Friday, August 18, 2006

Friday 18 August

I love Friday thread.


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MITS said...


MITS said...

BELLE right now the kids need some time, they have had a steady stream of visitors the last 9 days, and more to come from around the country, and their phones ring off the hook constantly. Will probably see my precious Grand daughter some time this weekend.

belle_wv said...

Glo have a good morning - and send the rain our way... hope you got all the database stuff done you needed to so you can concentrate on being retired again

Friday, August 18, 2006 6:15:40 AM


belle_wv said...

Thanks STeve - yes we do love Friday!

belle_wv said...

You are a wonderful grandma Mits - they're so lucky to have you... maybe they can come to your house to hide from all the company... we didn't have all that phone calling and visitors from all over - small family on both sides - none on mine practically and only two sibs on my husband's side... so it wasn't so hectic.

MITS said...

BELLE With todays modern technology, its non-stop. How do you repost??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

From previous thread, before I knew there was an I Love Friday thread -

Well, as far as the squirrel goes, it showed up here last summer and part of its tail was black and dead, just fell off I guess. Don't know what happened to cause it. No cats around that I know of. Seems like I get a lot of ones with defects of some sort or another. But that is okay, still love them anyway!! Wonder if the short-tailed squirrel has trouble with balance. Seems like their tail would be a major part of that but I guess they adapt.

Mits, Bigfoot sleeps 2 bedrooms down. Andrew wears a size 16 shoe!! LOL.

MITS said...


belle_wv said...

just cut and pasted it - called it a repost - but it wasn't anything fancy.

Sharon, the lord knows you love the critters and lets them know you'll care for them - you have a sign above your house - land of the misfit critters - kinda like rudolph giggles - we love em all here, too.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just looking at little Short-tail. What he lacks in tail, he makes up in other places!! ROFLMAO!

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, you made it look fancy!!

MITS said...

Ok, SHARON, What exactly does that mean???? LOL!!!

MITS said...

HELLO!!! You are talking to the resident computer idiot here. How would I get it over to this post without typing all over again. How do I cut and paste? Does this involved scissors and glue? Tee-Hee

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, use your imagination!! :)

MITS said...

Lord, its going to be one of those days!!! LOL!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Take your mouse, click at the beginning of whatever you are copying, hold down the mouse and drag across text. Then hit CTRL-C to copy. Next, go to where you are going to paste it, click in the area, hit CTRL-V.

MITS said...

I am, SHARON and I'm thinking he can use something else besides his tail for balance. ROFLMBO! What a picture!

MITS said...

Think I'll just re-copy. Tee-Hee!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, Mits, you are absolutely right. Hadn't thought of that. Using the tools he has!! ROFLMAO!!!

belle_wv said...

Sharon! Is your squirrel flashin and being obscene? Oh MY!

Cut and paste - yep that's with scissors and glue - you got it... actually you highlight the text you want by dragging the cursor over it then hit the cntl and c buttons together to save it temporarily, then when you get to where you want to paste it, you put your cursor there and hit cntl-v to paste it in the new spot. That's how I do it - there are probably other ways too...I think left clicking the mouse maybe?

MITS said...

SUZANNE The turkey vulture pic was up there the other day. I saw it. Great shot that Lisa put up of osprey defending the nest.

belle_wv said...

Suzanne - have faith - this too shall help you on your path to where you need to be - just a little detour perhaps, might see some wonderful things along this new path

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Actually, Suzanne, James Herriott died in 1995 of cancer.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I love looking at the chain of events that leads me from one place to another.

belle_wv said...

Sharon, trying to remember, James Herriot's son became a vet also, didn't he? It has been so long since I've read the books, maybe it wasn't his son that was practicing with him... I loved the stories he shared - such a great thing he did writing those stories to share with the world.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

One of the many good things about Mei and Tai, you hardly ever find an MT nest there!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, his son is a veterinarian in Thirsk. Where is Thirsk you ask?

