Thursday, August 31, 2006

Thursday 31 August

Pre tropical storm thread.


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MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Steven.

paula eagleholic said...

I like that Steven! Hope we do get some rain out of all this!

Flood watch. Haven't heard those two words in quite awhile!

paula eagleholic said...

Didn't see any eagles yesterday.

paula eagleholic said...



Is supposed to be eyes and nose

paula eagleholic said...

Cam is shaking at papa smurf, must be really windy up there, never seen that before

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, no big deal with it, just a way to have fun on here!

wvgal_dana said...


Sharon you didn't give a WIN SPEECH

wvgal_dana said...

Oooopppss forgot Paula thanks for cleaning sand out of my eyes

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Ok so I am SLOW Suzanne what happened to your beautiful eagle picture???

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

This is disgusting! Found this picture on Yahoo news. The caption reads:

This photo released by the Capla Kesting Gallery(CKG) shows a sculpture purportedly cast from 19-week old Suri Cruise's first bowel movement. The work by controversial artist Daniel Edwards, is to be auctioned off for charity on eBay next month.(AFP/CKG-HO)

Who would want a poop sculpture?

glo said...

Good Morningall. I knew if I ate my cereal first I owuld have a new thread to add my good Mornings and they wouldn't be gone quickly before hardly anyone has read them. Can hardly wait to see ysterday's picture Suzanne Sounds like you are having a wonderful time with your camera!!!

Hope everyone is having the start to very nice day. Got sunshine here again with rain coming in for the weekend. Think that means nice long walks 3with my dogs today. One at the marina, one at a nearbye park. I have decided to walk them seperately. Twice as much exercise, and half if any stress when another dog walker shows up!!! LOL Otherwise they pull this .Let's bark like a couple of idits, and show him we're big dogs and this is our park area1!! Drives me nuts when they do that!!!

paula eagleholic said...

And this comment from the gallery owner where the sculpture is on display:

"A bronzed cast of baby's first poop can be a meaningful memento for the family," gallery director David Kesting said,

What a load of crap, I say!

floralgirl said...

yea, I saw that Paula, pretty stupid looking. Really, is that art?

paula eagleholic said...

Think I'll stick w/ the bronze baby shoes!

paula eagleholic said...

I think anyone can create art like that, Floralgirl!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, Lun Lun just had a nice little bowel movement right in view of the camera. That was pleasant!

floralgirl said...

Actually, my dog just did!(sorry)Calling area museums to see if they are interested.

MITS said...

That and tom cruise are disgusting, talk about someone who dosen't believe in drugs, I think he is on some.. What a colossal jerk. IMHO!!!!

MITS said...


floralgirl said...

I agree with you 100%, Mits. People pay far too much attention to stars anyway, just people like the rest of us. Never could stand tom cruise.

Anonymous said...

I happen to like Tom Cruise, I think he's a hunk!!!!

floralgirl said...


paula eagleholic said...

Hot to Trot,
He is a hunk, but not much brains lately!

paula eagleholic said...

And to think of all the art I pick up and throw away every week!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have these beautiful molting grackles everywhere this morning. Well, maybe beautiful is stretching it a bit! :)

MITS said...

Lun- Lun is in her hammock, eating bamboo.

MITS said...

AWWW! Now she is curled up sleeping.

Mema Jo said...


Just received email from Steve & posted it to Momsters' messages - BUT since all of you should be the first to know, here it is!

Just wanted to let you know that I saw one adult and at least two of the young uns at the nest this morning. Saw the other adult flying over. Hard to see if the third one was at the nest because of the leaves. Maybe they are all getting someplace familiar to hunker down for the tropical storm tomorrow.

steve w.

Mema Jo said...


By the way, Good morning all my
Eagle Buddies!

wvgal_dana said...

I was not "hot to trot" I main I may be after my hair do..atleast my honey thinks I am lol hee hee

Suzanne where is your EAGLE PICTURE??? Is it there and I just don't see it??? Now no one pull my strings here tell me the you all see Suzanne's Eagle Pic????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh my, I sure do wish our camera was still on!!! Thanks Mema Jo for letting us know that!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I'll read your remarks after I get back. Hair cut taxi is going to leave without my "head"

wvgal_dana said...

Wow we need trip to nest ok got to run he is leaving with my "head now" for haircut .....bbl

Mema Jo said...

