Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Wednesday August 16

From a local eagle watcher this am:

"I’ve been watching the Eaglets since they were eggs and blog on your blog all the time.

I have a question. Yesterday driving home about 1:30-1:45 PM, I-495 North was at a standstill going over the Potomac from VA into MD. (Nothing new.) In any case, I saw 3 Eaglets just circling around, very slowly, over the river, just sort of gliding. I got a good look at them, and do believe they were eaglets. They had their wings out, end wing feathers looked like fingers, and their tails were spread out like a fan. They were all black, large birds. Quite awesome to watch, actually. (The one time in my daily commute I DIDN’T want the traffic to start going again!) Anyway, could they be our Eaglets? Well, I mean the NCTC Eaglets. Would they be that far from Shepherdstown? They were circling around the bridge and the Potomac, but they don’t have to go that far for food, the Potomac is near their nest, isn’t it?

Thanks in advance for your response. Even if it wasn’t the NCTC eaglets, it was awesome to watch them. They’re SOMEBODY’S eaglets, and since there were 3 I just thought they were ours."

I told her it could well be the Shepherdstown eaglets. They will continue to move out away from the Shepherdstown nest territory.


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wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne go back to the other page read what I said to you lol

glo said...

SuzanneJust checked and you didn't get the official button. so be sure to carry your certificate!!! LOL You did get an awfully cute mini button when it arrives though I just love that picture!!!

OK all have a great day. Even you two honry ones ((hugs)))

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, I think that is the certificate Glo was talking about. Okay, Suzanne, if you see them today, could you tell them to come see me. I will climb up in a tree and build a nest for them if they want to hang out in Bluefield for a while. I will get Andrew to go fishing for them and everything. Might could even find a turtle or 2 for them!! :)

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon where does Andrew want to go to college at?

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING, ALL!! Such exciting news. SUZANNE That bridge is less than 10 minutes from where I live, I'm right down River Road. I'm very familiar with that bridge and I suggest you do not stop on 495, could really be dangerous. Thanks for all your prayers for little Maggie, who is 1 week old today.

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne it is to show to the "cars that are all backed up" lol...that certificate tell them (cars backed up) it gives you the right to stop and hold up traffic.
Got to run husband has dr appt.
(((hugs and prayers to Nilla, Belle, and Maggie))))
Mits keep your eyes open for the eaglets might be coming your way.

MITS said...

LOL!!! Obviously, not everyone knows the mentality of the drivers in the D.C. Metro area. Ladies And Gents, some will run down their own Mothers if they have to, just to be 1st. Been here 23 yrs, will NEVER get used to the traffic, just try to go with the flow, which is usually a snails' pace. Might have to drive around up near the Potomac soon.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, it is written in the Eaglet Momsters Rules of Order.

Mema Jo said...

WOW! I am so glad our kids are making the rounds. Don't worry, they seem to know their Momsters!
I need to read the previous blogs. I have awaked with Nilla & Belle & Maggie in my prayers.
Good morning Eagle Buddies!
Thank you, Steve for all your continued attention to us on the blog!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I have a question. If those are our babies, are they gone from the sycamore tree for good? I have to say, that makes me pretty sad if they are!

Mauley said...

What a wonderful post for this morning. I am elated. Thanks Steve. Dearest Father, hear and bless thy beasts and birds, and guard with tenderness today, your creatures that have no words. Amen
God Bless Liberty, Belle, Spunky, MsInBetween, and Big Boy. It is so good to imagine our three eaglets soaring so close to Heaven. grantoeight Mauley

MITS said...

SUZANNE That had to be a D.C. native tell you that, LOL!!! Don't forget we have George and Martha and other Eagles that live in this area, along the Potomac River. It really is a beautiful part of the river.

MITS said...

Hi, MARLEY How are you????

Mema Jo said...

