Tuesday, March 24, 2015


New Hatch.

New thread.

Cold day.


Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Thank you Steve for the fresh two-bobble-head thread. Isn't nature swell?

All quiet on the nest front. Nap time after lunch.

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread - congrats to the NCTC crew on a 2nd hatch! Thanks Judie for the call over.

Just a quick check-in and I see we have 2 babies and a nest full of fish! How wonderful and exciting!

Back to work for me! Later!

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon to all ♥
Two bobble heads and a pip - who could ask for anything more.

Thank you Steve for the Fresh new Tuesday Thread!

Thanks Judie for alerting us to this thread.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Glo, I thought of you when I saw all the fish. Now we have to make sure they each get their fair share, right?


glo said...

Yes Shar I was going to say by the end of the week there will be posts saying "Did the little one get anything yet?" God Bless Spunky :-)

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks for the call over Judie and thanks Steve for the new thread. I have to help out at the nursing home this afternoon from 4 to around six volunteering to serve breakfast for dinner to those who want to get down to the dining room. Someone had better be watching out for the last one to hatch, if Jo has already seen a pip.

Out for my daily walk. BB

WVJerry said...

Thanks for a new thread. Congrats Judie on a feather and thanks for the call over. Looks like I better get our fishing licenses before Shep cleans out the river. Talk later.

NatureNut said...

Wow! 2 Bobbleheads!!!!
Thanks for the Fresh Thread Alert, Steve.
And Judie~~~Another Feather??

The other osprey cam nest has some occupants!
An eagle followed one of the naturalist gal's car as she was coming in this AM!
Just saw a raccoon going thru the parking lot and garden toward the big white office bldg. It didn't stop at the trash can either! DUH?
Somehow a squirrel got in this bldg. and was banging around. Opened one of the doors, didn't see it go out, but got real quiet! It went somewhere!!?

Mema Jo said...

Good idea Jerry - lol

Mema Jo said...

Lunch is being served by both parents

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Such a good Mom and Dad! Both feeding the babies.

carolinabeachmom said...

I'm back from fast walk, leaving nest on computer and am going to read a little of Nicolas Sparks I picked up while I was out yesterday. All enjoy your day and make sure the eaglets get equal amounts of foods on each feeding. :) If they bring any more fish in, I'll come up there and get some for Fridays dinner! OR one of you nice people could mail it to me. :(

Judie said...

Just remembered to check on Loch of the Lowes. Resident male has returned and begun housekeeping. Isla has not been seen (yet) but an unidentified female has arrived.

Hurry up, Jerry. Get to the river and start fishin'

Another pip? So wonderful.

Glo, only two more sleeps. (:

Lynne2 said...

lurking not working...LOL!! Just kidding!

Barbara said...

Wow! Belle just fed both bobbleheads a nice snack! Some from two different fish.

Mema Jo said...

Wow! This week we are on Hatch Watch at 9 different eaglecam nests!
by twizzkid

This is the busiest hatch watch week of the season for the North American eaglecam nests! Some are already hatching, some start hatch watch this week, but in total, there are 9 nests where we might see hatching in the next few days to a week.

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon. Stopped by home for a few minutes between lunch with Val and picking up Hunter. Bowling was great. We won four games. We are wondering how the first-place team did. We are one and one-half games out of first place.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - here's to your team being in FIRST PLACE !

stronghunter said...

Oh, thank you, Jo. That would be fantastic.

stronghunter said...

Goodness, what a collection of partially eaten fish.

Mema Jo said...


Barbara said...

Those kids are not going to starve -- Belle just fed them another little snack! The little one doesn't take much but the bigger one gobbles every bit. A gobbling bobble-head!

Sandi said...

Home from my Tuesday - 2 down, 3 to go! IEP meeting was a tough one, but it's done!

I hope I can see both parents feeding - I LOVE that! Last year and the year before, Shep seemed a little uncertain when the chicks first hatched about the whole feeding thing. Great to here that he has stepped right up and is already helping with it. God knows he sure does understand his job as the food provider!!

