Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Fresh thread.


WVJerry said...

Thanks for new thread Steve.

WVJerry said...

I see someone on egg duty. Have a nice day.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all again!

Thank you Steve for a fresh new thread and Jerry you have another
feather due to your calling us over.

Here is what I had just said:
Good morning to all ♥
Waiting for some rain off and on today.
Hoda I smiled at the quote you gave us yesterday. It is so true that history does repeat itself.
Going to be leaving shortly - I have visit to have the hearing aids adjusted. I can hear you now !

Mema Jo said...



Judie said...


Ledo pizza should be on your birthday menu.

Wishing you a glorious day and a wonder year to come.

Sandi said...

Just checking the box on this new thread. Thanks Steve, thanks Jerry!


Hoda said...

Happy Birthday LORETTA.

Bon Voyage LYDIA.

Good Luck with Dr Appointments SANDI and JO.

I have a request that I would like to put out to us all.
It is made with all due respect to all members of the group. It concerns setting A STANDARD For our comments please.
Do my Blog Community Members need to know that?
The latest was yesterday about " I went potty"!
There have been several such very personal items on the blog.
My request is Before any of us share we ask: do they need to know that?
If you can not post a picture of it do not use words to create a visual image please!
Thank you.
With All Due Respect To All

Hoda said...

Headed out for a walk.
Going to Pilates.
I have an Acupuncture Session.
I have posters to distribute for a fund raiser.
I have a press release to write and Distribute.
Will have the camera on.
Very excited about the hatch in nine days.
Thank you Shar. Thank you for follow up comments and conversation on that topic. Thank you JO for posting dates eggs were laid.

Mema Jo said...

I am still trying to understand why the birthdays have NOT been coming into the Momster/Dadster's email the day before a Happy Birthday.
Perhaps it is just a Yahoo thing.

I'll keep working on it and next week hope that Bev's notification comes across ! I have yet to go through the entire calendar.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!


Gotta run to the house. Will be back later tonight. Have a great day! I ♥ us!!!

NatureNut said...

Dear Eagle Buds, Thank You so much for the B'Day greetings. It's really just another day!!☺
Not trying for much publicity anymore!! However, my daughter is getting excited about her upcoming June B'Day, because she will be older than I am!! Ain't genetics wonderful?
Checked our WV nest awhile ago and finally got to see adult off of the 3 Eggberts!!! Beautiful site--captured pic that I was able to email to myself at home.
Andy, have been reading about all the reconstruction! How are you managing to stay cheerful??? Our refrigerator croaked and Fubby told repair people it wasn't an emergency & they didn't have to come until Wednesday! I say ARGH!!
Don't know if &when I'll ever get back to pics, but a weekend ago, there was a deer in our backyard in the middle of the day!!! First time ever. Maybe w/all the snow he found nibbling the ivy a treat!
Good Health to All

P.S. Will find out if I go to work at Chelsea "River Road" office tomorrow!!! Do you think 2 days is long enough for them to dump some gravel on the mud holes????

WVJerry said...

Happy Birthday Loretta. Will check back after work.

Lolly said...

Loweeeeeda's birthday?

🌺🌺🌺Happy Bithday, Loretta!🌺🌺🌺. Wishing you a fantastic ordinary day! 😜

Good morning Momsters and Dadsters! Time change is getting to us! Morning is more than half gone! Lol

We were hold the sun might come out today but so far still gloomy! Rain has stopped.

Andy, you are going to have to get new furniture for your new home! Lol. Love the sound of the floors!

JudyEddy said...

On lunch and find a fresh thread.


JudyEddy said...

Thank Steve spelling error big time

JudyEddy said...

Hoda i didn't mean to offend u with my remark as to why I left the park early yesterday

Sandi said...

Good afternoon. Had to take a 1/4 day in order to make it to the periodontist in time so I left school at 1:15pm. Have made my teeth as shiny clean as I can make them so the hygienist might take it easy on me.

Happy birthday, Loretta. I know what you mean about not making a big deal of the day.