Good morning again everyone. Suzanne, now you know the feeling!! Yippee!
Sharon, I really wish someone at NCTC/FWS would be keeping a daily eye on the nest to let us know if the kids really are traveling & not returning - Also where are Liberty and Belle?
Mits, I viewed the pics & all I can say is that Maggie has a very large cheering section! She is going to do just fine!
I don't have anything scheduled today except to keep the phone line free for any incoming calls this afternoon.
I could just grab that pink kitten & cuddle her... Just a reminder she gives us: Stop & Smell the Flowers!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, I really wish they would do that. I do realize that NCTC is not all about the eagle's nest but doesn't seem like it would take that much effort to just check it out once a day or something. Hoping I am not stepping on toes here or anything. Don't want to upset anybody but would just like to get all the info we can on our babies.

MITS said...

Yes, SUZANNE George and Martha's home is on the Anacostia River, but that is just a hop, skip and a jump down in S.E D.C.. Would only take them minutes to get up there at that part of the Potomac.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Has anybody ever seen George actually crossing the Potomac? TEEHEE!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits is in training for proofreading!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Somebody was talking yesterday about hunting bears where the camera is in Alaska. Was wondering if they were going to shut the camera down first. Aggravates the crap out of me! I see where that camera goes down on August 21 and they will be broadcasting live from Pete's Pond in Africa.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Then I surf to bears of a different kind. Poor little mistreated Tai and mommy are in the den now. They have such a rough life, don't know how they survive from day to day. Have I mentioned I love Tai?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I know, Suzanne, that is cuz I am training her for that! :):):)

Baby blue jays out here this morning. Mean little turds! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

MT nest in Santa Cruz. Camera down for the season at NU.

paula eagleholic said...

Really neat activities at CT Osprey nest, 3 in the nest, Mom Dad and Baby, just were having a tug of war over a fish!

paula eagleholic said...

I knew that had to be you when I read that post from Steven. That is so cool! I definitely would pull over to get pics, just be carefull getting back on!

paula eagleholic said...

Now baby smurf Osprey is all alone eating the fish he stole from Papa!

MITS said...

ROFLMAO AT SHARON AND SUZANNE GW crossing the Potomac, that's a good one SHARON but in the original version didn't he cross the Delaware River???? SUZANNE I will never be in the league of the great and wonderful spell-checker from hell, but I'm trying.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, you forgot to mention that Smurfy Bear was still there too!

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you sent in the turkey buzzard pic, I'll be looking for it.

Going back to catch up.

MITS said...

That's a nice size fish that youngin has there, and he is enjoying every morsel...

MITS said...

2 osprey in the nest out in Seattle.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

ROFLMAO OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Okay Mema Jo, thanks for the history lesson. What happened at the Potomac? Can't stop laughing.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Sharon, Smurfy Bear is hanging in for dear life, hasn't been kicked out yet! Sniff, I will miss him if he gets tossed overboard!

paula eagleholic said...

Parent just arrived at Smurf nest now, with a headless fish! Party, party!

MITS said...

Mei and Tai are at it again..

paula eagleholic said...

Now just flew up and sitting on top of cam, you can see the shadow in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

I love little Tai. Does anyone else love Tai?
I am sorry I missed the buzzard - You all said he was Ugggggllllly. I guess he serves a purpose on this earth.
Paula FloralGirls market on Saturdays is on Baughman's Lane in behind the medical building on the right & across from the Dutch Plant Farm.

MITS said...


MITS said...

SHARON Open your eyes, girlfriend, that was me Mits that was giving you the history lesson!!!LOL!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

She sure is prancing! I want my kids!

Spunky Where are you?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They need to let that tiger momma back at her babies. She is just pacing back and forth to the cage! They are so cute!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I am so sorry. Wasn't paying attention there. I need to get with the program. Thanks. I will teach you proofreading and you teach me everything else. DEAL?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Momma tiger looks like they are playing the same tape over and over. Keeps pacing the same amount. I would think it was the same tape over and over if the babies weren't having a blast in the foreground!

Mema Jo said...

Do any of you have sound on the TigerCubCam? I wish the momma would just sit down in front of the cage door.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Jo, for the info on Floralgirl.

paula eagleholic said...

Baby smurf osprey had that darn fish stuck in his talon, AGAIN. I can hear him now, "#@$%* Talons!"

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And why do they have Momma and baby tiger separated?

MITS said...

