Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Tuesday August 15

Fresh Tuesday thread.


belle_wv said...

Pinky - you wonderwoman you - thank you for saving me all that leg work - you're the best!

Doreen! HI - synopsis of the events .. Mits is a grandma - baby Maggie - Sorry can't recall her 'full name' she was born premmie and there are some complications perhaps, no details, but we're praying...

Some eaglet sightings by Jo, Nilla and Pinky (formerly known as WVGAL Vicky)

Nilla is in hospital, been having trouble with headaches and blood pressure, possibly re-emmergence of past problems, we're sending prayers her way too

Geula our Israel luv is having a long visit from grandchildren and mentioned having to occassionaly go into a safe room, so we're praying ceasefire will end those worries and they're safe..

Suzanne went to vist a local zoo and got some pictures of their triplet white tiger cubs, we're awaiting her figuring out the new camera so she can get the pics out to share with us...

Glo is still doing a bit of work for the company she retired from to help them out - very sad at the loss of her son's lovely companion dog, Lady - read the tribute when you can - it is heartfelt and beautiful.

Sharon is home from band camp

Norma is wonderful as always!

Hmmm rest of us have had our various and sundry moments, but that's the hightlight of the drama as I can recall it at the moment? If I left anything out it was not intentional for sure!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006 8:26:43 AM

Repeat for the new thread lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, you get the wax for being first on the new thread!

belle_wv said...

Suzanne not mean at all LOL

Going back to finish reading what I missed on last post

belle_wv said...

Steve - thank you so much for keeping us going! We do very much appreiciate all you do for us!

belle_wv said...

Just looked at the page - Glo that is GORGEOUS.... Great thoughts everyone... Anyone want to add anything more before I print?

Oh one thing glo - no idea who the other address you sent it to was LOL the wamsley - that isn't me LOL
That's almost as good as me thinkin I sent the hairy legs msg to some guy named Paul! ROFL

Some wamsley person is getting this card for Nilla - hope they appreciate all our love and efforts {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}} glo - you're cheerin up folks we don't even know - must be someone else from the Lady tribute, so they'll take kindly to it and probably even respond :) So fun

belle_wv said...

Doreen - how're the shows going? We'd love some pics of your beautiful Shires - we'll have to get you set up on the momster's site so you can post an album. Thanks for the good wishes for tomorrow for me...

Pinky, thank you so much again for the leg work on the balloon - I really want to get her one, might have to settle for something a bit different, though

I'm running far behind now, lol see y'all raced about just to sit and wait on me... story of my life. Sorry Had phone calls and stuff came up that hadn't planned on so I'm still not quite ready to get out the door.

Ready to print the card though I am? Any last notes?

belle_wv said...

OK printed out - with sharon's comment, too :) Heading in to the classroom , I will log on from there... poor Glo, still locked out - how long does that last and why does it happen? That's not nice!

belle_wv said...

Thanks Suzanne, I will blog when I get home tomorrow afternoon , just to let y'all know I'm home. Heading out to hunt for that balloon after I stop in at work to print off the last couple days worth of blogs for Nilla to read - that'll keep her laughing and out of trouble maybe for a few hours ;)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Doreen, you said you wanted a quick rundown, not a feature length piece! :):) Love ya, Belle!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Belle!

belle_wv said...

At the school now and printing blogs :)

belle_wv said...

Sharon - :-P (that's me stickin my tongue out at ya!) I never said brevity was my strong suit! LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Brevity - good word Belle!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We sure did die on here awful quick!

wvgal_dana said...

Make sure you print Belle the comments before these. Oh that sounded like Belle was going to be sitting ontop of a copy machine for Nilla. No NO didn't mean that
sorry Belle lol
Nilla (((((hugs))))))

wvgal_dana said...

Mits in blue I went in and seen Maggie oh my I have tears in my eyes. (((HUGS)))) Your a grandma
Can I ask you how old are Kevin and Annie?

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry Thanks Steven for the new thread tc
Well guess most are surfing the internet.
I am sure Floral girl is trying to water. Sure has beautiful flowers.
Seen pictures Jo posted on eaglet_momsters group.
I'm taking a nap looking for that balloon wore me out.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WV Gal Pinky, I am going to answer for Mits. I am thinking Kevin and Annie are around 27. (Maybe, close to that anyway!)

