Saturday, August 12, 2006

Saturday Morning August 12

CHilly Morning Thread. Up in CT--it's 42 degrees.


NillaWafer said...

Thanks Steven hope all is well with you and your family. Just watched the channel 9 news and heard this report about eagles released..............................................................On Friday, Ed Clark from the Wildlife Center and two baby bald eagles were about to find out the truth of painful goodbyes.

"Where they'll go after we launch is anybody's guess."

These eagles kept their Lake Manassas neighbors guessing since May, when suddenly, the babies' home-life toppled.

"I went down on the cove and I looked across - I couldn't see the tree."

A spring storm took down the eagles' tree on the edge of a new 157 unit housing development. Builders found the birds' parents still dropping fish to the ground, but people needed to step in fast if they wanted to save them.

When the eagles were caught, they were bound for months of rehabilitation at the Wildlife Center of Virginia.

Now at five months and at full strength they were ready to be released back into the wild. Clark put on his best protection for the full-sized five month olds. Their feet grip 500 pounds of pressure per square inch, but it turned out, feet weren't the problem.

"Ouch...that hurt...1-2-3." Clark then lets go of the bird with onlookers snapping pictures.

The eagle was so anxious to spread its wings that it actually bit the expert - only the second time in his 24 year career.

"At least that one has the attitude to survive...won't forget for a week, anyway."

The second bird was more cooperative, flying into increasingly friendly skies. Just 30 years ago, there were only 100 eagles in Virginia. Today, that number has increased to nearly a 1000.

"If we protect, these birds will restore themselves."

For the first time, they are testing their wings with an outlook that must surely be spectacular.

Watched the video of them being released and 1 gave the handler a peck on the cheek bring blood..

Anonymous said...

Good Morning....That was a great story. I remember hearing that story, the eagles tree falling during a storm. Happy to hear the babies made it and were released. Another HAPPY ENDING.

Just Vicky said...

I'm sure ALL our thoughts are with Jo this morning!!

Just Vicky said...

Sure enjoyed your run down of those eaglets Nilla! Glad all that ended well.

glo said...

Good morning all Nilla Thankas for typing out that whole eagle story...I loved reading that. Jo Checking in on you, it's after 7 am where you are, I am surely hoping no news is good news for you family. Will be watching for info from you.

Gorgeious here 60 degrees and sunny, windows open and that sill grass has grownin all the rain!!! I will do some mowing today after my Saturday chats with my kids.


Anonymous said...

I was off yesterday and was reading all thats happened. Jo, I want to send LOTS OF HUGS TO YOU & YOUR FAMILY and know I'm praying for your Grandson and all the others.

wvgal_dana said...

Good morning Eagleland.
Seems there is alot of Prayer and (((hugs))) need to go out to several in here Jo & family, Mits & Maggie & Mom & Dad, maybe Jo's NY friends, Nilla still alittle under weather glad your getter alittle better. Oh yes Glo's toe.
Nilla that was a great story thank you for printing it. Always good to hear "happy, smiling stories that end so well".

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet in the Maine nest, Parent dropped of food, now eating.

Thanks, WV Gal, but that is my toe! I'm sure Glo doesn't want it!

paula eagleholic said...

MT nest in CT and Blackwater, Can't check BC

paula eagleholic said...

Papa Smurf Teddy bear now face up and nearing the edge of the nest. I'd like to see him get moved sometime! Everytime I look, he is at a different spot in the nest!

glo said...

Paula I am sorry about your toe, and no I don't want it. I would love to see a message on here this morning from Jo and Mits Holding them each up in prayer.

NillaIts good to hear form you but it won't make us think you don't need to see a Dr, cause the last several days tell me you probably do. I think they tell you thie same thing. I would love to know you are feeling top notch but I don't think that you are.

Sharon GET UP Do you think you are still a teenager!!!

OK will check back later.

