Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Tuesday August 1

New Thread. Up here in CT in the heat...


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Just Vicky said...

New THread!

Just Vicky said...

Yippie I was first!

NillaWafer said...

Thanks Steven Hope things are ok with you and your moms not ill again.. Please take care.. Arent you wondering what we gab about? This and that.. Dont know what we would have done had you closed this blog section also.. Ok BBL

Just Vicky said...

Nilla how's your son's jeep?

NillaWafer said...

Noooooo i was ..lol look i was leaving amessage on the last thread telling everyone..lol Ok we can share it

NillaWafer said...

Ok i reckon Vick since he back to work dont see much of him.. Still not feelin up to par yet i could go to bed and sleep..lol Seems ya'll have had an exciting day of bloggin and watching Maine Eagles Wonderful.. BRB

Just Vicky said...

Nilla, it will only happen once I'm sure! But we can share!

Just Vicky said...

Sure am sorry to hear you're not feeling up to par! Take care of yourself girl!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steven for the new thread.
I think it's been "hot" most places. I would say "happy August" but I'll just say "prayers are with you. Some things in life aren't how we want them to be Steven. You just have to do and hope the Lords hands carry you through, and BELIEVE they will!!

wvgal_dana said...

Nillasure hope you get to feeling better soon. Did you take the mustard like I think it was Norma said?

Just Vicky said...

wvagal, I think they've all left us!

Anonymous said...

BOOYAH, GOOD EAGLES BUDDIES! Has taken a long time to read blogs, and STEVEN, probably thought we would not have anything to say. Not us...Had a nice dinner out with my friends, when I was driving up Coastal Highway to pick up my friend the temp, was 102, no ocean breeze today. STEVEN HOPE EVERYONE IS WELL UP IN CT NILLA, YOU HAVE MAIL

Just Vicky said...

mits, we seem to be lone rangers here tonight!

Anonymous said...

Vicky, were did everyone go????

glo said...

Hi all I found you.
Some of us who are semi retired still have to work sometimes!!!

OK Vicki so I find it curiuos that you seem to kin dof have a clue when a new thread is up You kind of followed me right in the door last night that's for sure.

I honestly can't BLOG too much tonight. I have a huge mailing to get ready for Bulk Mail tomorrow, which may not mean anything to you, but it does to me. Part of the project I volunteered for. The rest will involve updating a Data base come the middle of the month. Then you will hear me complaining again. LOL

amazing that someone who makes as many typos as I do, actually has volunteered and been given the opportunity to update a 3000 piece Data Base LOL And they trust me to do it correctly.

Weird but True!!!

Just Vicky said...

I love databases!

Just Vicky said...

I just had a rare moment and got in first, like I said, probably won't happen again!

So Glo, what exactly do you do with the database?

Just Vicky said...

Ooooooooppps, you said "update", guess I better pay attention!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Vicky Il, Mits and Glo ..sorry was searching around.
Oh hot at the ocean too, but nice meal huh Mits?
Well Vicky Il if we are the only ones left then we can say from what we see an "empty nest".
Oh I sent everyone on the eaglet_momsters group a link to a funny video. Hope everyone enjoys it.

Just Vicky said...

I did see your video wvagal! I also saw it on TV the night they were on! Very very amazing! Did they win??? I don't remember that part.

wvgal_dana said...

I don't know if they won Vicky Il
but they sure should have. I was in awe watching it. Wow some video.

Anonymous said...

WVAGALThat video was super, thanks. It was nice to share a meal with friends, we had a good time and yes, it does get hot at the beach, this is the 1st real heatwave down here since the summer 2002, I think this one is worse, but I'm 4 yrs older also. Did you see FLORALGIRLS pics on momsters, beautiful flowers. Love it.

wvgal_dana said...

I feel so bad loosing the chance to meet you.
I want to go to the open house in October. Sure hope I can do it.
I don't do well with stairs, uneven ground and un-airconditioned places.
When I go to the tree which I've been thinking of going again. I sit in the car with my husband and put the window down with the air going and use the glasses to look for our eagles and eaglets. Boy I miss them so.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Vickies..... And Mities! I am late this evening. Did have that Pizza get together with family this evening.
Eleven of us were there enjoying eachother. I was over looking at some of the new albums on Momster site. FloralGirls' gardens are beautiful. I must go over to market & get one of the summer bouquets!
No Ocean Breeze means HOT I should think that some storms should be following this heat wave. I guess now that Jim has returned to work from his vacation - the weather has cooled in CA a little.Always happens like that!
I sure hope our KIDS are staying down by the Potomac & keeping cool as best they can. BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Mits yes seen Floral girls, Geula's and Glo's wow Glo's wedding pic are so awesome.

