Sunday, August 20, 2006

Sunday August 20

New thread. Finally got into blogger, it's been boogered up all morning.


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NillaWafer said...

Glooooooo u stinker

belle_wv said...

Glo got it - now you can wax that overcolored hair? LOL
how bad is it? I've never had my hair colored - too chicken... what color was it and is it and what were you trying to make it be?

belle_wv said...

Is she a glo bug or a stink bug??
I like one .... LOL

glo said...

LOL. Well it was kind of a light brownish red with highlights. it is now Brunette LOL Real close to my real color about 15 years ago though LOL. It doesn't feel too unhealthy. I used a different product than Inormally do because it was onsale. Soem fructose thing lOL. I am just too gorgeous for words now.

OK Night all, Blog at ya tomorrow.

belle_wv said...

Sweet dreams Glo - I bet hair looks gorgeous - glad it isn't damaged.

Tried to save the wax for ya Suz-Q, but Glo was in need of a wax fix

NillaWafer said...

Hey i color my hair.. Preachers wife always asked my why? she said her grey was her angel dust... I said well im am to vain for that...

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

I smiled n said I am No Angel

belle_wv said...

Good mornin :)

belle_wv said...

OK - I'm here and caught up - time for the morning show to begin! So glad you have 'til Wednesday at least! I asked about security jobs where hubby works - he had a few questions about what ya do, but sounded like there might be a 'possibility' -that'd be so exciting!

Thank you so much for calling Diann - sounds like she's going to be awfully busy that day with trying to go away - I wouldn't want to impose or feel like I was slowing her down (or that she was rushing over me, either, honestly)

So you braved up and decided to let her color again? Did she 'figure out' the new color process stuff?

belle_wv said...

What time is a good time to call Diann? I'm sure now is TOO early - only us insane folk are up at this hour...

Only two days left of the Suzanne and Belle show, folks - hurry hurry and catch us before we're gone!!!

I start back to work Wednesday so won't have time to morning blog either, unless I get up REALLY early, which I doubt I can manage. This is the time I'd be leaving for work, so have to get used to getting up at this hour anyway.

belle_wv said...

Uh oh - I think Suzanne has taken a nap, or perhaps the coffee has kicked in and she's in the loo??? Ohhhh Suzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!

belle_wv said...

Speaking of work - I better go see if they finally got my computer access for my practicum straightened out - since it starts TODAY, I surely hope so...

belle_wv said...

Of course - system is too busy for me to check my schedule - I'll have to try again in a few... I will be SO glad when this is all done

belle_wv said...

I'm so glad you're enjoying the camera! I love mine and the freedom to click away knowing you don't have to pay to develop 'bad' pics is just wonderful... I need to take some pics of my furry family and share with everyone. Just have to figure out who had the camera last to have an idea where it might be... think it was hubby, so that leaves lots of options on where it is... I guess I'll be going 'In Search Of' at some point.

My schnozz is doing OK - still having headaches, yesterday was pretty crummy - weather didn't help - no rain but the pressure was high. I hope that goes away - I don't really want a barometer between my eyes LOL

belle_wv said...

Glad you were able to get INTO the soon to be once again computer room! That's a good start for sure. I have a room (or 3) like that, and our house is small! We're taking a load of donations up to folks who lost everything in the floods in the Hallstead/Great Bend/Binghamton area of PA sometime this fall, so if you have anything that would be good for that, let us know.

If you are interested in trying to find a position down this way email me with the basic 411 of the type of job you'd be interested in (gs level, general job classification(s), etc.)

belle_wv said...

Giggles on the 'go' juice - aptly named after all? LOL

DoD - yeah you could work for them, but they usually require a minimum amount of travel - don't think you'd be too into that with your 'kids'... hard to leave them for any length of time. Contracting is no problem - IRS loves contracting out work now - they think it saves them money - nope not gonna get into politics - this is a fun morning show LOL...anyway - hubby asks 'what Tier' stuff do you do, so far sounds like you work in the right 'church' at least for work there, now just gotta find out if we can find the right 'pew' for ya to find a computer cubby in... LOL

belle_wv said...

ROFL on the lighter - that could be dangerous on MANY levels LOL

Can see catching your hair on fire as you lean one way or another - freshly applied hairspray just LOVES open flames... ewww would that smell bad...

Then there's the smell bad.... lol if you had beans for dinner, the open flame might find another fuel source in the air LOL

belle_wv said...

Sent an email to the practicum coordinatior - I get to be her first thing monday morning headache :( I hate that, but gotta get this straight asap...

belle_wv said...

Man I miss my perkysets already... can't take them anymore... hubby is back to work, so I need to be able to function at least somewhat, and have to drive daughter to band practice at 3. advill will just have to do, takes the 'edge' off the pain at least. Makes headache back to the 'old' normal level I lived with for so long, funny how quickly you can get used to enjoying being pain free...

