Saturday, August 26, 2006

Saturday 26 August

Steamy saturday thread.


wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steven for the New Thread...take care...

Ok I got frist this time everyone come on over..
Happy Eagle Memories to all!!

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, Eagle Land!

Just checking in before I am out for the day, going to visit friends in PA.

Hope everyone going to the park has a great day!

Happy Saturday!

MITS said...

Thanks, for the new thread.STEVEN

Mema Jo said...

Yes, I was on the old thread

Hi Dana & Mits & goodbye Paula....
Mema was giving her great granddaughter a playful tub bath!!!
I am soaked. I am going to head up to the mountain to be there around noon. I will plan on staying 2 hrs if this breeze keeps up...At least to eat those donut holes & sub!!
I hope you will feel up to coming on up for awhile. At least we could say Hello & meet each other. You do what your body tells you to do, gal. We still have the open house to look forward to attending.

MITS said...

Hope everyone has a nice day at the monument. Take pictures.

Mema Jo said...

Do you feel wiped out?
I'm on a roll.......... LOL

Thanks, Mits! My Alexis just unrolled the whole thing - she's at that age. She says Potty But really only wants to flush after she fills it with
toliet paper........... More Fun!

MITS said...


MITS said...

Looks like the blog is going to be a pain in the butt again today, took a long time to get in, had to shut down and restart!!!

MITS said...

Going to be a ssslllooowww day on the blog today.

NillaWafer said...

Morning had aterrible time getting in here so will make this short n sweet ... heading over to get Subs.. then on down the road to park.. So i will be there dont git excited.... C U THENNNNN Mits do wish you could have joined us ... sniff... Better scoot its after 11 am now. and have things to do... Jo bring a table cloth please if you read this i have paper plates n such... Huggggssss

Mema Jo said...

Mits You can watch all of Tai's movies while we're gone..

MITS said...

Sorry :(:(:(:(, I'm not there.

MITS said...

Hope the do's turn out ok for the girls...

Mema Jo said...

All you n eed to do is jump in your car, check the gas, and step on in up RT 270 to RT70, get off at Exit 49 at Braddock Hgts/Middletown, go up the mountain, down the mountain, thru Middletown - straight shot up to the top of the mountain and turn right! Go 1 mile and you are at entrance of Washington Mounment State Park. Go up to the parking lot & look for Momsters eating subs & donut holes! I'll even save you some of my sub (I'm not a big eater & if it is a whole sub - there'll be plenty left for you-onions and all)
Go FOR IT GAL !!! Then you can stop & visit you sister-in-law. You could also drop Hubby off at his sister's in Braddock first. Sound like a plan?

MITS said...

Thanks, sweetie, I'm knee deep in cleaning right now, want the house straight before I go to oc, next week, because I probably will be gone for several weeks. (((HUGS))) to everyone one.

Mema Jo said...

I'll deliver your (((((HUGS)))))))

MITS said...

meant everyone also. How rude, blog just shut down right in the middle of my posts!!!

MITS said...

2 osprey up in CT nest and 1 large fish.

MITS said...

Wrestling match at the zoo.

Just Vicky said...

SO the only ones left are Mits and Me?? How lonely this place will be for a while!

MITS said...

Yeppers!!! Just you and me Vicky, everyone else is eating delicious subs amd donut holes and looking for birds, and I guess, I will have a PB&J sandwich for lunch or tuna fish, might be better, told hubby I was going to clean, but every time he looks I'm in here on the computer.

Just Vicky said...

Yes, I have the same problem! All this work waiting for me, AND NO DESIRE TO GET IT DONE! What's a woman to do???

Just Vicky said...

I've been gathering up all me ingredient to make salsa!

Just Vicky said...

Did Dana try to make it to the "outing?" I didn't get invited! Guess they didn't figure I'd make a trip for a picnic!

MITS said...

Awww, but would you have made the ride? It would take me about an hour and a half to get there and I need to get this house dusted and vacummed, if nothing else gets done.

Just Vicky said...

Well Mits, it would take me about 10 hours, one way so realistically, NO WAY COULD I HAVE MADE IT WITHOUT SCHEDULING AHEAD!

MITS said...