Anonymous said...

FLORALGIRL I so loved your picture with the butterfly on the flowers, don't know how I did it, but it is now my desktop picture. Thanks!!!:):):)

wvgal_dana said...

Mits I read your fast and thought you said you was lol 4 yrs old. I am laughing at myself.

Anonymous said...

JO Mities, LOL, I like it.

wvgal_dana said...

Mits have you seen the "brown Pelicans" down at the ocean?

wvgal_dana said...

Floral Girl has some beautiful flowers. Alot of work she puts into them too.
I told Geula she should make a puzzle with her ducks.
For Glo's well what can you say with such a beauty Glo holds in her arms.

Just Vicky said...

Better late than never Mema Jo! Door's always open!

Anonymous said...

You want to hear something funny?? Sometimes these computers do not understand the english language. I went on Smart Bargains.com today to look for a new briefcase for my hubby, so I typed in briefcases, to seach. Well, up pops a bunch of men in briefs, almost fell off the chair, ROFLMAO! Now I know, you know who, will probably go to the site, as soon as she feels better.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh no Mits lol. That is why kids always need supervision with these things.

Just Vicky said...

Oh goodness NO mits! I suppose you couldn't CLICK quick enough!

Anonymous said...

YES, WESTVAGAL lots and lots of them this year, but not seeing that many dolphins. They found a dead whale off the coast, up north of here, and the sad thing is she leaves a baby calf behind, baby was seen about 20 yards off the beach and now they don't know where he is, may be in the Delaware Bay. Anyhow, they said even if they could get to him, his chances of survival or slim. So Sad.

Just Vicky said...

Who in the world could you be hinting about??? Would it start with N?

Anonymous said...

Ladies, it wasn't a porno site, they showed the men's briefs first and then the briefcases next. I shop on Smart Bargins all the time. ROFLMAO, it is a legit site. You have me in hysterics here!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Mits That is so funny. You better watch what your typing. You never know what will pop up at you!

Vicky-wvagal Did you mean wedding pic of BirdGirl cause you said Glo.. & I will need to go back & look if you tell me I missed something!

Did Sharon excuse herself from here or just where is she? I hope no more ER visits - she usually tells us she'll be back. Maybe it's on the other page. Gotta make sure she stays ok & gets to Band Camp...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello everybody, I am back. Don't think I even reported I was leaving. Oh well, my usual evening out. I really enjoyed watching the Maine eagles today. It was wonderful!

Mema Jo said...

Screen Savers MITS
I have a beautiful snow covered landscape on my PC & it sure is helping me to stay Cool... Thanx!

Mema Jo said...


You are going to have to stop doing that to me... LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon I enjoyed them so so much today. Just couldn't seem to take myself away from the site. Yet I did so I could look in on other sites then right back again to Maine.
Hope you enjoy the video I sent out on eaglet_momsters.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, I typed my previous post before I read yours. That is so funny. I don't ever go too far but I do normally excuse myself. Just forgot today. Wanted to get out of this house a while!

Anonymous said...

There you are, young lady, missed you. Like JO, when we don't here from you we think the worse.

floralgirl said...

Thanks for all the kind comments about my pics,I will add more soon.MitsGlad you liked the butterfly pic,wait til you see the caterpillar one I will post tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

VICKY-ILL. Yes, the name would begin with an "N"!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I saw those quick change artists the other night. How do they do that?

Anonymous said...

I love caterpillars!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Just Vicky said...

Floralgirl, how about sending that beautiful yellow summer collection to Illinois?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

How with mirrors?

Just Vicky said...

Mirrors?? Still don't understand how they can even do it with mirrors!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! I don't know, I just thought all illusionists, used Mirrors....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Come on Mits! Tell us how!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

ROFLMAO! I thought Mits had the inside secret!!

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The Maine site needs those infrared lens on that camera so we could see at night too. Their camera is still going!

Anonymous said...

MITS Only drank ice-tea tonight, I was driving! LMAO!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky from Il said she seen it on tv. I didn't just seen this video. How they do it...mirrors sound good to me lol.
I know I can't change that fast ...