SHARON, ITS A DEAL! LOL! Not sure how much I could teach you.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
MITS said...

Its quite possible that the cubs might be getting examined, like they used to do with Tai

Mema Jo said...

The one little cub is an instigator..Funny how they each react differently in a time of stress...Just like us humans.

*Whew!!! Had to delete a comment so the ProofReader from H___ didn't catch my mistake - THEN I got stuck over on the Delete A Comment page...I didn't think I was ever coming back!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Momma is miserable. That is typical example of what a caged animal does. Except the little ones are in the cage!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, obviously I need freshened up on my history lesson!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, ROFLMAO!!!!!

MITS said...

JO we have all been in that spot, getting stuck somewhere on this blog. Tee-Hee!!

MITS said...

Ahhhh, the litle cubs are all tuckered out, Mom is still coming up to the fence. Note to JO there is no sound on the tiger cam, only the pandas. Would love to hear Mom Tiger roar!

MITS said...


MITS said...

Mei just got out of the pond, because Tai was trying to dunk her...

MITS said...

Poor Mom tiger, she is going to need a nap for sure this afternoon.

MITS said...

Did everyone go out to lunch?????

MITS said...

3 cheetahs hanging out in their shaded den.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Not out to lunch but would love to be. Just typing.

Momma Tiger needs a Xanax or Valium or something.

Cheetahs are looking at the camera like we invading their privacy.

MITS said...

Mom Tiger really needs some calming meds right about now. I'm exhausted just watching her.

MITS said...

SUZANNE Don't know where I would be without my Zoo-Cams.

MITS said...

Poor cubs are trying to climb to the other side of the fence to reach Mom.

MITS said...

Just opened the gate to let Mom Tiger back in with the cubs.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It was so funny. Walked away from the computer for a minute, came back, pulled up the cam for the tigers and it shocked me when I saw that great big tiger standing there. Funny!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Dying to get to them and now trying her best to get away from them.

MITS said...

Typical Momma, LOL!! They are jumping all over the place, so happy to be back with Mom.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai is Mits today, made in the shade!!!!

MITS said...

That he is SHARON, That boy is really enjoying his bamboo and the tiger cubs are wrestling

Mema Jo said...

Mits With any spare time you have while you're not in OC or holding Maggie, could you get on over to the Zoo and take control of the Panda Cam? Sharon & I would greatly appreciate if you would do that.

paula eagleholic said...

Whew! Finally get to go to lunch, then elsewhere for the rest of the day.

Jo, hope to read something on here about Nilla later!

Have a great afternoon!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Absolutely Mits, would greatly appreciate someone with knowledge of what they are doing to run that cam and I believe you would be a good candidate for that.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is Mei laying there sleeping with her hand draped over her face or am I just seeing things?

MITS said...

I just try to stay calm, because I think the cams are run by volunteers, some are better than others.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the reminder, Mits, Volunteers! Thank God they are there or else we wouldn't be able to watch them at all!

MITS said...

Yes, SHARON you are not seeing things, she probably wants to keep the glare out of eyes. I'm waiting for Tai to come up out of the grotto and pounce on her.

MITS said...

The Atlanta Zoo's cam was on this a.m. but now it is off. Wondering if something is going on there??? Hope so! Latest sonogram could not find a cub, but that does not really mean too much since they are so tiny.

MITS said...

I want some...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I forgot about the panda watch down there. Need to check that out.

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Sharon & Mits Check out the email I sent & see if you can open it on the Real Player.... Let me know.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I relinquish my award to Mits!!!! The wax is coming your way. I really wasn't try to win anymore!

MITS said...

You beat me again SHARON LOL!!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, no email yet! Will keep checking.

Mema Jo said...


MITS said...

LOL!!!! Good, my upper lip could use a little freshening up!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I didn't mean to. I figured I was going to be 99. We blogged at the same exact time!

MITS said...

No e-mail yet...JO.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon & Mits

Check your junk mail as I sent it on Ed's verizon..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, that was way cool! Thank you very much!

MITS said...

Got it, loved it!! JO Came in on regular e-mail, would not know how to check junk mail.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, Mits, what is Mei playing with?

