Thursday, August 10, 2006

Thursday August 10

Rainy morning thread.


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wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Steven Thanks for the New Thread Take Care

glo said...

Good morning all. Rainy and very stormy here too. Will be shutting down but wanted to check in and wish all of you and "our eagle family" a really nice day. I am off to work for a few hours.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Glo tc see you later don't work too hard.

floralgirl said...

Hey Wva Vicky and Glo-Suzanne-Washington Monument state park is up at the top of South Mtn.IF you turn left off rt 40 at the road across form the South Mtn Inn-MOnument RD-it takes you back to the park.The park has the first monument in the US built and dedicated to George Washington.You hike up a trail to the stone tower,and you can go up in it-it isn't huge but the view is unbelievable.It is in the migratory flyway path.The Appalachian trail passes right by the tower.Beautiful park.They hold bird counts anually from there when the migratory season is in full swing.

wvgal_dana said...

Floralgirl I used to left off Sharpsburg Pike.
Do you know where the Bible Battlefild church is?

floralgirl said...

HAd to step out to cut some flowers for a minute,Suzanne.Starting to drizzle here.At the park,the Tower is 34 feet tall-(made of stone-quite beautiful,)you climb steps to get to the top-built in 1827 by the citizens of Boonsboro

floralgirl said...

Sounds familiar Vicky-not sure-I take the Sharpsburg Pike all the time.

wvgal_dana said...

Leaving Hagerstown going onto Sharpsburg Pike you go through Fairplay alittle more and on the left is a brick church called Battlefield Bible (typed it wrong before sorry) just after that on left is a development called Antietam Manor Development.

wvgal_dana said...

dang it is all on the right sorry again

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Suzanne
Great minds think alike; just yesterday I looked up on the computer to find out where Hawk Mountain Santuacy is. Wondering if huband and I could make the drive. Alittle too far for us. Boy the report they gave sure sounded like that is a place of my dreams.
Raining here also nice.

wvgal_dana said...

They will start showing I think around August 15th the start of migration for Hawk Mountain. A count of how many I think in a day and what kind come through. I'm going to keep a watch on the report from Hawk Mountain.

movin said...

Good morning, All...

We have fog in Southern Cal this rain.

Sounds like you are in for some drama back East though.

Keep warm...remember the heat wave,
Have a good day,

floralgirl said...

Okay Vicky I know where you mean-driven by it a thousand times,just wasn't sure of the name.I have wanted to go to Hawk Mtn for years to,never made it yet-Boonsboro is nice cause it's close-and they have spotted many eagles and lots of other raptors from there-late Aug into Sept.I don't want to complain,but once again that rain went right underneath me and I only got a little drizzle.So As I go outside to turn on the hoses if you are within a 30 mile radius you might want to close your windows as I may be swearing very loudly!BRB

wvgal_dana said...

Blackwater only black crows in there.
Connt. can see it's not a smurf but a blue Teddy Bear hummmm Lil Bear instead of Lil Smurf. Anyhow Mom or Dad brought a fish in earlier and ate it themselves. Lil Bear snuck over but didn't force trying to take it. Now parent is in again with another fish. Lil Bear is over to the far other side of nest only see his shadow moving. He is not trying to move to take the fish. Hummmm

wvgal_dana said...

The South Mountain Inn she is talking about. Is where right after I married 1st husband on a Thursday Aug. 8th, 1988. All of his family that had moved to Baltimore couldn't make the wedding. So we decided to travel to them on Friday. Arranged where we stopped at South Mountain Inn on way to have our day after wedding Dinner. I can remember because the plates where so hot from the Porterhouse Steaks they held a big white napkin in front of me before putting the plate down. Crazy thing you remember lol

floralgirl said...

Yes,I have arranged flowers for several weddings that were held at South Mtn.People get married in the Dalgren Chapel-a tiny little chapel across form the Inn.Very old and beautiful.The Inn sits right at the top of South MTn.on Alt. 40 leaving Boonsboro headed to Middletown.The road to the monument is directly across from it.There are signs.

movin said...

Hi again
Just reading the 'mornings' on other thread...

Don't want to disillusion you, but the Mars thingy will not happen this year...the e-mail is 2-3 yrs. old. Check it out on or do a Google search.

I did the same thing last year.


floralgirl said...

Thanks Jim-just went to Snopes.Remember in 2003 when Mars did pass so close to the earth-we looked at it every nite-and Ithought they said it wouldn't happen again for many years.Hadn't heard about it this time until my daughter mentioned it.

movin said...

Suzanne, I have heard of the high frequency device for cars, but I also have never talked to anyone who used one.....

The horn gives them another important reference and will help them out of the 'frozen state' you see them in when it's just headlights.


wvgal_dana said...

Oh I finally got to see the ducks they kept talking about. Swimming around the Osprey nest over at Washington State where I also watch the Osprey chicks. lol so cute.

wvgal_dana said...

Floralgirl do you live anywhere close by where I was describing?

floralgirl said...

Yes,Vicky,that church is about 15 minutes from my house.If you came towards Sharpsburg,I'm about 5 minutes on the other side of town.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,
Forgive me for not being on for a while, I've not been to good, I have good and bad days with this ME from time to time, so at the moment its got a real hold.

Other news, the UK seems to at a standstill at the moment with this new terrorist plot at all our airports, seems to be a country wide shut down, the bbc news so far says that Scotland Yard and the Security Services have arrested 21 people so far most of them in London and 2 in Birmingham, which is a little close for comfort for me as I live near Birmingham, the Police hav'nt yet said if they have impounded all the explosives but I think that would go without saying if they have made arrests.
One of my Mother Hens has her husband stuck out in Zurich, he was supposed to be flying back this morning, so she is getting a little worried [Louise] at this time.
It has taken me a while to get onto the internet today, well I think that is self explainatory at the moment so I'm chatting to you while I can, and giveing you all the British news from our perspective.
Otherwise life goes on as so called normal, I'll keep you all updated, please pass the news on to all the others, as a just in case I can't get back on again.


Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi pet,
don't be silly girl, your ok about saying sorry, you really dont have to, your so kind.
Well, just listened to the news update and nothing new as yet, but as I said will keep you all posted, if I cant get back later on,,,, will you please pass all the UK news on to the others for me, I would be greatful.


floralgirl said...

Hello Chrissy and Doreen- thinking of you this morning-glad you are okay.Scary news this morning for everyone.Sounds like this would have been a very deadly attack had it been carried out.Scary world we live in-too many crazies willing to hurt others to get their message out.Part of everyday life anymore-sad how violent the world is.Take care -

Chrissy Beahan said...


While I'm on pet, its dinner time here so will take the chance and go and eat, hope to be back,, say she who is hopeing all the internet connection will still be here when I get back.
They are now saying that trans-Atlantic flights are on Red alert to and they have foiled a plot, that has come to the fore about all the explosives being hidden in drinks cans, well thats a new one isnt it, need a lot of drink cans to blow up an aircraft I think, well what do I know I'm an Egyptologist not an aircraft engineer.
Speak soon I hope, take care, love to all.


Mema Jo said...

Well I can't say goodmorning as I am very late today so Hi! Eagle Buddies.
Chrissy & D You're darn right that our prayers are going be coming at you. Thank God we did hear from Geula yesterday & she is still safe. I don't think anyone of us can rely on our tomorrows being peaceful. Please stay in touch as long as you can. We will be worried and concerned.

Glad to read all the talk about my stomping grounds on US40 Alt. I love the Inn and the Chapel and the monument at the Park. That's what I meant when I said the other day driving to RedByrd that 'I love my mountain drive!' I'm good driving on all those curves as long as the other guy stays on his side of the road.
I need to read the other thread to see what I missed. No rain to even give credit to here - must have been just a bucketfull if that. I think I have lost most of my potted plants.
Oh,yes, I remember going out on my deck every night a few years back to see beautiful close. BBL

Mema Jo said...

Oh, I forgot. My daughter is wanting to take me up to Hawk Mountain in Oct. They have a good web site.
Suzanne When you leave your haircut, continue on USRT40 alt out of Boonsboro (main street headed east) & you'll make a left onto the road of the park. It is very well marked. Take a picnic lunch...make a day of it!

Chrissy Beahan said...


Thanks pet for your kind wishes, its so good to be able to chat all this out really, but cant really understand the devistation the you all in the USA have suffered over 9-11, but if these as we call them NUTTERS think that the Western World is going to lie back and let them do this to decent people like you and us well I think that they will be in for a shock, dont you, pity women don't have the power in all the western governments.
Now I don't normally involve myself in politics, but situation like tend to make get involved, dont they.
Thanks once again for all your good wishes and your prayers, bless you loads.
Speak soon.

Just Vicky said...

Speaking of "eagle dreams" I actually did dream eagle dreams last night! I was getting directions for "nest on the way to St. Louis!" Go figure gals, beats me where that would be but I was told in my dream to head to St. Louis!

Just Vicky said...

Of course up to the time I went to bed I was researching the eagle migration in Alaska so maybe that contributed to the dream!

Just Vicky said...

Ok, I can handle this, talking to myself, do it all the time!

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon All,
Hope everyone is well today, been kinda quiet. I have been busy at work.

Speaking of dreams, I had a dream the other night that my legs were really hairy! (hmmm, wonder why i dreampt that!)

Hope that is a good laugh for someone!

paula eagleholic said...

MT nests everywhere, Maine, CT, Blackwater, LI, BC who knows, can' ever get on there!

Mema Jo said...

Hairy legs - oh, my!
Hi Paula & Vicky-Il
Just got back from a quick trip inbetween showers to the post office. I'll be so thankful when my grandson gets home safely from Afghanistan.
Hope you two are staying busy at work - makes your work day go faster.
I had to check the panda cam first thing this morning to see that Tai didn't fall off the ledge where he was sleeping last night into the tunnel/cubbyhole/grotto - whatever it's called. I don't see any limping this morning as he is troting all around the place outside. My cam for the animal planet has been giving me that dreadful message for the real player like we used to get! I'm just remembering how that felt-when we couldn't see our eagles.

Just Vicky said...

Maybe Paula needs my can of wax???

floralgirl said...

Hey Jo (everytime I type that I start humming a Jimi Hendrix song in my head)Vicky-Il and Paula!! Jo- when is your Grandson due back from Afghanistan?

Mema Jo said...

I wouldn't give that can to my worst enemy! LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Hi, Floralgirl, Jo and Vicky!

Nice to know there is still life on the ol' blog!

Where's Nilla?

Mema Jo said...

Patrick should be home for a few weeks in November for his R&R. Then back he goes - Probably won't be home until 2007..the bad thing when they deployed from Ft Drum NY was that they were told they were the last unit to go ther & they may need to stay longer then the 1 year. That's the ARMY for you. Patrick is a very dedicated guy but it has to be hard when you leave your wife & 4 yr old. They were my NY gals that visited last week. Samantha told me the day before they were to leave to go home that "My mommie & me are going back to NY - BUT I want to stay in MD" Love my little brown eyed gal soooooooooooooo much!

paula eagleholic said...

Aha, Osprey in the nest at Blackwater... so there is still life on the cams!

Mema Jo said...

So which Jim Hendrix song are you humming? I bet I could hum along with you.

Not certain where NILLA or MITS are.
Hope Nilla doesn't still have that headache - Wonder if Mits got an urgent call to come home for Baby Kalis.....?

floralgirl said...

You know the one Jo-it goes...Hey Jo,where you going with that turtle shell in your hand? or something like that .Bet you will be so glad to see Patrick in Nov.-I will be keeping in my thoguhts.Hard on all these families who are apart for so long.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle Alert!

Eaglet in the Maine nest!

belle_wv said...