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Suzanne and Belle- I see the "Morning Show" is back on the road.
"Standing" Will the true person of this comment please stand up.... lol

belle_wv said...

Oh I hate those nights when the clock seems to own your eyes... at least the kitties got some lovin out of the lack of sleep. Orville, our newest addition sleeps at my feet a lot of nights... first couple nights after surgery he jumped up on my chest cause I was out here on the computer 'chaise' sure startled me, but loved snugglin with him once he settled down. Cats have this amazing ability to put about 10 times their weight's worth of pressure on EACH paw, and he had all 4 on my 'puppy' the one morning around 3 am - I'm like 'ok babe - no need to try to soften that up - you're not gonna get anything out of it anyway - now move it' LOL

belle_wv said...

Well howdy Pinky - you sure are a chamelion with names lol

MITS said...

Good Morning All. Going to read the posts, BBIALW. Glad to see THE BS SHOW is back...

belle_wv said...

LOL just love the university system... emailed the coordinator, she says oh no worries you should be in by wednesday, and they won't have much of anything up for the practicum 'til then anyway - which isn't what she said last week... oh well...

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne since you and Glo know my real name. I thought heck I'm going to use it. Feel funny being called by other names. Husband said (he's a good guy) go ahead go for it. lol
Suzanne now don't go burning the place down. You don't have that long to go with 20 in.
Belle "Dana" is my real name. Hope to see you and others on this Saturday. Oh if it's raining are we still going to meet around 1pm there???

belle_wv said...

LOL Mits - the BS show LOL very cute - is it a coincidence that giving me 'top billing' makes it the BS show? LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning all. Been reading the Morning Show with Suz and Belle! Pretty interesting stuff.

I am off today but need to do some OT sometime today. Woke up with a headache so that is always good!

Going to try to get in to see the doc today. Okay, that is all for the whining right now. Going to check a few cams. BRB.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning ....I so excited today, I'm going to NCTC to work. I hope I get to see one of our eagles, wish me luck.

belle_wv said...

HI Dana, nice to 'meet' you :) I will be going to get my hair done (I think - gotta call DiAnn) rain or shine, not sure if the raptor rally will happen in the rain - depends on how silly we wanna be or where else is nearby to sit and gab out of the rain

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Cindi, please let us know what and who you see. Finally, a report from there!!! That will be soooo good!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Mits.

Dana, another name to get used to but this one will stay huh? :)

4 cardinal babies out here this morning. Just lovely little creatures.

Going to make me some coffee now. Might get rid of this headache.

wvgal_dana said...

Cindi hope this isn't too much to ask of you. Will you please climb the sycamore tree. Let us know if you scare anyone out. If there are any turtle shells in there. I too would like one. So please take your climbing boots with you ok? lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, now I have a male cardinal out here with something wrong with his right eye. It is bulging out on the side. Oh, God, that breaks my heart. Not going to look for a little while. I would prefer not to see bad stuff like that at anytime. Weighs too heavy on my mind when I do.

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne I've been away from the area too long. What's the zip code for Boonesboro?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Dana, you got 250!

floralgirl said...

Morning All-Glad everyone is doing OK this morning. Have been to busy the past few days to be on here much-don't dare lurk-Belle will catch me! Belle- I love Animal Crossing-one of the best games my kid ever turned me on to.Haven't played in almost a tr. though-think they killed off my character so a new friend could create a character:( Daughter is now dreaming of the new nintendo Wii that is coming out for Xmas-only $250.00 dream on-although then I could have the Gamecube all to myself. Heading to the Drs. this morning- raging sinus infection-been so tired and busy lately didn't even realize sinuses were so bad.Farmer's field of corn right beside house has been giving me fits-put off Dr visit as long as I could-hate taking antibiotics to fix infection-they wreak havoc on my body-never have to worry about me abusing prescription drugs-body can't handle most of them.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh NO!!! I wasn't even looking....someone better take that wax from me or I'll have to bring back that "hairless" kitten.
Oh No!!! NO NO

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

FloralGirl, sorry you are sick but feel your pain.

MITS said...

Eagle up in Maine nest.

belle_wv said...

Must be wakey wakey time for everyone :) Goooood morning eagle looooooverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssss!!!

Cindi - you working at NCTC as a temp location or working there long term? How wonderful and exciting either way --- wave to our babies for those of us who will be with you in spirit (and jealousy!) LOL

Sharon, so sorry about the headache, sounds like a dr visit is in order. I go in tomorrow... I didn't realize how much the percocets were helping until I am trying to go without. Oh well, this too shall pass.

what're you up to today Dana? (That's my cousin's name - kewlies)

MITS said...

BW cam stuck on last nights' time

MITS said...

MT nest in CT.

wvgal_dana said...