Mema Jo said...

YOUR WELCOME. I'm going to send another one. You can't reply to me on that email - 'cause I don't use Ed's verizon account - Neither of us care for the account & we both use our

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, well I already did! It's all gravy baby!

glo said...

OK Well lots to read. First of all to have a .hussee. you have to have a husser And George aint havin any more kids unless he cleans up his act JMHO..They didn't have triplets anyway. So Suzanne is safely driving down 495 now preparing to stop at any moment with her Certificate and momster bylaws in would be so awesome if she sees them again todayy!!! Man almost worth getting up ealry for LOL. have agood afternoon. TTYL

Sharon has 2 eyes but both are busy. One blogs and the other works so she is doing doeble duty half the time...real good thing for us.

No word yet on Nilla or Belle I see, ah but Maggies great...are we rubbing the palms of those little hands.

Got to do some databse stuff..worksohop this morning was great and went by really quickly which is always a Good Thing!!!

MITS said...

I already responded also, JO. I missed it SHARON What did it look like??

MITS said...

LOL!!!! Either SUZANNE is driving safely around 495 or she is being stopped by the VA or MD State police for impeding traffic on a major highway.

MITS said...

The way the pandas are eating, looks like no one has fed them in days. Piggys!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

As long as Suzanne gets good pictures and they return her camera to her when she gets out of jail, it would be worth it!

Mits It was like a metal ball with an handle on it. She would roll it up with her nose and then it would roll back down. You could hear it clanging against the rocks.

Mema Jo said...

I am getting anxious to see a comment with Lillies of the Valley pic on it.
No phone calls.......... PRAY

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And pray it is!

MITS said...

Oh, JO , that one from Ryan's group gave me goosebumps and chills down my spine. Wish we would see that video on the national news.

MITS said...

SHARON I call that her bongo ball. They put the leaf-eater biscuits in it and she has to shake them out. Just another way to give her some exercise, instead of just handing them to her.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Ok, just checked, Atlanta Zoo cam is back on and Lun-Lun is resting in her hammock.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, that is why I think I will keep you around. I knew you would know what that was! My teacher!!

MITS said...

Lun Lun seems a little restless to me....maybe....fingers crossed.

MITS said...

Tee-Hee!! Me blushing....SHARON

MITS said...

This waiting is driving me crazy. I don't know if no news is good news or what with NILLA

MITS said...

Ok, stepping back from the computer and going to take a shower, finally. Maybe when I come back there will be good news.:)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Where is Nilla, Where is Nilla?
Where is Belle, Where is Belle?
Sure wish we would hear from them, sure wish we would hear from them,
Please do tell,
Please do tell!

wvgal_dana said...

Went to see Nilla in Winchester Hospital reporting in.
Nilla had the catherization, they found (1) 90% blockage and (3) other I believe smaller blockages.
Nilla now has as she said tell them;"I got three new body parts". Meaning Nilla has (3) stents.
She is suppose to be released sometime tomorrow. She said; "tell them I'm being good not chasing any doctors".Nilla has to stop smoking. I heard the doctor say that to her.
She said tell everyone I love them and will be on tomorrow. I'm not sure that will be true myself but certainly hope so.
Since she had no eagles/eaglets she will have to tell you what I took her (thought she needed the kids-our kids FIX).
Her family is with her. I met her daughter & husband, and Nilla's son. He is the one that she steals Jeep from lol.
While I was there Nilla's blood pressure was lower the nurse said. Than before surgery but yet it was still "high" but not as high. I hope they put her on blood pressure meds.
She misses ALL OF US IN HERE
I am asking for everyone to STILL KEEP NILLA IN PRAYER PLEASE
She loved the cards and the blogs Belle took to her in Martinsburg. She has the Butterfly (real colorful) there in Winchester and the Panda Bear.
LOL She introducted me as "Pinky" so I guess that is truly my nickname. Although I can't picture being at NCTC open house and someone yelling, "Hey Pinky". LOL
I do think it cheered her and I do believe she thinks I'm bad. LOL My husband laughed at that. Said I don't know what "bad" is.
I don't think I forgot anything. Oh she is having some discomfort. Pain in chest. Dr. told her that has to do with the surgery into the tissue area.