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, so everyone is sleeping in this morning, or has gone back to bed.... That's OK, I get to sleep in tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Glo! Thought everyone went back to bed.

paula eagleholic said...

Maine eaglet done eating, now sitting on branch above nest, looking towards the water

paula eagleholic said...

MT nest in maine

Just Vicky said...

Lurking in the shadows!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok sorry tried to give Paula's toe away to Glo. Paula hope our toe is feeling better.
Those meds that Nilla gave sounded like she used them before but no on any now. Couldn't quite till though. If so she needs to get to doctor there are newer meds out now, that won't interfere with breathing. Hope she see's a dr soon said something about daughter getting her to a doctor but don't know when. Nilla we worry about you friend.
Sharon - someone is there to pour cold water on you to get you up lol.
Hi Vicky IL I've been lurking also.

wvgal_dana said...


paula eagleholic said...

Young 'un in the CT nest, working over a fish

movin said...

Good Saturday morning to you all...

Hoping and praying for the best news from Mema Jo...

Talk to you later, got to go to work for the morning.


movin said...

WVa gal...
What did you feed that cute little kitten to turn it that color??


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning. I didn't sleep in this morning but really wanted to. Had to get up and take my niece's husband to work and then go to Wal-Mart. I do plan on doing nothing but watching TV and of course blogging today (just cause I can). Vacation doesn't end until Tuesday morning at 7 a.m. If I would've had to work today, they would not have gotten much out of me. Feel pretty brain dead or something. Andrew was up at 8:30. Amazed me. I figured it would be afternoon before he got up. My dogs were tickled for me to be back home.

Mits and Mema Jo, love ya.

Everybody, good morning. To bad we can't put sound on here as I would sing to you all what I would sing to the girls who would try to sleep late at band camp. It was a "Good morning to you" to the tune of happy birthday. For some reason, they were not amused by it!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, I say you don't have to go to the doctor ever (as long as you can stand it)!! :):):) I know for me, I have to get miserable in something (most of the time) before I get the willingness to do anything about it.

Random acts of kindness today everybody. :) As for me, don't think I have the energy to do many acts of anything!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is Baby Smurf keeping the blue teddy bear right with him? He is standing right beside it now. It looks awful clean. How funny is that.

paula eagleholic said...

Parent now in CT nest eating too.

That teddy bear has been all over the nest this week!

Anonymous said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES----Sat. a.m.---all the kids call---late checking in----JO---All my THOUGHTS & PRAYERS are with you all and your family----I can't even imagine what you are going through---waiting is hard---WE LOVE YOU----

Just Vicky said...

Little Norma checked in!

glo said...

.Good morning Sharon I knew you were running around taking care of your family. Did you take a nice "cold" shower to wake up?

I am sure this year will have lots of special kinds of moments as Andrew goes through his senior year. I am glad that part of his special memories involves a mom who had time to enjoy what he enjoyed...with him. Have a good day Veggin or whatever you do. Yep Nilla is a procrastinator as am I ...I am putting off foot surgery just as long as I can...and am kind of quickly losing that battel. But headaches and bloodpressure kinds of stuff can really be a LOt more serious than foot surgery. I think we might need to kidnap her and just plain old take her to the Dr. JMHO

Mema Jo said...

It is a Blessed Good Morning
Grandson Patrick is ok ! Christine just called when she got the news.
I had a peaceful sleep last night - all because of your prayers. I'll never forget my feeling of comfort because of your words of concern and your being there for me in my time of need. Love all of you Eagle Buddies!

Just Vicky said...

What a blessing Jo! Thanks for sharing!!!

Just Vicky said...

WE were ALL concerned!

glo said...

Jo so glad to hear your good news

Anonymous said...