Thirsk is an old fashioned market town in the Vale of Mowbray North Yorkshire. Famous for its race course, 15th Century Church and Thomas Lord. Thirsk is also the Darrowby of the late James Herriot (Alf Wight), famous vet and author. Thirsk and Sowerby are set in the centre of "Herriot Country" Gateway to the Yorkshire Dales National Park to the west and the North York Moors National Park to the east. Thirsk is about 320km north of London, 230km south of Edinburgh and 35km north west of York. The estimated population of Thirsk in 2001 was 4460, Sowerby 3610 and Carlton Miniott 920.

And now you know the rest of the story!

belle_wv said...

That's very true Sharon... I don't watch them much because it seems to mess my computer up, though - after I watch for a few minutes, everyting slows way down and I have to restart computer before it behaves again - guess it just fills up the memory from the live video

MITS said...

I'm sorry. LOL! I guess James Herriot is in England now permanently.

MITS said...

Your right SHARON Mei and Tai usually are up to something.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Absolutely Mits, James doesn't get out of England much anymore!!

belle_wv said...

Kewl Sharon! Is that from Wikepedia or something or did you just do a huge research assignment?

belle_wv said...

LOL Mits yep you might say he's 'bound' to the area

MITS said...

Now if his relatives were smart, they would have put his body on the side of the road and let the vultures get it, and how does "our" Carol put it, it would have been a spritual burial and he would be deposited back to earth. People can you follow me here. LOL!

MITS said...

ROFLMAO!!! Poor James. Bound to nowhere. Oh, the Lord is going to get me.

Mema Jo said...

I read that MITS
Why don't you go wax some more ants?

I have been down the road & back again
I have my Dunkin'Donuts Coffee!
Every day on here holds surprises, doesn't it? Hope to hear from Nilla soon. Belle, you say you shower nowadays with your Head Held High! LOL
I hope the rain reaches WV & MD soon!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No, Belle, I just knew that stuff about Thirsk. NOT! GOOGLE is a wonderful thing. Has the ability to make even the dumbest of people appear smart.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And then maybe all the dogs he cared for would have eaten the vultures!!

Mema Jo said...

Where are you MITS
Are you lighting the candles LOL

MITS said...

Oh-Oh!!MEMA JO is going to smack my butt. TEE HEE!

MITS said...


MITS said...

SHARON, sing it with me now..."THE CIRCLE OF LIFE"!!!

MITS said...

JO Don't forget it is RED FRIDAY!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I loved that movie. Made Andrew watch it over and over. Don't know if he really wanted to but I made him think he wanted to!

Mema Jo said...

Great - thanks for the reminder! Going out to lunch with my old work buddies.We do this once a month. I'll remind them about the red Fridays.

Mauley said...

Girls, I am an avid James Herriot fan for years. If you want to read some wonderful novels by orinithological journalist and naturalist, Fred Bodsworth, try The Strange One (story of a Canadian goose and the mating for life evolved into the story of The Strange One, and The Last of the Curlews (what happened when the mating call was not answered because of extinction of the breed.) I also recommend The Mating Call and Sparrows Fall. (all by Bodsworth) love Mauley

Mauley said...

Back to big feet. My son Todd wears a 17. Pants size 36 waist and 38 length. He is 6'8 1/2" tall. Mauley

belle_wv said...

Red Fridays? And what's this about waxing ants? Light candles-yes we all need a few lit for us... LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mauley, that is a mighty big boy there!!! Andrew is about 6'2" and wears a size 44 x 34 pants!

belle_wv said...

Thanks for the book recommendations Mauley - I can actually read what I WANT now - at least I don't think this last practicum course is going to have me doing a lot of studying...MTBR

Mema Jo said...

How old is Todd, Mauley?
You do have mail.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The ants are being immortalized in wax. They are going to a museum in DC. Donated of course!

belle_wv said...

Hey is anyone here good at hairstyle stuff? I am a complete illiterate when it comes to fixing hair and telling a hair dresser what I want... I am so sick of my boring thin flat hair, want to change it, but need something that won't take me much time to mess with - don't have time in the mornings and don't have the skills to do fancy stuff with it - never learned that stuff any suggestions?

belle_wv said...

Wow Mauley - one tall drink of water that boy is! Skinny as a rail from the sounds of it, too!

