Monday, June 13, 2016


New thread.  Welcome to the new week.


Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

WOW! I have not found one of those in a long time and forgot all
the excitement that goes along with it! :) :) :) ♥

Even better, we still have 2 eaglets in the nest! It's a happy (and cooler) day!

Radio show day so I better get to work on editing.

Have a great day everyone!

Hoda said...

Thank you.
Enjoy the week everyone.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Pleased to see STEVE's new thread gift, LORI's collecting a beautiful feather and two eaglets behaving themselves!

Yes, have a good week all! May those on our prayer list experience improved health and healing.


WVJerry said...

Good morning Lori, Hoda and Kay. Thanks for New Thread. Congrats on the feather Lori and call over. I see one on stump and one on edge of nest. Nice here with some breeze. Have a great day today. Looks like Shamrock and Clover prefer being in the nest over not being in the nest.

Sandi said...

Hi all. Thanks Steve for a new week thread and thanks Lori for the call over.

Tennis was good.

The weather is beautiful so I am off to enjoy it!

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Have already worked in the Prayer garden at church and just now finished reading the paper. Why do I do that? Nothing good in the paper!

Still working on my cup of coffee.😀

This week spending time getting ready for family reunion this coming weekend. We leave Thursday morning and return Sunday.

See two eagles in the nest, well, one is actually on the stump! Looks windy again today. Sunny here and presently 88.

Have a great week!

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread STEVE and the call over LORI

I also think our pair had a bad experienced and may keep them in nest longer than norm LOL
Or maybe have been grounded by parents

I haven't seen mush wingersizing of late

Unknown said...

good Monday afternoon to all. its 99 degrees outside. bah humbug hot.

it was an early day. we were at Vanderbilt early and Jaimie had his surgery. thank you for any healing energies sent. the surgery went well and lasted just over 5 hours. the faulty piece of aorta has been replaced and there is a good prognosis. now the healing begins......a long process to be sure.

Thanks to StEVE and to LORI.

hugs to all

JudyEddy said...

Couple of times wingersizing and now again

glo said...

Vicky Update Update: My son had to have the ventilator put back in early this morning. Kind of a set back and reinserting was a big problem due to swelling. Been talk of a trach. In spite of this he still responds to commands and seems to very aware of things, that is, when the pain med gets lowered. Due to getting to worked up and trying to remove things the med gets kicked up just enough to make him rest.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Thanks, Steve and Lori.

Prayers for Vicky's son and for Jamie.

Hope you did enjoy the beautiful weather, Sandi.

Tired tonight. I spent the day with Kayla. She is the daughter of Keshia, a good friend of Kathryn's, and she is staying with us while her mom is in the hospital. Kayla is 11 and very girly. I took her bowling--she did very well. Then we went to McDonald's and finished off the excursion with a shopping trip to Michael's where we got beads and string to make jewelry. I suggested that she make jewelry for her mom. She spent the afternoon stringing beads and doing various art projects. It was fun to buy things for a girly girl for a change. My daughters enjoy girly things, but they aren't 11 anymore.

WVJerry said...

Good morning. I see Shamrock and Clover in their usual places. Have a great day and take care all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. As Jerry stated, both kids are in the nest. The one on the stump is asking for breakfast I think. The one in the nest is picking at something.

Glo, I will be sending prayers and positive energy to Becky for her surgery today.

Jo, I hope today is a good one for you - prayers for healing and strength continue.

Judy, how is your truck running lately?

Today is a greyhound play date day for Janey; I'll be watching Lucy this afternoon.

Have a greyt day all.

Unknown said...

good morning to one and all. Light and love for Vicky's son and for all in need...

Jaimie's surgery was a success yesterday. Nancy and I spent the afternoon napping and then piddling around the house here as he was in ICU and only the parents were supposed to be there.

Thank you for holding him close.

I hope everyone has a lovely day! hot hot hot here.....

Sandi said...

The nest was just MT, but only for a few seconds. One was on the stump. The other flew up toward the Y branch at about the noon position but went completely out of sight. And then the one on the stump flew upward and out of sight, returning to the stump after about 15 seconds. Real fledging is getting closer.

Right now there is one on the stump and the other still out of view.

Hoda said...

I saw that Sandi.
Agree with you

Sandi said...

Just watched Deb Stecyk's video of both juvies disappearing from view earlier and it seems I got the order wrong. The first to disappear was the one on the stump and then the one in the nest.

There is a LOT of buffering of the live cam again this morning.