Lots have happened since yesterday-----NILLA'S feeling better---that's a good thing---MITS---praying for you and "Baby Maggie"------I hope Baby Maggie w/have her grandmother's sense of humor---Remember MITS----don't call her by her initials---"BM"---prayers for you all---MEMA JO---prayers for you & remember you are our DIPLOMAT---stay close---Dimpled BELLE is going to pick up daughter (& meet son-in law to be)---"NOT" said Belle--and SHEEEEEEES BACK!!!!---start using spell-check---Have REALLY missed you SHARON----SUZANNE taking pictures of all the creatures she sees---Take a pic of NILLA'S skunk (Flower)---PAULA--growing new toe nail----Look for it in 2008---KIDDIN'---bet it doesn't come off--and I read that WVAGALVICKY is busy dying all the cats on her street PINK---COOL---VICKY-IL is busy passing a can of wax back & forth---don't know why--GLO is enjoying her SEMI-retirement---working 24/7---wish I had some of her energy----If I left anyone out, email me & I w/apologize---COOL JIM----enjoying California----w/wait to hear what he is doing---CINDI---looking for our blood----CAROL---enjoying the good life in Pendleton----FIGHTING WINDMILLS---

glo said...

Norma what a fun read Thanks!!! have a great day ;-)

Anonymous said...

MEMA JO----I am so happy for you and family-----LIFE IS GOOD----

paula eagleholic said...

So glad to hear your good all we need is good news from Mits!

Anonymous said...

CINDI really does want your BLOOD--She works for the Red Cross---So next time she is in town----GIVE BLOOD---

paula eagleholic said...

Found this in Yahoo news a couple of minutes ago.

By FISNIK ABRASHI, Associated Press Writer
20 minutes ago

KABUL, Afghanistan - Three U.S. soldiers were killed and three wounded in a firefight in northeastern Afghanistan after militants attacked an American patrol with rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire, a military spokesman said Saturday.

U.S. troops used artillery to repel the attack in Nuristan province Friday, and helicopters rushed the wounded soldiers to medical care, said Col. Tom Collins. A civilian was also injured.

Mema Jo said...

Yep! Paula, that's where he is. I called Christine after reading the report and she said that when the base called her and said 6 killed-6 wounded that it was a miscommunication. She feels that someone added 3 & 3 and reported to her it was 6. Not that 3 isn't horrible enough. Two of the soldiers were single men and one of them was married. All the troops all over the world need our daily prayers for safe keeping.

Mema Jo said...

NILLA Is there a video online about the releasing of the eagles in VA? I remember that Martha's release was on video.

Mema Jo said...

If you google: Ed Clark eagles
there are quite a lot of articles about Eagle rescue. There is even a research item concerning turtles being a source of food for the eagle. It even gives a count consumed by states and where the turtle shell is located. Like on the ground or in the nest... LOLaughs
You need adobe reader to see this:
p0049-p0051.pdf Be sure you get in all in the url...........

paula eagleholic said...

I think the video is on Channel 9 (WUSA, Wash DC ) website. Someone at LI nest mentioned it also.

Bird Girl said...

hello everyone! hope all is well or at least improving!

Today, jody & i, and two of our volunteer friends, are going to the zoo where the fundraiser will be held in september. We're trying to figure out what kind of presentation we want to put on, since we cannot bring our own birds into the park. We're so excited about this we can hardly stand it -- it could mean THOUSANDS of dollars for our rescue group!

we got a great thunderstorm here last night, rained a lot which we really needed! now, if the temperature would only go down....

geula where are you?

best wishes to ALL,

Bird Girl

Bird Girl said...

paula i empathize with you on the sore toe! i dropped a flat of water (the 24-pack of water bottles)once, it landed top-side down on my big toe and the joint, hurt like h**l -- three months later, it was still painful and i couldn't walk on it anymore, so i went to a podiatrist.

turned out that the force of the flat of water broke the sesamoid bone, which is the little bone on the bottom of your foot directly under the joint where the big toe connects to the foot. i had to wear a removable cast for three weeks. it still bothers me from time to time, as i also have a bunion on that foot. lucky me.

ice! ice! ice! and if it still hurts in a month, go to a podiatrist to get an x-ray, they take specific x-rays on a different kind of machine, you may have a crack in the bone...

bye guys!