Jerry I laughed at your comment about Shep getting all the fish!

Great news about a possible pip in the 3rd egg - less than 48 hours between chick 1 and chick 2; I hope the 3rd one hatches sooner rather than later.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work MCD's free wifi was down so couldn't check in at lunch Need to get a quick shower before Jordyn gym

I see four whales in the nest way to go SHEP you is the man

JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

Up for a feeding...there are 5 whales in the nest..one was hidden behind Belle

paula eagleholic said...

Littlest one is sleeping on the eggbert

paula eagleholic said...

Littlest one is sooo cute! Such a bobble head!

paula eagleholic said...

Aww, Baby got a bite!

paula eagleholic said...

or two...or three!

glo said...

So cute So very cute.

JudyEddy said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I would love to report on the status of the remaining egg, but there appears to be 2 bobbleheads in the way and I don't have any idea. :)

JudyEddy said...

took longer because of two back on the little ones

paula eagleholic said...

I hear ya Sharon!

paula eagleholic said...

I need to get rid of my Christmas Eagle!

I need a spring eagle :)

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like fish for dinner ;)

JudyEddy said...

I asked a question the other day and got no response so I will ask again

Belle has had more that 5-6 eggs CORRECT!

yet on the Eagle Cam page they are using B5 B6 as to id the eaglets Are they meaning with Shep then maybe they should label it SB 5 SB6 JMHO don't want to label it the other way lol Seeing it that way of B5 one would think she has only had 5 eggs and we all know she has and we want to give her credit for them all LOL Ok just wanted to put it back out there

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta get ready to go...picking up Nick tonight! Got home too late from my trip to pick him up last night ...can hardly wait...house was so empty last night without him.

paula eagleholic said...

Judy, I know a lot of other sites call them E5 and such...maybe she is saying B5 for Ben...

Sandi said...

Shep: Honey, I'm home ... and I brought another fish, just in case!

There are now 6 fish, 2 eagles, 2 chicks, and 1 egg in the nest but, as Shar would say ... no partridge in a pear tree!

Sandi said...

Lynne2, FYI - I cannot keep the live feed running this afternoon! Not with Chrome, not with Firefox!

Sandi said...

Belle just took off and Shep has settled on the chicks/egg.

Lynne2 said...

Uh, PAULA...there are only 275 days til Christmas so you might just as well have left the CHristmas eagle....

Home now, will have to count on FB pictures to catch the progress.

Codorus had a hatch this AM!! And the second egg has a sizable pip in it!

Sandi, that sucks! I feel your pain!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Glad you are home Paula and I bet
Nick will be spoiled rotten.

Sharon - lol - that last egg is
well protected by those 2 siblings.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne2 - I love the pictures of the new dog you are fostering. Maybe Puddles needs a companion !

stronghunter said...

Sitting here in my recliner with a fire in the fireplace. I felt quite chilled when I got home this evening, so I lit up one of the remaining fire logs.

We took Luna to the vet's. She was tested for Lyme disease. That is not the problem, thank goodness, so she is on glucosamine for her aching body.

So good to see you back home, Paula.

Judie said...

Sandperson is packed (yes, early) and will be departing soon.

Restful sleep for Belle, Shep, the two eaglets, and all momsters and dadsters.

Mema Jo said...

Saying it is time to call it a day

Goodnight to all ♥

JudyEddy said...

DUG SILLY me didn't connect the BEN to the B now that makes sense I guess I really never pay attention to the names I am really never on the page just noticed it when video was posted on the FB mssge so NOW I know B is for BEN

grannyblt said...

Happy we had another hatch today. Tomorrow I should be home all day so I can keep a closer watch.

SED to all

stronghunter said...

Getting very sleepy, so I am here to say good night. Rest well, everyone. I will see you tomorrow.


Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's Hump Day!

Hatch #3 would be nice today - y'all keep me posted.