Anonymous said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES----You little eaglet lovers have started my day off smiling--ho!--ho!---I just finished reading the blogs---Oh EAGLE-EYE you are so full of knowledge---you shouldn't disclose how you keep all this in your head-----MITS are you going to have your body left by the OCEAN---& the vultures can pick you clean before you move on to the sea---MG that sounds so GROSS---Hard to believe that the eagle did a poop shoot in the nest----He must be from another state--WV eagles don't do that----NEVER---Hello to all you early birds---

Mema Jo said...

Belle That's why I keep mine short. A good haircut is the secret.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, I would suggest a nice shave or wax!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning, Norma
It's another beautiful day except the flower growers can't appreciate it.They sure do need raid.. The grass mowers are having a party!

NillaWafer said...

Hey Hey Heyyyyy I am dizzy after reading all the blogs ya'll left this morning.. Ok Suz your boss is a GS15?? Man he makes mega bucks is he married?lol Sharon you have short tailed squirrels. featherless bird heads..Mits is learning to copy n paste, did she do it???? Jo is drinking her Dunkin Donut coffee, apparently to lazy to make her Belle unlike you i got to keep my surgery site dry..Could go some wheres with that comments but wont... Morning Glo Bug i must go visit the site of tributes for loved animals, as i lost my loving Tinker i had 16 years also.. Mits i see your not behaving, shame on you suppose to set a shinning example for Mauley good to have you on board this blog.. Everyone else hugs and have agreat day... Jo have a nice lunch with your old cronnies from work... Tai was hangin upside down between a forked tree limb I have missed his antics.. Speaking of ants musta missed that comment and candles is Mits getting kinky with candle wax???? Looks down south and black n blue almost down to my knee now and up to my belly button..Itchin growin BBL

Mema Jo said...

LOL Did you catch that one
Sharon? Time for me to go!!!

RAIN NOT RAID - I must have been
thinking about those ANTS

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I did catch that one Mema Jo, was just trying to refrain from correcting though.

belle_wv said...

Sharon - my head isn't beautiful enough to go bald - ouch waxin scalp -no THANKS LOL Telly Savalis is the only one that needs to be famous for htat... Jo - short hair - not an option - I don't want to be mistaken for a guy - as big and built the way I am - that's a risk LOL

Nilla - WHOOO HOOO it so good to see ya posting and sounding so lively! I bet you got the itch! Feel like there's ants down there LOL.. lets hope there are no bugs! Black and blue - what a look that must be - hope it doesn't hurt as bad as it looks. How're you feeling - how's bp this morning, chest feeling good?

NillaWafer said...

<~~~ Only has a 1/2 n 1/2 hair doo down south Hmmm is 1/2 bald beautiful?? Geesh by the time i added my blog ya'll had put in a dozen more..

Mema Jo said...

Nilla Glad you blogged before I left with my old cronnies - Take care until I return.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I know I'm not going to understand women. I'll never understand how you can take boiling hot wax,
pour it onto your upper thigh, rip the hair out by the root,
and still be afraid of a spider.

Just wanted to share that with you all. Thanks Mits!

belle_wv said...

Speakin of flowers - haven't seen our floral gal - she must be out watering and cutting flowers for the weekend...

NillaWafer said...

Thelma things will calm down eventually ok and you will get alot of time with precious Maggie.. As for the other granny keep a burlap bag handy if'n she gets out of hand stick her in it and hide the body in the river...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Looking straight at the butt of a male cardinal on the suet feeder. Hope he doesn't decide to do a poop shoot on my window! :)

Anonymous said...

MAULEY----I have to ask----Does Todd play basketball? I have always wanted to be tall---I hate being short---so when I come back----I am going to be TALL--I bet he know that all the girls like tall men----

NillaWafer said...

Belle you mantioned the tape marks yup , my arms match my cootchie being all black n blue..Alkeyhaul takes it off .. Have NOT had a cigarette since Sunday.. smiling

Anonymous said...

MITS---You sound like your old self----Did you say James has his roots in England????----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma I ain't even going to go there about James' roots being in England.

Just Vicky said...

Cheers for Nilla! She can do it, yes she can!

belle_wv said...

Yeah Nilla! So proud of you!!!! {{{{HUGS}}}}} alkyhaul? Hmm I thought that was supposed to go on the inside... never used it on the outside before (just kiddin) Actually can't find my bottle of rubbin alcohol... man I need a maid!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

HIPHIP HOORAY!! Nilla, no smoking! I am so proud of you!!!!!!!