Just Vicky said...

Still have my cans to give away!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Commode Vicky, welcome back. Where you been?

Mema Jo said...

I am home from the dentist - less one tooth and a one-sided numb nose (I can't even snif). I read this thread's blogs - need to go back to previous. The card is great,GLO - sorry I didn't make it in time for my well wishes & thanks for adding my name. Sounds as though you all have had an exciting morning - Go Belle Go!

glo said...

LOL It's letting me post and I am still crackinup over sending it to some Belle at wamsley whatever. Too funny. Well I will let you all know what happens next more revealed later I only stayed aobut an hour. Turned the computer off while I left and Voila the Buzzards are gone

Now I have to go back and read the rest of the new thread, i was crackin up over who the heck else is getting a copy of nilla's card...so funny LOL

Just Vicky said...

Sorry, been extremely busy with a few projects the I MUST GET DONE!" Just thought I'd check in for a bit and see what's been happening! Sure hope Nilla get mended! She's our "Pass Port" to NCTC

glo said...

Well the good news is I got that address from the Guestbook at the Eagle Home page site from someone who signed as belle...so it is at least someone who know about the Sycamore Tree, and the eagle/eaglets we love LOL. Not sure if they have followed us to this point and have a clue what's happening today but hey their curiosity might call them right into the blogsite ya never knw.

Lunchtime for me.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I figured that wamsley was her work email! Too funny!

glo said...

Yep It ended in .edu No word from whomever it was yet lOL

They will think we all OR at least I am absolutely nuts...well could be!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, did a little columboing myself. You've got mail!

Mema Jo said...

Glo There was another Belle who sometimes would blog with us..That is why we named Belle wv so we knew which one it was. So don't worry about sending it to her - she knows about us & where to find us.

glo said...

What can I say...either I am having a dense day here with good reason of course or my mail is awfully slow today!!!.

Are you telling me tha you sent your to both Belle and I...I figured that out after I hit send and yes I did see your message on there. Of course I left my old one on there too. it will Nilla something to do, trying to figure us all out. I hope her stress test is going OK for her today. I don't think that would be much fun at all, and especially if it is kind of scarey to even think about taking it. I'll continue to watch my mail.

glo said...

Jo Well that'll be the one who got the card then LOL. She knows we're still here then even if we aren't all there!!

MITS said...

OMG!!!ROFLMBO! If those people from Seattle ever looked at this site they would probably think, gee, they are having fun, even, if there are serious things going on around them. Tee-Hee! SHARON I think you should get a job with USA TODAY, short and to the point!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks, Mits. I am glad somebody recognizes and appreciates my special talents! :)

MITS said...

PINKY IN BLUE Sharon was very close. Annie is 27 and Kevin is 28. Give that girl a wax kit. LOL!!

MITS said...

SHARON You are special talents all rolled into one.:):):)

glo said...

SharonIt too 34 minutes for me to get your email...Geesh, or am I just spoiled. WEll I think we added something a "little" different to one Belle's day that is for sure Jo from what I just got from Sharon though not too sure it is either Belle who ever comes here...unless she was from CA. then I guess it still could be. Nilla is gonna love this whole thing.. Glad we can add some chuckles to a stressful time for her, without even trying!!!

Nap time not even gonna try the siesta thing today LOL

MITS said...

If anyone is interested the sloth-bears are inside their den, slothing around, or what ever sloth-bears do...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just had a hugely puffed up, tail fanned out female cardinal on my roof. I asked her if she was flirting but she didn't answer!

MITS said...

Ok, so this is pretty cute,Momma sloth-bear and Baby sloth are fighting over food like Mei and Tai.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to lie down for awhile. Mouth only hurts a little where the
needle went in & the numbness is wearing off. I am soooooooo hungry = eating crackers on one side of my mouth. The pudding went down pretty good. That's what happens when you tell the dentist office to call if there is a cancellation. Just like Mits did this am, I'll be headed out for Mass later. We're good girls! like the rest of you. Thought I better add that remark.... If Nilla is kept in the hosp. I will try to go over tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

MITS There is someone in the outside area of the pandas & Tai is there. May be gone by the time you get to the site..... FONZ web

Mema Jo said...

