Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Tuesday August 29

New Thread.


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MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Steve. Hope your week is going well.

Mema Jo said...

Having trouble with the:Conection has been reset announcement. Just going to see if this publishes.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I am here but don't know if it will publish.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It appears as if we have missing pandas everywhere!

wvgal_dana said...

Steven you are so helpful to us "eagle watchers". Also since you started us around to other cams; we are doing just that ONLY TILL OUR EAGLES COME BACK...
Person driving Tai's cam is NUTS...
Lun Lun cam is up but no Lun Lun.

Do you all think these cams have come together and decided to work again us lol.

MITS said...

Good Lord, here we go again. STEVEN if you are still around, what is wrong with this $%^$&* blog?????

Mema Jo said...

I was incorrect about the Denbury cam having a photo of the Hummer to click on for that cam - It's the WaveLit site. Sorry for the misinformation.

This will be the 3rd try for this comment to publish..............
4th try.....5th try......6th try...

I give 'UNCLE'

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, All. Caught up on the blog, been lurking....

Where did you see the eagles along the Monacacy yesterday?

Tuesday, August 29, 2006 7:43:14 AM

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey's all around now, 1 In CT, 1 in BW.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just got in after a long battle. I did email the Atlanta Zoo about Lun Lun. Don't know if I will hear anything back but will let you know if I do.

MITS said...

LOL!!!! I e-mailed Atlanta too, SHARON. Hope this gets thru.......

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Message from Atlanta Zoo:

Hi, Lun Lun is inside for observation purposes. The cam will continue this afternoon.
Thank you for your interest in Zoo Atlanta and Lun Lun!

MITS said...

Yes, SHARON GOT THE SAME MESSAGE FROM ATLANTA. NOW IF WE COULD JUST FIND MEI AND TAI. I can tell you right now that if you wrote to the National Zoo in D.C., you would never recieve an answer, unless, you contact the kiwi-keeper and she only answers questions about the kiwi.

MITS said...

Think I just saw Tai walking up towards the den, cam #1 is lookin at the floor in the den.

MITS said...

both are back in the den

MITS said...

had a quick shot of Tian in his den eating bamboo.

MITS said...

Mei is shaking the biscuits out of her toy, and Tai is snatching them up as fast as he can.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now I am anxious to hear about what is going on with Lun Lun!

MITS said...

Little bugger is biting her feet.....

glo said...

LOL Well looks like I chose a good time to do my major rewnovations with my computer again. It worked. I am a much happier camper now, and my cluastrophobia will be lots better. Not cured...have to get to the living room to do that. I am however in front of a window where I can see life outside my window inbstead of staring at a wall.

Hope the BLOG keeps running now. Will be watching for news on Lun Lun. Hang Tough Eagle Momsters...you can handle anything that comes your way today!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai says he likes that game!

MITS said...

Me too!!!! Hope everything goes well for her!!!!!:):):)

MITS said...

Missed osprey at BW.

Mema Jo said...

The video that Delphia (BirdGirl) sent to us over the Momsters' site is too good for words. That adorable little panda cub - pretty big sneeze for such a little guy.

Thanks Mits & Sharon for update on LunLun.

See ya tomorrow, Suzanne. Eyes to the Skies is right. No matter where you travel with the migration going on.
Now let's see if we can Publish this.

Mema Jo said...

I had talked with Nilla - she is at work until 4 or 5:00 - had trouble publishing - will be on later this evening.

MITS said...

The way the blog has been going the last 5 days or so, probably will not get better til sometime after 5. Lets see if this posts!

MITS said...

HA!!!! I made it!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai is getting to nurse. Bless his little stinking heart!! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wonder what time afternoon means in Atlanta?

MITS said...

WHAT A CUTIE PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...


glo said...

OK I have this set so I can enjoy this whole thing better. Feeling more and more semi retired all the time LOL.Got to watch Tai and mai for a while. had my tea break. Moved back from the monitor some with keyboard now in my lap. Much easier on the eyes. Have my feet propped up. and am as close to comfy as I am going to get for now. Hopefully now Blogger is going to publish this comment.