Hi everyone,

Just catching up on the blogs - I had to run out the door to the dentist this morning in a rush - forgot about the appointment and they called 5 minutes after I was supposed to be in the chair - how embarrassing. Now I've got a sore mouth - yippee...

Watched the MSNBC go over and over and over the horrible scare about the liquids for bombs thing - couldn't hear the sound though. What will those SICK NUTTERS (I like that Nutters term) think of next - it is so frustrating that they can cause such disruption, which of course is exactly what they want - all this fear and upheaval. I'm very glad they didn't get their ultimate wish of having all those planes blow up - oh how horrid that'd have been. Why can't we call get along the whole world over like we do here in blog land?

Mema Jo said...

Eagle in ME All gone !

Mema Jo said...

Amen to you wish, Belle.
Individually we each do our own
small part in hopes of changing this
world. No matter how small it is - it will count for something in our
children's future.
I have a grandson to be married in 2007 and his mother (my daughter) asked him about their thoughts on having children... With the Global Warming - they didn't really wish to bring new life into this world.
It saddens my heart to hear our young people's ideas concerning this world today.

paula eagleholic said...

Hope you got your look, cuz he's gone now!

belle_wv said...

Oh Jo - that is so sad. I can't imagine not having my children. I surely hope my children grow up and decide the world is a safe and viable place to have children in, as well. I can't imagine my children not experiencing the joy of parenting and I certainly want to be a GRAMMA DELUX! Speakin of gramma - you think MITS has gotten the call? Oh that would be such happy exciting news to perk things up..

Got an email from my daughter - seems she has her first 'official' boyfriend' - she's lamenting the idea of a 'long distance relationship' - Don't tell her, but I couldn't help laughing at that.. all of 14 and worryin about keeping her romance going -

hmmm better not be becomin a gramma too soon - now that she's thinkin boyfriend thoughts

Mema Jo said...

Oh, Belle, you're about to enter the world of young romance. Handle it well - just remember that relationships don't last too long & then new ones begin. Just stick to your guns about the rules for dating and keep an eye on the telephone bill!

Mema Jo said...

Well, I guess Sharon has an almost full week of the band camp. I bet she will have some good stories to tell. She's over the hump day and into the short stretch to come home.
I'm sure she knows the blog has missed her and welcomes her return. I think she has had the best of two worlds - being with her son and then being with all of us!

belle_wv said...

That sounds like the voice of sage and oft-tested wisdom-- Thanks I need all the help I can get!

Mema Jo said...

I need some time to send out birthday cards for the month - August hits big time... birthdays and anniversarys...

wvgal_dana said...

Well Mema Jo that sure is a topic "global warming" that is just why my daughter Oct. age 25 married 4 yrs is wondering if she should bring children into this world sad isn't it that they have to think of this.

Oh yes I changed my picture after 2 days of working on it. Whew

Mema Jo said...

Picture is so cute - reminds you to take time to smell the flowers!
I still haven't tried again to get the picture up that I wanted. I really like that kitten!

Yep! My grandson is 27 - I guess that generation does have a lot of concerns. But it is so sad because he is an only child but dearly loves all the kids his cousins have. He is so great with kids and so much love to give.

wvgal_dana said...

That's my daughter and her husband he is 28 and they love kids.


wvgal_dana said...

Sharon's time is about up...
Bet she will have alot to tell us lol.
Sharon an early HI WELCOME BACK !!!

Mits and Nilla where are you today?

Somepeople just forget their dedication to us here lol (kidding)

Mema Jo said...

There must be a new camera guy on the panda's cam on FONZ. He keeps losing track of Tai..

Frieda has her tailend to us. Still only word of 3 eggs per the Forum.

Mema Jo said...

When Nilla and Mits don't show it gets me worried as to what is going on that they can't show. Just like when Geula is a no show - They always have good reasons - it's just we don't know about it till it's over.

wvgal_dana said...

I know earlier in Panda site the camera guy finally found cub up tree. I was thinking wow how long is this going to take.
Oh well maybe it's a new welcomed job for him.
I sent Frieda's link to a lady in Pa. that loved watching the Harrisburg Falcon's. So I'm waiting to hear her excitement about watching these.

wvgal_dana said...

When was Nilla going to Ocean City?

Mema Jo said...

Yep! I really like that kitten I have 2 cats - one must be 19 years old and the other was a stray that my hubby coaxed into the house & now he is the most loveable pet we've ever had. Always been a cat lover - but I do love my one daughter little dog.

wvgal_dana said...

Well hate to leave you Mema Jo but starting dinner is calling me; well the husband say's he's hungry means the same thing lol
My kitten (pic) chanced my bird (pic) away hee hee

Mema Jo said...

I guess I'm not certain of the time that Nilla was going to OC - Maybe you're right that it's soon but I don't think it was this Tursday.
I sent an email to both of them but no reply yet.
If they are together down there out eating crabs & we don't know about it - big trouble!

Mema Jo said...

Talk with you later - Dinner time here also. BBL

NillaWafer said...

I only wish i was at the beach with Thelma drinking afew cold ones n eating hot steamed crabs along the water... No alot of UPS boxes today and busy putting them away.. Still dont feel ok last night went home and str8t and crawled into bed..Thank God i am off now til Monday.. I know i mean to answer somethings but these headaches take atoll on my memory after those TIA's sorry.. To my UK Gals love ya both and please take care!!! Ms G you stay safe over there in Isreal.. each of you please keep in touch. Lee Greenwood singer was at the fair last night and i didnt even go see him. What ever it was i wanted to say i will remember when the fog So stay tuned girls...

NillaWafer said...

I know nowwwwwwwww Who is the Egyptologist ?????? Oh i love that stuff watch all the shows about new tomb openings and findings.. CAB was it you or DLT?? Now you telling me that just might come over there to Do they have boats that go there? I sure as hell aint flying with whats going on over there...

belle_wv said...


How's your b/p? You prolly need to get to the dr. My aunt has a history of TIA's and her headaches when they go on for more than a day straight warrant trip to the dr for a check over. Could be the headache is from craning your neck to look up for the eaglets every time you set foot outdoors??