Dana was going to try to get there, but the weather is rather steamy today, but up on the mountain, should be a bit of a breeze.

Just Vicky said...

Now when we are talking "The Nest" and our "Kids" I sure made the trip!

Just Vicky said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Just Vicky said...

Well Mits, I got kicked out of the blogger page! I tried posting to you and wham, timed out and left town!

I think we need to get a robot vacuum that does it without us pushing, and someone needs to invent the self-propelled duster!

MITS said...

I'm having problems too, just like yesterday. I used to love to clean when I was younger, gave me a sense of satisfaction, now it gives me a pain in the neck and back!

Just Vicky said...

Or, invent houses that don't get dirty!

Just Vicky said...

AMEN Mits!

MITS said...

I guess this blog is going to help me get my work done, it will not let me on it. Nasty blog. Haven't heard from SHARON since she went to the flea market, you don't suppose she is heading to the mountain top as a surprise, do you?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Didn't head to the mountain top. Wish I could have though. Sister is very slow at the flea market and then I went to a yard sale. Didn't buy anything at the flea market but got a few things for really cheap at the yard sale. Going to rest a while now. Only day off and need to rest this tired body!

MITS said...

Welcome Home, SHARON Thought you might have headed to the mountain top for subs and donut holes.:):):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No, but I did go to McDonalds for a double cheeseburger and a tea!

MITS said...

Is that the "sweet tea"? Haven't tried it yet.

MITS said...

What time do you think everyone will be back from the mountain?

MITS said...

I love Mickey D's Double Cheeseburgers, can't get them up here unless they are running a special.

MITS said...

Mei and Tai are spending alot of time in the cool den today. Temp is 90.

Anonymous said...

All right, where is everyone? Houses cleaned? naps taken? donut holes and subs eaten? work completed? yard sales shopped? Then stand at attention because this blog is acting up and we need some order here. ATTENNNTION!! Alright, at ease, back to what you were doing.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I get their unsweetened tea and add Splenda to it. I love it. Double cheeseburgers here are on the $1 menu. It is great!

MITS said...

Probably why we don't have it here in Bethesda, they have a dollar menu, but the double cheesburger is rarely on it. You have mail.

MITS said...

9p.m. at the Denbury Farms and the creepy badgers are out and about.

glo said...

Well called it a day for office stuff. I think i can wrap it up tomorrow within 4 to 5 hours and just walk away for good. My donut holes and tea were good, but I bet they weren't as good as some of the Momsters are or have been enjoying. Will be watching for some news, but for now gonna scak out and relax for a while.

MITS said...

I must have missed the guy coming out to feed the badgers, there are a bunch of them, fox just tried to join in, but he left rather quickly.

MITS said...

2 fox at Denbury site, eating the leftovers from the badgers.

Mema Jo said...


Rushing to go to church. BBL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am so amazed at how human-like these pandas are!! Beautiful animals although I have a hard time looking at Mei and Tai as animals!

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh, the pictures are great. Sure wish I could have been there!! Good to put faces with some names.

Just Vicky said...

Guess they didn't save us any donuts!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Guess not, ole skutters! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh, by the way, I was #50!

MITS said...

Pics were great, glad you all had a good time.

MITS said...

Congrats 50!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, you've got mail!

belle_wv said...

Home I am - man my hair is SHORT - I didn't realize how short it was... yikes... I am nervous about how it is going to look when ***I*** have to do it myself - looks nice now, but....

Had a great time at the park - very nice place - was a very nice breeze and low humidity. Everyone is so nice! It was so good to meet Suzanne and her sister and Dana (and her chauffer) finally!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just looked at Doreen's album. Now those are horses and her Elli looks so much like my Buphals except Buphals is not full lab. Same color and size though. Ears just a little different! I got to get some pictures on there of all my babies, oh and Andrew too!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, I don't know what your hair looked like before but I really like it now. Looks very cute!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going out for a while. BBL!

glo said...

Wow you got those pictures posted fast, nnot like the night we waited for all you to get done at the bar LOL..... Great pictures, Looks like you all were having a really good time. its nice to see what all the Suspects, well its not all of them but a pretty good representation right there. Any sights or sounds of eagles anywhere? Guess not or I am sure you would have mentioned that. No Todd either, but Nilla did find herself a man or two. Loved seeing all of you and your personalities to match.
Blog at ya later.