MITS said...

Thank you, PINKY

belle_wv said...

I am here and doing well.

Suzanne was that you that saw our eaglets? I read the intro, but now want to go back and read the other info, can someone give me a quick update on how Nilla is doing?

Mits how's Maggie? Gaining any more weight?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Pinky. See all it took was for me to sing and we got news about Nilla and Belle shows up. I am so powerful that way!

MITS said...

Oh, I'm sorry, Sharon were you singing???? TEE-HEE!

wvgal_dana said...

Did you read what I wrote about Nilla? Good to see you on here.
How are you doing?

MITS said...

BELLE good to have you back. How are those drugs holding out?

Mema Jo said...

Happy to hear from you Belle - I have been looking for your Lily of the Valley to appear.
Vicky - I mean Pinky
Thank you so much for the report. I can breath a little easier now. I'll be better when I know she is up & borrowing the jeep! Now I can quit sitting on the phone.
Our Friends made it through their day!

wvgal_dana said...

I think the way I wrote it before may it sound like 4 blockages. sorry

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the clarification Pinky. Too bad I don't work for Winchester Hospital. I could type her report.

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Ok the thing I took up to Nilla. I had ordered for myself; from Glo's site. It is the round ornament with the red Eagle at top and pictures of BigBoy, MsInBetween, and Spunky. If I remember lol (senior monment) I think one of the parents? Maybe. I had just gotten it and had it hanging up at my computer. I thought she needed the kids with her. She liked it. It mean't more to me for her to have it than me. I like to see that smile she got her glasses even to look at the pics. Thanks Glo....I really was wondering why at the time I was ordering it. Now I know.

belle_wv said...

Phew just got thorugh all the blogs - took a little longer toread forsome reason... guess the meds are making me a little S L OO OO WWW. I am so glad that Nilla is recovering.. actually I'm thrilled they found a blockage - something they can FIX. Now she just needs to watch her diet and take her medicines. She already has quit smoking, even if she doesn't know it, cause we won't let her smoke anymore. She hadn't had any when I saw yer yesterday, and I'm sure none today, so that's three days, right? If she can do that, she can be done!

Does she have her cell phone on at Winchester? I would like to give her a call, guess I can try it.

How's everyoe doing today? The weather is just plain awful - for FloralGirl that is - no rain anywhere :(

Think pain meds are starting to wear off, but I have more on the way - hubby is getting them from the pharmacy.

Dr. said that he had a tough job as my one side of the sinuses was abnormal and that it was no wonder I've been having problems, just surprising that I hadn't been fussing for surgery long ago from the looks of things. Hopefully this will have done the trick and I will be feeling better for good :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, sinus surgery, what kind? Do you have little strings coming out of your nose?

Pinky, do you live near Winchester or did you just go to visit Nilla?

Mema Jo said...

UPS truck just stopped out front - driver got out but went nextdoor with a small package - I wish it didn't belong to Nancy and that it was my
MOUSEPAD! Should be here any day - but I guess, not TOday.

glo said...

Well here I go with having posted something long and then having it nOT go through again. man I just need to remember to copy before I hit publish just in case. i so hate to start all over.

Anyway..I am so happy to have heard from Nilla (through Pinky) and Belle. Sharon could you start singing somekind of song to keep Maggie awake..I imagine just about anysong would do LOL.

Yes the ornament Pinky brought to Nilla does have a picture of Belle sitting in the tree surrounded with 4 other small collaged pictures of our eaglets in various stages.

The round one says Holidays 2006

The Oval one says Merry Christmas

To be honest I am thinking I should remove the Holidays and Merry Christmas so that they could be used as a Holiday decoration or hung almost anywhere at anytime the other way. Input on that idea would be good!!!

Both have a nice picture of an Eagle and Flag as well.

Next a report on maggie and Suzanne's adventures going home. And the UPS or USPS man hopefully is also busy at least between today and Friday for sure.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Carol - about the groundhogs - TMI.