Hope you're feeling better soon.

belle_wv said...

Yeah I saw that little blurb about Chrissy bein an egyptologist - sounds so fascinating! Does that mean you study the antiquities brought back? Or do you also go on the archaeological expeditions?

NillaWafer said...

Hi Belle, I dont know but i use Google Earth and travel to Eygpt to see the pyrimid's n stuff.. Just love it being a National Geographic nut.. I know about the b/p beleive me for some reason mine has dropped to what it normally is and my arms are weak.. See if i go to ER they will keep me always do, then whatcha going to do with out me?lol Dont know who gave that idiot a license to drive the panda cam but he needs them Tai just came in looked like some kind of box Pizza?? He drug it into the cubby hole playing.. I promise i will go to ER if i feel worse and the headache stay.

Mema Jo said...

You best better keep that promise NILLA my friend. I've been concerned not hearing from you. Get some rest now that you're off work for the next couple days.
Have you heard from Mits Like an email or anything? She's probably resting up from the company & the Marlin Fishin'.

Mema Jo said...

But you never know when the Baby Kalis is a comin' as to why we haven't heard from Mits. When Baby does come she will be so excited. I can't wait for it to happen just to see how long it takes her to remember to give us a full report...............TeeHee
I am about to complain about that camerman/woman with the pandas. All day long he has not been able to keep up with them.

floralgirl said...

Nilla-I hope you feel better ,you should go see a Dr. if you don't. Don't worry about us if you need to go to the ER, I'm sure you can talk some cute doctor into letting you use his computer.

wvgal_dana said...

Doctor here when was the last time you had a TIA ???

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla I ask because sister-in-law in Pa. had them. They did do some kind of test to make sure everything was ok. Which it was.
They put her on Plavix (I think that is spelling).
If you want I can call her later and ask her for sure what medicine did they put her on that stopped the headaches and the TIA's.
Just let me know Nilla ok.

BBL will check Nilla to see if you have a reply.

Mema Jo said...

Hubby had a very minor TIA - he is now on Plavix. Maybe I am surprised as to why your Dr didn't prescribe it for you, Nilla. It is a blood thinner & can be prescribed by any type physician.

Mema Jo said...

I'll return later - company coming. My son and he is bringing my 18 mo great-granddaughter with him. She is a little corker!

NillaWafer said...

Last TIA was in 2003 i was living in Florida.. Ok doc i have malignant blood pressure, cant get it under control.. Normally runs any where from 190/112 and up but recently been dropping and when it drops below 140/100 i get sick. Took last night and was 172/124 then it dropped to 140/89 goes up and down like a yo yo.. Had high B/P since 1969 and daughter was brought on because of it.. Your gona laugh but i actually had the 1st TIA at the Martinsburg Mall had just got up to sing karaoke.. Boom shot gun went off in my head.. what drives me crazy is the ringin in my right ear, like smoke alarm going off 99% of the time.. Geee I will be fine, and if i do go to ER you will know as i have left instructions for daughter to tell ya'll ... Now lets have soon bloggin n yackin..

NillaWafer said...

Well this blog was down for fixing up and cleaning .. Talked to Jo afew could hear her great daughter in theback Was an Eagle in the BC nest for along time even a aparent flew in with food.. It sure did eat alot musta been Lil.. Feeling better..

NillaWafer said...

Looks like its a big turtle that the parent had brought in see the colored thing at top of nest?? Looks kind of orange on my screen..

Just Vicky said...

Seems Nilla is talking to herself!
Been there and done that Nilla!
Sure glad you are feeling better!
Scary things I've been reading about those TIAs!!

wvgal_dana said...

Boy a turtle Nilla Jo will be heading for Sidney....put a rope on her. That way we can keep track of our turtle shell picker.

NillaWafer said...

Yeah i am trying to keep my mind off things.. Jo said if i didnt go to ER she was coming to kick my Let me tell you they arent much fun lossing your thoughts and speach. forgetting to swollow and dribblin...I have abibby with my name on it.. I have came a very long way but still have those times when i go completely blank.. So did you see the eagle in BC nest?????

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla you got #100 and I'm sending you all the cans of wax I have. Your welcome.
No eagle in BC now

wvgal_dana said...

Do you have a regular doctor you go to for that?

Congtrs on the #100 winner

Just Vicky said...

Wow, I bet I experienced something close to that a few weeks ago. I was leaving my son's house to drive 200 miles home and I started down his road and I got completely blank and did NOT know where I was. Lasted for a minute or so.

wvgal_dana said...

I did that before had a terrible time finding my way back home in car. Got there and looked through my friends phone list. Called my friend and said to her,"What the ---is my name, address, and where does my daughter go to school and where does my husband work?" What she said. I told her. She told me and I wrote it down and pinned it to my coat. Then went back out looking for our bank....that wasn't a good day.

NillaWafer said...

I havent had any problems since returning from Florida so no dont have reg doctor but daughter is calling hers in Winchester and getting me in. I lost over 100 lbs after returning from Fla and now i put alot back on weight has always been aproblem have moms hips n Oh n Puppies.. I know its empty now but ws looked like same 1 there for awhile this evening.

wvgal_dana said...

Did the camera man finally catch onto where the pandas were?

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla have you seen our babies at all today?
We didn't have to go any place. So wasn't on I-81 today.

NillaWafer said...

Aaaah jest old age creepin up i reckin..Always said i am a canidate for depends and Alzhiemers...

NillaWafer said...

No i came into work at 12 and went to bank around 2:30 and stopped at DQ but no kids.

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky IL don't you have a long drive to work?

NillaWafer said...

Mei Xiang is up walking around dont see dingaling he might be in cubby hole .. She is eating bamboo.

NillaWafer said...

Heck no live less than aminute from store..

NillaWafer said...

Do you know where Pikeside is???

NillaWafer said...