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I know Mits, what a miracle that is! I will have it up in the morning for sure!

Anonymous said...

Just want to hug them. I stopped over to read some of the blogs out in Seattle and someone posted the most graphic desciption of a Robin chick going to the bathroom and what the mother does with it, and THEY had a problem with OUR NILLA, those people are crazy, drinking to much coffee.

Just Vicky said...

Wow, she's right, the camera is still running in the dark!

wvgal_dana said...

Mits and Sharon the Maine site sure helps for an Eagle fix doesn't it?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Vicky, it just gave me a warm fuzzy feeling today watching them and getting to hear them!

Anonymous said...

Can't see anything in the dark, but I think they prefer the tree limbs now.

Anonymous said...

You are soooo right, SHARON

glo said...

LOL When I finished reading the bLOGs before making my last post and saw I think it was Jo asking about Sharon not being here I thought Oh she's probably checking the Maine sight to see if she can see themin the dark!!!

Well need I say more!!!

I have so enjoyed it today too!!!
Gonna be gone tomorrow morning and tomorrow evening. But i'll be stopping by here and there.

Just Vicky said...

We will be looking for you Glo Bug!

wvgal_dana said...

Well I'm going for the night ladies tc sweet eagle dreams. That will be my site again tomorrow; my "Maine" site .

Just Vicky said...

Goodnight wvagal Vicky!

Anonymous said...

Good Night, Vickys!!!

Just Vicky said...

Goodnight Mits!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night JohnBoy, good night Elizabeth, Good night Grandpa - oh I thought I was at the Waltons'.

Good night everybody. Working a little while longer tonight. Sweet eagle dreams my friends of fine feathers.

Just Vicky said...

Goodnight Eagle Eye Sharon!

Just Vicky said...

And with that I'll say goodnigt eagle land!

floralgirl said...

Okay,Mits I just added a pic of a tomato hornworm to my album-seen one of these before?Fairly common caterpillar-wild looking.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I guess I will say Good Night also, can't wait to see those eagles tomorrow. Peaceful Night to all my Eagle Buddies.

Mema Jo said...

I'll be signing off with all my other Buddies. I was over on the Maine site reading some of the pages & comments. They are very informative - of course, we already know about most of it. There are 2 videos (like Fraps) of the launch & a fubbled take off. Really enjoy the site. Be back on it tomorrow.

Goodnight all

Sweet eagle dreams........

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, was just emailing Mits and had an epiphany. We are the Eagleteers!! Well, I thought it was good anyway.

Anonymous said...

FLORALGIRL Long time ago, when my Mom was alive and we had this teeny tiny garden in Baltimore city, we had a tomato plant and one of those got on the plant, thought my poor Mom was going to faint dead away. Not the most handsome fellow in the insect world.

Anonymous said...

BOOYAH SHARON Another fine idea, where do you get these ideas, must be that cool and clean Bluefield air, Heat index for OC tomorrow is going to be 109, that means in D.C. it will be 200!

Mema Jo said...

Before I go for good FloralGirl
Which way is he going...? Is it's head up or down?

Mema Jo said...

I thought you said we were the
Regal Eagles

floralgirl said...

Okay-I should point out he is facing down,not a beautiful caterpillar,but turns into a gorgeous sphinx moth which comes out at night.

Anonymous said...

FLORALGIRL Does he have trouble kicking the nicotine habit once he becomes a butterfly. :):):)

floralgirl said...

He can't kick it,will draw nectar from the tobacco flowers at nite,because they have just opened in the evening and are the freshest flowers in the evening garden.Nothing else ever ate the nicotiana until last year when two young deer started eating it.They are eating it again this year,and we believe they are addicted,they will climb over stuff to get to it.

floralgirl said...

Night all-off to bed-another long ,hot day tomorrow.Gotta get up early to try to get sometning done before the heat kicks in again.

glo said...

Good Night all. Funny Sharon One of my favorite pictues I use a lot int he sotre is labeled the 3 eagleteers. Great midns again I guess!!!