Maybe it was someone bringing him a treat?

MITS said...

Mei must have been inside, so they gave him a popcicle, he is leaning against the grotto enjoying every bite of it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, I have had dentures since 1985. Wouldn't trade them for nothing! No more toothaches, ever!

MITS said...

Oh dear, Momma Smurf has her talons stuck in a fish and Baby is looking at her like, Mom, I want that fish now...

MITS said...

Gee, SHARON, it must be nice having something smiling back at you at bedtime...

MITS said...

Baby Smurf just left, probably going to get his own fish

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon, All.
Are they just keeping Nilla for testing? Was that the point of the overnight stay?

Looks like Mama gave up the fish to her baby smurf!

How is Maggie?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, don't take them out except to brush them. Wouldn't dare to in case of fire! Same reason I won't sleep in the nude! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just watching Tai. That poor little feller has such a hard life, don't know how he makes it from day to day!

MITS said...

PAULA Baby Maggie went to drs. yesterday and has gained an oz. They were told to keep waking her up to eat, other wise she would just keep sleeping. She did seem a little more animated and aware of her surroundings yesterday. Thanks for asking.

MITS said...

ROFLMAO! SHARON Nude and Toothless in Bluefield, sounds like a new hollywood flick, maybe we can put it in Nillas' video store and it would be a best-seller. I think I need a nap.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

MITS, ROFLMAO. That would be banned from even the quarter movies (do they still have those or was that peep shows)! Don't remember.

wvgal_dana said...

Well Belle said she was going to tell Nilla to move over. Maybe she did just that.
No one has heard anything?
Our newspaper that I just read after nap doesn't show any rain. I feel so badly for Floralgirl.
Mits did you read where I went to your album; Maggie is beautiful.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Raining in Bluefield now!

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon send that over to Floral girl.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Be more than happy to!

MITS said...

Thank you, PINKY, appreciate that, we think she is kinda cute too.

MITS said...

Waiting patiently for word on NILLA AKA LOUISE

belle_wv said...

Home again, home again jiggity jig

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, Belle, start blogging!

glo said...

That gal is a tease!!!

glo said...

Hey Belle before we switch to your visit with Nilla though I want you to know will pray for an easy surgery and recovery for you tomorrow. Thanks for getting all this up to Nilla today.

paula eagleholic said...

Hope it's taking her so long cuz she has lots to say! Expecting a monster blog here, Belle!

belle_wv said...

Nilla is resting and was very happy to get the card from everyone. She laughed when I told her it also got sent to some other belle we weren't sure who :) Dr. came in while I was there, said the stress test was a little abnormal, but that for women it could be perfectly normal? Makes sense now doesn't it? Anyway, they're going to send her to Winchester (half an hour south) to get a heart catheterization done to look for blockages, if they don't find any, they'll release her right then and she can come home, but another overnight for our Nilla. Keep praying they find what is causing the problems and can fix them without any trouble.

belle_wv said...

Well it wasn't a monster blog, but wanted to be sure I got it right. Thanks Glo for the good wishes.

Nilla is quitting smoking too - she might not know it, but she's already 2 days without, so she's just done now :) I say so.

She was bummed - no good lookin men to croon over, but tomorrow is another possibility and they'll be playin with her groin!!! LOL She needs that wax now for sure

belle_wv said...

Ok - where'd everyone go?

glo said...

Well I wrote a big long answer and the page was down

glo said...

Geesh OK will try again..

Anyway I hope they can figure out what is wrong...we all know something is, and I really hope it isn't a heart blockage. Did they add or change any medications? Is her catheterization tomorrow, man now we have 2 of you to worry about tomorrow MORE STRESS!!!

Is she like bummed or did you get her to chuckle with you a little etc. Hope this one sends .

glo said...

That one took 2 sends too, but i have it copied now want to see it again

Geesh OK will try again..

Anyway I hope they can figure out what is wrong...we all know something is, and I really hope it isn't a heart blockage. Did they add or change any medications? Is her catheterization tomorrow, man now we have 2 of you to worry about tomorrow MORE STRESS!!!

Is she like bummed or did you get her to chuckle with you a little etc. Hope this one sends .

That buzzard better not be back!!!

belle_wv said...

