge any time now, and only a week old today, I call that fast nature, dont you !!!!!

When did all the name changes happen ???????


NillaWafer said...

Yall chitter chatter BRB

Mema Jo said...

Doreen our prize is passing the can of wax around. Not sure you would want it. Nilla, I don't have the UK girls email addresses but you can find the email for them about the wax if you wish.

Just Vicky said...

cabuk They have been driving all of us crazy with these name changes! TELL THEM TO STOP IT!!!!!!

Chrissy Beahan said...


Just for you pet


Will that do my friend !!!!!


Mema Jo said...

Chrissy - When the animal cams all go to bed - the small talk begins on this blog. Pics change & names change just to keep the morale and interest going.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Didn't realize we had so many posts. I been talking about my birds and you all have been talking about everything else. Okay, so now I am up to speed. Doreen, email me and we will work on getting your pic on there.

Just Vicky said...

Thank you Chrissy! Maybe they will listen to you!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No we won't Vicky. As soon as the urge strikes or I get bored, I'll be changing mine again! Like it like it is for right now though. The kids at school call Andrew - "Crisco" (it is his last name) and I am known simply as Crisco's Mom!! Might have to change it to that one day!

NillaWafer said...

Explosion of blogs Glad to see them.. Sharon i hope you didnt miss the part where i asked if you would please leave us know When BIG FOOT knocks on your you have so may intersting animals around you...

NillaWafer said...

<~~ i am knowen as Sugaaahhh Boogaaahhhs mom and Spike and Buddy and Beaners Grandmaw... So whatcha think Jo call me later about saturday.. Now girls i had heart catherization n 3 stents not arm surgery or anything else i am taking it easy .. Thank God i have 2 air purifiers running or hair balls would be

Mema Jo said...


Just got an email from Karen in reply to an email I had sent to her.
She is ok! I was really excited to
receive her message. Prayers do work!

NillaWafer said...

LuLu do you live close to D OR Chrissy? When are you coming to USA? Have you been here before?? I know your excited!! Wish i were closer but where your going to be is like over 5 hours from me..

Mema Jo said...

Nilla Doreen won the prize for #100 - but she needs to know about the wax. You forward it to the UK gals since you're the one that started all this hilarious commotion!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hawk just landed in the road right in front of my house. He had something when he flew off and I am praying it is a rat and not one of my little birds. He was a pretty big guy!!

NillaWafer said...

Niters D So good to hear from you again... LuLu great to have you join us.. Love your lil way of language and words.. Totally different meaning from our But fun non the less...

Mema Jo said...

Going out for awhile... BBL

NillaWafer said...

Chrissy you still here? I found Dr Hawass web site and its awsome to read about his education and studies.. I wish we had some of that rain over here really dry .. every thing is shrevaling up dead.. Wel going to get abit to eat, not going any wheres as i am still in night gown.. LAZY today..

NillaWafer said...

Great Lu we all watch the Denbury live cam love it

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi All
Doreen gone to bed and feed the dog,, Lou has gone to take baby Teddy out for a walk, [ he is a little West Highland Terrier] both my cats have gone absolutley nuts in this storm and are running about like headless chickens, no chance of them settleing down to bed tonight, and I'm about to hide somewhere with rubber wellies on [scared stiff of thunder ans lightening] and one of my light bulbs has just blown so will have to replace that to before bed
oooooooooooooooooo isnt life difficult.

right away to my bed and lovely to chat, I'll try not to leave it to long next time,
Oh By they Way I have been chatting to Delphia in Atlanta over the past three days, we have been ranting about our very similar virus's, as Delphia says, a common bond from far across the sea, Bless her little cotton socks, she is so sweet.
Well my lovelies I'll bid you night night, take care my friends, sleep well, Speak soon.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Doreen you have mail x2. I sent her the story behind the wax!

NillaWafer said...

rubber wellies ok Chrissy what does that mean rubber boots or rubber baby pants use to use with cloth diadies? See i am confused .. Virus's like being ill or computor??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wonder why Frieda and everything around her has such a pink hue. Do you reckon it is because she is a girly girl?

Chrissy Beahan said...

Just before I pop off,

Doreen lives in, a beautiful Chocolate box Village Called Sherboune St John, Hampshire which from me is about 5 and a half hours drive away, Lou lives in Stevenage, Hertfordshire which again from me is about 3 nd half hours away and I live in Kidderminster, Worcestershire, which we call the Midlands, not far from Shakespere country. We have girls from all over the country in The Mother Hens, Liverpool, Northern Ireland, The North East, but non from Scotland, we did have but she no long posts.