Good night all.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WOW, MY EAGLE MUG, MOUSEPAD AND PIN IS IN S. CHARLESTON, WV!!! YEAH. IT IS IN THE SAME STATE AS ME!! Hard to say how many days it will be before it gets here even though S. Charleston is 1 1/2 hours away.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, ROFLMAO!!! That was so good about the nicotine and the butterfly!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, kids, going to bed now. Suppose to be off tomorrow but of course I have to do over time. We are covered up with work. Must be lots of sick people in the Bluefield/Princeton area. Glad I ain't one of them!! I am hoping I can sleep late, you know 8 or so!! :)

wvgal_dana said...

5:37AM Only little birds playing in nest at Maine.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ALL, DID i MAKE IT WAS I 100????

Anonymous said...

:):):):) Good Morning all. HHH today Stay cool. BRB, going to read blogs and check cams.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning SUZANNE Is that "lil bit" at 11 o'clock in the BW nest. Have you looked at the Maine eagles nest yet? Sharon would know the address or probably on momsters site Going to get JAVA. Have to tackle the Washington beltway today, going home to Bethesda!

Anonymous said...

Never mind, by the time I went back he was gone, I'm really worried about that little guy.

Anonymous said...

SUZANNE Have you checked out the Calgary Cam of osprey that Lisa mention on her July 31st update?

Anonymous said...

Lil Bit is back...

Anonymous said...

Looks like rain in Maine!!!

Anonymous said...

Rats, NU is shut down for the season..

Anonymous said...

Tai and Mei, are having fun outside with the snack bongo...

floralgirl said...

Hello,all-I have been up since 5,but I've been outside in the garden-watering of course.Forced to work in the morning darkness to try to get something done. Yesterday by 10:30 am it was becoming UNBEARABLE, and there is no relief when the sun goes down,the only pleasant time is first thing in the morning.

Anonymous said...

FLORALGIRL I forgot that I had put your pic as my desktop picture and when I opened it up this a.m., I just smiled:):):) Be careful in this heat. Remember, this to shall pass. SUZANNE Lets get this straight now, its Eagles in Maine, its run by Windows Media player. And just read Lisa's report from July 31st and you can hookup right from the site.

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suzanne, FloralGirl and Mits.

Mits, congratulations on being #100.

I slept until 7:15. The camera is still running in Maine, go figure. Hopefully somebody will come back in today.

Suzanne, do you have Windows Media Player there? The Maine site uses that.

Didn't quite make it to 90° at the Mercer County Airport yesterday so no free lemonade today. They should have done the temperature at my house, it felt 95 in my house yesterday. I hope this heat breaks before band camp. Those kids would drop in their tracks in heat like this.

Anonymous said...

Bath time for the elephants...

floralgirl said...

Morning Mits,Sharon and Suzanne-back in for a second-gotta get some of my more labor intensive work done now-don't mind having to water in the heat,but digging or other chores are really difficult.Used 1,000 gallons of water in my garden Mon. and Tues!

glo said...

Good morning all, think I will head for someplace cool Maine sounds good LOL BRB.

Anonymous said...

FLORAL Hope you drank some of that water. Don't know how you do it. Love your sunflower.

Anonymous said...


floralgirl said...

That's ok,I'll answer to FLORAL, too.After all I am very floral.All that water went to my beloved plants.(my babies,every one of them)Waiting for the water truck to arrive to fill my water tank-it's what I use to water many of the gardens,never want to overuse the well.Our well went dry in March when a new house was built behind us,we had to drill a new one,OUCH!!!$$$$$

Anonymous said...


glo said...

OOOHHH Why is the camera lens so blurry, Oh that's rain I remember rain. Sure could use some here, and most everywhere else in this country right now. Maybe those eagles are ready for some cool rain too. I bet Spunky, Ms In Between, and Big Boy would enjoy a nice cool shower

Anonymous said...

Can't get onto CT osprey cam??

floralgirl said...

EXACTLY!!Almost 2 weeks without water and then major unexpected expense.The cost of that robbed us of our summer vacation,we may put some sand down around the well cap,put up an umbrella and sit out there and admire it!!HAHA OH well,such is life.Back outside,the garden calls.At least the hummers are enjoying this heat,they are all around me as I work in the garden.I love their crazy antics!!

Anonymous said...

If our guys are smart, they will be hangin out by the river today.

glo said...

Off for coffee and dog treats Oh and a steam bath yuck!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm seeing lots of dragonflys and butterflys here this year FLORALGIRL Must be my 2 pots of purple wave petunias on my balcony. A question, FLORALGIRL what is the correct way to deadhead my petunias, do I just pluck the wilted flower or go beyond the head and take it off at the stem????

