Eagle is awake now looking around
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JUDY Please use a PM FB to Terri Bayles with your question about B5. Eagle Cam from the OD comments always call our Shep, BEN - no big deal to me and I don't really question it. Hope you find your answer and that it satisfies your wanting to know.
Eagle up. I saw two eggs, but I could not see a baby eagle.
Judy, my in-laws have a tin roof because after the first couple of years up in the top of the mountain, they got very tired of shingles blowing away!Andy, what a pain in the arse, all this mess you've had to deal with!
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7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 405 of 405Eagle is awake now looking around
.♥.NEW THREAD ...♥
JUDY Please use a PM FB to Terri Bayles with your question about B5. Eagle Cam from the OD comments always call our Shep, BEN - no big deal to me and I don't really question it. Hope you find your answer and that it satisfies your wanting to know.
Eagle up. I saw two eggs, but I could not see a baby eagle.
Judy, my in-laws have a tin roof because after the first couple of years up in the top of the mountain, they got very tired of shingles blowing away!
Andy, what a pain in the arse, all this mess you've had to deal with!
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