NillaWafer said...

Afternoon Ya'll.. Jo i said i was going to work at 5 pm ..lol Turn up your hearing aid girlfriend..lol This blog gave me fits also even last night i didnt get on had company for dinner , well son and his girlfriend and they stayed awhile so we went earth googlin all over the world... Tai was at the milk bar nursing and it seemed he was havinf trouble finding 1 that squirted fast enough...lol Yawnnn have some thing to get finished here and get ready for work ,, We are expecting heavy rain here tonight from Storms and LQQKS like Ernesto is heading this way for friday and may stall over us so Floral lots of rain coming but as the farmers said to late.. BBL

floralgirl said...

What is the deal with this blog? I can't get in most of the time, and ever since you guys started talking yesterday about Norma becoming blue my computer is doing this thing where suddenly the whole screen has a blue tint to it on every screen. It is driving me nuts. Going out to mow the grass.

NillaWafer said...

I am thinking gona have a new baby panda soon in Atlanta showing only video clips now on cam and no live cam.. The video of the panda sneezin was halarioussss..

NillaWafer said...

I dont know Floral Not having that trouble but going to do a complete scan of computor.. I think everyone should just as a precaution..

glo said...

Just watched the sneeze video clip. How cute!!! I think I understand Japanese just fine LOL. Gosh Floralgirl do you have to go mow? I am feeling guilty BUT I just changed this whole room around. Took all morning. Not sure I have energy left to mow, BUT when I look out this window I now sit in front of, it certainly could use a little mowing LOL,

Hi Nilla Good to see you on here. Maybe Blogger will behave now.

Sharon How are you feeling today? I think keeping your health up is a pretty big priority these days!!!

MITS said...

Awwww!!! Mei looks like she is hugging Tai.

MITS said...

LOUISE when you say complete scan, in laymens' terms please, do you mean go to my Mcafee Scan, I do that all the time, but ,I don't believe it when it tells me everything is okie-dokie.

MITS said...

If you hear a big bang, not to worry, I'm just blowing up the blog.

MITS said...

I'm also going to take out the cam people at the zoo.

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

or tape

MITS said...

That's probably the problem with the cam....to much wax.

floralgirl said...

Okay I'm back. Forget it , Glo- I tried but apparently someone left the oven on outside!! I feel baked. I just mowed around the house, the rest will wait- many spots are still brown anyway, just the big field needs it bad, maybe tomorrow. Decided to harvest hops instead - if you are lurking ,Sandra, I should have some dry strands of hops at mkt. this wknd. or next. If this humidity goes away tomorrow as they said it will, things will dry so much quicker.

NillaWafer said...

Floral did you see the wqeather? LOL this wknd is going to be a wash out for everyting as they think the storm will stall right over us.. Hopsss whatcha brewin beer??lol Tai m mom are outside he is rollin around , Opps there they go inside now, up on table in side.. Hey Doreen have missed you but the blogs been nuts and not letting us in... Congrats on your babies wins at the show, they are beautiful..Doreen Lun Lun is off cam and theya re only showing video Sooo Hopefully a new baby soon.. Tai has been a bad Boo Boo today tuggin pushin n shovin going on out by the door they give treats out of..lol

NillaWafer said...

I was thinking Lun Lun is pronounced Loon Loon will they call her baby Luny Toons?? LOL Looney Toons Oh Tai just fell on his back out of a tree limb , he is ok.. Mits is he able to see his father at all?? I wonder how they would react together?

floralgirl said...

Yes, I saw it Nilla- Always the remnants of a hurricane that comes thru in Sept. that usually ends my season, cause it drowns my garden. Still need rain, just have to wait and see what happens. How are you feeling? I'm not brewing beer- but I am drying the strands of hops to sell, people like to use them for decoration in the house. Usually sell a few dried flowers this time of year. Last year I sold some bagfuls of fresh hops to a guy who was going to brew with them.