Anonymous said...

GLO Great free facial those steam baths.

Anonymous said...

How cute. Looks like they are really having a nice conversation.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi my lovelies,,

Just to let you all know I have just watched our ospreys and FLAG has FLEDGED, he did a circuit and came back for a while and flew again, isnt it wonderful all our babies have dont it now,, all I hope is that they have a happy ,healthy and free life, god go with them into there futures


Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi girls,
What a bad mannered English twit I am, Goodmorning all hope all is well with everyone, sorry I was just so excited about FLAG you see,

Nilla how are you today a little better I hope girl.

I always deadhead my petunias by pinching out only the dead flowerhead down to its base not the whole stalk, I always seem to get double the flowers that way and they seem to last longer to, but I dont want to tread on Floragirls toes here.


Anonymous said...

CHRISSY Thank you soooo much, I think I've been doing it wrong. I only have 2 pots of petunias here at the beach, and I would like to keep them going, they are such a lovely pink (my favorite color), got to make you :):):) when you look at petunias.

Anonymous said...

CHRISSY Is Tiger the resident expert over at the APP/ART cam? He said Flag did not fledged! LOL!

Chrissy Beahan said...

I could tell you an awful lot about TIGER darling but I dont want to sound a bitch, he and I go a long way way back and no he isnt the res expert at all he just likes to think he is, if you want me to FULLY explain I will but its a very long nasty story thats why I and all the Rest of the Mother Hens cut our selves off from him 14 months ago, quite an unsavory person indeed .
please dont think badly of me but when I here his name I get the creeps up and down my spine you know.
SORRY to be so blunt but I think any site that we join she be about all the wildlife and hopefully making new friendships and nothing else, we are here to inform and entertain and learn, and in the bargain become friends
I hope that helps my new friend.
I would stay clear of the TIGER issue with DLT though she wont be a diplomatic as I am. you see.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I am back now. I laid back down and went back to sleep for a little while, then woke up again and watched some TV.

My order from Glo's Cafe Press is I think on its way maybe today. It arrived in Princeton this at 5:39 a.m. and got the destination scan at 7 a.m. so hopefully it will be here today!! I HOPE, I HOPE!!

Anonymous said...

CHRISSY Gotcha, Babe, I can read between the lines. LOL! I rarely read the blogs and almost never post, just like watching the nest, and he seems a bit of a no-it-all, if you get my drift. Some one did post this a.m. that they were glad the blog was back to normal, and I did ask, what did they mean by normal and got no response.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Chrissy. Thanks for the warning, then we won't go there with dltuk. Hope all is well with everybody. I have to do overtime today but I DON'T WANT TO!! But oh well, Sunday is vacation -- I am off from 8/6 through 8/14. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Lookin good, SHARON

Chrissy Beahan said...


I have double pertunias lvely cerise ones with such a wonderful sent, I have them in hanging baskets hanging down from the top of my garden fence and at night when we sit out,[with a bottle or two of good wine] and we just take in this wonderful sight and sent, even the cats love then, thank god they can't reach them or they might just become kitty salad. I had, well still have a masive Peris shrub in a large pot, and when the bell flowers come out, well let me tell you I have a daily fight to keep them off it, the little horrors.


Anonymous said...

CHRISSY Sounds wonderful...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The thing I love the most about this blog is we don't have any body trying to control things. Every now and then feathers have gotten a little ruffled (pardon the pun) but quickly smoothed over. I would not have stuck around if this hadn't been such a loving and caring and fun atmosphere!! Eagle Momsters rule!! and dadsters too!

Anonymous said...

CHRISSY LOL!!! You sure put tiger in his place....

Anonymous said...

Neither would I have stayed around, SHARON. They had terrible fights out in BC eagle blog. I don't need to be fighting with people on a blog. This has been a very pleasant experience.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


glo said...

Hi to Chrissy and the UK

Wow I just pull of the dead blooms on my petunias too. Is that wrong?

Sharon Put on the coffee your mug is just around the corner !!! Well maybe...My guess is today.

I sure hope you have a ownderful time at Band camp. My guess is we are going to miss you more than you are going to miss us.