Just Vicky said...

So is everyone out of here?

floralgirl said...

Checking in- been working all day, getting ready for big family dinner-relatives from out of town, etc. Belle- I love your haircut, it really looks nice. One of these days maybe I'll have the courage to lop off some of this hair. Looks like you guys had a good time. Details please... BBLAIED

MITS said...

I like your hair, BELLE looks like it will be easy to keep up.

MITS said...

FLORALGIRL Are you getting rain???

NillaWafer said...

Just checking in aminute as we are about to get a very bad storm its coming up from Winchester area with hail and hard rain n thunder.. Be back when its over with details of todays events.. Jo you still burpin onions? LMAO

MITS said...

I was watching those storms when they were further west, thought they might be coming our way, but, no rain for us again.

MITS said...

The eagle-cam out in BC is completely gone, some other thing pops up and you have to register to see their cams.

MITS said...

Looks like Martinsburg is getting slammed with a big storm, lots of reds and oranges, hope your power does not go...

MITS said...

Almost done cleaning, waiting for hubby to bring back dinner, then I can clean kitchen, hubby wanted to know how come I'm not as fast as Merry Maids??? Can't repeat what I said to him..

MITS said...

Storm heading to Sheperdstown, look out eagles.

belle_wv said...

Looks like we might actually get rain - but a storn isn't the best option - guess we'll take it if we get it... floral I hope you get some rain...

Thanks for the hair compliments... It has been a long time since I"ve had it cut, so going to be an adjustment for sure but the stylist was so nice - I'll be going back there :)

Nilla - you doin ok - you have to explain what happened with the millitiamen there LOL

belle_wv said...

Mits is your house spotless?

belle_wv said...

Dana are you OK? I sure hope you didn't overdo it too much :(


belle_wv said...

Looks like the storm is passing south and east of us by a TINY bit

belle_wv said...

miss everyone!

NillaWafer said...

Still rainin but not as much thunder n lightening.. Oh my now i am burpin those Mits i was so dissapointed i thought sure you were gona be there and surpise me... snifffff As you can see we shared a glorious day, light wind kept the bug off and the smell of onions and sub filled the air... Oh and Donuts.. Belle did your husband like the ones you took home? I confessed my sins to the girls OR did I??? LMAO Nevea know..By the way Belle i loved your hair also.. As you could see i had abad hair day so flopped the hat on... Suz so great meeting you and your sister tell us all about your walk to the monument!!! Seems as if we never had amoment that we didnt have something to yack Oh just like Dana your so cute and nice hubby ,, was nice seeing you standing up instead of laying in a hospitol bed and on drugs... Girls that Jo ate a whole sub yup and then set there n burped and blamed it on the onions... She didnt share her holes Thats ok WE ALL had a great time as you can see in the pictures.. As for the men well all i can say is " So Many Men So Little Time".... LMAOOOOO

NillaWafer said...

PS Mits i told Jo we are coming to see you and going for crabs!!! She said well she get Frank to drive us and then he could go to their house on Fendwick Island.. Hope we can seet something up for after labor day..

NillaWafer said...

When i left the park i drove into Boonsboro and went towards Sharpsburg and into Shepherdstown andddd i thought as going across bridge should i turn or shouldnt i.. Well i didnt and felt guilty.. like i was missin the kids waitng on me...

Mema Jo said...

The lightning & thunder is upon me. Just a note that Suzanne had her new camera & will be adding pics to the album on Monday. It was a very great get together today - Lots of fun.
I think FloralGirl's rain dance finally worked - just so she can get to market tomorrow. BBLATS

Yes, I almost burped in church! LOL

belle_wv said...

Jo it is ATS here - it sure didn't last long... I think we got enough rain to blacken the road BARELY - still dry under the leave lines of the trees - I sure hope floral got more than we did...

Yes it was an awesome day... I got a few pics, but the camera is out in the car.

John and the rest of the gang here made short work of the donuts left over sub is in the fridge smelling up the place yummm

belle_wv said...