Got a few chuckles out of her, but she's really not feeling well. I stayed for a couple hours, but left to let her get a nap before dinner and evening visitors. She's bummed about the test but agreed right away to get it done, said she can't live like this, she's afraid to drive

glo said...

Hang on Belle I think the Buzzards could be back...or ya know you might have caused Blogger to go find us a moderator!!! LOL

glo said...

Well darn we need her and her jeep in ship shape for Tree runs. Hope her daughter will let you know what they find tomorrow etc. Thanks

belle_wv said...

Whatg are we talking about buzzards? I think I might've missed something while I was busy making copies for Nilla...

She'll be ship shape for jeep runs soon!

glo said...

Well I need to do some things before company shows up here this evening for a little while. I don't know where everyone is...maybe check around all the cams. I have resisted getting hooked on any of them right now until I get this latest project done. TTYL

glo said...

LOL Yep guess you missed the buzzards..yep i surely had a buzzard attack this morning from Blogger. TTYL

belle_wv said...

find a moderator? I still confuzzled...

belle_wv said...

K happy cleaning and more happy visiting with company - I guess I'll have to wait for MTBR on the buzzard 'thang' :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am here now. Went down to my sisters for fresh green beans and new potatoes. They are soooo good!

Glad to know they are in the proces of fixing Nilla. Winchester is where my ex-husband (now deceased) married his 5th wife (I was his 4th - should have told me something!) He also lived in Martinsburg at the time. Funny how you remember stuff like that. He divorced her too and we were getting back together when he passed away. Sorry, didn't mean to end that on a sad note!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, there was a buzzard in the BW osprey nest this morning. Soon thereafter, the blog locked up on Glo and she couldn't blog. We said the buzzard did that. Actually, it was a turkey vulture but originally thought it was an eaglet.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Belle for the update on Nilla. We'll stay in prayer for her. Glad she got a few chuckles.
Missed out on the buzzard attack too so don't feel too left out.
(((((Hugs and prayers for Belle for tomorrow)))))

glo said...

Buzzard attacks are NOT something you miss out on, they are something you get SPARED from having to deal with

trust me..

.and for some strange reason only Sharon and I have experienced that particular attack. "shrugs shoulders" LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update on Nilla. Glad she is getting looked after and tested. Sorry, was bugging you for the post, then had to step away for awhile ( I'm at work )

BBL, after I get home and water, water, water!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle, Best wishes for a successfull outcome tomorrow and a speedy recovery.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I just called our Nilla!! She said to tell everybody hello! Wanted to know what Jo was up to today so I told her she had a tooth yanked out! Forgot to mention to her that she had quit smoking. She will be transferred by ambulance to Winchester tomorrow for the heart cath. Supposed to let us know something ASAP. I know, same stuff Belle already reported but I wanted to do it again! She sounded good. She loved her psychedelic eagle balloon (actually a butterfly but playing lets pretend) and she loved her stuffed panda. Said it looks just like Tai. She really appreciated Belle's visit.

belle_wv said...

Hey Sharon, glad you got a chance to talk to Nilla, she's a wee bit skeered I think, but won't admit it, and knows it has to be done. The Dr. was just rattlin off the risks etc like it was no biggie and describing the procedure like he got one done every day himself LOL Bet if anyone actually tried to put a needle in HIS groin he'd think twice! LOL Sharon, did Nilla say if she found a razor? She wanted to do some bush trimmin before tomorrow ROFL

belle_wv said...

Oh I forgot - Dr. also insinuated all her problems (cept the heaviness in her arms and ache in her shoulders) might be hot flashes - MEN!

belle_wv said...

LOL yeah I should've taken my camera in... I couldn't find the eagle balloon, the only thing I found with wings was a huge butterfly (appropriate since Jo had a butterfly land on her hand once, Nilla reminded me), so we'll just pretend it is an eagle :) And an adorable Panda stuffie LEPT into my arms looking just like Tai Shan, said he needed me to take him to see his Nilla, that he was lonely not having her looking in on him.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She did not say if she found a weedeater or not. I am sure she is scared. I know I would be but I can tell anybody else having it done that its going to be okay, no big deal. Both my sisters and my mother have had them. Hopefully I won't ever have to but you never know where this life is going to take you. But I will also say that both my sisters and my mother also had babies on the same day (different year) - me, my nephew and my niece!! Don't plan on being like them with that one either. Hopefully no more babies for me. One is plenty and I am too old!!!