Time for Breakfast and then a little work this morning. I'll check back in later.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Sorry pet I did see that you had asked what NORMAL was and I dont think you will get an answer,, they dont seem to like new posters over there and I dont think I will, unless someone gets my back up will post again, but I do love trying to unruffle TIGER , he thinks as you have said is the worlds expert on all nature, you should hear him on the space flights and the planets to


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, don't be so sure about the missing thing. You all are just like my family now. I will be missing you lots. I bet the band moms will get more information about our eagles than they ever wanted!!! Plus, I will have my mug to show them pictures of them!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

D - the random acts of kindness has nothing to do with Tiger!! Tell it like you want to. You are free to do that!!

Anonymous said...

DLTUK Had really formed my own opinion of him in the few things I've seen posted. Some people semm to kiss his blog, and treat him like some icon. Your right, think his gets all his info from Goggle and other sites that have real experts, like Lisa at Blackwater Refuge in Cambridge, Maryland.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, I can sound just like an expert at everything if I have google handy!!

Anonymous said...

Please,DLTUK I adore your honesty!

Anonymous said...

I can sound like a darn PHD, if I use Goggle..

Anonymous said...

LOL!! Now there is an expert on birds!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

D- I have red-tailed hawks here and I have been afraid of them plucking birds off my roof (which is where I feed my birds) but Bird Girl said they mostly like rodents. I have so many mourning doves and sparrows and cardinals, etc. Don't want to see them get hurt!

Chrissy Beahan said...


You know girl this site is so like ours on MSN, we look after one another help with problems and hope we can make everyones day just that little lighter, we try to make each and everyone laugh and have fun, but we do swear a lot and csll one another to the hilt but that is all in jest and we all know that its the English way you see and we have formed such a tight bond that if one of our girls doesnt come on for a while we are E-Mailing them with cards and asking if we can help with chat to lighten there burdon of the moment, and I see the same here, arnt we women wonderful, God bles us one and all !!!!!


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Has anybody seen Geula's pig yet? So cute.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

D and Chrissy, just have to tell you that I was watching Colin this morning on Bridget Jones. I just love him. I liked him in Love Actually and What a Girl Wants. I just love chic flics and that is just about all I watch.

Hear the hawks out here again. Going to go try to see them!

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys!

Haven't been arond much lately. We had a death in the family and spent a week in Columbus Ohio. (actually drove all the way through WVA on the way, but saw no Eagles.....sigh....) then vacation, now work....blah,blah,blah...

I'm feeling sorta empty these days. Our babies have gone on with their life and then I come back to find out that Hugo, my other baby, had died. How tragic and devastating. Can't seem to "get involed" with any of the other sites you gals...and guys....chat about except the pandas, and I can't even see them today.....oh well.

sorry, just feeling a little blue today.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Flippin ekk girls,
WHAT is D like she makes me sound so goody goody, and her so bad, but let me tell you she is a brick, when you need her she is there no matter what is going wrong in her life, she always puts that on hold, dont let her deceive you she is a darling.



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good to hear from you Sandy. I just like watching eagle cams and even those are mostly empty anymore. Glad you are back, not glad you are blue.

Did you drive through Bluefield by any chance?

Anonymous said...

SANDY Sorry for you loss. Will give you a group ((((HUG)))). Take care!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Chrissy and D - I think you both are wonderful additions to our family here!! Glad you made it here!

movin said...

Good morning, Everybody...

I see beakspeak.com is working again, but they have no listing at the top of nests with chicks anymore. And except for some recent fledglings and the possibility of Peregrines in Brisbane, the season seems to be winding down.

I got my Eagle Buddies mug yesterday...thanks much, Glo, it's beautiful.

I'm back to work...glad I took the week off, things look better now.

Speaking of work, I've got to get ready to do that now...have a great day.


Anonymous said...

CHRISSY AND DLTUK You are both darlings and I'm sooo glad that you joined us:):)

floralgirl said...

Don't worry CAB,you're not stepping on my toes,although it would be easy to do as I rarely wear shoes this time of year.Sounds like everyone knows how to dead head their petunias.Really the only time you need to go further than the spent bloom is if the plant is getting really leggy,then trimming back the branch a little can help.Thanks for the garden compliments,Dlt,keeping a large garden is a full time job,if I didn't grow flowers for an income,my garden wouldn't look like it does.Oh,and I'm not showing the weeds,and believe me,every garden has some.

Anonymous said...

GEEZ SHARON Sounds like we posted that one together.

floralgirl said...

Hi ,Sandy,Sorry for your loss, hope you are doing better soon.I miss watching our eagles every day ,too.