Oh, and Happy Flag Day!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

Great day for fledgling Flag day

Hope everyone has a great day

JudyEddy said...

SANDI Truck is doing great shh we will keep that on the downlow LOL

Lolly said...

Good morning!

So, the Eagles are adventuring a little further! This is how it should be!

Shirley, how fun to have an eleven year old GIRL! Have been denied that privilege! Lol.

We get the trailer today! Start loading up and leave Thursday!

Bus in Colorado, broken down at the lodge had bear paw prints on it yesterday morning. Bear have been seen there in the past, but when we have been there, none have been spotted! Laurel goes again in a month with the women. She will be hoping to see a bear. One time some occupants of the lodge broke the rules and left garbage in the garage. A bear tore down the garage door! Yikes!

Time to get busy. Loads to do!

Sandi said...

Both juvies have a food item currently. One is a fish; the other is something with fur. Didn't see either food delivery.

Jewels said...

I see the babes each have a critter to eat!!

Barbara said...

And Shep is in for a visit -- it looks like everyone is chowing down...

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

I see the eaglets have devoured their lunch and are each back in their favorite spots. Thanks to those of you who chronicled their morning activities!

GLO, praying for Becky and for Vicky's son every day as I'm sure all your Momster friends are doing!

Also remembering JO, TORI and all on prayer list.

JANET, glad Jaimie's surgery was successful. Prayers for a quick recovery.

SHIRLEY, so glad you had Kayla to enjoy and she's a lucky girl to have a surrogate grandmother at times like this. Hope her mom is doing okay.

Reminder: wear purple tomorrow for Elder Abuse Awareness Day. It's a sad thing and apparently more prevalent than we who are blessed with loving families can imagine.

SANDI, a play date for Janey, what fun!

LOLLY, I hope Laurel's next trip to bear country will be in a "new" bus!

I'm fighting the blues as the news from Orlando continues to pour in. Mega prayers for all those victims/families and for our country---God Bless America!

Well, thank the Lord I have Penny bouncing around, demanding some attention and taking my mind off the bad news now and then.


Barbara said...

Seems like Shep is back -- if he even left -- and mid afternoon snack is being devoured. There is a small bit of wingercize but the kids seem to have talons firmly on the nest!

glo said...

Thanks everyone for prayers. Becky's surgery went fine. She is home and hopefully resting and recuperating. I expect a couple of down days this week and slow return to normal after that if she will take it easy.

Vicky's son may now have pneumonia. Not much new to report other than that. Have started an antibiotic and kept him very sedated. I worry about Vicky. How terribly difficult this has to be.

Our eaglets may never fledge now They have both decided "There's no place like home". Bless their hearts. We are so lucky to have them both back safely in the nest. SED everyone

grannyblt said...

I had my eye on the live cam this evening until dark. One eaglet stayed on the stump and the other one moved about in the nest, wingercising a bit. The active one eventually scootched down in the nest with the stump sitter still there as the darkness descended.
Glad to know that your Becky is home recovering, Glo. And agree that Vicky must be utterly exhausted. The pneumonia doesn't sound good for her son with all of the challenges he is facing. Prayers continue.

Lolly said...

Yes, Glo, glad Becky is home. Bless her! Bet she bounces back quickly, just a feeling I have about her!😀

Bought groceries today. Expensive to feed too growing boys just for four days. Lol. We got the trailer and started loading it. Also baked cookies. Tomorrow get the do done, bake some more, and finish loading. So excited about being with family! Not sure how many but probably closes to 100!

Night all! God bless!❤️

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. My first view of the nest this morning is of an MT nest. Are they in the tree or out and about? Would love to live close enough to the nest to drive to the bend in the road with my binoculars!

Lolly, enjoy your reunion - I can hear the excitement!

Tennis for me at 8am, then I'm supposed to go to the beach with some teacher friends if the sun stays out.

Have a greyt day all.

Sandi said...

I can hear at least one of the juvies in the tree above the nest.

Barbara said...

So one kid is home, up on the stump to the right. Do we have any idea where the other one went?

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I am looking at an empty nest right now.

Barbara said...

Oh my! Nobody is home!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I am looking at an empty nest right now.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, pardon the double post.

stronghunter said...

Okay, that was interesting and concerning. I heard squealing and checked the nest. One juvie is in the nest. I saw the other one fall past the nest. I got just a glimpse.

stronghunter said...

Anyone else see it?

stronghunter said...

Hoping that the other juvie caught onto a limb below the nest.