NillaWafer said...


Mauley said...

Hi Momssters. I have worried with this blog all day. Don't think I have a chance at getting this posted, but God bless you all today. Nilla, you feeling well? Sharon, how did band do fridaynite?
Is Maggie eating. Is her gran okay? hope this posts. I have tried a gizillion times. love to all donna

Mauley said...

Hooray it posted. donna

NillaWafer said...

Well we need the rain but bad for your business this wknd.. I am off work and just staying in taking it easy.. Feeling ok today not up to par but hangin.. You know your getting older when you have the weather channel on for hours n hours which i am doing..lol Ok both pandas inside eating bamboo..Was now where di that lil boo boo go? Well hate to do it but got to get the Plavix filled today and it cost $164.00 for 30 pills, Ahhh bbl when i get to work at 5pm...

MITS said...

NILLA Tai is only able to see his dad thru the screen mesh between their yards, they will never put them together. Per the panda-keepers request from last year, they do not want to be shown on the cam. Which is crazy because they are all over youtube. MAULEY/DONNA Maggie is doing very well, thank you for asking. Her Mom took her to visit her sister down in Rehoboth Beach Delaware for a couple of days.

glo said...

Nilla and Sharon You've got mail!!!

See when I have time on my hands and I've alreayd worn myself out with furniture/computer moving etc. I come up with other fun kidns of stuff to do. More to be revealed LOL.

Mauley said...

Mema Jo, Glo you got mail

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey in Papa smurf nest, eating a fish in the rain!

NillaWafer said...

Thanks Glo sent back answer also.. Oh my i could just go to bed and sleep.. Really tired today... Mauley good to see you.. When i was checking mail and opening some the whole format was different from usual .. Really dont know whats going on, doing some investigating later... Glo i ran the vaccum n dishes n piddled around also was gona move tv and chair and end table but said no way, i have all my furniture on those slide thingies but still not that easy to move alone.. Ok i know i said it before but heading to shower now .. BBL

glo said...

Norma's blue Good for you. Did you see they had a celebrating time in here last night for you, but I think you missed the party!! OK Nilla I'm off to the shower too LOL.

MITS said...

osprey at BW

Mema Jo said...

Hi there, Spunky WV Norma

Really do like your blog name.

Mema Jo said...

I am headed to CB - meatloaf !!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey at CT certainly is enjoying that fish

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have always thought that the view from the CT osprey cam proves to us that the world is round.

MITS said...

tiger cubs and mom on cam #1

MITS said...

tai and mom eating bamboo in their den.

MITS said...

Lun- Lun had some biscuits and fruit today.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, Tai is so gorgeous. I love to see him look out over that rock!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well I have finished my regular work day, have a meeting to go to from 7-9 and have to do 2 hours OT somewhere in there.

Tomorrow is my day off and I have to work 4 hours of it. A woman's work is never done.

MITS said...

He is just the most handsome cub ever.....

MITS said...

Bummer, SHARON

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai is down in his cubby hole eating.

Nilla, you at work yet?

MITS said...

Better in the cubby, then on top of the rock.

MITS said...

Storms went all around us and we did not get one drop, not a single drop, not one, I say.

MITS said...

Nothing, nada, zilch!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We have had a couple little showers today but I figure the storm will hit around the time for the football game to start Friday night!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

What are you trying to say Mits?

MITS said...

I knew Tai would not stay in that cubby long, back up on the rocks again.

MITS said...

Zippo, SHARON I live in an are where there is no rain, I might as well, go live in Scottsdale Arizona, think they have had more rain then us this summer. Fanito. on empty, dry, parched. Caput!!!!!!! You getting my drift, SHARON

MITS said...

SHARON are you listening to me....DRY!!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Not everything Mits, your name is blue!

Mema Jo said...