Have agood one!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

JudyEddy said...

Yep me to rooting for #3 today while I am work and thanks in advance for any updates

Barbara said...

The third egg must still be healthy, because Belle just rolled it... She moved the two bobbleheads out of the way to do the roll...

stronghunter said...

Hello, Barbara. Nice to see you here. I see you have been on the blogger since 2011. I noticed a post yesterday from you as well and meant to say welcome back.

stronghunter said...

I recall a daddy eagle who just rolled the baby along with the eggs. Belle knows better. :)

stronghunter said...

Finally found the Dean Koontz book I have been looking for. I got it on my Kindle. Will be reading soon. Some other things to do first . . .And, must watch the eagles.

stronghunter said...

Belle is all puffed up. Rain? Baby eagles tickling? Other egg hatching? Need to check the Shepherdstown weather.

stronghunter said...

Weather Channel mentions wintry mix and freezing rain for Shepherdstown, and it really looks quite damp there in the nest. I think we're seeing the mombrella. It looks miserable there. Guess the fish are being refrigerated, but then the eagles do not care about that.

Barbara said...

Thanks Stronghunter for the welcome back. I have actually followed for much longer than 2011, but can't always comment. Belle has had way more than 6 eggs over the time we have observed. I lost count of how many babies she fledged with Liberty.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Shirley, JudyE, Sandi and Barbara and all other eagle friends that get on here to chat today.

Shirley, weather doesn't sound very nice up there at the nest today. :( I was so hoping that was all done. We finally have sunny skies here to wake up to on OBX

I see we have 3 and a few crumbs of whales in our nest this morning. Have you seen parent off nest yet to see if we have our 3rd hatch? That wind sounds like it is really blowing.

carolinabeachmom said...

Shirley Do you like Dean Koontz' books? Since I have been retired this past July, I have made it my mission to start reading again. I have read almost all James Patterson books and am looking for a new author.

stronghunter said...

Have not seen parent off the egg/babies, Candy. I expect they really need to protect the two newly hatched little ones if it is raining. I'm not seeing rain, but it could be drizzle.

I had my volume down, so I did not hear the wind. Turned it up, and you are right. I do hear what sounds to be wind, but I am not seeing anything blowing around.

stronghunter said...

I enjoy Koontz. I think his writing is better than Patterson's, though I enjoy Patterson as well. Koontz can create a lot of suspense, and he likes to play around with the supernatural. If you read his Frankenstein series, it helps if you've read the original story.

I do a lot of my reading by listening to audio books while I'm driving, so I need something pretty easy to follow when I listen in short spurts and sometimes let my mind wander, so I do not want anything too complicated.

carolinabeachmom said...

Eagle up off eggs and looks like there are just still 2 and an egg. Called out to mate to come help? AND now she is feeding 2 bobble heads!

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks Shirley for the info. Might just try him the next time I go to the library.I like mystery and suspense.

Eagle back on nest cup, and wiggle on down.

stronghunter said...

That was a pretty good look at the babies feeding. Started out with some eagle calls. Not sure what that was all about. But she didn't seem alarmed when she was feeding. Maybe she just requested a break from Shep, or maybe she just sent out an order for more fish.

stronghunter said...

You do not have to read the original Frankenstein story to enjoy the series. Probably just the teacher in me saying that. :)

I did get a video of that latest feeding. Was trying to see how many babies were there. I think there is still one egg next to the two babies, but everyone can look for themselves. I just need a few minutes to set it up.

stronghunter said...

I also like the Odd Thomas series by Koontz.

Mema Jo said...



COME ON OVER..........


glo said...

Good morning everyone. I have been up since 4:30 Adrenaline kicking in too early :-) Thinking a nap this afternoon would be a good idea. Need to cheer on number 3. Need that little one to get a growin right quick and keep up with big bro and sis

stronghunter said...

Heading to the NEW THREAD.

JudyEddy said...

That is a bunny that was nearbelle

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...