So sorry "Floralgirl" but if it's an infection you know you need to go. Hope we aren't "passing anything around in here". Everyone us rubbing alcohol "yes I said rubbing" to clean key boards.
Hope you and Sharon get to feeling better.
Belle you I hope are slowing getting better.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Mits, I see him!! YEAH, eaglet fix!

wvgal_dana said...

Attention Mits We all are wanting to know about Maggie. Does she get a weigh in today. How much does she weigh now? Is she waking to eat?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eaglet just flew off in Maine.

belle_wv said...

Aww Floral, sorry you're having sinus problems too - maybe we could all go to one dr and get a 'group rate' discount?

wvgal_dana said...

Neat Belle but if she comes in the blog lol I'm not changing lol this is the real mccoy. She'll certainly be welcome with arms stretched out but I'm not changing my name lol lmbo

Mauley said...

Good morning all of you Momsters. Where are you eagles, where are our little ones? I am having Spunky withdrawal. Love Mauley

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If you go to the Frodocam forum and scroll down to Aug 8 entry, you will see mmwwaa there. He answered my question. We have WV on an Australian site. KEWL!!

glo said...

Suzanne a Glad you got your order WITH a pin No don't send a second check. I am sure they do well enough and have a big enough mark-up to absorb the material loss. Give the mouse pad to someone who has shared your enthusiasm for the eaglets/eagles. Good to see you one this am.

I have barely started reding BLOGS this AM infact I am as far as Sunzannes question. It is coffee/treat time so I'll TTY in an hour or so. Am already 1/2 glass up on the water. Anxious to read what others are doing to be healthy and support Nilla in her BIG step over which she really "didn't get to choose" the timing, or perhaps in her own way she did", but her support systems are wonderful things, and everyone wins something with this one. TTYL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Mauley!!

WHERE IS SPUNKY? WHERE IS SPUNKY? Maybe Cindi will be able to answer that for us today.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Glo. I personally am drinking coffee to try to get rid of a headache. Does that count?

Suzanne, can't take Advil or Motrin or Aleve or anything like that anymore since gastric bypass. Tylenol is about it.

MITS said...

Yes, SUZANNE Good memory you have there, Maggie goes for a weigh-in later this morning. Son, reluctantly goes back to work today. Sorry about everyones headaches. I suffered with migraines for years, think the chage of life helped, don't get quite as many as before.

belle_wv said...

lolsuzanne, my go is going fast too

MITS said...

CINDI Say Hi to everyone at NCTC, good to have you on the inside, you can be our advocate.

Mauley said...

I learned about sinus infections from my vet. Had a feline leukemia positive kitty, who kept them all the time. Vet says that (just like humans) it takes at least 2 weeks of powerful antibiotics and antihistimines to get rid of sinus infection. He says that sinus cavities just a breeding ground for bacterial infections. How is Maggie today and Nilla are you good today. Gotta go teach class. BBL

belle_wv said...

Dana, no worries on my cousin trying to 'share' the name - she doesn't do much with the internet that I know...

floralgirl said...

Hope Nilla is okay this morning-looks like she had a tough nite-those cigs really get ahold of you.Hubby quit yrs. ago-then started again about 3yrs. ago when I wasn't looking-smokes only at work to relieve stress.Lately smokin gmore-hard to quit-hate to nag-but I do-lost sveral relatives to cancer from smoking.Such an expensive habit now too.OUCH!

belle_wv said...

Sinuses - can't live with em, can't live without em... sharon and floral, get those dr's appointments made today... the longer the infectionlingers the worse the medicine you need to get rid of it - believe ME - you do NOT want to take clindomycin - it is NASTY... whatever antibiotic you take - have a serving of yogurt with it - helps replace the natural gut flora the medicines take 'out'...

Mauley said...

Sharon, I just saw the beautiful picture of the kids and is that you between them. Nice picture. You are so very young looking. I remember what it was like being youg. Also nice doggie. Is he yours. Where are Mema Jo and Sharon. I need to quit work and just blog all day. Really have to go teach now. BBL

MITS said...

Check Mei Xiang out, think she has a headache also....

wvgal_dana said...

I see Cindi climbing up a tree
She has boots on that are com-fy
Slow going that tree is tall
Cindi Cindi please don't fall
A boot climbs here a hand out there
Higher she climbs feeling the air
Up there the air moves slowly
Wait Cindi hears a noise
It's in the nest in the tree
Can it be? Can it be? Can it be?
We all want to know.Is it our 3 ?
Cindi stretches her neck to see
Holding tightly onto the tree
Oh I got to climb higher to see
She peaks over into the nest
There is a sign for her to see
What Cindi thinks is this?
Cindi reads..take all these shells
Give them to our Momsters for us
We couldn't wait..God said to fly
So the shells we all three leave
Pray for us to grow strong
Into Adult Bald Eagles, so we
Can mate and have a "family"
Like the Momsters are a family
All our love from your special (3)
Bigboy, MsInBetween and Spunky

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mauley, that is me between them. I am a very young 44 (haha). That is my Scooby Doo beside us. He is 1 of 4 babies that own me!

floralgirl said...