I said it this morning but I'll say it again - I HATE cleanings at the periodontist!! Wish they could give me anesthesia and then wake me up when it's all over! Does your hygienist use that high-power ultrasonic water thing (not sure what it's called) when she cleans your teeth?? Well, this gal does and it really makes the cleaning painful. I don't think these people understand that, if they expect patients to come back every 4 months for a cleaning, the least they could do is not make it hurt! It already hurts my pocketbook since my insurance only covers cleanings every 6 months and I have agreed to have 3 per year rather than 2.

OK, I have stalled long enough - better hit the road. Will check in this evening.

Jo, can you hear me now?? ;)


Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds---from rainy, but warmish Central Ohio!!!

STEVE, thank you for the spankin' new thread and JERRY congrats on the feather. You guys rock!!!

JO, thank you for working on special day alert kinks! You rock, too!!!


ANDY, I too, marvel at your good humor through the necessary, but intrusive repairs being done at your house. So glad it includes some grand upgrades---you're going to love the flooring!

SANDI, my SIL tells me our dentist now has one of those "power washers" and that it does hurt. I don't see him til' June and will ask if my ol' mouth must be put through that. Kind of surprised your periodontist used such an implement, given the nature of gum issues.

Thanks to all our egg and nest reporters!!!

Prayers for all in need!!!


NatureNut said...

Thank you, Kay and Everyone Else!!
Birthday present~~~~just heard ospreys chirping and saw one flying next to office!!!!!! ;)> ♪ ♪ ♫ ♫

JudyEddy said...


•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿
…………....♥ •.¸.•´♥……………..........

JudyEddy said...

home from work and shift change just happened pic on the FB page and I need to put in album later
gym with Jordyn tonight

wnated to do your bday with graphic and I don't have them on lap top so had to wait till I got home POOF ONE

JudyEddy said...

trying to figure out what is in fron of our eagle I thought a corn husk earlier today HMMMM

well I need to go before I say something that will get me in the dog house again

Sandi said...

I'm home - just took 4 extra strngth tylenol, that's right - 4 - b/c my whole mouth is throbbing. Should feel some relief in about 20 minutes. My next cleaning in July will be at my dentist so I don't have to worry about another cleaning like this until November.

Loretta, ospreys already?? How lucky for you! St. Patrick's Day is their predicted arrival date in these parts.

Time to feed people and pets. I think my dinner tonight will be oatmeal! No chewing involved.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

A busy day here. Bowling and errands kept me going, then I fell asleep.

Happy birthday, Loretta!

Wow, what an experience, Sandi. I don't know why you need such painful cleanings. I do remember when I went to a new dentist, I had to get a very thorough cleaning that involved cleaning under the gums, but that was only once. We changed dentists because the other one caused so much pain. The new one is ever so much better.

Mema Jo said...

The fog is rolling into my valley
Lots of rain today - has stopped for now but we do expect to get more.

Sandi - I always take my Tylenol preform I get in that dental chair.
Our dentist has 2 dental hygienist - I always schedule the 'gentle' one.
I hope your gums are feeling normal!

Mema Jo said...

TYPO - before not preform

Can't imagine how I mixed that up!

Lolly said...

Laurel is in big trouble! Just learned that Joseph got a 4th place in triple jump at track meet. We were not told about track meet. She knows she is in trouble!

Have never had my teeth cleaned that way, but before they ever do it, I wll protest! Jack recently had a "deep" cleaning and they gave him shots first.

Lolly said...

Interesting news on TV. Ft Worth Is seeking out the homeless with pets. They are offering free vaccinations and free spay and neutering! Thinks this will save in the long run! Yea for Fort Worth!

Hoda said...

Beautiful Day.
Thank you JUDYE.
What one leaves as a comment reflects on all of us.
So it is a reminder to all of us to keep up our standards.
It is more offensive to the the Eagle Porn references than the bathroom attendance comments.
What impression are we making. How mature are we I the eyes of visitors and new comers.
You have an important role on the blog and we are all appreciative of your service and live for the Eagles.
Please do not personalize this, we are all adults here. Someone had to speak up, so I did.
With all due respect is what I wrote in my comment.thank you.
We came for the Eagles and we have stayed for the Friendships we have made.
You are a friend and I thank you JUDYE.

Mema Jo said...

Going to close down for the day. Want
to watch a show at 10pm.
It is still raining so I'm sure Belle
has her wings spread!

Goodnight to all ♥

I came for the EAGLES but I stayed
for the Friendships I have made.