I told the dentist he'd better watch out cause I'd just had a hartles sub with LOTS of onion that I ordered for our picnic BEFORE he changed times on me LOL and that he'd better keep that mask of his on...
Jo - burpin in church!!!! I never!! (admit to it) LOL

NillaWafer said...

Mits i been checking the Spirit Of Washington boat tours n dinner.. Have you ever taken them? I remember as achild taking them passed Mount Veron and on to a amusement park.. Something to think about doing its not really that pricey a boat ride to Mt Vernon is $65.00 and that includes a big buffet.. Go look see what ya

belle_wv said...

I should be doing stuff for work... or class... had a power nap after company left... but still don't feel like working

NillaWafer said...

LMAO..Could have been worse and Flatuence could have took over...lolll Toot Toot

belle_wv said...

LOL Nilla - I think we need to pray to Our Lady of Inadvertent Flatulence to protect us from that one!!! I've sent quite a few prayers winging that direction mmeself

Just Vicky said...

Hey Belle I like the hairdo!
Wait till you wash it for the first time! That's when I really noticed I had lost all of my hair!

belle_wv said...

Frieda looks so bored and tired. The ledge looks like it is a bit on the warm side. The foliage looks a bit wilted. Has anyone seen it rain there?

NillaWafer said...

Wonder where Dana is???? Sha was kind of hobblin when we left and moving very slowly.. Hope she didnt over due.. Hey the Redskins are about to play The New England Patriots... Shall i sing Hail To The Redskinsss Naaaa they better git the tar out them tushes n win tonight!!!

belle_wv said...

Vicky - I about sprained my shoulder when I brushed it! I was ready to keep tuggin through and the brush ran out of hair and my arm kept going full tilt. It is WAY shorter than I expected - well we cut it long enough so the little bit that I did have was long enough to donate to locks of love or wigs for kids - excellent programs - we donate every chance we get

NillaWafer said...

She has been the best mom setting there last night she did move alittle and her eggs were in view then she shuffled her self ovr them that they were under her breast... Speaking of breastisis Belle DONT GO THERE!!! ROFLMAOOOO

belle_wv said...

Nilla - its a preseason game - don't expect too much LOL - its the Deadskins, too -oopsie did I say that?? Don't want anon to pop up... I RESPECT all teams - just some more than others... Oh now I got Aretha singing in my head - R E S P E C T find out what it meannnns to meeeeeeeeeee ohhhhh yeah

Just Vicky said...

BelleI wondered if you donated your hair! Bet they enjoyed getting it!
Certainly a very worthy reason to donate to!

belle_wv said...

Nilla - scared for life by that I was! LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

who is 100?

Just Vicky said...

Sports should be something we can discuss on here!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yep, again. Thank you, thank you.

belle_wv said...

I agree oh fair one vicky - I'm so glad they've gotten more publicity in recent years - used to be when we wanted to donate we had to tell the hairstylists what to do and send it off - this stylist knew and was already going for the ruler when I mentioned it and had a batch going that she could package mine with... awesome

belle_wv said...

oh I didn't see we were near the wax mark - I guess the lurkers came out and nabbed the century mark

Nilla I forgot to ask you today (ran out of time with so much to chat about, too) who were you talkin to in the catfood isle about me?

belle_wv said...

Yep I knew you'd do it Sharon, how' you doin? Your bronchitis easing up any? If not time to raise the flag and head back to dr..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, I may be many things but a lurker is not one of them. I just happened back home at just the perfect time!! :)

NillaWafer said...

Congrats Sharon i was even watching the talley for comments .. Wish you could have been here today Sharon.. We are planning something and YOU MUST ATTEND!!! Ohh St got a 3 pointer field goal..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Cough is still pretty bad and still feeling pretty lousy. Probably will have to go back this week sometime.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, I wish I could have been there too. I would have given you a run for your money on those men! :)

NillaWafer said...

Oh Belle just some woman we were both buying cat food started talking and she told me she had a Autistic son and i said we my friend Belle teaches 5th grade at Hedgesville and she said she has heard good things about the middle school.. She takes in cats n sees that they get spayed n shots n good homes... Nice lady but i dont know her name she works at K Mart i remember that much

belle_wv said...

Sharon = you must have some divine inspiration and purpose for that wax... mtbr

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That would be wax sculptures of BigBoy, Ms. InBetween and my little Spunkster!!