OH my football is on channel 5 Rams & Colts I LOVE FOOTBALL my team plays Sunday Washington Redskinssssss

wvgal_dana said...

Yes I know where Pikeside is.

Redskins should be pretty good this year, I hope. Watch Cooley.
Husbands team is Steelers, I like some of them like Heinz Ward.

NillaWafer said...

I am really concerned about Mits as is Jo, Hope she is ok and gets on line soon.. Colts is ahead.. Yeah i have been a Redskins fan since early 60s but football isnt like the old days when the real hogs was playing.. I hope the chief is better he was ill, he hasnt missed a Redskins game for along time, and they gave him a mobile chair to get around with..

NillaWafer said...

Eagles back in BC nest

NillaWafer said...

1/2 time Colts on top 12---10 Good game The eagle is to the left of the nest behind the leaves resting..

glo said...

Ok Finally got in here. tried earlier..Blogger was down. Finally started to feel better late this afternoon. man I absolutely hate those headaches. had to go in to work and do database stuff didn't help the head much. Came home and took a nap, and tlaked to my son some. That helped. No news on our eagles today I see. No word from Mits Nilla not feelin so good either. and the gal I am thinking about riding like 0 hours iwth says she can go around the block and forget where she's at LOL.

OK I feel much better now.

.I love America's got since I can't watch the eagles, I am going to go watch TV for a while. TTYL

Just Vicky said...

Now Glo, only happened once! I had a very bad day that day. I'll let once go by, but another time and I'll let my kids institutionalize me!

NillaWafer said...

Well i am taking my curser and trying to get that eagle up and moving all you can see is the Hi GloBug hope you get to feeling better also.. Both my arms just ache so and stingin across my upper chest.. Almost time to close so saying good night for now.. See ya'll when i feel better... Hugs Nilla

Just Vicky said...

Nighty nite Nilla!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eagle Buddies----I just read the blog for today-----I have missed talking to you all----but I have been feeling sorry for myself------Close friend's husband died suddenly----but I think I will perk up if I yak w/you all----What is TIA?----NILLA, can you call your Dr.-----is it a migraine----I agree with Jo---take it easy---

Anonymous said...

NILLA-----I know you aren't feeling well-----BUT-----I love the DALLAS COWBOYS-----but I still love you-----

belle_wv said...

Home from running around - Nilla-please go see Dr. I will go with you if you want. Make sure you're drinking some water and maybe a little gatorade to keep your electrolytes happy. Do you take an asprin a day or anything to help?

I know you wanna think happy thoughts and not worry, but you and the rest of us are gonna worry if'n you don't get looked at by a handsome dr.

Just Vicky said...

Hello Norma! Not many here tonight unless they are behind the scenes again! Sorry to hear of your friend's loss. Life has its bumps to say the least!

Just Vicky said...

Norma think eagle thoughts!

Just Vicky said...

ALERT Eagle in BC nest!

belle_wv said...

Hi Norma {{{{{hugs}}}} sorry about your friend's husband passing. That is never easy to take, and when sudden - such a shock to the soul.

TIA - Trans Ischemic Attack - mini-strokes is what they are called. They can be mild or pretty severe, though.

glo said...

.Well America Does have talent But I don't agree with the asact they sent forward to the Finally tonight at all. Oh well next week on Wed is the Finally. They better not win 1 Million for that act...with some of the other competition in there JMHO.

Pretty tired from last night's miserable headache etc. Gonna quit early tonight. Hope everyone rests well and .Nilla.Get yourself to the Dr. Please!!! I think its time for a check up and to tell her/him how you've been feeling.

Will Blog with ya tomorrow

Just Vicky said...

Another one calling it a night! Goodnight Blo Bug!

belle_wv said...

Glo - hope you are feeling better too! {{{{{hugs}}}}

belle_wv said...

Vicky - I can say I've been driving someplace and forgotten which way I need to go to get there... but don't think I've forgotten where I was yet - guess that's something I have to NOT look forward to.. but you're younger & in better shape than me, so not an age/health thing

My worry is the anesthesia next week - I have so many problems remembering things now, and they say every time you're under that you loose more.

floralgirl said...

Hey Vicky,Belle ,Norma! WVa Gal Vicky if you're still here-you got mail! Norma-sorry to hear about your friend's husband.Always hard to deal with loss.Hope Nilla will go see a Dr.,not healthy to have BP fluctuating so much.Sounds serious.We need her healthy so she can seduce her way into NCTC with us close

belle_wv said...

Hi FloralGirl - how's your day? Did you get any rain at all?

Just Vicky said...

Yes we do need our "seducer!" For important person to get us in at any time!

floralgirl said...

Not really Belle-less than one tenth of an inch:(( Spent another day watering.Sooner or later this dry pattern we are stuck in will break-but it's taking its sweet time.We need a real soaking rain badly.

belle_wv said...

We'll get the rain after the growing season is over... then it will just make muck - probably

floralgirl said...

Well,I'm out of here-up early tomorrow to cut flowers.Hubby asleep in front of the football game,if I don't get him to bed he'll sleep in a chair all nite.Talk to you guys later

belle_wv said...

Sweet dreams!

belle_wv said...

Well, I guess Nilla is relaxin and being watched over, so I'm heading to bed and saying some prayers for her. I'll see everyone in the morning.

Good morning to Suzanne - it is Friday - two days with no commute coming up! {{{{hugs}}}}} for all

Just Vicky said...

and then there was 1

Just Vicky said...

Sure won't be any race tonight!

Just Vicky said...

Say goodnight Vicky!

Anonymous said...



Just Vicky said...

Norma, you little sneaker!

Just Vicky said...

I thought I had a conversation with myself and wahhaa laaah Norma appears!

Just Vicky said...

Goodnight Norma Dearest!

Just Vicky said...

No wax winners here tonight!

Just Vicky said...

Oh well, can't resist! Here goes 150

Mema Jo said...