Mema Jo said...

Just watched the video. Google: WUSA Wahington DC Select: More VIdeos
At the lower left hand corner is a pic about Back Into the Wild...
You'll enjoy it.

glo said...

I so enjoyed watching the video and watching those eaglets take off and soar..I ma sure that is as close as what we're going to get to what ours look like as they soar now. Great story
Thanks for all that neat info

NillaWafer said...

Hangin On and here i come.. Jo that is wonderful news, i remember afew years back my sisters son, Micheal was over in Turkey and we worried alot. Norma you give such great commentary.. Hugsss .. Paula, Birdgirl is right.. I rememebr also when my son was just born, in the dark running across the front yard and hitting a board,, tore my big toe nail right up..OMG talk about hurt n sick!!! Daughter came by wanted me to go to Baltimore school shopping for the girls, NO way could i walk around thru big malls right now.. Going to try and drive down to Food Lion for some crab meat, as i am hungry for crab cakes. Store isnt that far away..Ok grandson is coming to take me to store in afew BBL with delish crab meat...

paula eagleholic said...

I watched it too. I did hear that they cut out the part when the eagle pecked the guy on the cheek!

NillaWafer said...

So glad you enjoyed that info and video on the released eagles i saw this morning on USA9 news.. Better get scootin n cleaned up before Nathan gets here. Sumpin else to say but cant remember More to be revealed later.. Sharonnnn welcome back to once again..That wasnt it but thought i throw it BBL

NillaWafer said...

Oh the skunk smell is almost gone.. ANYTHING with Eagles i hear my ears perk right BBL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just watched the video. They probably took out the pecking cheek part of the video cause if it were me and an eaglet pecked me on the cheek, the words that would have come out of my mouth would not be fit for publishing! :) Weren't they just beautiful and big!!

floralgirl said...

Home from market-haven't read all the comments yet-made it to Jo's and I am so relieved,been thinking about you all morning My heart goes out to all the families that have lost loved ones in these wars.So glad your Patrick is okay Jo-keeping him and all our soldiers in my thoughts.

NillaWafer said...

Ok dressed ..Looks like a eagle in the nest at BC LIL/BIG?? That nest looks like it fallen apart even more after yesterdays winds up there..Spider web is on lens also glistin in the sun light.. Waitin on Nathan, luckly he called n said he take me..Whatcha wanta bet it hit grandmaw up for money time Plus he is using my car..Love Him....

Mema Jo said...

At the end of the video you could see on his cheek where he got pecked.
That was a big eagle sized boo boo.
So did anyone read about the turtles??

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for all those "toe" stories! I can relate to each and every one of them! Never knew it could be so painful. If this thing doesn't feel any better by Monday, I will be calling the DR. At least I could get one of those cushy shoes to wear...

paula eagleholic said...

I didn't think of the #$!^%$% comment he probably you are right!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, I doubt that I would have said okay, come on baby eaglet, please don't rip a piece of my cheek away, little darling! :)

paula eagleholic said...

I'd say our eagles were definitely proof that eagles like turtles, too!

Mema Jo said...

FONZ cam shows outside wrestling match
Tai is trying to ride piggyback on Mei
Now she slam-banged him and is trying to hold him down.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Everyone
Jo so happy for you, of course sad for the other families.
Our Service Men and Women are always in my prayers. My husband's grandson is in service, my nephew's son, and my daughters borther-in-law.
Sharonglad to see you back-don't use your time checking my spelling there is always a mistake.
Thanks for the Eaglet report went and looked at beginning when guy had eaglet on ground it bite his hand he said "ouch". Nothing about the cheek kiss though.
They have Eagles and Eaglets at Lake of the Woods in Virginia. When we were there a parent got a fish from the lake and flew right by the house make a turn and went back over lake to tree.
(((((Mits and baby Maggie))))

wvgal_dana said...