Chrissy Beahan said...

I know you dont know me as I'm a new member from England.
May I offer my most sincerest condolence's for your loss, all I can say to you at this very sad time is, and I know it wont help at the moment because you feel so raw, but time is a great heeler and you will be left with memories you can look back on with a smile, but not yet, please dont get to down, it will lessen over time and you eill be able to function properly again soon,
my thought are with you and your family, draw them close at this time and you will all feel comforted together.
I hope I hav'nt been to personal, as the stranger I am.
God Bless


Anonymous said...

Thanks friends! I'll be fine. Just missing all my feathered friends, especially Hugo.

Sharon, yep, straight up I-77. Didn't you see me wave?? Bluefield isn't much more than an hour from me ya know...

Anonymous said...

DLTUK We were all VERY upset about HUGO here also. Such a mighty little one, he has a very special place in my heart.

Anonymous said...

so, is there anything to watch other than those nutty pandas?

Anonymous said...

JO AND SHARON Are you lurking somewhere? Anybody here from NILLA?

Anonymous said...

SANDY There are some eaglets up in Maine. SHARON AND GLO have the addresses.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Waiting for Wednesday update from the Atlanta Zoo on Lun Lun, they are still checking to see if she is preggies.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Did I make it to 200?

Anonymous said...

I was right in the middle of my post to you DLT and the damn blog dissappeared.

Chrissy Beahan said...

You leave my darling Mai and Tai alone, they have been my babies for many years well Mai and Tain have and now little Tai to, only kidding girl.
More URLS for you :::::
San Diego Zoo
you can see loads of live cams there
http://www.sandiegozoo.org/zoo/ec panda station.html

Monterey Bay Aquarium
you csn sse laods of stuff there to Otters all sea life and there are links if you double click on any of the cam screens.
http://www.mbaq.org/efc/efc otter/otter cam osp

hundreds of bird sites all over the world, just pick and your off

I hope that gives you something to play with, Enjoy and have fun.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to thank all the eagles for helping me achieve this timely award. I would be nothing without you. And to the GREAT ALMIGHTY, thanks for being the wind beneath my wings. I did make # 800 a few weeks ago.

glo said...

Jim Thanks for putting on here that you got your mug and that You like it That is always good to hear!!!

Off to bulk mail now...Hot hot here. Oh guess that isn't a surprise.

Stay Cool and safe everyone ((((Sandy))))

Anonymous said...

SUZANNE LOL!!! I'm typing as fast as my 2 fingers will let me. Don't forget I'm not a computer expert. I just use the computer to surf and shop and e-mail family and friends. Anything tecnical...don't know it.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Did you cry and were you suitably greatful.
May your wings always have wind beneath them pet,be free and happy and healthy,

Right will be off for a little while, going to feed my face, and stop my wind from rumbleing now !!!!!!


If you look above at the SANDY post
I have sent some URLS for you all to look at they are great if you dont have them already.
and the Monterey Bay site is great, if you click on the Bat itself you can see early morning lovers who think they arnt being WATCHED looking out to sea and canoodleing

Anonymous said...

Sniff Sniff!!!! :):):)I'm sooooo happy!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi again everyone!! (smile) Been vacationing around to different sites. Love the eagles at Maine aww gives me my eagle fix.
Sandyvery sorry for you lose.
Sandy you said you drove through WVA did you take Interstate 81?
GloI couldn't take it anymore took the pens and papers out of my mug and had my coffee in it this morning...that mug with our eagles and eaglets sure makes the coffee taste better.
Hi UK Gals I post sometimes at Washington State Osprey site. Don't care what they think. I post and enjoy the Osprey.

wvgal_dana said...

Blackwater nest empty. Lil Smurf is out flying around.
Mitswatch that traffic.

Anonymous said...

CHRISSY AND DLT Mei Xiang and Tian Tian came to Washington D.C. when they were 2 yrs old back in December of 2000, went to see them in March of 2001. Mei stayed up by the den's fence and slept and Tian stood on the grotto and watched everyone watching him. He is a ham! Saw Tai Shan this past January, when he was still a "CUB IN THE TUB. It was a cold blustery day, and my 2 sisters and brother-in-law stood there for two and a half hours just watching the pandas. It was great!

Anonymous said...

I hope we get to see that, that bird will take off like a bat out of h---!

wvgal_dana said...