SUZANNE Is someone trying to tell you something! Like

I know it will happen this long weekend-right? You only need a path to the pc and enough room to place a chair! LOLove

glo said...

PaulaAnd to think of all the art I pick up and throw away every week! LOL So funny. I do that daily...getting ready to go do that on 2 seperate walks right now LOL.

Mema Jo said...

Sounds like a good plan. Just don't junk the path too much or you won't get out!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Jo for sharing the email from Steve. That is so nice to hear they are still hanging out together, quite a special eagle family!

Sure do wish the cam was still up too! Maybe we can talk them into leaving it up all year next year, barring any technical difficulties like we had this year.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Ernesto is gaining strength and they have put out a hurricane watch for the Carolinas!

paula eagleholic said...

I think everyone has one of those rooms at home...mine is in the basement... "the storage room"

LOL - aka "the junk room"

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, flash flood watch for DC area thru Fri nite, 5 - 10" expected.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My whole house is a junk/storage room!

paula eagleholic said...

Fish in the middle of the papa smurf nest is now gone, anyone see it leave?

floralgirl said...

Eating lunch.Thanks for sharing, Jo. Busy getting ready for large amounts of rainfall. Anything not staked or in netting will hit the ground for sure. Too busy to ride over to Shepherdstown right now.

floralgirl said...

Rain is supposed to start later tonite and continue thru tomorrow.

floralgirl said...

Who knows, looking at many different weather sites, looks like rain from tonite thru Sat. and possibly even Sun. Only Ernesto knows for sure. Getting out my rain boots. they have gathered dust this summer.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I figure it will be nice and rainy for the ballgame tomorrow night. Unless it is lightning, the show must go on!

paula eagleholic said...

Beautiful day at Maine nest, water is absolutely gorgeous.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Calm before the storm, I figure!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wish I could join Lun Lun for a nap on the hammock!

glo said...

OK back from my walk. Scooped up my two little pieces of Art treasure Does anyone know where I send this to get it bronzed. Oh and what exactly do I tell the post office is in the package.

It is so gorgeous outside here right now. We too are expecting lots of rain from this storm over the weekend, well at least that was last night's forecast.

Enjot your day whatever you are doing.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai is heading up a tree again! Love that little boy!

Mema Jo said...

Mei Ray Charles dancing. Mits once told us what was ourside that high window - was it where their keepers are with the treats??

LunLun is sure taking a long morning nap into the afternoon in that hammock.

Received confirmaton that my Tote & other items on the most recent order are on their way! I did email cafepress about the 1st order (mousepad) never yet received. Hopefully I'll hear from them today.

glo said...

Jo Yes I received email that my latest order is on its way too! I meant to ask you yesterday about the mousepad. It is time for a replacement.Actually a replacement and a free piece of merchandise too LOL.

Mema Jo said...

Glo I had emailed them but I think it would be best if I called their customer service. I'll go that route. Had I thought ahead when I ordered my tote, I could have requested they ship my replacement order in the tote shipment. DUH -
Afterthoughts kill me!

Glo, be sure to read my earlier comment about our eagle family as reported today from Steve W. It's my first comment.......

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai is hanging on a limb over Mei's head and standing on her head!

Mema Jo said...

MITS I don't spot you in the crowd down at the zoo. Camera is focusing on them & NOT Mie & Tai!
You know what to do if you do go to the zoo. Grab that camera & RUN !

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, made me mad - who cares what the crowd looks like. Tai is such entertainment and they took the camera off him. He is so funny. Glad that limb is not too far off the ground!

Mema Jo said...

Did ya see that one, Sharon?
Tai let go of the tree limb & I thought he was closer to Mei & would fall right on top of her. Tai did real good coming off that branch!
Just like a pro!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you say it is volunteers that do the cameras. Don't you have some free time you could volunteer. We know you would never lose Tai!

MITS said...

Yes, JO,, That is like a porch, the keepers can stand behind another fenced area and the pandas can be weighed there, and blood tests are taken there, and they have some treats, and Mei can see them bringing out her fresh bamboo, and go into her Ray Charles dance. Sometimes if she is too impatient, they will throw snacks and shove bamboo thru the little window on the door.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
MITS said...

You usually have to commit to a year SHARON, I gave up my volunteering when we bought the place in OC, never knew when I would be here or there. I'm not sure, if there are any openings for the panda volunteering, but guess I could look into it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just thought it would be good to have an inside person that knows where to find Tai! :)

They went in closer on Lun Lun just now. She is kind of like in a fetal position but looks like she is sleeping.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - that's not nice but for some reason I can't stop laughing at your comment about the camera person. LOL

Just got that funky message when I tried to post. I'll try again ...