NillaWafer said...

My son is 6-3 and very good looking..He isnt really heavy at all.. Our Pinky met both my son and daughter when she visited me in hopitol.. Daughters puppies are twice the size of mine and she is tall also compared to my 5-3 size..

MITS said...

Good grief, so much to read in the short time I was on the phone and answering e-mails...LOL!!! Yes' I'm a closet ant waxer. I vent my frustrations by picking them up off the kitchen counter and throwing them into the candle wax. God Forgive me. SHARON your welcome. NILLA you have some mail.

Mauley said...

Todd was all American at Georgetown College. Won the NAIA National Championship his junior year and was runner-up in Nationals senior year. Hubby also college All-American Basketballer. I am shortie, 5' 1". We are an odd couple. happily married 37 years. Sharon, you and Jo will have to help me get back on Eagle-moms site. thanks mauley

MITS said...

Yes, NORMA they run about 6 feet deep!!!

belle_wv said...

Suzanne - tell them if they want stuff done by friday they have to call by wednesday - so they're too late for this week - lack of plannning on their part not your problem LOL

That's the problem Suz -what is a 'good' haircut? How do you tell them what to do do get one? I like the idea of wash towel, comb and go -that's all I do now - but have long, straight, blah, thin hair

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

People ask me all the time if Andrew plays football. He has an enlarged spleen that wasn't even an option and I am so grateful. I would have to beat mean boys up that would hit my baby!

belle_wv said...

okdokie john's driving me in to my classroom for a little bit - weee haw... bbiab Miss ya and I haven't even left yet

Mauley said...

Nilla, you can do it, and did you know that once you stop smoking and all the cilia get cleaned out that YOUR LUNGS BEGIN TO HEAL THEMSELVES? Isn't that wonderful? I will pray that God will take away your craving for them. I know so many who have stopped and they feel so much better. I know it has to be hard, but you have so many standing in
the gap for you. Good Work, and be strong. But don't go beating yourself up if you slip. Just get back on track. The world deserves to have you around a long, long, time. God Bless You today. donna

belle_wv said...

Mauley she won't have to beat herself up if she slips - she has a lot of us to do it for her LOL

Just kidding (maybe) Nilla - no reason to slip now - you got it made in the shade just like MITS's name! I'll make you some lollipops that you can suck on instead of cigarettes... you probably have the mold I would use there at the store LOL

NillaWafer said...

Belle go out to Lynns there on rt 9 at the GM light she is really good, give her a call and tell her you know Dawns mom Janet from Big Als..Just made a bowl of feash cut fruit nanners n peaches n plums.. Hopefully lose some of this baby

Mauley said...

Gotta go teach my last class for the week, and am heading to Virginia to see latest grandbaby who was a week old on Tuesday. You gals have a great weekend. Praise God on Sunday in your own way and He will bless you for it. I thank Him right now for all of you. love mauley

belle_wv said...

Suzanne - might just have to take you up on getting her to do my hair... when's your appointment? Maybe I can get snuck in same time so you can hold my hand - I'm a scardy cat when it comes to doing anyhthing like hair cuts...

belle_wv said...

OK now hubby is ready to go, so heading in to the classroom - will log on from there


NillaWafer said...

ROFLMAOOOOOOOO Belle no but i have cup cake pans and cake pans in those shapes...lolllllllllllll

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, you could make the cupcakes and cakes with Splenda!! Such a wonderful thing! Then you could have your cake and eat it too!

belle_wv said...

Nilla I know where Lynn's is... not sure I want to tell anyone I know you before letting them near me with scissors LOL - they might think... hmmmm gonna have a good laugh LOL just kidding - I really am a scardy cat when it comes to hair - I've had a couple of horrible experiences (one a frankenstein cut my mom chose for me when I was in like 4th grade - HORRID) and once in high school got a perm and it was such a mess you could see the roller marks and lines in my scalp like the rollers were still in it for AGES - I washed it and washed it and conditioned it and it wouldn't relax - I looked like a poodle with an anxiety attack for a long time

OK Now I am heading outo the door...

belle_wv said...

oh wait
maybe I can get some wax

belle_wv said...

one more

belle_wv said...

whooo hooo I got it - ants watch out now!!!! LOL Mits gave me the idea and time for them to suffer

Anonymous said...