Dr Hawass is an amazeing man isnt he, and he has had heart surgery too, at the moment he is excavateing a complete workmans village, oh if only I could be part of that, misconception you know that all the work was done by slaves,[ no slaves at all ] do you know the phrase Irish Navveies, well it was the same in Egypt, workmen who were well paid and well skilled in there trade.

Well night night pet.

NillaWafer said...

Tell her get her depends underwears on and O2 SO SHE CAN CATCH HER BREATH LAUGHIN...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I forgot to warn her when I sent that to her! I swear I laughed until I could not breathe when I read it!

Can they check Lun Lun's poo for progesterin levels or do they have to draw her blood everyday? Inquiring minds want to know!

Chrissy Beahan said...

you have a dirty mind pet

Wellies are rubber wellington boots, worn mostly by farmers and people who work in and near water to keep them dry, and are also a poor conductor of electricity, cos I dont want to get struck by lightening you see.

Delphia has the Fibromyalgia virus and I have the CFS one they are very similar, you are lovely, I wish I could think of a rude reply but my brain is a bit like swiss cheese at the moment with this storm.

I can just imagine me in my nightie and my wellies going to bed, real passion killers, thank God Frank is at work cos there would be no conductiing of electricity then now would there !!!!!
Sorry was that to graphic ?????
Lots of Love
XXXXXX night.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Not too graphic Chrissy. Very well put, I say!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now I have 2 adult and 3 juvie grackels out here eating. Supper with the family, what a novel idea!

NillaWafer said...

Well Golly gee wizzz anyone who knows me knows i am an angel as i fluff wings n polish halo.. cough cough BS .. Watchin news hope Mits has alot to report on her day with Maggie...BBL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, hope you were not too offended by Chrissy's statements! LMAO!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think Baby Smurf has got a fish stuck in his talon!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now he is standing on top of Smurf Bear with the fish!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Then he flew off with the fish stuck.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Mema Jo said...


I wish you were keeping count
so I could award you the all time
high trophy!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Mema Jo. Maybe when I have a few days of spare time, I will go back and count! :) It would take a few days to go back through all that stuff.

glo said...

Hi all, home from work LOL. Looks like a pretty international flavor in here today. Cafe Press order was waiting for me. Jo How did your phone call go?

Got to fix supper and walk the dogs. Blog at ya later on.
Nilla What is your BP?

NillaWafer said...

Heck No she didnt she still has her head doesnt Love Ya Chrissy.. B/P up just had prescrips filled and almost 400.00 for amonth.. Of course its up and the Zocor ws genaric at $137.00 !!! Unbeleivable..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hope Baby Smurf figured out a way to get that fish off his talon.

glo said...

Nilla Wow sorry the meds are so darn high. Do you have insurance to help with any of that expense or is that your out of pocket. These drug co. expenses are enought o get anyone's BP up. NOW have you taken your BP today. If not, wait til you settle down a little, and then take it, will ya please "just like a good girl"..Thank You, Thank You Thank You.

Mema Jo said...

CafePress Phone call
Spoke with a customer svc rep concerning delivery of my order that was placed on 8/14 & delivered 8/17 to Wash.DC USPS where it still lays in the 'dark hole'. Since I accepted 'free shipping' this is the mode of travel. Next time I may use the drop down box & pay extra for shipping. CustSvcRep said to wait a few more days & if not received to please call back & they will replace my order. I thought that there wouldn't be anything CafePress could do for me in locating it.. I will keep you posted. Now that I have called - it will be here tomorrow, I bet.

glo said...

Jo The good news is, they are very good about believing you and making things right by you. They have reshipped once for me, and once for suzanne that I know of. Considering there have been like 46 items purchased that's not too bad at all. OK Well if you smell rubber burning its on its way to your house.

Mema Jo said...

I'll be sniffin' around noon tomorrow!
I was more then satisfied with the
cust.svc.rep to whom I was speaking. Very polite & pleasant.

MITS said...

Hi All, had a wonderful visit with Maggie, I just hate it when I have to leave. Took a long while to read all the blogs. Glad we have heard from GEULA. Also welcome back DOREEN AND CHRISSY, missed you ladies. LULU welcome, so glad you could join us, nice to have another panda-lover in the group, hope I don't call you LUN-LUN after the hopefully pregnat panda at the Atlanta zoo. Waiting for hubby to get home from NYC, his 6:30 plane got cancelled and he is supposed to be on the 7:30 one.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh yeah!! I forgot to welcome Lulu to our humble abode. WELCOME LULU!!!!!! Keep comin' back!!

wvgal_dana said...

Well I finally got home from a "long doctors appt" then a "long physchial therapy upset appt.". So I haven't read blog yet.
I did get a "wonderful" lunch or should I call it dinner 3:30 appt dr and not wait 11:10. Rough day but all is good.
IMPORTANT TO ME Lun Lun any new site down now I'm too late.?????

belle_wv said...