I love beavers because I graduated from Bluefield High School, home of the Bluefield BEAVERS!!

glo said...

Jo My info says your order was completed on the 14th. did you get an email that it had been shipped? It should be on its way.

wvgal_dana said...

No cell phones allowed in hospitals. You have to go outside to use them. They mess up the EKG machines and other machines.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Cell phones are allowed in hospitals in Bluefield. When my sister-in-law was in the ER, the doc was sitting there asking questions, his cell phone rang and it was his wife. They chatted for a few minutes. Then after she got admitted and taken to the floor, her doctor got a call while in the room. I thought they were prohibited too but must not be everywhere!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, Mits - check your email!! PLEASE!!

belle_wv said...

Hmmm Nilla had her cell phone at City hospital, but maybe Winchester has more sophisticate d equipmentn? If anyone has her hospital room number then, can you please send it to me :


Mema Jo said...

Glo Didn't get my email yet but did check my account & know it was shipped. Should be soon. If no email within a day or two I will call or email CafePress.

Mema Jo said...

Belle Like you said, Nilla had called me on her cell phone from City & then gave me her room phone number.

PINKY Did Nilla spend anytime in ICU?

wvgal_dana said...


Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi All,

Just a pop in before bed,,,,Just caught up on all the posts, PLEASE will you pass on all our good wishes to Nilla for a speedy recovery from all the girls at The Mother Hens Club,, and that she is in our prayers and thoughts.

NEWS at this end just about the same,, only some silly begger let a 12 year old boy through all the securtity at Heathrow today, no pasport and no parents, I really do wonder sometimes what this country is comeing to.
Doreen is so busy at the moment as she has 3 shows one after the other this month , so its a lot of work for her,, and she is getting a little upset about one of her horses called Nobby he suffers from arthritus and is in alot of pain, even with medication, and she thinks he wont see the winter now.
I'm off for an early night to curl up and get comfy as I have the flu, and with the ME it always seems worse as the virus amplyfies the symptoms so I have a niose like Pinocciho at the moment [dont laugh] it hurts, ahhhhhhhhhhhh,,

Love to all, take care.
PPS, I have'nt forgotten you, honest, just never seems enough time in the day to get everything done at times.

wvgal_dana said...

I can't remember who ask now. I was born in Martinsburg and live near there now. Winchester is only 25 minutes from Martinsburg. I knew with stress test Nilla would be going to Winchester so I didn't go to city arranged husband dr appt so could go to Winchester today that way I could see Nilla.
Jo, Sharon, Belle please check your email now please. Let me know just by OK I GOT IT that you did.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, got it.

Carol, there is no doubt in my mind that we are connected to our eaglets by our spirits!!! That is why they have done so well.

Mema Jo said...


belle_wv said...

Carol, I don't think you are nuts at all. I know that our 3 eaglets are searching us out one by one to let us know they're doing well and happy to be expanding their horizons literally... I fully expect Sharon to see them as they travel further. Perhaps they'll even make it to California to see Jim... Chrissy and Doreen, you migth be just a bit too far across that big pond for them to want to travel, but for those of us who feel the connection - keep an eye toward the sky, they'll be making sure to see you and that you sense them and look up...

glo said...

Well I didn't get it!!! LOL

Mema Jo said...

Carol I think the names were for President George & Mrs. Martha Washington

belle_wv said...

I just want to send a huge thank you and {{{{hugs}}}} to everyone - sure makes a gal feel loved to have all your prayers and good wishes, and I'm certain that helped me recover so quickly and helped the dr do such a supreme job - he told my husband there was so little bleeding that they didn't even have to pack my nose - so no little strings hanging out JO. Thought of something else I wanted to say, but it just left me... maybe it will come back to visit.

MITS said...

I dunno CAROL sounds to me like those critters have really good eyesight, if they see a rifle or maybe they can smell it, I'd get the hell out of there as soon as I could, but that is JMHO!!

belle_wv said...

My turn for a history lesson for Jo, more likely a reminder - George and Martha lived at Mount Vernon :) so yepper named after the president and his wife, but they picked those two for more than just the fact that they were the first first family. Maybe they are the spirits of Geo and Martha watching over the city now? If so, I wonder if they're happy about what they see?