Hee hee Norma there are alot of stray cats around here. That would be funny if they all turned up pick lol

NillaWafer said...

Ok back got to 2 cans of lump crab meat Yum Yum making crab cakes today but making a crab casserole another day.. Lets see No Nathan didnt hit me up for money.. writting this He is using my car.. Got thru the grocery store without passin out or gettin weak so thats an improvement.. This morning before i posted about the eagle's release's they DID show it on tv his cheek was bleeding.. Well gona start dinner.. Remember when on Heee Hawww they ask whats for dinner???? Welll i got crab cakes frying yummmm yummmm Old Bay Spices...Fresh red small tator's with onions n butter..Sweet white corn cut off the cob... sweet as can be.. Know your gona love it Cant wait to seeeee... For dessert fresh fruit so icey coldddd n a piece of Chocolate Cream Cake with chocolate frosting... How many plates shall i set??? Whoes coming for dinner????LMAO

Mema Jo said...


NillaWafer said...

Dinner is finished settin on stove just grab a plate we are using the good china tonight and heveho fill it up with all you can eat..But hold tight to plate its paper you see.. Just throw in trash.. Coffee's a brewin smell so good.. Waitin on Jo

Anonymous said...

From the talk, Jo's grandson is OK ? Thats wonderful.

Now just where can I find the video on the release of the eagles? I watched the news this morning but 4 NBC and they didn't show a thing or I missed it.

NillaWafer said...

WUSA Wahington DC Select: More VIdeos
At the lower left hand corner is a pic about Back Into the Wild...
Google Jo said google Ed Clarks name also and there is alot of Eagle Info from him..

movin said...

Thanks, Mema Jo, for the great news about your grandson being OK. I think we all prayed for him to be safe.


belle_wv said...

Hi everyone. So glad to hear your grandson is OK, Jo. As others have said - feel very upset for the families that were directly impacted and send prayers for peace for them and all involved everywhere.

Nilla, glad you're feeling a little better, but I am not at all about to turn off the nag machine.

My daughter is home again...
Hope everyone has had a great day.

NillaWafer said...

LOL Belle well my childern know now that i havent been feelin good.. Once i was sick and my exhusband said to me lets go see our grandson Nathan i said ok well as we were riding i said this isnt the way to see Nathan.. He drove to City Hospitol and made me get I been googlin traveling all over the world..

wvgal_dana said...

8:03pmEST Well I thought I would have way more comments to catch up on.
Sharon you sleeping?
NillaHold that good china I be over to get a plate full. Then I'll take you for a car ride. Just like a baby put you to sleep. You wake up be a City Hospital,and I'm not your exhusband lol.
Belle Did you check out the boyfriend?

glo said...

I have it from good authority that .Sharon is on post number 857 of our 1000 plus Marathon. She has gone to therapy over the spelling and typos, but promises to return just ASAP. She says its self preservation, as she just can't go through another 857 like the las ones.

I personally don't think our spelling was all that bad

She'll be showin up here sune enuff.

NillaWafer said...

I wunder if'n cheez gona git a headack aftil readin ? I agrknee Glo waznit dat baaaaaadddd???? Wait til she gits to the one Jo added with the words all mixed

wvgal_dana said...

Oh come on Sharon suffer with the rest of us.

NillaWafer said...

Lo No thanks Gal, i tryed callin Jo but she must be out and about this evening. I just been surfin n reading articals on many things..

wvgal_dana said...

I look at it like this I ain't in school anymore. No kids at home. I retired from correct english and correctnous in spell'n.
Remimber'n it's my ritg by the constitution to mis-pell wirds.

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla lots of people in Ocean City love the cams. I feel likes Im thare.
You look'n up artiales on medicutions?

belle_wv said...