Lots of water at the ocean! When are you taking off?
Looks as though the two of you have been keeping the blog going.
Enjoyed my meal at the CB.. Just a good ole' homecooked meal.
We did go to RedLobster last week & food was great, but the waitress gave us the check for another table & that didn't set too well with me since it was 3 times as much! Sometimes we have good days - other times seems like everything is against us. No rain here!
At least the blog is fast working!

MITS said...

Just looked at the weather report for next 5 days at the ocean and it does not look good.

MITS said...

Just looked at him, NORMABYRD and Tai is up in the corner and Mei is down by the ledge.

NillaWafer said...

Yes Sharon i am at work now... Was reading the evening paper and checking out the live surf cams in Florida... I know what you mean abot worrying when kids live in places that get hurricanes.. Last year when Katrina went thru i was beside mysefe as youngest daughter lives about 20 miles from Gulf in Broussard Louisiana.. I had another friend who lived in Lake Charles La.. Her million dollar house was damaged big time.. So no new baby for Lun Lun yet... O h Lien Lou just said torental rain fall for this area this wknd.. Mits get to the shore n battin down the hatches girlfriend!!!! I am off work this wknd so staying in and put...

NillaWafer said...

I replenished my candy supply at store.. with Gum drops.. Bito Honeys... Peppermint patties...reeses cups... Werthers.. I get the urge to smoke i grab a piece.. 15 days today clean ... smiles

MITS said...

NILLA Hatches were battened down when I left 3 weeks ago. Have had my friend come by twice to water my purple wave petunias, last Thursday they got around 3 inches of rain down there. Her hubby made sure eveything was tied up tight. Used to worry when we first bought the place, now I realize the weather is out of my control.

MITS said...

Thinking of not going down til next week now, but could change my mind, trying to get closer to the weekend to see what might happen.

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

missed it......

MITS said...

Congrats, NORMABYRD you've got wax.

glo said...

Very Important news!!! I have changed the url for the cafe Press shop. This is no way affects any of our sales,and is still very easy to remember. Everything is exactly the same except for the url link.

Here is what I need all of you to do though A newsletter is being written for you on a regular basis to be determined by those of you who read it. It is called. Courier Eagle In addition to updating information on items in the store etc., it will also feature articles from those who enjoy the BLOG, love these eagles, etc.. Whatever got you to this BLOG or eagles to begin with. As I type this entry

2 of your regular Bloggers and Momsters are preparing items for you to be included in the first printing, which will be published this weekend.

I need you to go to the shop page here


and hit Subscribe to this shops newsletter. There you are given the option to subscribe to Cafe press and/or this shop.

The only information it asks for is your email address. Like all other places, the newsletter will have an unsubscribe, should you decide you don't want to get the newsletter any longer.

If you don't want to hear from Cafe Press's Newsletter, just remove the check mark before that option. You will see it. its not hard to do at all. Will take you 10 secs maybe.

Don't miss the first issue Let others who know you have followed these eagles know we are starting a newsletter too. Send them the url and ask them to subscribe to the newsletter as well. I think you will like it, and find yourself looking forward to the next issue as well.

NillaWafer said...

So true i just know you were counting on going back this wk.. Oh well look at it this way Labor Day is soon tourist be gone well they have that Sept Bash festival .. Jo you going to make sure your house on the island is battin down ???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I used to think that being this far inland, we were safe until Hugo hit. Changed my mind really quick!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going out for a while. Be back around 9. SYT!

MITS said...


glo said...

Thanks Mits I have it from a reliable source that when you are succesfully subscribed, you will receive an email saying thanks You.

Mema Jo said...

The main concern I have is 'falling trees' as our home is 10 miles inland but on a wooded lot. Not much I can do but rely on the neighbor to give us a call if our roof caves in from a tree.
NormaByrd Are you related to you know who? Did you like the Wash.Monument pics on Momsters? Had some History to them!

NillaWafer said...

Been watching the surf cams all over Florida and beaches are deserted.. maybe they made everyone leave.. Heck i use to drive over to St Augustine to see the waves and rough sea.. I remember back in 1969 a hurricane went thru here and my daughter had just been born and we went over to see Potomac River which was up just under the bridge in Williamsport Md...Oh my have abad headache cant think right BBL

glo said...