Margaret Patricia Kalis
5 lbs 8 oz 18" length

Mits asked me to tell you that she misses everyone and will get back on as soon as she can. Maggie was due 9/1 but was born on 8/9. There are some complications with Maggie. MITS asks you to pray for Maggie and her parents and her grandparents.

glo said...

Welcome little Maggie Definitely a little eagle watcher for sure. .Congratulations to Grandma, mom and dad

so glad we now know where Mits was. Today for sure Nilla will be letting us know when we can stop worrying about WHEN she is going to go see the DR.

Thanks Suzanne I feel much better this morning!!

Just about off to coffee and treats time here. i will be working at home this morning so will check in a couple of times.

((((Mits and MAggie))) Fun way to start the day.

movin said...


Congratulations to the new grandma, parents and to little Maggie.

Checking nests:
I don't think there will be more Peregrine eggs from Frieda this year...I checked the video from 2005, and they raised 3 last, it has been several days since the last egg was laid, and Frieda doen't have that blank, harried expression anymore.

Not too much action otherwise yet this morning...some eagle nests are still too dark for the cameras....

We were talking about matters celestial yesterday (Mars, moon), and I was reading that this weekend will be great viewing for meteor shower watchers. So perk up your night life....

Have a great Friday-the-first-day-of-the-weekend,


glo said...

OK back from coffee and treats which always includes some bologna or salami. My neighbor spoils my dogs terribly Its a ownder they will eat any dog food at all!!!

Morning Jim, good to hear from you. I hope I remember about the Mars info when I let my dogs out for the last time over the weekend. I don't hink about that usually and would love to see somethng fun happening in the skies be it Mars or Meteors.

Well gonna do a litttle work on here this morning. I'll check back in later.

. I remember reading something abut someone on here was gonna be a grandma Guess it must have been Mits. Too bad she didn't remind us a little more often so we could be sure we aren't missing anything here.

. (((Mits and Maggie)))

Anonymous said...

Just what we all need----GOOD NEWS!
Beautiful MITS is a "Granny"----W/keep Baby Maggie in my prayers---I have 3 girls---so I think they are great, easy to take care of---I have a grandson-He is COOL--but remember 1st time changing diaper---he showered me right in face---then I realized, this one is a little different---I LOVE BABIES--Please keep us up-to-date-----GLO
glad you are feeling better---SUZANNE has the day off---Sorry VICKY-IL---I thought you signed off last night---my computer gave me fits yesterday---I never did get to see Tai, etc---W/pray that NILLA is feeling better----You can't be sick----we all NEED you---you keep us MOVIN'----W/be in & out---many chores today---

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Eagle Buddies - I need a few minutes to read any comment since last evening 0- BRB..........

Anonymous said...

THANKS JIM----Things are looking up for me---- You have told me how to PERK UP MY NIGHT LIFE----LIFE IS GOOD----

Anonymous said...

MEMA JO---I read you were having trouble w/panda cam---I couldn't get in on either cam------Have you heard from the British----We realize life has changed, but so far our daily life hasn't changed----WHAT A MESS---

Mema Jo said...

Well, it took less time to catch up with you then I thought.
So nothing yet from Nilla - Hopefully she is at a DR appointment.
I can see it now - Suzanne wide awake looking at meteor showers at midnight & getting up Sat & going to the Catoctin Zoo to see those growing little white tiger cubs! Anything is possible when you set your mind to it-Just do it, gal
I need to leave for about 3 hrs.
Beautiful weather we're having here in the valley.
Sharon breaks camp today & should be headed home as far as I can remember about her schedule.
Glo Heard you say you're working from home - I ordered some more items from CafePress. I wanted the wall hanging but it said our-of-stock. Thanks again for everything.
Norma Take care with all that running about today but have fun doing it.
Jim thanks for the info on the meteor showers - I'm down in the valley but I can catch one or two happening. Oh to be on a high mountain top to see the showers. I've seen photos & they are unbelieveable!

Anonymous said...

SUZANNE---I must have misread, I thought I read that you had 2 days off-----This may sound crazy--but when I first retired, I missed the high I always felt on Fri.---sorry I accused you of goofing off---I hope you go see Tai--He is ADORABLE---just being himself--acts as if he knows we are watching---Enjoy zoo visit----

belle_wv said...

Good morning eagle land -been lurking and reading... no word from Nilla, so I'm still praying hard there.

Mits and Maggie - oh they willhave so much fun! I will pray Maggie will be 'right as rain' in a day or ten. I am confident she will - heck I was born 6 weeks early 41 years ago and I'm alright (well some people would argue that point LOL). My daughter had pnemonia when she was born(sucked in the amniotic fluid the lil twerp), she had to stay in the hospital for a while. Boy was that hard leaving the hospital without her in my arms... they discharged me- made hubby take me to the nearest motel, restef for an hour and I was right back by her side. The day they released me was the day the dr said she was allowed to nurse finally - that makse SENSE? Send my boobs home and then say she can have them... LOL

Nilla, Norma and friend, Maggie and Mits, Geula, DLK and CAB, and everyone in general are in my prayers for a great day. Gorgeous weather for sure. Sorry no rain FloralGirl, but the day will make for beautiful looking blossoms in the gentle sunshine and low humidity!

Just Vicky said...

ALERT!!! Eaglets in the BC nest!

belle_wv said...

Suzanne - glad you're going to go to the zoo this weekend. Weather tomorrow sounds perfect for a zoo day. We went to the zoo 6 years ago or so. It was, as you say, surprisingly large and full featured. I figured it would be a little petting zoo stuck up in the middle of the mountain like it is. Take pictures of the little guys. Hey - go treat yourself to a digital camera before you go. We just recently got a cannon powershot A530... it is a very nice camera. Zoom and easy to use features. It isn't anything like Todd's for sure, but it will do the trick for most things.

Just Vicky said...

Correction, Parent and eaglet!

belle_wv said...

Thanks for the eaglet fix Vicky! So sweet to see. Took me minute to pull up the correct cam, though.