LOL WV Vicky I didn't get introduced to him, so must'nt be anyhthing too 'special' or she was not wanting to share the image of her nto so gorgeoud mom with him. He was, well, a nerd/geek - didn't get to talk to him, he's surely nice and smart, but man I think she can do a LOT better... sorry but you asked. If this is how things are going to be, hmmm I might not be the best mother-in-law in the world??

Nilla glad you;'re up to surfin around - that dinner of yours sure sounded delicious - I was wanting to get some of it.

Sharon, take a chill pill on the speling - we tryed reely hard two due gud

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, everybody, I am back again. Went out for a while this evening. The therapy is helping so you all misspell all you want to!! :)

Glad everybody is okay this evening!

Love ya - MITS!!

I think I am going to read one of the blog pages from one of the days I missed. Too many to read all at one time!

wvgal_dana said...

With my spelln and use of wrong words like quit for quite; you would never believe that once I transcribed Doctors notes and orders. Yep even down to putting the cards with medications they needid for the nurses to give to the patients. OOppss even ordering blood work.
These slippery fingers once was a fast perfect typist. The girls in the room use to say, "Come over here and listen to this doctor I can't tell what he is saying".
My "fingers" are now retired. So is my mind for catching mistakes .

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I just read Jim's tribute on the farewell tribute page. That was absolutely beautiful. Thank you Jim.

I may have already posted this so if I did, disregard this but I did find out on my trip that there are eagles near the Bluestone Dam. Was going to stop and watch for a while on my way home but it was really rainy and foggy and couldn't see much. I will be going back (only about 45 minutes from here) to see if I can see any. I would be one tickled puppy if I could just see 1 eagle live and in person (or bird I guess).

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon if you do you have to come in an give us a report "of live eagle sighting".
Share the "fix".

belle_wv said...

I saw some birds flyin today around Green Bank, but without knowing I'm seeing eagles, I'm not sure what I'm seeing... so could've been hawks or buzzards or eagles - don't really know how to tell the differences for sure, without seein the different ones together. It was easy to tell buzards from the eagles when they were both in the sky, but otherwise... can't tell sigh not much of a bird watcher, am I?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WV Gal Vicky, you can best believe if I ever get to see an eagle, you all will be the first to know.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, going to watch TV with my great-niece (who really is great!) Mattie. Will check in before I go to bed!

paula eagleholic said...

It's been a pretty quiet day here on the ol' blog, hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather we had around here today...really has cooled down here tonight.

Had Chinese take out w/ my son, his girlfriend and my grandson. Was a very nice evening!

paula eagleholic said...

I keep watching these 2 birds that fly around my work when I am out for a cig...keep thinking they are eagles, but I think they are probably a hawk or something...keep meaning to bring my binocs to work so I can get a better look... they soar thru the sky... I think once you see eagles, you think everything (or hope) everything is an eagle.

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone watching Frieda? She just turned around and I missed it.

paula eagleholic said...

She really is a pretty bird, nice color variations.

belle_wv said...

I was watching Frieda the other evening and she scared the starch out of me. I looked at the cam and she was belly up for like 3 refreshes... I thought she'd been attacked or something... then finally the 4th refresh she was back right where she'd started from. I guess her back was itchy and she was using the rocks to scratch it? Sure startled me, though.

paula eagleholic said...

That must have been really weird to see... now the dogs do that all the time... in fact, my one dog sleeps on my bed, on his back, with all 4 paws up in the air, all stretched out! Pretty comical.

Mema Jo said...

Well, I was out and about. Went to church 5-6 and then ate Chinese with son and family for my grandson's 16th birthday. Had a really good time with all of them. I told Corey that he was getting old! Such a refreshing kid!
Best Chocolate chocolate cake I've had in awhile. However;
I would have given anything to have had crab cakes - I'm not much on Chinese-love rice so I got my fill.
FloralGirl Is there a Sunday market that you go to? I know you were there today but hope you said Sat & Sun. I am planning to come over.
Remember Belle Nerds/geeks usually grow up to be millionaires!
Sharon Did you read the message I put on there one slow day?
You didn't have any trouble reading all those misspelled words, did you!
I know I would laugh heartily if I could see you when you open it.....
Nilla So now that you had so much good stuff to eat - do you feel better or light headed? You're still going to get a DR appointment-RIGHT?
It's only 60 degrees outside right now. I was out looking for meteor showers but it seems to be overcast. I'll try later.