Okay, now I am wondering how I got there in this blog! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, between the 2 of us, we will get this whole study published!! :):)

belle_wv said...

JO will probably have a report to share when she gets to feeling better after her tooth adventure. I got fitted for a crown on the 10th, so I remember the numb - cept it was my tongue and cheek that were feeling funny not my nose. Tomorrow we go for the nose and throat and belly and ugh... have I ever mentioned I hate anesthetics?

Anonymous said...

BELLE---Just logged on---I am still not following things---read all 89 message before me---So glad NILLA is going to the Winchester Med. Center--That place is TOPS---great Drs. too---It's a huge place---I have been worried about her too---W/pray that she comes home tomorrow---Can we see the card you all sent?----BELLE---w/be thinking of you tomorrow "dimples"----Take care-----MEMA JO---I really feel your pain---been there--done that--

belle_wv said...

Hi Norma, sure I can send you the 'card' Email me your email
belle@breezelink.net and I'll forward it to you - sorry you weren't on when we got it together :( Nilla knows you're part of the prayer group for her :)

My dimples might just be put to the test tomorrow - LOL

belle_wv said...

OK I just gotta have that wax fix

Anonymous said...

BELLE---You aren't going to have this surgery w/out anesthetics are you?????-----If you try, you'll be begging for a "cig" & you don't smoke----ho!----Giving up smoking w/not be EASY for NILLA----I know----it's THE PITS----Bless her heart, I bet she is scared----PRAY HARDER---

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL SHARON----Don't knock sleeping in the nude until you try it----

belle_wv said...

I'm going to go over the options with the anesthesiologist in the morning... I don't want to be under - I really don't like it, and my memory is a problem without messing with it with those sort of things, but don't think spinal is something I want to try either - my family and my husband's both have a history of having a lot of trouble recovering from the puncture. Maybe I'll just 'bite down on a bullet' and let him go to work? If I am careful I might only break the temporary crown that is getting replaced with a gold one .. LOL

Anonymous said...

BELLE---I just wanted to see what you all said----you are a clever crew !!! (Normac@atlanticbb.net)


belle_wv said...

LOL Norma you vixen you - actually - nevermind I'd have to get out the mental floss to pass around for everyone again...

Anonymous said...

BELLE---don't take a chance on breaking the crown-----They will take you house to pay for it---ho!

Anonymous said...

BELLE---I misread----Not always w/program----don't worry about temp---that doesn't cost much---

Anonymous said...

BLUEFIELD SHARON---Everyone gets married in Winchester---It's a one day deal---license, bl. test---married by noon----You are like me---I always remember the details about things that hurt me---sometime I think I enjoy pain----

wvgal_dana said...

anyone want a good laugh at my dumbness
Well now I'm in for it.
Oh Boy Oh Boy
The New Supermarket----in somes email well I added Paula to that list I emailed. OOPPPSSS I just found out I have two (2) I say email address's for Paula and the one I sent it to said (I really didn't see it did I have now DELETED THAT ADDRESS) honest but it went to Paula eaglet_momstergroup. Oh NO I thought I hurried ran fast really fast to the eaglet_momster site signed in and all the way at the bottom is the new messages and On My there it is now everyone got it........please I did delete that address Paula pleasssssssse don't kick me out.
sign sweetly "Pinky"

Anonymous said...

MITS---My first child came early--not as early as Maggie--but she was small & would only take 2oz or so at a time & go to sleep---This was many moons ago--but the Dr. suggested I rub the inside of her palm to keep her awake---it worked some times---I know how frustrating it is when they won't eat----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going out for a while. Be back close to 9.

belle_wv said...

LOL Pinky - we're all having trouble with those email addresses lately LOL
No worries as far as I'm concerned.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, we got married in Clifton Forge, VA because it was a 1 day deal.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


wvgal_dana said...

Well Norma I was going to send you an email since I didn't have your email address then seen it on here.
But don't have to you already received it. The New Supermarket

By the way if you are wondering yes I was wvagal_vicky but they gave me the nickname in here "Pinky"

wvgal_dana said...