Alright- hoses turned off,dressed in clothes with no visible dirt on them-cleaned dirt out from under nails-ready to go see the Dr. who will attempt to heal me with many totally overpriced medications that will make me feel even sicker as they heal my sinus infection.YIPEE!!! Everyone behave til I get back-you know who you are-Hope you guys hear from Nilla soon-

belle_wv said...

Wow what a high class morning BS show this is - even have poetry recitals - so wonderful :)

I was a good girl and took my antibiotics this morning, haven't convinced myself to do the 'nose shower' yet - kind of hard to do when head is already hurting... but gotta get that stuff out of there or I'll be miserable tomorrow when dr does it HIS way

belle_wv said...

Floral, have faith - the meds do their job and you will not feel nasty side effects this time, hopefully... try the yogurt - it really does help tremendously

wvgal_dana said...

As many turtles as those three ate we should all be able to have one.
I'd keep mine right beside my computer all the time. Oh my wouldn't that be nice. A shell that one of our 3 ate from (happy thought).

belle_wv said...

LOL I just noticed STeven's choice of words when he created yesterdays blog - boogered up LOL
wonder if he was referring to our sinus troubles?? LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, ROFLMAO. Boogered up! Could be! That is a good observation.

belle_wv said...

Happy for the eagles for sure Dana, not so sure the turtles in the area agree - except to be happy that they're still 'intact' and not just a memory up in the nest LOL... circle of life... it is all good really :) I would polish my shell and put it on my desk :)

MITS said...

Wow, That BW is right on the ball, they are working to get the cam restarted, nice to be kept informed.

belle_wv said...

OK I predict a short flurry of blogging then a longer period of quiet to follow.... 5

belle_wv said...

4 3

belle_wv said...


belle_wv said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I heard dat, Mits!!!

I think if I had one of the turtle shells, I would hire an artist to draw pictures of Big Boy, Ms. InBetween and Spunky on it. Hey, that sounds like a really good idea, huh?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I got 300 and wasn't even trying to!! Pretty kewl!

belle_wv said...

OK fair wait time given
do I get wax or not?

belle_wv said...

Phew no wax for me - don't need anything to give me more pain... LOL Sharon - you can start a company down there...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No Belle, no wax for you. I am going to get wax figurines made of our 3 eaglets!

belle_wv said...

Oh Sharon what a WONDERFUL idea! I love it!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Caffeine helped my headache! YEAH!

belle_wv said...

well the wax figurines are ok too, but I meant the painting the shell... that would be so perfect!

belle_wv said...

I just has some iced tea - so maybe the caffeine will help me too - sure hope so

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It really would be cool to have a shell painted that way, wouldn't it. Any artists out there?

wvgal_dana said...

I'll keep an eye on the weather for Boonesboro area. I got the zip. So I'll watch through my weatherbug. Humm bug....bugs crawling out of turtle shell....hummm some in here have the bug of sinus infections..
"clean keyboard with rubbing alcohol again".

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is Tai way up a tree?

belle_wv said...

How much OT do you have to do today? Will you have free time in the afternoon to head back down to the dam and look for eagles there? Weather here is sunny (still) so good day for sightings here. Cindi - please keep us posted on what you see and tell everyone there howdy and how much we appreciate all they've done for the eagles and their 'fans'

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Glo Are you lurking after reading all those blogs?
As you can see I am using and keeping the "real me" lol. ((hugs))

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla Nilla Oh Nilla
Where is my friend Nilla?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Have to do about 4 hours OT today. Doctor's appointment is at 1:45 this afternoon so won't be able to look for eagles today.

belle_wv said...

Well Dr appt comes first for sure... maybe the eaglets will fly over to visit you today

wvgal_dana said...

Some of you talk about coloring your hair. Ask Nilla mine isn't colored. Use to do it along time ago. Started turning salt and pepper in junior high. By the time my daughter was 5 or 6. No more coloring the dr said. No matter what they tried I get sores on scalp. Doctor kept saying I had Lupus. I don't test positive all these years but have different signs like it. So when my husband met me he called me his "silver fox". I'm not silver anymore but he still says that.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have busy little chickadees out here this morning and just saw a hummer. No hummer feeder though!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Smurf bear has moved to the right side now. Sure does make his way around that nest!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla is probably still sleeping, lucky dog!

wvgal_dana said...

New thread is up let's see who is first

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It appears the grizzly cam is gone but the one at Pete's Pond in Africa is up and going. Not sure what all I am seeing there but it looks pretty serene. Lots of wildlife!

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...