Company coming will Blog at ya in a little while.

wvgal_dana said...

Norma you are in blue wow !wvagal_

MITS said...

Got the thank you e-mail,GLO

wvgal_dana said...

Just got to see the sneezing panda cub and its mother. Was really funny we both (me and husband) loved it. Good laugh.
If anyone hasn't see the movie "RV" with Robin Williams. It is so so funny. Great movie for laughs.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Flora for the update on the hop vines. I think last year I had about 8 strands that I combined with bittersweet. I'd love to have it this year. I have, of course, been lurking, but I have never been anonymous.

Haven't jumped in because I just don't have time, even to figure out how to see all the pictures. But I'm so interested in this group, and grateful for all the good sites you lead me too.

So I'll stay a lurker, but with nothing but friendly intentions. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Oh, gosh, the proof reader from h double toothpick l will get me --I meant lead me to.

Mema Jo said...

NORMABYRD aka Spunky Norma::
I sure have been called worse - behind my back that is! MEMOO, NEMO, MEMO -I take no offense believe me! LOL
Sandra Proofreader from h... won't get you because your a guest & not in blue Even with your limited time - sure wish you would join in as often as possible - especially since you made it know you've never been anonymous! Do you belong to the Eaglet_Momster site? That is where all the pics are. FloralGirl has a beautiful album over there & you can also view them & put faces with names.

Mema Jo said...

NORMABYRD Here's my special dinner menu: cereal with peanutbutter crackers!!
I had asked you in an earlier comment if your blog name meant you were related to anyone well known. Or are you just a true West Virginian?

floralgirl said...

Hey Memo, Mema, Meemoo -(you know who you are!) how are you doing? NormaByrd ,glad you're finally blue, Hi Sandra, you will get your hops, I harvested a good bit of them today, probably ready by first wknd. after Labor day. Looks like Hurricane Ernesto has fizzled, wonder if we will really see lots of rain from it, only Mother Nature knows for sure.

paula eagleholic said...

I have been eating fresh tomatoes from my garden every night...will certainly miss them when they are gone!

paula eagleholic said...

Sandra from Shepherdstown,
Stop in anytime! All are welcome!

paula eagleholic said...

Mema Jo,
Call you anything, but just don't call you late to dinner!?

paula eagleholic said...

What is the expected arrival date for Freida's eggs?

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Freida's eggs could hatch next week, somewhere around September 5-7.

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla, hope your headache is better. What's your BP?

belle_wv said...

Hi all - caught up with the blogs from last night and today just in time to crawl in bed tonight. Glo glad you got computer moved, Dana, glad you're feeling better, Vicky - Howdy :) Nilla, how's your headache? You know that's not a good thing - what is BP? Any other symptoms? Don't want to call if you're napping, but do check in and let us know how you're doing ASAP... Jo- thanks for the note :) Sharon, hope the 4 hrs you have to work tomorrow go smoothly so you can relax and let your body heal up some more - sitting out in the rain showers Friday night won't do you much good, especially if you're not really better before you go out... I'm looking forward to our first home game - actually get to see the band facing us! Hope the rains aren't too bad for them.... Today was a bit long and trying for the students - they're going to take a few days to adjust to the demands of their new schedules... me too, actually. Went back to Dr. today and had more scar tissue, etc. 'roto-rooted' from my sinuses - lovely fun... he decided I should come back in a week again instead of waiting two weeks for next visit. Eyes are closing on me and harder and harder to open, so as I greet everyone, I say goodnight, also. {{{{{hugs}}}}

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you checked in Belle, figured you've been beat. Hope the sinus report is more encouraging next week. Did you see Norma is blue

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well I am back and was gone longer than expected. Not even going to try to do the OT tonight. I am going to try to make up for it tomorrow. I see everybody has been busy.

Sandra, welcome. We hope you keep coming back. We love newcomers to our blog. We even give hugs --- ((((((((((HUGS))))))))!

glo said...