Mema Jo said...

Paula Are you still limping around? I have done that before but don't think it was as bad as yours.
I have a cat who sleeps on our bed -
All fours up! If I accidentally touch him on his belly - Look Out!
He has quick reflexes & sharp claws!

Mema Jo said...

Belle When is your surgery scheduled and is it out patient or will be you there for awhile?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, haven't gotten that far on the blogs yet. Better go for more therapy before I get to that one! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

When Andrew was 11 months old and learning to walk, he was running down a ramp we have in front of the house (had roll roofing on it so it wouldn't be slippery). I was behind him with my arms around him so he wouldn't fall, I fell on top of him, broke my big toe into 3 pieces and he got a really bad booboo on his head and shoulder and almost bit his tongue into. Scary, scary time. Thought I had killed him. My toe hurt really bad for a long time (still does sometimes).

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

who is going to hit 100? Hope I do!

Mema Jo said...

I truly forget which date it was on.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

please, please

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

let it

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

be me

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

MADE IT!! I'M BACK!!!!!!!!

#100 once again!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, not much of a race there. Where is everybody? Not hard to make it when I am the only one blogging!

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, Jo, still limping. Hoping it'll get better in a couple of days...

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon has no clue, does she! HEHEHE

paula eagleholic said...

Should I send her the email ?

wvgal_dana said...

Contrgs. Sharon is BACK

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Everybody that has their SUPPLY OF WAX send it Sharon's way. Sharon that will be a building the size that holds a car.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, you have mail!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

When will my wax arrive, how will it arrive? Anxiously awaiting so I can send it to #200. I am going to use it on one of my dogs! That should be pretty fun!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I read that about the wax last week and couldn't breathe or see by the time I got to the end! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Jo was the original winner, right?

paula eagleholic said...

I am sure everyone will be happy to send you their wax!

wvgal_dana said...

That dang wax kept on mulitpling and getting sent to #100 winner. Now it is "all" being sent your way.
Ouch watch where and how you use it on the bikini line.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, she was Sharon. Now anyone who hits those special numbers is rewarded with a can of wax to commemorate the occasion... and as you know, no one wants to go thru that experience!

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon did you read the Purina Diet

paula eagleholic said...

Well ladies, hitting the hay, hoping to get some uninterrupted zzzz'sss.

Good night to all my eagle friends! Sleep tight!

wvgal_dana said...

Night Paula sweet Eagle dreams.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon We just let you be number 100 as a welcome home gift!
Ditzy told everyone about the wax!
Tee Hee..... So evey time someone got 100, 150 or 200 etc. everyone was passing the wax! We really had fun with it.
Daughter just called & saw 2 meteors. She told me to go out at 2am and I would probably see lots of them.
I told her it was down right COLD outside & that I didn't think I would stay up until 2am. Oh how I wish I were on top of a mountain. I have seen some photos of the showers and they were awesome!

Mema Jo said...

Frieda's Gone! QUICK! Look at the eggs.. So pretty.

Mema Jo said...

She's Back - just like that
I wonder if the chicks will look like our Harrisburg chicks? I don't remember any real close ups of the adult falcons there, but just don't think they were as beautiful as Frieda.

Mema Jo said...

It is now time to leave -- See you all in the morning....

Sweet Dreams Eagle Buddies...

wvgal_dana said...

I'm signing out also.
Hope everyone has a good sleep; AOYP=Angels On Your Pillows

floralgirl said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
floralgirl said...