NILLA---Here is how I see this smoking thing----A WOMAN WHO DELIVERS 3 BABIES COLD TURKEY---can whip that smokin' thing "standing on one foot, with hands tied behind her"---

NillaWafer said...

Bye Mauley have awonderful family time and loving that new grand-baby.. Not hard to open your eyes and relize i had to make life changes after going thru a heart cath and 90% blockage's in 1 artery having 3 stints put in the front of my heart this week.. The easy part is over smoking is one of them .. The hard part would have been dying and leaving family n friends... Hugssssssssss to all, besides i am to onery and need to behere to keep ya'll in

NillaWafer said...

Hmmm will i beep going thru security at air ports??????? lol

Anonymous said...

BELLE----I am not NUTS---but try puting a dab of peanut butter on a tape spot & see if it w/roll off you hand----That is what you can do if you have tape marks on a glass frame, etc.---Won't hurt to try----DON'T COVER YOURSELF--ho!---just a dab to try---

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Congrats on getting the wax, Belle.

Anonymous said...

MAULEY----I'm impressed he is a Georgetown grad---and an All-American that is great---you and your husband must be proud---

NillaWafer said...

i told the nurses i had the night i had the hemorage inside my groin.. i said see this is what getting old means your cootchie gets grey and hair falls out leaving it bald any ways n it doesnt get used much any they rolledddd laughin... I had to keep laughing as i had this 250 lbs nurse on my bed pushing my groin with her fingers for

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

NILLA----Did you think maybe it was time to stand & take the bed w/you-----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You all are getting it all wrong. The ouch would have been if they had waxed her instead of using an electric shaver!! That would have been the real ouch, right Nilla?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We do have to keep things in their proper perspectives, you know!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Happy to report that the blue smurf bear is still hanging on in the CT osprey nest. Somebody is sitting right on top of the camera and you can see the tail feathers in the camera. That is pretty cool.

MITS said...

I just saw that SHARON.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glad somebody is listening to me today, thanks Mits.

MITS said...

LATEST ON PANDA IN ATLANTA Lun-Lun continues to sleep more and eat less. She has done this before when she has had a pseudopregnancy, but she is eating much less this time than before, so they are just hoping this is the real deal.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, didn't that just sound pitiful?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is that Lun-Lun laying on the ground under the hammock?

MITS said...

Why yes it is, SHARON Thank you kindly for asking...TEE-HEE. See I can be a southern belle, not a damn yankee, I do live below the Mason-Dixon line. LOL!!!

MITS said...

Lun-Lun is usually very active and she has just looked like a "big ole slug" the last few days. Boy, I can relate to that.

MITS said...

2:18 a.m. in Brisbane, can't see a darn thing.

MITS said...


belle_wv said...

I hope Lun Lun has a bun bun in the oven LOL -- pseudo pregnancy that would be so sad - do they think she is preggers - how does a panda wind up with a psuedo pregnancy - I thought that was only for movies about crazy wimmin

Mauley said...

Nilla, I can send you some recipes with Splenda. My husband (a health freak unlike me) uses splenda like crazy. He also jogs 3 or 4 miles a day. that helps too. Let me know what I can do to help you. love mauley

Norma, we have this old saying in Kentucky, "Every mother thinks her crow is the blackest," and I suppose I have some pretty black crows. As long as they have a home in heaven, that is all I want for them. Thank You. I love to brag about my three, but I also love to hear about everyone else's children and grandchildren, too. If I got get a hold of Maggie, I would just "eat her up" as we say in Kentucky. I am really out of here now. Love Mauley

MITS said...