Listen to me - after I reread the log - I sure am quick to spend Suzanne's gas money for her... sorry.

belle_wv said...

Awww Vicky, in my fumbling I missed the parent, been a long while since I've seen a parent. I love listening to the chatter.. sounds like one close talking and one farther off. Perhaps parent talking to the eaglet in the nest - wonder what she's eating

belle_wv said...

Oh I do see parent now too - ohhh oohhhh yes

belle_wv said...

fighting over food with dad it looks like.... so cute! Oh my I'm in heaven

belle_wv said...

KId saying awww Dad c'mon you know this is better for me than you - I NEED this extra meal more than you , share please.. awww can't Ihave the last bite? Please daddy?

belle_wv said...

Dad just staning there daring him to take it...

belle_wv said...

Opps Dad says 'you don't have the guts boy...(or girl)' it is mine'

belle_wv said...

I wish I could frap this
I am going to have to learn how to do that

belle_wv said...

Sun glinting off the spider web is a very pretty touch - thanks spidey

Just Vicky said...

The eaglet is hidden to the left

belle_wv said...

Awww Dad is sharing... Guess maybe youngster didn't have the strength to hold and tear?

Just Vicky said...

awe, parent is feeding it!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning Belle & Vicky IL

I am really getting ready to go out of here I graduate today from my rehab - exercise class! They think I am good to go! Some days yes & some days no.

Belle I called that 304 number this morning at 10:50 - no answer so I left a message. Won't be back until 2:00 - maybe you could try later? Thanx

Just Vicky said...

Did this nest have only one or two babies???

belle_wv said...

Two babies for this nest - Victoria and Sidney - I think this might've been the one with a third that didn't make it? Or was that the ME nest? Or another oen? I get them confused

belle_wv said...

Congrats Jo - you'll do fine! Just keep doin the home workouts they give you :)
I'll try the call for ya in a little while...

Anonymous said...

PAULA---You have mail---

belle_wv said...

This is so wonderful to watch.. I love the sound, too... so good for the heart

Just Vicky said...

I'm so glad there's so many we can't keep track of them!

Anonymous said...

BELLE----Just a thought---if Suzanne can't buy a camera now-----TAKE TODD!!!

belle_wv said...

Awww can't even save stills on this webcam - at least I can't figure out how... that's a bummer

Just Vicky said...

Did you see the parent poop shoot???

belle_wv said...

Yes vicky it is good to have so many nests to watch that we can't keep track sometimes...
Norma - taking todd -now there's a lovely idea...
Suzanne - the camera I mentioned takes close ups very nicely, no blur and easy functions to learn how to use... I really like it, and it is my 3rd digital. Circuit City in Hagerstown has a good selection... not sure what other stores are around - stop by on your way home from work today so you can practice with it a little with birds and critters in your yard - AND share the pics with us :)

Gee I ain't bossy or demanding at all am I?

glo said...

Boy am I ever having a great time working at home rather than playing on this computer LOL. Decided to take a break and check in on everyone. Prayers for Maggie who is gonna be just fine!!!!

Suzanne Well fortunately my neighbor does give them dog treats too, but they know he has some good stuff sitting there all cut up when we go over LOL.

Well Gonna work a little more, then lunch with a friend. Then I actually have to .Go in to work for a while TTYL

belle_wv said...

Aww I missed the poop shoot. Too busy typin.

Suzanne I tried the saeve as, but it only gives me option for background... I think because it isn't running as a separate function, but as part of the webpage? Does the save pic as work for you for the BC site?

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Eagle Land, How is everyone today?

belle_wv said...

Hi Paula,

Overall , a great day. We're worried about Nilla and our overseas folks, but watching eagles in BC cam hurry and join

Mits is a Gramma - Maggie, born early and some complications, but we're prayin all will be good - no further news.

Jo is graduating from her rehab

That's the quick review...

How're you today?

glo said...

.Jo Yes saw where you had made a purchase. Thanks

I think back to school stuff has kept them fairly busy. My guess is lots of kids are creating their own kinds of funt hings to wear to school etc..that is allowed LOL. sorry what you wanted was out of stock though

I need to sell 3 more items from cafe Press in August to earn enough commission for a $25 check from cafe press.

July's check when it is released however is about $56 so we did really good towards a nice conttribution last month. I will let you all know when they have sent my check, and when I have sent the same amountoff to NCTC for the eagles project out of there.

Thanks again all!!!

Bird Girl said...

hi all... sorry I haven't been around, as I mentioned before, I have a lot going on right now.

still working on making pieces for the art gallery, plus working on making a presentation for my rescue group's booth at the fundraiser in Sept., plus been under the weather & not sleeping much this past week and headaches. ugh.

geula, hope you're ok

glo, sorry about ladybug, i know how that feels

mits, congrats on baby kalis and good luck

floralgirl, my hubby gave me a miniature rose but i always manage to kill them. please tell me what to do! i can't put it outside because it will cook to death (still over 105 every day here)...

Chrissy & Doreen hope everything works out safely and quickly, doreen that's funny about Yeoman! please send me more pictures or your shire horses! CAB, wow! Egyptologist, eh? What's your particular field of study?

all the "man with money" that Jody and I met with on Tuesday is a nice guy, yes he's married, brought his two grandsons with him. he owns a biz building steel aviaries (like the kind used in the back at zoos) and it looks like he is going to donate for the fundraiser and might also donate directly to us -- and I might even get a new aviary for myself! it sure would be nice to have my birds back... {sigh}

take care everyone, i'll check in soon as I can...

Bird Girl

belle_wv said...

Great to hear from you BirdGirl,

I know you've been busy, but sounds like everything is working out well. I hope you can get your own aviary up and running again! Good luck with the gallery - send pics of the stuff, please? Hope you start feeling better, too.

Glo - I'm gonna look at cafepress and will order soemthing for my desk at work... gotta get my eagle fix somehow.

belle_wv said...