Good morning!! Yep it's morning and I'm getting ready to go to bed-just having a midnite snack! Jo-yes I am in Shepherdstown Sunday mornings from 9 to 1 , Saturdays I am in Frederick.Hope everyone is having a great weekend. off to bed-gotta get back up in about 5 hours.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is anybody out there this morning?

glo said...

Hi Sharon, I got an email saying people were having trouble getting in. My first try here. I will write back and tell them I got in oK. Hope your day is going well.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think if they try to come through the NCTC site, it is down. I sent Mits the link directly to this page.

glo said...

Ok will do TTYL

Mema Jo said...

Good morning, Sharon & GLO! I can get into the Eagle Cam Daily with my shortcut on my desktop - BUT I have to refresh it to see the count of messages. Had to do that yesterday also. Just talked with my daughter & we will pop over to the Market & get some of FloralGirls' flowers this morning. Yes, I will keep my eyes to the skies just in case anyone up there in the clouds is looking down on me!
I would love to see the kids again!!!!
Sharon, you don't have to work yet, do you? I remember something about the 15th..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And the 15th it is Mema Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Did you get the camp laundry for you and Andrew finished (started?) yet?
Did you have rainy weather most of the time?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It did rain quite a bit. I put Andrew's stinky laundry in the washer before it ever made it all the way into the house. Haven't started on mine yet though.

It was raining when they performed the show for the parents on Friday evening but they marched right through it. Awesome band! They have 43 members (40 members actually march) but their sound is awesome. Andrew is the leader of the drumline so you know I think that is the most awesome part of the band!!

Mema Jo said...

I agree that without those drum beats a marching band just can't march! You must be very proud of him. I am happy for you having the time with the group. I am sure all 43 of those kids appreciated your being there!

MITS said...

BOO!!! Guess who?? Its me Mits... thanks for all your prayers and kind thoughts and e-mails. We don't know what the future holds for "our little Maggie", but we do know that she is surrounded by a lot of "LOVE". I told Sharon this story last night, while I was sitting on the deck with Maggie yesterday afternoon, I looked up and right above us was a large bird and 3 white birds. I'd like to think that the one bird was an eagle and I don't know what the other birds could be...they just soared above us for the longest time. My son and daughter-in-law live right next to Patapsco State Park, so it is a very good possibility that it could have been an eagle. I so glad I don't have to call her, Baby Kalis anymore. She looks like our very own Cabbage Patch Doll. We are truly blessed to have her, she weighed in exactly like her Dad did 29 yrs. ago and came exactly as early as he did. Isn't that amazing. My beautiful daughter-in-law started pushing at 9:00a.m. and Maggie slid into this world at 9:09a.m. Needless to say I did not arrive at the hospital til 10:15, was on the road from Ocean City, crying my eyes out, because I was not there, Jesus took the wheel on that car drive, lucky I made it in one piece. Hope this comes thru, as I'm having trouble getting thru on the blog. Love Ya All! Helen

Mema Jo said...

They were probably the doves of peace. I am so happy to have you back and I know that little Maggie will have so much love she will shine like a star!

Mema Jo said...

I am out of here for a few hours - to market to market to market I go..

MITS said...

Jo Those white birds were shining like diamonds against the clear blue cloudless sky. Darn, I forgot about the meteors last night. Well, lets all thank MAGGIE for the string of good weather she brought with her.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Love you, Mits!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Gonna be off for a little while. Running a disk cleanup on my computer and going around the neighborhood visiting. BBIALW!

wvgal_dana said...

((((Mits & Maggie))))
Grandma, Grandie, Nanny, etc you have mail.
So glad you are back.

Geula said...

Hi! Just wanted to drop in and say hello, so y'all won't worry your buns off!

I fine, and getting used to popping into the secure room every once in a while.

Tomorrow is the ceasefire.....let's hope it works!

MITS said...

Thanks, West Va Gal, you have mail. Geula, good to hear from you, praying for peace. BOOYAH SHARON, LOVE YOU TOO...

MITS said...

Going over to new thread..

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...