HI everyone - omg what a long day - been going non-stop since before 7 this morning - my feet and back I think are more of an issue tonight that my sinuses - now that's saying something

How's everyone here today?
Going to catch up on blogs...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No news on Lun Lun today, Dana. They said her levels were still up too high and it would probably be next week. They did get a close up shot of her having a bowel movement though. I missed it but saw mention of it on the blog and evidence of it on her hammock!

MITS said...

NILLA thanks I love being called a pandaologist, makes me feel knowledgeable for a change.

Just Vicky said...

Dana & Belle It has been a slow day on this blog! Other than a new name that is! (LuLu) We need some action and laughs tonight!

Mema Jo Hope you're sniffin rubber tomorrow!

floralgirl said...

Close up of her having a bowel movement?!Wow-glad I missed that! Evening everyone-

glo said...

Off to watch some tV and spend a little time with my dogs. They are acting like I was gone for a while today. They like it much better when I am home. Me too LOL

Just Vicky said...

Hi Floralgal Have a good day ???? Inquiring minds want to know!

MITS said...

The elephants are still playing outside at the zoo.

floralgirl said...

Not bad Vicky,thanks for asking.

belle_wv said...

Welcome to LuLu - so great to have you -and you will LOVE Danville, isn't that near the Blue Ridge Parkway - at least that's the Danville I know - beautiful place

Hi to Chrissy and Doreen - so good you all can chat, and thanks for the news on Geula and Delphia - tell her we miss her on here in your next email chat, please, Chrissy
Hope everyone else is well, Nilla you can just send all that cat hair that accumulates to Barbara in ME - doesn't she card and spin it into yarn? Then you could have a little throw blanket made for Sugahhh to sleep on in the cold winter...

Dana - sounds like you had a long day too

Everyone else ok?
Ok now got to catch up on email

belle_wv said...

Nilla you was talkin about me?? I can't imagine who it would've been - blonde, oval face, fairly tall, teacher? Now I'm curious, flattered and pleased, but curious :)

Floral, how's your sinus infection progressing? Sharon, how about you?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
floralgirl said...

Hanging in there,Belle,as usual it's the effects of the antibiotics that seem even worse than the sinusitis.How are you doing? How was your day at school?Were you setting up your classroom?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sinuses are not too bad, just a little leaky. Chest is all congested though and the cough sounds (and feels) awful!

MITS said...


Just Vicky said...

mits Keep spraying!!!!!!
We are amongst some sick gals here!

Just Vicky said...

Why do we need sinuses anyways????

floralgirl said...

Don't worry Mits,it ain't contagious

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, Mits, the Lysol is getting me choked up now. That is quite enough!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay everyone, Brat Boy is getting on my computer for a while. Might check back in before I go to sleep but no promises.

Mema Jo said...

LOL Forgot about the lysol spray!

belle_wv said...

What a mixed bag of email - was still cryin about a picture of a widow sleeping next to her soldier husband's coffin - then opened on that made me laugh so hard I shook the tears onto my monitor...

belle_wv said...

Floral, are you eating yogurt at least once a day? Even if you don't like it, find some way to get it into you - it makes a tremendous difference for so many people when they're on antibiotics

belle_wv said...

Working on classroom stuff, helping new teachers get stuff set up, meetings about policies, plans, reports...etc etc... then had dr. appt at 3, got home from that at 4:15 and had to get changed to be back at work by 5:30 for new student/parent orientation 'til 8... I'm whooppppped

floralgirl said...

Yea, Belle-eating one container a day so far,and I do hate it!

belle_wv said...

It isn't my favorite thing either - I get the large tubs of vanilla and put in chocholate sprinkles or crushed oreos or used to get the reeses sprinkles in the sundae display at the grocery stores, and mix them in to give it something more 'fun' and take the tang away

When I was on that nasty clindamycin I was eating yougurt 3 or 4 times a day just to keep from having to install perm. plumbing to my backside....

belle_wv said...

I'm on a much milder antibiotic for another week to prevent post-surgery infection... but still having some trouble with it even with yogurt this time... guess me guts have HAD enough... LOL

floralgirl said...

Yea-I'm on 600 mg a day ,and it's rough on your body

MITS said...

Can't seem to blog, my fingers keep slipping off the keys from all the purel I'm using...hope everyone gets better real soon, don't like that you all are not feeling well.:(:(:(:(

floralgirl said...

Mits-try wiping off the keys with a Lysol wipe.

belle_wv said...

LOL MITS - I don't have any germs to share and floral and sharon won't share theirs either - how was your visit with Maggiekins? Do we have more pictures??? (Tapping foot here and waiting...)

belle_wv said...

Any more snakes looking to get in your basement for a cool damp place to keep from turning to dust floral?

floralgirl said...