OK computer is slowing down so it is telling me it needs a rest, so I guess I have to say goodbye to my eagle fix for now and get some work done here at the house... get to go pick my daughter up from her camp tomorrow!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, baby Kalis was early. Boy or Girl? What sort of complications.

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, read back thru, Prayers to Mits and Maggie - my grandson had complications also, was in the ICU for the first week, cord was wrapped around neck, he is fine now.

Sounds like the week for problems! Went shopping for college stuff last night, dropped something on my big toe, not broke, but darn near. Hurts like the dickens, hard to walk, didn't get any sleep, etc. But overall in good shape! I have nothing to complain about.

Glad you got to see eagles in the BC nest, I can't ever seem to get on there..

Belle, Maine nest was the one that had 3...

MT nest in Maine, CT, and BW. Papa smurf is now face down in the middle of the nest...looks like they have had fun moving him around.

Just Vicky said...

Paula, I can not get on it at home, but I can at work! Go figure that one out!

belle_wv said...

Safe travels and happy shopping Suzanne. Get the extended warranty, then if it doesn't work like you want, you can return it no fuss no muss. Ours took a dip in the ocean and is still working thankfully (we forgot to get the store warranty, so glad it didn't die on us).

Paula, ouch - big toes are so painful when they get hurt... hope it heals up quickly.

wvgal_dana said...

I haven't read blogs for today. In case no one knows "eaglet" in BC.
I'll BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Well I think I did see this in the blog

paula eagleholic said...

You should def go see doctor to get you B/P regulated, you will feel much better.

paula eagleholic said...

Missed the little thief at Blackwater...wish I could see the BC eagle....I need a new camera, too, keep putting it off...I like the one Floralgirl has!

paula eagleholic said...

Is there still an eaglet in the BC nest? In the upper left?

Just Vicky said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Just Vicky said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

VICKY-IL----I get into the BC cam--but can't get it to start----how long does it take?----I can't get into Tai----I have both addresses--
Any solutions?Maybe it's because I have playing the computer & I have other things I should be doing---Think Maybe? Has anyone heard from NILLA? Oh, I hope she is better-----

belle_wv said...

I talked to Nilla,
Please keep her in your prayers everyone. She was feeling better this morning, but needed to go lie back down after a little time up and getting some work done.. She's stubborn like the rest of us and doesn't want to go in to the hospital... but I worry.

Just Vicky said...

This BC nest has been busy ALL morning!

Just Vicky said...

Norma, it does not take but a few seconds for the cam to load. If it hasn't loaded then you probably can't get on. Bummer I know, I have the same problem at home!

Anonymous said...

BELLE---Did Nilla feel she didn't need to go to Dr.-----This is Fri. & no one is in on Sun---Bless her heart----maybe she is doing too much----she goes all the time----MISS HER---w/have her in my thoughts------I read you are going to pick up your daughter---Don't worry about boyfriend----If he is at that camp, you know he has some SMARTS!! ho!---I GUESS she is enjoying this camping experience--COOL----

Mauley said...

Two new grandsons in 5 days. My daughter (who now has 5 under age of 9) said she knew exactly how Liberty and Belle felt with the 3 eaglets. Also I do not have the web site for the new site that has an eaglet about to hatch. Would someone please email it to a poor old Eaglefan who misses all of them so badly, especially Spunky. I would appreciate it so much. Work mail is Please????????!!!!!!!!! thanks Mauley (grantoeight)

glo said...

Suzanne call them...Let me know if you need an order number I have a way to get to that. You should have it by now. did you get a confirmation email it has been shipped? call 1- 877- 809-1659

Have to go in to work for a while will check back later

Mema Jo said...

I have returned & yes I did graduate with honors from the pulmonary rehab excercising class! Yippee! I was more then twice as good as when I started.
Now just to keep it up on my own is the secret.

Mauley Congratulations! At one time in my life (many many years ago) I also had 5 under the age of 9. It really didn't seem any different then having 3--the more there are the more they entertain themselves. Someone else will need to give you the site of the eagle about to hatch - I don't know it.
Paula Your toe:What can I say? At least you didn't kick someone. I know it really hurts & I hope you walk gingerly on your heel.
Belle Happy for you to be picking up your daughter tomorrow. I know you have really missed her being around. Maybe you can catch a glimsp of the 'boyfriend'..... I made a call & really didn't sound too good. Expecting a call back.
Suzanne Slow down on that 'Go Juice' a little. Don't want you flying high like an eagle.
BirdGirl I really hope the donation comes thru for you! I also hope you start feeling perky again soon.
FloralGirl You might see me Sunday - not sure yet - I'll let you know if you need to save me a beautiful bunch of those flowers.
Sharon should be headed home
Vicky IL Thanks for keeping me updated on the cams from all your comments.
Glo I am glad that if you have to do some work on that database that you can do it from home. Wish you had weather like I do today - really sunny but not to hot and breezy.
Norma I have also been having a problem with the panda cams. Don't think it is a sign that you need to do something constructive so stay there and enjoy our company.
Vicky I do so much like the kitten!

wvgal_dana said...

Well Well so much to catch up on
Glo hope the toe gets better soon and great on the July orders now we go for Aug.
MemaJo hope you do well with exercising at home now congtrs on the one with rehab. Also hope you hear good from Nilla.
Birdgirlhope you get the donations and that gallery is a winner.
Normado you empty your temporary files?
Belleaww glad you get to see daughter (peek at boyfriend too lol)
Suzannehave fun with new camera and at zoo
Mauleythats are crew
Sandy I have the link if no one else posted it in here I go get it for you.
SharonHappy traveling back to us.
MitsMay God make "Maggie" KalisSTRONG AND HEALTHYand bring her home to Grandy Mits and her Mommy and Daddy and other family members.Thank you Lord in Jesus Name I pray

Mema Jo said...

There you go, Sandy
I wasn't sure if it would fit but since it does, just copy and paste.

paula eagleholic said...

I finally got the BC site up! Had to access windows media player directly, and go from there, forgot about that...real pia.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...