NillaWafer said...

LOL Sharon those men had on wool clothing or something simalar n needed shaves.. showers n alot of But very nice men to put on that show for us..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No doubt about that, Nilla. Have to really look the part (and smell it too maybe)!

belle_wv said...

Wow that's kinda kewl Nilla - nice to know I'm making a positive impact with someone I don't even know...thanks for sharing. Being a special ed teacher in this county can be a pretty thankless and/or difficult job a lot of the time (policies, admin, funding, etc.)

Oh just heard another rumble of thunder - maybe more rain to join the 20 drops we got here before - radar shows it all past us though

belle_wv said...

Glad I didn't get close enough to smell 'em Nilla - ewwies - they sure made us jump when we were in the parking lot before you got there and shot off a round. We were gabbin and had our backs to their little formation - quite a startle!

belle_wv said...

You have OT to do tonight Sharon or do you have a bit of time off to use your fingers for recreational typing only?

wvgal_dana said...

What was those comments you all just said. I can't hear you. Must be all those guns and smoke. I thought to get under the table but didn't want to have to try and get up again. So I just ducked lol....Jo didn't have to light up...smoke was a roll'n.
I think alll that burpping and guns going off I'm now deaf. lol

NillaWafer said...

9 - 0 St winning... Yes Belle i think hers goes to Musselman and she doesnt like it..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am supposed to do OT today but I ain't gonna do it. Going to lie on my bed and watch TV. Brat boy will probably be getting on the computer for a while. I guess he is over the pouting now for losing the game last night. He is awful when we lose! Gets on my last nerve!

wvgal_dana said...

I guess it won't be till Monday when we hear from Suzanne. To see watch the hike up the trail led to what sightings.
Well she might get a path to the computer by tomorrow. lol

belle_wv said...

Anyone check on Lun Lun today? Mits what have Tai and Mei been up to today?

wvgal_dana said...

Belle I went back into the pictures were you all was down at NCTC. Your hair was long.
The cut the lady gave you really really becomes you. Suites you very well. Your students I think will love it.
Has the husband been running his fingers through your hair yet?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, there is an update on Lun Lun's site about what is happening. Still don't know anything yet but they are keeping an eye on her 24/7.

belle_wv said...

Dana how're you feeling? I hope we didn't push you into being miserable for the next few days!

Sharon - good on ya for taking a break... body needs more rest than we ever give it when sick... have that poutin pile of postgame petulence bring you a nice drink of ice water (or iced tea if you drink it this late in the evening)

belle_wv said...

Thanks Dana - I think I will learn to like it... I'm sure my one student will love it... hubby is still working on getting things finished up from the fantasy football draft party he had here today. We have another one tomorrow - I'm in that league

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Iced tea I drink 24/7. Always have a jug with me! Love the name you gave Andrew. Fits him perfectly. You know, teenagers by definition are not fit for human use cause it is all about them! He is a good boy though, happy for that. Just ain't into the taking care of Momma thing! I have told him he better get a good job so he can pay somebody to take care of me when I am old. Feel pretty sure he wouldn't do it! LOVE HIM ANYWAY!

wvgal_dana said...

I had a great time. Glad my taxi driver could get me there. I'm not taking a walk anywhere for awhile lol. Got Lidoderm patches every where. I am not telling all the places either. lams=laughing at my self...It was great meeting everyone. Share in some (girl taught). Jo I can't believe you ate the whole thing lol. BURRRRRPPP
Wish all the Eagle Bloggers could have been there. (((hug to eagle bloggers sorry gals that is)))

belle_wv said...

LOL Sharon - you probably don't WANT him doing the care for you when you get too old to do for yourself! Some things a son should never know about his mother after the point of birth! LOL NOt to mention he might get in a funk after his favorite football team looses a game and forget to cook your dinner! Giggles - Andrew - I love ya and I don't even know you - I have one of 'you' in my house and one of the female version... ages 13 and almost 15 (daughter is older)

belle_wv said...

Dana hope those patches help... sometimes the laughter is medicine that you can't get in a bottle and will do you more good in the long run...

wvgal_dana said...