Good night Belle Thanks for your note to everyone. Sounds like you too are still struggling osme with healingthose sinuses. I too am so glad to have this computer in a different spot. Well actually the hwole bedroom except for one dresser i can't begin to move by myself, is all changed aorund. Much better.

prayers for Nilla and her headache. don't like to hear that. Hopefully she is relaxing and calling it a day ealry tonight.

Sharon you too are on my heart...I worry about the ocugh...time for that to be getting a whole lot better if not just about cleared up.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Cough does seem to be getting some better. Doesn't sound near as congested. Just takes time.

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmmm....eggs could hatch Sept 8-11 as well. One site says 33 days, another says 36 days. Anyhoo, looks like it could be next week.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The date I originally calculated on the eggs was September 10, then I changed it to September 6. So who knows? GOD!! He knows!

paula eagleholic said...

How's the toe?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Frieda has to be one of the most beautiful birds I have ever seen in my life!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Toe is getting better too. Probably not broke just bruised pretty bad.

paula eagleholic said...

When you work, do have to log in to their computers to work?

paula eagleholic said...

Where the Harrisburg falcons that pretty? I don't remember them that colorful, although it could have been their cam.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have to sign into the Meditech system at Princeton Community Hospital through my computer. Have to dial in to their Lanier system to get the actual dictation.

paula eagleholic said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Never saw the Harrisburg falcons up this close so it is hard to say.

Mema Jo said...

I think the first part of Sept will be the hatching. Sharon and/or Jim would probably know a more precise date. I couldn't find the info on The Falcon Expert remarks. I too have been eating tomatoes (daughter's garden) almost every meal. The season isn't long enough-my BLT's were delicious last night.
FloralGirl If it rains you won't need to mow tomorrow! Question to you the Market Master: did anyone ever find the bracelet for the lady with the cane? I might need some hops - son-in-law brews his own beer & buys supplies down at the Flying Barrell in Frederick. I'll ask him how his supply is running.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glad you caught it Paula, thought I was going to have to mark that one on the typos list!

paula eagleholic said...

Do you do that thru the internet or a different type of connection, like a VPN or pcanywhere?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


paula eagleholic said...

Just curious, I have used internet connection and pcanywhere, pcanywhere direct dialing into my computer, and internet w/VPN tunnel.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Makes it a secure line.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I got 150. Thanks Paula, you led me right into it! 1/2 can of wax!

paula eagleholic said...

Hate it myself when people interchange those two particular words. They are two totally different words! Can't believe I made that error!

paula eagleholic said...

Mema Jo,
I just love BLT's! Have them at least once a week during the summer w/ the abundance of fresh tomatoes around.

Mema Jo said...

The Harrisburg falcons never had pretty pinkish stones to nest on!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Maybe we need to tell them in Harrisburg that it makes for a much prettier bird if they use pink-tinted stones.

paula eagleholic said...

VPN over cable internet = good.
VPN over dialup = forget it!

paula eagleholic said...

Your welcome for the 1/2 can of wax

paula eagleholic said...

Chattin and missed Freida turning.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I can't imagine doing this with dial-up. I would end up killing somebody and wouldn't be able to make any money.

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, cuz your butt would be in the slammer!

floralgirl said...

Jo- no one ever reported finding the bracelet, hopefully she lost it at home, not at the market. She is one of my favorite market customers, known her for a few yrs. Quite a character. I hope it rains, any excuse not to mow! My hops aren't as big this year as they usually are, not enough water I guess. So hard to keep everytning watered when it gets that dry. I am off to bed, not feeling great, still tired, antibiotics are really bugging me-last dose tomorrow:) Nite all.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good point, Paula.

FloralGirl, yeah on tomorrow being the last day of antibiotics. I had the Z-pack that lasts 4 days.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, have you ever heard anything from Angie?

Mema Jo said...

The Little Ledge Lodger
is sleeping there again !

paula eagleholic said...