In the meantime:
HI NORMABYRD Big relief to get taxes paid - My DE taxes are due next month but they're only likie 30% of the MD taxes due.... I may need to take up permanent residency in DE...........

MITS said...

Looks like a new camera shot, Tai inside the grotto.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They need to give Lun Lun a pillow.

MITS said...

How did Lun-Lun get the bamboo all over her??

MITS said...

Denbury Farms cam #1 birdfeeders, cam #2 sheep in the meadow.

Anonymous said...

I was just wondering the same thing about Tai, and hoping he's just pretending. It's nice to know there are so many other eyes on him.

MITS said...

Nope, NORMABYRD he is just playing dead-tired.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No, Norma, he is playing opossum.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I can't tell if the bamboo is on her or just above her. Think it is just sticking above her.

glo said...

So happy for info on Parent and 2 young hanging arond the nest....of course I want to know 3 young have been spotted recently, and around the nest would be wonderful bet if we had a camera we could tell who was there, although its been long enough now we might nothave a whole lot to go on either. Does NCTC need a volunteer to runt he camera for a year Just need a bunk and meals at the lodge. Oh and a dog house!!!

Mema Jo said...

Tai is sure flaked out flat!
Mei is also flaked out flat!

Bet they'll go stir crazy inside if the rains come to DC....

LunLun: Someone had to have placed the bamboo there at the hammock intentionally.

Mauley said...

Hello Dear Friend, I have graded papers until my eyes are crossed. Never teach 3 college writing classes in a row. I even have a night class tonight from 6:00-8:30. Sure glad its only one night a week. I cracked up over the poop. Hey Cat Mamas, what about furballs? If poop is such a prized item, how about good old furballs? I could retire, again.
Isn't it a gift from the goodness of God to know that our Liberty and Belle are around, and Mema Jo, I know that was our Spunky. I bet Liberty still beak feeds him. Would our little Spunkster made it if it hadn't been for Liberty. Wish I could have seen that with my own eyes. Sharon, does band play tommorrow night? Is Maggie still growing? Nilla, are you behaving yourself? Suzanne you got an extra bottle of GermX around? Dana, could you write a poem for us? Hello, Paula and the rest. Haven't had time to read who all has been on line, but I caught the poop scoop. God Bless You all today. donna

Mema Jo said...

That plan sounds better then the tents you & Sharon are going to put up!

Mema Jo said...

You would even have an inside bathroom & not have to run the whole way from the tree up to the guard house to use the porta potty.....

Mauley said...

Ditto on the camera run, Glo, only I would need several cat houses for the four who own me. Have I told you over 100 times that all my furbabies were unwanted throwaways? Never had a chance to pick one out myself. They picked me. donna

Mema Jo said...

Hi Donna (Mauley) That's the down side of teaching! Be fair now - not too many red marks on those papers..

Mema Jo said...

CHIT -----I don't want it.

Donated to Sharon's statues

or GLO do you need it for the doo-doo
you collected this morning? Sharon might have some left overs...

Mema Jo said...




Mema Jo said...

Lun Lun has her back to the camera as she is now sitting in her hammock.
I wish we could see what she is doing.

MITS said...

Tai is up, and Mei is snacking.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lun Lun is going to scratch her poor little butt raw!

Mauley said...

Dear Friends, At my age there is not much fear of the 100 or wax. There is nothing to wax. MeMa Jo, you should know. Congratulations on 100. How about some furballs MeMa Jo for being 100, we could bronze them. mauley

wvgal_dana said...

Back from hair appt. and I still have some hair...don't know how she does that..
That camera for Tai moves around so much I feel like I am on a merry-go-round; and getting dizzy.
Don't know why poor Lun Lun is scratching so much..poor gal.
Wax, furballs, poop shoots, sculptures made of poo. Mauley and all with cats, sale your fur to places for wigs for hairless cats. Watch now someone will think of this and make a fortune but not me.

Bird Girl said...

Hello everyone! Yes, I am still alive and kicking. Well, maybe not kicking...

Spent two hours this morning looking for my golden hamster. I did find him, poor thing was so scared. He was thirsty, too.