Even though Andrews in the Band for his school. I am sure he still wanted them to win. I mean I'm sure they have a VICTORY song Andrew wanted to play.
His last year he wants them more than ever to win at the games.

wvgal_dana said...

I got alot of laughter from the memories of today.
Love memories...wish you could of seen Jo after you left Belle. Those guys put on a show for us. Jo wanted a picture of them coming towards her and they were and she yell woo, they stopped (I can hardly type this) Nilla goes running out. One would have thought she was going to do a football tackle on those guys.
Jo got the picture with Nilla in front of the guys. As you see in the photos. Then lol lol lol Jo says, "atease" (spelling) to the guys lol lol lol. Believe me those guys listened to JO and put their rifles up.
Woman's words in a command post is JO.

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon has the school ever put in for say the "Apple Blossom Parade" in Winchester, Va. in May??
Alot of schools come a long way to be in the parade.

belle_wv said...

Dana - nope on the fingers thru the hair - but he did notice that I have 'bare neck' lol

NillaWafer said...

My i hope Jo is ok ... Talk about burpin Lord.. I am eating peppermint . Dana u prop them feet up and relax.. O i know i am gettin tired and have an early morning of opening the store at 9 am for banking n computor work...Open at 10 am... Yawnnn Man ST's are killin Skinsss.. 17-0 nada nuffin zero for Skins

belle_wv said...

LOL Dana - I'm sorry I missed it - believe me I didn't want to leave... I was almost 10 minutes late as it was and I wasn't wasting time down the interstates that I took home...

belle_wv said...

Go Steelers!!! Whooooo hooooooo

Nilla you got mail

belle_wv said...

We're actually getting some RAIN! wow

MITS said...

NILLAWho are the ST's that the redskins are playing? My t.v. shows them playing the New England Patriots. What does ST stand for?

belle_wv said...

Floral, what time is the market tomorrow? Is it rain or shine? LOL that seems so funny to ask after so long being dry - the thought that we might have rain tomorrow making it hard for you to sell the flowers you've worked so hard to keep alive long enough to get to market - ain't irony somethin?

belle_wv said...

Mits - good question - I just assumed she was talkin steelers (ST) but now that you mention it she did say something about the Pats playin the skins.... I don't have tv on...

MITS said...

BELLE, I believe she is at market from 9 to 1.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok will get feet up.
Also got thunder here and since I've still got the ME additon on my computer. Meaning I'll sometime have to buy new computer. I don't want lightening to hit this one; make it go as long as can.
So I'm out of here till this is over..
Anony here saying Porkie Pig said "thats all folks

MITS said...

I was just wondering who the ST is that she is watching the Redskins play. Who are the steelers playing?

NillaWafer said...

No i am Its the New England Patriots... well ST could stand for Redskin the Shi**y Team... Grrrr

MITS said...

Keep your BP down, NILLABEAN, Its pre-season, doesn't mean sh--!!

MITS said...

Good Night all, talk to you tomorrow.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going to bed now. Hope everybody has a good night.

Sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers.

belle_wv said...

Sweet dreams to Sharon and Mits ! Have a good night. {{{{hugs}}}}}

belle_wv said...

Sharon - you're not stayin up for a half a can of wax at 50?

NillaWafer said...

I also am headin over n out myself.. Today hs been just wonderful and i needed that real touch n and laughter..hugs from ya'll.. But i think the sandman is coming.. Working tomarrow 10 am til 6 pm so c u then...

belle_wv said...

Sweet dreams Nilla and have a can of wax :) LOve ya

See everyone tomorrow nighty night

NillaWafer said...

Oh i hope Floral is getting some of this rain it is raining so hard here right now.. The Dishnetwork is out...Thunderin.. Hope everyone who needs it is gettin it... And i mean Was waiting on news but with dish out no news.. Nighty Niters

floralgirl said...