Ernesto on shore in Miami, only 45mph winds. They think it will come up the coast, but when it hits the DC area, they are not sure which way it will go. More to be revealed!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did you all see the video where Tai fell off the rock? He was so pitiful and Mei was just as pitiful. Broke my heart!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai just goes there to keep our hearts pumping and I know it works for mine!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon I have included her in my emails recently, but never receive any reply. I just know she isn't here due to lack of interest...So I just don't know. Every time I send any emails I have her name right there & send her my well wishes in my mind & prayers. Very baffled by it & concerned.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I think I am going to hit it. Tired, tired.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers.

Okay, maybe I will be back a time or 2, who knows.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, cause she just disappeared out of the blue!

paula eagleholic said...

Freida is turning the eggs

paula eagleholic said...

And has settled back in, facing the cam

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Missed it Paula. Was getting ready to put my butt in the bed.

Mema Jo said...

The Big Fall video scared me so much. I watched Mia - she about had a heart attack until she got down to him. Looked as though she was putting her arms around him & making him walk to be sure he was ok. Good Mother, she is.
The video Delphia sent us of the mother panda & the little,little cub sneezing - cracked me up!!!

NillaWafer said...

Here i am and doin ok.. Dana called me and i sounded awful lots of coughing.. hense that brought on headache.. I had went nto bathroom for my Aspirin and stuck it in mouth by the time i got to kitchen it had melted some what then i had to take a deep breath it sucked back in my throat and was awfullll couldnt breath ws tring to drink throat burned terribly... Wont do that again and chest had hurt ever since.. But ok just taking it easy... 15 days down clean of cigs... Going to watch the news.. BBL

Mema Jo said...

I guess I'm the next one to change my name - Paula Eaglet Momster

Good thing you typed Momster correctly - could have come out Monster. LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Another settling in, and turned w/ tail facing cam. Hope she is comfy now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

ROFLMAO over the panda sneeze. That big ole Momma sitting there and that little thing scared her! It was so funny!

Mei is such a wonderful Mommy! I swear they act so human sometimes!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, if you would use the lozenges, you might not would cough so bad. It is your body withdrawing from nicotine.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Listen to Dr. Farley, I tell ya!

Mema Jo said...

NILLA Good to hear you're feeling better - except for the aspirin episode. Enjoy the news - I don't like the news anymore....I read the paper & check out the MSN....Too upsetting most of the time. I'll stay in my sheltered world HA HA......

paula eagleholic said...

Those things are nasty when they get stuck like that, not to mention they taste terrible!

Just needed something new! Monster would probably been appropriate! Remember what monsters we were! Any will probably be when the cam comes back up. Steve, the cam is down! Steve, we need a new blog. Steve, the live feed is down. Nag, Nag, Nag.

MITS said...

Inquiring minds what to know, does Frieda turn the eggs like a rotisserie chicken so that they get done. Hmmm????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

All the news that I want to hear about is right in here -- Lun Lun, Frieda, Tai, Mei, Spunky, BigBoy, Ms. InBetween, Liberty, Belle, you know, the important stuff!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

MITS - ROFLMAO. I think that is exactly what they do but have never heard it put quite that way!

Mema Jo said...

All of us (your friends) are
so very very proud of your not
smoking for so many days! Glad to
hear you filled up the candy jar!


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

15 days clean from cigs --- what a miracle!!! Just take them 1 at a time and they just pile right up!

Mema Jo said...

Yeah! Mits
If it is a BAD EGG
she rolls it right out of her nest

paula eagleholic said...

you might not would cough so bad.

You need to get to bed!

Maybe I do too, took me 5 min to type this!

Darn thing won't accept my tags!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank God my mommy didn't roll her bad eggs out of her nest or else I would be the only 1 living out of 6! HA!HA!

MITS said...