Just checking in, have stuff to do today. Hope everyone is doing well -- Nilla GET BETTER SOON! Remember, we all have to take care of ourselves so we're all here to see the next season!

BY THE WAY -- Frodo & Frieda should have a hatchling ANY DAY NOW!!

Bird Girl

Mema Jo said...

I have 2 furballs residing in my home. A short hair & a long hair. Get enough hairballs on my own - don't need anymore. Think of some other prize - like May an eagle fly over my head! LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon Sharon that's a way to pay medical bills. Wigs for hairless cats; everyone here will just donate their cats fur laying around to you. Bingo bills gone and money left over. For NCTC camera all year with sound.

Mema Jo said...


Bird Girl said...

I have a hairless cat! Believe it or not, she is incredibly hot. I call her my Personal Space Heater. She feels like a baby's bottom -- so soft! She does have fuzz, and her feet look like those furry slippers :-)


Bird Girl said...

Mema --

Thank you for thinking of me! But my birthday is September 21st ;-)


Mema Jo said...

I misread your comment this morning... I thought we had missed it. WOW Now lookout on 9/21/06.
Lots of well wishes will be coming your way!

Anonymous said...

ô¿ô ( * )^( * )<~~~boobs guess who ô¿~

Mema Jo said...

Come Out Come Out
Whomever You Are

I can't even find half the characters on my keyboard to be the one!

I vote for NILLA - DANA - Belle -
Just Vicky - Paula - FlowerGirl

Anonymous said...

007 Sean Connery now thats aman to lick like a lollipop

Mauley said...

Sound on the camera, Oh Dana, WVAGal - Oh heart heart heart could we die of happiness to get sound. It would be such an underserved blessing, could we dare hope for such. Bird Girl, my son will be 30 on Sept 21. I can hardly believe it. When I turned 30, I thought it was so old. Now it is so young. I will remember your birthday. Carol, my husband had back surgery 11 years ago, and the big old health freak runs 4 miles every day. Weighs the same as day we were married. That was the day he could put his hands encircled around my waist. I weighed 102 pounds when we married. He weighed 190, but he is 6' 5". I probably weigh what he did then, I don't do scales anymore. Sorry, for digressing, but I wonder if I could check into his surgery, but he will definitely outlive me. He is too healthy. I told him all that healthy eating and exercise would end up killing him. He just laughs. Mauley

Mauley said...

anonymous certainly not grantoeight. It took me 6 whole months just to join in on the blog. At first, I was so hesistant, and dear friends, none of you will ever know how much your acceptance of me as an Eagle Momster has blessed me. All of you are a blessing. Every good and perfect gift is of God, and I thank Him daily for the gift of all your friendships, the exchange of conversation, and your love of God's "small things that have no words." We are the only voice some of these creatures great and small will ever have. Blessings for you all, donna

glo said...

Just a remeinder to sign up if you haven't for the first newsletter Courier eagle.

Just click on subscribeto this shops newsletter when you get here

We have 19 subscribers right now...I think that is wonderful!!!!

If you subscribed right, you should have received a Thank You email. if you didn't get one, check your junk or spam filter and be sure you have it marked as Not Junk or Not Spam

I will release the first newsletter tomorrow through Cafe press tomorrow. Not sure how late in the day as I am waiting on one more "little" piece of info. I want to be sure that all who signed up have their mailboxes ready to receive the letter!!

I think it has at least 1 more than likely 2 or more little things in there you will enjoy!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Dad in the nest at CT w/ a beauty of a fish. Gotta go! CU later!

Mema Jo said...

Camera isn't on LunLun - just the tree stand.
Tai & Mei have had their frozen treat & are now wrestling and it looks as though they would like to get inside for a nap.

Mauley said...

Mema Jo was the one who welcomed me too! I need the CT link as soon as possible so I can mark it as a favorite. I LLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEE being a Momster. Could someone send me that link right away, I lost it. Blessings, donna

Mema Jo said...

Mauley: Donna you should have

Mema Jo said...

Lun Lun is back on camera.

Mema Jo said...

NORMABYRD You have mail

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

On the current picture of the NU eagle nest, there is an eaglet there!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Daylight in Brisbane. Frieda is back live and in color!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lun LUn is playing with a ball or at least I think that is what it is!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Frieda looks all fuzzed up.

Mema Jo said...

Lun Lun is having fun playing with her red ball.
Tai is pestering his Momma. Mei still looks as though she wants inside.
Daylight & Frieda is on her nest - where else would she be!
Can't say much for Frodo sharing the responsiblities.