BELLE, it seems to be a very common accurence in pandas. I remember we went thru some here in D.C. when we had Ling-Ling And Shing-Shing. Hoping LUN-LUN is pregnant for real.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, I bet Mauley sounds even more country than me!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Girls

How are you all,

Nilla its wonderful to see you back my love, hope you are taking it very very easy girl,, and as for your what did you call it couchie !!! well, we have a saying over here ,, to itch it alone is no pleasure at all !!!!
sorry love I hope you dont laugh to much and upset your black and blue bits, anyway pet I hope all goes very well for you and power to your elbow for stopping smoking, I only wish I could.
Just got Husband Frank off to work, and now its Matthews turn he is off out to an alternative comedy store tonight in Birmingham for a birthday party, og dear I'll have to suffer tomorrow with a barrel load of jokes I wont find funny !!!!
Over the past 3 or 4 days we have had the most ferocious storms, but the rain was very welcome, where I live we have a tidal river called the Severn and its prone to flooding so at times like this we are on Red Alert and have to have sand bags at the ready, so if I start to gurgle and glug you will know whats happened.
Just going to go and cook a single meal for one, arnt you all sad for me on my own.
I'll try and get back later if the power doesnt got out again with the storms again, thank goodness I have loads of candles in the house.

speak soon I hope

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good to hear from you Chrissy!!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi All

Now I dont know if you will be able to see this, as I'm such an idiot on the computer I might not sent this properly,, but here goes.

hhtp:// cam2.php

Well I hope I have dont that one right.
Just to explain, its a farm in Devon England and we have been watching new foals being born and at night the badgers and foxes getting fed by the farmer and all there babies and also a pair of swallows, now they have already had a first clutch, and now have a second, which we find a little odd as its rather late in the year, so we are hopeing that the will survive,, 5 hatched on Tuesday, but I'm afraid Wednesday morning I can only see 4, but they seem to be doing well and both mum and dad are so attentive.

Again I hope the URL works for you all if not I've mucked up once again.
Speak later I hope,
Love to all


NillaWafer said...

Mits u have mail... Ling ling Lun lun... ding ding..Shing shing.. where do they get these names... Going to lay down new meds are making me alil dizzy. Oh this meeting 26th is it going to be apicnic??? Hope soooooooooooowouldnt that be fun!!!!!!!!! BBL By the way figured out how to turn on cell phone as it had to be off in hopitol due to Telimbittree heart monitors... Figure that one out Sharon..LMAO

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Telemetry heart monitors -- ha, ha!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looked like Lun Lun was just scratching her but on the edge of her hammock frame.

NillaWafer said...

Cab great to hear from you.. I always asked about you while gone.. Now your the Eygptologist right? Be careful if you get floodin set on top of one of those big Hey and we have a saying over here also.. "Aint been used in so long got cootchie cob webs" Oppssss

NillaWafer said...

Ohhhhhhh i saw Sharon made a word boo boo Sharon the word is spelled BUTT not But... Gotchaaaa

Anonymous said...

MITS---I just looked at your family pictures again---What color do you think Maggie's hair w/be---Blonde or dark like her dad?---Won't be too long the "little one" w/be running the house--ho! They grow so fast---How is "Tinkerbell"?---It takes a while for things to settle down--less visitors, phone calls, etc.---Hope you get to the beach Labor Day----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, good catch. I did that on purpose to see if you were on your toes!! Oh well, sounds good, huh? Actually, pandas have buts, not butts. LMAO!

NillaWafer said...

LMAO... yada yada and i have cobs webs butt no Cab do you just study Eygpt whats his name Dr Hawass Something like that is always on the discovery channel when they new tomb openings

NillaWafer said... Hi Carol here is alink that might give you some info on the birds.. Hope all is well with you..

Anonymous said...

EAGLE-EYED-SHARON---Where did you find the "but" thing?---I googled & I got panda's REAR? But what do I know---

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am keeping it a secret Norma. Not revealing everything here! LMAO!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just trying to cover my own but, I mean butt!

NillaWafer said...

OMG Norma your ahoot.. i can see her googlin cooter cob webs...ROFLMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sharon u have mail

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, no I don't have mail!

NillaWafer said...

This is a story i got to tell ya'll ok.... When i was in City Hospitol they gave me Phenigrin (Sharon please) for nausea in IV well turns out i was allergic to it and then they gave me Benadrill (Sharon) So as the story go my son and fiancee was with me and the Phinagrin starts workin.. OMG my arms n legs became uncontrollable the jerked n did things i couldnt control.. I was talking out of my head and Jen said i looked at her and said.. You know i been bitten by a shark!!! After spending 14 hours on that terrible bed my backached n hips .. Was funny my God i could write abook on hospitol

NillaWafer said...