Didn't see any snakes today,think they would cut their skin open going across the DRY grass.

belle_wv said...

Ours goes crunch when I walk on it and I keep hearing the trees wistling for the dogs to come water them... (that must be as old as W.C. Fields, I bet)

wvgal_dana said...

Ok finally finished reading through blogs.
I can't believe you gals!!!!
Well first HI D & C and new blogger Lu almost typed Lun oh boy sorry (that's the panda at Atlanta that might I hope be pregrant).
OK I CAN'T believe all of you read or seen the "poop" part that Lun Lun did. You didn't write or call or send one of the bloggers that lives closest down to Atlanta?????????????????????????
She could have had the "stick of butter" in the poop.. and you all didn't CHECK??????

floralgirl said...

Well,I'm outa here- 5 am wakeup tomorrow-yuck!early bed for everyone in my house tonite.Day 2 of 8th grade tomorrow for daughter(so far so good),big job for hubby,and another long,hot day of watering for me.Take care everyone-nite all

MITS said...

Had a great visit with Maggie today. She eats, she sleeps, and she poops and it is just all good. Thanks for asking BELLE

MITS said...


MITS said...

DANA The cam came up to her really close to make sure no cubbys were in it. It was really gross.

wvgal_dana said...

Someone get Chrissy's rubber wellies and go through that stuff!!!!
Wonder if Chrissy's rubber wellies
smell???? Like rubber??

MITS said...

I'd like to thank Andrew for my can of wax and I will be sending it to you, pronto...enjoy, Andrew, and thanks for keeping your Mom off the I could win it. LOL!!!

wvgal_dana said...

TAke care Floralgirl I think you will get rain why I HAD THE CAR
Mits oh Maggie is just out doing herself ... doing the baby things.
She's a cutie!!
Oh yes lunch/dinner whatever was at Cracker Barrel oh I love that place. Today it was quite in there and so peaceful to eat. After such a rough day (but all's good could have been worse I'm sure). I felt like I was in a love novel visiting a far away place. Where I was taken out to dine in a far away place hummm.

MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

Ok I finally get to be on here and everyone decides to leave. Is there a point everyone is trying to make to me??? No you all wouldn't or would you?????? lol

MITS said...


MITS said...

I'm here...DANA

wvgal_dana said...

Ooopps bbr (HI MITS yes it does rock my daughter and her husband lover cracker barrel here in WV and in Florida where they live).
BBR got meds to take

wvgal_dana said...

Ok BAck have to drank plenty of water with meds....I know why they tell you to drink all this water.
Because that way you'll feel like your in the hospital. When you sleeping and they wake you up. All this water makes you wake up to pee

wvgal_dana said...

Mits you keep those pictures of the little sweetie coming so we all can watch her grow.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Congratulations Mits! Although I am going to kill Andrew for making me lose out. Going to bed now. Just making one last stop before bed. Sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers.

wvgal_dana said...

Niters Sharon AOYP=Angels On Your Pillow with Eagles in your DREAMS

belle_wv said...

Oh yes Floral, I forgot your daughter STARTED school today, glad she enjoyed it... she's at middle school still right? Next year to high school? Tell her to enjoy and appreciate being 'top dog' and really knowing what's going on at school- Amanda is a freshman this year and it is like starting all over.

Dana - hush on CB - making me hungry... LOL

Mits - back at cha :)

Have to be IN a meeting at 7 am sharp in the morning - so good night to all in eagle land - I miss ya!

Just Vicky said...

So this joint is going down for the count early tonight?? Where are the "night owls?"

glo said...

Hi Vicki I am BUSY LOL watching TV, but thought i'd check in real quick

Just Vicky said...

Good, Glo is here! Lurker you!

wvgal_dana said...

Me is still up Vicky

wvgal_dana said...

What are you watching on tv Glo?

Just Vicky said...

By the way, Loraine Hinote asked about you tonight!

glo said...

Won't be on long though, really am tired. Just about time to let the dogs out for the last time and get ready for bed myself.
Nilla never did say what her BP was unless I missed it. Sounds like her meds are awfully expensive thing after another.

Just Vicky said...

Dana dearest us makes 3!

glo said...

OH Did you catch her up pon stuff and tell her about Elia and the website etc. maybe ladosha has a computer and knows how to turn it on LOL. I bet they are pretty surprised we have found each other here LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Glo those meds are very expensive. Jan.02 husband had 4 bypass surgery. So he has several and others of those meds.

movin said...

Hi, Everybody, whether it be evening or morning...

Guess everybody's going to bed to recuperate about the time I read todays comments...that's life, I hope you get better.

I read the happy communique about Geula, but does anyone know what's happening with Bird Girl?


wvgal_dana said...


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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...