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Mema Jo said...

Missed the NU eagle - MT nest by the time I got there. Darn!

wvgal_dana said...

Mauley I did what you ask of me. Hope it's ok... take care

wvgal_dana said...

Here goes Mauley

If your a parent or a grandparent
Even for a child to hear
Tell to them this true story
About three Special Eaglets
Remember that sycamore tree
The one down by NCTC
It once held a nest of three
After the three eaglets fledged
They came back to the tree
We three are around and free
To remind us watchers to "believe"
A time came when a story was told
Of those beautiful three eaglets
They would move from that old tree
We were told migrate they would do
Far away to places we could not see
What they ate, if they found food
Our hearts pained, are they well
Traveling far from us watchers
Far away from the sycamore tree
To someplace far away from the thee
Mighty stories were told of them
That the three were seen soaring
Near rivers that roared and lakes
Far Far away from the sycamore tree
A time came a person near the tree
Told a way more different story
Of three eaglets born in the tree
A wise man in the ways of the eagle
Told all the watchers of the three
I just looked out my work window
What did I see, two parent eagles
Soaring with them were two eaglets
He thought by heaven it's them
Sadly the eagle watchers thought
Where could the third eaglet be
They remembered the nest the tree
Yes! the one always flew long trips
He was last to fledge to be free
So these were Liberty and Belle
Soaring along Bigboy and MsInBetween
Remember who took long flights
Flying late in the night to the nest
He was always so so tuckered out
Always in for an over do rest
It was Spunky who layed in the nest
In that wonderful old sycamore tree
The last to fledge the last to nest
So the family is still together see
Us eagle watchers are happy to hear
Our eagles and eaglets are safe
It began with Liberty and Belle
In that old sycamore tree near NCTC
An people that made up a group
That became eagle watchers of three
It was those three eaglets
That survived and made history
They stole the hearts of many
People watching them far and near
Brought peace to the watchers
From the three eaglets born
In the nest in the sycamore tree

Written by wvgal_dana

wvgal_dana said...

Jo that was an early wish atleast not belated.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi normabyrd How you doing?
People keep asking how did the "kissing booth" go?

Isn't it great to watch all our beautiful birds along with other creatures.

wvgal_dana said...

bbl dinner bell ding ding

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going out for a while. BBL!

Just Vicky said...

Come on Norma fess up, how did the kissing booth go??? Tell us about your talent!

Just Vicky said...

Kid from Commode town???? Thanks Norma!

Just Vicky said...

How many frogs did you kiss???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Been raining in Bluefield all day!

Mema Jo said...

May as well do it & get it over with.

I can smell the rain a coming!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon, I think you got more wax.

Did you get your OT finished?

Just Vicky said...

I did NOT read how many frogs Norma kissed!!! Are you dodging that bullet?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, I did my OT this morning from 5-7 before I started my regular shift. Then, I got my regular shift done right on time at 3 p.m. Tomorrow, I have to work here from 4-11 a.m., then I have to go to the hospital to train a new girl that is coming on board. Then I have to go to the ballgame. Busy day tomorrow for sure!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - You're pushing it, gal!
You'll probably fall asleep after the band plays at half time & tumble off the bleachers! LOL

Mema Jo said...

Dinner time for Jo! I'm starving.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh, I forgot to mention that I have to work the vending table until after half-time!


MITS said...

Geez, SHARON I'm tired just reading about your day tomorrow.

Just Vicky said...

Sharon it seems you may need to schedule your bathroom breaks with a day that full!

wvgal_dana said...

Got to watch those LURKERS NORMA....see Just Vicky Il was waiting on that one lol

NillaWafer said...

Evening Ya'll .. Busy bunch ya'll have been today.. Yup today is 18 days clean n no nicotine... Been playing pop it on aol and just lost track of time.. All this rain that due to hit starting tomarrow with high winds.. i hope our kids hunker down some wheres safe..Norma thanks dear i appreciate the info from you..

NillaWafer said...

Well Norma the words of my heart doctor keep going thru my head also and i quote: JANET IF YOU GO BACK TO SMOKING I WILL SEE YOU AGAIN VERY SOON..

wvgal_dana said...

They said in Blackwater that the Osprey have gone...but I just snapped picture of 2 in nest. Maybe storm has brought them there. One left long time later other one left.