I cried when I watched the "big fall" video of Tai Shan. Mei is great. LMBO, when I watched the cub sneeze. My sister was watching the elephants the other day and the Momma was watching the baby, she turned her head and was watching him walk away, but when he got near the pool she turned completely around to keep and eye on him. Now I have watched parents at the beach sit with their backs to the ocean and not watch their children while they play in the ocean. Just makes my blood boil!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Another point well taken Paula. But my body is definitely not withdrawing from nicotine. SIGH!

paula eagleholic said...

Right on Mits! And they are turning tonight, there she goes again.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

People need to take notes from some of the animals about caring for their young, that is for sure!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, ladies, yawns are coming hard and fast...time to hit the hay.

MITS said...

You know those machines that they use for grilling hot dogs, that just keep rolling along. That might be a good thing for Frieda. Can you tell I'm getting tired???

paula eagleholic said...

The Panda sneezing video was hilarious. Had to watch it a couple of times!

paula eagleholic said...

You going for a full can?

MITS said...

SHARON That's what my sister said, that some animals are better parents, than humans.

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Yup, getting goofy, Mits!

movin said...

Evenin, Everyperson,

Thanks, Suzanne,
for the description of all the eagles you saw yesterday......

You know how many eagles...Golden or Bald...I have seen?? Zero!

I even made a half dozen trips to and from Iowa and Minnesota (home State) by way of Yellow Stone Park with my binoculars and camera with telephoto lens on the seat next to me always expecting the eagle sighting...nothing. I'm still hopeful though.

Today I DID see a whole flock of juvenile Buzzards though...there must have been 4 or 5 of them, and they soared leisurely right over my break area this afternoon at about 150 ft. altitude...they look infinitely better in flight, believe me. Probably related, since they were all about the same size and coloring.

Those and Red Tail Hawks are making a comeback in our part of Southern Cal after being way down from development and freeways, etc. Now they actually hunt the dividers and exits for rodents and whatever.

Guess I'd better sign off and check some other sites. Have a good 24.


paula eagleholic said...

congrats, mits. Now that the winner is declared, I'm going to bed!

Good Morning, Suzanne

MITS said...

Hi, Jim...Bye, Jim.

MITS said...

Good Night, PEM

NillaWafer said...

Yeah i know and i think some of the headaches may be due to that also but like you said 1 day at a time sweet Jesus... lalalalalala Tryin t figure out how to sign up for the news letter of Glos also... Oh and i want to order the tote really like it.... No havent opened the Commit lozengers setting right here and will wait if i dont take them back cause they cost almost $40.00 dollars... Oh another hospitol bill came from City almost $8,000.00 and doctors for reading x rays almost $200.00 thats another grand... I am going to watch tv see ya'll tomarrow as i dont go into work til 5 pm... Hugs 2 ya'll

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

Jim you bring yourself to West Virginia and I will take you over to the nest in the jeep..lol But asked Jo i say GET IN.... BUCKLE UP.... HOLD ON AND SHUT UP... YEEHAWWW By the way your pictures of Freida is great.. Today i vacummed and got a whole big cup off front of vac of sugaaahs hair Ewwww he is a big hair ball, speaking of which he is meowin for me they are cats who demand alot of attention and i mean demand he sets in hall at 3 - 4 am an meows for attention..lol

glo said...

Well Good night all. Will BLOG at you tomorrow. Think I'll take my dogs to the Marina for a while. Going to see the sun for the first time in days but cool clear whether, besides the Marina with the dogs sounds a lot more fun than mowing.
Thanks to all who have signed up for the newsletter. It's a lot more fun when you know you have someone to write for LOL. I'm going to try to keep the typos to a minimum too LOL. Let me know if you are confused, and need some help with the sign-up. If you don't get the newsletter, You are going to miss something kind of special and fun. I hope if you are reading this, you will subscribe. We are going to be doing some fun, special kinds of things with these letters.

Mema Jo said...

Time to sign out for the day

Goodnight all you eagle buddies.


NillaWafer said...

Niters --- Good Morning Suz have a safe drive into the city.. Keep an eye out for eagles but watch the road... Watchin the weather channel and Ernesto will bring us alot of rain this weekend... Yawnnnn niters

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...