MITS said...

MEMA JO I think you are correct, my deer, oops, my dear.

belle_wv said...

opps Pinky - I got it, baby!

MITS said...

I may be wrong, but I believe the folks around called the hussy that beat up Martha, Monica Lewinsky

Mema Jo said...

Belle You're not fully back yet - I didn't say anything about strings hanging out your nose
Sharon did. LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for clearing that up for me, Mema Jo. I personally thought the strings added a nice touch to my face as they were taped across my cheeks, connected to the tampons going up my nose. It was so beautiful. Too bad I can find the picture or I would post it on the eaglet momsters site - NOT!! Also had a drip pad under my nose that was connected to straps that went around my ears. ROFLMAO now but didn't then!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did anybody out there know that I am a TRUE BLUE, THROUGH AND THROUGH ANIMAL LOVER!!

MITS said...

ROFLMAO!!!!! Not that is TMI!!! Who was that dead guy in a Christmas story, Bob Hachett or something like that, where he appeared in Scrouges dream with all this cloth around his head?????

wvgal_dana said...

Roving Reporter Here Pinky
They have a Suspect in the JonBenet Ramsey Case. A man that was a 2nd grade teacher don't know what school. Name is Karr last name, he is going to be expidited (spelling) from Thialand. He has confessed to something? It's been on the news.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Pinky - expedited, Thailand. Your welcome! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Should I go into my gastric bypass details? No, maybe not!! :)

wvgal_dana said...

Suspect is an American, caught in Thailand now they are spelling the name John Carr instead of John Karr? He was arrested for unrelated sex crimes.

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

October 2, 2003 was when I had it and it was because I weighed 350 pounds and was very unhealthy!

floralgirl said...

Wow- this blog is all over the place today.So many topics.Thanks PINKY-for visiting Nilla and letting us know all the latest details.Glad Nilla will be okay,tough road ahead to quit smoking,though. So cool that Suzanne possibly saw our eagles flying above.Jo-Who keeps our blog current, is it Steve Wunderley or Chase ?I have a question for him-not sure which one to send it to.

floralgirl said...

Oh yeah, I almost forgot,must have CRS-glad you are doing okay Belle !!

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon why did you have gastric bypass and when?

wvgal_dana said...

Foral girl send it to Steven Chase that is what I do. Did you read where I sent email around through eaglet_momsters about email and answers from Steven?

belle_wv said...

Sharon, that must've been so scary. I hope you haven't had any of the nasty side effects that I've heard about. You mentioned not being able to eat much chocolate because of it, but I hope otherwise all is well.

No tampons in my nose - whoo hooo. I do have a drip catcher - it is just rolled gauze taped across my cheeks with the clear tape. I want to take a marker and draw whiskers on the tape and put a pink triangle on the gauze - think I will look like a 'great cat' then :)

Carol, you sure have had a rough time - Will pray you are done with all of that icky stuff for good! I, too, was on my way to a C-Pap, but am hopeful that this surgery will correct the problems based on what was found while the Dr. did the procedure today... rotorootering for the sinuses - whooo hoooo

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon was it scarey to have it done? Many people I hear about that have it done have alot of complications afterwards.
Some even re-gain the weight?

belle_wv said...

Oh I like cereal for dinner, too... I think someone else here mentioned it as well... not sure I could go for some of the flavors you mentioned, but I bet there are some options they could come up with for a heartier dinner version? Hmmm

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

CPAP, been there, done that! Don't have to do it anymore!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hopefully Suzanne will have a report bright and early in the morning on today's sightings, if there were any!

belle_wv said...

Sharon, glad you got off the CPAP - my aunt has one, and I really didn't want to mess with it - talk about a romance inhibitor!!! I can just see my husband now rolling over and seeing that thing on my face and screaming in fear, probably would think I was some version of Darth Vader, especially with the machine sounds...

Mema Jo said...