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky whats happening up your end of the country??

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla Nilla 18 days
Nilla Nilla Nilla
clean of nictione
Nilla NIlla way to go
Nilla Nilla you can do it
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Nilla

wvgal_dana said...

Is anybody out there????????
This crazy thing is showing 168 comments and that I'm the only one here.....weird...

wvgal_dana said...

Norma is Belle in here????????
Norma your a great news reporter...not making fun either. I'm serious.

NillaWafer said...

No school for tomarrow here in Berk Co. its on the cable channel 19 news info for area... Daughter already said we will be closed if its that bad also.. Jo since your in touch with Steven and the other asked about the open house and what we can and can not do to get some funding for the sound n BETTER and i stress a BETTER Quality of camera service for next year?

wvgal_dana said...

Just seen my first badger at Denbury site..neat

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla if it gets that bad. The rain will come in the door. Also be hard to get door open and probably just as hard to get it closed. Better off if it gets bad to close up shop.

wvgal_dana said...

Anyone tried the "Jazz Pepsi Strawberries & Cream"?

NillaWafer said...

Las esculas de Berkeley County estaran cerradas... Spanish

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Norma sweetie it is really just the same. Usually had it done this way. It had just grown out. So it's alittle shorter and in back. It is stacked; like I usually get. Except when first get it and its not grown out. The stack in the back makes it look like I got more hair, fuller like.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh yes also Norma "no coloring" I can't/haven't colored my hair since about 1986 or 1987. Hubby called me "Silver Fox" then. Still does lol but no silver anymore.
57 and white.

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla quit your cursing lol

wvgal_dana said...

I wish this "Jazz Pepsi Strawberries and cream" came decaffined.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I figure the lurkers are waiting we're at 182 so mine says.
POUNCE, JUMP, Have comment written ready to hit "publish"....da da da du......someone wants that # 200...they will make something that lookes like "poo" and put it on E-Bay and make

NillaWafer said...

Trying to call Jo her lines busy yackin.. Well guess it is agood thing they closed schools those lil kids standing in all that rain.. What am i talking about duhhh some of you know where Salem Avenue is in Hagerstown down by Harmans Tavern.. We lived there and i walked from there up to Salem Avenue School in the snow and we had bad winters back then Agreed!!! LOL one of those oh i walked 30 miles in the snow

wvgal_dana said...

Norma Do you think Vicky IL from commode city is lurking???

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla I remember those days of SNOW and going to SCHOOL IN IT.....was up to my buttom. Of course I was only 2 feet tall.......NOT TRUE hee hee

Mema Jo said...

You best look at Tai


wvgal_dana said...

Did Suzanne ever have a picture by her name in here???
For some reason lol (senior moment) I thought she did and it was an eagle but that was Vicky IL.
Can't remember if Suzanne ever had a pic.???? smoke coming from brain/head

Mema Jo said...

Nilla Don't know if you had time to review any of this morning's comments. If not, go up to my first comment about the email from FWS....

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla do you eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice?

NillaWafer said...

No i cant and i love it the one medicine i am taking you cant NOT eat or drink grapfruit juice...

Just Vicky said...

No ladies, Vicky from Commode is not lurking!

Just Vicky said...

So you're getting rain over there out east? Don't float down the Potomac! Our kids will have to swoop down and pick you up!

Just Vicky said...

So where did everyone go??? Is that turtle smelling again??

floralgirl said...


floralgirl said...

Still here Vicky?

floralgirl said...

Can't believe they are closing schools. Any mention of Washington county, in MD? Checking web site.

Mema Jo said...

Your right, Nilla. Mei is up eating her bamboo. It is Tai on the ledge.

Mema Jo said...

Your turn VICKY

wvgal_dana said...

Great Nilla that you know that. That is why I was asking you. I knew one of your meds you can't eat or drink grapefruit. I think Zocor? I know it is one of them. Sorry but glad you know. Neither can my husband.

Just Vicky said...

Not me! Dana wins the WAX!!!

Just Vicky said...

Actually girls, at the open house we need to distribute these cans of wax!

wvgal_dana said...

I've been giving mine to the trash man. He is still trying to figure out what to do with it lol

wvgal_dana said...

Wondering how Sharon is doing. She said it was raining there.

floralgirl said...

Hubby is working late, so I'm watching Redskins game for him(what love). As usual, they are losing.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon had gone out for a few hours - should be back within the hour. But she best go right to bed if she has to get up and start working at 4am.