JudyEddy said...

good morning eagle buds

i also would love to live near the bend in the road I would be there daily
noticed they are in and out of the nest so far today mt nest now

I have Jordyn today
baseball game 5 hours in the sun and she didn't want to go with camp i don't blame her

gonna go have lunch with Angie and then to the pool 130-330 they do sessions through the day that way someone doesn't dump their kids all day for one price

Lolly said...

Good morning!

What is with these two? Clumsy?

See an empty nest right now.

A lot to do today!, gotta run! Have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

adult was in with turtle and one juvie came in

stronghunter said...

I see one juvie in nest. Looks to be eating a turtle. Squealing from the other juvie.

grannyblt said...

I'm wondering if it knows quite how to get to the edible part of the turtle?

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

What a fuss the out of sight eaglet is putting up. Hope it gets up the gumption to fly up and into the nest. There won't be any turtle left once the current eater gets through. Takes a lot of effort to down that meal! Squealing just stopped. I wonder if Belle or Shep have joined the prodigal son???

Here's hoping SANDI is having fun at the beach and that JUDY n' Jordyn will have some fun in the sun today, too. Also hope LOLLY's family reunion is a huge success.

This is errand day and maybe a dip in the Wellness Center pool if my stamina holds up.

Prayers for all recouping from medical procedures and those in need of a healing touch!


grannyblt said...

I guess it does, something is being consumed.

grannyblt said...

Eaglets in and out of view for the past hour. They are exploring the 'hood.

stronghunter said...


Lolly said...

Home from getting my do done! Now to make a pound cake and then four loaves of banana nut bread. Saturday we are having covered dish. Jack smoked four pkgs of brats, Laurel is cooking double recipe of beans in crock pot, and also taking the cake. Then Sunday morning we are having a covered dish brunch. Jack cooked 4 lbs of breakfast sausage patties and I am baking 4 loaves of banana nut bread. Oh and making homemade ice cream Saturday! I think we have our end covered!

Oh, it is going to be fun! My grandparents had 5 kids. They are gone.😪 There are 15 of us cousins. All will be there excpt for the oldest. Her hubby just had hip replacement surgery. Then there all our children and grandchildren and some of the 15 cousins are great grandparents. Not me!😜 So we will have babies to my older cousins around 80. Some coming in rv's and the rest staying in the cabins. We have the big hall reserved till noon Sunday. We will have brunch Sunday morning and then our own worship service. We have our own minister, a cousins son! But, also have Norm, who chose to minister to pro athletes instead of becoming a minister.

Oh, and we are in river tubing country, so many will be tubing this weekend! Gotta get baking!

Lolly said...

MT nest!!!😍

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all - I have been AWOL for a few days - sorry :(

I did see an adult in the nest this morning and then the juvie arrived - I swear it looked like a turtle he was working on!

Good video form Deb on FB

We have had beautiful weather - flowers love the showers and then the sunshine

Things are going fairly well - still health issues

Hoping that SHEP and all fathers this Sunday enjoy their day!!!


Sandi said...

Have been watching both kids in the nest for some time now. One on the stump and the other picking at some food item.

Tennis this morning was great. Beach day didn't happen - too many clouds. So far though, we've only had a few sprinkles in the morning and early afternoon.

Janey and I got ice cream in town to celebrate her 6th birthday, her first as a pet.

Lolly said...

Yes, two teenagers in the nest! Proud of themselves thinking they can "drive"! Lol. More to learn little Eagles, but you are doing great and we wish you well!

Lolly said...

Jo, we continue to keep you in prayer and hope you are doing well!

Lolly said...

Night all!

We are heading out in the morning and returning Sunday evening!

See you then! God bless!❤️

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Food was just delivered to the nest. I could see one on the stump when the live feed started and that one claimed the fish. The other could be heard off camera so s/he is in the tree somewhere. The parent was a drop and go - the kids are on their own with eating.

Looks like a gray morning in Shepherdstown - same here. We had a couple of thunderstorms last night with heavy downpours. Bell and Jenni slept right through but Janey wedged herself in the corner where she had 2 walls for protection.

I had planned to hit the outlets today for some retail therapy. But with the gray skies and rain, all of the tourists in town will have the same idea, so the traffic will be awful. Guess I'll wash some windows (insides) or wipe down kitchen cabinets, or clean the grout between the tiles in the kitchen floor.

Have a greyt day all. Safe travels Lolly!

WVJerry said...

New Thread. Come over.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...