Somebody is "going to a wedding in the chapel of love", and later a first time Grandmother. Wonder who in here it is (((smile)))

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne which Osprey nest is black birds in?

Anonymous said...

WESTVAGAL Just got an e-mail from my daughter-in-law. Doctor appt. yesterday went well. BabyKalis's head is down in the birthing position. Says she can't cross her legs anymore, said she should have done that 9 months ago. Just kidding, we are all soooo excited.

Anonymous said...

Showed the blackbird who was in charge.

Mema Jo said...

Good Late Morning to all my Eagle Buddies. Chrissy & DLT: I have so much enjoyed your being on here! Don't you even think you would need to change any of your ways - you are like a breath of fresh air! With our eagle family done for the season--we all sure needed an uplifting - and you have given that to us!
Sandy & Sharon If GLO is going to travel 4 hrs to meet up with Vicky-IL, a 1.5 hr drive for you two to meet up sounds pretty darn good so that you can get yourselves into NCTC this coming year! Doesn't that sound like a plan?
What time are you headed up the road, MITS. Hope you don't run into any construction & that your AC is working in your car.
Floral Girl I love your sunflower pic & the worm was really a beautiful green.
Someone needs to ask GEULA to post a pic of the donkey!
Suzanne I missed you! Pizza was great but Tony's didn't have the AC down low enough for me-guess it was the heat from the ovens.
Everyone stay COOL as possible today. I just know our kids are down at the river eating fish!

Mema Jo said...

What's that I hear
Maybe an August baby!
You said your son was early - right?

Oh, My aren't you sooooooooo excited!
You won't want to come back down to the ocean for fear of missing the great event!

I am getting excited for you, gal!

Anonymous said...

Thanks guys. My mother-in-law passed away rather suddenly 2 weeks ago. I appreciate all your hugs and kind words.

Thanks for the sites. I wasn't dissing the pandas, they're cute, but I need feathers too.

My grandparents lived in Monterey. I have visited the acquarium there many times. I'll check out the cams there later.

I drove straight up 77 to 33 in Ohio, but we have used 81 before too.

Gotta run. BBL

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, hearty welcome and "nice to meet ya" to you new guys from across the pond!

Anonymous said...

I'm very lucky, D I only live 5 miles from the zoo, but as usual don't take enough time to enjoy D.C. and its many sites. You should come, contact your beautiful embassy over here in D.C. and maybe they could get you a special visit.

Anonymous said...

Daughter-in-law said he did not say if it would be early, MTBR at internal exam next week. Yes ,JO Son was 3 and a half weeks early. Still planning to come back down on Sunday. A freind from Bethesda is coming to visit for a few days.JO Are you coming down sometime this month, maybe you could cordinate and come down if NILLA comes down.

Anonymous said...

Dreams can come true, D.

wvgal_dana said...

mema jo Have you ever ate pizza at Ci Ci's there is one in Winchester and one near Valley Mall Hagerstown (that's where we go). Good pizza buffet and you can even order the kind you want. They fix it and bring to your table same price as buffet.

Anonymous said...

CUTE ALERT!!!!!!!! There is a wading pool inside the panda den!!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne The Catoctin Zoo has 3 baby tigers. They were feeding the littlest one & I think he is now doing well. My daughter visited and fell in love with them.
Vicky-wvagal Didn't know about Ci Ci's. Valley Mall is close by - don't know if I can get my hubby to try it - he is sold on Tony's!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! That was soooo cute Tai was jumping in and out of the baby pool.

Just Vicky said...

You can have CiCi's! I didn't like the cardboard crust! But now their marinara sauce (SP?) and the alfredo sauce are excellent!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I wish somebody would put a wading pool in Sharon's den!! It is so hot here already. Desktop Weather says 85 but feels more like 100.

I went out to check out the hawks this morning and there were 8 of them circling overhead. Don't know what they were looking for but they were certainly exploring.

Sandy, where did you say you lived? Mema Jo is right, maybe we could meet up for a trip north sometime!

Mits, did you say you were going to have a grandbaby? Well that is fantastic news. How come you have been holding out on us about it? :):):)

I can't get the Maine cam to come up. Can anybody else?

Mema Jo said...

Pandas: Whoops! dumb old milk crate!
Laughing at Tai - he just doesn't know what to get into today! Just sitting in his pool! Love Him!!!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...