Sharon mail call

Anonymous said...

SHARON---You know I believe anything a West Virginian tells me--ho!---NILLA ENJOYED IT ANY WAY---
NILLA---What did you think of the care you received at the hospital------I have had family there---I think it's a nice hospital---If hospitals can be nice?-----You TWO are full of the word, Nilla can't spell-----KIDDIN'

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Phenergan, Benadryl. If this was after your heart cath, you probably felt like you had been bitten by a shark!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Still no mail, Nilla. - right?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Got it that time. Nilla, you've got mail.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,

Yep, thats right Nilla ,I used to Lecture in Egyptology, Archaeology and Ancient History, but unfortunately with having ME it has put paid to all that now and had to give up work as my short term memory is shot to hell with it, and standing up infront of a theatre full of students even with crib notes infront of me doesnt help with names dates and general infomation at times, so didnt want to look to much of a fool you see, you can't judge the days when you have a sharp memory or one that will let you down when you most need it so it was besy to stop, and I miss it so much but that really can't be helped, and I have other things really,,, and yes your right again it is Dr Zahib Hawass, he is Director of all thing Egyptian at the Cairo Museum, he is a brilliant man in his field.
Hope that helps pet.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, Carol, you did a very good job at grossing me out -- YUCK!!!!!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all

Beautiful sight at the mo with Mai and gobbo,, gobbo at the milk bar and Mai looks so serene, just lying there with a smile on her face.


Mema Jo said...

That was gross - I seem to picture things as I read. No More Vulture News. I've decided I don't like them.
Let's stick to Eagles & Flowers & Haircuts - at least for today.
Talk about flowers Carol.

belle_wv said...

Well I was going to eat lunch - but now that I've read about regurgitating birds - hmmm

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good idea Mema Jo. Feeling a little sick to my stomach!! Don't need anything else added to the snots and sneezes!!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon STOP THAT !
Vicky will never get her lunch.

belle_wv said...

flowers, feathers, pretty falcons, haircuts... sunshine and rain - these are a few of my favorite things...

Mema Jo said...

I mean

No more chicken chow mein (sp?)

Mema Jo said...

I'm going to the LOO & might not

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, I would venture to say that Belle has some snottin' going on right now too, just hope she don't get the sneezing part - OUCH!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, just don't describe the loo trip when you come back and we will be alright! HAHA!

NillaWafer said...

LMAO.. I think what Chrissy is saying is Tai is suckin titty and Mei is likin it???? Heck i be smilin to if some was at my milk bar...Opppsssss

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

Ewww Thelma you have some kinda toe fungus we dont know about>>lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

NILLA, you had better watch it, we will censor you on here. ROFLMAO!!!!

Thanks for the translation!

NillaWafer said...

Heck i cant even wear underwheres doc said get some of those with long legs i said you mean mens briefs?? Fruit of the

wvgal_dana said...

No they were given before Nilla's heart cath.
Nilla you won't light up going through dectors at airports. Remember I ask the nurse. I knew you would want to know that. lol
Sharon you teased me the other day when I went and got information and put in here so it's you turn sweetie.....You are sounding like

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
belle_wv said...

Oh my I am laughin and laughin and I can't even remember why - just keep readin and laughin more LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Poor Lun Lun is acting like a slug!! Of course, that is pretty much how I am feeling today too and I don't have a pregnancy or even a pseudopregnancy happening, thank GOD!!!

NillaWafer said...

LOL ok Mits it is now Urine or as they asked did you void today??? Do you know how many times they asked me if i had a BM good Lord i think they enjoy givin InEmas..of which i didnt partake but over heard 1 patient

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


NillaWafer said...


belle_wv said...

LOL Nilla - please don't describe the sound effects - or I will drag out my story of 'depacting' an impaction... Sharon knows of what I speak if'n no one else does I bet

NillaWafer said...

Hugs Pinkyyy tell them aint my son a cutie pie and daughter's puppies

belle_wv said...

Sharon, with your snottin and sneezin just how does that ROAR sound? LOL LOL

wvgal_dana said...