Good morning all! Well, we FINALLY got some rain here last nite. 2 wicked storms with lots of wind and heavy rain, and lots of thunder and lightning. Dumped just under 2 inches of rain! Last storm was just after 11 pm so I haven't been able to see how much damage it caused in the garden-waiting for the sun to come up so I can see. Glad you guys had a good time at the park yesterday, luckily I did not do my rain dance until late afternoon. Belle- I will be at market from 8 til 1 (most vendors are set up by 9)rain or shine. If it's a good crowd,things usually start selling out by 11.Today is ice cream day with some local dairy selling homemade ice cream.YUMMY! Wow! what is that awful smell? Oh, it's okay it's just the DEADSKINS -what has happened to that team? Hubby says they are really good, there are just hiding it behind these losses so no one will see how good they are til the first real game. What a dreamer. Well, off to start loading up the van for mkt. Have a good day everyone !!

floralgirl said...

Hey Belle- you have mail. Boy I am jealous of all you sleeping in this morning!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody. Getting ready to start work so I will be here for at least 4 hours!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone. At last, we got rain last night and a real light show. My poor dog wasn't happy, she hates the thunder. I've got something I would love to send to Floralgirl, picture of a garden in Michigan, I think she would enjoy seeing it. My brother took the picture & was told it would cost $900,000 to duplicate. Does anyone know how I can e-mail Floralgirl?
Lots of SMILES to ALL

Mema Jo said...

Good Early Morning! I really didn't forget about you all last evening, but with all the fresh air of yesterday, I went to bed rather early. It was good to hear the rain coming down. Too early to get into any conversations - especially with no one here yet & FloralGirl already preparing for market. Jim has sent email with pics of Frieda - one is especially great - it's of Frieda standing over her eggs.
I will catch ya all later.

Sleep late out there in Eagleland!

glo said...

Wishing all of you a very good day indeed. Hopefully you all got enough rain to make you and your yards, gardesn, flowers etc all smile. Floralgirl do hoe yesterdays storms turned out to have been a good thing for you and wishing you well today at the Marker.

Sharon man you need to be feeling a whole lot better by now. I know from what you said before, that Drs aren't your favorite thing, mine either. but I do hope you will consider going. I am off to what Iplan to make my last day on this project. I hope i'm right. If I can hang in there I don't plan to leave until it is DONE. Blog at ya later.

If we get a new thread before many have had a chance to see this note, would you have have seen it, wish everyone a great day for me. Blog at ya later.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mei and Tai are asleep in the grotto. MT nest in Maine (eagle), CT (osprey) except for Smurf bear, BW osprey. Wonder if it is an MT nest at NCTC? I miss BigBoy, Ms. InBetween and Spunky really bad!

MITS said...

Good morning all! Watch the storms on the radar, but not a drop in the D.C. metro and surrounding area. FLORALGIRL I believe your husband is correct, Joe Gibbs and his band of merry men are very good at the poker-face, oh I so worried look. Its just a ploy to whip everyone into a frenzy. Have a good day everyone.

MITS said...

I wonder if they are still around, SHARON, have you seen that they took down the BC eagle site???

MITS said...

CT baby smurf osprey just chased a parent out of the nest, he's got alot of food in there, he could share.

MITS said...

Poor Momma tiger is pacing back and forth and the 3 cubs are wrestling.

belle_wv said...

Good morning everyone... so nice to have had some rain... the birds are looking so perky and happy this morning in my yards. Blogger seems to be running true to morning form lately... having a hard time getting in as I've heard others report of their morning attempts lately. Hoping to get to market before floral girl runs out of pretties for me... blog at y'all or yunz later :)

NillaWafer said...

Good Morning, Here i am at work til 6pm unless not busy then its cloese early and git out of here... The rain last night after 11pm was great .. long n hard just the way i like it... Now we are talking about rain girls.. Or are Oppppsss Did have atime of getting in here once again.. Hope everyone has recovered from the bodily gases passed yesterday from onions.. Off to check critter cams...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They have pictures of a bald eagle being at the BW osprey nest. Said the ospreys from there have likely headed south.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Don't like onions myself (unless cooked in stuff).

NillaWafer said...

Well i just opened abill from Winchester Hospitol Admission date 8-16-06 discharge date 8-17-06 total of bill Hope your setting down... $46,441.52 total... Thats only 1 hospitol still have City Hospitol to get yet and the Ambulance fee from City to Winchester.. My God unbelievable...UNBELEIEVABLE...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My GOD!!!! $46,441.52 for 1 daggone day!! I am in the wrong profession. I think I will buy a hospital somewhere!!

NillaWafer said...

New Thread is up

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...