Good thoughts and love to all ♥

stronghunter said...

Love to you, Jo. God bless.

I am ready to call it quits for the night as well.

SED, everyone.

stronghunter said...

One more thing--Sandi, please feel better soon.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Well, we finished packing up the storage/linen closet at the end of the long hall. Two guys were at the house all day, and they patched up the drywall, removed all the wallpaper, repaired the popcorn ceiling, filled in all the nail holes, removed all the baseboards and chair rails, painted the ceilings in the entry, living room, long hall, and front bedroom. They'll be back tomorrow morning for round 2.

I'm fairly cheerful about all this renovation because I've wanted to get rid of our carpet for years. Carpet just seems to cause problems for people (and pets) who have allergies, and our beige carpet color shows every speck of dirt. Good riddance!

So far, it looks like we may have to move to another Marriott location if we're not back home by Thursday. Checkout time is
11 am; I just hope they can finish that soon. This place must be completely full--it's really hard to find a parking place. We'll see!

Sandi, I hope you are feeling better. I think if it were me, I would be looking for a new dentist. It shouldn't be so painful to get your teeth cleaned.

Well, need to get going. Early day tomorrow. Goodnight, and God bless! I ♥ us!!!

grannyblt said...

I had a chatty comment all ready to send and the screen kept rolling away from me. I'll try to remember.

Happy Birthday to Loretta. My son is almost older than I am, with my daughter soon to be.

SANDI, I've only had a deep dental cleaning one time. I opted to pay my dentist for the extra cleaning every year and now I only have to go the two times. Maybe you will luck out too.

Andrea, I bet you will be happy with no carpeting. Maybe a little more daily upkeep, but better for the allergies.

I'm having trouble keeping the live feed up for more than a few seconds...hope that is cured before the hatch.
SED to all.

Lolly said...

Seems to me that some are not being truthful about their age. Just a gut feeling I have. Lol

Watched The Voice all night. Enjoyed it. Had recorded last nights program.

Night all!

I came for the Eagles, but stayed for the friendships I have made! SED!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - 63 degrees here at 5:30am - how about that! Rain in the forecast all day.

Thanks for the well-wishes, my mouth feels fine today. Periodontal maintenance is different from and more painful than a regular dental cleaning b/c they scale below the gum line. The dental hygienist only scales at and above. I guess I could ask for something for the pain beforehand, but then I would need Denny to take me to the appts. and drive me home and I hate to do that. My dentist says that, if I don't alternate between her and the perio every 4 months, I will eventually start losing my teeth and I really don't want that to happen. I will survive.

Andy, sounds like great progress on the house. I bet you will love not having carpeting! I feel like my house is so much cleaner with the hardwood floors!

Jo, how are the hearing aids?

Faculty meeting today. Some of you probably saw the photo I posted on FB yesterday that showed a blue ribbon with the words, "I survived another meeting that should have been an email!" :)

Have agreat day all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

grannyblt said...

Good morning all

Funny you said that Lolly. I just read an email from a friend that sent an age calculator in days. Truthfully I am happy to be here on my 25,024th day.

Still too dark to see nest

stronghunter said...

Saying a quick good morning as day breaks. Hope everyone has a good day.

stronghunter said...

All is well at the nest.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, JudyE.

I am keeping a close watch on the spring flowers that are slowly poking out of the ground in my front yard. Many birds chirping. Didn't need a heavy coat, just a sweater this morning. I am smiling.

Sandi said...

Hi gang! All of the 8th graders at our school are taking the NAEP test this morning (National Association of Education Progress). There is an official "NAEP Test Administrator" giving the test. I am just a warm body in the room - not allowed to read anything to my kids, even though many of them have that as an every day accommodation.

Obviously my kids will do poorly since they all have reading disabilities and are taking a reading test with 8th grade reading passages and 8th grade vocabulary. I really don't know why special ed. students aren't exempted from a test that doesn't allow them to use their IEP accommodations. I hope they will at least try to do their best.

stronghunter said...

I agree, Sandi. It must be pretty discouraging for these kids.

stronghunter said...

Must get ready for PT. BBL.

Kay said...

Callin' y'all over to a nice New Thread---be sure to read STEVE's comment on the "front page".


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...