NillaWafer said...

Sharon thats what was going on in the room next to Impaction

belle_wv said...

LOL Nilla - if your daughter's got bigger puppies than you, lord help her spine!

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla's son is handsome yes for a gal younger that me lol.
Nilla you was laying down in bed; I don't know what your puppies size are lol lol lmbo. As far as your daughter well she got puppies, she also is a pretty girl.
You didn't see my puppies Nilla?

belle_wv said...

Hey Pinky Meow to you too LOL

MITS said...

ROFLMAO!!!! Where is this blog heading?????

belle_wv said...

Man I am gonna miss these perkysets when they're gone

wvgal_dana said...

When I breast fed my daughter I told the doctor. If these two wicked things don't slow down on producing. I'm going to get a wagon. Throw them over my shoulders and pull them in the wagon. whew

NillaWafer said...

Here i go againnnn No Pinky from the position i was in didnt get a view of your puppies Was just so happy you came to see me and was there. I rememebr you did asked afew questions.. i think that was before the drugs came on

MITS said...

NILLA, no toe fungus , but I do have a patch of psoiasis on my left foot, I could try the Turkey pee-pee. Its, organic.

belle_wv said...

Chrissy darlin' it is so wonderful to see you here... sorry you're having din din alone - but hey you can be at the computer with us and eat and noone will holler at you to keep your elbows off the table - You mentioned ME before - sorry I don't know what that is? Is it a british version name of something else I might know - whatever it is, must be awfully frustrating to have to deal with {{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}} I can't ever remember things, and I am figuring it is just getting old, though dr. says a lot of it could be my lack of good sleep for how many years now

belle_wv said...

Oh oh race for the wax is about to begin

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Impaction release can be rather explosive!! Bombs going off and such.

Roar is definitely more like a purr right now. But this too shall pass!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, need any more wax?

wvgal_dana said...

Well true your position was not exactly lieing down nor was it sitting up. So you didn't have a good view even of who was coming and going.
Those two drugs through was given to you at City Hospital. Before you went to Winchester. They wouldn't give them for the cath. or even after the cath. you got nitro. remember the headache.

NillaWafer said...

Cal doctor for script renewl Oh my just had police go by and hundereds of Bikers on Bikes forgot this weekend is Bike Night in MARTINSBURG.. Hmmm guess i wont be going in and throwin my legs up this year... Opps i mean on aharley for a ride... LMAO

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You know you can buy doe pee so why don't we bottle up turkey vulture pee and sell it? Keep all the evil bacterial stuff away!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

i want it

belle_wv said...

Mits there's lots of organic things in this world, many of them I would recommend keeping AWAY from any parts of you that you want to keep! The pee pee from the vulture is one of those things.... might be worse than hydrochloric acid LOL

wvgal_dana said...

I'll take it

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And I got it. Need to figure out more innovative ways to use this wax though. Body can't take any more pain! Dogs are bald, heck even my cardinals are bald. Any suggestions?

Mema Jo said...

Guess who is going to take a short nap & rejuvinate(sp?) her brain. Like I can't keep up with all of you at times. Need some shut eye. BBL


Be back in a few minutes after I cut
some flowers.

Do I get a flower prize?

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon got it lol that girl must have alot of "body hair" to remove just kidding

belle_wv said...

Sharon, did you want the wax, the doe pee or the vulture pee? You can have it all baby - gravy!

wvgal_dana said...

Leave your son's legs alone Sharon

belle_wv said...

Happy Nappy Jo - I'm not far behind you - perkysets are makin me feel drowsy now ... headache is gone again mmmmmmm - just gotta relaaaxxxxxxxxxzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

wvgal_dana said...

Where did you get your name from, is Nilla a middle name?

belle_wv said...

Hey Mauley has a son who's 6'8 if he decides to take up swimmin I bet he could use all this wax to get the hair off his legs... those competitive swimmers take hair off legs and chest so it doesn't slow em down in the water...

don't ask me where that thought popped up from - blame it on the percocet..

NillaWafer said...

I am so confused yes Pinky you were at Winchester not City sorry.. Move over Josphine i need anap too...

wvgal_dana said...

Belle it was because of the water leak lol

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...