Hi FloralGirl I guess you're out watering again. You going to be in Frederick this Saturday - I know you said that market would be the one you would stop going to if flowers didn't perk up.
Ok - Blog questions

Eagle Expert - Steve Wunderley

If you talk about the blog : Find out why the home page of this blog has to be refreshed to even get the current day to show......Thanx

belle_wv said...

We have to talk Suzanne into getting her computer set up at home. I think she said she has one, just doesn't have it hooked up, or maybe just doesn't have internet connection? Either way, she needs to get that taken care of so she can blog from home and watch the eagles and all of the live cams that she isn't able to watch from work. THEN we'll work on finding her a job closer to home.

Mema Jo said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


belle_wv said...

Hi Floral Girl - we're going to have to start calling the fire department to water for you! Hmmm a few nice strong firemen coming to visit every day - that'd be an extra bonus, besides the help with the garden :)

Mema Jo said...

Thank you, Sharon

I was hoping that NILLA would pop
in and grab it! She knows we love
her.......... LOLove

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Or Suzanne could get a job at home, like me!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I would have been really good for Nilla. Wax job would have gotten that heart pumping really good!!

belle_wv said...

There ya go Sharon! You can start making some candles to sell to raise money for the eagle cam!

glo said...

Its got to be all those poor dogs Sharon has What in the world is she going to do with all that wax!!!

And here I was afraid she would thing we broke the bLOG while she was gone.

You are all crazy and you are all in serious need of help!!! LOl

belle_wv said...

Jo GMTA - I was hoping Nilla would log in just in time to get the WAX - she'll be having a few follow up visits to dr.s in the months ahead and will need to keep spruced up!
I told her when I talked to her that she needs to find out which stents are for what percentage blockages and name them Big Stent , Mr. Inbetween stent and Spunky Stent

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, definitely in serious need of help. Know any good therapists?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, ROFLMAO!!! Stent names! We really are sick and twisted!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo suggested I come up with a song to sing to Maggie to keep her awake. With this wonderful voice I have, any song would keep her awake except it would be hard for her to eat and cry at the same time. Just ask the girls at band camp that I woke up singing to them. They were truly frightened!

belle_wv said...

Sharon, I think our Eagle family and this bunch/blog family is the best therapy any of us are going to get - and heck of a lot cheaper than the 'real' thing - way more fun, too!

belle_wv said...

Sharon I think you and I are in the same choir!

floralgirl said...

OMG- send the firemen PLEASE. Lots of them,I got a lot of dry plants.Maybe I will start selling wax coated plants-never wilt.Jo-planning on going Sat.-still too early to make that call.Won't be certain til I finish cutting Fri. morning.

belle_wv said...

Hey Floral, that's a great idea about the waxed flowers! Wonder if it would work?

floralgirl said...

I'll tell you what if it doesn't rain soon,I feel I will be in the dried flower business!!

belle_wv said...

You can sell them as 'organically dried' flowers - I bet they will fetch twice the money as regular plain old 'dried flowers'

belle_wv said...

Going to ride along to pick up Amanda, I gave a thumbs up as we drove by while they were out on the field practicing, but can't be sure she saw us, so want to let her know I'm doing OK by riding along... bbiab

floralgirl said...

Now you're thinking-sun dried-organic flowers.Stepping back outside to take advantage of the last of the daylight.BBIAL

Mema Jo said...

Check out the Panda Cam 2
Little Ledge Lodger......
Nilla's going to flip if she sees
him there - It is his favorite spot for sleeping.........

MITS said...

OMG!! Now we are naming the stents. How low can we go?? SHARON you can sing to my MAGGIE anytime you want to....

Mema Jo said...

Going to the store
Only be gone 15 minutes..........

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo can go to the store in 15 minutes, takes hours to go to the loo though.

Mits, thank you. Hopefully one day I will have the chance to sing to that little darling.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Remember the show - Room 222. Good show.

MITS said...

I loved that show. Are you watching it now?

Mema Jo said...

Ok - I'm going to take 30 mins.

MITS said...

Great pic of Freda right now. Lastest news on Lun-Lun the panda in Atlanta. She has done very little eating today and alot of sleeping. She refused to have her sonogram today. They said if she is pregnant, they expect delivery in another week.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...