Where oh where is everyone at?
Oh where oh where can they be

MITS said...

Thank you, NORMA I will relay that suggestion to the kids. Once she is awake she just loves to eat, she just doesn't feel like waking up. Poor dear, has two of my traits already, sleeping and eating.

belle_wv said...

I'm here - just finished din din
my son 'cooked' for me
spaghetti and alfredo sauce -yum yum
last meal til the surgery after'glow' fades LOL

belle_wv said...

LOL Mits - I had those same problems but as you can tell frmo my pictures I got bravely over ONE of them... Wakey wakey time was/is hard for me too - took me a month to gain up to the 5lbs I needed to be to get home...

belle_wv said...

Time to head out and hear a snippet of the band practicing on the field and bring my girl home for the night - she was so tired last night and could hardly get awake to go again this morning... good thing she ENJOYS this :) bbiab

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

PINKY----I read your email & thought it funny---I like your name, when my youngest was 4--she referred to herself as "Pinky-Purple"---wanted to wear only pink--so your name makes me smile---
I must fix dinner now---BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Mits how far away from you does you son live?

Anonymous said...

MITS---I forget---(I do that often)---You are home---Right---I just heard on the news---They are going to allow bear hunting at McNeil River, Alaska----the bears are used to people being there watching them---so--no fear of people--it will be like a "shooting gallery"---Just go in & shoot---take home & hang on wall---I am most sure it w/start this season---Did you hear it----

MITS said...

PINKY depended on traffic around the Washington Beltway, it takes anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour, that is why, NORMA that I am going to stay home in Bethesda, MD for awhile, in case I'm needed. Would hope that all 3 of them can come to the beach for Labor Day, but we shall see. And no, NORMA I did not hear about the grizzlies. Why are they doing that??

MITS said...

Poor FREIDA in Brisbane looks tired!

wvgal_dana said...

Mits that is good that they don't live a long ways from you.

belle_wv said...

Norma - that's horrible to hear - like shooting ducks in a barrel - how terrible to play upon their trust of humans and start slaughtering them. I would think they could trap and relocate them. The ones that don't get killed will wind up going balistic around the humans that are used to them being used to people - sounds like a nasty set up all around to me! Who is the 'they' that decided this is a good idea?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am back. Wonder how Mema Jo and Nilla are tonight!

Can't go there with the bears. Stuff like that pees me off and I don't like it when I am peed off. You all wouldn't like me that way either.

Have to work 2 hours OT. ARRRGGHHH! Grateful to have a job though! And payday will be good that way too!

MITS said...

I'm grateful for that WESTVA-PINKY

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Been gone 2 hours and Mei and Tai are in their same spots. I love him, have I told you that today?

MITS said...

BELLE-WVA I forgot to respond to you today, MAGGIES' full name is Margaret Patricia Kalis. The Margaret comes from Annes' deceased Grandmother and Patricia come from Kevins' deceased Grandmother.

belle_wv said...

Good night all - please keep the blog posted about updates on everyone and everything. I will blog as soon as I can type tomorrow...

Nilla I hope you know I'll be praying your cath goes well tomorrow (at least when I'm conscious!)


MITS said...

SHARON its ok, you can keep telling us.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

All I can see of Frieda is her back.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you Mits, I know you feel the same way!

MITS said...

BELLE Good luck tomorrow!

wvgal_dana said...

Norma That is the place that Steven gave up to look at the grizzles McNeil Falls, it's the website we look at.

wvgal_dana said...

((((Belle with AOYP=Angel On Your Pillow)))) and may they be with you and Nilla tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

I am home from Mass - I am going to try to call Nilla - then I'll be back.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think I said this 10 or 12,000 blogs ago but I will say it again. When they changed the camera from 5 second refresh to 30 second refresh, I quit watching for a little while. Too impatient, like that instant gratification. Those babies just drew me back to them and I am so grateful for that. I wouldn't have all you guys in my life today if I had stayed away. Awesome!!

Just Vicky said...

Birds of a feather are flocking together!

wvgal_dana said...

HI Vicky Il hope you got your work done.
They have now nicknamed me in here; Pinky wonder why? lol

glo said...