Dana - the poem was beautiful.ThankYou

Vicky - So you chickened out on the wax! LOL I did too. We really need another type of prize don't you think.

FloralGirl:If your schools close do you think that Belle's also closes?

MITS said...

Good night all, got up way to early this morning, and am feeling the effects of it now. TTYAT!!!

floralgirl said...

Jo, Belle teaches in Wv, my daughter goes to school in MD. I think Belle teaches in Jefferson county, doesn't she. They were on Norma's list of closed schools.

wvgal_dana said...

Belle's school is closed. Her school is in Berkeley County and they are closed.

Thank you Jo.

Just Vicky said...

No no no, we have to keep the wax!

wvgal_dana said...

Niter Mits AOYP With Sweet Eagle Dreams

Just Vicky said...

So are all you gals going to keep dry these next few days? I bet the WAX would be waterproof!

wvgal_dana said...

Just Vicky Why do we have to keep as you say the wax?

Mema Jo said...

QUESTION: I am just now getting quite a few of the messages in my email from the Momsters site. Are you all just now getting them? I am thinking that I have a delayed reaction!!! It may be that I have already gone over to the site on a daily basis & looked at the messages, but it seems they come later to me then to all of you in my email.
any thoughts?

Just Vicky said...

Well until someone can top that story about the wax, we must keep the wax!

NillaWafer said...

Good talking to you Jo and before i left home i had to make my eagle Vicky i think its the Zocor i take that at night before bed.. I have a heart doctors appointment in Winchester on Sept 11th at 2:20 pm with the Selma Group.

Mema Jo said...

FloralGirl I forgot!
Sharpsburg MARYLAND... I had you moved over the line into WV...

Will you have a bag of HOPS for me to purchase for my Beer Brewing Son-in-law?

wvgal_dana said...

Just Vicky.......your turtle can swim in all the rain were suppose to get.

Just Vicky said...

I have a step daughter heading for Georgia for the Notre Dame football game Sat. Do you think she will get rained on there?

Just Vicky said...

My turtle can't take time to swim! He's posing for pictures!

Mema Jo said...

Vicky I sure can't find another story in my repertoire to match it! Someone else this time will need to search for one.
What we need is a new game/challenge:
like let's go for the double digits-
11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99
111 122 133 144 155 166 177 188 199

That would boggle your mind!

Still don't know what the new prize could be!

Mema Jo said...

By Saturday, GA could be dry. Depends how quickly the storm moves up the coast.

floralgirl said...

I don't know, Jo. My hops are not as pretty as last year, not a lot of large ones, still trimming leaves off cut branches so I can see what I have. Last year we had more rain and they were huge, may not be as flavorful this year. Hi NORMA

Just Vicky said...

Like I said Mema Jo, we'll just have to keep this tradition going until it can be topped!

belle_wv said...

Hi all - trying to catch up on the blogs and watchin Frieda -she's resting restlessly- what a trooper she is. Norma thanks for the report about no school got an email letting me know too - what a treat - a 4 day weekend - I am needing it to get my work done for my practicum not to mention house work!

Just Vicky said...

Norma Dearest I never did read how many kisses you gave out in the "Kissing booth!"?????

wvgal_dana said...

Howdy Belle....yep you got 4 day weekend. Bet you'll still be busy.

wvgal_dana said...

Nillabean must be surfing the net

belle_wv said...

Yepper busy for sure - I would probably get more done if I didn't like watching Frieda and catching up on the blog :) Frieda has her feathers all in a ruffle...

belle_wv said...

Hope everyone can stay dry and cozy tomorrow. I'm glad the kids don't have to go out and be in the rain for bus stops - especially in the afternoon when they're calling for the heaviest rains. Some of the back roads here where the bus routes go can get flooded pretty easily.

glo said...

Hi everyone. Man for being semi-retired I surely am busy, but I am enjoying my busy so very much more LOL. Thanks for the poem story Dadan....I bet everyone one of us, thinks about those 3 little eaglets (LOL) they aren't at all anymore ya know But just how they are, etc etc. I know I think about them so very very often. I still love to look through so much of the things on my computer are all about those 3, and of course lots of Liberty and Belle too. And Spunky, I must have 200 pictures of him, waiting to fledge etc. Always looking for the littlest one early on etc. Just plain old awesome is all I can still say about the whole thing.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...