Compnay is gone, some database work is staring me in the face, and I have workshop to go to tomorrow, so will check in and out a few times over the next hour or so. I want to hear how Jo's conversation goes with Nilla.

Glad you came back eagle eye!!!

Mema Jo said...

I have returned. I had a very good talk with Nilla by phone. She was in pretty good spirits. Tomorrow she will be transported by ambulance down to Winchester Hosp(she has high praises for Winchester -like it's the best) around 11:00 for the heart catherization. Her entire family is going to be with her. She can't eat after midnight & was waiting for her snack. She was very excited to have received your call, Sharon. Made her feel special. Belle, you deserve a thousand thanks for the joy you brought to her with your visit & gifts! The panda and butterfly balloon made her day. She couldn't stop telling me that the panda looked just like Tai when he was about 3 months old. She promised the family would call tomorrow - she knows Belle is in out-patient, so I will be home all day waiting for the call. I really was going down to see her but now I'll wait until we know what is going on. Could mean surgery if there is blockage.
Nilla said to say Hi to everyone & that she did shave her legs to keep up her appearance - she is not up running around trying to catch a good looking Dr - she's too tired!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

But also if there is a blockage, they could open it and stent right then and there. Hope it is something simple like that. Well, probably not too simple if you are the one going through it!

Nilla is special!!

Just Vicky said...

My projects are NOT done, but I keep trying!

MITS said...

Going to say Good Night for now. I'm so grateful I have you all in my life at this time. Prayers for NILLA AND BELLE Love Ya All!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My next big project is applying for scholarships and such for Andrew's college. Never done that before and don't even know where to start. Should be quite the challenge.

floralgirl said...

Thanks for keeping us up to date on Nilla,Jo.Will be keeping her and Belle in my thoughts tomorrow.

glo said...

Good to get the news and time frame on Nilla. Well the prayer list is growing in here these days. Maybe we are just getting some of these things taken care fo so we can all sit here glued to the computer come early next year. (((hugs))) Will Blog tomorro wbefore or after workshop.

paula eagleholic said...

Couple of tips for you in regards to College scholarships -

If Andrew has his colleg already picked out, which is what I think you said, then go to their website and look there.

Ask the guidance department at school. They may have a list, or it may be online. Google it!

Look for a community agency that administers scholarships. The one in my area is called The Community Foundation of Frederick County.

Go to collegeboard.com and register. Lots of stuff there, financial aid info, scholarships (but a lot are national).

Try finaid.org.

Best scholarships are given out locally thru PTSA, churches, VFW, Etc.

Hope this helps.

paula eagleholic said...

Also try your state board of ed and county school board.

And, Start now!

Just Vicky said...

Say goodnight gals! Who made 150?? Lucky Wax number!

Just Vicky said...

Why I believe it was Floralgirl!

paula eagleholic said...

Watching Freida sitting on her eggs, reminds me of the first time I saw Belle on the nest.

Pic 1 - looking to the left
Refresh - looking to the right
Refresh - looking to the left
Refresh - looking straight.
Repeat all of the above.

I had to laugh!

paula eagleholic said...

How ya doin Vicky-IL!

paula eagleholic said...

I think swimming in the nude is just as great, if not better, than sleeping in the nude!

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, who's lurking out there? Come out, come out whereever you are!

paula eagleholic said...

OK, Floralgirl weatherlady Sue Palka on Fox5 just admitted it's been a little dry around here!

Just Vicky said...

Hello Paula! I'm lingering as I lurk! Need to go to bed, HAD A VERY STRESSFUL DAY at work! Get on of those now and then, if you know what I mean???

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, so I'm bored.

Where is Spunky? Where is Spunky?
In the tree, In the tree,
Sleeping like a baby,
Don't you worry 'bout me.
I am free, I am free.

Just Vicky said...

Get one of those! (DUHHH)

Just Vicky said...

Wow, what a poet!

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, Vicky, I hear ya. I've had plenty of those!

Just Vicky said...

I chose to think I spotted Spunky flying here in Danville Illinois today. It was way up in the sky, all by itself, just floating! Had to think of our "kids" that day!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Pinky , read that email before I got on here, then looked to see who you sent it to, and thought "I bet she didn't mean to send that to the whole group!"
I thought the email was great!

movin said...


Thanks to Belle_wv...you caught me up too, as well as Doreen.

Hope Suzanne can read the instructions to her camera and get some pics on-line soon...they should be great.

Keep well and have a great day,

paula eagleholic said...

How far are you from San Diego? Beautiful area, visited there at New years.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You busy little bloggers. Still working for a little while longer but been reading! Work probably wouldn't take near as long if I didn't read and blog so much! Oh well, well worth it.

Just Vicky said...

Is that implied to anyone particular eageleye Sharon??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No Commode Vicky, strictly to myself!! Do I sense a guilty conscience? :)

paula eagleholic said...

She had to be referring to you and me Vicky. Think everyone else went to bed!

Just Vicky said...

Yes I do believe my name was hidden in that comment! YES I'M GUILTY!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

ROFLMAO!! Definitely some guilt going on here!

paula eagleholic said...

Well! I thought she was talkin bout the busy little bloggers!

Just Vicky said...

Bloggers like me that should be getting some projects off the shelf!

Just Vicky said...

With that, I'll say Goodnight eagle dreamers! Sweet dreams!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, Vicky and Sharon, I will say goodnight for now, Have to finish my tomatoes before I go to bed!

Gnite and sleep tight eagle friends.

Good Morning, Suzanne!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula and Vicky, you are definitely the busy little bloggers.

Good night. Going to bed now. Sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers!

floralgirl said...

Ha-I hit 150 without even realizing?Then walked away without collecting my priz- send me my wax,then.

Just Vicky said...

You bet you get the was FLoralgirl!

Just Vicky said...


floralgirl said...

Thanx- I am so honored.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Floralgirl, I will send my part of what is left (after I waxed my dogs). Who else is going to?

Really going to bed now.

floralgirl said...

Yea, me too- up way too late.Early day tomorrow again.goodnite

Bird Girl said...

hello everyone, just checking in to say yes, i'm still around!

still got lots going on right now, not much time to just sit and watch cams or blog...

my thoughts are with nilla, belle, geula, and maggie -- well, all of you, actually!

check in later if i can...

bird girl

p.s. whomever asked about birds tearing holes in seed nets: birds are very enterprising, and determined. the seed you're putting in the net may be TOO large to get out without tearing a hole, or maybe she just realized "hole in net = more seed on ground", who knows.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suzanne. Just wanted to let you know you are not alone this morning. Starting to work. Little late but oh well.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Prayers going up for Nilla, Belle and Maggie today. Powerful thing, you know - prayers!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think we will send it FedEx so you will get it pretty quick!!! Congratulations!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Suzanne and Sharon plus all those lurking.
Prayers up for Nilla and Belle.
Suzanne where we you at crossing the Potomac. I know you said Md. but that for me could be many places.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, You call that "where the river splits". LMAO!

wvgal_dana said...

WOW !! Smiling here for you. Suzanne got the eaglet high. Now send them over Sharon's way.
Maybe that is what they are doing trying to get to everyone in here. LOL wouldn't that be a good one.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Your welcome Suzanne. I have to share my intelligence sometime!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I would absolutely die if I would see three eaglets flying overhead here. Should I go out and start whistling for them? I could sing "Where is Spunky? Where is Spunky?" Do you reckon that would work? Naw, run them right off if they heard me singing. Can't carry a tune in a bucket.

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne did you have your camera with you? Did you get a picture?

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne you should be first on the new thread that Steve put up because he wrote what you said; he didn't put your name.
Suzanne be first to comment on new thread

glo said...

Good morning all. Off to a workshop for me so no time, did quickly sacn the bLOG. # eaglets together yes1!! I have said so many times and will say again I am sure its ours there are no other surviving triplets out there. Gla dyou have your camera today. Don't wait for a traffic tie up Suzanne...if you see them, STOP Get out and take their picture...everyone will understand No problem.

. Too bad you don't have your official button yet though just incase they don't believe you without something official You probably have a certificate though, carry that with you from now on. It gives you powers when you need them LOL.

Prayers for Belle, Nilla and Maggie to each have a good day and good reports tonight for all. TTYL

glo said...

LOL I think Steve waits for my post...then he says OK there she is, Time to post a new thread!!! I am going to start posting my long post for the day in the middle of the night LOL. Bye for now

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...